The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, May 18, 1876, Image 2

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THE RECORD, CEDARTOWN. (iA., MAY 18. 1870 read Ilia addrrHH in rather a low, ful- toring tone, stopping frequently ns if trying to get a hotter control of his I voice. Whan ho announced that the exhibition wns open, and the Atueiicnn ling whs unfurled, tho enthuHiiiHin i f tho mighty crowd boiled ovor, and they gavo vont to wildest cheering and demonstrations. Tito llnllalnj ih Chorus wus then givou, when tho march through tho various buildings began, led by President Grant, Dom Pedro and wifo, and Cabinet. Tho chimes were rung, a salute fired by the nrtellory, and tho buildings wore then thrown open, for tho first Limo, to tho public. Much to tho surpriso of nearly ovory ono, scarcoly rnoro tlinu throo-fouitlia of tho spico allot ted to exhibitors liavo boon taken up, tho passages are choked up with ma chinery that is still uupackod, and tho floors littered ovor with boxes. Fully two or throo weeks will pass beforo everything is in full running order, and for tho present, at least, I advise your readers to postpono their visit. Many persons have como hero, and will go away sadly disappointed on accouut of this Incompleteness. That the exhibition will ho in two or throo weeks tho Attest tho world has ovor soon, no ono doubts, but it should be so itow. It is estimated that fully 180,000 persons wore present at tho opouing, the greater portion of whom wero caught iu thopouriug rain which enmo suddenly up niul continued lor hours. TlioiiRlitH on a C ountry Debate l*lillnilel|ililu t '«>rreft|Minileiice. PniLAOKu m, Pa., May 14, 1870. Tho Centennial Exhibition has boon Opened, end every American may feel justly proud of it. While every build ittg under the control of the Commis sioners is finished and ready, very few of tlioso belonging to piivale exhib itors nro ovi u under way. The con noquonco is that the ground is disfig. tired by great lumps of dirt, lumber and boxes, and the air is filled with the sound of hammors and saws of hundreds of workmen. Wero it not for tho sight of tlieso unfinished build ings, tho groat unsightly hoops of de bris, and the roads cut to pieces by the heavily laden teams, tho exliibi lions would be all that the most scep tical ran di siro. Before another month is pant, howovor, all tlieso de fects will have boon remedied, and cry thing be in perfect working ordor. A better plneo for the exhibition could not have bc< u chosen. Tho 280 ncros of J airmounl Park set apart for it, form n small table laud, about 100 feet above llio liver, and which is di- versified by valleys and green slopes. Almost every available part of the grounds is ernamouted by fountains, llowcis, Ireos, lakes, monuments and pavilions, while across tho valleys and drains oro built beautiful light iron blidgos— nil logt tbor forming as beau tiful u picture ns I have ever seen. A faint id. a of tho ni/.o of the build ings may bo giv n when it is stated that tho main buildings cover 75 acres, and that the aisles, cr passages thro’ Hu in in o 115 miles lot g, and that It takes about tbioc days to go through them all, making n most cursory ex- ion of the things on exhibit! n. In ordor to add to the convenience of the visitors, a Dai row gauge railroad has boon built around iusiiio of tho grounds, so that for five couUf each one can make a tour of t ;o grounds In about twenty minutes. homo of the engines which draw the cars are quite diminutive, while tho cars are open boxes, so as to give the pttSHCii* gers u full view of llm grounds, nipl mo all nuwlt’ by difioront Ilyins nit ad vertisements. There is also u chair company, Imvii g chairs placed upon wIiooIh, vvh.o’i can be hired with u man to push you about ut sixty cents an h >ur. A visitor Iiuh only to gel iu ono n( there clm.'rs, tell the attendant where ho wishes to go, mid lie will bo inlttui tin iv without ttlO sf/gtltcst CX- cition on hi* pint. Several elevators Iiiivo been erected uilsidn of llm grounds, iu which visitors cm ho ta ken up to what, appears to tin in to bo nu imiueiiso height, and liavo n full bird's eye view of not only f ho giouuu, but Philadelphia mid all the country around. The buildings under llio elmrgo of (lie Ceiitonninl CoimnisHion nro Hie Main building, Machinery Il ill, Mem orial Hull, Memorial Art Unllcry, Wo- nmn’rt Puvillion, Agricultural Hall, Government lluildiiig, Uorlioullurul Hull and a nimiber of Him Her mite 1- lanocUs buiMiti,; \ Tho nu n build ing is 1880 feet long, 1(11 feet wide, covers 21.-17 ncros, and cost $1,(100,000 This building is devoted to i!io exhi bition of dry goods, furniture, lire arms, cmpctH, metallurgy, milling, books and Bcionlifiojvpparatils. Machinery Hall comes next in si/.o, being 1402 ft ut long by 800 ft ot wide, besides having u wing on one side Umt is 208 feet long 210 wido. (Our OOircspoudunt goes on to dcscribo all tho buildings., hut us we expect to give a full dosciiption, with cuts, next week, wo will omit it— Ed) Tlie opening day was bright and pleasant, though llio grounds wero 6oft and muddy from tho rains that lind been filling for several days be fore. In 11spouse to the invitations of llio Coutouniul Commit loo, Presi dent Grunt and family, T. \Y. Ferry, Vice President, Secretaries, Urin- tow, Clmudlcr, Taft, Hohoson, Jewell, and Pievrcpout; i ll of tho Foreign Ministers; all of tho members of both houses of t'ongres ; G.ivoruora of many States; Gcnorals Sbormui and Sheridan; the lvnperorof Brazil and wifo, and too ninmy others to men tion, wore present and took part in tho opening ceremonies. Bishop Simmon I thu twrciw with ti-nclie™ ia llio S'lito. ‘ ... , , , , mat iciuu lie is alruat prayer, niter which tho orchostra a chorus of ono thousand voices, gavo Whittier's Ccutcunlni Hymn. Tho singing was perfectly grand and com pletely drowned the music of the or chestra. Hon. John Welch, President of tho Centennial Hoard of Finance, then nuido u hsiof address,after which the chorus and orchestra rendered Sidney Lanier's Cantata "Tho Cen tennial Meditation of Columbia.” Gen. JoBcpli T. lluwlcy, presidiint of tho Commission, thou, amidst the most iutenso onthu^iatn, presented tho exhibition to tho President of tho United Stall ... Gen. Grant came for ward, evidi ntly very much embar- raosod, and was guv led with the wild- 081 cheering and applause. As soon u.- poaccaud quiet were rostor d. he ’Twne Saturday night. A friend ohkek mo to go with him to a debnfo "J'wiih held iu a fcchoo) house 00 x 20. A largo crowd out. Tho quo a lion was "Which inducesmoro marriages, mon ey or natural atToolion." Tho first speaker camo out on tho sido of money. IIo oudoavorod to provo that there was no suoli a thing gouuiuo love, honco marriages not based on money had no base at all. was an imiigiuutivo subatnneo about us solid as a mixture you would form of moonshiuo, syllabub and tjeu- blossoniR. Very delightful, very enchanting iu tho diltaiicoi Imt not lid enough for two individuals to stand on long enough to got married. Tho next speaker made a speech in behalf of lovo. Evidently his inward rquniutnnoo with llio subject was limited, lie took it up gent'y but did iu l handle ii with care. Ho treated it ns a fish would treat your halt when it saw the end of your hook Tho speakers came on*, in aucocss’on Mien to tho number of about fom teon, first on one side ami then on Hie oth er. Tlieso iq oi chts were rare, but not rich nor racy. Yes, sir I they wore rare—I never beard llio like before. The subject to bo discussed they used as a text to brnch ofl’ on something else. Thoro Wero very few things but were noticed that night. Tho subjects were much more Humorous than thu speakers. Blighuui Young and his wives, opossums, Delay, Essieni cities, mules,credit, elephant's cars, Grant, polities, porsonul matters, general mutters. Time and space would fail mo to tell all thu Hubjcotu upon which levies wore made by thu con funding portion. Suffiuo it to say that more subjects o.m lie thought of, mere that has n > lelovunoy to the ijiiestiou at issue, at a country dobato than elsowlioio in the wide world. Yes, 1 guess there nro enough things said, or subjects thought of, enough systems uiudo, enough spitting duue in olio country debates iu ono night to equal what tho whole Houso of Lords uud Commons would do of the same things in a much longer time. Yet with all the boring and repetition ui.d scraping in the debates they are very interesting. The debating soci ety of which I liavo boon speaking is now in u flourishing condition, but from what I heard about ono of their proposed questions 1 fear it will die of the discusj that killed tho Georgia Legislature—a canine a flec tion. They propose to discuss in the future tho following significant question: “which is tho more profitable to u country, Fieo dogs or pop corn." 1 am of the opinion that a debating society that can stand this question must have a ttrong constitution. Tho Secretary of the aooioty, F. M. L, ia a polite, courteous young umu, and destined to be one of the finest mat bo nd) unsurpassed; ditcipliuariau he In The Overturn! Steamship Line. A coroBpondeut in the Record .sign ing his name * Soudil," says that his "Simou” propose* to ruu a grand Railroad or OrorUud Steamship Lino'' from Baltimore to Sun Francisco. A giand coueopliou thin. Nothing can equal the g outness of this Rail- read conceptual but its lack of Rail road clour tu*.*. I have read of an ivory chariot and horses so sin 11 as to be covered with tho wings of a fly. 1 have heard that Piiydi is pi opuses to cut M*. Athos unto n ataluo of Alcxnndor tho Groat with a river in ono hand and a city in tho othor. I have hoard of a battle’s boing fought in heavens between the French and the Prussians, of the pro posed Atlantic Ocoan bridge, of tho Chicago Hotel, but nothing I remem ber over to liavo read cotncs up to this Railway Ship lino ontorpriso. am afraid that “Scudd" is tho pow< r belli ml tho throne, and that ho seeking to tnnko bis Simon respon sible for his grnndiloquont schemes until ho learns how they aro accepted by the people. Now, “Scud” usks what I think of his “Overland Steam - ship Lino.” In view of tho signific ance of tho thing, of tlm hearing it will havo on national commerce; of llio troubles into which it may plunge kings and quoens (if it were to be complishod) I shall answer him plain ly. And I any as a citizen of this nn- tiou, I inn opposed to it for several ronsons. Ono very small reason in, it can not bo done. There is not money onougli in America and Europe to comploto such a woik as Ibis. An other reason is thu couutiy cannot stand it. It has stood war and can stand it again. Jt has stood the burn ing of its cities and cau stand tire again. It lias stood poverty mid pan* ics, rogues uud shipwrecks, hut .Si mon’s enterprise would sink her, not only into financial ruin, but into na tional imbecility. Aud the national onsideratiou should outweigh all ot!<- rs. No man's love of motley should induce him to iuii his country in debt, and biing trouble on thousands just to have a railroad with a eaual on top of it. It is a pity I hut such men are in Alabama. Dill while 1 oppose Simon's steam boat affair, I admire .Siino:i liimt>ol r . There arose many narrow contracted, dwarfed, pitiable L.inds iu the world, that it is really reficulling to meet on • whore opinions and idem have some size about them. Little views uro i.ot iu Simon's hm, I see. If lie could liellOw his light of view, his depth of conception and his breadth of expan sion upon tho goviiniMiit, without his Rail-Canal, he would be worthy the grntitii'h. of the people. 1*. D. L. Mono) Savod is Mono) Mado ti to tMirnnn d rep* I Http Buggies and Carriages in Crilnrtown. Will umkn new Buggy for olio Ii ii I f Cindi, I it eo ill Cniui try I’im'Iiioo. W ill nlao Jo Wagon work of nil kind*, ill corresponding price*. Shop ul Wiley Uniiil'a Livery Stable. til ing in your work Hint ijive mo a trial. J. T. .1 DTE It. May 18, lHVli. PATENTS. I'o I rolls defining to take out Pat ents, or desiring information from tho U. H. Patent Ofllee, should eoiisult l'\ A. LEI 181 ANN, Solicitor of Aimiiciii aid Foreign Patents, Washii gton, D. Lam in - ins lions free. NO PATENT NO PAY. Send for Circular. I*«lk Mieiifl Niles for .lime. county, Georgin, on I he Find Tuesday iu Juno next within the legal hours of sale, (lie following properly, to-wil: House ami lot known nslhc lloig house mol lot, in Cedartown, hounded on the north tiy Hen Brown's lot, on the south by Bnr- 1 Duke's lot, ou the east by sired run ning north nud bouHi from Van Weil road to Wofford's brick yard, nnd on the west by Herbert's land, levied ti|.<u by mine of u justice court 8 fn issued from the 1076th district. Ii. M. in favor «.f .1. S. Noyes, hearer, ngumsl Kdimind Doig and It. If. Thompson, cndoiser. I.evy mele ml relumed i Mu . 1870, v bailiff. II I’. LUMPKIN. Sheriff. / 1 KOlUilA, l'O/.k COUNTS J I) " 1 Sniilli, Hdii:inistrn(or id Alton Muth- i"f, alias Alien Dull, dec'll. hnn applied for letter* of Oisnds&iou from said adminis- 11aliou, nnd nil persons having objections will flic lho snii.o in my office by IU o'clock a. in. on the tlisl Monday in May next, or said application will bo granted. This llio lUlli day of A,ail, 1870. JOKL UHBWKH, Only .A ii I : IN TS . make no engagements till you see our FEW book: ! Which in thrilling interosl. sterling merit, elegance and cheapness, bus absolutely no equal, it i.- “Till! Tiii.n«:” for tho Centen nial period lakes on sight. The North American Iteview says’it is “doiciving of unqualified praise: \m> antic ipate for ii an extensive popularity.'' The Dubuque Times say> "Just snob a work as thousands of the American People will be glad to poseevs": the Detroit Advertiser calls it “preferable to any yet published.” Any active Ainu or Woman of good address insured largo profits aud steady work for a year. For full partiou- “ 1 * 27 Park 1 2m CEDART0WN DIRECTORY. ii KIM Ell A L 1)1 Kltt HAN DISE P llll.POT Ac 1)0DDS.lveat aide Main at. — Dry Gooda, Crockery, Hardware, Hlioea, Hnddles, Ac. T H. BTUHU8& CO*, West side Main •J • at.- Dry Gooda, Shoes. Itnt* Leather, Hardware, Tobacco, Agricultural Imple ment*, He. C T W. PiSATHERHTON Ac CO , Keath Y croton'll lilock, Main at.—Dry Gouda, Heady-made Clothing, Groceries, etc. W M. I'll II.LII'A &i CO., Main street Dry Gooda, Noliona, Hlioea, Data, Hardware, Groceries, etc. 1 H. HA It It E If; Court House Hqiiare- •t Dry Gooda, Hals, Hardware, Crockery, Notions, Fino Tobacco, Cigarn, clc. N M WH lGII T, ('oil! i 11«,ti-Hijunr e Dry Gooda. Bhoea, Haia, Notions, Hnrdwarc, Cutlery, etc. A HUNTINGTON, Court ll — I)rr Gooda, Groceries, Shoes, Hats, Notion*, Hardware, Iron, Hieel, etc. C tHEROKKB Thun COMPANY, Store 1 •' 'he Works—Dry Goods, jVolions, Hals, Bhoea, Hardware, Groceries, etc. FAMILY GROCERIES. 1 A W) NN. West side Main *t. HU| lo • ' and Fancy Family Grocerica, Crockery, Hard ware, Tobucco, Cigars, elc H i'. LI MPKIN. Main st Groceries, Confectioneries, Canned Goode, To bacco, Cigars. Bhoea, Hardware, etc. druggists. DHADPORD k ALLEN, Goarl Hotuie •* ' Square—Drugs, Medicines. Paints, Gils, Hoops, Perfumery, Garden Heeds, elc. H I Hi: \.\K ■ IONI M ... Htr, ,, Drugs, Medicines, Heaps, Toilet Arti cles, Oils, Paints, Window Glass, clc. IIOOKH anil STATIONERY. K A. WRIGHT A GG., Court House Hnuarcr— Hooks, Btationery, Chromes, Noyeliles, Garden Heeds, elc. TIN KIIOI*. T. MKI!, Mniu street —Job Work dune at ahi baud I l- r - - 1 at short notice; Heady-made work kept 11A R N ESS. AIR LINE HOUSE, 49 1-2 Prior Street. ATLANTA,GA, Single MoaI or Lodging 80 Transient, por day $2 00 Special Rates for a longer time. J. L. KEITH, Proprietor. npr.3tf. MORGAN, THOMAS & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IK WHITE GOODS, Ribbons and Notions, No. 3 City Hotel Block, Nnahville, - - Tennessee. TWO PLANTATIONS FOR SALE. O NK situated about one mile from Hock mart, containing about 240 acres, 140 cleared and under feneo, with dwelling, out houses, orchard, Ac. Ono situated nboiil five miles south of Cedartown, containing 240 ACRES, more or'tear, with nuifnhle houies, good Peach Orchard, good fcnce^lto. Either of the above place* can be bought on very reasonable terms by applying to PJIILPOT & DODDS. Nov. 12, 1876.—tf TIN! TIN!! TIN!!! COPPER COPPER. 1 KKLP constantly on hand a good assort ment of ready made TIN-WARE, *nd can afford t»> sell it a* rcasonohlc a ran be bought in any market. Also do ait kind of job work, such as roofing and gut tering houses in the most durable style. — All kinds of store and shoot-iron work copper nnd brass, mending umbrellas I respect fully solicits the trade of merchants Take all kinds of country produce in ex change for Tin. Guano Blrewrrs made t< order on the shortest notice. I. T. MHE, 3. Cedartown, Gn East End Wood Shop JEWELER. [/■ KKPH HRADV-MADD I I I NKY I 1 and 8 done on short notice. Hit OR MAK (DIS MAY, Main sl id Shoe work doi Special Orpuf) Sltnill Sals 1 . \XJ ILL he sold before tho Omul House »V door, in CYdartown, Polk comity, Ga. t on the firs! Tuesday in May next, be tween the legal hours of sale, the following Half inirioil in tot* of land No. 1216, in 8rd district and 11K section of Polk county, as the prop* it) "f I.. Doughorly l by vir tue of one justice court Ii fa in favor of l> Kirkpatrick A l’o.. v- said Poughlorly. Property pointed by pluiutitUs attorney. Levy made nod letiutnd to me try a coii siablc. (*. P. GGHDON, Special Deputy Sheri IT, npr.10 p KORGIA, POl.i: COUNTY -Rib rt ' 1 Whatley, of the 107'>lli district, (J. \!.. tolcd beforo me an cslray heifer yearling, with red aides aud white back and belly, unmarked, about two years old, appraised by D A Whitehead nnd It Gnimuon, free liolders of said district, to be north five dollars, and it is ordered tlint the owner of said cslray cou.e forward, prove prop erly. pay charge- and take her away, uud hi default thereof that the same be sold by the sheriff on the freehold of said Whatley, near l* A Whitehead's residence, outlie liih day ol May next, iu terms of the law Given under my hand nnd official signn lure, this April Jlih, 1870. JUKI. U HEW EH, Ord'y Special Deputy Sheriff Sales. W COFFINS & CASES. Make* and repair-* WAGONS AM. I’UnNITUlIE. 600 ACEES Cedar Valley Land j FOR SAI.K. I \ IHH'T -it hundred acre* choice £cdar | Valley land, (well known n» the gar- I den spot of Georgia) in Polk county, Geor gia. two and a half mile* from Cedartown. ) tho county cit<- About half of this tract is j cleared, the balance well timbered with a | variety of growth. It contain* a framed j house, with three rooms—a fireplace to ; each room, some out building*, and an ■ abundant supply of water This tract i embrace* some of the best land in this fa- I moua valley, situated in North- We-t Ucor- gia, in latitude :iI degree* north. It i* well adapted to the growth of all tlie cere als, clover aud ilie graase*. .\» t > its adaptation to qptton, it t* safe to say that any good farmer, with n little help from fertilisers, of nu average crop year, can make twelve to fifleeu bale* .d colion to iho mule, and plenty of grain. D can he proven that eighteen bale* of cotton and plenty of grain has been made lu the mule, J both by a white and a colored tenant the ; same year on adjoining lands—thirty-six j hales lor Iwo mules. Another colored ten ant the same year made fourteen bales, . with one mule—total, rim ualks with j tiiui.x MUI.B* ! There i» also ou this tract a large deposit of irou ore of the best j quality. ' As to price, lliia land must be «-en to • to appreciated. The owner being deter- j mined to sell, will take Is*** than half I the price that ha* been paid for land, which ! 13 1,0 heller, in thi.-* famous valley, within j the past few years. This tract could be j divided iu:o two or three desirable farms I Tertna accoinmodatiug. For further in formation apply fo the undersigned, Cedar- town, Polk county, Go., or i„ R. ||. Kich- I ardsou, 8r., near the premises, j ^ THOMPSON \ WIKI.E, feb 21. Heal Estate Agents is A> r BLACKSMITH 4 W00DSH0P GEO. LYNCH. miop r.vxt to Dr. Chiso’m's office, k* All kinds ot «Pih. in Iron and Wood, done in tho best style and on short notice. H L Cambrou, well known u> moat of our farmers as the Champion plow smith, is in the shop hammering away. Bring iu your Plows, old Buggns and Wagons, or any other work. Satisfaction guaiantecd. t rt-AKTowN, G.v., May 1, 1878. Gn., on llio first Tuesday in June t tween the legal hours of sale, tho following j property, to-nit: One house and let in tho town of Rock- mart, known a* the Thu*. \V. Dodd h«u«e. ! situated cn Maple street, west side of Cher- , ekec railroad, and bounded on the cast by | sniil railroad, on the south by the bouse ( formerly owned by C. T Parker, on the i west by an unfinished luma© formerly the j property of Parker & Wilton, and on the north by the properly of A. N. Merrell. Levied upon a* Iho properly of The*. W Dodd, to satisfy one Superior Court fi fa in favor of Samuel Clayton, vs. T W Dodd, principal and John \\ Wofford security, nnd S. G. Cox security on appeal Prop erty pointed out ty said Cox. Also, at same time and place, lot of laud No. 112, in the 21st district and ;>d section of Polk county, bounded ou tho west by land* of L Q C Thompson, on the cast and south by lands of Jacob nnd Black Davitt, a* tho property of P M Agin, to satisfy a justice's court fi latum 1072d district, G M., in favor of Mender Bros., ts said 1* M Agin. Property pointed out by defendent Levy made and returned to me by a cou- stablc. Also, at same time and place, one house nnd lot, nhuut one acre in lot,* lying at the cross reads where the Cartersvillo and Koine roads cross, between Hockmart aud \ ainvert, enst . f Hockmart, .No. unknown, a* the propelly of M H Fletcher, by virtue of a .State aud county lax ti t'a tor l87’» Property pointed out by John K W est, T. G. \Y. VANCE, Saddler and Harness Maker, C EDARTOWN, (i.\. Hj^TOSE wanting work i -ne in my line X are respectfully asked to give m,- n tri al. My 8hop i* ou th.- c»mer, in th*- Puw. ell old Livery Stable buiiding. may 8 A PAPER UGH THE FARMER, TUE . A U E li I C A X V A T 1! O X, A large eight page Paper, Published ev ery Saturday, nt the very low price of $1 25 PER YEAR, | with reduction to club*. Handsome pre- ; iniums to thegeiiers up of clubs. The American Patron i* without a rival j as .v GRANGE and FARM PATER, being replete with mailer of interest ta every per son engaged in agricultural pursuits* con- | taining lull department* pertaining to eve ry branch of farming. As a Grange Paper it stands withou a single rival, as it reaches subscriber! in 1 every Stale and Territory, and throughout the Doiuiniou of Canada, and has cor res- j pondents at over 1.000 different post otiic - One month, on trial, tor 10 cents. >oud j for free camples to • ' K. BA END, Publisher. Findlay, Ohio GASH S T O R E.” *T- S. STUBBS l&c OO. Cedartown, On. J_£AVE just receive«l their Rpring Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS kC, L-A.ljl^, U0FKEE, RICH, vyIiItt ri-PflPfiPIfiC! ^ HI GAR, BACON, SALT, X dllliiy Ul UOoI ItJb, HYI CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, FLOUR and MEAL. Sole Agents in Polk county for the Celebrated “Watt Plows” and fixtures. Agonta for Hall's Patent Rotary Harrow—WARRANTED. We may have Mentioned it Before, But it will Dear repenting; and to rnnko a sure tiling, wo wi'l any that tho MOBILE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF MOBILE, ALABAMA,, Ih the Leading Life Company in the South, Aud under ita ptvRuut excellent management is doing moro Now Business in the Southern States than any other Life Company, North or South. Over 2000 Policies Issued in 1875. OUR SPKOlA-UTITJSr I he Ijilo I'julowmont Plan, by which you secure an Endowment in fifteen years, at tho rate of an ordinary Lifo Policy. The Y'onrly Renewable Term Plan, tho choap- eat plan of Insurance now worked. M. M ( ARTY, II. M. FRIEND, SHEPPARD llOMANS, Presided. Secretary. Actuary. R. 0, RANDALL, General Agent anil Manager, GADSDEN, ALABAMA. STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENOINC DECEMBER 31st, 1875. Not AbuoIh December 31«t, 1871 $118,808 l!l INCOME. Ite-ciiwd for Prcmiams and intercut a DISH! ItSKMKNT? $750,78) 12 fyHscs by Death Dividcnda, (.'ommisaioiib, Tu $74.251 00 , aud other expon«:s 73,859 02 118,113 02 $002,071 50 Cftnh in Bank . U. S. (iovernmont and other Bonds. Loans on Mortgage, First Liens.... Loans on Bonds nnd Stocks Insurance Stocks... $ 17,185 10 70,270 30 49,032 12 20,005 Ofl 1,425 00 Roul Estate and amount duo by other Companies for Rc-Iiifinranco 95,085 74 Bills Receivable, secured, aud Stock Bonds 299,238 40 Premiums in hands of Agents and iu courso of ^ Collection 40,993 45 Office and Agency Furniture. 2,745 88 Add Accrued Interest and Deferred Premiums Assets December 31st, 1875 flrt'2,071 50 21,821 4fl THE NEW “DOMESTIC THE LIGHTEST-RUNNING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. With cur printed direction!, no instruction or mechanical skill is required to operate iO The construction of the machine is based upon a principle of unique ami unequalled sim plicity. comprising simple levers working upon centres. The bearings are few. and they are hardened and polished. The machines are made at our new wn r k« in the city of Newark. N. J.. with new special (patented) machinery and tool*, constructed expressly to accomplish what w« aow offer, ■t’wry machine fully warranted. “ DOMESTIC" SEWINC MACHINE CO M Nov York and Chicago. M O TJ ¥ o SAVINGS.-By using the “ DWieitlr ’* p*. H t\ \ U II I |\l W per h A.hlnn* the most stylish and perfect-fitting rrtjmuiij mS,”ev5*% *? r ? ad - we », re enabled to atuin results above the reach of the Kyl< ? “I the latest and beat. Our elegantly-illustrated catalogue mailed .o an> lad> sending five cents with her address. Agents wanted everywhere. “DOMESTIC” SEWINC MACHINE CO., Now York uud Chicago. •