The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, August 10, 1876, Image 4

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THE RECORD. | CKDAHTOWN, <1A., Al;<). in 1*711 NATIONAI. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Ton Mu-jionsT: SAMUEL J. TILDEN, Of Nmv York, ron v!ri,-Miu,n.i : THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, Of Indiana. For Governor. j\ * II. C01-,QtU r J v r. OlrctiiiK of flic I'xcciifi vc Com mittee. At ft Mooting of tho Democratic cxrculivo comuiittlio of tbo county, held til tho court liouso on Hu turd ay Inst, it wah Ficwlucrl, Thnt a maun moot inf' of tho Domocrncyof Polk county ho hold At tho court h< uho on Tuoikloy of tho second week of Ilia approaching term of tho Hupet iur court, and that tho represent alivo to the lower lira noli of llio general aanmhly ho nominated on that day. Jtemtvcil, That huid mum mooting also elect dclcgrttcu to a eon vent ion (o ho held at Itoekmart on Tuesday, tho 5th day af Hoplcmhor, for tho pur- poHo of deciding which of tho three counlicH comprising thin ficnatoiiul district, nro entitled to tho senator, and having decided thin quosliuu, proceed to nominato a candidate. ,1. A. Pi.ii., Ch’m. lion. .John \V. Wofford will address tho citi/.ena i f Polk, in tho court hotlRO, on Tuesday, 22d inat., advocat ing I ho claims of Cohjuitt fur governor and Tilden and Ihndrieka for prewi- donl and vice-president. Tho rccont elections hold in Ala bama, allow Doraocratio gains every- where. Enough luin boot) received to warrant tho Htatoment that (lie J>mi- ociatic majority will ho thirty thoua- and. Many countica heretofore) Uc- puhlicati aend Democrats to tho Icgis- lalnre and the; majority on joint bal lot will ho largo. Tho vuto by con gressional dial) iota allow seven of them I Union otic and one Republioaii. Ah far na la aid from (hero him not boon a distill banco of any kind in tho alato and good feeling prevailed everywhere! i<i:roioj. The river appropriation hill linn fluidly panned thu Senate. The Hou- ato hill reducoH tho appropriation for I ho Coohii river from $‘10,000 to $30,■• 000, and fi r tho Etowah river from $15,000 to $10,000. Tho acnato hill will bo Biihutinitially adhered to, and tho preaideut Iipb txpimod u willing ness to sign it. Our Next Governor. Words fail to e.Nprrt'H our grot ilka- lion at tho Keh’otioii by tho unanimous vo to of llio convention if Gen. Col- ijuitt for Governor. Wo any Govern or hi moan wo have no more doubt of his oh ( tii ji tliim wo did of hia nomina tion. Wo are not only plumed, but delighted with tho remill of the nomi nation, and if Gen. Colquitt is di eted wo arc not afraid of overreaching tho truth when wo hu> Georgia will have a Governor tho poor of any in tho United .Staten. True, solid, courngpUfi mid able, Jio in tho very bomi-iduul of u puro Christian utaleHiiian. Ho long oh ho i« governor tho people of Geor gia may rest in awoot slumber bo fur a a the* public weal iH concerned, for lie that will hold tho helm of .State* will not only know which way to steer, but will have tho honestly and mini li nt hh to Bluer that way. Tho mmiiuatlcm of Gen. Colquitt by acolunintion should leach umno the folly of overreaching tho thing. How foolish now do Homo of tho deo- InratioiiH of sumo of hi* opponents sound. Such an, for iuBlancc, * ho hns been eleclioucoring for it for yoars," "ho in not half bo popular us tlu-y claim.” All! brethren, why not lot matters bo a.-; they really are, and not go bo for beyond tho straight thing na to have to fed badly about it after wards. Let reason and truth pre vail; loop cool; keep down prejudice and the aflerclap will not bo no sovero. Wo disapprove of tlm odious custom of underrating a man and dealing with him unfairly bocuuao lie i t not j/eur man, and overrating him who is. It is a fatal mistake to suppose you can pack ill all soils of extruvagnnoj on tho public. An overdrawn picture of your enemies’ demerits to carry your point is bad judgment, and will do mole harm than good. So a prod igal display of tho virtues of your flhoico will i.b. uud di tr u 1) Wc hope to seo tho day wheu this would- bo weapon *>f extravagance) in speech shall bo displaced by honest, fair deal ing; when truth and uot slander or flattory shall prevail, so that tho press j will present a perfect picture of the . original. Then truth and reason will exalt the really deserving and tho de- | ceptivo put to t>hauio. And thou may 1 wo hojHi to sou nun of Colquitt's worth tilling tin* j 1 icos of public tins “Mail i> iu.ju-1, l.iii <;w.l ir jual; »mt finally justice will triumph." Tho great question before the coun try is llio He form of tho Administra tion in all its branches, tho restoration of all llio ofliec-s of tho government being one of tho most vital points nt foam). Tho selection of a man na Pro ski cut who powunsGs tho qualifica tion fi necessary for this important work in the tusk which lien beforo us in November. Of tho two men who have boon iu nomination there can bo no doubt in whom tho fitness resides. Governor Tiwun has no well display ed bin ability to copo with tho prevail ing forms of corruption, and Ihh cour age nml determination in doing it, that tho men who lmvo boon enrich ing themselves at tho pooplo’s expense throughout tho country nro alarmed at tho prospect of bin authority being extended to all quarters of tho Re public. Hill legal training, to which an objection lias been raised has lod to a development of tho kind of talent which 5b peculiarly adapted to tho unearthing tho kind of frauds by which tho ofilco holders lmvo been fattening themselves and their friends. In itepuclican quarters wo emitin- rnlly hear ubout tho inllueneo of tho "worst element of tho Democratic party" being invoked to influoneo him for harm, and tho utter impow-ibilify of any man’s succeeding in a good work while impeded by tliis pressure. Tho fact is Hint tho worst element, of the Democratic parly is not so bad us tho best element of tho Republican, unless wo nro to decide that tho latter lmvo bren ao recreant to their duly to tho nation as to put inLu positions <>f thu highest importuned an element which in not its best. Rut apart from this, with this "worst clement," us it is called, Gov. Time n has had to con tend in New Volk, and lio Ims thoro accomplished tho very kind of work that lies beforo him in Washington. Ho Ims dared fo incur its bitter hos tility, and in his warfare with if has enlisted in his service llm lioncat men of the land without regard to party. We have no doubt whatover about llio iltelion of Governor Tn.m ; but whether elected or not, tho whole country, and inch individual state, is indebted to him for the service lm has already rendered in laying open to the public gazo tho naluro of tho incus- ures uud Hellenics by which tho poo- plo liuvu been so shiimoh ..sly rubbed and plundered, nml by foicing upon tho inunagars of tho disrcputublo rings tho conviction llmt grout caro is nec- ei-aary in (ho transaction of thoir ne farious business, us eyea quick to du lcet, and a hand swift to punish, nro following lh< m through all the tortu ous windings of their path. Tho na tion looks !<» him ns tho nvengor of its wrougfl, ami ho will not disap point. Ilia pant uotr prove that ho known w but in nccci sary tu a reform of the abuses under which the* coun try gronr.a nml i.. impoverished, and that ho will boldly and fourlcHsly hurl his colniii11h against tho i rmy uf ovil due in, and drivo them from the laid. Nct.lik Grant, will ho attempt I" cove r and :-lii» Id fi< m punishn; at the thieves nml robbers ; and not, like him, will ho share tho placed, of tin ir dinhouc sty. Hut, ns ho lma U i a doing tho past two years at Allmay, ho will puihiie, with unrelenting se verity, cveiy peculator, to wliaUvir ) arty lio may belong, and will thor oughly and efliririitly icfoiai pv.ry brui til of tho ndmil i. >1 rut ion of which ho iu tho haul. Tho Republican party bln. disgrac ed itself befi-io tho peoplo whoso af fairs (lay uudoitook to manage, and in tho eye of tho wliolo civilized world. Again nml again lmvo tho people shown their willingness to overlook past fault a nml errors, nml again ami lmvo they lson betrayed and deceiv ed. Tho villainie s lmvo now assumed Mich uhirniing pioportions, ami tho piomibcsof amuidmont have been n pcatcdly bn kcii, that faith can no longer bo kept Yi t this party coin* * before us again, aud coolly plumb's rifcjin. This very promi c is mi flic it nt fur its e. ndenumtion, fur, having held the leina of government mi long, thoro is nothing to reform but al um ;■ which it lias created. Tho evils which me itstivvu creation it thou proposes to correct. And how does it propose to do it V With insolence almost supreme, tho leaders tell us f will amend their ways by keeping Rico the very scoundrels who lmvo nurtured and sustained the malprac tice against, w hose existence tho coun try is protesting. The platform which s adopted at Cincinnati docs noth- ?. if it does not bind tho Ropubli- us to a continuance of tho course which have brought the country into I discredit and to the urge of ruin. | Tho election of Guv. Hayes would be I tho triumph of proven and convicted ! perjury and corruption; it* would be 1 conferring upon the loaders of tho party a license to conliuuo their im- ! moral nml pndlig.-ito conduct, with i full immimity from the* danger of itiju- i lions const quoiicvs. The victory of j tlm Democrats will, by placing such a i mall us ITUUn in control uf tho gov- j ernnn nt, insure the n a rtiuu of pu rity had hum sty, which ulouo an-! eoinpatiblv with Auiericuu institutions J A Richmond in tlir Field. Bfn. Knrron :--l annomfto mysolf enndidoto for tho Lcgislaturo from Polk. I do this nt tho request of "many friends/' and an it is usual I boliovo for candidates to lay thoir platform, I will piococd to give mine, « r rather my reasons for wanting tho oflicc. . 1st. I mn /t rnfnst all reforms. This silly, wolfish cry of reform is all y.fuJJ'. We lmvo hoard it long enough. Tho first thing I’ll do if elected will bo to lmvo a law passed raising tho pay of lcgislaturo members. Tho fact in I want tho oflico to enahlo ino to pay my debts, You neo 1 .wont heavy on cotton and yuan last year. My crap was cut short, aud against I got my yuan and meat paid fur my cotton was gono. As for tho money it brought J never mini n dollar of if. I never could soo no uho in raising moat and bread when J could buy it on a credit and pay for a jxirl of it in leu cents cotton. You know J promised to pay my sub scription in wheat, but you see I. did’nt sow much, and tho rust and lly ruined it, and I don’t see how I am to pay if It ii loss I’m elected. J promise you now that if you and my numer ous other creditors will elect me, which you can easily 1 do, to pay you just na Boon as 1 get my paw into tho treas ury. You seo 1 urn wrier honest. J don’t want to lmvo to compromise my debts or tnko tho home stead. I kuovv my creditors will vole for mo to a man. 2d. I urn in favor of increasing Llio Huhuica of all county •oflicors. Why, just look at them. There’s our Clerk. Wlmt makes him i.u lank and loan, if it is not short rations, tho result of short pay. Ai d them's our Ordinary, •lust to take a slight view of him ono would think ho was well foil; but on cIoho inspection wo can seo that his is not "good HcbIj/’ ami that something olso besides "hog and hominy" has "pull' d” him up. Short pay again. And I here’s our Sheriff aud bis d» pu ties. Well, they are w iter possablo iu tho fuco, but they occasionally lmvo u "totl< riii gait,” a clear iudicaliou of general wonkin .vs. Too littlo pay. And thorn’s our Treasurer, who is al so School Cummi'. inner. No wonder his locks arc silvery. It would make most men’s hair gray t < ride through tho hot July sou visiliug tlm various schools, and spending ton or (iftoon minutes with caul), to the tuno of only three dollars a day. Ami tlier./som tax collector and roccivi r. Why, they look like they Imd been run through a bipk mill. Too short pay. Yc, sir, them nro nil worthy mm and ought to have good pay, ev< n if a f, w "dod heads ’do grumbln about hi ;li taxis. 1 intr nd, if elected, lose > th it they are well paid. Tho county offi cers will vote for in" In a man. fid. 1 am I r Bmilli fur (loven.or d fin im You seo la* slim k a rich stronk. Ilo look the tax t iV«»f "whis ky dealers aud lot it -a/ on the only c .vv llu pom- man had. That’s right, "itii’g” up the rich mid "ri g” down I o poor. 'Rah ! I. r Smith. Tin Smith mm will vote for mu hi a n ‘lth. I’m a "died-iu li.o-vvuui" .i gel*. \ < gr.-. have di r!aken a big j,,b. W. i:,t ml to send our cotton straight through to I;i v «’i 1 <> *1 and liuvu . ;n* supplies brought straight llirmgh, thereby saving oommissiom:. You kco wo need tho coiuniisMons ourselves. At our next. im . ting wo intend t,> puss n res olution banishing all tho /ev/n-ye,.--.-. from tho land. Tho Graugois will vote for mo to a man. hlh. I intend t >giw my fiRml Col. Don’t-Pay tho .linlgahip, nml my friend Bluj. Credit the Solidtorsliip, and my friend ('apt. Swimllo tho Treasurer place, and my friend Jud-'o lb, Mis'laig.T, and my friend Gun Hai.knipt. Doorkeeper. Tkvso friends vvill vote for me to a man. (Uk. I intend to have all tho local bills passed possible, provided they bom lit my friends nml injuro my op- \ "1)011 ts. 7tli. 1 nm in favor of "woman’s rights"—tho right to voto if they want to. and the right to carry thoir chil dren to meeting, sit up as near tho pulpit, us possible, and allow their children to/e h< r and kick us much as they please. I believo if tho women had more rights tho men would have le.-y, and tho world iuovo along smoother. Tho women will voto for 8th. 1 am in favor of staving off tho execution of tseutauovs nguiust crhniuals ns long as possible. The so poor fellows ought to lie in jail and bo fed l>y tho county at tho rate of 40 cents a bond a day. lk ddos, if the laws were properly cxi euted our court i w uld uouii have nothing to do and our legal brethren would soon bo as Ink as our county officers. Tho pris >nois will vote for mo to a man. Dili. I’m in for giving the uiyyrrs all the rights they arc entitled to—tho right to hoo cotton, \ isit hon roosts | and ’t.iLr patches and lio in j til a lit tle whilo for tho same, aud go to ( school if they can livo nt it. Tho nig- ' geiv will nil vote for me. 10th. I’m like tho Ohio Drays, 1 j ; d-in t want the ' ttice but ouo turn. | I will then givo way and lot sons? oth er "ground hog 1 ' case lmvo a showing. 11th. I'm a powerful convention man, hut ns tho Col. says thoro vvill be no convention to nominato a can didate, I thought I had best cotno out right away. Now, Mr. Editor, I lmvo boon fig uring up, and if J got all tho elements enumerated in this campaign docu ment, £ vvill got about 2,000 votes in this county. So if any body thinks they can boat mo, just let thorn "trot out” thoir man. Your Follow Citizen, Timothy Tioht-H’. AIR LINE HOUSE, <LD 1-2 Prior St reet, ATLANTA,GA, Single Meal or Lodging. 50 Transient,per day. .$2 00 Special Rates for a longer time. npr.fitf. •I. L. KEITH, Proprietor. Deputy Mieriff Hale. Will tn> aolil before * lio court fiouandoor iu fi'dariown, folk county, (in., on Die lir>t TucH'lny in He|ifotnbor next, between lrg»l bourn of note, tho following properly, i-wil: One onr-.borno wagon, un llio properly of .1 >V Alkinn, i‘i nuti.-fy one county court Inorlgnge li fn from county court of folk county, in favor of M I* Smith, Hon Ac JJro, iho Mil«l Atkina. Property pointed oul In aaid fi fu Abo, nt Hnmo time nn<l place, one sorrel mule, levied upon u- llio properly of (; N Waits to raiisfy ono county court mortgage li fu from tlm county court of Polk county. I*n , in favor of K P Minith, Hon .V JJro, vs. wuid Units. Properly pointed in said fi fa w. li., iJvp't rtirtr. July 1, 1870. COPPER COPPER. T KPKP constanlly "ii band a j" 1 a: - .rt A incut of ready made TJJST-'W.A.IEoIE!, and can afford to sell it an rensonoblo a* can bo bought in any market. Also do all kind of job work, such ns roofing and gut tering bouses in the most durable style. - All kinds of stovo and shed-iron work, copper and bra**, mending umbrellas. I respectfully solicits the trade of merchant*. Take all kinds of country produce in ex change for Tin. f.iuano Htrcwers made to order on thu shortest notice. I. T. MBH. Cedariown, (Ja. ml 3. East End Wo°d Shop —BY— HARRIS, MARBLE WORKS, 1 Jlljn li] mtOAU STllBET, «OUH - . GEORGIA. Ill undersigned would call special al- tcntlon to their facilities for supply- iything in (lie above line MONUMENTS, Tomb and Headstones, Vases J£i:kps hkadv-madb COFFINS & CASES. Mokes and repairs WAGONS and FURNITURE. Wagon bubs always on band. “CASH STORE. ■X. S. STUBB3 <Sc GO. Ccdartmrn, <«j». TTAVR j.i.I rc.irp.l llieir Nprin? KfoeV of DRV goods, notions, shoes, groceries, CROCKERY, READY-MADE fT,OTIli.NO, HATS AO Tli«‘c go I- wrro I uiglit nl Un* cl' - -i figures, and having secure I (’asii and (.’ami di ••.unis, they nu • - offer them nt pri< - - which defy competition. Call and bo convinced. A Complete n»-ortmcnt of 1,father. Iko:i nnJ shoes manufactured to order. Wc cnll special attrition to our stock of o';';, s w.r. Family Groceries, Z CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, FLOCK and MEAL, ole Agents in Polk county for the Celebrated “Wall Plows” and fixtures. Agonts for Hull's Patent Rotary Harrow—WARRANTED. We may have Mentioned it Before, Rut it will bear repeating; and to muko a sure thing, wo wi l say that tho MOBILE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF OBILR, ALABAMA,, I lit* I iOndinp: I HID C ompjinv i:^ l lit* Sout It- And under its presi nt < . :.t mat. i:;«.niu;it i >1 niig i i i X .-vv Business iu the Sonlhoru Stub than any othi i Lifo Company, North ..t South. Over 2000 Policies Issued in 1875. Wo iif the llnliuu and American Mar ble, flni-lied iu the boil style and work niaiiahip, and at prices (bat duflcit ccmdeti- liun. The oitizeu.i of Crdartown and vi- clnlty arc refpecff'ully invited to rail and exntiituo cur wovkn and price* when in Itui PATENTS. I'ortous di Hiring to tako out Pat ents, or »h hiring information from tho U. »S. Patent Oflico, should consult !'\ A. Li:ili>I;\N\, •Solicitor of Auiorican and Foreign 1 dents, Washington, 1). ('. Kxnni- i ii r. tioiis ft co. NO PATENT NO PAY. Solid for Circular. The Morning News, k r t r& K'UJl iIrdei-h f>r ntijrlliiiijr in i •. 1 I lielo left at my nbop (»r rt-pn taken out wiil.i,, 30 day, w to Rule for charge). 'OX AL T I E 1 r >* t J *Iiin. i vvli.Mi you securo nn N 13 W BLACKSM TH & WOODSHOP r Pl» <* I .i l < • I’d.. Endowment in fif!« n y m , . tl, i it. . f. try Life Policy. 'I'ho 'N <* :t r.%-* .11 i . v m :t E (<* r r« *m I *lan, tho ohotip- GEO. P, LYNGII. . plan of Im Qlin O Al HOP next In Dr. Chi All kind- or work, i done in the liext etyle ni 11 L Cambron. well Ln . fArnirra n« (be Cbampio I lie bbop liiiiiiiiioriug aw; Id lluggii other work. Hatiafm G. W. VANCE, Saddler and Harness Maker, ♦ ■r.DAKTOWN, (. V. tnt. 1876 Great Centennial 1876 Parties d - i»• • i g infornm.lion ns to best routes to tiu CFNTENNT VI,, or to any «»f tho Summer It< '.arts or to any other point in tho country, tdiould R W. WHENN, uddre.h J* . -• y... - 1 ;,y SAVANWAH, CA. n v nti: POI.ITICAL C \MP.MC X OF I I )7'i, wliif’b include" XniCiril, St»i«- mid county election , and which will un doubtedly Lo the iiin«t Bctivoand hotly con MANLTAfn Ki;,» BY Montgomery & Co-, CEDARTOWN, CA. • the vigo' ornblc < ' fairly opened. The Nutioiml Dcm- c party will thin year make a hold, iik, and doubtlc* suooDH^rul "trugglo tiiainleiianee and HUprtinacy of M. M CARI’Y, II. M. FRIEND, SHEPPARD HOMANS, Pc . h i.l. S* it< l.ary. Actuary R. 0. RANDALL, General Agent and Manager, GADSDEN, ALADAMA. STATEM Ensrr FOR THE YEAR ENDINC DECEMBER 31st, 1075. N' t A - '.s December Hist, RS7I $11'.),.SO!) 1 ! i vcomi:. Ikceivod for PromiomH ond inter- • ; Disut rsi:mi:\ f* L.IS.4CS by Death Dividends, Com mi *750,78J 1J Ttxos, uud otbe 71.251 00 isA.l 02 I is.l l:i (j-2 Cashin Rank F. S. Oovornmcnt and oil■<-r Rm.l Loans on Mortga^r". First LIimim 17,185 10 70,270 fit) ! 49,032 12 • 25,595 Ofl.j IiiKuranco Stocks . 1,125 00 Red Estate and amount duo by otln-r Com > mi i for R-1: iiinnco ' 95,085 71 Rills Rrcoivab! ■, cured, and Sto -k Ronds 299,238 4(» I’romiums in hands of Ag.uits and in (fours.- of Collection 40,903 45 On;,* * and A-. - . v khirn^ur 2,715 SS [(.02,071 50 21,821 40 §021,195 90 IplCR which prxpeiiiy of the Kepublic and e-'ential (o ibc well-being of tho people. In nddiliiu to the I’r. -i laniiul electiad, (lio people in (teorgia and Florida will elect new 8(ato government*. In ilie-c cainpnigiiH the people of llio South are deeply inter, led: un i every intelligent citizen, who him the welfare ol bin country mid bin section nt heart, should acquaint himself with every detail of thegreal work of rcdcmptiiu and reform thnt ii now go other saddle, and by most saddle is wa mp « d lio should subscribe ••i-mi-t in circulating the SAVANNAH MUUMMi NEW*, nn independent Dem- pnper, of pronounced opinions in their expression; a paper [Wiled everywhere as the best 'ditorial depart- bo bad toCapt. A 0 West, President Chorokeo Iron Company, Drs. M F .N J A Liddell. Hr W (i England, Hr it K Thompson, .1 A Wynn, Win F Turner, Esq , A lluntinglou a-, i l)r. E H Rich | nrdson, Fedartuwn, and lir Scurry, ’Esom I Hill, all of whom heartily cndor>c our cn- Wo respectfully call the attention of ihe public to tho above facts, and ask a share of patronage, confident that our saddle will give complete satisfaction. Prices range from Ten to Twenty-five aud fcarlci that is rec daily in th mem is vigorous, thoughtful and v' bile its new » and local departments loarvols of industry aud coiupletcue's, lu |,u * '• ao<* -ril • ; i . *•> y. i Inii-li. dv partnicnt of Georgia and Florida atbiii v . w. v ^ is not oonflued to n more barren sutumary 1 Q M ?■ tj. .2 'a n ’h of events transpiring in tho*c States, but is ! 1 ^ enlivened by ci.mmeul at ouco apt, timely! To the Working (|;ms. -VV. and racy. , i flirnish you <■■inpl.-yment at wbidi \ ou . uu Die ample resource <>f the establish- make a very large'pay in y»ur ow ii loc tli- vvill be devoted to fUrnishiug tho ; tics without being away from home .uvr ’ night Agents wanted in every town and readers of the MOUNINU IVI-:\V!S with the latest intelligence from all pa county i i ial ih rd, tho largi j.ul of the world, through tho press dispatches, special telegrams, and by means of special correspondence: and through these agon- eies tho paper will be llio earliest chroni cler ot every noteworthy incident of tho I elitical campaign of 1 >71». scRsciurrtox: Daily, 1 y car, Tri-Weekly, l year, “ 0 mo mbs, dpi., day, Illustrated; Termc, only $1 p ecord is devoted to whatever i roat Exhibition nt l’hib il ustrated in detail, it. The whole people feel gfcat in- in their Country's Centennial Hirtli- nd want to know all about it. An el- on drawing premium Spoolm en copo - >eu 1 •' Money can bo Order, Kcgistorvd Let free « $10 00 u OU J picture is preson li 50 It is entitled *'In $0 00 i Hundredth Anni\or-,.ry of the Cnit Jd o OU Htato'. Size. 2.‘» 1 y O inches. Any one 1 60 can become a successful agent, t >r but*show receipt of tlu ' P # P cr anJ lhe picture and huudr. aah. ! subscribers arc easily There is no business that \ at present. VV e have many i making as high as $Jo per day A >U Is lhe lilac; don I i. J it costs nothing to give the ou ; for our cireu.ars, u-rn.s C ’Py of paper, which arc s.n uho apply; do it to-dav. Co: l pay i • ----- W—-W— .,jJP lasM TmmM § ? 3 li I ' }| L : . ; ' i llfi; ^ 5 i’ S* $ s THE LIGHTEST-RUHk'ING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. ?\C level The n iCOItRIA. POLK C -T Agin lias applied f ersotialty and • citing apart and valuation r homestead, and l will pus; ‘mo al 10 u elock, a. in., on the 2hh day Addre<- 1150 . » l my offico Jimc SS, IS7U ' 1 IIK CKN H:nm u. ubcoku, •'d Portlaud. Maine. mechanics, and their 'l* l, n Die , daughters make the very best of uu Mth day 1 Address JuEL DKHWKlt, Ordy cf Newark, N. J., with new special (pateotcdi machinery anJ : constructed expre*.ti>- to accomplish what we now offer. JSTcerj/ machine fall>1 irarrantol. “DOMS371C M SEWING MACHINE CO., Noxv A'orlf and Chiotifjo. FASHION highest talent aad tho best facXbes ia all leraril>ca L 7f the most skillful results tar above the reach of tho 1 best. Our elegantly-illustrated modistes, both at home and abroad, we are c ‘DOMESTIC” SEWING MACHINE CO. P New York and Cliiontfo. th