The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, November 03, 1876, Image 3

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THE RECORD. A Lite Country Newspaper. Published Every * r,J -day Morning by W. S. D. WIKr^E it CO. TEItlia UP SUIISOllIPTION. Ono copy, one year §2.00 Ono copy, nix mouths 1.00 Ton copies, in clubs, ono yotr, each 1.60 Single copies 5ctH All subscriptions invariably in lulvnnco. No n&rno entered upon tholist until the subscrip tion is paid. HATES OF ADVERTISING. “bvIFe. I W l M .; >1. ,J M. ].j M 1 Sqnaro... V l.ousr k Column. 5.0i> W Column. 8 (H»‘ I Column.. 18 00] 25.00 * 6.00 t 8.00| 12.00 20.(41 80.00 40.00 25.00 40.00 03.00 45.00 05.0b) 120.00 PivfoBsional ami Business Cards of ono Inch or loss, §12 per a.mum. payable quarterly in advance; six months, $><. All advertise ments duo after first insertion. FRIDAY MORNING, NOV. fl, 1870. LOCAL ITEMS. To <l»c* Voters of Polk Comity. Upon Ujo solicitation of my friends I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the oflico of Tax Receiver in the approaching ilotciou for county officers. E. P. FEATHEltSTON. Wo will take cotton seed in pay ment for subscription, from ten or twolvo subscribers, at 15 eouts per bushel, delivered. Bring them iu at on co. Pbilpot & Dodds have annexod to their extensive stock of Duy Goods, a fine assortment of Grooebiis. Go to Pbilpot & Dodds for your G rocoriea. Prompt attcution to custouiors at J. A. Wyuu’s. Wo son the name of J. B. Trawick on the Dabney club list. Wo will stalo, for the information of tho sc who do not know bis initials, tlmt it is not the Rev. J. W. Trawick; it is entirely u different man. Como out early Tuesday morning and veto for Tildeu and Hendricks, Felton and Reform. TAKE \ PEEP. Ringgold, Ga, Oct. ‘28, 187(5. Hon. W. H. Felton: Dear Sir—1 have positive informa tion that Col. Dabney approached 'J J. Jobo (a Republican) end requcslod him to carry tlio Republican paity of this county for him. Your friends here think it well lo give you this in formation. You may roly upon it. Isaac R. Jol>o tells mo that Arthur II. Gray proposed to him to-day to vote for Hajs and Wheeler if bo, Jobo, would veto for Dabney. You are at liberty to use this information. G, W. Hill Hats, Shoes and boots received and receiving, at J. A. Wynn’s, ami at bottom prices. Corrcupomlent of the Home Hull olio. Col. Akin bos gono off at a tangent, and from bis words in Atlanta I can t tell bow badly backed bo fools him self. Ho admits tho "independaut movement to bo stronger and strong er". Ho says Georgia is being pos sessed with tho belief that corruption exists in tho organization. Ho stales as a fact, that when tho majority is us large as it is iu our District “lipgs exist, corruption creeps iu, and in different men are put to tho front”. Feltoniles, don't you feel it in your bones that the waters uro being troubled? Here is tho grout organ ized man, this “Darnel coine to judg mont" w ho endorses our position ex actly. Ho wants to be Judge iu Mc- Cutcheou’s shots, and tin refore be has to please tho luwyers, so bo en deavors to cram Dabney down om throats. No; Col. Akin, please ex cuse us from that ‘ worm-eaten can didate." We knew wo wi re right; wo feel tho truth. Wo seo the men Who are parading this district crying “organize, organize.” We know them. Col. Akin says our majority is too large, it must bo decreased to save the party. Too much corruption; too many rings. 6, my friends, this mukes mo hnp- Witb Gen. Wofford, Dr. Miller, Ton. Bob Toombs to endorso us q uttermost, with Col. Akin to 9 us and tell us wo are right, is auch for ono duy. Rally, boys, o tried and true, W. H. Felton, people’s man, who loads them >f tho corruption of tho orgamza- Cass , to J. A. Wynn’s tor your Dry Is and Groceries. Ho sells as I w e lowest for Cash. Will pay ;8 t market prices for country os an Far Skins wanted by J. pn. Highest market prices paid. pot A; Doddtj have 200 bushels l\Dg outs for sale. private hoarding. O 40 gol.'TH EIGHTH STREET. 'ENNIAL GUESTS ACCOM MODATED. Mb.-, M. IV DROWN. “Long-Nosed Radical.” 'A Consideration in Money!' “The Republican Nominee.” Certain parties, for tho purpose of creating a false impression aud there by injure our business, put out the re port wbeu wo first came to Cedar- town, that wo would ruu a radical pa per; that wo wero backed by radical capital, etc. Wo lmvo evon been called “Long-Nosed Radical’’ by a certain editor who is NOW running the “Official Organ” of tho “Great Or ganized” of Polk county, and no •lon ger than last Wednesday a corres pondent of that “true’' democratic sheet says : “Somo pooplo havo sus pected it ((be Record) as beiug a rad ical paper—some havo said so" etc., Well, wo havo taken all this, knowing that tho columns of our paper from tho first issue until now havo given tho lie to these accusations. One cor respondent in the last issue of this same "organized" “official organ" says “If it cost Felton two hundred dol lars to buy up tho Romo Bulletin, bow much did il take to buy the Cedar- town 'organ ?’ Answer—ono hundred dollars, payable when Felton is elect ed and tho river and harbor bills ap propriation is paid, without interest. (Wonder if he won’t plead tho stat ute of limitation ?)’’ \\ ell,this is valu able information, and the pooplo should return thanks. But for tho “edification” of tho "or ganized," and to refresh tho memory of some of our citizens, wo lmvo a document which wo will publish. It reads: “I HEREBY CERTIFY, that I was present at a conference between J. F. Dover, Tom Gibson and Goo. P. Bur nett, and that Gibson agreed, for a consideration in money, to bo paid by Dt vir, to support him (Dever) for Con grew, Dever being the Republican Nominee, 'ibis conforeneo was ut Atlanta, Ga. Z B. IIaiuiuove. Well, if our memory serves us right, while this “organized" editor was selling out to the “organized" repub licans, wo were ono of the proprietors of the Curtorsvillo Standard A. Ex press, battling, to the best of our abil ity, for GeiuYonug, the nominee of tho Democratic party, and against tho organized Republican party. We regret that it is necessary for us to publish this slatemeut, but wo fuel tbatjusiico to the honest pooplo of the county, to otirnlf and to tho cause of true democracy, demands it. Too Fast. Col. Waller Brock, of Haralson county, caino to town yesterday \vtf.h a loud of cotton. Ho was immodiate,- ly interviewed by Wiley Hand, Sec retary of the Dabi.ey dub, aud in tlio conversation Hand remarked-: "Tho trick is to get all tho votes wo c m for SheatB. All tho votes received by Shouts will bo tlmt many taken from Felton. Wo are depending on yon to curry Haralson for Shoals." Col. Brock replied that bo was for Felton, which, wo iimuagino set tho Secreta ry buck about a century. Col. Brook told this ‘joke’ to sovcrul of our citi zens. This proves beyond a doubt that tho so-called Dabney supporters are doing all they cun for Shouts—any thing to defeat Dr. Felton and tlio wishes of the honest masses. Will tlio free and honest voters allow the Dab- ney-Sbeats ring to trample on their rights in Ibis way ? Wo appeal to you to corno up to the polls on next Tuesday and administer a rebuke to these tricksters that they will not soon forget. Gen. Wofford made art able and manly speech in Cedartown for Dr. Felton on lust Saturduy. He fin-over uuiled to tlio wall these little tattlers who try to get sensible people to doubt Felton’s democracy. He show ed bow false the charge that Felton is ambitious. Ho said truly it was the dissatisfaction all over the district, with the manner iu which these con ventions have been running tlio poli ties of district, that brorght Dr. Fel ton out and keeps him out uud will eventually elect him. 600 ACRES Cedar Valley Land FOR SALE. | \ 801 T six hundred acres choice Cedar A V alley la rid, (well known a* the gar den *pot of Georgia) in Folk county, (icor- I j,j a< two and a half miles from Cedartown, | the county cite- About half of Ibis tract is cleared, the balance well timbered with a | variety of growth, it contains a framed | house, with three rooms—a fireplace to ■ each room, some out buildings, and an J abundant supply of water. This tract I embraces some of the best laud in this fa mous valley, situated in North-West Geor gia, in latitude 34 degrees north- D is well adapted to the growth of all the cere- uls, clover and the grasses. As to its adaptation to cotton, it is safe to say that :my good farmer, with a little help from ! fertilizers, of an average crop year, can Nice Lillie Farm For Stile. Wo offer for salo ono of tho most desirable small farms in Cedar Valley, about Seventy acres, Fifty acres clear ed and in a high state of cultivation. All of tho laud is rich and productive. Tho houses and fencing now and iu good repair. This farm is situated on Oavo Spring road, tbroo miles from Cedartown, in a good neighborhood, conveuieut'to mills, See. Price $2,000, one half cash, ono half on twelve months timo. Apply to Thompson A. Wiki.e, Real Estate Agents, Cednrlown, Ga. In anothei column will lu< found tho advertisement of tlio Gem Organ Company. Tho Organs manufactured by this Company lmvo no superior and arc warranted for fivo years, jan 11 August Flower. Tho most miserable hoings in iho world are tlioso suffering from Dispop- sia and Liver Complaint. More than 75 per cent of tho peo ple in tho United States are affiiatod with these two diseases and their ofleets, such ns Sour Stomach, Sick Headaoho, Habitual Costivonosa, Pal pitation of tlio Heart, Heart-burn, Water-brash, gnawing and burning pains at tho pit of the Stomach, Yel low V'kin, Coated Tongue and disa greeable taste in tho mouth, coining up of food after eating, low spirits, Ac. Go to tho Drug Store of Brad ford A Allan, Cedartown, On., And get a 75 cent bottle, or a Sample Bottle foi 10 cents. Try it. Two doses will relievo you. Wonderful Success. It is reported that Bosciibkh Ghu man Syhup has, sinca its introduction in tho United States, reached the im mense side of -10,000 dozen per year. Ovor (5,000 druggists lmvo ordered this medicine direct from tho factory, at Woodbury, N. J , and not ono 1ms reported a single failure, but every letter speaks of its astonishing hucochh in curing Hoverq Coughs, Colds settled on tin* breast, Ci nsumption, or any disease of Throat md Lungs. Wo advise any person that has any pro- disposition to weak Lungs, to go to their Druggists, Bradford A Allen, Cedartown, (5 t., am! get this Modi cum, or inquire afjont it. Regular size, 75 cents; Sample BottlolO cents. Two doses will relievo any case. Don’t negh ct your cough. Ill this ago of education and gener al intelligence, tile household is baldly compin'e without a Cornish & Co. I’i ilia or Oigan. Rend tho adver tisement in anotheft column, and then send for illustrated catalogue and price list. sepl 8m 1'nrlinia, dco'd. Therefore nil persons having objections will appear at tlio next court at Ordinary, on the first Monday in bet-ember next and file Ilium ill terms of tho law. Nov* 2, 1873. .JUKI, till KWH It. Ordinary* OEGAIB AND I? I .A. 2:T O £> ! All the best improvements combined iu the Organs and Planus manufactured by CORNISH & CO., Washington, N. .1. To nil who wish to purchase either an ORGAN or PIANO, wc can truthfully nay that for ARTISTIC CO N STUUCTION, Beautiful Finish and Sweet Musical Quali- tiefl, our instruments take rank with the Most Celebtaled Manufacturers Our only claim to favoritism over other leuding manufacturers is our T, o W I* It i C E H, reduced to meet the requirements of the times. Determined not to be unddrsold, m,d at tho same time furnishing instru ments that wo fully Warrant- For Five Years, we invite correJpoiylcnbs that wc may have an opportunity to prove* Hati-tfactorily all that wc here assert. Our Pianos arc furnished with the improved ('nhiitawn Retail Prices Cur rent. CORRECTED WKBKLY 11Y J. 8. STUBBS & CO. FI.Ol r It—choice $ 8?(i? — COKFKK-Rlo, D Ih 24J(tf. 35 SUGAR — g lb, Ex. C d? 12 A 12} «i> 18 “ “ “ Yellow 10<T 11 SYHUP—g gal 600*1 00 met: n. lo.f — CHEESE—best article Cream... 18»»' — CANDLES ,> It*, full weight.... 26ui> — COHN — from wagons hfiTi' (•"» MEAL—bush, from wagons... (’■fifti' 70 HAMS- Hulk- <> lb 16ft? — •• Sugar Cured—lb 10 A ft? 17J HULK MEAT— Bides 114>1> 13 SHOULDERS- <» tb UJft* 12 EGGS—■(,* dozen — lU’TTKH-p lb in.i *20 CHICK HNS 20(9 2f» PRICES FOR THE TIMES ! ONLY $5 For a First-class Sewing Machine Send for Circular with full Baltic- ulars. PIAIMOS, CABINET ORCANIS, AH kinds of Stringed InstruinentH and Sheet Mimic, Hutailed at Wholesale Prices. Sterling Silver Ware At Reduced Prices. Articles of apparel for Ladies, Getille- men and Children, Household and Fancy Articles of every quality and kind, at an IMMENSE REDUCTION OF It \TEA. For a Catalogue and Current Price List of Styles, sond ton cents to Muh. Sau.ik .1. Hattky, Fashion Editress, P. O. Hox 1200, New York. CEDARTOWN DIRECTORY. CHEROKEE IRON CO. (the very best in use) They arc also HEAVILY HTJtlJNO with the improved wire; the oases arc of solid rosewood J— j erfcclly seasoned and W A Kit ANTED NOT TO CRACK OK W A HP. Our ORGANS are furnished with all the modern improvements, ns to stops, action, etc., while the CASES are of the recent cabinet atyle, admirably suited for the parlor. B&f- SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICK LIST. Address CORNISH & OC., WusLuugtou, Now Jersey. I 8 U I' <; r.n i:k a i, i>i nitri i a n disk. 1 )HU.POT A DOPD.S.Wcst side Main at. a Dry Goods, Crookery, Hardware, Klines, Huddles, Ac. - run 1)8 CO\ NVt i ido Main A • st.- Dry Goods, Slices, Hats I,rather, Hardware, 'J'ubacoo, Agricultural luiple- Hlioes, Notions, etc. f \ \V. I’i*. A I’ll KIlSTON «V CO , FcmiIIi- * 4 crstdii’M Hlnek, Main at.- Dry (iooiIh, Heody-tniide (iotlilng, Groonries, etc. XKT M. PHILLIPS CO., Main Hlroot- \ » Dry Goods, Notions, Dimes, lints, Hardware, Gioeories, He. AIM. \V It itlilT, Court llouimHqtm'rr - 1 i I try Goods. Nlmi , Hats, Notions, Hardware, Cutlery, He. A ll i ici ING'J < Court Houso itjunro Dry Goods, Groceries, Hhoes, 11 at h, Notions^ llardware, Iron, Htool, etc. / MII.HGKIOi: IRON COMPANY, HI V J at the Work- - Dry Goods, Notions, IIiiIr, Himes, Hardware, Groceries, eti FA All LY <• ItOCHEtlHH. j A. WYNN, West side Main st. -Hlapll • ' and Fa tic.v Family Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Tobacco. Cigars. Ho. H r. LI MI'KIN, Main si. Orooeries ConfectionericH, Gounod Goods, 'J’o bnooo, Cigars, HIioch, Hardware, ole. i>i< (/<<g is rs. H KADFOKD & AI»LKN, Court House Kquaro—Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Gils, Konp:-, Pt rftimery, Garden Heeds, etc. H URHANK b JONHS, Main Htreet- Drugs, Medicines, Honps, Toilet ArIi- clew, Oils, Paints, Window Glass, clo, BOOKS and S'!’ATIOiYF.ltV. 1 >* A. Will (HIT & CO., Court House I i Hquurc.- Hooks, .Stationery, ClirotnoH, Novelties, Garden Heeds, etc. -DEALERS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE. DUY GOODS, llAliDWAliE, GHOOEUIES, WOODBNWAUH PATENT MEDICINES, GLASSWARE, ll'ily M'do CLOTHING, TINWARE, ROOTS and SHOES, SADDLES, HARNESS, LEATHER, IIAKi.lCV. H A. HTOFl'llHOHN, Court llouHit - Hqtinr, - Fri'Mil ilri'iid, Cnkca, Coiil'cu tiuuuriiH, «1o. T. MUK, Main hi— J.,I, Work dorm ul Hliorl imlice' Ituaily-iiiri'lo work kc|rt NOTIONS, PAINTS and OILS, IRON ani> STEEL, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, ETC. Frosh ground ^Flour" and Moal roooivod "daily. Country Prodnoo Holioitod at Highost Market Ratos Tkrmb K’i’iuivri.Y Cash. Opfiob and Broun at tub Wouks Oedahtowm, Ga., Fob. 10, 187(5.j HA BNICSS. f \ W. VANCE, Main street —Harness, *-J Dridles, etc., made lo order on short notice and warranted. \ CLEVELAND, Main h u and repairs clotbing t i short notice. .1 F\V ELEK. HIIOB MAKEliH* H UNKY MAY, Main St.—Fine Hoots and Himes made to order. Impairing done on short notice. JOSEPH THOMPSON Main st.- .... J kinds of Hoot and Shoe work done in a superior manner. WAGON MAKER G EORGE I’ LYNCH, Main Street, FeatJierston’s store, make aud repair wagons uud bnggem, audbinith work kinds (V. M.mill,I.Il>8, K. U. IILUIIT0W13H, J.S. lUllLl.ll’S. PHILL TIPS &C GO- MANlIFACTUIt 12RS OF LUMBER, LATHS AND SHINGLES, CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA. A FTER returning thanks to the eititnns of Oodvtcr-c a..i •ju-«*rtiimtln(» country far their liberal patronage for tho past five yours, wo hog leave to call their alien, n tho fact that wo lmvo on hand 200,009 FBBT CHOICE YELLOW PINE LUMBER, SEASONED READY FOR USE Our Mill is iu ('odnrtowu, and wo uro prepared to fill any order for Lumbor, Laths and Shingles, at very Low Prices Those iu want of such materials would tip well lo call en W, M. Phillips at the Ktore, or J. K. Phillips nt tlio mill, boforo making their Purchase. Our Maoliiuory is llrst-ohum, run by the most skillful workmen in*tho conn, try, making perfectly oven and smooth Lumbor, which is a grout saving in labor and adds much to the appearance ol buildings after their completion. PRICES OF LUMBER, IN TOWN : line tlmusnnd feel. Shingles, per thousand, Laths, per thousand, Wo also keep o CIKNER M from $0 00 lo $11 00 i hand, at very lowprioos,a Hue of, , MEUCII ANIUSH, consisting in par! of Dry floods, Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, ulo., of wit will sett as low, for Cash, as any house in J ’odartown. TIIIC (JIlANUliBS’ UNITED STATES 0E AMERICA* Authorized Capital, $1,500,000 I ’i A0II Slate is a Home Company, and its Entire Kesorve is I. mau l an l iu d in J ihe Slate Departments. Parent Ofiloo, Mobile, Alabama; Hands and Gash, - - $2(10,06) T. K. DAVIDKGN, Prosldont. Georgia lb parltiicnl, Rome, Georgia; Loans and Cash, - - - 100,00(1 C. G. SAMtIUJi, President. Alabama Department, Montgomery, Alabama; Loans and Cash, - • 100,000 Hun. N. N. Cl,EM ENTS, ProHidont. Missishippi Deimrtuienl, Mutidian, Miuie-iHipni; Limns and flash, - 100,000 W. MclNTOSH, President, Houth Ciirolinii Department, Columbia, South Carolina; Emms and Cash, 100,001 THOM AH .1. JETER, Preddont. Texas Department, Austin, Texas; Loiuih and Cush, - - - 100,000 GKO. 11. Z IMP LEM AN, President. Total asset a, .$700,000 ScotiPii.y, Economy, Libnrulitv,! ARE THE I HADING PRINCIPLES OF TIMS COMPANY. All approved forms of Life and Endowment Policies issued iu sums of $100 up to $10,000. Also Term Policies of Ono, Three. Five or Seven Yours. All Life Policies nun-forfeiting alter t wo uuniiul payments, when tho insured will be entitled lo a paid-up Policy or Cash Surrender thereof. Dividends may be used to protect policies against lapsing in onso of fniluro tn pay premiums. This, with Ilia non-lurfoitiiig and Cash Surrender features, lire sulliolont to make this Company popular among thinking men. • JLtay GOOD AGENTS WANTED. W. («. ENUEAND, of Mobile, Ala., General Superintendent uPAgonoios. „ J. S. NOYES, Locul Agont, Cedartown, Ga- Professional Cards, iv is w BLACKSMITH & W00DSH0P — 11Y— GEO. 1\ LYNCH. S HOP next to Dr. Chisolm's ofiioo All kinds of work, in Iron and Wood, done in the lies! style and on short notice. II I, Oiinibroii, well known to most, of our farmers as Iho Champion plow smith, is in the shop hammering away. Dring in your Plows, old Doggies and Wagons, or any oilier work. Satisfaction guaranteed. (Jkdautown, Ga., May 1, 18715. G. W. VANCE, Saddler and Harness Maker, CEDARTOWN, GA. rpTOHE wanting work done in my line _| are respectfully asked to give me a tri al. My Shop is on the corner, in the Pow- ell old l.ivery Stable building. may 8 AIR LINE HOUSE, <t9 1-3 Prior Street, ATLANTA,GA. Hinglo Maul or Lodgiug B0 Tiiiusiont, i>tir duy $2 00 Hpeoiul Rutcu fui u longer timo. J. L. KEITH, Proprietor. apr.Stf.] TRUNER nnd GLENN,' ATTORNEYS AT LAW O.'duitiMvii, On. O KFlt'I'l Hoiitli nf (fmirt. lloitne. Huntington and Wright's stores. Will practice iu the counties of Polk, Floyd, Paulding, Haralson and Carroll. Special attention given to collections. May 20, 1870 Dr. W. C. ENCLAND, Surgeon and Physician, CKO Alt TOWN, () A. Ollioo corner College and Prior strootr, whore ho may bo found nt all hours when not professionally absent. uep 1 IVY K. THOMPSON, W. 8. 1». W1KLJI THOMPSON At WIKLE, Real Estate Agents W 1 , CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, m. m. TinwKi.r., ivy r. Thompson. TIDWELL At THOMPSON, Attorneys n.t Law, CEDARTOWN, Cl A. O FFICE —East sido Court Houso square. June 20 Dr. C. H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, Ccriurtowii, Gu. /"\FFI0E at rosidetioc, on Pryor f(root. juuo 20. «L II A lx «. ia |{ Notary Public AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ceiluitown, Ga. P ARTICULAR iiltonlion given to taking Deposit ions nnd colluotion of olaims, Wm. M. SPARKS, A T Ton N K Y A T L A IF, Cedartown, Ca. oct 17 71. Dr. L. S. LEDBTTER, dp COPPER COPPER. KEEP constantly on I inent of ready made TIl'T-WARE, and can nfiord to sell It as rctiHonoblo a can be bought in any market. Also do all kind of job work, such as roofing and gut tering houses in tho most durable style.— All kinds of stove and shoot-iron work, copper and brass, mending umbrellas. 1 respect fully solieits the trade of to... chants. Take all kinds of aountry produce in ex change tor Tin. Cimuo Hlrowers made to order on the shortest notice. I.T. MEE m 13. Cedartown, Ga.^j East End Wo cd hop —BY — J. M. HARRIS,'! j£EBP8 READY-MADE COFFIN & CASES Makes and repairs WAGONS and FURNITURE. Wagon hubs always on hand. You can buy ono or a dozen. Woiik oiikai* koh Orders for anything in my lino, left with J. S. Stubbs b Co. will he filled. Any ar ticle, left at my shop for repairs, a net not taken out within 30 days, will be subject to Rale for charges. Jmcli27tf.*f SURGEON DENTIST Ct ilailou n, Gu. O FFERS his professional services lo Iho citizens of Cednrlown and vicinity. ^V. IL. DAVIS, * .v f- = s Watchmaker and Jeweler, Cedartown, Co. W ORK done promptly and satisfactorily All work warranted Twolvo Months. Repairing fine watches a specially. All kinds of Jewelry and WutohcH and (’looks kept for salo. ,unc 20-ly llif <raveling Public. running a Trl* HA.CK: LT35TS Jiritou Cave Spring lo Cedartown, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdaya Good Hunks Fast Horses and Careful Drivers. The Cave Spring Hotel has boon Fused and filled up in good style. The table will bo supplied with tho host that cun ho had. J. P. JOHNSON. JAMES DOULASS * CO LIVERY STABLE. Broad st.., opposite Hoyt’s Drug Stc Rome, Georgia. W E have a Largo and Commodh Wagon Yard in oonneeliou with t Stables, where Iho people of Polk n Haralson will find everything uecuisi for their comfort while in the city. (j us a trial. nov. 0-tf A GREAT DISCOVERY! * Thompson’s Liniment Is one of the greatest discoveries of the age. Nothing brings such speedy aud sure rulief to those who suffer with the nuinor- oils pains and aoltes common to the human race. Do you want something that will oaso your head, your back, cure your rheu matism and Neuralgia? Apply Thompson’* Liniment and sulfur no more. For Toothache, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Hums, and Pains generally, UHK TH0MP30.V3 LI 4I1V1ENT and you need fear no harm. Tho Medi cine is put up right bore iu your midst, by Dr* R. R. THOMPSON. Your neighbors have tried it, nnd it has never failed to do what it promises. Every family should keep it on hand, and t hereby save many a dollar. Often a long and expensive trip for a physician might ho dispensed with, simply by applying Thompson's Liniment; then keep it on hand—it will cost yon hut little. No physician can practice success fully without a good Liniment-- they know its importance—then keep it on hand. You can apply it yourself and save money. Gall on DR. K. R. THOMPSON, oyer Dr. Reese’s Drug Store, get a bottle, aud never bo without it. It will do what it say«, and you’ll never regret buying it. Get 24 For Hide in Uooknmri-by K K Huge. V J 5 I.L, V j j;ii, Ac worth, Ga