The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, October 27, 1876, Image 4

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FROMTHE FRONT. Blue Jojum William* Cnnirat Indiana by a Majority which Forottliatl own tho Presidential Election. “P" 11 ,* Z'lh r: rl " *?. '’’"T ?,' clr : deteriorated .ince. It hax improved. It eon vote for Havre on thi. record, nor ho»r.a7 2,1'EKE I lt«lf abwlutely at St. Loul*. can any one who respect* the right of wr\i , , ,,, t* * the Ijcginning ol an The democratic pnrty have received the 1 tlie people irre*|>ective of race, country THE INDIANA AND OHIO STATE ELECTIONS. _ _ •» *» •— i aiiv u»iuwmtit; imuv n»*c reccifeu me i mo IKK)pit frrOMpectiV' P f Uf * H /1 0 r * v ' Adamites and tl.o Curtin* nnd tho Bart-j or previous condition. The Mongo nnrtv nr nThfir r Ji the one lette* nnd hundreda of other* of the best, question sink* into insignificance in the *1 m , il "»iii north or of the hernia and hoartu of tho other camp, nn I fnce of Much a record.—New York aoutli, may look with pride nnd hope. will recover ill priatine vigor and eclipse j Express. wise | He partisan brilliancy. ' The l.a,t That',, of Kepnhlle.n Ida. j Tt'.’.y" The Mongolian | Moupj l.o*l l.y Rriani Inn Ir Ni nrroirrril! lloir I© Do II. Il*vu you loM money hy betting c D r i».is.riTc*irar.i.mE.T•’HTjM-iil' Until pie Copy, Pnprr C’oarr. I» Hound in «loth, nllh HliiMrntlon*. »»■ ihkm, U min by nmll. Addrrn *o <11 ■front)mnr Xrw Turk. AddreHM by I'nrkn (Godwin at Cooper Institute* * New York *j*»*lnl lo Courier-Journal, , j A large crowd filled the hall of Coop... For it Appoars Tliat He Htw Led Ben ! n " t,tul ? ^»*night on tho occasion of a 1 lecture hy Pnrke Godwin. Many protn- inent and inlluoritiiil citizens occupied yearn ! HontH on the platform. Mr. Franlcli | Ed*o It* parti-an hrilfinney. Of Oov. Tilden the speaker naid he knew no man now living lietter fitted for the position for which lie in candidate. ••hi., [Immense npplaune.] He had known him from boyhood m Harrison by at Least 5,000 Votes. Hayes and (lie Amor I* ran Alliance* Cincinnati Enquirer. _____ _______ . boyhood and knew him to lie' The desperate and futile attempt is of the Htsts, I* bound to he fairly ami lion as pure ond upright an any man living, made to extricate Hayes from “Amor-1 UtiiLw. 'In r * t ?J] UI .f*. .K" 1 1" [I/)ud cheers. J He wan known for forty lean Alliance” discomfiture by brazen I ’ It la'underitood thattheai’ 1 ck * *° n ? the Indiana rn can tell you how to get it back: ticket, or tickets, in the Kentucky ’nth Distribution Company, of Frankfurt, Ky., which, being authorised by the I/cgiida- ture, and managed hy ex-Gov. Tho*. P. Por* J.Ji’neral Manager,und other lead' seeds free;. LOVERS’ ir 6 Rauiple tik’i for two 3 ct. *.* i ?in|r, awin«, mV riSasvA.!*fr 1 ImlicatliiR That Indiana Rnpudiatos Orantlsm, Morton and tho “ Bloody-Hlilrhwlthmnn- sy" Systoni. a lawyer, a clticen of unsullc.1; [hlaehopd. The foljowlng letter w»« | LVehntunpVrw'nedIn >u'i>3^uof tlwcmm’ in repute, who line gnno In nml nut before i handed to the New \ ork Time, to l>e trjr;lh»t they will hring ipmniinn * * ‘ 14^*1 — >...i*i .i (f A te of drawing, on the 30th of nnd that a full drawing i* If you have lost money hy To*the ' '**« •Isctions, therefore, do not rush off to the p,.„ k . mwe wort. ...r» /r,,.r,.-l wlih fc, I »>«* 11)11. lo rftrl.Te pri.rnthave been er concluded; “dirty dog,! [veil, of the In the letter attracted hy cheery hrepses from the went. - Inughter nnd spnUune ] II nil tho thing. ra | wdne'lluy’ '“n'lngfrom ’uorinni him were true, ho would 1 ”—• •’ b $1.00 in Gold! $1.00 in Silver! $1.00 in Greenbacks! CHICAGO LEDGER, tlir best Hill: in lit* failed SUtrs.will »«ut utr Car-full* i. Infloalng Ik. tor post***. THE LEDGER* CIIICAHO, ii.i.. Ison presided. tts for n li'etimo without a spot upon his telegraphed to the country, and thocoun- ! before the <f Mr, Godwin, on l>eing presented to the name. [Applause. | After HUirmaHzing try in already in potwcanion of tlie lie : November n< idicnce,said : all the cliargea against Governor Tilden, Amrrmax Ai.i.iam b, Kxb< utivr Com-! f rri< * • sill irtlrls-plfairi trrrybodt llnuallr fn *— - ‘ - - t In tlir w.rM —Inijorl w*m*d^ every ** her*- itudic w ^ HppipppH " I must thank you for this large gath- I published by papers combining the char* mittbb ItooMH, Nkw Yohk, Oct. fl. j cring and kind greeting. No doubt acteristic of bravo and fishwife, the speak- l '[ llor "f 'J 1 ' *Y r Y. your Iomcr, hut inrost st once in the Kentucky C-ash DiMrihution xnpany. If you have any itcruplra, remsin- making all tbf m'-*! of the' the Tit® speaker then began a review of tlio «they yell after nv »; *iuc,uu iNilitical history of tlio country, dating still do better by far than many a i from tho war and the adoption of tlie they want to keep in office. Hut f do bar of the American AMisnce. constitutional Amendments. First, lie not bclievo that Gov. Tilden, pupil of . Second-lie never saw the constitution c j many of tiio faces hero present have been ; er concluded ; “ dirt[ _ her that Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin both approved of junt such a “ lot* I tery” as the "Kentucky Cash Distribution Company. ” Aui r*i « i v — • ..*>>, ..« — , v . • Fbvkiuj seldom make an attack with* OlllO OlVOB BiUTlGH, Ronublicail Can* ' Wft,, tcd it understood that the war ended Wright. Hoffman and Flagg, friend of of *«c orgnmrjition. (lUt warning, and mar often l»c thrown off eleven years ago ; that an an issue it was Hcdwick, Bryant, Heymour, Kent ami , *'T•; , !, eo , m,ni1 V‘ c 0 t il i 1° r, ‘ r c Z r >, Ai hy soaking th« feet In' wann water, wrapping ; W.,1 «n.l that new question* and new Brady, I. a man to be . public SSfpiLa'oriny nZr nl,« S'uy "iSSt: K'n""pS™t(v‘ n pi!u in ' j interests wcce now beforo tho country, esteem hy such calumnies: speaking of w«simply notified him by letter that we in- 1 r 1 i urgattve i ms. ^ j The question of this canvass was, have j Gov. Dix, Mr. Godwin called him amia- doraed his nomination, in answer to which a Missionary just returned says lie the party In power discharged their duties hie, but, of, laic, gory-minded Dix. we received die letter from his secretary. regard* Johnson’s’ Anodyne Liniment j to the country under tho new aspect of __ c».-# •-**— «-i*— '— — -*■ 1 • .... affairs, or liavo tiiey evaded and trifled , with them ? ( Tho republicans,continued thosjHaker* Majority Predicted by tho i "tarted without the policy to meet tho j exigencies of a particular crisis, so eager U:iV RECKIPTN u, . fsctureil la th|scountry *nd Bur* i—. K,*or famllr ebould h*»i* iin<*, *nd In iliMnubw In drt • 1 S«u<Tfnr ell ‘ dldale for Secrotury of HtaUi,a Majonty of 0,500. Twenty flvo Thousand Less Than tlie ; '‘■"'srvfesjgfT’ JDMPIjOYlVIElSrT • CilKRKNT OPINION. received the letter from his secretary. Tlmt letter wn, l»k,n from my oftlrw.' »n.| beyoml eirprinl'aiiA VmVieloiu b'lyeo'J i... I WRB ■■ mtich .urjin.cil a, »,iy on. r.n l„ nll „ r lnF .|f c |,„, „ kr ,.„, to see It in print. I am at n loss to know » ar j e tj n f *pccinl rases, and Is the best pain " h r UloM i;"P , r * W In.l anr fault with In wor |,|. the proceeding, ns we indorsed Mr. Tilden two years ago mid he found no fault with It, ntrsrv, was very grateful for juested that it A BOOK for the MILLION. ■lEOICflL ADVICE .Vi 1 v-.-'- CIlll.J.n, CHI /,r,M. —Wlntrrunllir* I flnratm j oaihuiivicb ui » jmrufUiar crisis, so cagor It i* wwdoxical for a loading rep_.. „ u ,, UII ,m very grate mi lor nin or tmoroved illiycH OrgWIH. wero they for mere ascendency, and not B< ; nn--for every such an one is tho high the :t»»if.t.mce, only he requested tlmt it form m F*?er suit Asm* it* fuperi«ritr . for true mastery—so blind so deficient l >rl, '»t of universal suflrago and the doc* might be kept secret, for if it should become *11 other reinedi «i* n. the i» i that the cun „ , , I : umr^fiiurixv!" ,h ' ' o '"" n «««« Weet Virginia Hnnril From—10,000 : , |U | I( , ,| i./dviu mm !'“ rH ! io . x J' a !L f? r _ “ T ' ”’ Democratic Majority on tlio State Ticket. mill quite ignorant of civic i.viu™. Till. 1,1 " tnr ?! J ll "' ,ll ! itu,1 Vi ‘I"" 11 ?' 1 ' Ims Ireen n pnrty rnthor of promisee tlmn *"/ H 1110 , 111 K r “ l "hy. The doctrine ! of porformnnccs—inoro devoted nnrliwin l l<l , l >,irl y low Ireen trr i let go lierclori vote. Itcapcctfully yo ' LBMCRI, «. Tti.rr, Secretary of the American Alliance. This is a sample of the republican methods of conducting the canvass. Tho • of ni The Ui the brakes ot conducting t .. * ’ . ' l>ei tisauo of lies in tho Unlike ChIU remelins IfUtlre In Iw Ukrli wit tins senlly an<l*ably upon the liver and !>oweU, flff.tlmlly rriuovln* th* ranee n‘ llirrrlf lrrri|w.r»rlly r^erkln* It : quinine. Sold hy all Dru|f*l*ts. i Win then s|»lko of the lock'nf flnanclei lnco"«]«tont and injurious to the presi- U<l»Uj Oct fl Sill mirn^tS ul nollcv iih distilfivf'il Lv tiw. min■ tdInnn detitiiil nominee, whoso friends arc hi- tcucr isoatcu i »ct. u, is,t», and purports | uy Pr.,« ll,. LouUrlll. fouH.r.Jeurn.l, purl/; ho unoMd the!Dxorbltmit ex" c , llrl "« thefreo tho ballot In l>e mfiuwl.lo New York^ by I.einuel "[.J i ; tmvagnnco of llto ndmlnl.tration, . j praised tho democratic house of rei sentatives for reducing appropriations . hy $80,000,000. or #120,000 for every ry; forced the democrats to meet i eongroMiorml district in .tho country. n .uiuhioam jsmji semis mimo norm- u„. nixtli instant when throe thousand i l " oar - ground of their c!loosing and to j ,,l ir tariff, said ho, is a groat catalogue of j western opinions to tlio Chicago Times, miles nwav Tho letter being a forgorv "’heat LSS2"!!..!!S!!I!? 1 ' S! C ^5!J Hr r. n . v . 0 ..“L m .' ,n, ." l . i "."" n .’- ' rh «" *«> = »r«t of which w.. ««• j...t now a,,umi. }£"••• Kayos, whose | 'J'lio rcptihlicatia staked tlioir all Harrison nnd they havo lost. They c fttitutod him tlioir rcprctMUilativc in brought; up to ids sunport tlioir entire j *>y $30,000,000, machinery; forced the tiomoc thorn c accept # As tho caiivam advanced, Ohio, though ' b«r, not fevJed for revenue, but to ob* n hotly conteitcd, wiw given a Kulwrdinuto j struct revenue, and so aid certain and j nosition. Indiana was pitched upon Ui! Hpccial interests. Merchants of New be tlio Waterloo of the democrats, and, Vork, where are your clipper ships? obliged in any event to fight their best | Where Is yuur tonnage? Where are your for tho state, Tilden and Hendricks were stately steamers? Gone ! Taxed outof . thus made to occupy n lino of buttle not existence by a curse which straddles designed for them when they took tho your shoulders nnd which will romaiu hh ‘ tlie present administration re- Fho result of the presidential election ' mains in power. Of the currency ques* is foreshadowed, therefore, by tlio returns 1 lion, Mr. tlodwin read republican testi- f _ Tyler. But liOtnuel H. Tyli friend of a *ub*party that has for its Germany on that day. and has been object tho limitation of suffrage among “hrowi since th* 2'Jth day of our nnluralizi'd citizens.— The Capital. *' u 'y Inst. He could have writ* . , , ten no letter in New York on A Midi ni AN poet sends some north* tlie sixth instant when throe thousand ■ {?® ar * i <Ulljr iMliog their •• <il 111«* rl ^i ( 'il-.- A DAZZLE CHANGE!! Tarrant's Sfltior tprirat. NKW WILLl'OX A UlllllK ASTOHATIC NJ/ •SILENT SEWING MAI IIINK. Head ro*tal C'»rtl for Illn*lrat»>d Price l ist, Ac. WIIIcox A Gililm S. M. ('<>., ' or. Iloml M Q6H llroiMlway, Now York* Onfall’ll! mnU*'M , 4V M A R K ET 11K 1*0 RTS. nraniis. • 'll* nttliiR till* wii’trti whom arsnt lovnl llk« n hrnlbrr: IliHilrlvl 1 Kulli'K from Indiana. In carrying Indiana the , mony to show tho luck of statesmanship democrats itave secured what they did ami tho continued greed and ignorance not bargain for when they nominated Til- 1 of that party. Tho republican party, he den at St. Liuis. In suite of the cry of said, did not favor hard money. Tho re i just now assured ()llt , 'VuiiT w nv nn “fficcr of the “American Alliance" j^r.j . i *> u nowu. jjj o|,io, is, of course, made up of lies, j Bacon—ciear Shies louf/'lMil il the admission ol tho genutnenesi of the Ilay—Best. mu < i.u »yi< title of tlioprivnto secretary of Governor Whisky—('ommon Haves being the one redeeming feature. Robertson County. 1 ol the political trick ami false nodi. It j”“ c r is charged, for example, in this forged m K hwlm - — i letter, that the ’'American Alliance" in- Cottou— Ordinary ulloini the Infamous"imni" of Duoill. dorwd Mr. Tilden for governor two years Good Ordlnar l. D lor i.iiikcjr, am] l>i**n, mol l^u; ago, tlmt ho found no fault with it, that Low Middling Hircopatriot, who-c ,-ul^ in unLon U*«t. WftH V( . ry g ru . 0 f„| ( nn ,| requested that Meatls-Clover. M I. for Morton McUon.ld McKo#: il Im kept secret, for il it should be mad tUrtnan M li thJST ' J ° u ,,r ' ro ’ 0/ puhlic he feared It might lose tho foroigi ...... ... ,,,,,, vote. This is un important admisssion „ , , , — -• — ...u.u I in. republican papers which did not f The imth h»* hit d iu ...ii.r.^.d »■’ Hie lmllaim ilemocral., (q Hpllv I.r tho cry . Pllbilcnii party, in th.-lr wi..l„m, thought hoar of tho low of Alabama, with tin- „ T ’„ tho' rormblloan h rV it ll .vr i ^ u . l :. t l' 0 . r '""'' l> '. fur 11 l ,lotllnr “ “ r P»l» r tqn eloctorlal vote. It gave for thorn In „„ K i,l to ltJ tin- emlro naturalizorl vou Corn—Hacked.. Oats ud . dtolirt umijmtaiffljwynSi-taS-,; I -(fito; rvhlloFr.Boilu'^riomo'i.atratod ^th'llm iix u“Rnvn''ih; ■ Z CSaiioo o[ Uh' prowoitwl it, nouihuilnl Til.I. n l,y an tho niter hollowneaaof till, bill, hilt! thorn ill 1872—which Ion. I. conflrnic'l by S i-"' 1 > upon voted for it because ho thought it might the elections on Monday—nor of the «ceretarv It Witm us follows* * Hacon-uionr .mo bind tho consciences of his republican three thousand majority in Delaware; wV. r* IW^-V^h'w'hVd fnymla. lliq doublo-dogllng anil Incom-; nor of tho lom ofOrvgnn, with tho threv ,-„ M „| r [Vp 'u.,,,,,:.'Nr.w'vniia.i«n.- Coiion-MiddnoJ. „„ |’otert of ih<> Onlinsry . nkw maiiiss. v .1; as known wlu ther they had got them I It throws a fellow into tho custom house Iiow hndlv frightened tlioy must be, wlio doesn't know a bill of laden from i though, when they get so wild over u wee , ,i,„ „ r „ , , , n *. transit of Venus. During Grant’s ad* hit of a fledgling, not yet out of the shell, tt,in\Tr llu'nri.iJi.dr* SjL k Moli 10^f<s l» oo fy ao 00 I 00 I 15 1 75 <ai 3 (X) 5 00 « 5 60 i 75 ft 3 00 1 U ft 1 15 .Inn nf 11,don wiMihi MK acontr'at for | ^ »» Zn p„Tr IH72 Soro" thol"„ IS ArUn^wi h ‘r’ufiTjlE althara ato liopidc.. mid Impn.dhln, tho Hhornmn . .1mm rc.nmptloi, hill the, tin gave fur thorn , I , M r K ffil uf " fl .V. r ., 1 '"/'"‘fi 1 ' «!»"*«">> i Wb Utrown to In- I". 1*72; nor ..f tho U, M .,Fr«„n*ctV»., ” ' i,., .. (lennsu Millet Missouri Millet llutiKrtrian Ruck wheat, >1 bush. ■ *t VI 1.1.1'. Flour $ 3 35 Wheat—Red nnd Amber.. I 00 •48 f.^y.\V«V^Barter,of a Oentur^, overwhelming majority. It did.... tho theory, elaborately argued pro nml oun. In the columns of tho Uouricr- Journal and tlio Cincinnati Enquirer respectively, that wo could give the republicans tlio October states and beat thorn. No one could reasonably ex port tlio magnificent self-abnegation, tlio sonorous ami couragojus fidelity, of tlio uisnpi>olntcd dotnocruU ot the west. potency of the republicans wero next oleotorlul votes it gave for thorn in 1872, 8, I87tl-~7u the uni™ (ll shown III tlie matte! of civil service, shouted themselves hoarse over tho three Cniinl Stuin: -At ii •• conferrnmi ’ Uilt Maid Mr. Godwin, Mark Twain said tlie votes of Colorado wlien il was not so much gates repretcnUiiK dlUVmit Anieriosu nr other day ol our civil service system: unknown whether they had got them ! der* in the I’nitcd Ntato*, held in 1’hiludel $600,000 In Gifts! NI NETTY DAYS’ TOST PONE MEN EOF THU Kentucky Cash Oislfibytion Co, FOR A FULL UR AWING. DKANVINt i l'OMITl VF.I.Y THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, OU MONEY Ri:rt’NI>Kl>. A I^oiM * for only I The Kentucky Cash Dietribution Co. iVi’tirv.'r 17i',Vi:!. 'iV'..f > i>iiiiuV l Mrh»o|V > or Thvro wax every reaatm to four tliat'tlioy ! iriiuiNt riii'i,.ii n'fiico■ hoTiYrira'lfrxv”iVuN”aTt-!l nild"iio mi would rolaiuo mio iHnaflbctcd olomonl., from M,000 to 111,000. Wo hoar ol Conk- not.—MU throwing tlio entiro luiiut of the conflict, ling's men where the convention hud placed it, upon ‘ the eastern and Pacific states, New York, May 19, 1870, a joint organisation Oats perfected under the uAnit* and title of Hay. ..... ..... < .i t it i,*uu " American Alliaiisi*," based not ** not yet outof the shell, f 0 further the principles of "Amki III'UNO AMKIUOA." Now Jersey, Gonnooticut, California ami Oregon. 'lTio outcome baffles tho eolcuiationsof the most sanguine. It exceeds nil the original beliefs and reliances. • knows whether it will dttuny Arum. Tho “ American Alliance,” it thu. offl-. WhUk, ('UANDLKtt’s nraessmontof 2J percent, daily appears, was organized on the lUth id its doctrines Hluinc'i f retainers'of noUtielAnN^i^^ wk ’ on the eighty thousand offlceliol?lerH(e veil ' of last May .um, „ mit tlioir fi i f ffe?M tno h.r ln »t l “'I* 1 ‘° y Induing the letter-carries) viehlud iiiKiut i f'»rmallv nrmnulgtited on the Hth of last fdV SOMES'S M'W" " round million; that proved in.nlllcicnt •'um>. Mr Tild.-n a.» rlcclvd governor nf ililmnalnir llinn.. .* t n” "iiolhor aa<f»,niont Inw liiM'11 mndil' hi 1874, two year. Indore Ilia " Aincrican o.t» . 31 Z i Ihcoara Iho on tho ropnhllcan Mato official, in NV,,., Alliance,” wn. I„.rn. Thla la all that Inrmot mil „■ i ' hi carry clootluna V,,rk and other .late. Tho Mini nf novrl bo aald aliout that forged letter of tool turned out na broad and butler hrl-; mm non w.. «.„r i„i„ i„.ii„„.. , lie. ', tlio hack u,.,,', tholr liino" i X'Zp \ n bln ~^no t of tho i T ^ J","" lino In llayoa 1 own .Into and to carry [..y. in hluo l have .oonu, " : U "" li "8 ln " , at ,'" u ' T Morton', outright, dcfculi, ig tho grentoat Inlimtaliirn,a durlo. .I™"... it „„..u 1 !"l , l? n !V hm.w)—nnd twice that |„ m Morton', nntright, rlcfculing tim grcalcs't inlimtii In iirm. during tho'waV"^ITaugh' lU'in'lnufliv thi.'lhni' 'lawn'll\'\ T^1 lll |“f t l ""' 1 ,l “" ' l "" r''"' 1 of Mcrchunl’. of tho ropublican in a pitched i tor. 1 1 15 ti!1 v..,!.’ vlfeu J" (largHog Oil. Before the public lor tho battle wboro ho iHi.rcaoal every ndvmit- Mr. Godwin next doacrlhcd tho civil •'In.Jl'm. il.V"!', £ r . 1 ^ u ' 1< ',p 0l . ir, '"* |, » that laat forty year., It haa Uwonic almo.t a Z"t)t LonU imvoX,^te h '!l 4l«' now foil to’ li! vlr«m.,„ lr " m A,l "" tic 'Ctlon, in either Ohio •eenbacks afc fc ‘*^-rs5s .! il.o «l»«im” M, f W iii ofcourso, stood so much in need ol reform itself. Hkuk li.diie of iimuy ea*es where the nmn and beast, Merchant'* Gargling Oil opubliean reformers Mr .Godwin had Hayes organs Imvo U’eii compelled to cut *t*nd* uririralled in.tho world. Mer- f Mr. Hoar rend, showimr I their own slander: chant's Worm Tublete, aaertain and safe tlmt the election of lHuc.Jei,i’i. Wllllan. ,, doe. not axjuro Indinim to TUdon. But tho te.iim mv of Mr. Ilnur they who think thla will reckon without .hamelc hvv «.... ....... ..... will rccaoii wiuioul nhmncICM and corruntion of the tholr boat, wIlllMhc ...pld.tri,., and lie- a.linhll.tralloii, and aakod, l!,m emedy for worms, in either children adults, have likewise liecnme famous for their effectual curative properties. These remetlies can lie obtained at almost any 1 druir store in the land.—Swilufki/ (Ohio) ltr (jitter. ) spread corruntion the speaker appealed inly to republican authorities. Mr. Wool pildo will go for much' in Um'comhu Ml'wlSSkJCfto'K Inst and final heat: hut th.» * - ‘ ™ HRr 1 •' ,0 Hadical newspapers are saying that AGEN1 Haves knew nothing about the nrinci-' -— -- j p!« s of the kiiow-uothing organization *f25 * that nominated him for the presidency. K very body else understood them. If }§20“ tho radicals lie-in* t<> pl:i<v tln ir candi date lief.tro the public ns an idiot, they Icotne to lay hold nf that horn of and colossal , .> mm ni" iKMiuniNiratinii, and asked, how are vou Yieos of the tiiatiagerMylto willattompt by ; going to get cleanliness out of such n stv K-r-Ji IS that'.' Be,min," fraud." ollS vo idm/ wll ^ 1 ® ri ; 1 . < " , K-K>' l ", , ' , ‘l'h> N” frauds, contract fraud., I.uil.llng fraud., w ' lc'ilm rS,'?. 1 . • t !'• ,C K nlvi ;-" l01l ° f™"' 1 ""'"! frccdnicn'l bureau wuoic, ixanurioxa in stronger ii. Iiulhum triuids were next describctl as fruits of than \\ dlintns has shown himself, great reptildiean rule. To prove the wide ns the enthusiasm has boon for Williams, 1 - ~ • ‘ ' • - - Hayes, on tlie other hand, can no well as Harrison has. l W m H 0h J" lhp U»*»m 4 . uramuai hackhnn,. of t h'cci;,, n'" 1 ' i!< ' *‘‘,T lhi ’ " i '!o-i.I» .-.«l and almorl univci" ! No Pnori iMicKtxmo or the giant republican organ-; onl iiolliical dolav, or irinated and ,t... i more Hidinnii is broken, and, with i velopt d during tho past ten years Said citizens ot me norm it thev entertain I »j i;i c# * » SS?!iSPl P‘ ,n, ,°. nft,l £ the front, the, Mr. Godwin, Lie iiv this is lu.t’renul.- i th « hlca that tho people ot the south tho di,emmn - 7 Mate «111 bo held wifu for tho national I liranlam, hut Qraiitlain. This in like Die ! would rob tho uogrool tliopolUiralrlKhta .. ... . _ _. , r . ' « bishop who cursed ami said lie cursed as the nomocrats will not allow theireti- 11 imui, and not ns a bishop, ami some thusiaam to run away with their disetv* «wkod what would beconto or tlio bishop ,!• ‘'nv will in nowise abate tlioir I w bpn tho ninn xvna damned. It Grant ism ardor or vigor. This splendid victory, ^damned, wlmt becomes of ropublican- placlng the prouidentinl election almost 'sin? When have republicans denounced within their grasp and quite within their Grant or Grantism? When one news- -o- ... reach, will bo regarded bv them aiinplv paper or ono leader aimke the truth ot i bimpta-toinllnme the northern mind with t l' r . ,he l’ un, - v ';»•!, exquisite s»vr.* wHT^<m1dcdm,crev?n';'h,! . !m' W '“ Hkp »«»* ,& " W which lion il h’ L r » at \\ork i • , . . . NoTiltNti more need lie mid about the mu»ie, a waltz or a march, can hr played on whit li I Ur In fort them, sure that, with a Hie speaker then read opinions ex- j principles of this alliance It is nhtinK- du-m ns well in. mi a ai um. s. l-. u i, t, r * tr0, ' K I"* “ , ' ul1 n, ‘ P rcHS<Ml "‘rep'iblieanouiventionsof Grant n league to disfranchise all Gerimins l ,0 I'" lnri,v vt organs that their together, they can elect Tilden and Hen and his administration,which weresaluted . IrislhKnclisli Scotch French S>niidin.' in ‘ <,ou ^ i '" 1 . r 1 ‘"»*re«siug even in tins,, dull dnek,. »n.l „.f"r,„ Ihc iml.lic ccrvicc will, |v:,ls „f Imighu-r. r a„ enm- i avia a im Swmqi S ^ '"'"'V ,rl " B 'r : - r ami rc-lorc IxolUr time-t« ll„. B.lign talk, -aid Ihc .iwakcr, la but .me ' S’tSLt . I 5 Jra-n l ''fra' 1 I'm .» r:,„v,. l,.,n, ?M m replacing n corru tit and wiistorii I 'i': , Ion - wnr ivlunn ti, 1 . ,i:„ ,, . ; omu loreigu iHiriinn n who ma\ have $10.>0. I nccnMng care thut nil their goods 1st rut ion with n»... which willhv i ! , rein the ro«. w>, il, g * l U ’? ^como naturalized citizens of thel’nited *|)«H |»e perfect, in an.l workman- unu u w III, liy honesty Iroiu the reUcmiOM of tlio grave in regard States, and also to disfranchis e every *hlp, has won for them public* confidence,- In abuse they are Ivyond [ person born of tlieso citizens oi not Tho ft .* T ‘ ,e worlh Mlon? than ihc modal* of » scheme is to let none vote who not tho . u “ nd Expc.hionr »gro of the political rights secured to him by tlio fourteenth flfteonih amendmonte to the federal con ntitution. rv|Hihlii'an partv, while indulging in l„ l„ r ,Tl.vir ,.arl„r „ his most bcatetl t of the south, knows that lie is trilling smooth, «• 1 with his ignorant hearers when he m- " ' ' ' IlmtllrlMtr**. Yl. plring tones of who»e familiar to so music in both parlor organs arc di»- compass, from istrntion with IIMMWfc nml economy, reduce the'taxn* anil t0 F m, W j me diualize the lost balance U«tween tlie ; wmpurison, for they have all tlio resour sections, giving jicnee to the one, conii- ves of billingsgate at tlieir coninmml. Uenee to the oilier, presjHTitv and good* Mr. Godwin next simkc of Mr. Haves a* w 1 ’V .. a republican makeshift, nnd said there was le h»ss of Indiann makes it extremeiv ^ ut n " O' nieagre prospect that he would d.„ibtftil Whfll I..r 11 ay... rail K> forrol Uirn a llrrcnlra to clean Hu, Auueau ala- neyond one Jtundrod and twenty-five hlesol tho dominant party, notwithstand- elecioral votes. It puts PennsvlVania »'»h r that he was the candidate of the re m Illinois tit doubt amiasMiros \Yisooii- form candidate who represents the dir- Tho fur tlio scheme is to let not ovou the those whoso parents were not born here vote, cither.—Brooklyn JSojIr. Tiif. republicans got hold of another boomerang when they took up the south* » . , , — «» iccuii* w.,mi..«tv ». in. iviiiwiiui viu* uir- "nr-chums mnttor and l>cgau to mis- sln to the democrats. They will not be tiwt politics of the dirtiest political state ^.P" 50 ? 1 ,l Ihe records show thu in contest for New York, which Tilden in the union. nu "' win carry in an easy walk-over, with fifty Of Mr. Haves, Mr. Godwin would sav tnousamt votes to spare. Connecticut nothing, for the sauio reason that some fnckv :v ! ‘r v ST ,,M y° rtain »* b’en- one gave ‘or not fighting a duel with tut k>. tO M\ nothing about the Pacific with John Baudolph : ’ That there was Mates which have b.eti conceded by the «ot enough of him t > shoot." He was ...a..* „u along. There i* ieally cxeelleut tqHviinen of inediocrit-y,and. fi.r Hayes, ami that n >'i reading his biography, tlie siienker, be tlmt the democrats will '"ecu fits of sleepiness, .could not help I thinking tho biography was a lame at tempt to cammire a notKxiy. .1 himself to theques- juirty A \ enterprising firm here, who . of Syr- xtiint of the hibit took the fir>i nml only prizi? * ' ‘ ine .ti this imposition, have* excited intercs* among fruit-growers and farn puhli«i,inc the following notice : CIDBK M AKIM, KXTRAORD1NAK The Roomer it: Rosrhert l’re aense, N. Y., will exhibit their Lower ride. Press in Agricultural Hall. Philadelphia, Thursday, Oot. 2fith, lS78, when they propose , Plain, Logan and other prominent lead- to perform the tmpreeedcntcn feat of press- ers ot the republican jvirty have boon ! ing 100 barrels of ei«ler from >'X» bushel* of the priucipal seiuthcrn war-claim agent*, apples, u t<-/i A.o/rs. The first serious check the prosecution of republii but one hope poor on», to-wit uk«* to rejoicing, will abandon w play, by over-confidence ami neglect, de liver the Iruita ..f their victory the enemy - a slim chance, truly ! Yhe bet ter class of repubtic&na should see it ami admit it, and, rem ognizing that this is u sttuygl, Nearlv all \ m }. h * nA *> **\' - .... fe ’liens cured these claims ever received present democratic house the claims introduced hi. s «c«toil by radical earjK't baggers lYim/the That south and marly all that have been allow oil were Indonea by a republican claim commission, and passed by republican Pimples on the face, rough skin, chap- iltrheum .xml all catxueoaz af* skin made soft and of Junip Jiigresses.—Kansas City T'i: of whether the democratic party! We call attention to-dav to the «-vj- .i r uni do iH'tter than the rcpubUcatishad ; deuce of facts before published as to the P,i tie. He said that tailing a third partv j proscriptive character of the republican , . - Cf* ’ro wasoidy oncorgaiiinzetiloree which eaudidate for president. It is not alone 1 u,r D“ rt >' I' 1 * 1 for country—-for good w««« bt» relied ti|N>n for reform, unless it foreign-born oti/ens who are mvserib’d 1 P 0 ' , ', r '.* mcnl fa, rly conducted—rfioultl go waa projHisetl to give the re»publieani but citizens born at home of foreign px’ lh «* majority of the eternal lease and unlimited power, anti! rents. “The American Alliance,” whose i lom, mod- that was the democratic party. Mr candidate Mr. Haves now i*. bv tb.oir n butte and all liberals j nomim'tion, goe% as far beyond the old 1 four years know knothiug parly 11' 1S54-;'T as that le by ('asxvtdl. Howard A (■ York, Ls the only kind that can be rein’d o as there are many imitatious, made fro common txr, which are worthless. First Premium was awarilcd at the ■ini Inhibition to the Nellis Tic, Improved, in competition •fn mMERS jrs’.W, i with great ami pu oration, frarleamcM and indeq^nde oIfi red us gurauuxsk of ft n admiui-iration •ucli ns wo chu oil support. The election W>, Goi'oaixk kills dandruff' i xml promotes tho growth of Hth?.?* U Theelcotion :iml «no willing to trust it \vult i turtv "unt bevon.l tin. Jt-mourittir rartv . , , . f rildeii, tltu. Indtuxted, implies tho power, ihe demounuic party h M not of tie sirno i*rioU. No adopted citiion A aV««BMIh™MtofnYcMfeX.“>Ty AGENTS m 0. D1UD1. A CO , 700 Y EUPEON! If yin have rheumatism, neuralgia, headache, a burn, or a bruise, procure a bottle of F.upeou. It will give instant relief, as thousands can testify. For sale by all Druggists. H. A. IH’MI,. BUT x^- CO., 7--.::’.ill 77 Pandolpji street. Chicago, Agents for the Proprietors. brnfaTl (<*r r. I»nl«.nr .* « . \. ( (H)H ^ CO., Chirauo. tlie B‘S'uV^* * tuiSr?’pAccs” I,pIy In Clnulanstl bjr Jn > P P»rk ; Ir-tiirlUn, . Ii " u-.-r x i . . Xi-w Urkuii, Wholock, Kuilay A by Wbolrwle Drugifins ^»-r.*xr»lJy. Cold Rings! Jo,’ll* iVia