The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, October 27, 1876, Image 2

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& THE RECOKJ). CKDAIITOWN, OA., OUT. ‘17, 1870. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET, ron mu&irkkt: SAMUEL' J. TILDEN, Of Now York, ion vick-hikbidknt: * THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, For Congress, 71 li District, lion. W. II. J<Vlton. Tin* Unci* In (lie 7tli DiilrlcL Mr. Duboy in not tbo choico of tbo poo j >lo of tlio 7th tliiitiict. Ho win* nominated by n few men at Dalton, who pr< nt iml to (lu lhin work I n o year* (iiju, Cherokee county, by an over whelming vote refuted to Bond a del- egnlo to volo for him. Cobb county endowed Dr Felton in a maw* meeting and denied him to run again, but a little clique ut Marietta mot and sent a little delegation to Dalton, and they were of that particular slripo of dem ocracy that carried on the mad attack two years ago. Barlow county voted cloud all nominations, but that little mad clique met in a bar k room and sent delegatee—-and to bolster up the can80 put out Uio name of Captain Woolley surreptitiously, and oven published him an ucUng at Dalton, when lie had no part or lot in it, and was not in sympathy with it. Four eouulitH were not represented at all. Yet this litllo mad clique made a so- called nomination and hope that the party lash will be potent enough to whip in every democrat to his support. Dr. Felton reproBoutH the people in tbo Htrugglo to get rid of this nest of nominating tricks!eih. Tho poli tics of thiu district need purifying, ii liaH boon growing worse for years. Holf-uppuintcd lenders have assumed control of the country and refuso to give it up. Dr. Felton made an un precedented light two yon is aga. The go>ei nor of the State left Ida execu tive chair, and como to Marietta to spook in tho intorbl of Trammell. Dol. Hardeman and a United Staten Senator made limiting speeches all over the district. Macon, (Mr. Unvd- tinnn failed to bo governor in spite of it) Georgia, baa a net of inveterate who pullers that absorb every availa ble ofiloOi and when they are allowed to do it easily, tho people are patted on the back—when tho people com plain they nro browbeat and called Radical*. Well, thiH uni quid fight* went on. Men perverted tbo truth, mppviHHud appointments, hired negro bands to follow Felton, and telegraph all over the country that tho negroes were applauding their candidate. Willingham, editor of Dabney'a organ at llomo, did this himself. Gon. Gor don appeared at Calhoun and 8wore tho democracy to volo for Dabney ngaiuot Felton. Tho polls wore tam pered with. While tho final vote hung in tho balance for two or tlireo days, tbo dispatches passed over tho wires from ltoiuo, "now M.*NV VOTIW WILL IT TAliH NOW •10 I'J.lil'T D.U'.M V V" Dr. Felton was abused and slun- • derod} his domestic affairs- wero vassed by men of all grades of society, lie was not represented as a decant citizen in tho upper part of tho dist rict. Tho people of that country nru willing now to believe ho 1ms a u1u[, family. Such wero tho moans taken, to de feat him, yet UY Till: WILL AND VOICE Ob' TUB 1 IXUT.i: bo enmo through safely. Now, in rovengo and imdieo this mad clique are canvassing the district in thu interest of Dabney, hut in ronlity to Uul /W/«»n, because he made tho race in rp\lc u/'them. Col. Dabney is not their choice. Ho accepted tho loudersliip *.f (ha; forlorn hope in Homo two years ago, and now they Imve to run him. Rut, murk it) another man i-< laying pipe for tho next trip. K was announced in August that if Dr. VVUou did not run, "TilKY worm run tkammlm, tiiih timu.’ Don't bo deceived, friends! this warfare is headed by tho most vin- dietivo crowd of men that ev. 1 con trolled tho politiss of a country. Gov. Tildon made just such a fight as Dr. Felton is luuking. lie fought old Tweed and forced him into tho poni- teutiury. Tweed bad managed Now York city politics until it was a re proach and a by-word. Tildon is u reformer. Dr. Felton is a reformer. Tildon boat tho ring in New York bv tho help of Domuants and conserva tive Republicans. Stand by your Reformer, W. H. Felton. If tho Dabnoy Club bo silly ecougli to tbiuk that much tuoro than one half their club litt will vote for Dab ney, tho delusion will do Dr. 1<Y 1 ton no harm. In tho incorporation Dr*. I'M ton has a decided majority, and counting nil, he will double« v oasilt. Yet if tho whole IRt i> f Dabnoy, it shows a majority lor 1Y1- tou. Remember, the election comes Tuesday, November 7th. rillil rile Rwent Hecrct HchmIoii of (lie Kxeciitive Com in it tec*. CaUTKIIH V11.t.K, (lA., Oct. 1, 1874. Toths Boitor oe tiik News Theta nro miro'y die day* of wondeni and reforms I Impf oned lo bo in tbo town of Uortors- vllle ycaiorday, and to jny great surprise I henrd t Lnt tlio rxooullve com in lit oe of tho dcmocralio parly of Ilia 7th con^rcnnlonal (lislricl wen* lo Jmvo a nicotine hero on (lint day. I natd MiIh mi nt bo merely n ru mor, iih I aid 4 life-long doinocrnl and nev er in my life Imvn I hoard of n democratic Kxeculivo Conunltico of n oongniasionul dintrlet being nnllod together without tin open cal’, pul>li»lii 'l in one or more of tl o li-rttliOff imp * of tho dlMrlcl. • the railroad iiml Ihoro I i i old friend from ono of iho uppo lien of tho iliniricl, who snld lomo after iho iiHinl muI vl nt ion; there were only iwo men Miid one woman in (he world who knew where lie was, and they wero all. “Well,'' says I, “what of that; %% 1 • ai nro you hero for 7 “Why,," ho nay**, “1 am a member of ihi’i xi'ciilivo commlileo, and 1 was called here by a let tor fiom J, W. Wofford mark ed “jier<mniil mid private," to attend n mooting of Iho Executive committee. Muro enough If. was no, and limy wore going (hen lo iho court hoimo to begin Uuiinrtt. After awhile 1 concluded to go over and look on. A« I walked up ihu step*, wan about to en ter dm room a guntlomun said in mo, “you cannot enter, dm door is locked." And, nir, ho It wiih Tho dem ex. com. of (he Till district was tdoselod in a Jury room, and (he door ahnolud-ly locked. " * Mr. Editor, I am tor dm nominee, hu( i|r, my olmek hlunheil with hIiuiiiu when I haw ilm executivecommittoo of dm proud old domourncy of my unlive district hold ing id iiieeliugH under hulls and bars, iih did dmt dnmntildu Union Loaguo bulefiil inIIiii'iicti liiiM well nlgli ruined our country. Rut wlint did that executive com- Hill lee? Ii uppoinled a ooimiiilteo lo wail on Ur. Foil mi and ask him to Hiibiulllllit claim.* to llain Mil,ret n mmilleo under lock and key. Wliai hud Ii to do with Felton ? lie wiim not their ‘complimentary nominee.* And all dm time of Iho session Mr. Train* fuel 1 Hal in a room of tho snmo building, wailing, | Hiipposo, fur iho commuiee to no his bidding. Mir, in my opinion thin coji- mill or was called hero lor TrummoU’N bun- ellt Iin,| i,4ii in dm intercut of tho democrat ic pmiy ii,, well know that Dr* Rollon would not como down at liin nor dm com inliice'H bidding, |tlit ho desired to make cnpiinl l,y having dm ouiiimlKuo invito Dr. i'elnm down, and (lion puldiHli Tram- nmll’s pATnioTio It'll or with Felton i refu sal. Thin oominillco hud nothing lo do Willi Dr Felton nor ho with it* Rut it was tho duly of I lint committee (o (nko out of die held lids ciHhnimi'iiliir;/ caudidnto and give the people ll candidate they (jOtlld Slip, poll. This die people waul—nothing eh,, will HuliHfy tliotti. ''Beautiful enndiduto !" “llenuilful oominillco!" They uoiild not huvo more etITuiuiilly damned tlioir candi date limit by thin “Hcorot Blnr-Cliambor iimi'dng." Who know of it 1 Nobody but Mr. Trniuinoi). No oilier dcmocral of dm district could gel u loiter before dial com mittee hut Trninintll lie had dial uiilioo ounvnHNod suppose lie luid it art, four good men accident, who, 1 for their people a hud llm VIXKIl AT OALIIOtl.1 1 by loiter and I IJourned. Sir, tliere a dint oominittoo by informod, demanded iw candidate, but tho injorily, for that was (Tim Hinall caps hero Tim ooumiiitoo cannot plead of lime. Ton days before tho clou- lion would bo millioienl to neiniuiitea prop el candidal o for the democrat a of tho Till district. They do not care about II can- vithH, but they only ilcsiro to know thill tliolr enndiduto is ono of pore and uiitiu- peuidmblo clinrnutcr. H 1 Ah iho limiter now stiilid.H limy will support Foltou against TrauiuiHl). Sir. ihis mooting of Trammell was to holntcr Trammell, but it butt been llm straw to break tho chihoI'm back—they have ru ined him. I'areurtU TnunmtU, 1'oi.K. Two yours ago tbo orgauizod got in such u hlfuit that they wero iu this despornlo fix. You know tho old proverb, "whim thiovoa fall out,” oto. lloro was a good oigtiuized Polk iuaii, who now cries "Hurrah for thu nominou 1” Foltou is of pure and linin'' chanrtn ', ho is trm 1 1 «:achal>/c iiiiBoiv*-’, . . ll “ i1 tn|u ; 1,111 i • •* ,Z01 ' brothor him olmugod *' ,H tMUO i RMil ho kiiyH "down" with all iH'l tl»> noiniiivc. Muy hn lio liolongs Stab CiiAMiii:ii tliia timn. U umki'u I, mi K liiy diil'umu'o whuj iL 0111111 ■' ll1 onpiiurtiiiK tlitVnn>nl fnllis. •Mih Ijo Iho blinro of Dio lo„v,. a m„| tiblics prou)ia„H bt.Uoi- tl,i„ t | m „ , | hu u,ho1 '- " lion mi,,.,, then they follow- whim ho don't, thou they nor.v,. Don t l,o deceived, go,id UltM , „f t it her party. Foltou tmuugh for us in Co pjci'i) of Hccrut history wub tho foi ling of tin, inti nm:i,y organi/.oil two veins they chnrgo all tho tiou- blo anil disorgauizatiou to Dr. cltun •‘"'I Iliafrit-mla. They blow not and 0,-ld out of tho HAtUU mouth. " 11011 1,111,1, til, V mil t, 11 -V" 11 l “' " ll1 Lo n KU0 d demount!, „ s 11,1 - v tul '* y«« lust sprinj. wIumi lie M.«Oo liruil). by ili,. riviutii ,.,„l l„., mtuiests, Doii'l ullow y,m.iself d 0 onv.,1 nor liiowlH'ul by u set of " il0 11111 ll « ll li'iK now for ilmofllces of tbo ooiiutry mid stm,. K"od This nuiia- \\ In n 1*. M. 1». Young I.aled foe fiingrtsa somu y 0 «ra ..j,-,., fb'O. .N LoAlfl- of Cobb county bollo.i Uk. uonmmtioii , Vunt ll01U8 #uJ ttmupo,laud o,iuv.mA,,| Cobb couniv I uuUoimu-.aiofE^m-yyi. (Vlo, dm I.Aomul Iudupaudoifoi-Coimi-oss. r. 1 ' ', ^ l | su ' ll ’ S e ill, u ‘ LUO mid made a. i,j,. coh for Colo. Was l.o a Ami«vuv Ht that tuno or a Ran': r li 1,0 CJul ' 1 ' |J bllc b favois at 'that umr, "'by dot Otuioii 1, lion s feuaul, foe BjxiBlmsiuUb imriivnhrlv ao A-eUou is ,Mn(w St .d to bo i„o good THE CANVAS S.l“'; d ‘ORGANIZED’ DEMOCRACY. A BETTER OaN THE HIIIIJECT FROM Dr. II. V. M. MILDER. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 11, 187C. Gentlemen:—I have tho honor to acknowledge tho receipt of yours of tho 10th instant, inviting ino to at tend u mat,h meeting nt Marietta on tho 28th of this month. You are pleased to say, "Knowing tho deep id tor oat you have ever felt in thu wel fare, huccohh and triumph of llm or ganized democracy over every other competitor, wo earnestly lrquimt that you will honor u» and tho people of thiH county with your presetted on that occasion.” I cannot accept so fluttering an invitation without pre mising a short explanation. It is im possible to overestimate nty desiro for lione t democratic government, nor thu interest i fool for the triumph of democratic principles; hut if you havo been led to suppose that I um in fuvor of thu creation or maintenance of an "organization” unknown to tho law, which is intoudod or calculated to wrost from the peoplo tho power to choose their own representatives, you havo mistaken my position. Tho rccomnioudntion, or nomina tion, if you w ill, of any uunmnH ii can didate for ofllco by ten or ten thous and people, carries with it properly an ii lltu-ice proportioned to the number and character of thosi who muko it, bill when under any name they as sume to distate to, or dominate tho cuiseicnccH and control tho votes of others, their follow •citizens, their equals in intelligence and integrity, they impudently attempt an usurpa tion of the rights of the people and open wide tbo door to intrigue, to fraud and to corrupt political traffic. Tho peoplo uru tho dopositories of political power. Our system of gov ernment afcsumcB that tlmy have in telligence and virtue adequado to the trust, without tho instruction of a body of bolf-appoiutcd guardians and sonso-ltoepers. Experience has proven that it is safer to trust hi the honest instincts of the whole constituency than to llm selfish ambition of a few. Conventions or cuuoufccs may act wisely and honestly, but tho only se curity for their good behavior is to reserve to the people the inulietmblo right and duty of bolting. "Organi sations" to establish party lyrntitiy or perpetuate party slavery are odious, seen become corrupt and intolerable, and it it* always gratify ii g to patriot ism when indignant public virtue re pudiates aud overwhelms them. Two years ago Gon. Benjamin F. Butler was the candidate of the “or ganization” for congress in hin diotrict A wholo people was rejoiced when tho nows canto ovor tho wires that there woro independent voters enough in tlmt district to defeat him and rebuke tho organization of which lie was a fit standard hearer. This year ho is again a candidate for coiigross «' f " "organization" in **•* ’’ -* vU0 u tii*' 5 " ....uiuor district, aud ...i of pleasure oveispread tho na tion when it was announced that an independent candidate would iu all likelihood save tho next congress from the disgrace and contamination of his presence. It is to bo hoped that an "organ ized democracy ".will never descend so loW"tin "organized republicanism," and nominate lor a high place mi admitted "Ud proven . owundivl; but il you de sire lu dignify and enthrone over us a system which nmy lead to such ro- nuUs, you may count largely on my patriotism, hut 1 desire you to draw » pui’ilig/y ou my zeal for "organiza tion." 1 havo written tho above without leLTeuco to the pending eauvi.vs iu the Till district. 1 havo no desiro to meddiu in a question which does i.ot personally interest me, but I will add tha it 1 wero a citizen i*l t h-*t uistnct Hie fuel that Dr Felton ia an inde pendent candidate would uut of itself decide me lo vote against him.. 1 am old enough to retuetul mr that Cu.ii. Jiicknuii was au indep undent candidate for tho presidency, un.'l none tho w orse democrat beeu uso no ran uguidst the nominee of Ins party amt broke up and utterly domuiisfied m good mon sometimes leko railing utiensation against a neighbor. I remember to havo hoard very naughty things charged against Gen. Jackson himself when ho wus an independent candidate. But if, perchance, Dr. Felton in not so good a man. so able a congressman, so incomparable a democrat, as 1 have thought him, there i9 no constituency in this .State more ablo to discover his weakness and detect his shortcom ings than tho quick wilted people of your district. No body i.f citizens in this world havo less need of any body to tell them whom to voto for. I urn very respectfully .your fellow citizen, H. V. M. Miller. To P. McClalchy, chairman, and oth ers, Marietta, Ga. DABNEY! The He^o of Snake Creek Gap ! Wlio in Gen. Win. T. Wofford l Editor Rkcohd:—Omi. Win. Tatum Woflord (not Col. Dr. n r I’.l-etor John W. Woflord) and Dr. Felton Imd a most glorious, enthusiastic muetii g in Marietta on Saturday, 1 lib. Tho crowd was largo and thoroughly awake to the necessities of the time. Gen. Wofford is weeding a wide row in hcliulf of tho pooplo. 1 learn lie will address the people of GVdartown ou Saturday, tho 2Htli of October. It is rumored that Polk county will give him a glorious welcome and regular to advocate tlmi lino—if not, it was We copy the following, chapter of Dabney’s “war record” from the Homo Bulletin: In 18G0, when delegates were to b • nominated and elect* <1 t th 1 eonv i - lion which decluivd i r « p irate S ute secession, W. H. Dalm.-v, R. M. Y.-ung 1 and James M. F..*-mau woro nunuu. I ted os c<; -ojK.rative union e did it- . I Dabney ■!. dared on i. stump m *1 ' htrfurn the pc >pi >l (juulni c <uut> j that hn »can not /'<> ’ b r<-.<*•.a, and da- I (jounced his oppr.imuDi in fai r, it-.r-t of fnhehoods, n.'.Kerting that ll ? na> . scent secessionist. It will b • n n;. m- i bored by thu reader that the stt out Union party in that cutup chi iged W. II. Dibnov w ing w til other icadiug Fi Milledgoville. They were to go home to their constituent*, and if on their roturn they found their constituents favurublu to secession, then they wore I ! loin Proven Beyond a Doubt Editor Rnunn -The Dabnoycrais having di-pind of defeating D. Fi llup l>v fair moans, havo ud >pt»d all kind* *>;' sutdi rfilges, mid do*hot \ I promulgate \ ) the {ample and Morfunae Slier iff Sale. ILL bo sold before die court house door in C'cdnrtoxvn, l’nlk oouwty, (Li ccn the legal hourn ot sale, on tho Fir»t Tuesday in November, tho following properly, to-writ: Lots of land No. 708, 7:1.1, and 780, nil lying nnd being in the 'Jd district and 4th hccdon cf Polk county. (»a., as the property of Lea Neal, Fried tipmi by iir- favo MiJ* I .Mort I 1 < of M» ho, wont halfuf lots of land 17th district nnd -ilh secti* i W 1. McCaiilnrt 111 ‘il uio lo ) mill ii. Ii *n G 1 ul th* *ptr- ruiiHi meeting. I propose to say something about they Wore to i j agreed by this crew of blood-drink- this grand old Confederate, whos<- name is a household word in the When that convention assembled Dabney sent to Freeman t > como to homes of Southern soldiers nnd uroud • his room, nnd to m- *-t the Floyd the fireside of lonely widows and or-1 county delegates. Fruumuo went plmn children, whosenaturiil protector ll,, d was lol. by Duhin-y thut iiis crowd and support fell by the side of Gen Wofford in the battles of Virginia. Ho was then their friend, their trusted counsellor; to-day he is known throughout this country as the cham pion and defender of widows mid or phan children. Mr. Editor, it may not bo familiar to you, but is to Bartow county, that there was a time in our histo y, just after thu war, when life was very blank- times were exceedingly hard— families whose head was spared wero 11' -oIvi d to vote for secession, and desired him (Freeman) to do likewise. Freeman replied "thut the conven tion which nominated him mid the voters who elected him were opposed to such action—that ho could not nor would not betray the confidence re posed in him" Dabney, unwilling thou as now, to ullow thu people a wur.i in their own political matters, voted fin secession ordinance on tnu 1st ballot. \Y<; see he w as faithless in the first trust ever c iniided to him. It i> prob- ihlo he will do butler tho next time we l’ 11 - to U,, ' i1 ' “ lli,l “ 1 " S-'t ‘“'l 111111 ll.oi.ui' him will) our culi,|, clothing. Many suflVml, after faith ful struRgh holplets ones. Good women, being mothers, followed their milk cows in the furrow of the field, "sowing in tears to reap iu joy"—little children •Since that time he hui hr* ad for their J inside of KiugH up tu 1870. IK- was nominated at Rome, because ho hud advocated Trammel ou tho stump- fur this mid nothing more. Trammell demanded it, unit ii was done. Tins man proposes t » had tin- who had buou tenderly nurturod, wore ; Democracy, when he h< tia\. d the barefoot aud in tatters, while the struggling fathers and Inn-lmnds ntidet i of ... . . . , | ^..arils, mid .. worked day and night to keep g>,uni ^ 0 uld wipe np hunger from tho door. Jant then,’ ' * when the poor widows mul orphans wero holpU'Au and alone, with no de fender nor protector Have the almighty father above—when fdarvati.ui threat ened, mid bleak poverty encircled tlu .se families of bravo mon w ho died lo save their cum tty, then, in this ex tremity, God iuov» d iho heart of this gland old chieftain to ho their bpeoiul friend and defender. Ho took his own moans, giviiRv dt* J minibhod by onlniuitics of war, aud ' bought bread aud divided w " MtlVering onus. Ho r* * lil theM- neighbors; ho btr. , rp j,.* ,UJl ^ Mr '^ 1 *‘‘ s ply ho had untry which trusted a company of Homo lo his boast that ho iih a hilk handker chief all the. blood that would b- spilt. That company was in the neighborhood of .Snake Creek Gap, when lie (thu loader) look uu nl*rm ami ho led his conmiai d <d Homo Guards ou Midi . "In ller sk« lief iik. e dui id I 111 wail nuvvr L 1 Ml tvf,iv. Inat uii/unr. d ei*»wd in ^ t e..ue* ' tra*t d agaii— ted pie i. ,«Uuv > ‘ hirunt'lf l i favored spoil* •>' tool Was no blood to W" when thtr. el lien ni.pli«.-«! f JOEl. DRLWEH, Oidiea y* , , /'ir.OKOIA, POLK COUNT\ -L IMVal- •anded I l 7, Coanlin.) of tl. • minor Wa of V )ltou, nod b ive t dk< ' ' • 4 ■ to Dr. Felt Ul m the whole proceed- ' J* 111 ings. Then why say that. *aid con- j i* veiitiou eudorsed Felton. It must j P u lmvo been done with tho liopo that ! - tho truth would not he known before j ( j the election. Kilm In tho same paper in an editorial is j {")* the following nssertion : j for '•'Vo do noi holievo Ihert i- a candid '* 10 friend of Dr. Felton but wlmt will a*t mlt M*® , that Folk, ni too b.-t. will not ^ ive Dr. 1,1 • Felton u majonly Hmh time, while many of j them confoiti thut; Dabney s proq>.<- ^ are; 1 good for carrying tliw oounry'by IOC Now, sir friend of I mul consulted much with Felton men, I ih**'jrrou:~. i' and have never heard a candid friend , Thor* f r of Dr. Felton put his majority below on*!ho'ni' 300. 1 would like for the Express t<» 1 tile them in give Uio name of a candid frietul of D. Felton who says lie will not carry Polk. Tho editor of the Express last Monday confossod to a candid ; 111 friend of Dr. F. that Polk would giv* '* Folton a majority of 100. II.- will «n publish to thu world that Felton men admit that, ho cannot got a majority, Ri nil nt tho same time admit privately ' '' that the county will go for him by \ 100. "Oh, c 'lisistohey, thou art a * jewel" almost wholly unknown to Dabney era U Does any ono doubt tlmi .Sk 1 -.ith, tho rovenue r.uli.iul, belongH to the Dabney ring? and that tho Dubnsy clubs are giving aid nod comfort to tho said Shunts. Tho fnot that their (J- d irtowu organ is giving publicity to Shouts aud his meetings and nj' 1 '^ ing a notoriety for tho ttlre- * v riotis Hlumts, vni.l lion will be I’iniit.-il. Kq. J(M:i. HUB"'!:!!, Only KDlUilA, FOLK CUl NTV. —NV. i.ilraior ou tho estate of , of i oil all the land Theveforo all rill fit j them at of Ordinary io. ie lir.n Monday Mon • law. Oct. , 187< JOB I. HUE W Lit, Ordinary licpiit\ -iMrill Sale. ro the court house do* county, (Ja., hot tree lold b ■ f land No , the fol i tho firHt Tups la Mici W'.r, •. (m. t, i«7»;. I '>■!••... p revenue urtlo.*- rt .l, of' id his clan t irnst l hn*.., thr hull »). old I i the )|H proveil I«V i’ll. \V«,1|, nil •log fiot- tu^l tuie* ; and pertain t*> at Dalton, will i prodigious fare . . convince the peoplo of the 7th District il tho little sup- ; that Da buoy, the hero of Snake Cr< ek urivo away tho demon Gap, aud the turn-coat delegate in uuugor that was ginring upon those ,‘ s ^ le ‘ r choice, a 1 widows and orph supply was gone, entirely oxhnusted, ! tow ns he left his homo, paid hip own ox pons- trict. os to Washington city, laid tho case of theso stifforors before a Republican congress, and ue ntaoKO> for the holplcss families of theso Confcd- \\-i. || . | though ho is aided by a certain lot ot 11 1 filthy ink Klingers scattered about thu i and out of our political dis- IJuhney-SliL'ulH-.Ulller-llftllHoii. On Monday night last at Rockmart, W. II. Miller nnd parson liillsou, col- oruto soldiers, who died on his right ! orotl, orated at length, ostensibly fo hand and his left, and whose bones j Shouts and tlio color liuo, hut i worn led bloudiing ou » Immlrod but- r0 ' ,lily llu “' t,llk 1Vil “ m^iuljr un "old tletields in Virginia. Think *»fit, Mr. Editor, this great soldier, and soldier of high lank, whose face Foltou." Occasionally there was men tion in uio of "Col. Dabnoy,” and onco two or three whiles of "Mr. Shoals" the enemy; whsho youthful imtriotism i ^ fWl ^ ont>s » nt H* 0 request of a Iwl him to tol'vo b» couutry ui Mexi-! 1,u “ bcr '" b’ 1008 . roplitU to llu co; whoso imituror zoal luudo him ou-1 Il>-' uiguuieut wus strong tor tho mill)’ ut llm begum mg of tho 1 (urcll| li . mul curriud ixmviotiou to the war i 1 nd serve to its close; whose cutcheon was bright to tho last whoso courage never waned, when ho came home, ho was we hearers, lie showed the negro who his real friends; didn’t ask them j to voto for Felton, hut said thut he, loomed should do s. ; told them to by tho grateful tears and thu uudying love of his countrymen. Yis! tiiih hero, this grand oul stdilier, laid aside his honoiable pride —he humbled him 11 ln<i bread for tho stat viug chil dren of Ins dead soldiers. Talk ot j heroism ! This was the ring of the j true ;notul. Talk ot greatness ! Snail wo oof honor this glorious warrier, who, forgetting self, has again laid j ,-oido tho comfort his charming home, I UUl ' al the cull of iii > people, ho Ins ui'guiiiz itimi which hud ralu.1 tbc COWo ‘ ' Ul l ' IU ' Ul ' U ' UU ' ‘ "''"' ll '' -"'i i’.g,iUw„y for twmiti- I SaU ' 111,11 ° oou “ lr - v 111 ■Thu owners, the stock- j citizens. exercise their own judgment aud not | he led by the nose by tho Slicuts-Dab- ney ring, or any *iber clique ! it> an orator ot tine ability, and his I speech swept away completely the ] clutusey fabric built by the very nu aUe colored hirelings. Everythiuj passed oft* quietly and harmoniously, aOotit fifty colored and twenty w hites being present. All were amused as if at u circus. Not a vote will Uu gained for Dabney or Shouts. count i y four hold* US fie >o found putiiut- a nHiuiocr tO Ml j., Ml Win u X. L ■ y M -'■ rm Cvi .srv. of that "orgumza.iou, course, made an uproar .md niu j lustily, "greui is i). : ,uu of tuo i I sinus, hut Uo One now | to call iu questieu Jack ism or democracy. I ii.ivu known Dr. 1‘Vltoa from Lis 1;lr1 )’ manbooii, umi io..g no- iiuninliinco iuduevs in m ihink you nro misinkou 11 mppos- illg tlmtlio is “(ho nvowril a. ,il.*;ig t.o ns wo.l ns tho oauduliio of iho oigmi- mc.l liuiionl party.* 1„ luuts u , poliln-al oxuitcuiout ohargos will ho unulo on very quwtiouablo tcstmiony, ami hum Bartow. ! The people u. olu ^ "f ting lu. ai.d because Dr. F. broke the liny and is tho only man fan keep ii down at this time. „ "key are going tu elect him. They k. * M; wr they owe him a debt of gratitude, o°* » g to pay it. The coun ^.v JAt targe will pay uo attention to l be town r i ll o or Dubuey club. You’n e see,a a wind dou.i with uo rain in it. Tea t’» tm- way with the Dabuoyit w—a 11 puff and blow. Voto for Dr. FcUon Nov. 7th. Friend Wtlliugtiam, of the Carters- vfile Express, has left L.r of criticism uiul meets all the argu ments uf Dr. I - * lien s fru-uds aud sup porters by the ciy of * Il idic.d." There are some minds sj vtnal that it has ^j-ome see. ii.* ii.ui. _- to i seribev - uulity lo J' t bers who are actuate! by priucijde. lioC.'ivs “uoiuiuee, nomi nee,” when wo all kafMY lie could not stand Trammell as a Homme*., it party aie u.;* Siieatsjin the If he and Li - c ng Go •cst af h: Iwii ; to tin- l-p-l >pl St tbif tnd it; i Dab- 1 But l MiHtiiin their • further proof n aid of Dabnt , written by a It* out : 187 Hov w, Felton*, Cartoravillc, lift., Mm : — Returning from ft protracted northcrnjtour n few dnvHiinco, ■ 1 mol Bcvcral of your CarUrsvillo trlcndi, i from whom l learned much of the munner iu which tho cftuvas* wus Iming cunduotod > in your tlsHtric!. From Fa|*on to Atlanta 1 saw very clearly thut uu outrage wan 1 nought to be pcrprvtraied through Hheat-i i of Rome; that lie ii running in the inter- . .•■rot Dabney there, can tie no doubt. 1 judge from the following fact-: t < »f. Fain came aboard the train ac Calhoun. 8ke.*itn at Kingitou. IV-m the laner p!a *._• to A* lui.tft they, with the ouitor of a I*. Ik county paper,! which lxvi>ri Dabney' 1 ! election For Vn-tauc*. It. V. l.l'MFKIN, 8)-., Who cau now doubt that there is uu nlhuuco between Sheats aud the Dubuey riugV This alliauco was hatched by some lantern com mittee. FlXTOJt L LMoCILVT. MARBLE WORKS, 1UI0AD STREEr, liOiii; - - GEOKOI.A MON UMENTS, Tomb and Headstones, Vases G lob*; a. folk i:m \ Smith hm apptiod Tor pi-rinnully nti'I -i tting ap«rt JOEL UKEWFR, Ur I. Ayer’s Cathartic - Pills, For nil tho purpoaea of a Family Phynic, ami for curtni* CoaUrcnoan. Jaundice. IndiKosMon, Foul Stomach. Iiroath, lio oil ache, Eryaipolaa, Hhcumataani, Eruptions and Skin DincaioN. Hil- lousnoB*. Dropay, Tumors. Worm*, Nouralgin. as a Dmnor 1'iU, for FurifymK tlio Blood, Arc the most cC- •tivc an*I conge nial purgative ever iliscovered. They are mild, but ef fectual in their operation, moving tuc bowels surely and without pain. Although gentle in their operation, Jrwtm U&7\ thc r arc -till the • jb-u uioit thorough and -.-arching catllar- tic medicine that can he employed: cleans ing the stomach and bowels, and even the blood. In small doses of one pill a day, they stimulate the digestive organs and promote vigorous health. Avrn's Pills havo boon known for more than a quarter of a century, and have obtained a world-wide reputation for their virtues. They correct diseased action in the several assimilative organs of the body, and arc so composed that obstruc tions within their range can rarely with stand or evade them. Not only do they cure tho every-day complaints of every body, but also formidable nnd dangerous, diseases that have baffled the best of human skill. While they produce power ful effects, they arc, at the same time, tho safest and best phy-ii,- tor children. By their aperient action they gripe much less than tne common purgative? give pain whe nd si i the gtlien Adapted^! ie bSod,’ id makes the um their u« Dr.J.C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., wiu aud Shout-, but Lee..uvJ t. was too weak to do them any i i 1. V EH Y Wli LUC. A. M. ALLi'AUUE i CO F*r eale in Cedartown b/ ” URBANE »** JONE8, Druggists