The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, June 29, 1876, Image 2

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THE RECORD. fOBDAHTOWN, <1 A., JUNK 2I>, 1870" AtirnHdii! Dmiioci niti* Tho Democratic party of folk coun ty will convene in tho court liotm nt Ccrlartown on tlu? first TtHwfay (4tb) of July, for tbo pm jiokc of c ircling dolegatcn to represent this county in tbo gubernatorial convention which mcotti in Atlanta in August to nomi nate a candidate for Governor. Jni.n'H A 1’ri K, it Cli'm. Ex. Com. AVo learn from clnqmtclit. t to the Atlanta papers, tbnt county cnijvon- lions wore held on tho 24th instant, iu tho ebuntioH of Dougherty, Etc, Clarke, Muscogee, Mitchell and .Spald ing. All eeut Colquitt (•olegutos, <x- 06pt Hj aiding, whom dslrgatca wore nninstmeted. The following is I ho dispatch from Columbus : CoLuunus, June 20. There was a very largo Democratic meeting heio to-day. Col. Porter In gram was called to tho chair. A res- olution waa t flared by C. 15. AVillinms stroi gly mdoihing Gnu ml Colquitt. TIJh moluiion was nfeircd In uoriu- mittec, who report id a resolution de claring General Colquitt to bo tho ebeioo of Museogoo county, and that the intcreals of the Kioto would bo faithfully guarded under bin adminiu- trntion. The rceolulion also fully and heartily approved lie ndmini-tration of Governor Kmit In These resolutions wero unnuimously adopted with np- plausc. Tho following arc the doie- galrs : W. J/, Kaulhheiiy, C. A. Heed, C. II. Willinms, A. A. Coleman, C. I*. Gritucs, AN* A Utile, Jaime M HuhbcII T J Clmpi'cll, 15 II ('inwfeid, AV A Cobb. 13. F, II. Bkai'TJFI'i. I’n j i in h —AVo have re ceived from the Fine Alt l’nblialiing House of Geo. Ktinseu & Co., Pori land, Maine, u veial pictures recently published by thorn. Tbo subjects, hh works of art, dr servo tho highest praise. Hlinson A (\*. wero among tho pionci rs in Urn Art publish ing business in this country, and year by year I hair busim as ban grown, un til nt tho present tinio it has assumed colossal propoilionn. A short lime Deo they |,uhlii.hed a ohromo that had a mo of over one hundred and twenty*tlvo thousand. Tho wiegbt of them unmounted wiih over nino tom In tho selection of aubjofils, Hlinsen A Co. show correct judgment of tho public taste, which natural talent, aided by long experi 0000, nlono Cal! give. They publish ovory de nc.ripliou of lino works of Art , from a chrofno to a photograph- from u flno Crayon drawing to the moat t lo- gaut Stool Engraving. They bring into tlio aervico the skill of tho meat talented artists. They nro also publishers of the Cen tennial Record, which iu a very largo Midst rated paper, devoted to whatever is of inf.t r<st connected with the One Hundredth birthday "f the Dliitud States. Terms only ono dollar per yonr. Tho great Exhibition at Phils- dnlphia is fully illustrated and des cribed. Messrs. Stinson «v Co. are at. pros- ent in want of a largo number of new ngouts, to whom they « O'er tlio most liberal indueemt ids. AVe call atten tion to their advertisement, bended "To 11 e Working Chi '.'' in our ad vci lining columns. AVl i n a Brooklyn woman wants u now i.fcuH and Ft Is a little delionto uboi.t asking for it direct, sho presents her husband with a nice bonded shav ing leper case, tilled with tissue from an old paper puttcru. The first time hu uses ii ho notices the little round boles iu tho pupil* and naturally inquirea the reason, which given her the chance to say with a regretful sigh tlmt it's only a ‘'Domestic Paper Fashion" that sho would lmvo used moiiiu time ago but for tlio lei.son that sho saw ho was poor just tlie'o and bit aa if sho ought to (conomir. 1 ' to help him along. Noblo self-denial like this m-uully Ictctus things. Hkv. T. P. Cline.. -Our leaders will notice the large double-column advertisement in refomico to a Ca tarrh euro. Mr. Childs was for many yonrsagriat softV-rcr from this dis ease, a ml at times despaired of his life. By study and t::poriiv.ont ho discovered n system of cure of thi; disease, which has bullied the kill i f pbysiciauB for many years. Kaflice i; to say, that his method is n commend ed by every praulitiom erto wlio-i no tice it Ims been brought. Tho cure is certain, thorough and . vientilie. Mr. Childs is tbo pastor of a church and has been drawn into the manu facture ;>f Ion Catarrh Cure by tlio culls from uutnbi is of Fiends who de sired to he find frolu this loUthsouib disease, as well ns by a dcsiio en his ! part to alleviate as far as might ho iu bis powil*. the MitVeiing and diatuss of the human family. Mr. Childs reputation and character secure him the ccntidt nco it l.:s patrons, who arc nasurtd that they : ic not dealing with H limU that liiis u putei.t to sell, blit a simple reiutdy guaranteed to cun*. Head the r.du i list mint can fully and exaniii« the c« nillcatis. MAM/FAtrrrmi;:) ny Montgomery & Co., CEDAR TOWN. GA. o now manufacturing tlio host Paddle over Invented. Tho Hpring .Scat b Just what hu* hoca needed liy the riding public for year*. Tho comfort rider and hors- In not to bo found In nay other saddle, tier work Is nil done at home and by moist competent workmen, livery Bftddlo Ih warranted for two years, with ordinary care and image. Iti forcnco may he bud loCupl. A 0 W« *, President Cherokeo Iron Company, Dr *. M K > J A Liddell, Dr W (J Hn gland, Dr It It Thompson, .1 A Wjnn, Wm F Turin r, K«q., A Huntington and Dr. ii II Jlich- nrdson, Ccd/irtown, and Dr fleurry. [IDom Hill, aII of wh' respectfully rail the attention of tho public to tho above fuels, urn] ask a nha. <; of patronage, confident tha t our sndd give complete satisfaction. Prices range from Ton to T»voof Dollars, according to ntylo and finish Mimt illfi'lliiK-Foiiilli «f .fill\ Orntlon-Sulc Day. Our county people should come out en tiMAHoto attend (ho county con vention and the 4 III of July celobru- tion on next, Tm sd.iy. It iu tlm timo appointed lo select delegates to rep resent out* county iu tho Gubernato rial Con van lion, to rtsuoinblo in Al- hml.i on the 2d t-f August. AVe bopo it will ho largely attended, hj tlmt the delegates Belceted may represent tbo wishes of a majority of tlm people. •Several gentlemen-— all good men — Imvo been suggested for tlio im portant position, but wo do not think tho Stale can present a man more eininenily qualified for the place than Gen. A. 11. Colquitt. JIu is u man of unspoiled character, of unswerving integrity, and undoubted ability*. Thoroughly Identified with tho agri cultural interests of the State, ho will, if elected, add honor and bring pros perity to our gnat state. Col. M. Al. Tidwell, an (xperie and able speaker, will deliver i^ri ad dress, which will carry us back f*i the good old days of tho republic. Correction. Emtoii llix'onn I see a noiico by K. D. N„ 1*. C. for ll o sale of a cor- tfliii lot in “the east ond of Cedarlown." Now, I wish lo inform Mr. G., and nil others not cognizant of tho fact, that the lot def.cribed von once i.i "tho < ant end of CednrtoWD," but now it is simply in "East End," which in no l*nit or parcel of Codurtowu. Ono act of tho last Kossion of our General As- spmbly was to limit tho corporation of Cednitov. n to ono half mile every way from tlio ccntro of tho court Imuse, which leaves out wlmt la now only East End, and nuikea "Hbirt-lall Bond the "onat end of Ccdnrlown." I merely lino to explain iu order that a false imprcsiioii may rot go out to the world through Air. G’« ad- vertifcf incut. Af it has not been done by any ono < Iso— though it may seem a late day for it I lake this method of oxpr< us ing lo our immuliato repioscntnlivi a, Maj. Blanco and Judge Hutchings, particularly, and tliiiv co-adjuloiK g< i.< rally, our sincoro thanks for thcii prompt attention to tlm d> :<i o of the oilixens of Iho diflbrout sides and ends of in morly Ccdurto-.vii, now I'oik county. I Imvo consult! d no one iu regnid to publicly exjr..v-iig our thanks, but 1 liovo no doubt but that every man wlmro name was on the petition and perhaps others--will I ciiirlily approve of my course. "If any bhjrcl, they now haw. an oppor- lunlly Io speak.” A JVitnonku. Dots About Itoikiniul, I and a friend visited Hockiualt last wc ( k. Tis a very pretty place. Plenty of dog fennel abounds. < 'ili- ziim very sociable. Mr. James E-mg, m.y old friend, is still alive and full of fun as ever. Would I tavo us to go to a pond near bis l.oiisf; told tlio legend "i n frog in it. Two Indians wont down to find bottom—they never ro turned. •Some time after n frog, with hgs four bet lotg, head like that of »n Indian, body the i-i/.e of a calf, weighing about three hundred pounds, mado its nppcaranco. It makes its appi aranco onco every year, about tlm time tlm Indians mado their nub- aqueous journey. Friday eve a party of tm visited Mr. Hall’s saw mill. Air. II. certainly means business. There ia a i « i feet labyrinth of lumber pih a, of consid erable height on the ground. The capacity of tho power is thirty thous and foot per day. After being nvti.s- fiod with siglit-Kreiug, wo hoarded tho train for home, the ladies on the en gine, tlio gentlemen on tho hinds r ears. All went right until half way home. A m who w. perched on the hiiideruipst cal* of slabs, iu a dig- niCcd attitude, was warned of his nu- pendtng Mat got . Ho crawled over on our oar, his eyes looking liko young moons. Hardly had ho reached his aikof safety boforo tho standards broke and uvei board went tlm lumber The negro looked at it, thou turning to unsaid, "A-e-r v m-u-e-h o-b l-eo-g- ed to you, gcntlemon; L might o ^ hurt. TT tiiii run off tlio track iust af- ! It r ir »t»n i ' Joliu 11. Kovvlmul, me.-i -a! i Hi Gossu.g the cioek; no damage tor ,<r ilu* w -i-lunun .< m K.rium-i. done. All arrived safely, < xe pt F. ■>»>•«: M. E., who got a few holts burnt i bis coat by sparks from the engine I must soy Hint Mr. A’.unlivoro am tlio two engineers are tho most ac oommodatiug, courtoous and social 1 railroad mou 1 over met. NEW St HI.DELE Tioi’oho ICaili Polk Slii iifr Suif-I for aiuiihi. » jp T TTVTP TTOTT^P W ILL I ■ !'l l < tho court lion • illlt J-jXlN ill XxL/ U O LJi •loor, inColsrlotrn, Polk county, (In, I" 1 'vc pm Hie legal hour a of wale,‘on the 1 40 1 1 Vi Ol* .S11*C*( • t, l-irkt Tur-lay in Augu-t next, tho follow _ , . |»?i""i'»•»»t ATLANTA, GA. I." .t Jan n .1111.1. IK-Ii. lur. ll», niuninn,on, J*;;, 1 ■''£}: in 2<l ond 4il. Singla M-.l or Lodging.. ™'l»-*lr2T..r i ’ "uiiilw*;." t'SklZ Tn.Msif.nlS.,., i- day .. $2 00 vor of V li fipyi; i ncr^tn-1 Jlorntlo Chir. | ‘Special R ites for n longer time. T. L. KEITH, Proprietor. . nil of the irilcmt of th -olrn in mid f•» nnid land. Properly I’ointcd ouX hy |>l?iiutifT’H nllorney apr.Stf. CATARRH! CATARRH! Xoij'I fnr full infofinntion. Pri t lists, . to., to Dr. T. P. CHILDS TROY, MIAJf], CO., OHIO, Catarrh a Dangerous Disease! t can ho cured hy tho use of my “Catnrrlr Spr ing the nature of thi* universal complaint. It i"ni aro hawking. «>pltting. weak, inflamed eyes, y and heat ..f the •, matter running from the head deafncM in the pnr*. lnv-« 0 f fmcll. memory impaired, fien in it* first *tage«, but more commonly in its ad pa.n* In chest or left sido. and under the shoulder blades Catarrh: .a hacking cough and colds arc very common, liters only a part. Very little pain attends Catarrh nee of Hie stream of pollution I. «! ways aggravates and never cures brown's Bronchial Troches in my l-o something to snuff up my no.-c, All such persons catch colds easily, juemly a running nt the nostrils: tho breath sometimes reveals to all rruptlon within.Juhlle the patient has frequently lost all sense of smell. ! pain in tho chest, lungs nr bowels startles him* liver complaint, and is urged hy his doctor to take prescribed. Perfectly rediculous! The foul by pouring such stuff into tho poor, jaded stem- tl unnatural, he feels dislioart- gloomy forebodings hang ovorhci l that to <lie would bo a relief, and There is one other fotirt of Ca- tlie head, becomes very pi sido of the nose, making a dilion. She is now gel- matter aro all gone, en accepting cases where timo one of the six remedies J rough tho nostrils, and thus prevents it from inuiach. Ily thus keeping the ulcers clear of lioine, they soon heal, and heal permanently, c is invaluable, ink back a few years, . OMtbio, vo- iho dark, pallid nppearanco, whllo lungs, or night - weals, all sig- ds in the consump- eeper. lie in »\i:sr '•'iper you saw. this in. had hy addressing, with* CIIILDS. Ti'ov, Ohio '