The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, May 08, 1876, Image 2

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THE RECORD, CKIMIITOWN, GA., MAV \U IK'fl Washington, I). C., May (I, 1870. Legislation logs, but investigation 18 UClugging *»'• Ibo Capital. 'J’ho I <l« l)aU.*H without HCiJiuing lo Bonato is occupied in it tedious wrnn- Con arc** l on it I DctiHlc*. Wo Ond llio following article*, un der the above caption, in tho Macon Christian Advocate, from llio able |jcu of A. O. Hnygood, 1). D., and it nft« ix onr sentiments bo well Unit wo will give the article entire: It would bo dintcult to clmract.’irizo justly the? ordinary and average Con gloovorifs jurisdioi -n in the I telle nap cam*. All thei Kind legal minds hero nro of tho opinion llml the p!e*u to the jurisdiction is good end that no power to impeach tho ex war minister rosidee in that body, but suvcral days will bo sacrificed to rhetoric and logic before the matter is decided. Thu House is becoming inoro energetic, still much timet Inis been e xhausted in personal explanations from did rent members who huvo been attuckcd by tho partisan proas. In tho oommiU . tee rooms matters are hi coming brisk. Most of these are daily crowded with documents, witnesses, and other nee- •saury facilities for investigation. Wit- netu.'s are eoustuully arriving hero for tho purpose of testifying. Homo of the in tiro in possession of valuable ovidenee, while others are devoid of anything worthy the consideration of the Committees. A careful oetirnnto si ows that at loasl one hundred wit* 11esses have secured a phmB iut so* joinn at tho Capital without render ing uty adequate lorvlcu in roturu. The icports of most of ihooumiuitleos will bo volnutiiious, and should they all go in’o print, it will cost a fabu lous sum. As soon as Great J’-ritain announc ed her intuition of releasing Win slow, tit ay and Bronl, the tbreo thieves and forgers, the matter wan brought up in tho Cabinet here, and aftir a warm discussion of the ease, Hcoietaay Fish, with tho unauimoiiB content of the President and his ad* visers, notified Kail Derby that the United Stub a desired to discontinue tittich> ten of tho Extradition treaty re'luting to tho < xtradition of crimiti* hIh. This action has caused consid erably excitement in official circles here, and by many the com ho taken by Great Britain iveoiisidurul a stud ied insult to tho American govern* imlit, for the j urpnio of provoking hostilities. Wo will nut piobubly i (Kill hot husto to war about it, how* »vor. Two gnat nations cannot af ford to tight over tliroo notorious scamps bo long as a peaceful settle- merit of the difficulties aim he obtain ed. Throwing principle aside, Ku« gh ud ia welcome to tho Hghl-llugt r- ed iniioreautH. Lot hor opeu bur Bow street jail doors and set these fugi tives from ju.iliue free, to prey upon her already thief-ridden people, if alio fco chooses. She cm have morn of the i^uuc ilk, if alio will; more vile and oven more prominent thieves than they. For instance, Bosh Tweed, the prince of six millions, uih»ht lake up his quart ora on tho banks of thu bou- nio Thames, and occasionally *1)1111 the bunnrais of London and "corner" the boars. Thereto power will bu exorcis t d K»ou. Thu President h»)h that tho enormous induction in the ‘consular and diplomatic bill will pinch and eripplo our foreign service to such a degree as to rollout discredit on the American people, and as he Iuib no desire to bo a party to such transac tion he will promptly veto t!.o meat- Uro when it oouies to tho executive oflico for his signature. Tho Presi dent has a quill taken from tho tail of a Gray foieht eagle, captured in tho Rocky Mountains, with which ho \ igiiB all the measures of Congress, and liu doea not wish to ubo tho iu- Htrumcnt in anything that will detract bo disrespectful to the law-makors of our nation. And that .Scriptuio which says, "Thou ahull not speak evil of tho ruler of thy people,’' no good man should forget. But it is staling the case mildly to say that tho Congres sional debates which reach thu poo* pie through the public prints ure, as a general thing, marked by ucithcr dignity, ability nor usefulness. Their occasional intense bitterness is conspicuous. If one would see what resources tho English tongue contains for personal and partisan vituperation bo should read ilia speeches that are gone rally deliver* d upon what they call "field days" in Congress. Men and women crowd the galleries upon ruch occasions with very much the same feeling that gathers a mob to witness a Spanish bull-light. It seems to ho a question only of horns and hoofs. It is a sorry spectacle indeed, when, instead of fairly discussing great questions, men hurl at each oth er's heads epithets and nhjurguti that a better ago regarded as fit only for heel-gardens and cook-pits. How it would iihlonish the country if thu two Houses should discuss and settle even one question in tho spirit of llio good and wiso men who, us Senators and Representatives, once shed bistro on tho American nnmo I No; we lmvo ceased to expect high oratory and |»ii)'0 patriotism in llio <h hates of our Congress. There wo a few honorable exceptions; there are a few of both paitaswlio mo not inse-usil.lo to thu obligations of good breeding and to I liu proprieties of tlu ir high station. They are the more deserving of honor in that they keep IhoinstlvcM pure "in tho mieU of a crooked and pci verso generation.” But what uro they among so many V In it not an appalling fuel that wo wo expect, when wo take up e<ur morn ing paper, to find that, on yesterday, men or.cupvii g llio highest position in tho councils of the nation employed their opportunity to apeak by calling each other liuru and thieves V Boons of them talk and behavoasif they f. It themselves to be, and know all others to la-, unmitigated blue kguanla. Wo am utterly unwilling to bed ovo the half of the dreadful things they Buy of each other. But either horn el the dih urn is sharp, if what tin y say of other is true, whnl soil of Congrehii have we V .11 what they say of etie'll other is f ilm', what sort of CqggrcHs have wo? The ro.idur i take I h choice*. Is there a remody ? If so, is it not in the hands of the people tin msolves? But huvo tho people virtue tnough to S ilncn I ho best men in office? They lid once—long timo ago. Tho Boston Pilot has b«*on sold to Archbishop Williams and John Boyle O'Reilly. Tho price piid wan $28,- 000, in addition to which tho pur chasers taka up a mortgage e»f $0,500 and fulfil (ho existing contracts of the paper to subs'rrihers. Judge Black says that tbo differ ence belwcon him and Judge Davis is that ho is a hut not a can didate, while Davis is a candidate but not a democrat. , In another column will bo found llio advertisement of tho Gem Organ Company. The Organs manufactured by this Company have no superior and are warrunted for five years, j in 'I from tho glory ami dignity of the* J! IU | J Republic. Tho crookid whisky suits arc Dear ly nil disposed of, tu.d llio record sin vs that about tl.ivo million dollars have bcdi buvod to the government l»y Secretary Bristows war against thet lit g. In m got d authority it can bo Buiil that thu actual cost of the trials will uot exceed $100,000, $17,- 000 of which go to (ho hgid profes sion. $7,500 of this, only, i St. Louis. A Into number of tho London Spec tator in rnmmenting on certain do- biiit H in Pavlifimunt, said quite istig*- gestivoly: "At prcBcnt llio Ileum) uf eelimioUM miikrs too little dibit ill moral dV«d. It is getting blovunly. Pic pared sptrriiiH mu few, iimL ol mlimic t pec chew llic-ro nro hardly any. GpVernnionl by public speaking is at hud a n ugh nut ut nil air, hut gov ernment by indolent and slovenly 11 < nkiiig is e\c ii worst'." But wo nro hearing and reading from our Jh present idives-nnd, ulus! from our .Senators, loo —spuoohos that ro um-pynkubl} worso than slovenly ml indolent. Sometimes tln-y nro indecent; often they nro bitter and | nrliiinn to the.' last degree; friquontly iluy nro slanderous of llio sections they misrepresent; seldom uro liny free from thu paoeious that arooi'gon- gondvi'ou liy personal ambit ion and parly strifes. There* in something wenxu in tho halls of lcgblutiou than bud air- there ia bud blood. This stale of things ia partly effect; me*, Ilia jHvjrfc, sent tin m there*. 'They are our repreHoututivcH*—the inon wo seUotvd- -from millions of our follow* citizens and voted for. Congress is llio chilli of tho people—begotten in I ho likeness and image of llm people 1( ia a most humiliating icllecliuu, that either we could not find find more* sui aide men to make our law a, oi else that wo lmvo deliberately re jected tbo better for tbo worse. ll is also partly cause. Such man- mix iib ohuracKrizn tho uverngo Con- guasionul ilebates will not mako tho polite, but quite ctlnnvise. peaking will not make our young men orators; such discussions and legislation will not umko them stuti'Miiin. Worse- - the spirit that animates and shapes tho discussions of to-d.iy is a blight upon tho patriot ism of llio country. It would bo a mistake and injustice to say that bad manner:, and unfair discussions are ll).' cxelunnc chrrnettristics of but one of the gn at purlieu. When those who should act like paid J sluteamen speak nud vole for personal Ivauccmcut or party triumph, it Two of the grand juryme n selected ; inijH - silde that there should be fair ( for the safe buiglaiy east- have pri- able debate vately intimated that General lk-lk- victory is nap is doomed. The Cert ralV friends j No woml however, stand fn inly by him and claim that ho will bo vindicated. Congu a* will probably adjourn in older to allow tho numbers to attend Mntonding for mere io ruin e»f cur argument, bail laws are parsed; par tisans eauuot in son. The evil of which wo write is not confined to the National Congress; pie of ]{epi\8e*ntativ»« and tl c ope ning iMici. ca of tho Cent on- Bcuaioix is contagious. The vitupi.r- nial. Wabhii g on is makii g prepntthat are fust voided in tho ntionb to receive about one half tho Hull or Senate Chamber, are re-dia- people who go to l’liiladclphitt during tilled for use in all tho lo»vur legisla* coming tivebuliis i ! the country. Ami the fiom tho West and North will haw do silt) to see the Cat it al of the Nation. Some timo ago tho 1 h>use pussed a resolution asking tho PiekUkut how imiuy days ho has been absent fu»m Washington during bis term of of fice, and how many public duties he had performed away from the Exec utive Mansion. Tho Broadent i newspapers are zealously imitating tho i xniuplc i f our chosen nu n. Nor is it woudeiful that t hoy should be so much alike. Someium.s they mako the papi is, and sometimes the papers make them. Pope’s pungent si ntanco boa often boon juatifn d iu the history of piuty Ik 11ties: "There never was any party , ply Bi nt n message to Congress rofus- fuclivn, sect or cabal whatsoever, iug to comply with the requests of the which the most ignorant weiv not the ilulicn. lie gives a long !i>t of mort violent.’' And Sir W. Temple, Presidents who untile it a practice to vbsiut themselves from Washington mole or lets and perforin public du ties while a wav. The message fill like* a bombshell in the Hous*. • Pm ’ ns if writing for our times, 1ms i truly us forcibly: "those only aro ro- gtided who are true to then p:ut> and all the talent required is to L>o hot, to be heulv, to be violent on out* ride or t! e other.” PATENTS. Persons desiring to tnko out ontH, or desiring infurmalion from tho U. B. Patent Office*, shojuld consult I\ A. LEHMANN, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, D. (!. Exam ine lions free. NO PATENT NO PAY. Send for Circular. Polk HliortfF Hiile.i for June. W ILL be *oM beforo llio Court IIouko door in Hie town of Cedurlown. Polk county, (Icorgio, on llio Flrgt Tuogifiy in June next wiihin the lojrat houra of mile, Hie following properly, to-wil; Ifouso anil lot known oh llm Doig bouae nml lot, la OilurlowM, buumliMl *on tho north by lien IIrowa’ii lot, on Hie noutli by llur. rel Pukii'" lot, on llm oim» by rlreel run ning north ami nmitb from V«n Wert roml lo Wuffor'l'a brick ygfil, nml on llio weal by Hcrberl'a Innd, lovlod upon by virtue of a Jm-ltco court H fa Uiucil from the 107Glli iliitrict, tl. M., in favor of J. K. Noyei*, hnnrer, ngainat Bilmunl Dolg nnd l(. II. Tliompaon, nadoranr. I.uvy inn<lu II. r. U'MI’K IN, HligrWT Specinl DeiMily hlierlff Silica. W ild, bo gold before the four! fl.niar door, in Uedurlown. Polk I'ounty. Ho., on llio lli'ii Tauadny in Juno next, be- • m en llio legal bourn of sole, Hie follotvimj proporlv, lo-wll: One liotiHo nml lot in llio Intvn of Hock- laarl, known hh Hio Thoa. \V. Uodil li'iuno, rltanieil on Maple at reel .tveel ofHlier- • ben rnilrond, nnd bounded on Hio rnal by 1*11111 railroad, on llin woulb by Ilia bouaa forinorly owned by T. Parker, *»a Hio w on I by an imfloialu'd bongo formerly (ho I'rnperly of Parker A Wilton, nnd on (be aorlb by tho properly of A. N. Mcrrcll. Levied upon at ]bv properly i-f TIk>h. W. I> Sdd, lo uniiafy one Superior Ctonrl ft fa in favor or Samuel Clnytnn. vr. T W Dodd, principal and John \\ Wollord reciirlly, ami h. (I. ('ox acenilty on appeal Prop erly pointed mil l y aaid Cox. Abo, at flame time and place, lot of land No. ll'j, in lbe "1m ditlriet nnd dd eeclion of Polk county, boinded on tbo weal by land* of I, Q <; Tlioiap«0l). on tbo »a«l and eoulb by land* of Jacob and Pluck Pavltl, an Ibc property of P M Agin, toHnllefyn jiiBlIeo'fl rmiii ti fafiom 107'Jd dUtrlct.H M., in favor of Mender Uroa., v mild P \l Agin. Properly pointed out by dofendeiit Levy made and returned to me by a cou ntable. Abo, nl eainc time and pltaC -, one hoimo inulot, nhoiit one aoro in li>i,*l)ing III tbo X'<is> 1 - loIs where Hie ('in lei .-villc and Koine reiiiln crone, between Hnckiaart and \ unwell, eunl of Itoekniarl, No. unknown, iih the propi'ily of M II Flelobcr, by virtue of n Stale and county lax 11 fn lor 187b Property pointed out by John K Went, T. IN II N> r BLACKSMITH & WOODSHOP GEO. \\ LYNCH. OP next to l»r. t’liisidiii'fl oflieo. Hi kinds of work, in Iron nml Wood, doao in the beet stylo and on abort notice. II 1. Cambrun, well known to mum of our farmers an tbo Cbnmpiou plow Ninitli, Im in tho shop hammering away. Knag in your Plows, old lluggit'H and VVngonii, or any other work. Satiiifut ili.n giiarnnteisl. Ch ahtown, Ua., .May 1. 1870. C- 1*: IN TH, make no cagagcmenlg till you flee oar FEW BOOK! Which In thrilling Interest, ntorling merit elegnnoo and cbeapness, lias absolutely no 'l"al. It is ••Tiik Tllisii" fur the Ceuteu- li ia I period take* on night. The North Ameiicau Review says it is leieiving of uiii|un!iticd praise; we antic ipate for it an extensive popularity." Tbo l)ubui]U0 Times soya "Just such a work us tln-ii-iuidH id the American People will be gla.t lo possess”; the Detroit Advertiser ealls it ••preferable to nay yet published. \ ,|y uetivo Mnn «»»• Woman ■t good address insured large profits ami steady work for u year. For Kill particu lars J. U. FOltl) \ ft)., 1*7 Park Place, Now York. may 1 I'm ( J K0KG1 POL1 COUNT! .—Klbert * * Whatley, of tbo 107*>th district, (i. M., tided before me an cstray heifer yearling, with red sides nnd white back nml belly, unmarked, about two yeass old, appraised by D A NYhitilieB'l and U Hamilton, free holders of said district, to be worth five dollar*, and it is ordered that the owner et said cstray cornu forward, prove prop- * r, y. 1 charges nud take her awnv, and in default thereof Hint the same he sold by ‘hr sheriff on the free!.old of said Wlmtley, near D A Whitehead's residence, on the l»ih day of .May next, in terms of the law. Given under my hand and official signa- turc, this April 1* 1th, 187tl. WIRE GUT THE Weekly Constitution Postage free, tile .Tanuarv 1, 1H77, It |« thn leading paper of gho South. Red hot PreiiMential and (JubiTnatorinl Campaign* opening. HKvery He.rgian nhorM take the PEOPLE'S PAPER Sev eral Hercnl Stones, by iligtitigulgbcd an- thorn, running all tho time. JljP* The getter up of a Club of Ten will receive tic Paper FREE. “‘ii^a Daily $10 00 per 'annum ; $5 80 for aix month*; 06 for 8 months. Send your Subscription for the Great Political and Family Journal, I’lilili-Inil til fho Cupifnl. W. A 1IEMPHIEE ft CO., Publigherg, Atlanta, Ga CEDARTOWN DIRECTORY. UI-.M-UIAI, :Hl:l(('IIA.M)l>i:. P JIll.l'OT .V DODDS,IVc.t .Dili Main ,t. — Dry Goods, Crockery, Hardware, Shoe*, Fuddle*, do. I S. MTU HUH A CO*, Wctt aide Main •/ • si.- Dry Guoda, Shoes, Hals Leather, Hardware, Tobacco, Agricultural Imple ment*, i to. Shoe*, Noiloi f 1 w. FEAT HERS TON A ft) , Feath 'J ersloii’g lliuck, Main si.— Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Groceries, etc. W M. PIIIEEIP8 A (JO., Main glreet— Dry GooiIh, Notions, Shoes, lint-, - Hardware, Groceries, etc. I K. IIA ItllKR; Court House 8<|unro— i • 1 Dry Goods, 11 ni m. Hardware, Crockery, Nollona, Fine Tobacco, Cigars, etc. N .M. WRIGHT, Court llouav Square- Dry GooiIh. Shots, Ifatn, Nollous, Hardware, Cutlery, etc Court Houae 8<|uaro •oeries, Shoes, llatH, NetioiiM, Hardware, Iron, Wind, etc. Hats, Shoe*, llanlware, Groceries, etc AIR LINE ‘HOUSE, 49 1-2 l J rior Street, ATLANTA,GA. Single Meal or Lodging. 50 Transient, per day . $2 00 Special Rates for a longer time*. J. L. KEITH, Proprietor. apr.Jtf. MORGAN, THOMAS & CO, WHOLESALE DEALEBS IN WHITE GOODS, Ribbons and Notions, No. 3 City Hotel Block, Nil-In ilhs - - Teiinenace. Fob. M—3m TWO PLANTATIONS F O n H A. I . E NK flitnated about one mile from Rock mart, containing about IMO acrm, MU cleared and Under fence, with dwelling, out h olid eg, orchard, &c. One situated abolit five mile* nouth of Ccdartown, containing 240 ACRE 8. more or’lc*p, with Auilablo Iiouhc*, good Peach Orchard, good fence, A.*. Either of the above place* can be bought on very reasonable term* by applying to PHILPOT A DODDS. Nov. 12, 1876.—tf O FAMILY GIMHEIUKS. I A WYNN. Wi-fll flldo Main nt.-Staple •' mid Fancy Family Or*" eric. Crockery, Hardware, Tobacco, Cigar*, etc H P. El MPKFN, Main ft - Groceries, ('onfcctUiiHrlea, Canned Good*, To btftco, Cigar*, Shoo*, Hardware, etc. DRI'GUIB PS. n RADFORD k AEI.KN, Court llou*o Si|uarc Drug*, Medicine*, Paint*, Oil", Honp», Perfumery, Garden Hood*, ole. B PIlDANK \ JONES, Main Strcet- Drugii, Medicine*, Soap*, Toilet Arti- i cle*, Gila, Paint*, Window Glum, etc. BOOKH anil STATIONERY. I) A. WRIGHT X ft), Court llou I l H,|uaii‘ Dookii, Slailoncry, Chromi Nnvclticfl, Garden Secda, etc. COPPER COPPER. 7 KBEP conitaully on hand a good n.iflort- 1 ment of ready made TX JNT-'W AH/B, ami can afford t'» •ell it a* rcanonoblc a* can ho bought in any market. Alflo do all kind of job work, such a* roofing and gut • All kind* of *tovo an I nbeei-iroti work, copper nnd bra-*, mending umbrella * I respectfully Bolicii* the trade of mircliaat*. Take all kindfl of country | roduco in ex- clinuge for Tin. Guano Strrwers made to order on llio nhortcsl notice. 1. T. MEE. *nl8. Cednrtowu, Ga. East End Wood Shop J. M. HARRIS. I^HEPH READYMADE COFFINS & CASES, : Make* ami repair* WAGONS am, FIUINITUHE. Iloilflo Square Freali llreml, Cakr*. Confer- tionerieii, etc. 600 ACRES Cedar Yalley Land TIN SHOP. T. MHE, .Main utreei — Job Work dono l()K BALE. A HOI fV Vn 1 IV. VANCE, Main street—Harncux, J llrldlea, etc., iimdo to order on ehori lOtlco ami wnriunted. p CEKVEl.AND, Main * -J nud repair* clothing i i short notice. J EWELEH. SHOE MAKERS IP; done on flhort notice. ■JOSEPH THOMPSON, Main M. -All «I kuids of Root ami Shoe work dono iu a superior manucr. Special Deputy Sheriff Sale. \YJ 1EI. be -old before the Court House tl doov, in Cednrtowu, l’olk county, Ga., on tb* firM Tuetday in May next, be tween the legal hour* of bale, the following property, tO'wit: Half interest in lots of land No. 1216, in ilrd district an.I -it 1» section of Polk county, as the property of 13. L.Dougherty, by vir tue of olio justice court fi fa in favor of P Kirkpatrick »N Co., \- -aid Poughterty. Property pointed by plaintiff's attorney. Levy made aa.l returned to me bv a coii- fltable. C l* GORDON. Special Deputy Sheriff. NEW SCHEDULE C lioroke H ailroa cl JURE MREWEU, Ord’y ! /YIURGIA. PO/.K COUNTY.-J ll * 1 Smith, :i«ii'.iiii-tnxtor of Allen Math- « w*. alias Alien Dull, dco’d, haa applied tor letteifl of difniissiou lYom saidadiuitiifl. tralioii, and all persons haviug objections will file the .-ame in my office by 10 o'clock n in. on the first Monday in May next, or ; said application will be granted. This the P.hh day of Aj.iil, 1870. JGKE UHEWER, Ord’y j “■ Al '' RECEIPTS i \ which uever fail to cure Diszki'sia, Ron « CuoLkiiA and Dors in Horses, sent to any address for 60 cents Ingredient a can be found at any Drug Store. Add re f DAVID FRA/.ER. From and after October 24tli, 1876, the ; following schedule will be run on the Cher- 1 okee Railroad ; Eearo Kockinarl, 7;00 a m Arrive at Taylorsnlllc, 7:46 a m : Leave Taylorsville, 8:00 ft in Arrive at Stilesboro, S:20 a m Leave Stilesboro, 8:26 a m Arrive at Cartersvillc, 0:10 a m Bclui pin?. Leave Cartersvillc 2 00 pm Arrive ut Stilesboro •. 16 p m Leave Stilesboro 2 60 pm Arrive at Taylorcv 8 10 p m Leave Taylorsvil! 4 30 j m Arrive at llbckinwr 4 16 p in D. W K. FKACOC K. Crabb, ha* applied for exemption of personalty and 1 will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock A. M., on llie 22nd day of April, 1870, at my office, (his the 24th day March. l"7ti. ' JOKE BREWER, Ord'y. Valley land, (well known n* the gar den spot of Georgia) in Folk county, Geor gia, two and a half miles from Cedurlown, tho county cite- About half of this tract is cleared, the balance well timbered with a variety of growth, it contain* a framed house, with three rooms—-a fireplace i > each room, some out buildings, and art ahiindanl supply of water. This trucl embraces some of (ho best land in this fa mousyalley, situated iu North-Went Geor gia, in latitude ’.I degree* north. It is well adapted to the growth of all the cere als, clover and tho grasses. As to it* adaptation to cotton, it is safe to say that any good farmer, with a little help from fertiliser*, of an average crop year, can mako twelve to fifteen bales of cotton lo the mule, and plenty of grain. It can be proven that eighteen bulcs of cotton and plenty of grain lias been made t.> tho mule, both by a white and a colored tenant tho same year on adjoining lauds—thirty-six bales for two tallies. Another colored ten ant tho year made fourtcou bales, with one mule—total, run ualxs with tiim it mi lk- ! There is also on this tract a large deposit of iron ore of the best As io price, thi- land must bo seen to bo appreciated. The owner being deter mined to sell, will take less than half the price that has been pnid for land, which is no better, in this famous valley, within the past few years. This tract could I- divided into two or three desirable farms Terms accommodating. For further in formation apply to the undersigned, Cedar- town, Folk county, Ga.. or to E. II. Kich- ardson, 8r., near tho premises. THOM l’SON x WIKI.E, fcb.*21. Real Estate Agent* G. W. VANCE, Saddler and Harness Maker, ( KDARTOIYN, CiA. r TNTOSE wanting work done in my line L are respectfully asked to give : ; a tri al. My Shop is on the corner, in tho Pow- ell old I-ivery Stable building. may 8 A PAPER FOR THE FARMER, THE A M E RICA X P ATRO X, A large eight page Paper, Published ct- ery Saturday, at the very low price of $125 PER YEAR, with reduction to club*. Handsome pre miums to the getters up of clubs. Tho American Patron is without a rival as a GRANGE and FARM PAPER, being replete with matter of interest ta every per- son engaged in agricultural pursuits’ con- ! taining full departments pertaining to eve ry branch of farming. As a Grange Paper it stands vvlihou a single rival, ns it reaches subscriberi in every State and Territory, and throughout the Dominion of Canada, and has corres pondents at over 1,000 different post offices One month, on trial, for 10 cents. Send for tree samples to J- K. 13ARN1), Publisher, Findlay, Ohio. CASH STOR E.” <J• S. STUBBS '& CO. Get! iii-town, Go. J.J'Vi: jnit reeelted 1 lirir Spring Slock of DltY CiOOMH, NOTIONS. SHOES, GHOCERIES, CROCKERY, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AC. llteep grind* were bought at the closest figures, and having secured C’a*ii and Cask discount*, they are able to offer them at price* which defy competition. Call and ho convinced. A Complete assortment of Leather Bool* and shoe* manufactured to order. Wo call iipfcial attention lo our stock of LARD, COFFEE RIFF. Pa^lrr fIrnPPripQ CANVASSED HAMS. 81 GAH, BACON, 8ALT, X Clillllj VJI UUtJl ILb, WYRUP.80AP, STARCH CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, FLOUR and MEAL. Sole Agcnl* in Polk county for the Celebrated "Watt Plow*” and fixture*. d**a- Agents for Hull's Patent Rotary Harrow—WARRANTED. We may have Mentioned it Bofore. But it will Lear repenting; ami to make a sure thing, wo wi'l say that tlio MOBILE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OP MOBILE, ALABAMA,, Im the I reading Life Company in the South, Ami uudor itn present excellent management in doing moroXow Busiuesa iu the Southern States than uny other Life Company, North or South. Over 2000 Policies Issued in 1875, OUR n3?ECIA.L,XIB& : T1,e Kmlowment I’Inn, by which you secure mr Endowment iu fifteen years, ut the rule of un ordinary I.ifo Policy. r riie Yeni-I.v 31cnownblc '1 Vi-m-lMnn, tho cho:i|>- cut plan of Iuauranco now worked. m. McCarty. h. m. friend, Prodidfof. Secretary. SHEPPARD HOMANS, Actuary. R, 0, RANDALL, General Agent and Manager, GADSDEN, ALABAMA. ST A.TJS3VE H33STT FOR THE YEAR ENDINC DECEMBER 3l9t, I87G. Nut Assets Deeombor 81st, 1874 $149 809 Iff ixcojir.. Received for Premiums and interest r, 9 DISBURSEMENTS. MO,785 12 Losses by Death $71251 00 Dividends, Commissions, Taxes, nnd other < xponirH.V 78,859 02 118,113 02 $602,071 50 ASSETS. J 5 “ nk $ 17,185 10 irw.'TiOTernmont nml other Bonds 70,270 30 Loans on Mortgago, First Lions 49!032 12 Loans on Bonds nnd Stocks 20,005 00 Insn ran no Stocks. 1 125 00 Real Fstnto nnd amount due by other Companies for Re-Insurnnco 95,085 74 Bills Receivable, secured, and Stock Bonds 299/238 10 Premiums in hands of Agents nnd in course of Collection 40 093 45 Office nnd Agency Furniture 2,745 88 602 07150 Add Accrued Interest and Deferred Premiums 21 8°4 40 Assets December 31st, 1875 $024 495 gg MURDER ! $10,000 00 REWARD ! 0 Everybody run here nud lenru how to get rich. Tho wheel of forluno is turning, and ‘‘THERE’S MILLIONS IN IT.” PHILPOT &c BOJDIDS, Huvo murdered tho old plan uf high prices and big per cent, and are Gl IVIN C3- A.'WA.'X' GOODS At such Low 1’rie. s as Defy Competition. People who go lo Rom. sell their Cotton nud cotuo back to buy goods from PHILPOT A DODDS' NEW CASH, STORE Come nud Buy Almost \V I T II O u T MONEY! And you wilt go homo aud dream of peace and plenty. DRY GOODS Sc GROCERIES And arc Selling them nt remarkably low prices. Sugar, <Jollce, Cheese, HARDWARE, CROCKERY A full Line of Notions, Trimmings, Ribbons, White Cioods, Domestics,! HATS, SOOTS, SHOES. BEAOY-MADE CLOTHING Aud iu fact n General Assortment of Merchandise, all at Greatly Reduced Prices. Being fixed up in good style, no rents to pay, nnd having paid Cash for their Goods, they nro able to Compete successfully with any £,all nnd be convinced. a ^ r 17