The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, September 08, 1876, Image 3

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THE RECORD. A Live Country Newspaper. Publ shed Every r 4 > -day Morning by w. S. D. WIICLE .te CO. TERMS OF BUliSOHIPTlON. One copy, one year f'J.OO One copy, six months 1.1*0 Ten copies, in clubs, ono year, each 1.50 Single copies beta All subscriptions invaiUbly in advanco. No name enteied upon tha list until tho BUbserip- tiou is paid. RATES'OF ADVERTISING. . | 1 M. I M ti M. VI M Piofos.ional and IIUHinosrt ('arda of one Inch or loss, f 12 per annum, payable quarterly in advance; six months, ♦«. All adveitii-o- tuenm <'ue aftei ftnu insertion. FRIDAY MORN I NO. SETT. 15. 1870 I, < ) C A Li 1 T K M S. We lire requested to nnnnmico the name n! Judge V. H. Oitkiit hh a emi- diduto lor IL |»k M-ntative from this county. C ip* W. l’\ Turner left town yes- terd y moriiii k on a visit of about ten days to middle Cicorpin. Judge Underwood says Sheriff Lumpkin is tIm- best Sheriff in tho * Bruit, and W. (’. Knight- the beet L'it-1 k in tbo world. In publishing proceedings of Dal ton convention, the Atlanta Constitu tion heads the column in largo black letters, "The Solid Seventh." In tho language of our excellent post-moster, Hon. Ben II. Hill made a stirring speech in Atlanta I ist wook in pre- uotiti'ig n national flag from tho citi zens of Cleveland and Cincinnati, ()., to the city of Atlanta and State of Georgia. Col. Seaborn Jonos, Democratic nouiineo for tbo legislature, will ad dress our citizens at the court house in Cedartown, on Saturday, 23d inst., at 10 o'clock. Wo have just, had a talk with a man from Paulding county. He re ports corn crops good and everybody for Foiton, in that section. Mr. Joel M. Han is requests ns to say to those needing syrup barrels, that he is now engaged in their man ufacture. Call on him. Rev. C. K. Henderson will preach the anniversary sermon of the Hiblo Society, in the Presbyterian church, at this place. 4th Sabbath in this month. Services begin at 7h o’clock. Tho public are invited to attend. No services at the other chuiohes at that Floyd county is overwhelmingly for Felton. Dabney had it all alone in the primary, and received only 1104 votes. The county polls about 3,600, which leaves Fe'ton 2.330, or a major ity of 1,272! Good for Floyd, Dab ney’s own county. The Miihiiu Life In-nr nee Compa ny continuiH its prosperous career, having done a larg - busum-s in tho pnst year. Over two thousand poli cies weic issued, insuring even class of citizen from the day I ihorer to the bni k< rand capitalist, residing in all I ortioiis < f the South. The cash re ci i) Is w. ii ovi r m i thousand dollars ]»er duy. and after paying i ll death losses, dividends to policy h filers, taxes lib! -xp- - f *r til > r. f The Sunday School aud Grange Celebration at Antioch on last Satur day was a grand success. Thu peo ple of that section never make a fail ure at anything. Wo arrived on tho grounds about ton o’clock, and found a large concourse of people, from all sestious of tbo county, Cedartowu and Rockmart being largely rusieseut- ed. And there were a few candidates out, shaking bauds, inquiring after tho health of tho people, &o. The largo Sm day School—about seventy in number—formed in line and maidied into the spleinlid m w church building recently erected, fol lowed by the Grange. Thu order of « Xercises was commenced b> tho Sun- d y School classes singing several beautiful pieces. Tho children evinc ed as thorougn training in that iiu- 1 oi fcaiit aecoiuphalimoiit as any of the city or town schools. Tins is u Union school, m.uh up of the different de nim iuations, ami wc heard a g. nlln- man troin Hockmait. renn ik lhat it is the only place in the world where ihe 1 eopie ale thoroughly harmonized. The m xt thing ou the programme was an uiloress by Mr. Thomas For rest. i, followed by Rev. J. W. Lee in an address to the Sunday school. Tin- next thing in order was dinner, which was spieatl in profusion. At 2 o clock as many as the house would hold assembled to listen to an agricultural address by I). Felton, lie was mtreduced with a tow very appropriate rein ■ i ks by our esteemed fellcw-ciliz n, R. W. Everett. Ills address, as all Ins speeches are, was able and appropriate, aud well ro- , ceived by bis hearers. The Grange i then sang a piece or two, accompanied by the organ, when the large congre gation were dismissed. Every ono present seemed delighted with the day’s enjoyment, and tho 9th day of September, 187(5, will long bo remem bered by all present as a day of pleas- ' uro, and a bright page in the history , of their l.vos. j At the Kings on Senatorial conven tion the other day, contrary to the expect ions and wishes of most of tho ! people of that district, a Mr Gamble, | of t'hat.looga, was nominated instead ] of Mr. King, of Floyd. These con- j vent ions are like a sceared steer, just j as apt to run agii. a fence a* not, and if Judge Wright runs as an inde pendent, they have done it this time. | as he will Cel tainlv lie oleeb .1. Tho Atlanta Times has made tho discovery tint F« lion’s oh el ion in 1874 was brought about by 200 ne groes coming over into Folk and Floyd from Alabama aud voting for him ! Accommodating negroes. Perhaps the Times could induce some of tin m to subscribe, by sending over UU llgellt. We will vote for no candidate who don’t announce his name in the Rec ord and subscribe, and pay for it. The difference between a Felton- ite and a Dabnyite is, a Dabneyite, a great many "f them, at least, if we lie- In vo wimt they say, would vole fora radical rather than Felton, while a Foltouite would not vote for a radi cal at. all. One of our prominent Dalmeyites hu\h if Fe'ton is el cted this lime, he will try lo have him nominated next time, and then they can defeat him. This sle.iwi tied it. is hale to Felton a ml not love top rty linn mak.a tho Ii i s 1) bni", erv «.iii nomim e. SheriffLuinpkin’s house was struck by lightning some weeks ago, but j strange to tell, lie was not "struck’’ by lightning rod agents until last Wednesday. He surrendered. j (' ittou in tins section is badly ill- | jured bom the continued dry woath- | or. The arm. worm h is made its appearance, but not m sufficient mini- ( bur to do much damage. There are more worms, bugs, I and all kinds of creeping und Hying j insects this summer .Inin ever known before. Capt. A. G. West, oi tho Clierok. • Iron Gmiiguny, is preparing the foun- j dation of a wagon bridge t the point where tbo Cherokee Railroad crosses Cedar creek, lie proposes to build the bridge strong u ough to boused f>r the Railroad in tho event it is ever built. Enough S nghum syrup will bo made in this lounty this year to sup ply the people in it for oighloi n months. Cood sign. A steer attached to a oirt created sum- excitement. on l ist Wednesday by seeurmg its. If and running through town-doing no damage, however. Mr. Knight says there’s no telling which way u sceared steer will run — just us apt to run against a fence as Cnlartnwu Itrhiil I'l’ici'H Clir- COIUIECTEI) WEEKLY 11Y . FLOUR—olioioo rOFFKK—Rio. i> Ih KUO Alt p Hi, Ex. 0 Yellow SMUT — t . gul RICE »» lit GlIEKSE—best article Grimm... r \ NULEs p |h, mil weight.... (’URN—from wugoas MENL—p bush, from wagons... II -\ MS—Hulk—p Ih Sugar Unveil—lb.. 12Vn> 18 100 II 00 10 it — CHEROKEE IRON CO. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 160 — 17.} lltjrf II 11}* 'ii' 11! m l < sh $200 000. ties of the cbar'ii' r. ,ly .... 1 • ■ I !• "I H» , 1). B ilti-W will give Fell. Ii the MiUl* majority she did l. st. elect ion, if not larger. In Pine Log district, which is one of J lit* best in the county, every man, woman and child are for Felton. Where l*-1 known ho is strongest. Remember that. The Cherokee Iron company are rutting in position a new needle cot ton gin, and a press, which are to he run by water. Tiny wfll be pr< pared to gin all the rotten in the n< iglibor- bood. In this age of education and gener al intelligence, the household in hardly complete without a Cornish & Co. Pi do or Organ. Read tho adver tisement in anothea column, and then send for illustrated catalogue and price list. Bepl 3m Cedabtown, Ga., Dec. 19, 1876. Db. Thompson I used your Lini ment on a very severe case, of cat bite, lily finger wan bitten through to the bone on each side, und was very much swollen and turned nearly black, and remained so until I applied your Lin iment, which gave nm immediate re lief, and my finger got well in a short time 1 , with little or no pain, by apply ing the Liniment two or three times a day. I would recommend every one to use it, for I think it a great addi tion to the medical science. Susan Walthall. Ru m II M..,, 12 1. S. pi. II " P.1 Ih. St.1 ..I , Mill " li lt ckmirt, 10th " II " Y m g's, ]8th " J1 " Bimc.rnb, 20th " 11 " All the ciliz'iis of the county are r« t-|n ctfully invit'd to ■ (tend these meetings, as Col. Ji m s w'slu s to I* ibciMigbh understood us to his posi tion. J. A. Pkek, Cl.’m Ex. Com. Mcc Little I'm in For Sale. We offer for sale one of tile most desirable small farms in C*-dar V illey, about Seventy acres, Fifty acres cle»i' - ed and in a high state of cultivation. All of the land is rich and productive. The houses and fencing new and in good repair. This farm is situated on Cave Spring road, three miles from Cedartowu, in a good neighborhood, convenient to mills, Ac. Price $2,000, one hall cash, ono half on twelve months lime. Apply to Thompson & Wikle, Real Estate Agents, Cedartowu, Gn. Mr. T. R. Daniel has established a Blacksmith shop at Griffin’s old stand. He is prepared to do all kind of work in his line at hard-pan pi i eu. He coiidnm n to do wood work "f • v- ery defectiption, at his old st u • In aiiothti column will I . . <d the advertisement of the Gem CL, an Company. The Organs manuf. 1 ured by Ibis Company have no superior aud are warranted for five years, jan 3 idle August I 1 lower. Thu most miserable beings in ihe world are those suffering from Dispop- sia and Liver Complaint. More than 76 per cent of tho peo ple in the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and tneir effects, such as S mr Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual CostivenesH, Pal pitation of the Heart, Heart-hum, Water-brash, gnawing and burning pains at the pit of tho Stomach, Yel low "kin, Coated Tongue and disa greeable taste in the mouth, coming up of food after oali’.g, low spirits, Ac. Go to tho Drug Store of Brad ford &. Allen, Cedartowu, (bi., and get a 76 cent bottle, or a Sample Bottle foi 10 cents. 'Try it. Two doses will relievo you. Wonderful Success. It is reported tlmt Rohoim ih Oku man Svanp Inis, since its introduction in the United Stales, reached the im mense sale of 40,000 dozen per year. Over (5,000 druggists have ordered Ibis medicine direct from the factory, at Woodbury, N. J . and not. one has reported a single failure, hub every letter speaks "fits astonishing success in curing severe Cmighs, Colds settled on the breast, Ci nsumplion, or any disease of Throat and Lungs. Wo advise any person that Ims any pre disposition |o weak Lungs, to go to their Druggists, Bradford A Allen, Cedartowu, (5 i., and get this Medi cine, or inquire about il. Regular size, 76 ci nts; •Sample Bottle 10 cents. Two doses will relieve any case. Don’t neglect your cough. To give ordin «ry wider all there- freshing and invigorating qualities of sea water suit it till il. has a boiiyant feeling, which shows how easy it is lo get up a bouyant feeling. Suit will doit sometimes sometimes, but the most, effectua way of produci' g it, in the family is to plant a ‘'Light-Run ning Domestic" squ ire in front of the heart lifttpno. Depury Mieiifl' Sale. Will be m.M before dm court ho a m. dour in Ci 'lMi lnw ii, Polk cniiiii v, (ia.. mi llm llrHi Tu« nil. v In October ncxi, lid wet'll legal Ii on ih (if pule, the lollowing pro|»<iri y, NEW YORK NOVELTIES. 'ATA 1.0(1 UK AND PRUT. LIST Sirs. Hal toy's business, la conjunction with tin* tusliion mid Household depart mewls of the several journals of which h!io tins til it in-in 1 Mi|icrvision, Inin g r<- wii to lie a ju oiu i ii out lea I ore among the industries of woman, and murks tin era in tho progress of the iiiaeleeiilh century. It g ves to all who denre opportunity lo obtain (iO(M)S of liKHIlAl'I.K l»l AI.ITY and I. A TEST M YI.i: at Ihe LOWEST NEW YORK PRK I.S, w ii limit expending time and mon ey in making a journey for their mdooiion. Her ’‘l'lho Lisi'’ gives full infiirliiation on llii.s hidiject, and in order lo obtain for il a general distribution among all olnsa- sbe niakesthe tollowiug otter as ERE- DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, BOOTS and SHOES, GROOERIES, WOODEN WARE, SADDLES, PATENT MEDICINES, GLASSWARE, HARNESS, ll'ily It'do CLOTHING, TINWARE, LEATHER, NOTIONS, PAINTS anu OILS, IltON and STEEL, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, ETC. Fresh ground Flour aud Meal roooivod daily. Country Produce Solicited at Highest Market Ratos 1 ; Tisums Stiuoti.y Cash. Omen and Stour at tub Works Cbdautown, Ga., Fell. 10, 18715.j \V. M. PHILLIPS, E. 1). IIKHITOWUR, J.S. PHILLIPS. Mill the Dollar for twenty oopb *1 rice List’’(o be disli ilmleu among her friends will entitle the indy ordering lo ono dollar's worth of Paper Patterns, her own seleeiiou from a fashion onlulogoo which will tie sent to any address on ruoeipt of a three eeni Hliunp. 'J. $'J(I lor 2i () copies will secure a $20 Heokwitli Sewing Machine sent to any ad dress by express wit limit any expense. it. School girls sending thirty ooiiIh for live copies will receive a Pcoalcomania ‘costing lil'iy cents Single copies tea cents To hii)era: (iiuillomoii's orders will be attended ti if the words ’‘Men's Depart ment." are undersell on outHido of onvelopo Ladies orders will, as us .ill, moot with prompt intention at her hands. Sample copies of journals containing ed itorials upon latest Fusliions, Household or Miscellaneous matters ol general liner- est will ho tonvai'duil on receipt ol two omit lltusti'iilod catalogues of hats and pat terns of dry goods, will also bo sent on re ceipt ol slump aud address. Inlornialioii upon any proper sabjuot. will tie uarulully souglil ami qiiontioiiH answered by mail. Addrus us above, Hex 12011. CFDARTOWN DIRECTORY. PHIL.-LTP3 &c GO. MANUFACTURERS UP LUMBER, LATHS AND SHINGLES, OED AT?T OWTST, O-FiO'RO-TA.. A FTER returnimr thanks to tho citizens of Oodarlowii und Hurrmuidinir onnntry for (heir liberal putrmnnm for thejmst live years, wo beg leave lo oall their attention o the fact that wo have 6n hand 200,003 FEET CHOICE YELLOW PINE LUMBER, SEASONED READY FOIt USE Our Mill is in f'cdnrtowu, and we arc prepared to lilt any order for Lumber, Laths and Shingles, ai very Low Prices Those in waul of such materials would do well lo call on W, At. Phillips at the Hiord, or .1. S. Phillips at ihe mill, before making their Purchase Our Machinery is iirst-ulass, run by llio most skillful workmen in the conn, try, making purfcully oven and smooth Lumber, which is a great saving in labor and dds much (o (ho appearance of buildings after their completion. FRICKS OF LUMBER, IN TOWN : <:i’\PH t 1, HEtM’ll \\I)HE. 1 ■) IIII.POT A IV'DDS West side Main st. I Hrv (JoihIh, f.'roekery, Hardware, Himes. Saddles, «\-o. I S. STTHP.S \ (•()■, West side Main . I llr.v (b oils. Shoes. Hals Lenlher, II uni ware, Tobacco, Agrioall ui'iil Imple- Slines, Notions, • Rendy niiide (Hothing, (Irocerles, i ‘jV| M7 W RlVrilT. Couil Hoiisi. Sqiiuro"-- 1> Dry (toads. .Shoes, Hals, Notions, I lard ware, Cnllury. etc A III ' TINTITON. Cmirl lloiiso Miinnro For one thousand feel. Shingles, per llimisand, Laths, per tllollBllIld, from $0 00 to $11 00 F s IVMLY (iltOCEIHES. A WYNN. West side Main H.- Staple and Fiinoy Fiiinlly (JrmmrieH, Crockery, iirdware, Tobacco ( igars. elc j P. 1,1 MI’KIN Main si.—(IroooricH, I t.'ontecliiinericH. (.'alined (ioiids, To- cco, Cigars, Sines, Hardware, do. Wo also keep on hand, at very low prices, a line of) Ci IITN I'.K A I, MERCH ANDISE, consisting in part of Dry (loads. OroonrioH, Provisions, Hardware, etc., of wh will sell as low, for Cadi, ns any house in^’odiirlowii. THE lill./VNliEUS’ UFE AN0 HHAITH INSURANCE COMPANY Of tho United Status of Amoriun. Authorized Oapilnl, $1,600,00 of whie.h $100000 to he mvuod in each Department. Knob Folioy luildor is on Li t Ind L> a Vile in tho M inagomont of tho Oouipiur I’iiPiiit Olllcn, >T<>l>iI«‘, .Y];ib;iniM. Cards. WM. V. TUIINHU, .IAS. lll.HNN TRUNER and GLENN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Cmlurtowii, Ga. O EE1GE South of Court House, botwoon Huntington and Wright’s stores. Will praoiieu in (lie oouutios of Polk, Floyd, Paulding, llariilsoii aud Carroll. Special attention given to collodions. May 25, 1870 Or. W. G. ENGLAND, Surgeon and Physician, amUAllTO |I A r , ’ (t.4. Olliou corner College and Prior streets, where he may ho found at all hours when not professionally absent. sop 1 THOMPSON *<, WIKLE, Real Estate Agents CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, t property, at n M. M. TIDWIII.b, IVY r. TIIOMI’SON, TIDWELL S. THOMPSOIV, Attornu.vH at Law, CEDARTOWN, GA. O FFICE —East siilo Court IIousosquare. Juno 20 Dr. C. H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, Ucihii'ttMVii, Ga. O FFICE at residence, on Pryor HrooL June 20. .1. . HA 111! E II, Notary Public ATTORNFiY AT LAW, CnliiHawii, Ga. P ARTICULAR altimtion givon to'lnking Depositions and oolleotion of claims, Wm. Ml. SPARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dr. L, S. LEDBTTER, (’ ipitul Sleek, $100,000 \V. II. Kolclimn, Fros't, | F. K. Davidson, Vico Pi'i.H’t j Ii. W. Fort, Soo’y G h’iORGIA. J )KPARTMKNT, ROME, GA. Capital Stock, ------ $100,000 Olltce, No. 2, Commercial Building. Maj. C G Samuel Pros’!. I Alfred Shorter, Vico Pros'! | R, J. Gwallney, Sovrotary (!. Howell, Attorney | Dr. G. W. Molinas, Medical Examiner. HOARD OF DIRECTORS: A. P. Algoml, Trion Eactory; C. Howell, Alfred Hhorlor, Ho Ion, AlheiiH. Ga.; A. R..tones and M. II. Hnnn, (Jodnrlown, Gi of hind No I folk :: I ill (lie 21 ,r i di? upon n- ih- jiiopiny ifl.J Pciipm*. to hoifly one tax ti fa in favor of John K Wi -», ng/iiiiMi said Ib'iiprco Levy Hindu and rcliiin<d to me liy a hailin'. W. G. TAYLOR, Dep’t Sli’IT. Bopl 5. 1878. SCO ClEt IEf3 Cedar Valley Land KOI! SALE. \ HOLT six hundred acres choice Cedar -/"T Viil'ey land, (well known as die gar- don spot of fJeoi gin) in Polk county, Geor gia, two and a ball miles from Codurtown, I In* county cilf About half of Hiis tract is clean'd, Ihe balance well limbered with a vuriely of growth. Il contains a framed house, with three rooms—a fireplace to each room, some out buildings, and an abundant supply of water. This tract embraces some of tbo best land in this fa mous valley, situated in North-West Geor gia, in latitude I degrees north. Ii is well adapted to the growth of all the cere als, clover and the. grass.s. As to its adaptation to cotton, it is safe to say that any good farmer, with a little help from fertilizer!-', of nn average crop year, can make twelve lo fifteen bales .if cotton to (lie mule, and plenty of grain. Il can be proven that eighteen bales of cotton and plenty of grain lias been made to the mule, both by a white and a colored tenant the same year on adjoining lands—thirty-six bales tor two mules. Another colored ten ant the same year made fourteen bales, with one mule—total, fifty hales with tiiri.k holes ! There is ulso ou tins tract a large deposit of Iron ore of tlie best quality. As to price, this land must be soon to be appreciated. The ownei being dee I>IU GGIS i S. I RADFORD fi ALLEN. Court i ■> Nqtiarc- I'lligs, Medicines, Paint! Oils, himps, lb i ll.mery, Garden Reeds, etc j IK RANK ,t JONES, Main Hi reel- I i i• rugs, Medicines, Knaps, Toilet Arti ob's, Oils. Paints, Window Glass, etc. BOOK ^ mill STATION Hit V. | , A. U RIGHT & ( ()., Court IIouso I t Square, Ho ik-, Stationery, Cliromos, Novelties, Garden Heeds, etc. John II. New D F Hammond Atlanta; Hon D. H. Ilanillon, Gain Glover, J T McGuire, F Wooilrulf and J I. Camp Home, Ga ; A J King, Cave Spring, (hr, lion. VV M Hutchings, Polk County. Alabama and MisniHsippi Depnrl mold a have a Oapital Stock of $100,000 each S' cui'ity, Economy, Liberalitv, ARE THE J13A DING I’RINCIPLES OF THIS COMPANY. All approved forniH of Life und Endow men! Policies issued in sum* of $100 up to $10.001» Also Term Policies of One, Three, Five or 8 •vhn Vniii'H. All Life Policies non.forfeiting after two annual payments, when Ihe insured will be oniitled to a paid-up Policy or Gasli Surrender thereof. Dividends may be used lo proleu! policies against lapsing in ease of failure In p ay pi ' iiiiiiniH, This, with ilia nnu-l'orCoiling and Cash Surrender features, are Hiilliuiont to make this Company popular among thinking men. Iikif" GOOD AGENTS WANTED. W. (*. ENGLAND, of Mobile, Ala., General Superintendent of Agencies. J. H. NOYES, Local Agent, Cedartowu, Ga lt A K LID . BLACKSM TH & W00DSH0P — I1Y— ‘IGEO. P, LYNCH. 1 OIIOP next foDr. GltiHolm's oflico. 1 All kinds of work, In Iron and Wood, I done in flic best style and nn short notion. II L Cnmbron, well known to most of our farmers as the Champion plow smith, is ia Ihe shop hammering away. Bring in yaur . 1 Plows, old Buggies and Wagons, or any oilier work. Salisfocfinn guaranteed. DAinowN, Ga., Muy 1, 1878. (I 11A H N FSS. W. VANCE, Main si reel—Harness, Bridles, etc., mado lo order on short cc and warranted. TAILOR. .1EYV ELEK. A' G. W. VANCE, Ai- Saddler and Harness Maker, CEDARTOWN, GA. rpTQSE wanting work done in my line 1 are respectfully asked to give me a tri al. My Shop is on the corner, in the Pow- ell old Livery Stable buiiding. may 8 "J ill, half SHOE MAKERS- EN'KY MAY, Main st—Fine Boots and SIioi-h made to order. Repairing H I (be past few years | diviiicu hi o iwo or llireo de-iirablc farms 'ieriLs aceouimodaling. For further in formation apply to Hu- undersigned, (Jedar- town, Po,:. ;ounty, Ga , or to E. II. Kieh- ardson, Hr., near itie premises. THOMPSON it WIKLE, feb. 21. Real Estate Agents | ORE I'll THOMPSON i kinds of Hoot and Su'd uperior manner. WAGON MAKER / ' EfJRGE P LYNCH, Main street, near vJ Fc-alherston’s store, miine and repair wagons and bnggeis, and smith work J> of J al AIR LINE HOUSE, 4!) l-:i Prior Street, ATLANTA,GA. Hinglii Moul nr Lo.lgiiiK ^ W) 'J’faimieut, per day $2 00 •Special ItutCH for a longer time. J. L. KEITH, Proprietor. ^ apr.3tf.| COPPER COPPER. 111 1?IISI-WA.T^TS, and can afford to sell it as reasoaoblo a can be bought in any market. Alsu do all kind of job work, such iih roofing and gut tariug houses in the most durable style. — All kinds of stove and sheet-iron work copper und brass, mending ainbrellus. I respectfully solicits the I rude of in si-chants. Take all kinds of country produce in ex change for Tin. Guano HI rowers made to order on the shortest notice. I. T. MEE, ml8. Gedartewn, Ga. East End Wo°d Shop M. M. HARRIS, SURGEON DENTIST O Codar<own, Ga. PEERS his professional services to llio citizens of (Judarlown and vicinity. -Y. L. DAVIS, Watchmaker Jeweler, Codartown, Ca. W ORK done promptly and satisfactorily All work warranted Twelve Months. Repairing fine watches a specialty. All kinds uf Jewelry and Watches and Clocks kept for sale. ,unc 20-1 y To flu* traveling Public. fJiEE midrsigiiod Is now running a Tri- HACK LTnsrEi FltOM Cave Spring to Cedartown, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays Good Hacks Fast, Horses and Careful Drivers. The Cave Spring Hotel has hoi'ii Isasod and titled up in good style. Tho .table will bo supplied with tho bent that can be bad. J. l\ JOHNSON. JAMES DOULASS * CO. f LIVERY STABLE. Broad st., opposite Hoyt's Drug Storo, Homo, Georgia. W E have a Large and Commodious' Wagon Yard ia connection with oar Stabb'H, where tho people of Polk and Hamilton will find everything noeossnry for their comfort while in tho city. Givo # a trial. iv. 8-1 f 5 E E 1*8 RB A I) Y-M ADE COFFIN & CASE, Makes and repairs WAGONS ani> FUIlNITlffiR Wagon hubs always on hand. You oh buy one or a dozen. Woiuc eitKAf ro, tide left at niy simp for repairs taken oat within 80 days, will be subject . to Hale for churgeu. mch27tf. | 11 GREAT IpGOVERI Slip Thompson’s Linimeat Is ono of' tlic greatest discoveries of tho age. Nothing brings such speedy and stiro relief to those who suiror with theriitnior- oils pains and aches common to the human race. Do you waul, something that will case your head, your back, care your rheu matism and Neuralgia? Ap;dy Thompson’s Liniment and sulfur no more. For Toothache, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, and fains generally,] g USI£ THOMPSON’S LI JdIMENT and you need tear no harm. Tho Modi cine is put up right lioro in your midst, by Ur 11. 11. THOMPSON. Your neighbors liavn tried it, and it bus never failed to do what ii promises. Every family should keep it on hand, and thereby save many a dollar. Often a long and expensive trip for a physician might bo dispensed with, simply by applying Thompson's Liniment; then keep it on band—it will cost you but little. No physician cun practice 81100oss fully without a good— they know its importance—then keep it on hand. You can apply it yourself and save money. Gall on UK. it. JL THOMPSON, over Dr. Reese's Drug Store, get. u bottle, and never bo without it. It willdowliat it •> > R, and you’ll never regret buying il. o , Jt For sale in Roekuiartby E li Huge. G. P. McCONNELL, Agent, Aoworth, Get