The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, January 19, 1877, Image 3

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THE RECORD. A Live Country Newspaper. Published Every -day Morning by w. S. D. WIKLE .to CO. TERMS OF SU1180RIITION. Ono copy, onn year J2.P0 Ono copy, six months 1.00 Ton copion, in clubo, ono rear, each 1.60 8ingle copies Seta All subscriptions invnrlably In advance. No name entered upon tlio list until the aubecrip- tIonia paid. BATES OF ADVERTISING. ( '1. 0 m *\Z 2.5o'* 6.00 $ 8.0(1$ 12.00 H'j 12.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 Hi, 16.00 35.00 40.00 66.00 >» 25.001 45.00) C5.00, 120.00 Puifoaaiiiiial and lhinUicaa Garda of ono inch or lens, $12 per annum, payable quarterly in advance; six tm.utha, All advcitiao- menta dun after tlmt insertion. FRIDAY MORNING, .IAN. ,10 IS77. LOCAL IT KM: Dr. C. II. Montgomery is author- '.od t<> locoivo subscriptions find rul- oi tisomontH for the Rlvohd in Geor- itt ninl Alabama. I't« Wo disliko io havo to port oorapa- ny with any of our friends, but jus- ticodemtnds that wo .stop Handing tho lhvonD to thoHo who will not pay for it. Wo have to pay cash for pa per and post ago— which i« no small itoni—to sav nothing of other cx- pensofi. Many lmvo received it dur ing tljo *f) 1st. year, and not oven paid postage ou it. Beoauno of tho hard times through which wo lmvo passed during tho l ist few years, wo lmvo been disposed to bo indulgent, and lmvo indulged nil that wo could.— That tho times aro not now onsy wo admit, hut we know that many could pay if they w.mld. In order thn t all may ho without excuso wo give 110- tico that those who aro not paid in advance, or who do not iual;o special- arrangement to have it continued, will find their papers topped by tho middle of February. And wo assure all such, that, though they may not lmvo our regular weekly visits, they will still bn "to memory dear," and shall lmvo a very strong reminder now and then of balance due. L t no ono lull his conscience to rest and tlatler hirmclf tlmt ho will hear nothing more from us abo tit money. We nro happy to welcome in our midst Mr. C'iiarh y H >p< r, of Home. Ho has entered the ineicuutilo house of Mr. J. A. Wynn, and will remain with us permanently Mr. lb op.>r comcR to us well recomonded ns a young man of fino busim; s <pialifica- tion, in of one of tho first families of Georgia. We eongratiil.ito Mr. \\ on his good luck in procuring such a competent clerk, at ! !»«■>• pi*ak for Mr. Hooper many warm friends. Mr. Parrish, our eluvir and irre pressible shoemiiker, Ims taken fjuai- ters ovet Cupt. Wynn’s store, When you need anything in his lino, givo him a call and ho .will tit you np all right. Repairing done in best stylo, and cheap ss the cheapest. Every man \- said to have at least ono chanco to acquire wealth. In tho case of a newspr pc r man this oppor tunity comes on tho 29th of Februa ry overy year except leap year. An election was held on yostorday for mayor and councilman. G. W. Featherston was elected Mayor, and L. S. Ledbetter Recorder, and tho following named men for councilincn: R C. Herbert, J. II. Dodds, L. H. Walthall, P. C. Hairis, nml T. J. Mc- Clain. This, we, believe closes the election for this year. Miss Hnrrh t Paxton, ag* d C9 years died at Mr. L H Walthall’s, in our (own on lost Monday. ‘•llrid.TH Smith’* Paper.*’ Wo nro in receipt of tho second number of the shoved named paper. It is if six column weekly paper pub lished at tho Capitol, and is a neat, bright, bam-.omn paper, brim full of fun, fact and fancy. We know Mr. Smith well, lb is a good editor, a practical printer, and wo hope he will succeed. We had the good fortune to get a special invitation to take dinnerat the Allen House on Wednesday last, and wo don't think we have sat down to just such a dinner for many a day.— Mr. Lumpkin, tlm piusent proprietor, has had charge of tho hotel for a few days only, but the house is full of boarders and they all express them selves more than pleased. The table on last Wednesday was filled with every thing that was good, tho waiters polite and attentive, and everything cooked to a turn. Ye worn and wea ry traveler will always find a warm "welcome, a warm cup <4 the best cof fee the country affords, and when night comes and you want to lay your tired uud aching lmad down to sleep, you will find a nice warm room with plenty of no oiij-1 a nice, neat, clean bed with plenty of cover. Here nml Thereby our Reporter ( “There’s n eliiel among ye likin' notes' And faith lio'U prent 'em." Did Vanderbilt loavo us anything? Immense—tho mud on tho strode. “Count mo in,” is what tho oflico Booker says. Muddy 8troots. Hard on men and horsos. Ash Wednesday comes on St Val entino's day. A Troy weather prophet predicts twenty-sovou more snows. Tho sun lms douo mighty little daily work for several weeks. It is much pleasanter to bo homo such weather ns this than anywhere elso. Money scarco, thero aro Motooro- logical inelomoucioa; so business does not pluck up. Doctors generally through the country aro waging war against fry ing-pans and greasy breakfasts. Tho cold sunp is over—caunot the lions of the country around bo induc ed to lay more freely? The young gentleman who kissed a lady’s “snowy brow” caught a sovero cold, and has boon laid up over sinco No flood of mellow pum/ikin-color- od rays come down on our oflico ta ble through our windows. Miss Carrie Finch, of Shelby, Ala., is on a visit to our Village of Cedars tho guest of Mira Carrie Prebblo. Mr. city marshal won't you please mnko that follow quit luting Los Cumbrous mule. Sinco cremation, it has boon discov ered that of all parts of our anato my a woman’s jaw stands the fire best. It was 11 Kentucky negro boy who said "I golly, I jess wish ole Sunny Cluz ml fotch mo a par ob sox to lmug up uex’ CwisniUBH." Women can’t stand on tho eornor, * talk politics, and swear, but they can stay at homo and rip, and tear, and darn—their husband's old clotbos. 1 Wo learn that tho littlo negro who lay out. during tho cold spell, tm- 1 til his feot wore frozen hud to have j his foot amputated yesterday. Tho-jo muddy times ladies who aro , compelled to go on tho streots do not j wear striped stockings, but slroaked and somo of them nro solid brown. •'Huvo you any limb-horn bon-j nots ?" inquired a very modest Miss; of a New York shop hooper. “You don't moan leg-horn?" Tho young Indy was brought to by proper re storatives. "So you’ve got a baby at yor house? What is it a hoy or a gynrl ?”— j Guess."—-An’ its a boy.”—“No"— ; "Well, then its a gynrl sure." "Faith” stiid the delight ol father''somebody's : b’on tollin’ ye.” Do t bo young men who loaf around j streot corners and saloons novor grow weary ? Wlmt a listless, inactive lifo novor knowing tho pleasure of form ing plans nor to taste tho joy of hav ing faithfully fulfilled them. KOIKSIA. l’Ol.K COUNTY—Susan TBrooka, Guardian for James 1\ ltrooks, has applied fir lcavo to sell tho undivided one-fourth interest in ton forty acre lots of land lying in the 17th district of tlm :h| ko: tIon of I nrtmv county, tin., belonging tosnid minor. Therefore all persons 0011 • corned will file objections to tho same if nny they have nt the next court of Ordi- dinary to be held in and for said county on 1 lie 1st Monday in February next. Given under my hand and otllcinl sig- nature this December I'.'ih 1870. JOEL 1) no WE It, Ord'ny. THE SAVANNAH MORNING .NEWS For 1877 On the Gi "f January, 1877 the MORN ING NEWS enters upon its twetityscveulli volume, and, it is hoped by* its conductors, upon a prosperous year. Every returning anniversary ban witnessed its extending, influence, and to-day it is the text of the political faith of thousands of readers. Its uniform consistency and steadfast, de votion to prineiple has gained for it thn confidence of the duhlic, thus enabling it to contribute largely to tho triumph of ihe Democratic party. In tbe future, ns in tho pnsf, no pains will tie spared to make the MORNING NEWS in every re'-pooi >till moiA) desorv- of the Cmiifidonce and prtronage which lias boon so liberally extended t.» it by tho people of Georgia and Florida. Tim am ple means of the establishment will lit* de voted to the improvement of the paper in all its departments, and to making it a comprehensive, instructive and reliable medium of the current nows. Its stair of special emre: pendents -at Washington, Atlanta, Jacksi>uvitle, Tiittnlmssoe, nml oilier points of interest, has peril reorgan ized with a view ol me.-ting every possible emergeney that may an e, nml pains will i»d roliii- ,• about, entering upon tho now sire to call especial attention rates of subscription. POSTAGE FREE. all papers going i'/V aa I 'olinriic- ompl «'» will ,.ny I to niall HUbnlii'U: tho ettuapout pin ■’ SI'lLSOni L’i'lON. DAILY, mr • * 10 1 TI!I W EEICLY. ho on I (i (1(1 Wm. tva. SPARKS, A T TO It N i; Y A T LA II Codartown. Ca. oof 17 71. Photographs ! ! Photograph* ! Photographs!! ! —And Ibo beautiful Solar PicTtWKs I nken in every stylo and size nt tho Court House, Codartown, Ga., by j L. A. GREEN. Treasurer’* Report. Annual settlements of T. L Pittmnn, 1 Connly Treasurer, filed in the Ordina ry’s office on Monday, tho 8th U ay of January, 1877 : To amount on hand Ihe 21 Monday in 1 January, 1 877, ai follows: County Purposes, $ 851 18 Pinkney Drown, a colored orphan hoy sonic ton or eleven years old, hound to him or somo other lit nml proper person. Therriol e :.i| persons e<.ne> rued will nji- pear nt my oflico on ihe third Monday in Dcccinbci next, else said npplioniinn will bo granted. Nov. 23. 1H7• i. .)()!:.. BREWER, Ord'y TJI B0 S fj rs . NKW YOR Iv. that has just jm-■-■ I. 'J 'll! - billy edition will on week days bo fi shell if four pages, and on .Sunday* a sheet of ■iifllt pngc.s, or 6'< broad ooluinns; while kly edition will ho a sheet of oigli Jury Fund, I'nupor Fund, Bridge Fund. New .1 ail Fund, Hoad Fines. Total, To the 2d Mo County Purposes, Jury Fund, Pauper Fund, N w Jail Fund, Fines from County Court, 97 01 | $3,023 05 5-1 00 056 80 gen of tho sumo dimensions 1 r that arc already familiar 1 Till. St N V.Ill continue to * P r « l 1 <1 in i 11 i friends lion of public affairs. It Will cont the government of tho people by the peo ple and for the people, h opposed to gov ernment by fraud" in jho ballot-box and In tho counting of voles enforced by military violence. It will endeavor to supply Iih reader*- a body now not far from a mil lion of souls— 1 tho 1 eful, $8,391 62 Air, date ns follows: Connly purposes, Jury Fund, Pauper Fund, Now Jail Fund, Bridge Fund, County ( ourt Fi Road Finos, Total, Amount pain out from 2d Monday in January, 187b to 2d Monday* in Jan. 1.377: County Purposes, $8,517 81 Jury Fund, 2,417 Ml Pa per Fund, 1,019 01 New Jail Fund, 28 l»2 Bridge Fund, 044 81 Fines from County Court, q 65 Total amount paid out, $7,069 14 Leaving balance ou hand 21 Monday in January,1877, as follows : County purposes, $320 72 Jury Fund, 73 79 Pauper Fund, 33 20 New Jait Fund, 39 01 Fines from County Court, 249 00 Total amount on hand, $722 38 All of which is rrspectfully submited. T. L. PITTMAN, Jau. 8, 1677. Treasurer. plcio and trust worthy accounts of current events, and wi'l employ for this purpose a numerous and carefully -elected staff of re porters and correspondents. I!- reports from Washington et-pecially, will be full accurate and l< ni le-« . and it will doubt less c ontimie to d< serve and enjoy I ho ha tred of those who thrive by plundering the treasury or by nsnrping wlmt the law does not give them, while it will endeavor to merit the c onfidence of the public by defending the tights if the people agnins the encroachments of unjustified power. The price of the daily rit .s will be 6 cents a month or $0 f/,' ay ar post pa'd or with the Holiday edition $7,70 a year The Sunday edition alone,cig.'it pages, $1, 20 11 year po.-f paid. Tile U eekly m • eight j.iges of 50 c< J- umns, will be lurnished during 1M77 at the rate of $1 per■ y. ar, po-.t niii l. Thfe benefit of this large reduction from tiie previous rate for the weekly can he enjoyed by individual subscribers without the necessity of making up clubs. At the same lime, if uny of our friends choose to uid in extcliding our circulation, we .'•hail he grateful to them, and every such person who sendlf us tcu or more subscribers from one place will be entitle I to one copy of the paper for himielf without charge. At one dollar a year po t age paid, the expen ses of the japer and printing are barely repaid; and, considering the size of the sheet and the quality of Us content", we are confident the people will coufider Tin: Wkkwi.v Six the chcapaat newspaper pub’ i lished in the werld, and w trust also one • f the best. Address TIIE .SUN, New York Gi.y, N. V. connmT.n weekly »y j. 0. sTunnr it go. FLOE It -choice S litrt' 440 GOI’l'i:i: Rio. {} II. 2:w 25 Sl'ti A It lb, Ex. t! i,f 12 A .. 12V(T 13 “ “ “ Yellow. . .. . ..... 10.7 11 mYIUT gal 60fJfl 00 KIl'E ( » It. ilif — CHEESE—best article Cream... lHijI — CANDLES p lb, full Weight.... 25,i -- CORN from 35',i 1 10 MEAL— p hush, from wagons... AtL'f 0 HAMS Bulk—p II. 15.,j* — •• Sugar Cured—p lb ltU',1'171 BULK MEAT-Sides 10,:' 10] SHOULDERS- p It. 11.]:,* 12 LUGS—p dozen 12](<i' — BETTER- p Hi 20',f 25 CHICKENS 12] 0 — PlfS FOB FIFE TIMES ONLY $5 For n First-class Sewing Machines Soml for Circular with full Partic ulars. npir/Lisros, CABINET ORCANS, All kind**'of’Stringed Inslrtunontii uud Sheet Music, Retailed at Wholdall) l’flcOH. Sterling Silver W;iro At Reduced Prices. Articles nf n).parol for Ladles, Gontlo- mcn and Children, Hnusehold and Fancy Articles of overy quality and kind, nt mi IMMENSE REDUCTION OF HATES. For n Catalogue and Current I’rioo l.lst of Stylo", send tou fonts to Mns. Sa 1.1.1 r. J. Battisv, Fashltm Editresa, F. t). Box 1200, New York. I'liorotiuAnir.n. CF.DARTOWN DIRECTORY, IIH.NHH A I, Mr.KCll (M)Hli, 1 )im.i'nr ,1. 1 x>ni.s iv,.. 1 m„ m,i„ ,1. I Dry (binds, Crockery, Hardware, Shoos, Pnihllo", *Ve. I S. STUBBS A CO-. \V. «t side Main • ‘ • "i - Dry Gtmds, Shoes, Bnln Leather, llardwnre, Tohncoo, Agt ioulturnl Implc I NOYES t CO, Tiinn nl .1 Itlo k Dry Goods- Gr,.eerie-, Hardware, lltili Shot , Notion , nr, & 0(1 , Fcnlli 1. - Dry Goods, erica, etc. N Hardware, Cutlery, c-to. A 11 IN riMiTn.N. . ..,,11 11..^e Square • Dry Goods, Grncetlua, Shoes, Hals, Notions, llardwnre, Iron, Hied, etc. / 1IIEHOKKK I MON COM FAN Y, Htoro \ at the Wotk Dry Goods, NotioiiH, Unis, Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, eto. I* A MILY (Htni ERIES. j A. WYNN. We*.l Hide Main st. -Staple .* mid Fancy Family Grooori. . Crockery, Hardware, Tuhnocu. Cigars, etc. U Y. l.i MI’KIN, M n if Ot i tfonfeclioiiei ioa, Canned Goods, To- ha-.-oo, I'igars, Shoes, I lord ware, ole. J)K( GGIN I S. J .J RADFORD A ALLEN, Court llotlso 1 ) Square - Drugs, Medicines, Faints, nils, Knaps, Fcrfuinery, Garden Heeds, elo. | ) URBAN K fi JONHS, Main Streot— 1 ) JMug", Medieines, Soaps, Toilet Arti cles, Oil", Faints, Window Glass, etc, HOOK S uinl KT.\TIO.\Klt V. | ) A- AA RIGHT & t i k Square Books, Stiitio Novelties, Garden Heeds, 0 J5AK ERY. n \ ! 1 >!■! RB(. BN, Court 1101100 - Square—Fresh Bread, Cukes, Confec tioneries, etc. tin shop. WAGON MAKER- / ' EORGK P LYNCH, Main street, near VX Feutltorston’s store, make and rej.air wagons aiid # t<nggeis, and hioitl^ work^of al ( GEORGIA, FOLK COUNTY—Applied- ' J lion having b.ien made to have the pri vate ro; I leaving the Edwnrdsvillo near I',- O. Pittman's passing near Blooming Grove Church and intersecting the Jacksonville road near the residence of YV. If. Khort in Ihe 1079th district G. M., to be made a public road of second class or twenty feet wide; and P. O. Fin man, John Garner and W. J1 Short, the duly appointed (doners having made their report under oath that they have proceeded to murk out the same according to law. Therefore all persons having objections will file them at the next term of ti.e court of Ordinary to be held on the 3d Monday in January next, elso said petition will be granted Decem ber 20th 1870. Jokl Bukwkii, Ord'y. CHEROKEE IRON CO. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. DRY GOODS,. HAISDWABls;. GltOOEllIES, WOODEtfWAUE, PATENT MEDICINES, GLASSWARE, HVly M'vlo CLOTHING, TINWARE, ROOTS and SHOES, saddles; HARNESS, LEATHER, NOTIONS, PAINTS and OILS, ( IRON and STEEL, ' ; "PLANTATION SUPPLIES,|£TC. Ffosli ground Flour '.ml Moot roooivod JdiiilyJ Country Produoo Solicited nt Higliost MarltotlRntosi Terhs Strioti,y Cash. Offiob and Stour at tiik WororR Ordaiitown, Ga., Fob. 10, 187(1..' We may have Mentioned it Before. But it will boar repeating; nml to mnko n suro tiling, wo wi 1 sny that tho mobile life INSURANCE CO., OF MOBILE, ALABAMA,, In tho Lending T-dle Company in tho South, Ami niulor its proaonfc oxoollont mnnagoraoni is doiug more Now Businosn in tho Sontheru StntoB than nny other Lifo Company, North or South. Over 2000 Polioies Issued in 1875. oub sph a;i a. x, re i b p : 'I’ll.- 1 .ifo Endowment T*ln,n, by wbioli you scrniro nn Endowment in flftoon ynnrn, nt tbo rnto of nn ordiiinry Lifo Policy. 'I’lio Venry Renewable Term Plan, tbo choup- ont plan of Insnrnnco now worked. M. McfJAHTY, H. M. FHIEND, SHEPPARD HOMANS, President. Soorotnry. Actuary A. C, PICKENS, General Agent North Georgia, OARTERSVILI.E, GEORGIA. STATBMB1TT FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER.3 I st, 1875. Not AsHots Ducornhor Hist, 1874 $111),800 ID INCOME. Ueooivod for Proiniuinn and intorost f.'r 7 ()j) . . 1*7130,785 1 2 I > 18 111 IRSH ME NTS. Lohhoh by Death $74,254 00 I Jividouds, CoimnissioMH, Tuxes, and other uxpniiBON.. 78,850 (12 148,113 02 $002,071 50 ASSETS. Cash in Bunk * 17,180 40 U. S. flovornmnnt and other Bonds 70,270 30 I onus on Mortgage, First Liens 40,032 12 Loans on Bonds and Stocks 20,005 00 Tnsnmncn Stocks 1,425 00 Heal Estate nml amount duo by other Companies for Re-Insuranoo 05,085 743 Bills Receivable, sootirnd, and Stock Bonds 200,238 40; Premiums in hands of Agents and iu eonrso of Collection 40,003 45 Ofiloo and Agency Furniture 2,745 88 002,071 50 Add Accrued Interest and Deferred Premiums 21,824 40 Assots Docombor 31st, 1875 $024,405 00 TIIIi: aUANGEIlS’ OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Authorized Capital, $4,500,000 Knliro RuHorvo iu Lotino l and iuHtirml in I.''ACM Htiilo is a Borne Company, ami J-i tho Stale Departments. Parent Office, Mobile, Alabama; Bonds and Cash, T. 15. DAVIDHGN, rresldon Georgia Department, Rome, Georgia; Loans and Cash, - (J. (J. 8A.MUI5L, President. Alabama Department, Montgomery, Alabama: Loans and Cash, Hon. N. N. CLHMHNTH, President. Mississippi Department, Meridian, Misssisippi; Loans ami Cash, W. McINTOHH, President, .South Carolina Dcpartrncut, Columbia, South Carolina; Loans and Cash, THOMAS J. JKTKR, Proddont. Texas Department, Austin, Texas; Loans and Cash, Total assets, GKO. II. ZIMPLEMAN, President. 100,000 .».^*.1 100,000 $700,(XX) Security, Economy, Kziboralitv, ARE THE 1 HADING PRINCIPLES OP THIS COMPANY. All approved forms of Lifo and Endowment Policies issued in sums of $100 up to $10,000. .Also Term Policies of One, Throe, Five or Spy n Yours. All Life Policies non-forfeiting after two annual payian.ts, when tiro insured will be entitled to a paid-up Policy or Cash Surrender tliorool. Dividends may ho used to protect polioies against lapsing in case of failure to pay premiums. This, with tha non-forfeiting and Cash Surrender features, are sufficient to make this Company popular among thinking men. GOOD AGENTS WANTED. W. G. ENGLAND, of Mobile, Alii., General Superintendent of Agencies. jj. H. NOYES, Local Agent, Ccdartowu, Ga- ORGANS ANI) PIANOSI All tho heat improvements combined in Ihe Organs nml Pianos mnnnfacturod by CORNISH & CO., Washington, N. .1. To till who wish to purolmso either nn‘ ORGAN or PIANO, wo onn truthfully say Hint for ARTISTIC CONSTRUCTION, Beautiful Finish and Sweat Musiohf QiirII- ties, our InBtvunit'nts tnlio rank with 1 the Most Celebrated Manufacturers Onr only olaim to favoritism over other lending nmnnfsoturcrs is our T - O W P It. ICES, red need to moot tho roquiremontfl of the limes. Dutermiued not to ho uiiddrsold, and at tho same timo furnishing instrit- rnonts flint, wo fully Warrant For Five Years, wo invito oorro ipondents that wo may have an opportunity to prove satisfactorily nil tlmt wo here assort. Our Pianos nro furnished with Hie improved' FRENCH GRAND ACTION, (tiio-vory host in use) They nro also HEAVILY STRUNG with tho Improved wire; tho oases aro of solid rosewood \ — perfectly seasoned and WARRANTED NOT TO CRACK OR WARP. Our ORGANS tiro furnished with afl tho modern improvement*, ns to stops, action., etc., while Hid CA8ES aro of tho recent cabinet ntylo, admirably suited for I ho parlor. BtaT SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. Address CORNISH & OC., WitHhinglou, Now Jorsoy. MANUFACTURED BY Montgomery & Co, CEDARTOWN, CA. AA'o aro now manufaoluring tho boat Haddln over invenlotl. Tho Spring Scat is Just what has been needed by tho riding public fur years. Tho comfort nml enso tv rider and horse is not to ho found in any other Middle. Our work is all done at homo and by most competent workmen. Every saddle is warnttilod for two yours, with ordinary oara nml usago. Reference may ho hud tuCapt. A G Wool, President Cliorokoo Iron Company, Drs. M F & J A Liddell, Dr AV G England, Dr It R Thompson, .1 A Wynn, Win F Turner Esq , A Huntington ami Dr. E li Rialt ardson, Codartown, and I)r scurry, Esom Hill, nil of whom heartily endorse our uti~ terprisn. Wo respectfully call the attention ofthv public to tho above foots, and ask a slinro of patronngo, confident' that our snddlo will givu oouipleto HiitiafdoUou. Prices ningo from Ton to Twonty-fivo Dollars, ucconling to stylo and finish. JAMES DOULASS * CO. 3 LIVERY STABLE. Broad at., opposite Hoyt’s Drug Storo Itomo, Georgia. W E have a Large and Commodious Wagon Yard in connection with our Htallies, where tho people of Polk and Haralson will find everything necessary for their comfort while iu the oily. Give us a trial. nov. <i-tf ^ A.. I.. I >AVI8, A 1 w Watchmaker and Jewele, Codartown. Ga. W ORK done promptly and salisfactorily All work warranted Twelve Months, Repairing fine watches a specialty. Aly kinds of Jewelry and Watches and Clock kept for Hale. <U m* 20 1 pKORGIA, FOLK COUNTY-Applioa- vl lion having been made for an order o change the location of tho Van Wert and Rome road And F. M. Randal, W. F. Darden and F. S. Davottd the duly ap pointed commissioners, having made their report under oath that they lmvo proceed ed to mark out the hiuiio by changing tho location of snid road after leaving tho resi dence of R. M.AViPgard in the direction of Rome, ami running a northeast direction uulil it strikes tho line running east and west between lots Nos: 120 am! 177 and also lota Nos. 121 and I7fi in the 2d dis trict npd 3rd section to a point where it in tersects tho road again. Tlioroforo all persons having objections will file them at the next term of court of Ordinary to bo hold on tlio 3rd Monday in January next else said petition will bo grautod. , Doo 20th 1870. Jout IianwRa, Ord,y A GREEABLE to an order of tho Court of Ordinary for county purposes of Polk county, Ga., will be t old before tho Court House door in said county, bet ween tho legal hours of sale ou the 1st Tuesday in .January next, Town lot No 1, in tho town of Codartown, Polk county, Georgia. Terms of Salo made known on day of salo. This Deo. 2nd, 1870. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary