The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, October 20, 1876, Image 3

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THE KECOltD. k Live Country Newipapcr. Published Every *'*r-day Morning by W. s. D. WIKLE & OO. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ono oopy, one year 12.00 One copy, six months 1-00 Ton copies, lu clubs, one year, each 1.60 Single copies 6cta All subscriptions invariably lu advance. No name enterod npou the list until tho subscrip tion is paid. RATES OF ADVERTISING. | CM. | is M. * 1.00 t 2.50|f 8.00# 8.00* 12.00 1 Square... W Column. }\ Column. BOO 16.(Hi 26. 20.00 30.00 40.00 46.00| 65.01.; 120.00 Professional and llusiness Cards of one Inch or less, *12 per aumim, payablo quarterly In advance; six months, #8. All advertise ments due after tlrst insertion. FRIDAY MORNING, OCT. 20 , 1876 Rally, Freomen, Rally! General Win. Tatum Wofford will address the oitizons of Polk couuty at tho court house, in Cedartown, ou SATURDAY, OCTOBER ‘28th. Lot everybody come out aud hear the hero of a hundrod battlo-llolds. Philpot A Dodds have ‘200 bushols of grazing oats for salo. The following is a copy of a card humled into the “Dahuoycratio" Club on lust Saturday night: Gkuautown, Qa., Oct. 13,187G. Democratic Club, Codartown, Ga.— Gouts—I respectfully request that you strike - my name from your roll of members. Very Respectfully, Ivy F. Tuomp80n. LOCAL ITEMS. To I lie Voteis of Polk. County. Upon tho solicitation of my friends I hereby nnnonneo myself as a candi date for tho office of Tux Roceivor in tho approaching eleteiou for county officers. E. P. FEATH KRSTON. Wo will take cotton seed in pay ment for subscription, from ten or twolvo subscribers, at 15 cents per bushel, delivered. Bring them iu at ouco. _ _ Mr. J. A. Wynn’s now houso, on Cedar street, was consumed by tiro about 12 o’clock ou lust Tuesday. Wo Origin of tho fire unknown. Loss tho Ri< ubout $250, besides tho tool chest of Mr. TIioh. Griffin, valued at $100. Wo sympathise with them in their loss. l\u i.uiNo County, Oct 1(5. Dkau Record :—I write to toll you the good news. Felton stock is up and still rising. This (west) end of old Paulding will give Felton a large majority. Wo are nil alive lo the good cause. Paulding. Editor Record: - Please allow me bread, through your columns to thank Mr, G. W. i catherston and Mr. Wm. M. Phillips for the donation ol 1000 feet ! of lumber each to assist in rebuild ing my house. May a kind provi dence watch over them aud their fam ilies is the sincere piayor of their un fortunate friend. J. A. Wynn. All parties indebted to mo will pleaso come forward and settle at over so as to enable me to rebuild iuy house. What siy you friends? Will you help me that much? J. A. Wynn. Editor Record:—After seeing and hearing what 1 have hoard, I boro by wish to b ind you my card, which is as follows: I, A. B. Ruby, being present and hearing what was said I do hereby certify that I never heard Mr. Morris tell auj negro that if they voted for Dabney they would bo disfranchised, aud have never soon him take any ono of them into J. A. Wynn’s hack room to talk politics to them, but what was said was iu a burlesque and no other way, for it was ono burlesque after an other—not-by Mr. Morris ulono, but by both parties. This is my own statement and a true one. A. B. Rady. Two of our young Bartow friends, Messrs Can non aud Pattorson, woro in town last Monday. They report everything all right in their district, 17th. That district polls 100 votes, and they say Feltou's majority will bo about 350. Good for tho 17th. Two of our townsmen, Messrs. Her bert and Paco, left home for tho Oen- touuialTuesday morning. Wo wish thorn a pleasant trip and safe return. Wo regrot to loam of tho destruc tion by lire of tho residence of our friend, Israel P. Davis, of tho Bun- comb district. •ill priut 2,000 extra copies of ono uoxt week. Tho fourth Quarterly Conference for Codartown station will bo hold Saturday (to-morrow) and Sunday. Read the communication in another column in rolution to Gen. Wofford. "Fido” has read him out of the party amLays lie bus affiliated with the radicals silica the war. Read how he went before a repnlicau congress soon after tho war and actually "begged As 1 was present and heard what Mr. Morris said I wish to give him tho benefit of my card: I Henry C. Brown, do hereby cqr.i- fy that what I heard was t-pokeu to oil that was present, aud not to ne groes. Ho was burlesquing it is true, and said ho was for Felton. Dabney and Felton men wore both prosent cracking jokes. Being intimate with Mr. Morris, I believe him to be a good domocrat and u gentleman. Hkm:y O. Blown. It bus been reported by tho L'ub- ueycrats herenbout that tho Republi can conveutiou at Kingston ou tho 14th inst. nominated Dr. Felton for congress. This is another falsehood started to injure Dr. Felton. All the convention done was to repudiate tho Dubney-Goodwin-Sbeats alliance, and denounce it as a fraud and swindle. Tlial fck bide Show.” Editor Record:—While Dr Felton was speaking iu tbe courthouse u few days bince, his true aud noble wife was iu Mr. Turner’s office awaiting iu anxious suspense (ho return of her husband, a pack of these pestiferous liHle quadrupeds, of wh» m ih«- Doctor spoke, set up au incessant growling and snarling iu front of Wright’s store, intended to wound the seusibiliti s of his unoffending and unprotected wife. Mow, unfortunately these Fidos, Tripps and Sweatbearts, have honor able connections to feel the sting of shame and mortification of such dis graceful and cowaidly conduct; they have our sympathies. We now arraign these impudent and contemptible pups before an in dignant and frowning public, to re- 1 ceive tbeir just and meritorious con demnation. Ye pups, go repent, get upoD Your knees and ask pardon, and no more. A. CITIZEN,' Wo have several communications oil hand that are forced to lio over. Tho agony is over, and Indi ana and West Virginia, two states that were placed hh doubtful upon (ho slate as made up by tho wid tho democracy iu convent on a bled at St. Louis, have gouo < erotic in October, and are as sure for Tildon and Hendricks iu November as Oeorgia, and they lmvo given tho democracy throughout tho Union a morulo of encouragement to ‘ press on ward for the mark of tho high calling" in Novombor that cannot bo expressed in words. Tho political Hkios are no less bright in other quarters. Dn. Thompson :- Modicnl ethics teach us to never condemn a remedy until it has - received a f .ir trial. You insisted that I try your Liniment while 1 was suffering with rhoumalisrn. A "drowning man will catch at straws.*’ I used your remedy, and will candidly admit that I was benefited. Other liniments might have done the same thing for me, hut yourn did it in fad. I am convinced that it is n good Lini ment, and I cheerfully attest tho same. My affection was of six months stand ing when I commenced tho uso of Thompson’s Liniment. In throe weeks I could walk well without a crutch. Yours, Ac 0. H. Montgomery, M D. Codartown, Oct. 2, 187(5. School Notice. The Board of Education of Polk county will meet at Cedartown Octo ber 10th, for the purpose of examin ing tho school accounts and appor tioning the funds. Blauks have been furnished all the teachers ou which lo make their reports, and it is im portant that they bo made promptly. As soon ns tho distribution is made teachers will bo notified of tho amount due them, and will bo paid when suf ficient funds are received from the Tax Collector; or, if they prefer it, orders will bo given on Tux Collector for the same. Tho regular day for examining teachers will bo tbe first Tuesday iu June, 1877. T. L. Pittman, Sept. 20. County School Com. Take Notice. On and after this date tho mer chandise orders issued by Cherokee Iron Company will be received in pay ment tor goods from employees only. A. G. West, Pres’t. Oct. 2, 1876. Nice Little Farm For Sale. Wo offer for salo ono of the most desirable small farms in Cedar Valley, about Seventy acres, Fifty acres clear ed and in a high state of cultivation. All of tho land is rich and productive. Tho houses and fencing now and in good repair. This farm is situated on Cavo Spring road, three miles from Cedartown, iu a good neighborhood, convenient to mills, Ac. Price $‘2,000, ouo half cash, ono half on twelve months time. Apply to Thompson A Wiklk, Real Estaio Ageuts, Cedartown, Ga. In anothot columu will bo found tho advertisement of the Gem Organ Company. Tho Organs manufactured by this Company lmvo no superior and are warranted for five years, jan 3 AiiKiisi Flower. Tho most miserable boings in iho world are those suffering from Dispop- sia and Liver Complaint. More than 75 per cent of the peo ple in tho United States are aftliotod with thoso two diseases and their effects, such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Costivonoss, Pal pitation of the Honrt, Heart-burn, Water-brash, gnawing and burning pains at tho pit of tho Stomach, Yel low Skin, Coated Tonguo and disa greeable taslo in tho mouth, coming lip of food after eating, low spirits, Go to tho Drug Store of Brad ford A Allen, Codartown, Ga., and got a 75 cent bottle, or u Sample Bottle foi 10 cents. Try it. Two doses will reliovo you. Wonilcriul Success. It is reported that Boboiihks ( man Syrui* has, sinoo its introduction in the United States, reached tho im mouse sale of 40,000 dozen por year Over (5,000 druggists lmvo ordered this medicine direct from the factory, at Woodbury, N. J , and not ono has reported a single failure, but letter speaks of its astonishing i in curing sovero Coughs, Colds settled on tho breast, C« nsumpliou, < disoaso of Throat and Lungs. Wo advise any person tlmt 1ms any pre disposition to weak Lungs, to go to their Druggists, Bradford A Allen, Codartown, Ga., ami got this Medi cine, or inquire about it. Regular Hi/.o, 75 cents; Sample Bottle 10 cents. Two doses will relievo any case. Don’t neglect your cough. lu thin age of education and gener al intelligence, the household is hardly coniplo'o without a Cornish A Co. Piinoor Organ. Read tho ndvor- tist inciil iu niiothea column, and then semi for illustrated catalogue and price list. sepl 8m 'To give ordinary water all the re freshing mid invigorating qualities of sen water salt it till it has a body ant feeling, which shows how easy it is to got up a honyunt fooling. Salt will doit soinelimrs sometimes, but the most effectual way of producing it in tho family is to plant a "Light-Run ning Domestic" rquaro in front of the hearthstone. UOlUUTTlin wrkrly uy j. FLO UK—cliotoo COFFEE-Rio, o Ik SUGAR —*» lb, F,x. 0 .NY It UP—*> gal ihce-*> n» IIEKSE—best nrltolo Cromu. \\NDM5H-t> lb, full weight.. 'OILS—from ME Ah—» Dual), from wagons. HAMS—Hulk — . 8T0BDS ft CO. 85(0 - . .. ‘24J'® 25 (ti 12 ... 19M9 18 ... —(3 — 10-3! 11 6M?1 00 I0vi' — 18,i> — AfiCi* 65 060 70 l t)ui> — Sugar Curoil—lb DUfi? 171 lll l.K MEAT—Sides 'lb* 1 1« mu>m.i>6iM—* it. 12 l;(;(IS—limit’ll H'll 1 — UUTTGK-v I' 1 ••••■ 20 HICKKNS 2 0» 2f ’ PRICES FOR THE MS! OHIY $5 For a First-class Sewing Machine. CHEROKEE IRON CO. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Professional Cards. DKY GOODS, HARDWARE, WOODENWARE, BOOTS and SHOES, SADDLES, PATENT MEDICINES, GLASSWARE, HARNESS, RUy M’do CLOTHING, TINWARE, LEATHER, NOTIONS, PAINTS and OILS, | IRON and STEEL,; PLANTATION SUPPLIES„ETC. Frosh ground Flour and Meal roooivod "daily. Country Produoo Solicited at Highest Market Rates'JI Terms Strictly Cash. Office and ’.Stork at tub Works Cedartown, Ga., Fob. 10, 1870.] Send fn Ulul‘8. Circular with full Baltic- PIANOS, CABINET ORGANS, Alt kind* of Stringed Instruments and Shout Music, Retailed lit Wholesale Prices. Sterling Silver Ware Smith Iiiih applied personalty and selling apart and vnliiniioii or Homes!cud, and I will pass upon *lho same al It'o'clock a. in. on llio llOtli day of October, 1870, itt my office. Oct. 0, 1876, JUKI, li KIOW I K, Old. If. At Reduced Prices. Articles of apparel for Ladies, Goilllo- men and Children, Household and Fancy Avtlolea of ovory quality and kind, at an IMMENSE REDUCTION OF 11XTU3. For a Catalogue and Current Prlco List of Stylos, send ten oonts to Mas, .1. Hattky, Fashion Editress, P. O. Uox 1200, New York. CEDARTOWN DIRECTORY, <: HNF.ll A 1, M Kltfll ANDISM 1)HIT,POT A DODDS,West wide Main st I — Dry Hoods, Crockery, Hardware, Shoes, Huddles, t \n. I S. HTI’MMH .Si CO-. West nidi- Main .1 . st.- Pry Hoods, Shoes, lints Leather, II nrd ware, Tobacco, Agrioult uriil Irnpli NOYFH & CO. Triniigubir lllnok rv (inods, (irpqerloa; Hardware, Hilt* Notions, Me. ’ 4 IV. FF.A I'll Eli.ST,ON A OO .Tenth rslon’s Illoek, Main h(—Dry Goods, ado Clothing, (lrocorlos, elo. PHILLIPS (!<»., Main street Dry Hoods, Notions, Shoes, lints, Hardware, Hrocerles. etc, M. W It Id IIT, Court House S.iu Dry Hoods. Shoes, Huts, No Hardware, Cutlery, etc G l Ui’ftdy- W Han 3SI A M Notion Richardson, Sen., has applied for dilution of personalty and Hotting Apart and valuation of homestead, uud I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, a. in,, on the IHlIi day of October, 1876. 8ept. 26, 1876. JOEL UHEWER, Ord. Tho Soldiers Monumentul Associa tion will hold an agricultural and me chanical fair on tho 23d, 24th, 25th 20th, 27th wul 28th days of October, at Borne, Ga. The premium list em braces u wide range in every depart ment of industry. The proceeds to be applied to the erection of a monu- rueut to the memory of our fallen he roes. No pains will be spared to make the fair worthy of the cause. The public ure invited to come aud bring whatever of merit they may have to exhibit. The Premium list can be hud by applying to the Secre tary. The officers and board of di rectors contribute their time aud labor for tbe good of the cause. T. J. Perry, Scc’y Court 11 ouhii Hii iciirlOi, Klines, lints, on, HIocl, oto. ( ill 1.lioKKE IRON COMPANY. Store J at Iho Works— Dry Hoods, lV<; Unis, Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, c FAMILY <1 It outfit i i*h. 1 A. WYNN. West mT Main hi.—Hlapl J and Fancy Family tironorics, Crockery, Hard ware, Tobacco. Cigars. etc. U P. LUMPKIN, Main si. — GrecoHc ConfcollonerloH, (.'mined Goods, To bacoo, Cigars, Shoes, Hardware, el' Mtcriff Sales tor Seplnuher. AT7 ILL bo sold before tho court house VV door, in Cedartown, Polk county, On., ou Iho First Tuesday in November next, between the legal hours of salo, (lie following properly, to-wits Lots of land Nos. 45. 46, 47. 40, 51, 70, and 202, in tho 17th district and 4lh scotlou and Nos 8, 80 157, 164, 167, 454, iW, in the 2d district ami 4th section of Polk county, tin., levied on by certain fi fas is- sued from Polk superior court one in favor of Eq Torrj, one in favor of Alexander Reed one in favor of W H Adams, against the Etna Iron Company, and one issued from Polk county court in favor of Daniel Walker ngainid the Etna Iron Company, and also to satisfy other ti fas in my bunds against the said Iron Company fertile A Iho, lit mine time and place, lots of land Nos. 186, 176 and 175, in 17th district and 4ih section of Polk county, to satisfy a Polk HUpenoj court fi fa in favor of W K \Y cm 1 for the use of Win Peek against Jacob Dennis, levied on as the property of Jacob Dennis, said landi n >w being in possession of G I, Powell. Also, lit same time uud place, ono lot of onrn, 40 bushels, more or less, levied upon under and by virtue of a superior court fi fu from Polk superior court iu lavor ol .1 ti Noyes against Elbert Rattle as the prop erty ot Elbert Rattle. Levy made by for mer H,tn . ^ p lumpkin, WliH'. Oct. 4, 1876. Deputy Mini ill Sale. Will be sold before the court house door in Cedartown, Polk county, Ha., between the legal hours ol sale, on the first J uesday in November next, the following property: Lot of land No. 500, in the 18th district aud 3d section of said county; as thu prop erty of I C Kims, said land now iu posses- eion of H R McGregor, and occupied by Rristo wiiiith, to satisfy a county court fi la issued lrorn the county court of Rartow couuty, Ga., in favor of Erwin, Hiokcley ii Co., against- said Mims. Property pdini- ed out by plaintills. Oct. 4, 1876. W. G. TAYLOR. Dept Slilf. fore tho house. The (log hud never seen the mun before, but something in tne light wagon put him on his good behavior. It was u "L'ght Buli ning Domestic,” auu the mun h ‘‘Do mestic’’ agent. DIG GUIS I S. B UR RANK k JONES, Main Sir Drugs, Medicines, Snaps, Toilet Artl civs, Oils, Paints, Window Glues, etc, HOOKS and STATION Lit V. [_) A. W RIGHT A CO., Court House li pi n 1 Hooks, Stationery, Chr Novell its, Garden Seeds, etc. JJ TOFFHBHKN, Court .llotmo Square—Fresh Dread, Cukes, (Joufoo- tiofleries, etc. J.S. PHILLIPS. OO- W. M. PHILLIPS, B. I). UICIIITOWBII, PHILIjT^S Sc MANUPA0TUBEH8 (IF LUMBER, LATHS AND SHINGLES, CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA. \ FTKR returning tlianka to tho olUxona of Codartown and surronndtng country for their liberal patronage for tho past. flviryourH, wo beg leave to call their attention tho fact that wo havo on hand 200,009 FEET CHOICE YELLOW 1'INE LUMUEll, SEASONED READY FOR USE Our Mill is in Cedartown, and wo are prepared to till any order for Luinbor, l.atliH and Shingles, at very Low PrlooB 'I'Iioho in want of Hiioli matorlals would do well to oiill 011 W, M. Phillips at tho Store, or J. s. Phillips at tho mill, before making their PurohiiHo Our .Machinery is tith!-oIiihh, run by the most skillful workmen iu the ootin. •v, making perfectly even aud Hiueoth Lumber, which is a great Having iu labor ami dds much to tho appearance of buildings after their completion. PRICES OF no thousand foot. Sliiugles, per thousand, Laths, per thousand, Wo iiIho keep ot < 4-13 TV 13 11 A I LUMUEll, IN TOWN : hand, at very tow prices, a lino ofj IVI13 BCII V TV I »18 13, TRUNER and GLENN, ATTOKN l’.'.Vw AT LAW Irdartonii, (iu. O FFICE .South > •’ Court Houso, between Huntington and Wright’s stores. Will practice in tho comities of Polk. Floyd, Paulding. Haralson and Carroll. Speuial attention given to oolleutioiis. May 25, 1876 Dr. W. G. ENGLAND, Surgeon and Physician, CEO AUTO II A, GA. Oflioo corner College and Prior streets, where he may lie found at all hours when not professionally absent. sop 4 THOMPSON to. WIKLtf, Real Estate Agents CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, W ILL Sell, liny or rout properly, at a reasonable commission. m. m. rinwKi.i.. ivy r. 1‘noMPsoN. TI DWELL Ai, THOMPSON, Attorne.VN at Law, 0BDAI1T0WN, HA. Dr. C. H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, Coda clown, Oil. O FFICE at rosldonoo, on Pryor ft root. Juno 20. .1. .It A l( It tf It , Notary Public ANlt ATTORNEY AT LAW, O.liirfown, Oh. Wm. M. SPARKS, ATTOllN KY AT l,A\V, Codartown, Ga. ocl 17 74. Dr. L. S. LE03 TTElt, r l'II 1: Olt AMi lORS’ S EL UNITED STATED OE AMERICA. AuLltorizot] Capital, $4,500,000 1 Loanad an 1 invested In and Cash, T. E. DAVIDSON, President. Georgia Department, Rome, Georgia: Loans and Cash, C. (1. SAMUEL, President. Alabama Department, Montgomery, Alabama; Loans and Cash, lion. N. N. CLEMENTS, President. Mouth Carolina Department, Columbia, South Carolina; Loans and Cash, THOMAS J. JETER, President. Texas Department, Austin, Texas; Loans and Cash, GEO. U. ZIMPLEMAN, Piesldoqt. Total assets, - Ldboralitv, V r IK, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Codartown, Ca. CTORIC done promptly and Hallsfuolorlly V All work warranted Twelve MoiiIIih. pairing lino watohoH a specially. Ml kinds of Jewelry and Watches aud Clocks kept for Halo. .line 20-1 y 100,000 $700,000 Security. ARE THE I BA DING Economy, PRINCIPLES OF THIS COMPANY. T. MEE, Main struct—lob Work done ut abort notice; Heady-made work kept notice and warranted. All approved forms of Life and Kudowniont Policies Ismiod in sums of $100 up to $10,000. A Iho Term Policies of Ono, Throe, Five or Haven Yours. All Life Policies non-forfeiting after two annual payments, when tho insured will be entitled to a paid-up Polloy or Cash Surrender thereof. Dividends may ho used to protect policies against lapsing in onso of failure to pay premiums. This, with Ilia non-forfeiting and Cash Surrender features, ure sutlieloiit to make this Company popular among thinking men. HOY* GOOD AGENTS WANTED. tV. G. ENGLAND, of Mobile, Ala., General Superintendent of Agonolos. • J. S. NOYES, Local Agent, Cedartown, Ga- rsr E W BLACKSM.TH & W00DSH0P GEO. P,"LYNCH. S IR)/’ next to Dr. Chisolm's office All kinds of work, in Iron and Wood, done in tho best style aud on short notice. II L Cambron, well known to most of our farmers ns the Champion plow smith, is in the shop hammering away. Bring in your Plows, old IJuggicH nnd Wagons, or any other work. Hiitisfaotion guaranteed. Ckuautown, Ga., May 1, 1876. G. W. VANCE, Saddler and Harness Maker, J.. DAVIS, Main Ht.—Repairs Clocks, Wniches and Jewelry. Keeps Jewelry SHOE .MAKERS- CKDAIlTOWN, GA. "VTOSE wanting work done in my line are respectfully asked lo give My Shop is on tho corner, ' ell old Livery Stable building. done on short notice. TG J kinds of Root and Shoe work done 1 superior manner. WAGON MAKER- G EORGE P LYNCH, Main street, near Fealhorslon’s store, make aud repair wagons and hnggeis, and smith work of al kinds AIR LINE HOUSE, 4-9 1-2 Prior Sti’oot, ATLANTA,GA, Singlo Moul or LodginR Trauaient, per day ' - b Special ltutce for u longer time. J. L. KEITH, Proprietor. apr.Stf. COPPER COPPER. and can afford to sell it as reasimohlo 11 can he hoiiglil ill any market. Also do nil kind of job work, such us roofing nnd gut tering houses in the most durable style,— All kinds of stove and sheet-iron work, copper uii'l brass, mending umbrellas, respectfully solicits the trade of moruliaiitH Take all kinds of country produce in ox change for Tin. Guano Strowors made to order on the shortest notice. I. T. MEE, ml3. Codartown, Ga, East End Wo cd hop {j. uM. :h a:r r;i s , COFFIN & CASES, Makes and repairs WAGONS and FURNITURE. Wagon hubs always ou hand. You buy one or a dozen. Woitu oiikai' i Orders for anything in my lino, left with , J. H. Stubbs k Co. will be filled. Any ar- 1 tide left lit my shop for repairs, and not tuken out within 80 days, will bo suhjoct to sale for charges. *rach27tf. D V-i J JL tlai'iotvi L ;N’i' citizens of (‘c’darlo To tho (mvclimt Public. P EE undrsignc-il is now running a Tri weekly SZA.OIC LUsTIED ave Spring io 1 TuoH-lnyH, ThurHilnyH and Saturdays Good Hanlfs Flint Horses and Careful Di'ivors. The Cave Spring Hotel 1 linen Nnsod and lilted up in good style, Thu table will ho supplied will) (lie best that c J. P. JOHNSON. JAMES DOULASS * CO., LIVFRY STABLE. Broad st., opposite Hoyt’s Drug Store, Itonie, Georgia. Wagon Yard Stables, where the people of Polk and Haralson will find every thing nooossary for their ooml'ort while in Iho city. Give A GREAT DISCOVER!! Thompson’s Liniment Th one of I ho greatest discoveries of I ho ago. Nothing brings such sjioedy and sure relief lo Hioho who giill'er with tho niinier- ous pains and aches common to the human race. Do you want something that will caso your head, your hack, euro your rheu matism and Neuralgia ? Apply Thompson's Liniment and sutreruo more. For Toothache, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, JJurns, and rams generally/ ) THOMSON' li .4 a me cine is ]< Dr keep it or dollar, (i. 1 for a pliys. bimjily by ,, then kcupii little. Nop fully without a good i. iO r 1p_.1t here in your midi: - . Your iielghl , '• 1;■ t it has novor failed t< 1 you but They know its importance—then keep -t on hand. You can apply it yourself and save money, Cull on DR. R. R. THOMPSON, over Dr. Reese’s Drug Store, got a bottle, aud never bu without it. It will do what it say», aud you’ll never regret buying it. (Jot 24 For sale in Rookuiart by E 1C Huge. G. P. McOON NELL, Agout, Aowortli, Ga'