The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, June 01, 1876, Image 2

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THE RECORD, CEJMK'mWJV, OA., JUNK 1, 1870 Tho Dubcrmrforlal Outlook. If (lio exproBaioUH of tlio proftn in ovorjr w.ctioii of the Stuto i« any in<3!- calioti ns to who in tlio moht popular camlidaUi for govoruor ut tlio ap proaching election, General Colquitt will certainly bo tlio lucky mun. Wo havo hoard l>qt fow in 1 1j{h n ation ox- prom thoir profi rucoa, but wo boliovo Colquitt ia tlio most popular in this Hoction. Wo will copy a f-w expren- niouH from pupero in diflen nt Hectionii. Tlio Dal to u Enterprise Buys : “Thu goiiHiil lone of tlio Georgia prenu in- dicatoa that Golquitt is tl:o choice of the people for governor.'' Tbo Canton Georgian says, "wo don’t know what everybody in tbo county Ihinka about tlio various candidates for the nomi nation for governor, but wo have heard many expires then]solves in fa vor of Gen Colquitt." This from the Columbus TitucH : “We believe from tbo expression of opinion from our ex changes, that Gen. Colquitt will now take rimiUi's place iir the strongest among the candidates, and (hut if any one of them cun obtain a clour mejor- ity of the dele gates on the ilrat bal loting, lie will bo the man." Up wards of fifty p/q.orH, to our knowl edge, give expressions similar to the ubovo, and wn don't know how many others entertain the name Held knouts. Ariosi or i:\-Tnm Hirer Jones. Wo find the following in the daily Constitution of May 24lli : Yeit< idny the grand jury of Fulton county, composod of the followingcit- seoiih : lCr Lawshc, foreman, Jus. 11. Holland,Geo. 11 Foico, Angus C. How ell, Charlos H Thomas, Johu Lynch, Thus A Olive r, Jus A Harris, Inane 1) Upshaw, Janus Ltekiey, Frederick II Hohuuck, Lemuel 1*. Grunt, Jr., Heu- ben H Hutchins, Jus L Thompson, Win A Jones, Guo F Smith, James II Suavity, Willis E Hagan, Wm Shep ard, found a true bill against John Jones, Jvq., the Lie treasurer of the Slate of Georgia. The bill covers 25 pages of ligul cap paper, and embrac es acme bn If a d jr.en counts, and iu in effect a chut go that tho accused ille gally withholds from the State of Georgia the sum >f $110,271 81 of iiioiu yH coining into Ida possession au such oilleor, and which sums ho failed to pay over within ton days after de- niund. The lndiutiuont was returned 'dnto court Monday evening, and iin- .iuedialely a bench warrant for the ur- M o(. of AD. Junes was iSBiiod by Judge IVoplon. Dopuiy Slnriff Cook took thin in charge, and at dude, on tho corner Marietta and JYaehtree streets, made the arrest. Mr. Join's had re ceived notice of tliu v arrant, and was not amplified iu his arrout, although great ly nstoniuhed til-the fuel of I ho grand jury having indicted him. We published a communication Inal, wee k on “Rotronohnu'nt and Reform," and on the question of “Reform" tho writer suggested tho substitution of iho nominating convention,by primary elections Tor candidates for tlio differ ent oflUoa. Tho Romo Courier sayH the way to avoid a “scrub" race this year, "is to have a piiumiy t lection for candidate!'. Let all who choose enter the field for nomination and all atido the ret nil. Hy this means all individual aspirations can bo indulg ed and tlio organisation of Iho party maintained." Give us your views on this question, brother Williuglmm. Rev. Mr. llendtrsou, n young man just from tho l*tosb>teriaa Theologi cal Seminary at Columbia, S. 0., preached nt the Presbyterian church iu this place on last Sabbath, morn ing nud evening, lie is a native of Canada. Tho Athens Watchman says tho wheat ciop, which in timt section was so promising a fortnight ago, is now likely to be heiiuiuly damaged by lust and the fly. The rust is not liki ly to damage il bo much as tho insect just, being confined tntiruly to tho blade. Tho original Masonic apron worn by Gen. Washington has been presen ted to tho historical department of the Centennial. It was given by llushrod Washington, tho Gem rat's favorite nopht w and exc outer, to Gov ernor Siubth,«-f North Carolina, and by him bequeathed to Dr. Clitheinll, whesu ton, Dr ClitheraP,now diposits it in tho above named depmtmont. It is of white satin, with appropriate omblouiB. So tho Philadelphia papers AoconuiNti (»> tlio rep< its of his friends from the various state conven tions each ono of the republican candidates for Iho presidency has a majority of the delegates and will bo nominated at Cinch nnti “on tho first bullot." In auother column will be found tbo advertisement of tho Gem Organ Company. Tbo Organs manufactured Win by this Company have m* mijh liar and for hr are win i anted fe»r Cm- \« r.rf j a. 3 and th>t ul n \t Our WTihIiIukIoii Letter. I Wasiiinoton, D. C. # May 27, 1870. I Much to the surprise of oveiy o who Inis watched similar cnhgreKsion- rd inv( fitlgutioin, tho committee ap pointed to investigate tho Freodman’i Hank, have brought in ono of the most scathing reports over prefcnled to congress. Tho report says if the very idoa of tho Hank was not conceived in fraud, the Hunk itself settled down into ono of the most gigantic swin dles. Its charter was gotten up by J W. Alvord, who hod proved a fuiluro in both luy and clerical pursuits, and who so drew the charter that tho ofli- cers had the right to do about ntt they pleased, while the depositors were left almost entirely defencelets. 'The whole institution was simply a “confidence game, ’under the name of tho “Freed man’s Saving and Trust Company.' When tbo Committee attempted to ex amine tho books, leaves wore found torn out in places, now ones inserted iu others, and in some places the leaves wore so pasted and sealed to- g» tin V as to defy ull attrmpts to get them apart, while tlio accounts wi re one muss of falso entries, that defied all attempts to make anything out of I hem. Hundreds of thousands of dollars woro advuncud on certificates and sleeks that woro not worth four cents a husl.ol; immouso hudij were loaned without any security whatever; in fact the depositors had I heir mon ey divided up among a sot of thieves as fust as it whs received. Tho ofll- ct is went so far as to send out a set of men to travel through tliu South under-t he pretense of leaching the ne groes, but really to get them Lo send their i itrnings to the bank as fust as possible. For the fust lime this session, the President’s veto 1ms been overruled by Congress. A bill passed both houses to pay a curtain party a sum of about $104, and the President, act ing under tlio advice of two of his cabinet officers, refused to sign it. Roth 1 [buses then passed it over his head. A bill hn.i just beon introduced in to Congress to give the bodies of nil who may din in Jails, hospitals and nsylnuin iu this District to the medi cal colleges, with tho \i«w of protect ing the grave yard;. Am this, if tho bill becomes a law, will tfiuClUnlly do aw».y with giving home of un one more resurrection than wo want, tho bill finds great favor iu the District. Most of us live in hopes that Gabriel will go out on a litLJo “toot* on* his own iieooiiiit, and loose his horn, and thus wo escape even tho filial recur red ion, let nlotto iho one wo are upl to get at the hands of the students. Tho Sop ate', or ns wo reverently term it In re, the “Fog Dank," is still ou- gagrd in tho wruuglo over the ju risdiction in the Belknap ruse. The debates ifro carried on with dosed doors, so with the exception of tbo big guns that are IIrod off to let uu outsiders know they ato still alive and "blowii g” away, wo know noth ing, and oaro dill leas what is said. Evc-iy honest man in tho coun try knows that a rascal, who 1ms brought bInline and disgiaec upou tho nation, 1ms been caught,and if there is any punishment for him, we want him to get it. Whether it is wolth while that bo much time should bo lukoii up iu ‘vliiu music" ia a matter of doubt. New rumors me tlurktl each day iu regard lo Belknap. Il in now said that ho is beginning to show his tooth, and says that if they do decido to try him, la will kicp the whole body hue all summer, as lie has a large number of witnesses to examine. The coiumittoo appointed to inves tigate Minister Schriivk’s inunction with the Emma Mine swindle have hud their report ready for sc vend days, and Would have grin tiled it to the House Ufuii now, but'huvu been bolding it bi.ik at Sehenek’s liquid, in Older to nlli w him to send them his reply to the dice si borough letter. His 11 ply hits been received, and it on ly places him in u wuise light than before. The uport will be miulo to day, censuring Sehenek severely, but exhomrating him from all intentional fraud. Whin piofcssionnl politicians of las age slid i \| ern nee allow them- solus to l e bo igtigionsly “deceived," tln n CVngici.h Hionld send wet nurses abroad with tin ui to keep the wool from growing ou r their eyes. The Southwest Uiorgin editors are bt ginning to blouse in the blackboriy pat clu s. Mr. Daniel F. Luke, of Thomas county, Iu s cotton lighteen inclus high, with fot uis on some of Ule stalks — and it smells of guano. The Griffin News says some of the finest wheat patenea about town arc info.- ted with myriads of lice similar iu uppiarui.eo to oi.bhuge lice. They work as busy as bees down in the meshes of the wheat. What harm Uicy w ill do, if any, no ono seems to know*, as tlio most experienced say they never saw anything like it. iu this section will bo ready •ting the l ist of this week The Penitentiary Convicts. I’RECLAMATION OF THE GOVERNOR FOR PROPOSALS TO LBAHE. Kxkcutivk bur r, Statu uv Okokoia, | Atlanta, 0a., April i t, 1870. / WimiKAH, By fin act npprored Februa ry 20, 1870, I lie Uovernor is authorized and required, "ax llto lasses or hiring of con- viols under tho not of March 8, 187-1, ex pire, anjl ns leading or hiring may bo va cated under said ant, nud us convicts nay require lo be disposed of by tho Governor of Iho Hlole, not affected by existing con tract*," to farm or leaso said convicts, when discharged from Iho operations of Miid hirings orlcnniliqs mid existing con tracts, for (he splice of time not less than twenty years: It is therefore ordered, That proposals for tho hire of said con vlct* under tho provisions of said uct, w ill ho received at the Executive office unlit 12 o’clock, m., Thursday, tho Ifith day of Juno next. Didders should stnto tho tiumcs and places of residence of the sureties to bo offered lo secure performance of the con tract of lease, together with ll>e value of Iho unincumbered property of such sure ties. Tho proposals, should be placed in a strong envelope, securely seated, nnd di rected lo Iho Governor. Tlio following words: “Did lor contract," should bo en dorsed on the package. Tbo ecntraot or contracts will bo award ed on Monday, tho 20th day of June next. JAMES M. SMITH, Dy the Governor. Governor. J- W Wahrkn, Hec. Ex. Uop. May 20 2l 8 infill I Deputy Sheriff Sale. >Vi!l In- sold before the court bouse door in Ocdarlowii, 1'olk county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in June next, botwocn the legal hours of sale, I lie following properly, lo-wil: The bouse and lol known as Iho John T. Denmuti lol, in (.'viliirlown, bounded oil the uoi ib by tliu Kuckirini-t and (.’ednrlown roud, oil the cant by Joel Dn-iver's rcsi- denoo lot, on tho noulu by Wullortl'H brick ymd lol, and oil the tvi-<i l.y a hIiuiit run ning noitli and south, conUining three acres, us Iho properly id John T and M I Donuioii, tosaiihfy u Justice court fi f» i». sued from I lie I07fitli district, G. M., iu fa- vnr of W M rilillips agniiiHt iho -aid .1 T and M J I) tout on. J.iry made uni return ed lo me by a constable Alsu, at the umiio time and placo, one livi ry iinhlo .and, office overhead, in iho town oi U< I'kmnrl, lii.i.ting on puhlic flqusru, and knoun oh loth N..« four and live in block J, ns the property of Hilas J. Gox. lo satiety a folk Hupc-rim l.’uurt fi fa in favor of Hunmi'l Glayion, v- Tliomus \\ bodd principal, John W W.dl. id sicurity, uml M J Cm Necurily ou appeal. Properly pointed (fill by plaintiff's ailumey. Alsu, in ame lime and place, lot. of land No-. IU70, 1076 and 1077, iu lha2d district and 1 ll» seciiun of Polk county, as the prop- id ly of M j. Dm ri-. to »nl i»ly n conrt fi In 11oiii the lC7filli diHliii't, <i \| , in Inver of A Shorter, vh # M F Harris prin- I’ipul and Win, I’uek security. 1’i operiy pointed out by defendem. Levy made and loturned to mu by constAblo. Also, out hour'.- nud lot in tho um . nd of ('odnrtown, hounded on the norlh l>y K. Doig’s tiwidsiMi lot, on llioSuuih by a v i- onnl lul adjoining iliu negro grave yard, on tllB west by l< <i iicihurt's land, and ou oust by tho Van Wed nnd to the negio grave yard, tttimber not kuuttir, lev led on as III*’ pi opu i v of |{ It Ti,nui p-un. May 26, I87«i. C. P. GORDON’, hpocial U.-? 8hff. 1876 Great Centennial 1876 l*ariles tlcsii ,: ng ii.formntion as to best routes to tho I'E.VI ENNI.VL, ta lly of tho Siiuimi'i' Roiiorta or to any other point in thocuiinti v, shoulil tuUIrctis R. W. W RENN, Gen. Pas. Ag'l Ki-mirntw K atie. NEW YORK NOVELTIi S. Head lea ui nla lo Min. Nullt: .1 D mtrv, I’tirolinning Agent and Fashion Kdltor. I*. O. Di x 1200, New Vnrk City- Mrs. Dailey’s business, i» cnnjuuctioii with I lit* fashion nud Household ilupart tueljls of tliu several journals id which she hits iditoriu! supervision, him grown- lo be a pi eminent feature among tin- industries of woman, nud murks an era iu the prog res* of Iho iiitii-lt'uiitIt century. It give-* in ull who desire opportunity to obtain GOODS •d l'KNll’.Al I K i-t .\l I’i’Y ami LATEST STVii: at tin- LOWEST NEW YORK PRICFN, wit hi ui expending lime and mutt- ty iu making a journey lor their selection. Her ‘’Price List" gives full infonuntiou eii this subject, and iu order to obtain for it a general distribution among all class es, tdto makes tlte following offer a- PUK- MIL'Mfc* : 1. One Dollar for twenty e. ph - of tho •I t ice List" to bo ilistiibutcu a:»ong her friends will entitle tho lady ordering io uno ilollur's worth of paper Patterns, her own Boliotion from a fashion cutaloguo which will be sent to any address on icceipi of n CEDARTOWN DIRECTORY. litre GENERAL MKRCIIA NOISE, P HIM’OT A DODDS,West side Main at. — Ihy Goode, Crockery, Ifardwure, Hbocs, Saddles, <Vc. s. srrufi.M ■; Weal «|.|»* Main Ht.- Dry Goods, Shoes, lints Leather, J H NOYKB 6 CO,. Triougnlar Illock— Dry GiftfdN, (iroceriis, ilurdware, Hats Shoes, Notions, clc. fj W. FKATIfERSTON «V CO., Fcath- AT erston's Dlock, Main si.—Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Groceries, etc. W M. PUN 1.1 PM C.i , M , Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hath, Hardware, Groceries, etc. I It. DADDKIt: Court House Square— •* | ,r y Goods, Hats. Hardware, Crockery, Nolioiis, Fine Tobacco. Cigars, «tc. N M. W RIGHT. Court - iiousTHquarc— Dry (ioods. Shoes, Hath, Nctioua, Hardware, Cutlery, etc. A ll I’NTINGTON, f.'ourt House Square - Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Hath, No Hons, llnrdtvurc, Iron, Hletl, etc. 1 COPPER COPPER. Unie, hhoes, Hardware, Groceries, t * AIR LINE HOUSE, -10 1-2 Prior Street, ATLANTA,GA. Single Meal or Lodging 50 Transient, par day $2 00 Special Rates for a longer time. J. L. KEITH, Proprietor. npr.Utf. TWO PLANTATIONS 1-’ O I t SALE. O NE situated about ono mile from Rock mart, containing about 240 acre*, 140 cleared and under fence, with dwelling, out houses, orchard, Ac. One situated about five miles south of Cedurtown, containing 240 ACRES. more or .loss, with suitable houses, good Poach Orchard, good fence, &c. Either of tho above places can be bought on very reasonable terms by applying lo PIIILPOT A DODDS. Nov. 12, 1875.—tf “CASH STORIi,” «T. S. STTJBBS & CO. Ccdai-t'.-wn, On. J | AVE ju:"' received ihcir Spring Stock of RY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AC. These goods were bought nt the closest figures, nud having secured Cash and Cask discount*, they are able to offer them a' prices which defy competition. Call aud be convinced. A Complete a.-hortuicnt of Leather Boots and shoes manufactured to order. Wo call hpecinl attention lo our block of LARD. COFFEE RICF.. PomilTT H-mOOTMDC! <’AN V A#8ED HAMS, St GAR, BACON,'SALT, ± alllliy 1^10061108, SVRl’P, SOAP, STARCH CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, FLOUR and MEAL. Sole Agents in Polk county for the Celebrated “Watt Plows" and fixtures, ttn.i, Agi'i.ts for Hull’s Patent Rotary Harrow WARRANTED. ’AMILY GROCERIES. ! T KEEP coiihinnily on hand a good assort ment of ren ly made I gtapls TX W-A. IR/E • » nnd rnney family OrocmiH. (Jrockcry, I Hardware, Tobaoco, Cigars, etc. H P. I.PMPKIN. Main «l. Groceries, Confectioneries, Canned Good-, To bacco, Cigar-, Shoes, Hardwaro, otc. druggists. H r \DFORD •• AM.I N. Cmirt Hou-e Nqiinre— Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Honps, Perfumery, Garden .Seeds, etc. Ill RBANK .V JONHS, Main Street— J ' Drug-, .Medici 11 eh, Hoops, Toilet Arli- cli-h, Oils, Puinlh, Window Glass, tic. nnd can afford to sell it an roanouoble at can bo bought in any market. A lay do all kind of Job work, Midi wn roofing and gut tering houses in the most durable style.— All Kinds of storo and sheet-iron work, copper and brn-n, mending umbrellas l respect fully solicits the trade of utsrcbanlh. Take all kinds of country produce iu ox- chuugc fur Tin. Guano Htrowcrn made to order on the shortest notice. I. T. MKE, •nl3. Cedurtown, Ga. HOOKS 11 ml STATIONERY. Novelties, Garden Hi-vds, T. MEK, Main -Ireel - Job Work done al short notice; Heady-made work kept 11 band. ”4 W. VANCE. Main street — llaru 1 DrUllen, He., made lo order on si oltco and warrant'd East End Wood Shop! J. Wl. HARRIS, J^EKPH RLA DV-MADK COFFINS & CASES. Makes and repairs WAGONS and FURNITURE. Wagon 1uil"< alwav* on hand. You can buy ono or n dozen. Work ciirap r.. H Orders for anything in my line, left with J. Htubbs k Co. will be filled. Any ar- I tide left at my shop for repairs, and not j taken out within III) day, will b,- • object to sale for charges. n»ch‘.'7if .11 '. fcl.KIt. i» Wali-lu-s and Jewelry. Keep* Jewelry Money Saved is Money Made HUGE MAKERS done on short noli lOSEPII THOMPSON. Main h «' kinds of Knot and Shoo work I >110 in a 1 superior manner. Special Dcputt Slicritr Sale. \\ ILL In •old I’ll, re iho Court House dm 1. in C'.iartown, Polk county,; Ga., on Hie fn-i 'I’uezday in Stay lu-xt, !•«• 1 tween tholiyal bonis of sale, the following ; property, to wit : Half iiiion si in lots of land No. 1215, in 3rd district and lilt section of Polk county, i n* Iho propei ty of C. 1. Dongherly, by vii ; tlte of one justice court fi fa iu favor of D Kirkpatrick A < • . v ‘Donghiorty. j Properly poinled by plaint ill **» nlloruey. hi ulo uml rciurued to me by a C. P. GQKDON. Special Deputy Sboi'ilT, , plus will secure a >20 Dick with Hewing Maeliine -cut to any ad dress by 1 >| 1 e.-s wiiluul any expense. •*- School girla sending thirty cents for .five copies will receive a Decalcomaula costing tlfly cents Single copies ten cents Tolutyeis: Gettllemen's orders will be attended t > if tho words “Men's Depart- mem ’ are endorsed on outside of envelope Ladies orders will, ns u* al, meet with | prompt attention at her hands. Sample copies of journals containing ed i llorinls upon latest Fashion*. Household or Mbccllaucoua matters of general inter- ; 1-1 will be forwarded on receipt of two cent stamp. Illustrated catalogues of hats anil pat terns of dry goods, w ill also be sent on re- I eeipt of stuutp nnd address. Information upou any proper subject w ill j bo carefully sought aud questions answered i by mail. Addre* as abovo, Box 1200. 1 Rolls Sheriff Suit's for .lime. ' ILL be *o!d 1, Tore tho (1 urt Hous*> * ' ' d» ■ 1 in the t.-wu ol C. darlown, Polk : county. Georgia, on the First Tuesday in r Juno next within the legal hours of sale, i tlio following property, to-wit: House and lot known as the Doig bouse and lot, in Cedartown, bounded on the north , by Ben Brown’s lot, on the south by Bur- rel Duke s lot, on the east by street run ning norlh and south from Van Wert roud to Wofford’a brick yard, and on the west by Herbert’s land, levied upon by virtue of a justice court fi fa issued front the le; :i. district. G. M., in favor of J. J*. Noyes, bearer, against Edmund Doig and R. U. Thompson, cudotser. Levy made d returned to tne 1<V » bailiff. Ma 18 Special Deputy Sheriff Sale". \\T ILL h> -Ml bcl. r. 1 he Court 11 .... VT door, in (.vdart mi. I‘ dk county, 1 Ga., on the firs! fueuluy in June tux', be tween the legal U>urs of sale, the following property, to-wit.: Ono house M'i l"l in the town of Rock- , mart, known n» the Tho«. \\‘. Dodd house, silliated on Mnph sirei-t,west -idi- ot'Gher-] ckeo railroad, and bounded on tho east by said railroad, on tho south by tho bouse | formerly owned by (’. T I’aiker. on the west by an unfinished bouse formerly the j pt i’l ci ty of I'arkfr A Wilson, and on the north by the pt.puiy -I A N. Merndl. Levied upon n* tka property of Tho*. W. Dvdd, li -!.t fy cue S|>|' in r Court fi t,i in favor >•. 8:.n md Clayton, v, T W D, I I. j principal and John N\ Wofford security, ami > (i. C. x -tcurily on appeal. I’l.q «'» l-l""" 1 ' ' V IV*. A1 - *, ai same time and place, lot of land No. 112, in the 21 st district and 8d section i of l’alk county, boundod«on the west by- lands of L Q 0 i'aompson, on tho east and south by lands 01 Jacob and Black Davitl, I as the property cf 1* M Agin, to satisfy a i district,l» M., in favor of Meadcr Bros., y.i said 1* M Agin. Properly pointed out by defeudent Levy made and ivlurutd to me by a con stable. Also, at same time and place, one house nnd lot, about enj acre in lot,.lying nt the cross reads wis rc tho Ctirtcrsvllle aud Homo roads ctot*. between Bookman aud Yanwcit, ea 1 ol l»v-ckmart, Nm. unknown, ns the property «t M II Fletcher, by vinuo ofnSiuicaud 1 »i t iy tax fi fa tor lj>7-» ’’ropevty pointil out by John K West.-T. ^ 1: ny BLACKSMTH 4 W00DSH0P — BY— GEO. P. LYNCH. y* Bril’ next to 1r. Chijolm’s offie.v O All kinds of noik, in Iron and W. 1. done in the best ityle and on short notice. H I. Carabron. wtll known to most of our farmers as the Clampion plow- smith, i* in the shop hamniiqingaway. Bring in your old Bugjii and Wagons, or any Buggies and Carriages . in Cedartown. Will make a new- Buggy for $65,0110 half Cash, balance in Conn- j try Produce. Will al- . do Wagon work of all kinds, al corresponding prices. Whop at Wiley Hand n Livery Mtnhle. Bring in your work nnd give ma a trial. J T. JKTElt. May lH, 1870*. 600 ACRES Cedar Valley Land I’OK SAI.K. A Dot T *i v hundred arte* -!i• ■ i<-«- Cedar • * \ alley land, (well known as the gar den spot of Georgia) in l’olk county. Gear- girt, two nnd a half miles from Cedartown, li e county cite- About half ofthh tract i* cleared, the balance well timbered with a variety of growth. It contains a framed house, with three room-—a fireplace to cacti room, some out buildings, and an abundant supply of water. This etnbr the best land in this fa- . ... North-West Gcor- latitude :: I degrees north. Ii is dapied to the growth of all tho We may have Mentioned it Belore. Uut it will boar repeating; uuil to moko a Bare tuing, wo wi'l say that tbo MOBILE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OP, MOBILE, ALABAMA., Ik t he Lending I die Coni])an^ in tlio Hoiilli, And uml 1 itn present excellent tnanugetnent is doing more Now liasincNS in ho Southern Status than any other Life Company, North or South. Over 2000 Policies Issued in 1875. OU H QPBCI JK. L T I E S : r Pli<* li]n<lo>vinent J^lttn, by which you secure an Endowment in fifteen years, at the rate of an ordinary Life Policy. r jriie Vuurly 1^ fiifAvabk’ Term I *1 an, tho cheap* cut plan of Insurance now worked. M. McCARTY, 11. M. FRIEND, SHEPPARD HOMANS, President* Secretary. Actuary R. 0. RANDALL, General Agent and Manager, C.AUSDb’N, ALABAMA. S-’X’AB.TEdVLHllsrT FOR THE YEAR ENDINC DECEMBER 31st, 1875. Net Assets Docoiuber Ulat, 1871 $142,802 13 I U’O.HE. Received for Premiums and interest «» $750,780 12 DlSUl KSI.MIUS I S. Losses by D ath. $71254 00 Dividends, Couitui ioiih, I’.i.w j, mid other expousc-s. . 73,852 02 148,113 02 $002,071 50 Cash in Bank U. S. Government and other Bonds. Loans on Mortgage, First Lions.... Loans on Bonds and Stocks Insurance Stocks .... $ 17,185 40 . 70,270 30 42,032 12 2(5,025 00 1,425 00 Real Estate aud nmount duo by other Companies fur Ue-Insurance 05,085 71 Bills Receivable, secured, and Stock Bonds 222,238 40 Premiums in bauds of Agcuta and iu course of Collection 40,223 45 Oflici-and Agency Furuitur- 1 . 2,745 88 002,(171 50 Add Accrued Interest uud Deferred Premium^.... Assets December 31st, 1875 . 21,824 46 .$024,496 90 THE NEW adapt nd the with a little help ft IVrtiliicrs, of au avorage crop year, i make twelve to fifteen bale* cotton the mule, aud plenty of grniti. It can proven that eighteen t««i— <>f « plenty of grain has b both by a white year ou adjoining 1 •lured o the mule, t the bales for t ant tho .a.i with onu n a largo dq quality „ -thirty-!,.« Another colored ten- naile fourteen bales, , Firry bxlks wmt ■ ia also on this tract ton 'ore of tlio beat price, this land imz.-t be accn lo be appreciated. The owner being deter mined to acll, will lake le.** than half the price that has been paid f„r lan 1, which i* no better, in this famous valley, within the past few years. This tract could be divided into two or three desirable farms Terms accommodating. For farther in ti rmntion apply to the undersigned. Gedar- t \'n. Folk county, Ga., or to E. H. Rich- ardsoti, Sr., near the j»r-uii>es. THOMPSON *v WIKLE, feb. 21. Real Estate Agents A PAPER FOR THE FARMER, A M E RICA N P A T R O N, | A large eight page Paper, Published ev- ! eiy Saturday, ui the very low price of | $1 25 PER YEAR, with reduetion to clubs. Handsome pre- i miunu to the getters up of clubs, 1 The American Patron is without a rival ! a* a GRANGE nnd FARM l’Al’EB. 1 ng ; replete with niatter of interest ta every per- 1 son engaged in agriculturtl pursuits, con- ! taining full departments pertaining to cvc- j ry branch of farming. As a Grange Paper it stands withou a single rival, a* it reaches snbscriboti iu every Mate and Territory. and t hr, ' the Dominion of Canada, and bas cerre-- poedents at over l.lOu different j u*t i dices 1 One month. ■ n trial, t.-r 10 cents. .s v nd 1! P 11 Ml’KIN Sheriff 2. 2- 3 1 THE LIGHTEST-RUNNING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. With our printed directions, no instruction or mechanical skill is required to operate it The construct!.-n of the machine is based upon a principle of unique and unequalled sim plicity, cojj-ptMnK s;r.*t 1c levers working upon centres. The bearings arc tew, and they are hardened and polished. The machines arc made stented • machinery and ti> Ev try machine fully trarranted. ‘DOMESTIC” SEWING MACHINE CO., Now York nnd Cliientfo. SAVIXU8—By using the •• Domestic” Pa per Kush tun. the most stylish and perfect-fitung costumes can be produced, nt a large saving in MONKV to those who choose lo make,or sunerin- . . , , . . tend the making of, their own garments. With the h-.shest talent and the best facilities in ail departments, and the best ideas of the most skillful modistes, tv>ih at home and abroad, we are enabled to attain results far above the reach of the average dress-miker. Our styles arc always the latest and best. Our elegantly-illustrated catalogue maiicjj to any lady sending five cents with her address. Agents wanted everywhere. “DOMESTIC” SEWING MACHINE CO., New Yorlc and OliLt'ttflfo. • FASHIONS