The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, October 27, 1876, Image 3

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THE RECOUP. A Livo Country Newspaper. Publithcil Every o tr-iltiy Morning by w. H. U. WIKLE CO. TERMS or Rl’liSOUIPTION. KATES or ADYKItTlHlXO. ™ I J W. I'M. t ;i 51. ii M. FRIDAY .MORNING, Xj < KJT. Rally, Freemen, Rally! Goncrel Win. Tatum Wofford will ncklrosa the citizens of Polk county nt the court house, in Cednrtowu, on .SATURDAY, OCTOUKU 28th. AT i:. O’CLOCK. Lot oveivUdy como out find hour llu hero > f iv huudml bnttlo-littldb. Phil pot £ Dodds hi ot glazing .'ills for milt Tlmf We find the followir tion in the ii i .' Built W. L. Goodwin v a ThtfiMl iy, and trick! to 200 bubhels ; in behalf calico Gout •?A 14 1 T K M S. To flic \ old * el Puie ( iiuiliv. t'l-011 ti t ; oi'citntimi of inv friends I hi iel y inyiulf us‘u rnndi- dato foi t!.o office of Tax Receiver in the api'reaching ileteion f r eounly officers. e. p. featii fusion. We wi.l cotton set'll in pay ment for subscription, from ten or twelve subscribers, nt 15’cents per bushel, delivered. Bring tin m in at once. Sun Shouts iV Do. sent over two hired colored speakers Tin lay to sot things in order, but our l’olton boys w* ro too sharp for them. Thurmond, l’oek, Prior nnr other speakers sent 6ont them away witlrn "Ilea in their tars." Tho ••b*.\s" made .Miller "own up" that lie and iliilson wore both hireling . .ShenUj did'nt f "Bpread” worth a cent. Hu II not g. t 300 votes in the wliolo district. Slionhln’t won- d r if "Xowt” A (’ e takes him down. Tho farmers ; av Dr. Felton buing a fftiinor, and being m the country, en ables him to better understand their vv ids their wants than Dabney, who lives in tho city, and knows nothing a', ill them or their business. There fore it is in! i;rnl for tho farmeis to vote for Dr. Futon, a man who can and will do n.ost for them. 7th D; Aft i md, Ii nmol Shoals, the nd Dabney nlli- ('ongross in the ail tho ilruiuing around, hoisting mound, all the • poi sibly muster- waa tweuty- tlftoou Wi le to ID Oct. 1 t cars Hi , torv of 1*«F For more than thirty n.o,i l.. autiful fad iu the <;.[• J.i htie.i in Geoigi.i him heal liiu interest umi.if» •• ted by tho ludiis of the Stat'e in H i gruii tpiihliona to be < by the ballot. Their j iibciir:* i.t the hustings win n 1 t> it-.' to the 'Mil ,ht of the i at i.r- guiii' i.t ' w..s the «i .win, ■ j.ui heal b aiuii- of the iniellcctual f. a t. r ihev came in Lw. n, by tensor by tin u ) Si. d the the 'il. riptivc right to nl- Jtih and i.o gn; th ud the pl iij.i i. ty ot visit of the liifninoiiB Whi| - 1 lav null, the Ansfriuii per, to llmclny s brewery in Domlon did not cause more mu prise and in dignation limn did the vulgar, rude and numbing r< proof in one of the Rome | n| er, of the ladies who ulten- didal lil:e..l no ding at that pi ce a few days I*go. it ? 11 . kb loudly for the love of cjui- (t i f iho Romans, and blit little f i th< ii cl.iv all iy that the writ* r did lid Hint with’s fate. It did not n quiie M. n.t'h tali nt, certainly all the tilth and mental and personal (I. ioiuutv to conceive, write and pub- la h such an ui tide. Jlisperate and vile indeed min t be (he i sii.-.i' which deiuandb for its Hip- vviu Ui iidly beyoiul espies j (it oiid attnet ol a lady \ v vited guest, whose only if hir j .<, and her quiet around mid talking m crowd that, ei nld be pi cd to meet with tin m four men; of this nnnibt n.embers of the Dabney Democratic club, headed by Dr. U. Y. Mitcliol, tho Pn .-iileiil (*f tho club. Five more other well known Democrats not mem bers of-the club but bupportore of Dabney for Uongn f-s. TRo other four were so called Republic!ms, viz: W H. Webb, l\ M. Shcibhy, and W. L. (iu ilwin of the bogus do legates, that say they nominated Shea ts, and Sam Shoats himself. These su-eallf.1 lb* UtblioaUS, four i:i numb, r, and only four, together with Dr. R. Y. Mitch.d, Uie President ol the Dabney Democratic club, were all that w. re t nt to hear tho famous fugleman of the (VeodwiD-Dabnoy al- liuuci ; with Dr. Mitehel and his olub t<> appl uul .m>! oncmirago; with Rob lb nick ire a w< t. nurse it must ho that this Goodwin and Dabney baby, born at Cartemville, may live a few days, but ita death will b. announced soon, and all the Democratic clubs in the land, with another nuch man beside Rob, together with soothing syrup and warm blanla ts furnished by Dr. Mitehel and hi , club, could save the life of this baby. The m ;d ‘ m plain now. Who longer doubts the Goodwin and Dab ucy alliance. • l a. Tito.ui -os : — Medical ethics tench tm to never condemn n remedy until it has , e. iv. d a fair triad. You i i:,t( d th it I ti \ V 1 iiit iliniment while 1 wasMilV-i in;; with 1 heiiumtism. A ‘•drowning man will e.ilcli tit, straws.*' 1 um d yi nr remt dy, and will candidly r.limit lli: t 1 I- net'ted. Otln r hi.imonts might, have done tho same thing for me. hot ■/ ■/■.• <tul i/ m fad. i oil •• fli v i '.lib ii re a good Li ili um lit, and I i'In m Indy attest the mum . Mv nth cliia 1 \\.. ■ ..f' . i\month.', stand- in;‘r wilt II 1 «•■ inne r.a il tho USO of J no.i ]•-i.ii', 1 .ii.iiui ill. J.I thru; vvi. k . I C' add walk well without a I D. nobt Ul.e ij ifcodein the great drama of French history, which mouses more of ihi- virtuous sy lit pat by mid calls foith moi‘■ «'i » i- t s anil tcaiful tril Utcs t-- no men* of the noblest pstn ti. m, is ti c Minister Roinnd amt les man 1- lu sly talented uud bcat.iful wife. •\\. s , ci iii.- in Madam Roland i that she was devob d to htr hu.-bai j respected, uj held and i.idtd lnm / Was it a crime in Maoaine Roland j t.. stand by bu band ev< iy wh. re—in j the tril unt—in ti- ‘ l.nmbi r - i l'<i <‘- n<in the face ( 1 the it w.ii g luob ni td "Sans- Gul 1 i*i* 'i 1 in airs ' I ■ air, tin. t-Howing property, I,a i.f km I N". .1 in tlio Ul-i dintrict and Jt-I <-i u.n it (■•<.nnty, levied uj o.i llu- pn p' l'iy id I. .1 Dcupree, lo oi-iy • i.' tux ti t i in favor of John It W. -i, agaiu-i laid Deupi'C'. Levy made and ret unit'd to me l.y a h.iilifr, W. ii. T.\Vi«()U, Dtp’I Sh'lh Hopt 5, 1870. 600 ACEES Cedar Valley Land I'Olt SAOE. \ ROUT nix l.uadrid Kcrea choice Cedar j\ Valley laud, (well known n- ilie K ar- d.-n -ii.i .■'■> 11 iii Polk county, fieor- ; ia, two and a half mile- limn Ci’darlown, l! I* county cite About halt'of this tract in cleared, the balance well timbered with u variety of pi >wth. It contains a framed him-.", nidi «I»i i • room — a firiphico to v... ■. i .,om, me out ImildingH, and an abundant supply of water. This tract n. I i a< e- of tho lie-t laud in thin fa- giu, in Iniitudo !H degrees north. It is well adapted to the growth of all liio coro- a’.-, clover and tho griM^-s. Am lo its i.diiplniion I-cotton, ii in - .fe Io nay (hat m v good InriM' r. with a little help from 1 itili/.rs, ■ : nu av-.inge crop year, can make twelve lo tip.-cn lule-i „f colloil lo the mule, ai. 1 pi. my of grain. Ii can be I , o'.. n that ha!.', of cotton and j l,nty of -.aiu hoi been ma le to tho mule, by n whim and a colored tenant the y<ar on ii-.joining lands—tItirty-hix i ; I, . :ei i .'.u iooI.'o Another colored ten- q,u,II,'l.» p. “ the flit g ; - ow h olTb.t'- ton bloody i.catn: - h* fogy 2 gvago lici .cnii. nn i sought no higher ti an her uj provid uud that of uj.-i.'ifcli'-c : Can the lenewed u ut in- * iue. : ha Vo becom j ni , stful a.-, tojusii- use the cowMidly attack above . i: i . .ve of one of tlie ,, , v denounced iu i waiter offers no .t y of the l .n- ,ii «ud confideut- : m " mui hood and wo- , i ill. ecu:, rv to rebuke so Lu ,:„, . 0. Ii. r. I 5 : , wj&Mmi: BSEPT —in 11 iwm /■-< tummimmmmu»*e y«car: ».»i Mcr I,it He I'Tiiiki For Sale. Wo t’lVor for sale ono of th<» t st do.Hfftblo stiiell fnvms in Oodar Y.tllcy, nbout Seventy acres, Fifty nctis flour ed and in a high statu of cultivation. All of the land is Hob ami productive. Tho liou u'8 aud fon.cing m vv and in gootl lvpnir. This farm i»;situated on Ciivv Spring read, threo m.lin lYdaituwn, in a good m ighhorlu ml, convenient to mills, Ae. Price V‘j 001), olio half cash, opo half i>n twi lw months lime. Apply to Tl. 'Ml ON iV WlliI.F, Real Kslatc N-i-iiIh, Cfilartown, »i i. Tunm-Hui column will bo fm.iid tho advi t ti'i im tit of tlm (u nt ()< yin < ■• . Tho Organs n annf.. . . d i i j iv arc wairam. d for five y< ais. jnn 3 AifUiist |< tnwrr. Tho’tuosl miserable bit in ihc world ar. Hu so Riiffering D, a p- sia and Liver Ooniplamt. Mom than 75 pur cent of the ivo- plo ill the United Stab's :uv nl'lie*ed with tl.. bo two disontua and t uir offecl.y such as Sour Stomach, S.ek Headache, Habitual Goslivoiirs . i 1- pitatiou of tlm Heart, Heart-bum, WntiT-brm-li, gnawing and burning pains ut the pit of tlm Stomach, Yel low Skin, Goated T< ng m umi disu- greoablo taste iu tho month, emnii.g tip of food after oat ii l-nv ■ pi. its, Ac. Go to tho Drug .Store of Rr.ul- fonl A Alien, Geihirlown, G i.. nml <1 a 75 cent bottle, or u Sample Rottlo foi 10 e« iits. Try it. Two iImm s will relievo you. Wondorl'uI SuttcosM, 1't id reported that Ro m r.. Gi u- man Sviae has, since its iuli’oiluctiou in the United States, reached the im mense Milo of *10,000 do/, ti per year. Over ii.OOO druggists have onh red this nualieiue direct from th • JYeb l-y, at Woodbury, N. «T., and m I eim has roportod a single failure, Iml every l< tier s)K ;iKm of its astonishing stie.vMi in curing s vere ('ouglis, t '..Id .. • t lied on the breast., Ci nsiinipti .ii, or any disonsoof Timmt and Lungs. Wo advise any person that lms unypie- dispouili .a to vvoak Lting-s, to V;>» to tin ir Druggists, Bradford A Allen, Cedarloun, Gn., and gel. this Medi cine, or inquire about, it. Regular size, 75 cents; Sample Rot,He 10 ci ids. Two dm a will relieve any am-. Don't no-1, i t your cough. Ill tili • uge of edllcatieu and m r- ttl inti 11 genre, tho household i hardly complete without a Corn! ;li *' Co. Pi ino or Organ. R«ml tho r- tifa nient in auolheu column, and then semi ftn- illustrated catalogue and price list. sop I 3iu f • HOUR!A, I'lll.K COI NT5. K. II. ' ^ Richiml-i.ii, Ni ii., bus .>) | ii- 1 iinpli. n « I | -n..unity me -Mu - . , it Hint viiliialii.ii of honn. i-..'I, .mil I will ( 187** ' .iuub ii it r.w rif.'in i. $ § f O U G A N id D? X A. 1-T O : . ! All the best iiiiprovvimfiils i I i tho Organs and I’iuuoH inanufaclui'i'l l-y CORNISH ,V CO. Wtmliiiigfon, .. To all who wish to puichai.o ciilei an ORGAN ..r riANO, iv- -an Hull. ■ ., that for ARTISTIC CONSTRUCTION, beautiful Finish and bV-d .Mn-i-al <i .ali- tii'H, our iiiriti uim idri tuko rank with tl.o Most Celebrated Manufacturers Our only claim to fiiwi it. in over «.ther leading inanuftctui ei h is m.r i. <> \v i * sc i e i-z reduced lo meet tho reipiireiiKMHm of liiu uicntk that wo fully Warrant For Five Years, wo In vim corrc pondent-1 hut w: may ; ivo un opportunity to prove tenLfuel ,rily all 1 hut wc here usser*. Our Piain iuru furnlulml with the impiov-.l FRENCH GRAND ACTIOS, (the very b-Mt in nc, They arc also HEAVILY 81 KONG with the improved wire; tho cuum are of .so'.ii ro.-vv.voO'l J— pert-cily Masoned and j WARRA: I’EIJ NOT TO CRACK (IK j U \ Rl*. Our OKG.iN'8 arc furnished wiih all ; th- modern improvemeni.-, a- to mi ops, , a;lion, hc., while the CA8E8 urn of tho ■ recent cabinet atyle, admirably the parlor. L.T SEND FOll IM.C.STIIATED CATALOGL'E AND I JUC . 1ST. Address CORNISH & CO., Washington, New fa*:./y. lit il P»lc< FI 01 R- eli. iee ('oi-ti:k -Rio. Sl'G Alt • it., I 8YIJI K- RICE Hi.. CilEE.-t: CANDUKs CORN — ii-i- . ME \ I.- p hi: IIA M'S— Hulk CHEROKEE IRON CO. mEMM* MERCHANDISE. I-'S! PrlCfcd FCR biE O Hr L Y $5 l'\n- „ ' Sewing Midiiiio Send for G:irul u with full P tlio- TPX.A.I5TOS, C A B i N 1. T OBC A M-S , Sterling Silver Ware Artloli ■< nf I'ppnrel l' ,. La.lle i, Ceidlo- inen and Child -n, llounihohl nml Fancy Arliel- of eve.i|uality and kind, at an IMMENSE HEIM t’TION OF I! NT Ed. For n Cal .!. - >,n I Current Prico List Of Style", send ten e- I- t„ Ml!."., .!. I)atti:v, ' F-i'" Edilre -, \\ O. H- lJt’O, New York. CEDAR TOWN DIRECTORY, ' DRV (lOOnS, HAUDWAHE, liOOTS and shoes, i (UiOOEIUES, WOOPENWAKE, HAUDI.ES, PATENT MEDHUNI'IS, OI.ASSWAUE, UAUNKSS, U'lly AI M- UI,OTIU.NO, ITNWAKE, liUATUER, NOTIONS, TAINTS AM) Oins, ] JISON and STEEr.,|| PLANTATION*SUPPLIES,;ETC. h’r.'sli gr.nuul Floiif and Mail I'ooQtvod Jdaily. 0. > ni try Prodtio.' Solioilod at, Highest Mtu-lcofc Uutoa'PI Tr.*.\ii "ii .'i’i.v G\su. Y|Oirii’i: anii "Si-oitu at tub WoUK-t ' I'ovvN, Ga., h’ob. 10, IMTii. • j. 'Mil'll • ft rl. Ill v . West ide Main • I lids l.-'ilhni’, rptincen, \ licultiii il Imple- ii' K Nt'Yl s .. CO.. Tvinni'uliir 111..-lc - • •bi\i;-.. i'j — t (Hardware, 11m HhoOfl, Nntioin*. »to. i • VC Id. :ii:t . ' . . oil , E.atll- 1 O • i . I . V , ■•! I i; ' O.ueL, » v Di y (.. i *' Shin*", Hals, Ilnrdwiii'U, Cr. "i- . . or. A "lit NTl \'tI I I i v < i.uri II,„i e S.piar. NOil I, . ii ..i e. If, :i. SI-. I. ele.’ ^ ' E I.E' 'i: ! ; iltii.X COM I* A NY, Slur, Hal ' Shoe:., 'll.i w:i.(,rneirri'eiij . "le. "" t ‘ 'i ad <\ . . ( ■ Ii.. i.i < '. v. S.,.i.,re l»,i , iiui.ii. Cil. , •' ups, I < j inn. .' Jaril-n j 7 I'RHA.N K • .H» IE, Mu J > Dm; , Me ii. i,„ . ups. el- , E in , U.„ . v (i!a \Y. M. l'lllbl.ll’H, E. I). HIGHTOWER, . IMIU,l.ll’S. ^X-XXXjXjTIPS &-0 GO- MANI'FACTUUERS OF LUMBER, TvATHS AND SHINGLES. { 'FD \ iri ( >WN, GKOlKil A. A FTER voluvnlug thank** lo tho nlti'/.enfl ofOodni'tmvn and Hiivroiindlug oounlry for their liheral piil.rnnuire for the past live yoars, we beg leave to oall their attention o tlio fact that we have on hand 2 O O , O O 9 FHHT CHOICE YKl.l.OW IMNE LIMBER, SEASONED RITA ITT FOR USE Our Mill is in Cedurlow and ,Shiii<;|i'H, at very Low will mi W, ,M. I’liillip . at I I'urelmse. Our Machiuor pur foully i ive are prepared lo (ill any order for Luinbor, Laths Those in want of such materials would do well to ,oi .1. 8. Phillips at tlio mill, hol'oro making tlioir 1-ulasH, run by tlio most skillful workmen iu tho conn, lli Lumber, which is a great saving iu labor and adds much to tlm appearance of buildings aftor their oompletion. Fill OKS OF LUMBER, IN TOWN : For ono thousand feel. . front $0 00 lo $1U (Shingles, per IlmilHnnd, - - - - - * •! < Laths, per thousand, - • • - - « 11! Wo also keep on hand, nt very low prices, iv lino of) (1 K.NKIf VI, MldlClIAlVmSE, rnrc iiuaivgkks’ iiiiuih niijiiimll tH -OF Till! UNITED ST AXES Of AMERICA, Aulhori/. -.I Capital, 'ACll 81 ii 1 e is a 11 ohm Company, and Its Entire Keservo lo Lc J the Hlato DepanineiitM. .rent Ollloe, Muhilo, Alahanm; llonds and Cash, T. E. DAVIUHON, President. •J 8 IV.TfONU.R Y. f • A. WHICH J i l «; Tare - Do N ] UAK A. BTOFFUEti j T. M ei: i K ad, (.'iik- , (Dmfoo - ■ 'X — Job Work dowe It* a ly-iiia■ 1 wont, kept j/ ('LLV'• i>, Mu A' MICE MAKERH f HuUe 1 |; r if KNUY I 1 and Kh J- WAGON MAKER* A la I ni Depnrlnit'iil, Moi llu Mil i ippi Depai Inieid, Mei idian, dlHHsislppI; Loans and Cash, IV. Mi INT08JI, President, 8'oulli Eurolimi Depai I inoul, Coluiid. in, Houlli Carolina; Loans and Cash, THOMAS .1. JETER, Prcddoid. Texan Deparlmciil, Auslin, Toxuh; Loans aud Cash, Total as ti GLO. 11. /I.M PI,EM AN, l'l'esidoul. $1,500)000 $200,000 100,000 - 100,000 ICO,000 100,00!) 100,000 $700,000 Wficui’iiy, Economy, I.jibnralit;v,] ARE THE IEADING PIUNCIPLE8 OF THIS COMPANY. All approved forms ,.f Life and Endowmont Policies issued iu sums of $100 up to $ J(J,'if in A Do Turin Policies of (Jne, Throe, Five or He veil Years. . All Life Policies iion-forlciiing all. i' two annual payments, when the insured will ho eui it I e< I lo a paid-up Policy or Cash Hurrcndoi* thereof. Diviilends may he u-cd lo prot-uot policies against lapsing in easo of failure to pay premiirniH. Tills, with Ilia noii-forl'eiilng and Cash Surrender features, are siillioieul to make i ois Compniiy populn • among thinking men. GOOD AGENTS WANTED. W. G. ENGLAND, of .Mobile, Ala., General Superintendent of Agencies. _J. 8. N0YE8, J.ocal Agent, Ccdarlown, Ga- N H<: vv BLACKSMITH & WOODSHOP —ii v— GEO. P, LYNCH. S HOP next to Dr. Chisolm's oilier All kinds of work, iu Iron and Wood, done in Hie. host style mid on short notice. 11 I. Cnmbroii, well known to most of our farmers as Hie Champion plow smith, is iu tlm shop hammering n way. lli ing iu your plows, old buggies nml Wagons, or any oil er work. * Halislaclion guaranteed. Ckoautown, Ga., May J, 187•>. G. W. VANCE, Saddler and Harness Maker, Cl*:DAKT()\v'X, GA. r |Vi'()8E wanting work done in my line I. arc i * pectlully asked lo give me a tri al. My Hhop is on the eorner, in the Pow ell old Livery Stuble buiiding. may 8 AIE LINE HOUSE, 40 1.-2 Prior SI root , ATLANTA,GA. fSinylu M'zal or Loilgiog 50 Ti , u!i.-.ii:. , ,l, per day $2 00 Special R'ltett lor u longer time. J. L. Kimxu, Proprietor. apr.3tf.ll COPPER COPPER. TI XT-W-A-X^XC, and can nlTord to sell il as rcitHonoblo as can he bought iu utiv market. Also do all kind of job work, hiioIi ns roofing and gut tering houses in Ibo most durable style.— All kinds of niovu and sheei-iron work, copper and brass, mending uiuhreHuH. I respectfully solicits the trade of in . chants. Take all kinds of country produce in ex change for Tin. Guano Htrewers made to order on the shortest notice. I. T. MEE, in 18, Cedartowu, Ga. East End Wo t d hop :J. : M. HARRIS,' j/ KJ5PH READY-MADE OOFPIN & CASES. Makes and repairs WAGONS and FURNITURE. Wagon hubs always on hand. You can buy ono or a dozen. Wu/nc oukai* ron (.'AMI. Orders for anything iu my line, left with J. 8. Stubbs fc Co. will he fill. <1. Any ar- Holo left at my shop for repairs, and not taken out wit liiu d() days, will hr* euljjoot to sale for charges. fc mob27tf. % Profossioiial Cards. TRUNER and CI.ENN, A.TTOJ.IN lfiVS AT I ,AA Ci'tlai'lim ii, Ga. O FFICE South of Court II.m •*, between Huiitiuglou nml Wright'* i-v-i. Willpriletiuo in the eounties of Pollc, Floyd, Paulding, Haralson and Carroll. Speoinl attoiillou given to oollooliuns. May l'o, Is78 Dr. W. C. ENGLAND, Surgeon and Physician, CHUAHTO II X t (i'A, Ollioo corner College and i’,;..mtroofs. " hero ho limy ho -found at all liours when dot professionally ali> ut. i-«p I IVY V. TIIOM 1‘SOX, i\. H. |l. THOMPSON N. WilkLH, Real Estate A r ':onts W EDAUTOWN, GEOIH.'IA, ILL Sell, lluv or rent nr'.pi'.'iv, Honnhlo Commission. O' Tl D>V F,lL li. THOMPSON^ /Vtf.oi*n<\VK sit I jaw, CE DA RTOWN, GA. PICK —East side Court House u,|uaro. juno 20 Dr. C. M. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, Oilui‘towu, On. / NFFI0E ul residonoc, on Pryor f I reel. ^ juno 20. •L . ft v i:"iiFit,"' rVolni'.v J*ul>lic; A TTOliNI'lV AT T. .VW, Uciliiili.irii, I JAIITI-n.AU nHiMili.m * IlDposllloiiH nml oollcolion ul'iilniim, ' Wm. M. SPARKS, AT TOli HEY AT l,A]\\ Corlartown, Ca. Dr. L. S. LEDQTTER, SURGEON DENTIST O Ceilai'louii, Gu. |I ,, J' , EHS 11im profeSHioniil sorvluos lo the eilizciiH of Cedni'lowii and vicinity. A. J-,. J| )AV1H, : : All - - Y Hxrisssii - a Watchmaker and Jeweler, Corlartown, C:;. W ORK done promplly.and 'alidadonly All work wnrronlcd Twelve Months. Repairing fine watches a specialty. All kinds ol’Jewclry and Watches and Clocks kept for Hal*;. *une20-ly To lf»<‘ traveling Public. fpl’.E iindi'Mlgnud in now running a 'J’ri- 1- weekly HACK XjIXTIE] [fro jr Cave Spring lo Cedartown, Ttiofldays, TlmVh<1 ayh mid Satiifdaya Good Hnokfl Fusl, Hoimcb and Oarofiil Di’ivoifl. The Cave Spring Hotel bus boon Immed and fitted up in good stylo, Tlm table will Lo supplied with Iii ; that can bo had. J. P. JOHNSON JAMES DOULAS9 V -q., LIVERY STABLE. Broad wt., oppoBilo Tfoyl’n Drug Store, Kouuc, Hi'oigiii. W E have a Largo and Commodious Wagon Yard in oonneotion with our Htables, where the people of Polk and lltmilHon will find ovorything noeossiiry for their comfort while iu the oily. Giva um a trial. nov. li-tf # Slim GISUOVERV! Thompson's Liniment Is one of (he greatest discoveries of Hit age. Nothing bring:) such siiee Iy and sure relief to those wlm sull'm* with the numor. Otis pains am,I nohea common to tlio hiuimu raee. Do you want something that will enso your head, your Imck. cure your rheu matism mid Neuralgia ? Apply Thompson's Liniment and sufl'cr no more. For Toothache, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Kurus, and » general THOMPSONS U and you ncedjoiir no harm. The M cine is put up*right boro in your midst Dr- It. It. THOMP8D.V, Your noiglil have tried il, and it Jms novel* failed tr wlult, it promises. Every family she Keep It on hand, and (hereby m.ivo man dollar. Often a long and expongivo I fora physician might bo dispensed iV Lmpiy l.y appLing Tli'.i.ij,,.Liuiiii then keep'ft on hand—it will cost you little. No pliy.iioiim can pr.ietico suooi fully without a good Liniment-. Ihoy kn its imporl'illOp —ilieu keep it on hand. V can apply it your self and navo money. Call on DR. IL IL TllO',1 P.SON o Dr. IIotmM Drug illo. ■•, got ,, u,lllL n never he without it. It v/ill do wimi it j« uud you’ll never regret buying it. Oct For sale in Kockinarlby E 1C Hog 1*. MgOONNEI.L, Agent, Ayiyortli,