The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, December 08, 1876, Image 3

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THE RECORD. 4 tin Country Howopopor. Pnbliihoi Knry •■U 'day Morning by W. 8. D. WIKLE Sc OO. TERMS OF SUU80IU1TI0N. Ono copy, one poor (2.00 On® copy, six months 1.00 Ten copies, in clubs, ono year, each 1.60 Single copies 6cts All subscriptions invariably in advance. No namo entered upon the list until the subscript tion is paid. RATES OF ADVERTISING. SPACE. 1 W. | 1 M. | 3 M. e m. | mr 1 Hqunre... If Column. if Column. 1 Column.. t 1.00 # 2.50 * 5.00 6.00 12.00 20.u0 8 00. 15.00 25.00 18 00i 25.00J 46.00 f 8.00 # 12.00 80.00 40.00 41) 00 05.00 G6.00, 120.00 Piofossionai and IiusinoM Cards of inch or loss, #12 per annum, payable quarterly in advance; six mouths, 18. All advottiso- ments due after first insertion. FRIDAY MORNING, DEC. 8, 1870, LOCAL ITEMS. Dr. C. H. Montgomery is author- i zed to rcocivo subscriptions and ad vertisements for tbo Record in Geor gia and Alabama. A N !S'()r IV C E >1 ENTS. CLERK St:i*KRIJIt COURT. fi*aT Wo nro request ed to annomico W. C. Knight as a candidate for ro- election to the offico of Clerk Superi or Court of Polk county. FOR ORDINARY. mr I rospectfully uunounco myself a candidate for the office of Ordinary at the approaching January election, pledging myself, if elected, to dis charge tlftf duties of the office faith fully and economically. J. R. Raiiher. TAX COLLECTOR. SttuNYe aro authorized to announco the namo of Wm. IT. Morgan as a candidate f«»r Tax collector at tho approaching election in January next. Stay Wo are requested to unnounoo tho name of L. IV York as a caml:- dato for T x Collector of Polk coun ty, at the election in January next. FOR TAX RECEIVER. fiii’jr Wo aro authorized to an nounce tho uumo of J. M. Arrington as a candidate for re-election to tho office of Tax receiver at tho election Junuary next. To file VoteiH of Polk Comity* Upon the solicitation of my friends I hereby announco myself us a candi date for the effico of l ax Receiver in the approaching cldc-ion for county officers. E. P. EEATHERSTON. Hoi- W e are authorized lo announce the iinmu of Rorert 11. Wheeler as a candidate for Tax Receiver of Polk county. filar We are authorized to announce the namo of If. R. 'Thurmond as a candidate for Tax Receiver of Polk county, at tho approaching election. FOR CORONER. fimrW'e nro authorized to announco Charley West as a candidate forcoro-. nor at tho approaching election. Homo-mudo Brogann, $1 50, at Govnu's, Rome. Inanothu column will bo found the advertisement of tho Oern Organ Company. The Organs manufactured by this Company have no superior and are warranted for five years, jan 3 Cheapest and Rest Brogans, nt / Go van's, Rome. Go to Jud Crabb’s Hole for candy, nuts, raisons, citron tigs, currants, oo- con nuts, oysters, Hirdiues, cheese and fino French candies. 1,000,000 Green and Dry Hides wanted at Guvan’s, Rome, Ga. Furs, of all kinds, wanted ut Go- van’s, Rome. August Flower. Tho most miserable beings in ihe world are those suffering from Dispep- sia and Liver Complaint. Moro than 75 per cent of the peo ple in the United States uro affiicted with these two diseases and their effects, such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness, Pal pitation of tho Heart, Heart-bum, Wuter-brasb, gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the Stomach, Yel low ir kin, Coated Tongue and disa greeable taste in tho mouth, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, kc. Go to the Drug Store of Brad ford k Allen, Cedurtown, Ga., and get a 75 cent bottle, or u Samplo Bottle foi 10 cunts. Try it. Two doses will relieve you. In this sge of education and gener al intelligence, the household is hardly complete without a Cornish k Co. Piano or Organ. Read I ho adver tisement in anotbea column, and then send for illustrated catalogue a n price list. sepl 3m Jud Crabb is fixed up nicely in his now quarters with his Christmas trix. Tho PreBbyteriau Festival, which wo advertise promises to ho olio of thograudest affairs over gottou up iu Cedartowu. Miss Lula Watters is making prep arations to give a music '1 concert in a few woeks. Wo regret to learn of tho death of Mr. W. F. Sanders, of our county, which occured last Wednesday uight. Country wagons conlinuo to crowd our streets daily. Cedartowu is the tho best market for cation and coun try produco iu tho up country. Call on Jud Crabb for your Christ mas goods. Of course everybody will read J. A. Wynn’s big Christmas Trix adver tisement. Ho has a good variety and no mistwke. Givo him a call. Mr. W. S. Wintors will givo a Froo Lecture to-night at tho Court Houso on music. All are iuvitod. Music by the Italian’s harp. Jud Crabb will Bell you toys aud Chhristmns goods cheaper thuu any houso in town. The offioo of tux assessor must Lo a paying “posish.” Wo lmvo seven candidates for that office. Notwithstanding tho severe weather, a great many country peoplo aud can didates have bieu iu town this week. Many of our farmers fear tho se vere cold weather will freeze out wheat and oats that was put iu the ground late, aud just in tho sprout. Wo nro waiting for that load of wood you promised to deliver. Bring it along nt unco. Do You Take (h«* Sunny South! If not, send for it immediately. It is tho universal favorite,and nil South erners are proud of it. Lot a largo club bo raised without delay in this community. It is tho only illustrated literary weekly in tho south, and tho press and pooplo everywhere unite in pronouncing it equal in every respect of any similar publication iu Ameri ca. Tho best literary talent of tho whole country, North and South, is writing for it, and it has something each week for all classes of readers. Its stories aro supeiior in literary merit, aud equal iu thrilling intorcst to thoso of any other paper, and its est-nys* upon all subjects uro from tho best minds of the age. In addition to thrilling new stories, a series of brilliant article.’, will soon begin on tho "Campaigns and Battles of tho Army of Tennosse,” by Col. B. W. Frebel, a distinguished milita ry engineer of that army in all its trying times. These papers will ex plain all tho movements of Generals JohiiBlou, Hood and Sherman. Don’t miss any of the numbers. They will read like a fiisoinetingromance. State and local agents are being appointed everywhere, blit let each community form a club at once and send on for tho paper. Having pass ed successfully through two *»f tho harden years, we shall ever see, it now challenges tin) admiration and unlim ited euppoit of tjio people. Tho prico is $3 a year, but clubs of four and upwards got it for $2 50. Ad dress Jno. H. Seals, Atlanta, (la. ItKrirWo club it with our paper, and for $1 50 you can secure your home paper and our great southern literary journal, both of which every body in this community should sus tain. C HR IS T M A S TRIX cr. _A_. WYNU CHRISTMAS TRTxTI has the largest lot of O K I > A K r r< > \v TV. v M ft I s T M A ft T R I x Jud Crabb is selling bis Christmas goods at hard tiino prices for cash. Tho el hie: Dring iu jour lurkojH, chickens, and oggs. Christina will soon be here. If you want grooeri Jud Crabb’s !8 cheap go to .. ——, Tho Cluirokoo Iron company lmvo ginned this season, o died bales of cotton. ver throo him- If you need u good bark horso col lar go to Fhilphot & Dodds. Jud Crabb’s is tho place to buy your powder, shot and .ops f jr CUrist- Sunta Claus is rooming in Jud Crabb’s store this Christmas. Mr. Yancey, who lives on Mr. John Jones’s place about fivo miles from town, felled u largo tree on his only cow and calf, last week, killing them instantly. Wanted— J COO Bushels Corn for Cash, delivered ut Cherokee Iron Read the advertisement of Cedar- town High School in this paper. Tho teachers nro all better known to most of our citizens than to us, and any thing wo could say in their favor would bo supererogation. Adjourned Term Folk Superior Court, convened Monday and ad journed Wednesday afternoon. Wonder fill Success. It is reported thut Boschees Gkr- j man Btbcp 1ms, since its introduction j in tho United States, reached tho im- 1 rnenso sale of 10,000 dozen per year. | Over 0,000 druggists have ordered ! this medicine direct from the factory, J at Woodbury, N. J , and not ono has l reported a single failure, but every letter speaks bf its astonishing success j in curing severe Coughs, Colds settled on the breast, Consumption, or any • disease of Throat and Lungs. Wo ) advise any person that has any pre disposition to weak Lungs, to go to their Druggists, Brudford & Allen, Cedartowu, G and get Ibis Medi- ; cine, or inquire about it. Regular size, 75 cents; Sample Bottle 10 cents. Two doses will relievo any case. Don’t neglect your cougb. Medical toacb us lo never condemn a remedy until it lias received a f ir hial. You insist * d that I try .voiir Liniment while I was Miff-ring wilb rheumatism. A "drowning man will catch at straws.*’ I used your remedy, and will candidly admit that I was benefited. Other liniments might lmvo done the same thing for me, but your* did it in J'uct. I am convinced Unit il i.s a good Lini ment, and I clicoi fully attest tho saino. My affection was of six months i taud- ing when I commenced tho use of Thompson's Liniment. In throo weeks I conlcl walk well without a crutch. Yours, Ac C. II. Montgomery, J). M. Hides nn Fur Skins wanted by J. A. Wynn. Highest markol prices will bo paid. Nice* Li Hie Farm For Salt*. We offer for sale ono of the most desirable small farms in Cedar Valley, about Seventy acres, Fifty acres clear ed and iu a high state of cultivation. All of tho land is rich and productive. Tho houses and fencing now and in goon irpnir. Tills farm is situated on Cuvo Spring road, three miles from Cedartowu, in a good neighborhood, convenient to mills, Ac. Price $2,000, ono half cash, ono half on twelve months time. Apply to Thomi-hon A While, Real Estate Agents, Cedartowu, On. “Eureka'* is tho sentiment of count less sufferers who find the balm of relief, and the fountain of their health and strength in Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It is the most potent of all altera tives to purify the system and dense the blood. It possesses invigorating qualities, so that it stimulates the faded vitalities and purges out tho corruptions which mingle with the blood promoting derangement and decay. Wo aro assured by many in telligent physicians thut this medicine cures beyond all others of its kind and wo cab fortify this statement by our own experience.—Athol. (Mass) White Flag. Odnitoxvu Retail Prices Cur- • rout. corrected weekly nv s. bturiw & co. FLOUIl—clioloo $4j(Ji'4-10 COFFEE-Rio, *> Hi i!80 25 SUGAR a lb, Ex. 0 I» '2 •• •• •• A 12J<® la •• “ •• Yellow.’.’.’.’...... low n SYRUP—** gal 50'#?I 00 RICH—** lb. 0(0 - U1IEF.SE—boat artlolo Cream... 18W — CANDLES—** III, fall weight.... 260 — CORN—from wagons 85<f -10 MEAL—** bush, from wagons... 600 0 HAMS—Hulk—** tit I fit® — •• Sugar Cured—*» tb 10.JW 174 HULK MEAT—Hides 10W 10$ SMOULDERS lb 11J(W 12 l)(i(!8—** dozen 12JW — RIJTTHR—** lb 20<j) *25 CHICKENS 12J W — Sts ton m IKS! ONLY $5 For u First-class Sewing Machines Send for Circular with full Pattic- ulars. C;A B IIN'.E T O R C A N S , r All kind*]of ffltringed Instruments and Shoot Music, Retailed at Wholesale Tricon. Sterling Silver Ware At Reduced Prices. Articles of apparel for I.adioH, Oentlo- inea and Children, llmiHuliohl and Fancy Articles of every quality and kind, at an IMMENSE REDUCTION OF RATES. For a Catalogue and Current Prico List of Styles, eend ten cents to Muh. Ham.ii: .1. Hatthy, Fashion Edilms, P. o. Ilex 1*200, New York. CEDART0WN DIRECTORY. tiEM'.lt A I, iMI.IU Il WDISi: T 8. ST I'M IIS k <()•. Went side Main • I . si.- Dry Hoods, Mimes, Hutn Leather, Hardware, Tobacco, Agricultural Implr- Rcudy-mndc ('hilhing, Groceries, W M. PHILLIPS & 00 , Main troot Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, (irooericM, ).ic. IV M. w It I dill'. Court il- ■ juiirt IN Dry Goods. Shoes, Hals, Notions, Hardware, Cutlery, etc Notions, j laid ware, Iron, SI eel, / HILItoKKE IRON COMPANY, Store V J at the Works- Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, eto. I 'A VIILY GIHH fries. I A. WYNN, West side Main si. —Staple .1 and Fancy Family Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Tobodco. Uigurs. eto, n P, LI '■> PK i N, M tin at Gi poor it •. ConfeolioiiericH, Gunned Goody, To bacco, Cigars, SIiocb, Hardware, olo. dim Is. A) RADFORD k ALLEN. Court* House I ) Square Drugs, Medioinvs, Paints, Oils, Soaps, Porfnmcry, (lardi'ii Seeds, etc. 1J UR RANK k .ION EH, Alilin Hlroet— II Drugs, Medicines, Soaps, Toilet Arti cles, Oils, Paints, Window (Hush, eto. BOOKS and NT A Tl(|.\ MR V. P A. WllKlHT K CO, C'.iirl Itim.o I V S«|iiare^ Rooks, Slalionorr, Chromes, Novelties, Harden Heeds, etc. J T. MEH, Main street—Jon Work done 4 at short notice; Heady-made work kept ( 1 W. VANCE, Main i vj Rridles, etc., made to notice an<l warranted. TAILOR. ' CLEVELAND, Main ML—Cuts, makes < and repairs clothing in good style and K - and Jewelry. Keeps Jewelry SHOE MAKERS- ENItV MAY, Main st.—Fine IJoota and Shoes made to order. Repairing ONE PM THOMPSON Main *' kinds of Root and Shoe work done in u superior manner. WAGON MAKER- ( LORO K J* l.Y.X*’ll, .Main Sirvet, ^ U cut hers l on's More, make and repair wagons and s hnggeib, and smith work of al CHEROKEE IRON CO. i—tWff -DEALERS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE. BOOTS and SHOES, SADDLES,' HAliNESS, LEATHER, DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, WOODENWAHE, PATENT MEDICINES, GLASSWARE, ll'ily MVlo CLOTHING, TINWARE, NOTIONS, PAINTS and OILS, IRON and STEEL, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, ETC. Frosh jjromul *Flour’ - iuuI Moul I'oooivod tlnily. Country Produco Solicited ut Highoul Murkot Rntca Tiuisia Stiuctia' Card, Omni: and Stohb at tub Wuukn Cbdaiitown, Ga., Fob. 10, 1870.; We may have Mentioned it Before, But it will brill- l-opontiug; uud to liuiko il sum tiling', wo wi 1 biiv Unit tin- MOBILE LIFE INSURANCE CO., Of' MOBILE, ALABAMA,,, In tli© Loading Lilb Company in tli© South, Aud under its proaont excellent rnaniigemont is doing more Now Businoss in tho Southern States than any other Life Company, North or South. Over 2000 Policies Issued in 1875. O U B 0P13CI A. L T I El P : r I' , l»t5 l^il© Endowment I’laui, by which yon secure Endowment in fifteen yonra, nt tho rate of an ordinary Life Policy. The Yunry lioneTYubto r l\»rm Plan, the chonp- c«t plan of Insnranco now worked. M.-M CAUTY, II. M. FRIEND, SHEITAHD HOMANS, I > re«itlonf. Secret ary. Actuary A. C. PICKENS, General Agent North Georgia, OARTFUSVILl.E, GEORGIA. STATEMElsTT FOR THE YEAR 'ENDINCLDECEMBER.’S I St, 1876. Not AHaota December 31st, 1874 $149,801) Li INCOME. Received for Bremiuinu and intoreKt <)p $750,785 12 DISBURSEMENTS. Lohhoh by Denlh $74,254 00 DividutidH, CuintuissionH, Taxes, aud other expeiiHos.. 73,855) (12 148,113 02 ($002,071 50 duali in Bank $ J7,185 *10 TJ. S. Government find other Bonds 70,270 30 Loans on Mortgage, First Lions 40,032 12 Loans on Bands and Stocks 20,005 00 Tnsmanee Stocks 1,425 00 Held Estate and amount duo by other Companies for Re-Tnsuranco 5)5,085 74 Bills Receivable, secured, and Stock Bonds 25)0,23 8 4 0 Premiums in hands of Agents and iu course of Collection 40,993 45 Office and Agency Furniture 2,7-15 88 002,071 50 Add Accrued Interest and Deferred Premiums 21,824 40 Assets Decombor 31st, 1875. $024,45)5 5)0 TII1S GRANGERS’ OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Authorized Capital, $1,500,000 |? A lLi i ACII State is a Home Company, ami its Entire Reserve ia LonncI ami insured i the State Departments. Parent Olllco, Mobile, Alabama; Ronds aud Cash, - - - $‘2(’.0,0( T. E. DAVIDSON, Presided Alabama Department, Montgomery, Alabama; Loans mid Cnt' . Hon. N. N. CLEMENTS, President. Mississippi Department, Meridian, Misssisippi; Loans ami Cush, W. McINTOSH, President, South Curolina Department, Columbia, South Carolina; Loans aud Cash THOMAS J. JETER, President. Texas Department, Austin, Texan; Loans and Cash, GEO. R. ZIMPLEMAN, President, 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 $700,000 Total assets, Security, Economy, Liberality, ARE TIIE J FADING PRINCIPLES OF THIS COMPANY. All approved forms of Life and Endowment Policies i - -I in sums of $100 unto $10,000. Also Term Policies of One, Three, Fivo or S • n Years. All Life Policies non-forfeiting aft#.-r two annual pay is, when tho insured will be entitled to a paid-up Policy or Cash Surrender there 1 Dividends may bo used to protect policies against lapsing in ease of failure to pay premiums. This, with tlm non-forfeiting an A Cash Surrender features, are suflioiont to mako this Company popular among thinking men. VxiT GOOD AGENTS WANTED. £W. G. ENGLAND, of Mobile, Alu,, General Superintendent of Agencies. J. S. NOYES, Local Agent, Codartown, Ga- ORGANS AM) Pi A1TOS! All tho best improvements combined In (lie Organs nml.Pianos umnufaoturcd by CORNISH & CO., Wnsliingion, IV. J. To ail who wish to puroliasp either an • ORGAN or 1*1 ANtJ, wo cun truthfully sty' Hint for ARTISTIC CONSTRUCTION, Honutiful Finish ami Swoot Musical Ovali ties, our instruments tnko rank with tho Most Celebrated Manufacturers Our only claim to favoritism over ether loading manufacturers ia our I. O AV PKICE8, reduced to moot tho requirements of the times. Determined not to bo unddrsold, and nt tho same time furnishing instru ments Hint wo fully Warrant For Five Years, wo invito correspondents that we may have an opportunity to provo satisfactorily all Hint wo bore assort. Our Pianos arc furnished with the improved FRENCH GRAND ACTION, (tho very-best, in uao) They aro also HEAVILY STRUNG with Clio improved wire; tho oases are of solid rosewood perfectly Bonsonod and WARRANTED NOT TO CRACK OR WARP. Our ORGANS nro furnished with nil the modern improvements, as to stops, notion, etc., while tho CASES uro of tho recent cabinet style, admirably united for the parlor. Jifcur SEND FOIl ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. Address CORNISH & OC. y Washington, Now Joraoy. MANUFACTURED RY Montgomery & Co., CEDARTOWN, GA. Wo nro now mamifuaCurlng the bcBt Saddle over invented. Tho Spring Boat is just what lias been needed by (ho riding public for years. The comfort and ouso to rider and horn* ia not to bo found in any other saddle. Our work is all douo nt homo ami l.y meal competent workmen. Every saddle in warranted for two years, with ordinary euro and Usage. lie In cnee may be bad loCnpt. A G West, President Cherokee Iron Company, Drs. M F k .1 A Liddell, Dr W G England, Dr Il It Thompson, .1 A Wynn, Wm F Turner Esq , A Huntington and Dr. E il Rich unison, Cedurtown, and Dr Scurry. Esora Wo respectfully call the attention of tho public to the above facts, and ask a share of patronage, confident tlml our saddle will givo complete aatisfaclioli. Prices range from Ton to Twonty-fiv# Dollars, according to stylo and finish. JAME& DOULA88 * CO. f LIVERY STABLE. Broml hI., opposite Hoyt’s Drug Stor«, Home, Georgia. W E lmvo a Largo and Coinmodloua Wagon Yard iu connection with our Stables, where I ho peoplo of Polk and ilaralson will find everything ncoousary for their comfort while in the city. Give i trial. v. 0-lf DAVIS, Watchmaker and Jewele Codartown, Ca. W ORK done promptly and satisfactorily All work warranted Twelve Months. Repairing fino watches a specialty. All kinds of Jewelry and Watches and Clocks kept for sale ,une 20-ly Wm. M. SPARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Codartown, Ca. oet 17 '71. pHOKOIA, POLK COUNTY.—W. Ed a-T Wood has made application to have Pinkney * Drown, a colored orphan boy some ton or eleven years old, bound to him or somo other til and proper person. Therefore all persons concerned will ap pear at my office on the tiiird Monday in December next, said npplioniion will be grant ed. Nov. 23. 1870. JOE / HUEWfilt, Ord’y VICK’S FLORAL GUIDE. A beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely illustrated, and containing au elegant col ored Flower I'lulo wilb the first number. Price only 25 cents for the yeqr. Tho first number for IH77 just issued in Ger man and English. Vick’s Flowkii and VeuktaijI/K Gauden, in pnpor.60 cents, with elegant cloth cov ers $1 (JO Viok’s Catalogue—300 illustrations only two cents. Address JAMES VICK Rochester. N. Y.