The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, January 12, 1877, Image 3

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THE It ECO IIP. A Lira Country Htwapaper. Publ shed Every * •» ‘day Mirnmff by W. S. D. WIKI K CO. TERMS Ob' SUBSCRIPTION. ■Olio copy, ono year fj.o One copy, six mouths J.o Ton copies, in dub*, onoyesr, each.. . l.c Single oopka 6ct Ail MubocriptiouB Invariably in adrancc. N name enteiod upon tbo lint until tbe *ul«crip -lion is paid. HATES OF ADVERTISING. ; M <; m. H m . f 1.00,t a.aojs 6.0 »(■? fi.on|t pj.oo { Column. I Column. Culnmu. P.ofoni-ional and Business Cards of one Inch or less. #12 per annnm, payable quarterly in advance: six months, t*. All adreitko- men*s <luo aftei first insertion. FRIDAY MORNING, DEC. 21), 1870 LOCAL. 1 T K M S Dr. <J. II. Montgomery is author- i ztul to receive subscriptions and nd- vertUeini nts for the lit coup in Geor gia «nd Alnbitmt. Tuo fnllowiCg 'ick'-i Ims boon sug- geeted ns seitnblo person" to serve ns in tvor and council mutt the present your—election next Thursday: For Mayor: Dr. Wm BRADFORD. For lb S. LEDBEITKR. For Aldermen: H. WALT1ULL, 1*. SHEPARD, I H. uODDS, (’ HARRIS, •HD mill:, nnt of Ihe < ntrotii Thcro’a a ohiel nmoug ye inkin’ notes And faith hu'll prent ’em.” Mtu), uiudior, madiost. Phillip’s hull to-night. Slosh, sloshier, slushiest. What id slosh ?—it snow mutter. Did tiny body my anything ubjiit mud. An early Spring is predicted. Wlmt hits become of ull the candi dates. Read the county treasure!'b report in i his issue. Tho charming Miss Susie llunn h .s gone to Atl mtu. The dying century sends a chill through the Atmosphere. Some!lung rich, rule, and racy at Phillip’s hall to-night. Concert under the aas^icos of the W hite Apron Society to-uight. One more election, and then we are done for one year at least. Tho weathe r has modi rated some, Of brooks, Guardian for James 1* Rtr’ . B , bus applied for leave to soil the umliv/led one-fourth hilorost in lcn forty nfcro lots of bind lying in the lTlb district of the lid koj lion of l nrtow county, Ga., belonging tosnid minor. Therefore alt persons oot • corned will file objections to ilic samo if iiuy they have nt tin* next court of Drill- dinnrv to be hold in and for said county on tho Ht Monday in February next. Given under my hand and ollloiul nig- tinturc this December ltbli 1870. .IGF.I. II HOW Kit, Ord’iiy. THE SAVANNAH but still does tint tilhti: of sumi Several of our young people to Atlanta to attend the ball. Our young friend, Mr. J kin leaves for Cluttoog.l county this ! upon a prosperous year, livery returning morning " ! anniversary Ims witnessed its extending, No use grumbling A tho times the weather. Take thingsrtsthey and make the best of them. MORNING NEWS' luiigurul I For 1877 On the I si of Jumiury, 1877 tho MORX- . 5 ING NEWS enters upon its twenty.seventh G'imp- volume, and, it is hoped by its conductors, High ScI.m not to c iin:i cipnl ol Mdrre.l , intluonce, and to-day il in the j political faith of thousands of readers. I Itruniform consisteney and steadfast do* | volion 'o principle has gained for il the confidence of the dttblio, thus enabling it to contribute largely to the triumph of i ihe Democratio party. In t he future, ns in tho past, no pnius I " ill be spared to make the MORNING • NEWS in every respect still more iloaorv- .. ...... , , | of tho Coinlidonqo'and prtronngo which .uibti Luis Waters opened her mils- has been so liberally extended to it b v tho school with a largo number of I people of Georgia mid Florida holaiH on Monday last luting man, open your heartfi .ml your i uiku strings mul taka your dnl- ciua to tho concert to-ni. lit. Jim Uleiin H"ys i Wednesday night j not.. Readers you all know who w lit j t > Atlanta Wednesday. | Mr. Fult Colville—Who by Ilio way | m ono of cleverest boys, wo learn lias I gone to Atlanta to go into business. ! We wish you success, Fult, old boy. ‘ A in .1 liu.l hack < may j walk nimbly, eat plentifully, stoop I easily, and' loll gracefully, but tin- I style iloeH not suit for a slip on tho pie means voted to tlie improvement 1 ain't aloap any ; “ u •«^P»,rlino..i», (lie (viper in link lag it a iuNtruotlve and reliable lews, Its stair of special corre-pnndealH— at W asliingtou, Atlanta. .lacksouvillo, Tallahassee, and other points t.f interest has peon reorgaa- i/.ed with a view of meeting every possible emergency that may arise, and pains will bo tsh.ui to make its uununeruial news— foreign and domestic, complete and relia ble. D nboi f »»po the t Imoli- o call especial attention id’ subscription. I’AGE FIU.K. Wm. M. SHARKS, . Cod .town, Ca. 1 got up •rimry try Of tilt) r’Kiinnn " ol \ * Woo l bn to Pinkney Hi tt'. Ed , :*(ii.k roiiNTV. - s aiiido application I own, a colored orpin deven years old, bound to him r lit mid proper person, all persons concerned will np- lliee on tlie llili d Mond iy in \i. else saitl appllca oil will Nov. #:i, Ih7i . JOE RHEAS' Fit, Or.l'y i a k sit n „ 1S7 NEW VO It 1C. 1H77 a tell. ; to his feet. p uTero t In- i« ./ - unpl.MtMtiul i clothes froz n in g with i 1 is wai i I ImppuliB 1 > making li irchuH, {Sun Tho- n week days lie a sheet on Sundays a slice! of broad oolaihiis; while will be a slice I of eight The i I ha pal MUy.,r, Cad lain duty to bo held an election, which i court hntiKn in i sday, tho 18th iu id; N. M. W iiioiit, Mayor pro ten Mf- Ephraim Thumps on, father of Col. Iv. y T. Thompson, of our town, 'li. d on Inst '| in si ; ,y morning, at tho refcfdence of his son, L <J (’. Thomp- h ii, near 1» ckumrt. Mr. Thompson hits been n resident of thin county fora number of years, rind wm prob- i.blv nbout tin* oldest mm in .the comity, and ono of its best and most useful citizens. II • was about ninety ycniR (Id. vligious org igu tb it Im T< tuple in lb scoutged tin i iHuir oon- i generally ;d the cov- antranco of Htuctit-y.— toii iy ch itigers in Lite days of Curiet, and he i out with a whip of The dill' ing I lie lie ing the yci daily edition wi eight pag. s. or the weekly edit pages of the same dimensions and cllurac ter that are a!p'ii I;. familiar to our friends Tin Si n niil continue to bo tho slrcnti. oils advocate cf reform and retrcnoltmenl, and of the Hiihsliiniion "f HtnI.iHliiannhip t wisdom and integrity for hollow pretence, imbecility, and fraud, in the adiiiiniHlru- • i"ii of public all'.iirs. It Will contend for the government of the people by the peo ple and for the peopl ■, is opposed to gov ernment by frauds in the ballot-box nnd in the counting of votos enl'orf d by mililary It will endeavor to supply its < ul tiiis Out—it May Save Vour I lion of ills—wit anil Ini 1 tun I lie efnl, Ilniiri-HiioL of < \\« an* in receipt work, with complimnul JnncH, C'ommis: tom r . It is accompnid.-d by Map of (be State. Il < ■eoi'Kia. t<f I ho above S of Thus. l\ f •Agriculture, a Geological obtains much valuable infoimuti. n for oil classes, and fills want Im g f. It by out people, It should be in tho hands of eveiy Georgian Tho author says, in his introduction: "In tho pi p nation of thi-t H ind- Book, two objects have been kej>t constantly in view : Lit There is no perso mi fit* is more or list case, Coughs, Colds yet home would ilio 75 cents for a b that would euro t Boshchee's G. iinan ly been inlroduciM from Germany, an cures ast-'uisbes every < If you doubt what wt cut this out and aku it, gists Bradford N Allen Jones and get a cents t id try il, i , . thy accounts of current events, nnd will employ for Ibis purpose a nuiiii'i mis and carefully selected staff of ro- ' l, « blit W’lml ; po.teis and correspondent*. IN reports h Lung Dis- Mr*)* 11 \\ asli.iigton espcoinlly, will be full accurate mid feurless; and it will '.loiibt- ( ui.sumption, . |,jhh <1 out iliac to deserve and enjoy the ha- I r than pay 1 rvd of thuso who tlnivo by (dundcring , tlio Iroasury or by nsiirpiug wliat tho law i i uteri Cl i ) ,j 00H |,,,t give them, while it will endeavor or A. ! *0 merit, the ooiifldonoo of tho public by > del. u ling (lie rights if the people ngains htt'' I ilio encroachinenis of iinjustified power, lUljti'V ; The price of tho daily Ml.'N will be /> , ' rents a month or $'i 60 ay ur post pu*d lorotis | ()r w j,|, t | H , Kim.lay edition $7,70 a year that try it. < The .Sunday edition alone,eight pages, $1, IV ill 'mini 1 2 " " 7«“ r I"" 11 I”*” 1 - •' J 1 The V\ oekly M;k eight pages of 60 ool- your drug- j uinni , t will be furnished •luring IH77 atllie Burbank & rate of J?1 per year, post paid, pin bottle for It) ! Tl " ) '"'" oli ' uf l " l> l,,rB " ,r Hs rup 1 its .igUlil ' the previous rate for tlie- weekly be The begifiluturc. This body met on Wudmud iy last, and we trust, with thu detoriuinatiqn to go to work in ourucst to perfect anrl adopt such laws as will moot tho no- ccssitifis of the times. There is now -but litllo doubt but that Tdden will bn inaugurated President. Georgia by her legislative body, should do her part in restoring confidence, reviving business, and assist in bringing about happiness and prosperity. But to <jj /.; for , enjoyed by individual subscribers without the necessity of making up clubs. At the. same time, if nny of our friends choose to aid in exleliding our eirculalion, Wo shall • be grateful to tlioip, and every sue|i pofsoQ who sends us ten or more subscribers from one place will lio entitled to one copy of tlie paper for liimieif uiriioul charge. At one dollar a year posing : paid, the expen ses of the raper and printing are barely repaid; and, considering ilio size of the sheet and tbe .juality of its contents, we are confident the people will coufider Tiik Wkkwly Sun the cheapest newspaper pub lished in Ihe world, and we trust also one of tho bot. Address TilB 8U.N, .Nett’ Vnrk Gi.y, N. V. OORRKOTED WKEXLT 1)Y J. 8. 8T0BW fc 00, FLOUR—choice.. . OOFFKB—Hlo, <V15.:.. SUQAR-,, Hi. Hi-* A... •• •• •• Crush •• •• •• Yellow SYRUP— v g„1 ..... RICE-*. CHEESE—best article Creatu... CANDLES— p Hi, full weight.... CORN—front wagons MEAL—f bush, from wagons*.. IIAMS—Hulk—lb Sugar Cured—f> lb HULK MEAT—Sides SHOULDERS—lb EGGn—p dozen MUTTER— r lb CHICKENS 440 26 Tf 12 12J'« R*. —di — \0H 11 60fc l W of - , 18:3 — | fit S.DBvaoraw, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. HftKOWAHK, WOODENWAUIO, id® -1 cuiocKiibx "o f 'ol I 13 PATENT)tKt)Y6iffl'is, (ILAS8WA1IE, 1— 30,9 3.1 134® - PSICfS FOR THE TIMES ONLY S5 I. To supply the people of Georgia ' this the people o,u»th.. un.nsed to with correct information of thei State, its condition, resources and in stitutions. 2d. To supply Iramignnts, actual and prospective, with acmrto and re liable inform ition o:i thoti s taj c.a connected with Gcorgi i in which it is believed they will take a special inter est." souse of duty and themselves. olve to help lu llii-) age of education nnd gener al intelligence, the household is hardly comple e wituout a Uornish & Co. IVijo i r Organ. Head Hie adver tisement in auotbea column, and then send for illustrated catalogue au price lint. »*pl .'im the leg illy appointed receiver of the property of B. II Itichardaoo, Sr., real and persoual, over and aboye the homestead and exemption set apart and allowed to said Richardson, I will sell before the court bouse door, on the First Tuesday in January next, between tbe lawful hours of sale, the following property.: Lois of land Nos. 791, 7'.tg, 869, 800, 801, 802, 863,801, 806, 800, 807, MM, 809, 870, 0 and-9:' ' P liotogrnpiis !! IGiuto;ruphs! Photographs!! ! taken PHILLIPS . Friday Evening, 12. Also Id 9# 100"*dpn [.of 21- nutnblPiyU^O ac hau* ii am t '"•<•, .aasm! ' ; .F^lich —Ami the beautiful Sou., Ladies’ Benevolent Society, 1 eVer) 6t} lB “ m ‘ SiZ6 " l ,h0 The public will be ».„plp repel fur : ^,” < ’" m „ H r “Tle, Court House, Cc.lnrtonu, Gr,„ by . teD.ling, end ell are cordially mTlteJ. Term, <-»sl. J.. A. GREEN. J.ady and Gentleman - -27 cft r-ioOi For a First-clas* Sewing Machines Send for Circular with full Partic ulars. CABINET ORGANS, All klixU'ol'[Stritigod laslranients and Shooi Music, Retailed at Wholesale l'l iocH. Sterling Silver Ware At Reduced l'ricos. Articles of npparot for Ladies, Goalie- men and Children, Household and Fancy Articles of every quality and kind, at an IMMENSE REDUCTION OF ll\TB3. For a Catalogue nnd Current Price List of Slylu.i, send ton cants to Mas. .Sai.i.ik .1. Hattht, Fashion Editress, P. O. not 1200, New York. PlIOTOU It A I’ll Kit, IV,ly M'.lo OLoJHJSW, fewAlll',- HOOTS and SHOES, SADDLES,' HARNESS, LEATHER, NOTIONS, EAJNTS andiHIjS,' I IRON and STEEL, : PLANTATION StlPTUESilETC,' Fresh ground Flour and Meal rocoivod Jdaily.f* Oouutry Produce Solicited at Highost AfarfioiJ|Dabo3“ TeuMs Strictly Cash. Office and Store at Tin: WoitAs Ckdartown, Ga., Fob. 10, 1870. We may have Mentioned it Before, But it will boar repeating; and to mako a sure thing, wo wi 1 say that the MOBILE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OJ? MOBILE, ALABAMA,, <1)0 Leading 1 Life Company in tlio Houtli, Ami under its prondnt excullont mnnngemout is doing morn Now Business in j the Soutlioru Sttiteb llmu nny oilior Life Coinpsny, North or South. Over 2000 Policies Issued in 1875. CEDARTOWN DIRECTORY, GHiNFaK U- AIFHCII ANDISIL rile OUE 8 P U a;i A. L T I B : -ii<« Fndowmont T^ln.n, by which you secure an P HII.POT A DODDM.Wost side Main el. — Dry Goods, (.'rookery, llunlwaro, Ml , Saddles, ,\,). I 8. RTUHH8 & CO-, West side Main • * • si - Dry Guoda, Shoes. Hats Lfntlicr, Hardware, 'I'ubaeQO, AgVloiiltural Iinphi- I S r*OYK8 ,N CO.. Triangular Hlook — • ^ Dry Goods, GrocerieH, Hardware, Hals 8hoes, Nollons, etc. f \ W. FEA I’ll EllSTO.N A f!G , Feath- * T orHlon'H Hlook, Main si.—Dry Goods, Rcndy-made Clothing, Groceries, etc. W M. PUfLLIi’H & CO., Main HlrftcU Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Groceries, olo. N il. W U 1.111'fi .T.iiirl Tim. Hr HuTmis)— Dry Goods, Hhoos, Huts, Notions, Hardware, Cutlery, etc A HUNTINGTON, Court House Siiimro — Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Hals, Notions, Hardware, Iron, Bleu), elo. ( GILROKJCB IRON COMPANY, Store J at the Works—Dry Goods, Notions, Hals, Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, etc. F \ 1)11 LY GKOCKKIKH. I A. WYNN’, West side Main st.— Staple •/ and Fancy Family Orooc'rloH, Crockery, Hardware, l'ohaoco, Cigiirs. otc. H P. LUMPKIN, Main si.—Groceries, CoafeolioncrioH, (/'aimed Goods, To- bncoo, Cigars, Shoes, Hardware, oto. DllUGGIS I S. B radford . i a ai.i.un. CoiirJ ijoune Square—Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Hoaps, Perfumery, Garden Heeds, elo. H URHANK & JONES, Main Street itriigs, Medicines, Snaps, Toilet Arti cles, Oils, Paints, Window Glass, etc. IIOOKM ii ml STATION ICIt V. K WRIGHT & CO., Court Kouee Mijimre/— Hoiks, Stationery, CliromoH, Noveitjes, Garden Heeds, elo. IIAKKRY. H a. htoffuk(;i:n7 ( Hquure—Fresh Hreiid, Ci tioneries, efis. TIN SHOP. iber 796. The same buifit r JKn.i. i; h iehardsou's farm, situate l‘nfrj£ ufid be-, , 2nd div.fict aqd^^UPe^Gbn of ! county uofOxem t7 MEH, Main street—Job WorlSoh® at short notice; Ready-made work kept WAGON MAKER* G EORGE P LYNCH, Main street, near Fealherston's store, make and repair wngoiiH_andJjiiggeiH, aud smith work of ul r\EORGIA, POLK COUNTY—Anplica- 1 _T lion having bnen made to have, the pri- e road leaving the Edwardsvillo near P,- . Pillmah's passing near IHooming Grove Church olid intersecting the Jacksonville road near the residence of V/. II. Short in ihe 1079th district G. M., to be made a public road of second class or twenty feet wide; ami J’. O. Pit I man, John Garner and W. II fflipri, the duly appointed coramis sioners Imvinjf' made their report undor unlit that they- have proceeded to mark out iJjk union according to low. Therefore oil persons having objections will file them at ihe next term of the Court of Ordinary' to be neld on the 8d Monday in Juuoffy else said petitiom^ill be granted, l) her -OMi 1.^Tokl Hbbwi Endowment in fifteen years, tit tho into of an ordinary Lifo Policy. The Yonvy Renewable Term tho olionp- owl plan of ItiHtiranoo now worked. m. McCarty, h. m. friend, sheppard homans, Prosident. Secretary. Aolnary A. C. PICKENS, General Agent North Georgia, CAUTEBSVILI.E, OEOliaiA. STATEM ENT FOR THE VEAR ENDINC DECEMBER 31 st, 1875. Not Assets December Hist, 187*1 $M1),8UD 1U INCOJ1 IL Received for Premiums aud interest i .'J ' 7 <)<> <1750,785 12 DISBURSE ME NTH. Losses by Death $71,251 00 Dividends, CommiBsioiiH, Tuxes, and othor expenses.. 70,85!) 02 148,118 02 •$002,071 50 Cash in Bank....; 17.185 -lofl U. 14. Governmont and othor Bonds 70,270 OOjj Loans on Mortgage, First Lions 40,082 12 J Loar.s on Bonds and Stocks 20,005 00 Insurance Stocks 1,425 00 Real Estato and amount duo by other Companies for Re-Insurance. 05,085 74^ Rills Receivable, seemed, and Stock Bonds 200,288 40 ^ Premiums in hands of Agents and iu course of Collection 40,008 45 Office and Agency Furniture 2,745 88 002,071 50 Add Accrued Interest and Deferred Premiums 21,824 40 Assots December 81st, 1875 $024^05 00 THE GRANGERS 9 —OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Authorized Capital, $4,500,000 i ^AOH Btnlc.ia u Home Company, and its Knllro Reserve is Loaned and innui-cd in j the Hlato Depiirtmenta. Parent Office, Mobile, Alabama; Honda and CahIi, - - - $200,009 fll L> I. I IMlkUOM r T. K. DAVIDSON, Presldon Georgia Department, Rome, Georgia; Loatm and Cnvh, 0. G. 8AMUBL, President. Alabama Department, Montgomery, Alabama; Loans and Cash, Hon. N. N. CLEMENTS, Prosident. South Carolina Department, Columbia, South Carolina; Loans and Cash, THOMAS J. JETER, President, and Cash, CEO. H. ZIMPLEMAN, President. Texas Department, Austin, Texas; Lo mtn i Total assets, 100,000 100,000 100,000 $700,000 Px A ^ O S I Atl tho best im t >. ; 6N ct.icnL: ooinbn**d la tlic Organs nnd Pianos ibrtnnfncturod by CORNISH & CO., Wushiugroii, N. J. ioiiil who wish to pit roll aso either an ORGAN or PI \Nti, we can truthfully say that for A RTIST1C CON STll U OTION, Meantifu 1 Finish and Sweet Musical Quali ties, our instruments lake rank with the Most Celebrated Manufacturers I’ur only oluiiii to favoritism ovqi* other lending*manufacturers Is od/' LO>y lMirOES, roduoed to moot the requirements of (ho Minos. Delermilied not lo bo' unddrsold, nnd at llie same linid furnishing Instru ments Mint wo fully Warrant For Five Years, wo invito ooiTojpondents that wo may have an opportunity lo prove satisfactorily all (hat wo here assort. Oar lMnnosnro furnished with the improved FRENCH GRAND ACTION, (the very best in use) They are also HEAVILY STRUNG with (lie improved wire; tlio oases uroof solid rosewood J— perfectly seasoned and WARRANTED NOT TO CRACK OR WARD;" Our ORGANS are furnished with all tlio modern improvements, as to Btops, notion, etc., while tho CASES are of tho 1-000111 cabinet nlylo, admirably suited for the parlor. VST SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. Address CORNISH * OC. f WiiHhingfbu, Now Joreoy. MANUFACTURED UY Montgomery & Go., CEDARTOWN, CA. Wc are now manufacturing tlio best Saddle evor invented. Tlio Spring Seat is just wlinl has been needed by tho riding public for years. Thu comfort and oaeo to rider mid horse is not to bo found in any oilier saddle. Our work is all dono at homo and by most competent workmen. Evory saddle is warranted for two years, with ordinary earn and usage. Reference may bo had toCapt. AG Wost, President Ghorokoo Iron Company, Drs. M F & .1 A Liddell, Dr W G England, Dr It It Thompson, .1 A Wynn, Wm V Turner Esq , A Huntington and D.\ E H Itioli unison, Cedarlown, and Dr Hourry, Esom Hill, ail of whom heartily cmlorso.our en terprise. Wa riiHpeolfiilly call Ilio attention of tho public lo Ilio abovo facts, and aslc a share of pali-onngo, confident Hint our snddlo will give complete satisfaction. Prices run go from Ton to Twenty-flvo Dollars, aooonling to stylo and finish. JAMES DOULA8S v CO., LIVERY STABLE. Broad «t.., opponilo Hoyt's Drug Store Homo, Georgia. Stables, where the pooplo of Polk and Haralson will find everything necessary for their oomfort while in tho city. Ulvo trial. nyv. 0-tf j t j a. r Jl . DAVIS, Watchmaker and Jewele. Codartown, Ca. W ORK done r- ••mptly and satisfuotorliy All work warrantoil Ttvolvo Months. Repairing line watohos a specialty. All kinds of Jewelry un-1 Watches and Clock kept for sale. ,nne 20 1 n Security, Economy, X^ibora/litv, ARE THE IE.vDING PRINCIPLES OF THIS COMPANY; All approved forms of uhd Endowment Polioies issued in sums of $100 up lo $10,000. Iso Term Policies of One, Three, Five or Seven Vcars. All Life Policies non-forfeiting after two annual paym?. ts, when tho insured will be entitled to a paid-up Policy or Cash Surrender thereof. Dividends may bo used to protect polioies against lapsing in case of failure to pay T.remiuma This, with tha non-forfeiting and Cash Surrender features, arc auiiioiont to make tU/'Oom,Vny popular among thinking men. t&T GOOD AGENTS WANTED. ■ N \v. (i. ENGLAND; of .Mobile, Ala., General Superintendent of AgonoicH. » . t .y ^J. H. NOYES, I.ocal Agent, Cedartown, Ga p EORGIA, POLK COUNTY-Applioa- ’ ^ lion having boon made for an order to change tho location of Ilio Van Wort and Romo road And F. M. Randal, W. F. Darden and I. S. Duvuttu tho duly ap- pointod commisKionors, having made their report under oath that they have prooeod- od to mark out the same by changing tho location of said road after leaving tho resi dence of R. M. WiPgard in tlio direction of Rome, and running a northeast.,direotion until il strikes the line running east aud west hoi ween lots Nos: 12J and 177 and also lots Nos. 121 and 170 in the 2d dis trict aud Ord section lo a point where it in- terse.cts the road again. 'Tliercforo all persons having objections will filo them at the next term of court of Ordinary to bo held on the fird Monday in January next elso said petition will bo granted. '.y Deo 20tli 1870. Jour. Uukwku, Ord,y A GREEABLE to an order.of the Court of Ordinary for county purposes of Polk county, Ga., will bo sold before the Court House door in said county, between the legal lymrs of s ilo on the 1st Tuesday in January next, Town lot No 1, in tha town of Codartown, Polk county, Georgia, Terms of Sale made known on duy of sale. This Dec. 2nd, IH7«. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary, V Ate--*