The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, October 20, 1876, Image 4

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FARM AND HOME. WfcM ftnlaa Ulna. Thousands of cotton gins arc neodlesa- Iv injured, If not entirely ruined, by one ftimplfl cause. Tlmt cause in j>crmfttlnp inoat or lint cotton (that in, cotton that haa boon once tinned,) to Ikj mixed with ace<l cotton and panned through the saws the aecond time. Huch lint cotUm ratchoa in the teeth, clogsth? saws, dulls the teeth, and bend* or break* the riba, weara the boxen, and atrnina thn whole gin no aa to make It produce a bad sain pie, and nncedlly i>ecomna almost worth- lean. It llkcwine increaaca the dra't so na to diatroaa tho mulea nro|»elllng the gin, and createa no much friction an of ten to net tho gin houne an fire. Thun can l)o explained tho burning of many a gin houne by the nupponed sjiontaneou" combuntion of cotton. I fence every owner of a gin houne nliould bo careful a!>out where (tin moat cotton in placed, alno almut permitting the “flylng* ,f 'or “hangings” to fall on hin need cotton. Above all ahould ho la- particular in preventing the glnnor, or bln aiwlntant, when returning from the ! . , i [ 00,n “pecking tho cotton baok,” an it in cullod, from having any lint on hin clothing. Tho ununi assistant at a gin to band iced cotton and “pack back lint in a playful urchin, who de light* flrnt to wallow .In tho lint room and then, without divesting himself of the lint adhering to hin clot hen, next to roll on tho aoed Cotton. Oftentime* every l»oy, black and white, on a large plantation, after a general frolic in the lint room, will immediately emerge therefrom and continue their wrestling, rolling and romping over the need cotton, with a half |s»und of lint ntlcking to each one’s ragged or woolen apparel. Ruch play in of course delightful to the boyn, hut it In dear aport to tho ownern Y 10 g' n - In many gin houacn, too, while packing cotton for market, much lint in mixed with tho need cotton,either by cnrelonnnenn or by tho wind. . * oontfy inacliino, but it in not a delicate one or put out of ordor if previously ginned lint in kept out of the hiiwk. In fact, a good gin, lightly man aged. nkould—with little nhariwning and ninail repairs—pink fifty balea of lint tier year^and lant a planter of average longevity bln lifetime; wbereaa mont giun become uneleiM, or nearly no, in por- J ,n P* five yearn, from the single cause I nave indicated. No child over ought to l»e allowed to enter a lint room where it rail well bo prevented.—# C. /''firmer. ctablo growth liable to 1m attacked. . thin co i plaintdirnn not attack nil plants, jimt an imculiar dbearea in the animal world do not attack uliko biped* and quadrupeds. Now we have said observation taiigiit uh thin, mid we will here give you the rv-jult of a small experiment in cotton this season. Ihe land Was sandy, genuinely snndv, t<ir tlie plough could not be made to turn up a particle of clay. The cotton seed were all good, and came up vigorously, and grew off finely. The area was nearly two acres, 'ihe plantin', preparation, and cultivation wore all as is usually given, and hence no to *nv more than that the land, previously in stub- ble, was bedded up, manured in the water Airrow, roboddod, planted, well bowl and ploughed three times with sweeps before being laid by, which latter the plant food, until when the fructify ing aoaaon rame on the surperplresphate was all consumed, the naml lied had nothing else in atore, and hence in that portion of the field tho growth of the plant wan stagnated, it suffered from hunger, disease attar tod it, its bloom* first, then leaveaand little bolls perished, ami the plant was left, just ns they art- all left after a frost—killed. Those portions of the field whore the nutrition wrs soonest exhausted, sick ened ami perished the plant first, and where tin- plant was ablo to find food, as it did in thn land manured with ■tahln manure, it continued vigorous, an<| wholesome, and defies dlscaso until this day. My Deduction is, that it is unwise economy to throw away caustic fertiliz ers on poor land, and the belter th« land, tho better it will remunerate the farmer for manuring it highly, both with homo made manure and commer cial fertilizer. A Farmru. A Hrw 1'arjtan riaiil. During tho session of the agricultural conventional Gainesville, we mado the pleasant acquaintance of Mr. H. W. brooks, a delegate from brooks county. He carried to trio convention samples of a forage plant which is now extensively cultivated in Hrooks and some of tho mi- joining counties of Georgia and Florida, and which in hold in great esteem there for its valuahlo properties. He calls it “ Indian clover.” or “ beggar weed.” It boars n resemblance to tho plant which call “ beggar's lice,” and produces adhesive seed very similar to that weed. Hut as it is cut for forage when in bloom and before tho seed hardens, there is no trouble in this score. Tho seed is sown in drills, about ns thick ns cotton seed, though tho drills arc only two feet npart. The plant grows to tho height of four, and oven five or six fret, and lias a hush top, full of leaves vory much re sembling the foliage of tho field jiea. They are evidently fully as palatable and nutritious ns the |wn loaves, nud do not fall off likn tho latter. To the human taste the dried leaf is sweet, agreeable and succulent, and its frngrnnco is as pleasant as that of clover. Mr. Hrooks nay a that when this provender is put in a trough with other kinds, the mules will push the oats nud fodder out of the way to got tho “beggar weed.” For milch cows it is especially valuable, be ing rich and juicy, and eagerly devoured by them. Thn yield of this plant is vory great. It maybe cut threo times in a season, growing up repeatedly from thn old stumi*, nud yields many hundreds of jmmiiuIs to the aero nt each cutting. Tho samples which Mr. Hrooks carried to Gainosviile were of tho second cutting of tills year, and ho will certainly get one, mid, perhaps, two more cuttings. It is ' a perennial, hut tho seed must lu ted eacli timid doer that tremblingly slakes it* thirst in tho river’s edge.” Why. indeed, should not the south be “jwlla” for Tildcn, Hendricks and bet ter times? Chapped hands, taco, pimpled, ring, worm, saltrheurn, and other cutaneous affec tions cured snd rough akin made aolt and "moth, by using Juniper Tsr Soap. Be care ful to get onlv ihat made by Caswell, Hazard A Co., New York, aa there are many imita tion* made witli common tar, all of which ate worthless. Champa and pains in the stomach are the result of imperfect indigestion, and may be immediately relieved by n dose of John son’s Anodyne Liniment.. A teaspoon ftiJJn a little sweetened water ia a dose. IlBAVY oats are good for horses ; none will deny thnt; but oats can't make a horse's eoat look "month and glossy when he is out * Sheridan's Cavalry Condition <1111.I N. CtllLLH.-Wlnttramlth'sTonic r un or Improved r bill f'ura. Is a ferlnin remedy y form of Fever and Ague. It* superiority o' the fed that Ilia i ill o^her rnniodh . . i'nllkn Chill retiielln* generally, it requires no pur gative to lx* taken with it; the medlrlna It"ll ac ting gently aud agreeably npon the liver and bowel*, planter ricli soils. Horses, mules and cattle will eat it up clean, stalks aud all, and thrive i it. *"H In (alien. Mr. Editor: Throughout South Car olina and, perhaps, the south, tho cry is that cotton has rustud badly tills season. Why thla (a so, and what rust is, are ques tions.about which we see much in the public prints, hut wo are yet to l»o satis- tied ns to its cause or nature. Wo fre quently hear tho remark that rust is a sure sign of want of food in the innd for the plant. Others say it is caused by too much rain, and hence a sort of drowning condition. Others say It is the Ingredient* of the soil that cause rust, ami still others, Hint defective wed will eventuate in a ions of a crop from rust. Now has any one ever experi mented sufficiently to provo that either, all, or none of these reasons are the caimo or caimcs of rust ? (dwervation nud oxporionco lum almost convinced mo thatstarvatlon is the prime cause of thn disease. Wo have all no ticed, doubtless, that amongst animals word » “ thl* country llie weak and puny ones are most, surely " »*«•■•« ° attacked by vermin or disease, aud many think this is tho cause of their condi tion. Hut no so. The condition conics first ami the attack from disease or ver min afterward. Life is a warlare in the animal and vegetable world ns well as in tho moral world, and in the direful con test the weak always yield to tho op pression of the strong. Disease is always lu the air, and vegetables, as well as aid* *n> tty It. |t,„t „ V ,. K0 - Uililo ulnguo, 111 our «|.iui<in, unit wlicn it uivwpu ovor thn Ilnl.U It ntlnukn thn ]>lttlltn lllnut tlntitn In illwnun, the ivntik l-my. »»il "I f«l phinlu. Thn nrocon, 1. CKnctly n» when uny epidemic nr.vulli throughout tho country, tliono wlinw uyntomu nre lwnt prepared fur the Infec tion urn Unit ullnnked nud miller mail. •'n»t Ml with runt in cotton or other vng- year. It produce), well inpurarilv *iM l.y "II by all PniictUtr DUCK AN TIIK HAVKN’N WISH. (irey lielrrin lie changed to a glo*»r Mark •Ingls • indication of I»s. Terr's Heir Dye. It •X If your brtiKKlht d<** not have II aak l.ltn to order It for you. iTlce ft.00. n warranted a* harmlea* aa wali-r To Colored Voters In the Mouth. New York Herald. Wo advise tho colored voters in the southern states tosupport the democratic state and local tickets. They will prob ably, in general, want to vote for Gov. Hayes, and this they can easily do at the saino time that they vote for the democratic local and state tickets. It is time for them to exercise discrimination in their voting. To“voto the straight ticket” is not, os they have been taught by corrupt white men, the highest duty of an American citizen. They may reasonably say that they prefer a repub lican federal administration; but in such states as Mouth Carolina, Louisiana anti Mississippi, they ought to see that they lutvo been in focal |>olitics only the in struments of bail men, who mislead them them for purfioscH antagonistic to their own interest* and to those of the communities of which they aro a part. Hcnator Houtwell, one of the most zeal ous and watchful friends of the southern colored men, wns so impressed with the condition of Mississippi j>oliticM that he advised tho colored leaders in that state to nominate none hut lending white men of character and standing in the commu nity, nativo born and property owners, to tho offices, and to support these faith fully. 'Jliis was sound advice. If they do this they will give the state peace and themselves tho good will of tho whole community. Ho in Month Carolina, Cion. Hampton, one of tho foremost citizens of tho state, solemnly and publicly pledges himself thnt, if ho is chosen governor, lie will execute impartial justice between white and black and see that tho colored people are secure in all th*ir rights in every part of tho state. We advise the , colored man to tnkohim nt his word and „ .... v . .. give him a trial. He promises more than ! $ Jt »t Once, iollSR•i'd* sninbraViaraV.V. Clov. Chnmberlnin has perform'd, and | 1,0 IjM til© ability In do nlliu 1.0 toy.. 20 Iii Ixmisin'in there can Im? no doubt of I llio duly of colored vote™; tliny ought | #25 .* if.VKKT."fKlf.'?Tnl; mMT U> RUiiport tho conservative ticket and — ,,„l down the corrupt ropublicon ring CAMPAIQN which has so long kejit llio state in tur- u, «'u««*ou•» Am... j.u uim«\U>Am»ns.umio-t. inoH. If tho colored votcru ll III,-..- 1 4|n , „ K ,NO..II, states should declare openly tlmt they 5)IUC"Uli*unfree.FeltonAr«.,ii9Ne*wii*t..N Y moan to vote for Hayes, hut tlmt they 1 ir~r : will everywhere t tho loeul do,no- #2() JKfc.'tW.SvAS{5 STiSTST cratic tickets, they would put a new - - fiico on tho campaign in tho wmth, and $tO»S2B f *“'S^2iternSSffiK;-;- llioy would only Iw doing, after all, what j &TS3fei^ H 7Tr.Vlk.WtMS,Sife , K, honest whito republicans in Ixmisiana aud Mississippi Imvo Ixjen doing far \ DlI STC ~ ln,l ™LS!.'! i 'S. .* n ' 1 * ,TRK . several years. .ihm.. wm* kTw Tiik i ■•urrler^tl Cheater While, Berkshire and Yorkihlre I’ljr*. Sroirh, Skve. en*l Bheplief'l pu|ro, I’niiltryetKl I'lKeotikeU nflhe nne«l Im ported •Irnltiv, tired end for »al» t.y Frenrle Morrli, Morton, I*el C<i.. I'«. Send for rlrrnUr. RN* l)»y to Ant* Sample 0"* II. Albert.Hoeton.lla ri'-aa, A/dreaa J. II kiaaiar, A Co., St. lootila. Mo. I’kta. Fans Hzina. Clrcnlar nf m—o lll.o.ded (.'atlie, sh-rp. Iltma. P-.ullrr. Ar, , 2Stamp. N . T. Hot tR.I'arknah' . AflF.NTS ,rtl " ?*»•"» ' > i hi • lO M >I( s V 1 1N ,t < «... I'll,In !,. . I-. It* Qiyiy a Wrek tr> A (ten la Ham pit n Fltr v. (PUOetPf 4 1* O., AujfuaU, Mr. t FRFK. I have no linnihtts n UTMAII, 0.1 K«al li e woman who has not hear*I of Merchant’s Gargling Oil is |H»orly posted indeed. I'erlmps no nrticlo ever manufactured for tho cure of man and Iwast, has done more good, or gained M'ltare Nlnall I I'llnrale n » WlttTK, Prealdent |)oor lands, lint, of course, does hotter on i wider celebrity than this. It is sold the “Tho solid south’’ is the spectre which now hovors like n death angel over tho future of thincountry.-— Cleveland /sailer. Amend tho nbovo l»v striking out tho trds “ this country, and substituting republican parly, and thn l/cnders projKisilion will not bo wide of tho truth. A “solid south” op|K)sed eternally to G mutism and o vory thing thnt has con tributed to produco Giantism, Is, indeed, n spectre for tho republican party. Ami why should the south not go over bodily to tho democratic party? Is there any thing in tho attitude of the republican party towards tho south, «r in her treat ment of tho south slnco 1805, which should inclino that portion ol tho coun try towards it ? How can tho south help hating the vory name ot radicalism ? Why should not the people of tho south and their children ami their children's children hate and contiuuo to lints to tho end of timo tho leaders oi a faction that sedulously nurtured every simrk of bitterness towards them that existed in llio northern mind, or that could bo fan ned into life where it did hot exist ,l>c- fore? Thorn is not a southern roan to day, of any intelligence or prominence, unless ho has sold himself body and soul to tho enemies of his people, but thnt is stigmatized by them as a “rebel” or " con federate.” In 1ST Lin tho great uprising against tho party Jot corruption, n numer ous party of southern gentlemen of tho first rank, intellectually, were elected to vti congress on the democratic ticket. It! yn JCriiiu. would trouble even a radical ward bum mer to give any intelligible renaon why this waa wrong, or irregular, or illegiti mate. The south was in her place the union, world over, and wherever it is used there is opinion In regard to It. nnd that Is the highest man can bestow, For diseases in caltlo nnd home* it is invalua ble. It i« a liniment that does up its work speedily and effectually, and leaves liml) and body sound ami healthy. Whole columns might bo written in its praise without exhausting its merits, it is manufactured nt Lock|>ort, N. Y.,iuid (Vyd/SS"'I L^Ughke’spsit Tiik Ohioaoo Limbikii is said to havo spent 150.000 in advertising the past two years, ami by the looks of the newapa l»er throughout the United States, wi should say it would take ns much to go round this year. And to cap the climax tho proprietor* lutvo announced their pa- por at #1.00 a year. How it in done mystery, unless they havo more than barrel of money” to given way. Wo be lieve, however, it is the theory of the pub lishers that all they ask of the render is to pay for tho white paper nnd postugi for their labor, when tho paper reach' 100,000 or more circulation, their adver tising will pay the pioiit. While they nro building up tho paper they do noi solicit advertising, and hence tho read era got a great paper for $1.00 that h worth $8.00. As the publishers have tho money, no doubt they will succeed Address Tim Lrixikr, Chicago, III., in dosing #1.00 for subscription nnd 1' cents for jHistago.—Chicago Timet. An Indiana man, who saw his wife fail off the bridge into a millpond, never hes itated n moment sl>0Ut his duty, but with thnt noble impulse m characteristic of (lie sex dnrted down the road ami prevented anybody from coining up t< witness the harrowing spectacle.—ifrooT Approved by the Greatest Living Experts ’/J'/lL'i'LP’Jl-.'ifL. on * naiMVin van A e. © A « 4 1 » ■ 1876. AN A N KX^MTORA NT IT II AN NO K«|1 m . II l« ku-MlfM IO IUr naoel *ellr»l» child ll contain* "*» Oplwme In Any Torn.. iHrwtlnoi icromsini nth l'>ai«. it i»r ei <lniBj|!»le end inrollrtu© deelere. ~ courTer-journal. A (rENEBAI. AWARD. UNITED STATES i prevent ezcltlntt l*re«|.|rntlnl iv-rrUrt) lor tbe (ll|’Hli:R.JOt h.iai., tn«- «t entente Sotithern n*>*Npr, edited hr only Weenie > A4 CO?, LouUellle, Kr HIKR-JIIIHSAL, iew»pep«T. edltt. ... AdS re°e* "t'Or H SV.Sh JOl" MONITOR OIL Cooking Stoves and Heaters For he*tins and llluniinatlnir email r<M>tn. aleep. Itijl apartment*, green-home*, cellar*, etc, X'PNON A NACKKTT, So. IDFonrlh evr,, l.oularille, Kr. Agent* Wauled, Send for . Imilar and prt*e lint N. F. DUUNIIAM'S 1.7. TI'RDINK Water Wheel [ Ilea dlnplnccd tiundml* ol other I Turhlnee, hut linn never been ItticirdlRpInccd. f'*m|>hlet lie«. N. r. B0UN 11 AM, York, Pa. $15 SHOT GUN A double.harrel gun, her or front ertion lock* war rented genu In* t wiat t>*rr*b. and * good «b>>oter. os ao *ai * ; With ria-k. I’onrh and Wad-cutter, for • IS. I an 11* »#el C. t» I), w illi privilege to ©lamina fo’wEV. I. A NON, Main Mreet, Clot Irinetl.ic The Heel True* without huinhng*claim of a o r- A MEDAL OF MERIT GRAND SILVER PRIZE MEDAL! AND DIPLOMA OF HONOR. KF.VOUT: *• A llllle further on Ihe attention of Ihe nnhlle aa.nllrneled hy n l>« nullful feniole flBiire, elegnnll.T nlllred. like eonae Perl*- Inn ertnrea*. nnrtlhe % lei I or maenelonlelMwl to dleeofrr ihwl Ihe eaquielle nrmuil. nere uol pnl at roll* wrought by Ihe Hniul* of eeoree of t rench eoelnmere, hul Ihnl ll w ne Ihe eounlerfell prraeiilinrnl ofn llurh- ere nanlden rlMd lu whnl might, under Ihe eirrumelenrea. he (uelly eullrd Iter home- epnn. I. wne nil protluded with iverf. el - -- Hll.SttS SI A- I L E A MEDAL AND DIPLOMA Tlif Latest Achinmits. The choicest words in the English Inngusge were chosen by tho JUDO EM OF AWARDS as the M most appropriate to express in the broadest terms, to the whole World, their High Opinion of the World Renowned WILSON .SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Golden Words: THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, “ in excellent family ma chine of superior construction, ADAPT ED TO ALL KINDS OF WORK.” This Is no Special Award. All Amer ican and Foreign make Machines were in Competition. Agents Wanted. WIL80N SEWING MACHINE CO., Hannfiictuim. CHICACO, NEW YORK, NEW ORLEANS. ilon. (rum Ihe 1 hen* lew! I nthet. »n of crank nnd cm — hnea Imnaaeree Independent ahullle which Inenree nn open, eqnerr, loek-elllrh. without undue rrlellow on Ihe Ihrewd. If nleo hee Ihe ed.enlege of n lung ehulllr. driver nr pH inn n e good poll. I, nell nt nltl* •here angle*. II he. n ehorl, elmlahl needle, nnd n eleel ehullle. The earn pie* •hoan were eplendld epeelmene of work mnnehlp. Me greot popuUarll* full. allnla the eklll nnd energy of at full price f t *11 that do m l tint ITk-riit.f»; forh.ith ald©«, %*. Kent rnre mnr* Itnptur-a l it an env ,.t Ok*.- tur Pomeroy True* »’o.. 717 llrtmilwer. •*»-» T.'tk Mrs. Mayfield’s Happy Homo for 1877. • u ji!w lllKonlr F**hl»ti Magiidn. Sia^ ,,rr "" If I . Mlu*tr»t<v| I e«lehll*h«<.| -m at* X lit>-reinre by Seutliern Author*. ...... . mluni* to tin,*© whu g*t ut> t luh*. Megnlllrent Chromtr gt«en to , *»«ry HuferrOrer. Subecripliou Agent* wentrri to • li *,..r f^Ul>-erlher■, nti I al.o In *ell uur •l l' iidld lltie of ( hrotin>*. Ad>lre*e. Mgyflold'g Happy Home, Memphia, Tenn. W CANVASSERS WANTED for . Superb ORK OF FRENCH ART, " WintRM of lh. Ill lll.K." Illa.lrmtoo In ollool- ore with copie* of ttinmoet celebrated palnllng* by tho (treat Kuropewn Meetere. H.imelhlrig entirely new - captivate* every one. With ll I* the hand* #otne*t I'remlHiM ever ••ffeted. Tho |.«*i end ' olegeni txxj^fi'r fall canvaealrig and thn ork arnl (Tilcogo. Wi- leant from Messrs. Craig A that Uieir stock »t Strawberry IMnaUi is v fine mill thrifty. We feel thnt auch sweeps before being lnitl by, which latter oporstinn loft tlio land and crop in beau- tiAil condition 20th July. Htable manure waa drillpdiutbo water furrow after tho first bodillng. over , ,, . • m.uiy. uc im mitt *m-ii nn ett- d«m. I ho gent lemon in question i lerprlso n« the Agricultural Implement, See.l nominated in the constitutional Warehouse and Nmaery, Kxperliucntsl Farm way nnd plccted in tho constitutional and Fruit Farm of McsVre. It. (J. (’ring A- Co. way. They Were trucly roprusentative Maniphi", Tenn., deserve richly the large men—representatives of tho mintl, t|, e I “‘ey nowonjoy. aspirations nnd the material interests of tho south. They were moderate Huunrtt’b Flavoring Extracts are Their course in congress was marked by used and indorsed by the bent hotels, extreme tempo rate ness and good sense iii ; Honors, grocers and the first families of tlio tho face of n constant and systematic ; country, course of badgering and abuse at the acre, just thick enough to make a black I bands of the republicans under black- m a i)iCET WEPOIH’^ streak visible as far as the furrow could | wailcrRIaine. Through theirown lender, j MAl(1U,J Ul<l OU 1 bo soon. One half acre cow hofiso manure I Lamar, they deliberately and do wns npidit'tl the *nmo way. On a few ^uawHy put on «*cortl their deslro to Flour. rows scrapings from tit” lots were put. live only in peace and amity with the Wheat \ 10 (£ i 123^ Ivcached ashes on u few. And finally ti "'bole country under the new conditions few had nodomostic manure. Two twister I'roHucod by the war. which they fully Urd'"."”!!!!” furrows wen? thrown upon this manuring, accepted. And yet. the republican press ihicon-cienr Sides' ami Soluble Pacific Superphosphate, at I persistently heralded thisrongrefs to the Hay-Rent.. til. 11 tcl*l t became neces- ■ vii.n.n. riTtir* fAtni.y rnir*i« i«* 1 / s.M...|*lr ( oii v, l'it|M<r l iurr, IO Onla. ttamnd In « loll,. Mllh IIIualr-tllnM*. MU I'lf* »!» renlM hy mnll. A .Itliraa l» 71 1 lli .iixlni..* Nr ir A ork. New »ud Wrron.l Iih.i.I. of *| * (tral rl*«« makrix %Y ATCHh ft SOAY mIII hr aul.l nr eilrnor.lli.ary l ow I'rlrr*. rloar ».il Ihe rnllrr -lurk. urr«lo..a hi HK- XIOVAI.M ll.rlr Art. *tore, 1« Kaal 1 III. «*(.. I'nlon S<|..nrr, «*rt. IS. M..air ol linl(-|>rl<*-. ■PlRRNCH’d P*t-Rrcktng Horses a'd Rolling I li'i li*lr N«w nnd •pleii.lliftov fur t-MMran. !>*»” H '-i• *«i;d for lllu-li *!•• 1 prif" Hat frrnrh ft 1 .Tlyrr*. ('Inrlminll. Ohln, Wantixl turn- * nierrlit Mien t.> *.’l| it \,y ph"t”grapli. Incur* nmllrV tlrol. Watiied. ilaerlnl Indnrrmenl* THU THADK. IIOHK V. SATIN* ft MUXS, Hn....fMrlurrrw ned 1 Sealer*. 1*1 Ilnui.lHN.i. Xrw York. k n PlIiFfl ! r " ,n ‘ «»• »-ro‘ Mlltnc artlcl* AuEN to &S.’sa.7^:a®!s?a .M.I© i., T. llltiTtK A OO . 703 Broadway, N. Y. EUPEON! LOVERS’ ' k x&r. J mailed fiee by Tnr t/sion l’i a l.'o,, Newmk, N. J. If you havo rheumatmm, umiralgiib, hondaclit', a Iturn, or a bruinC, procure a bottle of Eupeon. It will givo instant relief, ns thousands can testify. For sale by all druggists. 11. A. 1IURL- RIJTicO., 7ft nnd 77 Itandolph slnnst, cccnc rorr «*«iupi« nk** i»r two»ot. yLlllu rntL, staiiqra. Send (or nur new i ITIuatralod tlrrulai. nliMMla.1 l’»lllo, Mb rep, Hnlno, ' wiwJoiwi ShV*"* f 1 ^* pn| h d"l tl up*** A PPIJ'PO ihe merit* of Tha Ulus* : All Pi ll In *V**klr before delerarinlnff UUUll I Ui upon r .nr work this fell end wln»or. The ■ ••mbinatb'ii fur thl* aeaaon turptoea auyllrini herotufure ettempted. Term* *«n| free A<tdr**s < na* I'un-as.l I S Warren sirest, New York Chicago, Agents for tho Proprietors. 38.50 ONLY. REVOLVER 'r-MlK m. R'ftS Vti&ftr'fc ’(SI. , for A seh la. IIAI.HWIN A (JO.. Ill N*..*u S.f, Fnr the Celebrated •• M.-Inlllr Nprll.K Hrallrrwa ” free from ||»:i» III (IS. ll 1* made entlrrljr of Mctnl: hit* 71 *piral -terl »prln(t»i very llftht; orally handled ; will |«*t MONEY MiwriifKSSr**. •hip at low rale of freight; *»k jour furni ture denier for II, and lake no oilier, or rend direct to iii lor catalogue giving full Informa tion It la decidedly the Iml II.-.I Nprll.K* umiith.hoteland travrlimr e* |ron*e* p*|,| ! q>oU^,;,T,!r‘>iv^rK :\&r In u*e. 1 itch A Ltahasr, manufarturer. liiul.rllle, Ky. $60 a week that w ill brltiB v«>u S* •«a mouth «t li>'iiie<!*y i.rev'c ! feTS'T «•' t Sit'S, I7» tlr-’. iiwlrh M.. New Volk. HUY TIIK Yoem HonsfikBBDfir’s Frifiiid <hnnn A ,*I 0!, ,T" «OKNTh WANTRI* every- HkvKII r l,rr - tfesl lie., hoiim a ble a nd lust - ■' la**. (J)i50U p, "‘*" , "',v,<:r,r;r;v,W,x,„.. By Mr*. 1 orneBits, a^ul you e^ill •**© nmuv lime* ii« snide and Ins acknowledged •lamtahl fnr .til matte,i AGENTS. treat Burnt of Infant*, et. , et. it i. m,» m..«i p,.pi! Ur and useful wo/k of the kind ever piitdlah'-d an- GIQ II I TCIIKS. A lire.l Henantlon. .Sumufe »P« ItVii A nud Omni frr* ta Aerwis. Better than Uobl. Addle** A. ('Ol LTKW ft CO.. Ilhlr*i(.< I’rbe SI.SO. 1 For *4>e by al biMik*elieraor *enl bv mall postpaid,on reeeipt of pro TIIOJSraON. HK.MV* ft t tk, l-ubllatier* (horn A Mouth. Agent* wanted. Art'.-.t •rlllii \ AM|| article* lit the world. I'm- *ample free. Ad 4IUV/U drr.. JAY iuto**ov l>atrolt. Mich. .PAINT’ apply them rtieap, hvatitlfnl and Puralda. Al*-! I’altilrr*', Artlat* . and Wav n- »er .M»t*rinla of ev YOUR t\ Indow-glftM. mil. Varnlah, nr**h*>, Sa»n. n,.*i« Blind*, you will getcheapif mu **uy at r North « ol l.-ge «tro©t,Naah> III*.Tenn.. (TIA8.II iiAC Till Ml HO U SJE ssnrenra •ii * •. * i ' •' i • i -e J 1 . . Tho Northfield Tragedy. I’liluplllet with fiitl lliM.'ty. Pirturea, Interview*,*Ma.'et. ' *^r*niwrV;*.!iff 1 V’."ilrL’ler'** fll ltNT*(T.ANN AHTIFKT AI. I.MJN AT 1" linmenic rr.lnrlloo for HO data, r (KAN. 71. r.VANN. Mi.niiln.-lurcr. A ('iiirliinull. O., nnd l.onlro* III.-. K.r. UN. STNOSU’N SASATIfK, m'uI'Vor o'^*'* ^uikTter of a Couturv, i lariat Fever*. Plarrhe*. I>\ *vnter». e|r ; f'leatia'e th« Mutual h and Bowel.; cur hrnllht action to th* Liter, purlfv the 111."<1 S -|.1> KYKBYWII EllF.. e tiren.l One Omni C*»h Gift 1 OKn o| Totsl, 11,15* Olfle, All I'KICK OF TICKETS. ./hole Ticket*, U ilollerv , Helve-, t> J,.ll*r«; Ouar trr*. 3 tloller.. '• Ticket-, if<> dollar* ; J! '* Ti. Nit* , .>0 Ilnller* : tti'i Ticket*, •*• 1 dolUt*; ti’.t, Tlrlirt* ^Th* Honor*ble Ml Tsil' t, Vatur> rt j itl«tlngul»lii'.| Cillien*. together «itli *n. ii*Vi!<-t di» 1 tl<roign*t«, will *npertut«nd the tire wing! The pertneiit of gift* to owner* of |>mi© ticket* I «**ure<l Iwtntt, w Ith hi'*V) yetiellr etnl epprote. r^J.iurt et KretOif'irt. mh)«cf (.. r,.,» Ill" tlie r*)mrnt of gift* ■ Me I" M*uluek» «'i«*li l>l*lrlbiii lau « ... All < tuiituunl' etloit*. order* for Tlrkrt* *ml »vf cation* for Agenclc* *liould Im> •ddre**e<l to «t«N. Til ON. I*. rOUTKH, tien’l Manager. Frank fort, K Burnett’s Cocoaine, Burnett’s Cocoaine, Burnett’s Cocoaine, It an invaluable remedy for DANDRUFF. A^A^FULLufc BALDNESS. Chicago, May ia, i8;t. Since ihe rtcent iik of your "Cocoaine," my pre ouUr bald bead hav l«en covered by a Itiiumni -owth of hair. I had alwayv eMeemcd your prep* •* * dreveing, knowing many pervm* who re- 1, but never before knew WOOD’S IMPROVED The Prealdent of tt.e linY AVT Ar HTR ATTON BITNITOWS COI.l.KfJE. rjiiladelphi* a made *rrangemrnt* *o Ihat |iart^e >te*irin* t«> attend thl* fn.tltntlon during the pn*gt»** of Ilia UNITEpSTATESCENTENNIALEXHIBITION $000,000 In Gifts! ninety days* pootponkmknt of the Keniucky Cash Distribiiion Co, FOU A FULL DItAWINO. 1 )RAWING ]»08ITIVELY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, on mom>;y Ki:rt xDi:u. jK. Fortune for only ! The Kontucky Cash Distribution Co. lure, l"i tl>" lo-Mi •( lli.< I*ulillf SrliiMti* in ^lytnkforl, will h.n - tlo- th.-lr *. ri-» ..f Fnlnkfori!'ii v 4 Thurfdar s“. VlVv,?!, iL?h or, **ioti the) "ill dUtHhute to the tick, t holder* S 6100,000! Thoi. P. Porterjox-Oov. Ky.. Oen'l Manager. LIST OF OIKTU. Iior.nou HAIR RESTORATIVE What It Does! cow! < J| 0 Rmi‘ t hernia t of'lCntlnrli Inreljr It..Id Head*. It |{rin u. « I ah KrupUon* from vent* Irritation. lie Un^ uidHrtl' ANNOUNCEMENT CONSUMERS! rail for r *ll^ for n Irtttlr.or . aluable it wat as a revtontive J. (). LEWIS. Your "Cocoaine” i* th* only drcuiitf for the hair >cd in my family for th* U»t eight yeatv. It not ily Mopped my wife'* hair fnm» coming out, but »r»- ra*ed it* growth. I am al%o under ohligatiom to | livtamc “ C*>coaine " for uving my own hair, which a» comm ou tho rat* of two hundred pounds to the country as tho “ relwl - acre, was sprinkled on tho list over the “confederate congress,’ two acres. Tlu* seasons were all that bouse," etc. Wheneve could 1h» desired, being fourteen days, (luring w„.~. the cotton wilted at midday and shed “rebel” was plaml opposite hin name, off ninny squares, but by sunset and at | Whenever a vote wns particularized in sunrise'always looked fresh and vigor- *b° w*jiort* of these republican papers, 1 "* 1 *— dcsig ; Whisky—Common... ed, tlie longest drv sih>1I i wy t«» allude nereonally to a southern HiahwinM days, during wliich time i member, tlie term “eoufederate” or Cotton—Oi Robertson County... tlourbon l.ineoln County Ordinary Good Ordtnnrv.. Ia»w Middling.... •17 (5b I0K< v is oo ($ so no 1 00 (lb 1 15 3 00 135< I t AlitNIb WANTED IOrt HIST0KY LEHTEN’L EXHIBITION (■b H 50 (t'O 3 oo »nltl IT > .'pie-in two tlav* Sen.I (or our e\lt» terjn* A BOOK tor the MILLION. MEDICAL ADVICE '•If MS. It n*t-tv. Opium,SUNT FRKK on ir.v . Sir. Uutt»Th*j*o»aiT N. Sthi I*.» *!»©!**In t« the . . s:: Seeds—C (toriunn Millet... Missouri Millet.. Hungarian.. 1 every southern man was so design About the 10th of August rust appear- ! Indeed, during the hottest period of the t I and by the 1st ol ScpUmbcr every ' VRr » there waa no worse elmractoriza- iow that was manured simply with the f‘ on of t,lc «»uthern i»eoplo than there I Mi|»erhosphate, had lost all their leaves, , *■ to-day. They were all “ rebels” and j Flour tbe cotton seemed to lx» prematurely “*“»mfederates ihen. and they are ail NVfieiit—Rsj anti Anther.. opening, and will make about half a crep. obela” and “confederate Tito rows manured with lot manure mid «qd, such as havo beou given profitable Oats leached aahea began to rust about 20th inwition* under tlie administration, at August, and will make little more than tbe eipense ol union generals aud colo- italr a crop. Those manured with cow return for stultification too base Bacon—ciear iVdes. house manure ceased growing by 1st * 1,r "’ ,,r d H to describe. Wool September, t urned a yellowish green,and The ideaof the republican party that an v Potatoes—Irish, bbl... ItKiketl sutfieiently sickly to induce the decent touthem man can vote its ticket ^ iK'lief that the plant* were diseased. And , now, or ever, is imprudence run mad. tin* acre manured witli stable manure If there l»o a “united south” for the ... grew on to the last, and seemed to Ih' democratic party it will come of the log- in healflifnl growing state alt the sum- ieal and inevitablo course of things. To oatai! mer and fall. ally one’s self with one’s enemies and do- Hay... Now my theory is this. That sand tractors and slanderers is not human Pork., bed served little other purpose for tlmt nature. If the republican party really Sugar., cotton crop than the simple means of count on securing any votes’in the ' rrt holding up tho stalks. The regular “southern state*” it does well to call up -..-a-(-i*-- j the troops. It is only at the point of i the bayonet, and at the mouth ot the Fiour Gatling gun that there can be any elec- 'yheat to ml “success” in the south for the te- |roUlc*n m;ly Tlio rqmbliron |«rlv • , ns naturally the enemy of the “south a tho jungle tig»>r is the enemy of th' j Whisky.... ;. 33 .1 00 (.$ 10 ( 16 50 («i 17 * rendered nil the artificially ap plied plant food suflicieutly soluble tola? “ppropi iatod by tbe roots, and hence made the plants grow off vigorously in early summer, and promise a well ma tured crop. The more rankly the plant grew, tit© more voraciously it devoured Molasses... Whisky.,.. Y3 <5 ^ •• 16 00 19 l .. I? so a 10^(4 1 .. 35 ® ( .. 1 00 (i$ 1 | ('!». 10 ^ ’ ..#5 as m r. ; .. 1 16 Cd> 1 1 .. to (£ - .. 30 ^ .. 17 CO (i 17 : 12 (c6 I .. I 09 @ 1 1 ^ f//////////// X? ■/ V -i' Jr TMZLII CHANGE!! On e ’ll y St My. Ml in r-nr roii.t 4 half .!«)*,>n » - iiflii. K > HUH'*'. MAN. :• IUr«l,' .-tt«et, N>» Read Think and Write. BOOK AGENTS ! m 0 0^ Tnrrnnt's Seltzer Aperient. Whether You Travel or Not, INSURE A6AINST ALL KINDS OF ACCIDENTS, HY A YKARLY POLICY IN TIIK IRRITATION OF THE SCALP. WATUVtU.K, Ml ,S«r». fc only, for^the r ^ ' “jOSKI^i^HlLL, Ja. HAIR-DRESSING. I and tiunk it fir preferable In anst^iing I h»v« I *'*( for the hair. FRANK LESLIE. JOSEPH BURNETT & CO., Boston, JfuHu/ar(Nrrri and Fropritiori. LADIES’ SELF DRESS-FITTER. _ Tho *• F1TTKK ” ron»l*t* of 5 *eia of l.l alncrent rue* nf * imir'a Waltt,rut In ['©•vr paper. *o ti,*t after meature* V‘« rxnri-MtiliiB pnttrni rat Irr.trd all rradr t« rut The g.x.i!* hy. pie that a child c»n u*n It aucreaafully tiy reading lortnu-tton*. With it auv ltd) ran fit hrr <1rc**r» perfectly, while It I* of price Icaa value U> every dr<—-mak’ r. Price of t-rif Ilrraa Fitter. 91.90. Agrni* Wanted Errrywhcrrl Nnrr -For TWO HOLLA It* i will make yon a yearly mil>»rrir.rr «u ti Jjoslklr Klltn OrewMitnlirr ai Milliner (* eplendld Fashion 'lag* •• sC-'lfOrrwH Fairer ^ ‘ Send tump for new and beautiful IntaioBucor Fai-blnna. A. BURDETTF SMITH, W lutlith’ct..» KrwwYorU NKW WILLCOX ft til lilts 1BAVELEES AUTIHATIC Only machine \/w/■- u u \w ■/ Automat ir W' Tcnnionand LIFE k ACCIDENT INS. CO. OF HARTFORD, CONN iLgou.t.s Bvorywlioro. ASTHM A/S."te,5SK?iT.'ffi!sSR: , Invention, and\ SILENT SEWING MACHINE. Send Postal Card for Illustrated Price List. dc. Willcox vV Gibbs S. M. C’o., ‘ or. Bond St.) 038 ltrondway, Now York. ■ Ask for The Corrugated STOVE-PIPE ELBOW. t lithe mi// other. U l? wig wi will l:« Ur,fti tiawf CM* Kte. THE “Boss” AT Till: Centennial AN tYI'.I.I. AN AT Wilson RKCKm-.D Tin: HIGHEST AWARD, HAL \\i) DIPLOMA BEST WORLD! WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO, Mniaufnt'tn x-cvh. Chicago, How Orleans, flew York, [Established i?(6.1 J.ESTEY &, €0. Brattlotooro, "\7‘t. rjrScnd for Illustrated Catalogue STKMAsramc. $I5-Watch! r"l*» wueh. ant Vt. lor pa* tor** f JPHSBBBS v- ZSgBfia *