The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, February 02, 1877, Image 4

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THE DAMJfllMJ I*ROOK. ’* INM VlaHIa Aar Haraa aa4 Whfolfr. Haiaar mm4 Trmmpm will IMP' The bow conspirator i* now on the rutted edge, nnd doubtless a lew (fays will suffice to give the country An idea of the tnctlr* of a high moral reformer to xleAl a presidency. On Haturday the houw committee to Itujuire into the privilege* and power* of the house sum moned /ach Chandler before it. Little dreaming the committee had the edge on him, he came, and swaggered into the room with the brazen effrontery of a bar* lot. He ws* questioned generally at first, and gave evasive answer* as the or- den iwued by him to hi* associate thieve* in the southern Mate* to count llayei' in. Then lie will confronted with the following telegram, which nmole him with the force of an electric shock: •• Naw Vo**, Noe. n, 18*0 —<io». !,. M. Hlrams, rtlldinwo Flor|>|«: ll»l<t lloriiii fur llan) >ui " «*♦*«• Monty and troop* will l*a*nl yen. z. (-TIAMDI.KB.’' When Zdch wn* confronted with the indinputable evidence of hi* conspiracy lie toned down to the level of an ordina ry mortal. Knott had him on the cruci ble, and lie proposed to keep him there. “ Did you Hond this telegram to (iov. Htcurn* 7” ho was taken. To which he replied that lie thought he might have done so; Hint he had sent several tele grams to him. Next canto the question : " Did you do it of your own motion,or at Ihcsugge*- tlon of somebody else!” This question ho declined to answer, and claimed llmt immunity which should bo accorded him on account of being a cabinet officer. The committee informed Mr. (.‘handler that lie held the dual position ol cabinet minister and clmirmnn of the national republican committee; that hi* official act* a* a cabinet minister would not he inquired Into, but that w> far ah the din- |hitclies were dated in New York, and in hi* canacity a* chairman of a cainpuign committee, ho had no privilege he could claim. He still refused to answer tho In terrogation, when committee excused him at his own request until Wednesday next for deliberation. The examination of Chandler lasted an hour. Ho was considerably emharraAsed and surprised at tho hot trail the commit tee luui struck. Tho committee had proof poaitivo In it* hands—being moH- snges over hi* own signature—that ne ad- vised the manipulation of the ballots in tho disputed state*, and provided a cor ruption fund for tho purpose. Mr. ('handler was not shown all the proof In the possession of the committee, nor does he know how it was secured; sud whether ho answer* or not tho result will lie the same. When Zach left tho committee room he wn* pale and haggard. He drove at once to lilw residence and *cnt for Oar- Held and W. K. Chandler. All day the radical camp had been disturbed, and the outlook is now that whether Orton helps congress to expose tho rascality of Chandler or not, so far at least ns hi* operation* in Florida nro concerned, he cannot be screened. It is understood that tho telegram* were secured through tho shrowdnesa ol Proctor Knott. It will l»e remembered that during the election excitement the Western Union telegraph company dis charged tho operator at Tallahassee at the request ol tho conspirators. Itap- |M’ar* that this young man kept copies of all the telegram* sent up to tho time of discharge, and that ho furnished the committee with them upon Mr. Knott's Invitation.— Wnthimjton tjieoial to Ciuvin nati h'ti'/utrrr. The Reorganization of the Noiilliern Debts. When tho present state government* at the south were sot up, the mas* of men of cxporionce and capacity, am woiliuiof honesty in public aflhira. were shut out from office, and In some states even from voting. At the same timo a vast nutn hero! Ignorant men were made voter* for the first time ; and, not knowing how to arrange a government themselves, were forced to trust to auch persons as knowing more than they did, were wil ling to act a* leaders. Of this state ol things, ns well as of the distrust of the r voter* toward their late master*, by T» PUMOAL. Inheritor* of vast wealth are proverbially lendthrift*. The golden ore l* dug from mine, refined, and coined, by the labor they can fona tlo ju»t estimate of it* value. When the donor weighed it, he ea*t Into the halanoe ao many day* of unremitting nod fatiguing toll, ao many anilott* and aleeples* night*, ao much aelf-denial, and ao much care. But tne Inheritor Into hi* balance throw* only—nlea*ure. The one, value* it by what It cost him ; the other, for what It will pur- remorse, and the long and wearisome journey j hack to the heme of frttg*l Industry. But there nre other prodigal*. On her favorite' I our bounteous parent. Nature, ha* lavished | her richest treasure—health. But the prod- leal value* it lightly, for It cost him nought, and recklessly squanders it in riotous living. ■ Present pleasure nbamre* future want. Boon the curtain rise* on the last scene. We see him helpless, Impoverished,—the rich and despair. f Kemom-fui conscience hold* up to him the mirror of memory. In Id* reckless folly he perceive* the - pain. He resolve* to return. The journey Is long and tedious, hut if lie teveringly follow* the right road, he will length ner the haven of Til* hope* in the di* tance, and Nature, seeing her invalid child nfar off. will come out to me**t him, and re ceive him hack with love and blessing. rated and its inilf*toiies all numbered. Bead It. Brice $1.60. the author and I)., Buffalo, N. Y. paoori PHoorti PHoonii I»a. Tctt: Pear Hlr,—W#< with to Inform you ..jit Votir flair Uyc all uttirr*. K< oral coloring It cannot be equaled. Our — e another. It I* a areal triumph. « ~ AAH , I, (Hew Orient*. Current Opinion. Senator Hherman and hi* fellow- patriot* of the aame school owo an *P°l°ff7 to the nation for their false rep- resenUlions concerning Louisiana.—7Voy Prut. It i* plain that thoaouthem politician* mean business. They apeak In acU, net adject!vea. Rhetoric they leave to their obedient n irlhern foil ewers.—Forney. It become* the house of represent*- live* to discountenance, resist and defeat any proposition that look* to the as sembling of the two house* in the senate chamber, for the purpose of counting the electoral vote*.—NV. Ixwu Timet, If radicalism succeeds, the devil tri umphs. Henceforth perjury. Truth auccumlM. Right goes to the wall. Free dom is a myth; independences Utopian Idea—a fancy, a creation of diseased im agination—the delirium of brain fever. Liberty j)DH no foundation in America.— /nilinnn/Mjli* Sentinel. An the attorney general argues, the use nl troop* i* iieceMenry to free ami fair vole ; hut a* the falruetM of the court has come to be even more important than the fsimeNHof the vote, a supplementary opinion on the need of troop* about the returning board* would bo even more valuable.—lloeion Pott. If the croHH-markod affidavits which Mr. Hherman received from Kellogg and Packard were read to tho negroes who Migned them, it i* also safe to *ay that tho majority of them would swear that they dhl not nwearwliat was represented. Every one ho far who lit* had hi* affidavit read to him has repudiated it absolutely. Here, then, is downright forgerv aud fraud, palmed first upon the United Htates senate by a report sent to the body by the president of the United Staten, and then circulated officially throughout the country.— New York Exptttt, The heart of the northern democracy is fixed in ita pur (tone; it* voice haa gone forth with no uncertain sound. It re mains for the aouth to declare itself with equal firmness and emphasis. Our lead ers in congress must rise te the bight of the argument, and brace their nerves to meet tne exigenclse of tho situation. They must understand that they nro the aervAntH of a people who will not consent to see chelr dearest right* bartered away by time-serving politician*, and who are prepared for anything rather than a compromise with usurpation.—New Or leans Picayune. That there must bo an understanding between the aenato and the executive must 1)0 apparent to all men tho moment the unMUrpation i* dearly *ha|>cd. The Honnle would not dare to venture upon ao InwIeHH a atop unlvaa it had the ns- hii ranee of tho oxccutivn that they would be Huntained in it; for it would be an act ol violence than would not aland a mo ment unless nustnined by force—by the Imyonots at the command of the execu tive. This is the very conspiracy which some of the wlac*t of the rather* of the public apprehended; and they thought they had provided against it—Richmond Dltjnatch. Everybody who know* anything of tho situation, knows that the republican ne groes of the south will not tolernlo those of their own color in voting with the democrats. While there have been abuses on l>oth aides, in those republican states where pontons and property nro not protected—where llie executive officers are moat industrious in Hhieding plunderer* than in protecting tho inno cent—there I* no doubt Hint ten demo cratic negroes have been intimidated where one republican ha* lieon induced to chaugo his vote by anything of the kind. Tho carpet-bagger* cure nothing for the rights of black* or whites. Their object is to plunder.—Hartford Timm. Now and again wo find flippant jmra- grnphs in the newspapers about the dry uiacuaalonH of tho constitutional provis ions for tho election of a president which are occupying ao much apace in the pub lic print*. Fortunately for tho coun try, these diHcusHion* are not dry; in j stead of that, they are the moat attrac tive reading matter which can l»e fur nished at. the dresent time to thoughtful' citizen*. We have often lamented the fact that during the war the teste of the constitution was *o infrequently—and olten necessarily mo applied to public question*. It l* safe to say that nine tenths of the citizen* who have become voters since 18l»ft nre without that kuowlegoof the constitution which was common among all classes before the war.—AVie York Pont. A HciKN ili'ie steamship expedition is being organized to go around the world. Fifteen professors of specialties accom pany it. It is a floating university. Accommodations provided for eighty students, lectures on all subjects. " Preliminary work and training as hoou ns the vessel leave* New York.” This i„du,i«K | ,.i. ; k , , r I.-HVPH \,.w York BRINLY PLOW AGENCY. city in July; touches at the Bahamas, Tortuga*, and Havana; explore* the Amazon ; passes through the straits ol ESTEY ORGAN. The Instrument, the Makors, and the Manufactory at IrV'hiVp". ice amt craving* ot his nature, j Then comes the last *oene—the ml*cry, the I UpA 4-4* 1 phAPO V T. remorse, and the long and wearisome journey , Di \J ? w U« THE INSTRUMENT. I J-Vw poople iu tho civilized wot Id to-day, mining thotn who arc intorested in music and __. f i ._. tlio form* of muaical nxproaaion, havo not of *l>ody an'd mind all lost,—in misery J j„. an i „f the Eatey Organ, aud smaller still i* tho number of thoao who do uot, after practical oV'hi* ’ scquainUnoo vrilli tho superior merits of that noblo inatrument, cheerfully coucodo the proud '-1 claim of it* makers, that THE ESTEY ORGAN LEADS THE WORLD. Tho forcinoflt musician* of Europe and FEW TESTIMONIALS. find “the"right road'‘homeward the suffering America hasten to Join their testimony to that prodigal should rend "The People's Common of profesnional and amateur organists and Sense M« * ■ * HcAentilic men, inventors aud manufacturer* from all pait* of the world haro vndted tho Eatey e*tahU*hmcnl and unanlmounly pronounce it unsurpassed in perfection of detail and com- prehenaire system. Itecommcndations, such as flood the country for every conceivable invention of money making sud money upending man, nro cheap enough. Many that sound and road well may ba bought for a song. At tiio prcic-ut time, therefore, it i* in order to quote a few tcutimo-1 hooeaty, uials wInch Ure Eatey Organ* have calh*d forth, tlut aro a teat of nine and approval which TUB KMTKY OROAN. Every organ which leave* tiio Ettoy manufac tory, from tho little Cottage (loro, with ft* four octavo manual aud single net of forty-eigbt- rroda, to tho Double Ilauk P«*d.\l Organ, with seven full net* of roed* and sixteen tnons, tienr tho.nuifonn Htsmp of eutim fniibfulno#* in manufacture. No need to puff auch ware* n<» naumuit, with flaming advcrthiementa like n quack medidno ; no need to pu*h their sale* by rneapctilng the prioe. A dinplo Ktateruont of fact is their t<est recommendation. They am ps perfect as human ingeuuitv, care and skill hnprovoments are possible they are ad<rphd i once, whether in workshop, rnaciimery or instm- merit. Under such drcumsiancea. it ceane* wonder that tlic Hale of tho Ester Organ is increasing with micli rapidity, both at houto and abroad; and that enlarged faoilltic* for it* production are al ready nec«**ary, although tlie Ester iMt*bU*h- ment has in-eu for years the large-d n«d organ manufactory iu tho world Nino thousand organs were turned out ls*t year. Thewn organ-* rcpreHcnt«d a luiHinesH of over one million di4- Hnch tlgurcrt aro moni eloquent in to.dl- TIIK MAKKRS. The iirm of J. Kstey A Co. i* made up « Mr. Jacob K*tey, hi* non, Julia* J. E-*t« v. an hi* son-iu-law, I*?vi K. Fuller. Mr. Ente; aeuior, i* tiio veteran m-d organ maker « America, if not of tiio world. buaineae in Urattlolmro'. thirty yearn ngo, In « ►ingle room, with six workmen,* and ha« msko his way ctmatautlv forward, hi *|>(Uj of more <!l tiMMldV A.l.lre**! uxity aftirm that no reed organ*, of whale... , „ , |.ubnXr, II V ! nuniilMturc, n.llvn m (oroi*.., r.i. po»lUy*M-Ul« TOico of I In miuk W.rmg .itu,-., to Ih.t In. truUra. ., old roiuparii with tliono from tho liotinc of Me Estey A Co. in jiower, tone, workmaiishij) and asjauuan endeavor aud human fruitiou, that only true merit achieves true ► Amoricnn HUm.lsrd Hhot of »U|*rior , ^ | 0 „ „. pn uUon e.n onl, finish, nl*o lead piiie and slieet lead, maniifne- i - . , yf. , . iiiiimi'iit th. (-oiJrll U..I Co., lucuounr. K-"- 1 m.rraf.c the New bead Co., (A3 Centre Ht., New 1 Yoi MARKET REPORTS, ar.ziriii*. Floor.. 9 i 00 O H Ml Wheat 1 10 S 1 12K Corn to & il 1 Oats to (ft 6'J I*»rd l-'»@ 13 Bacon—Clear Hides; 0 (<4 Hay-Beet 33 00 J® 2 00 Whisky—Common 1 00 (& 1 lfl Bohertson County 1 7A (if 3 00 Bourbon 5 00 ” Lincoln County 1 75 Flighwines 1 13 Cotton—Ordinary 10 flood Ordinary 12 Low Middling 11 Vl Heeds—Clover 8 M) Uermsn Millet 00 Missouri Millet I 75 Hungarian 1 75 Dunkpheat, V hush... gained legitimate! turer* that grow up iu a night aud flaunt tl*ir ' wares iu tin- fact- or th« public, gaudy aud Impudontly, may m-cih to flourish for a time, lull th« ir procjH'rity i* a lie, as Uicir |irctviiHiouH | aio a client. Tho ►urn nucccs* tliat crown* ! honesty, industry, probity and thoroughness U ! slow of growth ; but when it comes it i* ntcad- j fa at and honorable to tho end. The Eatey i Organs havo achieved tlii* > [From RICHARD WAGNER, the Composer, par Excellence.] " The tono of the Eatey Organ U very Imautiful and noble, and gives mo the greatest pk-as- Jiy great friend, Ftiayz Limz.', i* al«K> charmed and delighted with them. [From MME. E88IPOFF, the Wonderful Pianist.] " I havo often hod the opportunity to lx-ar and play on tho Estey Organ* in Ht. PoU-Mhurg « gradually, aud Warsaw and was perfectly charmed with their full, (rmpsthetio tone. On no other organ* be produced, with such purity aud prucisiou, the choir-like sound in the lower rrgi«trrs i Jf. Ho lias made himself, tlmmgh forco i, energy, direuilm ns a;ul j* ruevermeo. lliKlding on and <m. i-miling at dihaet-rN by fir'- and flood, planting hi. feet resolutely • olwtaeloN, with indomitabl.- f art it l: liis work, he ha* inched a v«tt pnmd place among In. f.-llnw*, while ►till in th. [uimo of r. hale and vigorous mauhwMl. Hi* exocutivo ability i.« great. He know* every detail of tho vast busiueas an I waUdic* it* dally progress with a liiftrv. loun apnruarh to omhlproNcnce. But. howornr siisorbca he mvv 1h* in tiij* direr- tion, heh** never neglected hi' higbot dutie* and privileges a-, a citizen. Always foremost in everything oondurive to thoiiul.lie m lfatc, actively intereaUid In or churcJi, Htot*' and M>cietr. hi* inlhu-n--.' bn* been wide and good and the cordial cettcm he ban earned so mbly waits impatient]v for e. lilting v|)j*jr- 6 50 3 no 1 15 10X I 75 M 2 00 1 75 ft) 3 00 t 76 (lip 2 00 MMTINVII.I.BL 9 6 25 (if « 75 1 33 ^ Wheat—Bed and Amber . 1 3> (to 1 ’>0 (Torn—Hacked 43 (<c 45 Oats Hay—Timothy.. through year* of sturdy toil, imtient «-xp«'ri- inent, tireless watchfaltiei.* and ttnvarylug I similar to a fluochurch organ, promptitude in Additions and improvement*. | Thirty year* ago the primitive prototype of [From HERR RUBENSTEIN, Director of tho Imperial Conservatory and the Muaical Society at Moscow.] ; "It gives mo groat plesNuredo give dm? praiso to Me-*iour*.T. Kstev A Co. for their rosily • ..plrndid Organ*. Tho tono of the*. iu*truinenta i* fulL noblo and charming aud ha* the i advantage of pleating and captivating tho ear. To these artt-tic qualities they aro of «»hd workmauahlp and of tho m<wt elegant fluhtb, and 1 doubt not their having an j extraordinary auccca* iu Uumu. ’ [From CAMILLE DE SAINT SAENS, Composer. Pianist and Organist ot the Mudeloino Church, Paris.] "I have played upon the Organ* of Mnaar*. E*tey A Co., ami hem charmed with their i quality of tone, which comes very near that of a Tipc Organ, aud tho rcnoureo* it give* to tho [From PAULINE LUCCA, tho Celebrated Prims Donna.] •• I haro heard the beautiful (.Stage Organ- of Messrs. Eatey A Co., of', and na*aNUmi*li«t at the full, noblo and awivt tono of them inutromonta, which resembles mi much tho ripe Organ -a quality which I haw novel- found in any other American organ or tlm present magnificent InMriuucut was made. Place the two *ido by ►lde and read the history of a generation of industry and invention. Thirty ye«r* ago otily tho wealthy could afford to po**oM mtiHical inalrumont* of any sort, and thounaiid* of eliurche* were deatituto of the charm of iiiMtnuucntal music in their wor- ►hip. To-day tho humbliMt homo may havo it* lirt-Nido organ, to lend sweet attraction to the home circle, and tho foeblost church or Habbatii l Ix-ap'.iful iuatrumeut, to give voice and y oilier rfcct rood inatnunent that thouid’lie within ii roach of tho fxqiular immo hi price. Every vhanlcal appliam*. that human ingenuity could iloviiH- and human pali'-iu-e (Hrfrct ha* been active iwituor* foi ... been traiiMxi in the bu-uur** under the tuition of their »cnlor for some limn previou*. and th*. partimrahlp only sarrad to concentrsto their ennrgte*. They tie young men of xtciliug natural ability, and aoem to have been particu larly well fitted for the position* assigned them. Mr. Julius Estey i* at tno head of Uio muntiu;;- rooni and anjKMvise* the mathematical intrira- rie* of tho immense husUiew with a clenr hoad- cd faculty that might well lx? comtideri-d a i synonym for uniform correctness. Tho count- iild«i that Jijp.iuim ,,f a manufactory i* where IU ht-*n Pork—Mc«s.. laird 13 Bacon—Clear sides 10 Wool 33 Potatoes -Irish, 1* bhl. . ISO Cotton—Middling 12 Ordinary 'J JSKW ORLKIXS. Flonr... Corn... Oat*... Hay.... fl 00 (<() 10 00 1 66 Flonr Wheat oats!!!!!!!!!!! Mess Pork... lord V Whliky 4 75 (,f c, ro .. 1 49Ji(ft l t‘» 40 ^ 32 W n| it* ri|M«st fruit iinr-tiiitxiiy to promote this object. Tho material* u*cd havo lxw*n rigidly stinjectod to every possiblo test tliat could in any way coikIiioh to their adaptability rikI dura bility. What I* the result at tho end of thirty years? Tim lowest priced pino organs that are worth buying cost 91.500. Messm. Eatey A (Jo. furnish for fiom thNi to *.«*) « ri-«-«l organ s» admirably balanced in tone ami power that two- thtnlsof tho congregation in an ordinary amall chnreh would Miip|*i*«< it a pi|w? organ if it was i-ononaled from view. A really g<x>d piano from a reliable maker cannot lie txiught for less than 9l(K»to 9500. An Ester Organ, anited to Uio capacity sml nxjuiremctii* of any faintly, may l«o piurnxeod for f 150 or 9200, and a thoroughly gixnl otic for 970. This t*practical philanthro py. of i\ quality ai refr«-*)iing os it ia rare. This in something worth working aud nattinx for ; ami it h* twNHthariv gratifying to know that all concerned—maker, m-lli-r, buyer and performer reap an txiultalm- share of the U-uefit* of a result so truly beneficent. That which conserve* tho iwilihc welfan- iiromotea private iutcre*t. (lixxl wine need* no ninth. llmuiMty pay* 1**1. Mossr*. Estey A Co. Imvo proved the truth of those aphorisms, 40J4 and iu an ago of wham* have demonstrated that 33j solid merit U the true toochstone of snixH?**. ih; 1 h; Nino thnurtand organ* were turned out there Isst year and sent to every quarter of the globe, . in more than one instanre Nupplautlng entirely the instrument* of European maker* hi the old wurld. Theae organ* rcpruiHiUtud a busiucs* of i over uuc miiliuu dollar* f [From OLE BULL, tho Groat Violin Virtuoso.] "After having played and examined the Cottage Organ* of .T. Kstey A C-o., ( eau fully con- Ann that they are the beat aUbstUnUi for the lljni Organ* In smaller churches and in school*, and tliat the smaller one* aro very appropriate for family u*o aud Mhould •«> highly r-com mended. J. It. NEllELONG, Organist.” Cot-EXlunLV, Nov., 1*75. “ After having used and heard tho above Organs, iu our late concert*, ?r«* fully concur iu tho above statement, and say in addition tliat tlm tono i* very beautiful, round and effective. " Faun. Dux. Director of Miuic. OLE BULL*” [From FRANZ ABT, tho World Ronownotl Composer and Author of " When tho Swallows Home-warti Fly,” otc.] ••The Estey Organ* deserve the highest admiration, a* well fort heir beautiful, sympathetic tono as for their easy, delicate touch and solid, elegant emit motion. I conitder them unaur- panned by anything I havo ever seen.*' [From PROF. W. HOWARD DOANE, Jr., tho Eminent Composer and Director, Cincinnati, O.] •• For purity aud beauty of tour, for variety of combination, and durability of coustrnction, I prefer Uio Estoy Organ to any I havo w-cu.' Health regular pulsate>i artcrit-N of work*] , i* at the le-ad uf th Ilia native talent, mechanical training. Ii^n l>cen Invaluable and i dispensable in tin- l<>ng ami miinteiTtipted i , limcnfH nmi iuvontioti* which, dor hi* rcadv and intclligi been combined ill th« eomplnto wlmle km In. moveiueiit tliat tend* wealth and prosperity : faithful and cntnusUNtie ;etiUoniAii are. in tin* van of overv - promote the public wuul affRir*. Character i a* it doo* tln-ir manufacture t i* tho under lying principlo ■lo jxirUon • coimiat of -Mo. ^oi'l iy i* r m»t only the fartorie*', but visit to anv iutoreitcd in nechati c twogreM. Tito work* ate ritunb-d on i»xl plateau, overlooking a cunsiderat.l of tno village of JJrntth-hum', eight mam slato covered factor■n-’. vvliieli i forty fc«)ta|uirt, three storie-4 high, one hundred feet long, and from thirty to thirty eight feet which linpnlt/M jNii tiotis oftho with illuminating ga* of oxeelh-nt «iuhI- tty. A Hteam flr*- engine, nam'd I '.by,' in kept constantly reply for u*o ami mnv tm manned at a moment * n’nfice by a drilled coin psny of the workmen. A jv-rfi-et hv-h*»iii >>( speaking tnbo* and elc-trio tx-lh c .t.tbh>dien ln- ► t ant a neon • onramnUlcation 1* tween tin ofll-- ami all part* of the premises. Over live hun dred workmen arc employe!, and everv «• re i-> taken to secure for them health, comfort nrwl safety, a* well n* a pet feet and cc-momic-d working of the odaliliHluncnt. Many of the little room* occupied by tlm tinier* are made charmingly cozv with pictures an«l flower-*, .ir ranged to Mill tin-tn>to of the ociMpanl.*. Tho cheerful hum of inachium- mitigle* with the chirping of UiotntatidH of nml M-nd< forth reason of the latter'* liittor opposition to their onlranciiisement, rogues who eared nothing for tho freedmou were not slow to take Advantage. Front every north ern state they migrated into the state undergoing reconstruction; imposing themselves on tho majority tut leaders, l \\*7 repeated iu Uio new organization* all the over government blunders and artifice* of the communities whence they came. Concealing by this consequent complicity the real working and effect •d these new governments, they indulged in n carnival of extravagance ami plun der. They issued bonds and other ovl- deucoaof indehtednesa agnlnst the stutm "hlch unhappily [they controlled, sold them for what they could get, divided the proceeds, and saddled toe debt so created on a people Impoverished bv civil war and confusion. Debt wiut piled up to «*• Polvnesian in this way to an extent that makes ft i Aw*tralia, New (ttiina, Macattsar (the impofwilde for the states iu whose name | J ro J u, ^ 1 ® cn by that time out of it was created to pay it nil, or t ►onto eases to meet the interest lace value. As no value at all reived by states or people for purt of this debt, and ms the rest R. 6. CRAIG & GO M onipliis. T.-nn. Qardon, Field and Grass SEEDS in I hair oil), exploring Uorueo, the Ssoloo the ! R n> up of islands, tho I'hillippincs, China, ... rp .! Singapore, Calcutta, Hombay. Will do largi» Kurojie, Asia, and Palestine. Voyage , .... ..... was 1 10 occupy two years and bo accompanied --dd Mow |*mi, the movement now begun 1 W' M brass band. Waiters wanted ol aims to place the matter oqulta-; "(»««■' musical ability. Expedition to lly lde by reducing the face principal ll *° Gag and adopt tho uniform of the | to somewhere about tho amount^actually HfOoklyn yacht dul>. Several of tho realized by the states, so that the latter j faculty will take their wives and daugh- may not struggle uuder an unbearable *«ni. Hero is another opportunity for : burden and that the creditors may be Mark Twain, were he not enervated by 1 sure of getting their interest regularly, wealth and luxury. I his, it in to Ik) ho|ie<l, may succeed.— „ . r*T— l iitteil State* hX'onomitt. Probably the *icke*tjman on the face of tho earth is the paragraphs in ho, Now that a train full ot passenger* reading his own column, discovers that a >r..n*h joke isn’t ha Fruit & Orsunental Trim. APPLE, PEACH, PEAK, PLUM, t'HKHRY, APRICOTS, IJl’INCK, Etc. MAGNOLIAS, CEDARS. SPRUCE, FIRS, PINES, HOSES, VINES, Etc. Strawberry, Raspberry, Gooseberry and Oui-i-ant Plants. Srti|i|M-riiiHijr & (Vinroril (irafi- Rwih. l.l.t'UA a U1HIM AUTOMATIC SILENT HEWING MACHINE. S^n.l C»r.J tor Illurtmud l*rtcr Ll*t, Jtc. Willcox At Gibbs 8. 31. Co., \Cor Ilond S'.) 85H nroa<lw»T. Torfe. SflOUV (ttOrr A f»AT to A*»nl# Sample ft"*. a*-Mjr« q? — ») C»l»tn«M« I..RLETCIIKR.II l)*r 8t..O in. r**r. tjupJoypjxfji for rIL r.hmrnoAScTfJlT $i U CaUlotfnafma.PxJUiii A Co ,1IV Numn «t.,N. x UQWTh UAKKIT. homMti Aaaial/*. (\>K. YUSDKkCO . nri/m tirQ'*' ( /•/<•-» ^77' IlLf UUf Lfl Wi.nriUN m-x Wo»m»,Chloar-. ni. CCC * wr * k ,n yoty own (own TvimnaadtAoulBt J)D0 - h itaT.i.ktta » • ► > fT/ X Xar.?l*ud Kit t in*. tairjxJ Ad.!i**- r >; ?-ihv»b Bay the (ienuinc “ScOViI M Hoe It is arknowlogeri by all to l>o tho best. ►. I*" Notice TRADE-MASS Al’D LABEL. ,*h lie MM mot ‘•Scorn. PirmiN*’',-m> called I CfflffTEBIi'iiiNlS'^r: . l'ortlan4. 'Xor&V* rtuaplM worth fa -.,Poi tlacil.Malu* OLIVER 0IT8ON A GO., Boston. VifiwiuccT TQ THf\YEB^ have burned up in Ohio through the ,.n»- of rod-hot stove* in the car* it i* <1 ia- i covered that the ita lute* of that Mate re quire railroad eoinpanlos to heat their , ) ho thought it cars with npparntusao constructed that K3\ ni * . !f.•„ . - .... ih -«"■*<» ( the tin** in them “will l>e immediately extingui»hed whenever the car* No such appuratu* ha* yet l»eeu invented, l, ian worth th«*ub*cription price of $2.50 per it ace ms, and iw attempt ha* been made | It* Editorial ('orreapomlenee from to entorce the law. If il were n que«tion l* fine. Cnmimmicntlotu for the. 1 SPANISH CHUFAS. Send for t'atalogno an«l Price List to R. 6. CRAIG & CO., mpliis, r lVim. Mo Riir -^ifravtnff* ff hnlMlnr* <lr*u I k\hil-IO.>n. an.) I» thx otl> . and <-r>mp)<-t* hlainn pnMIattMl. Itlrx*!- t-ulliUnR-. ■* *- ■ -- iblltkfnn Co.. IlixUrau-j IC\hiMiii -!*rf«il FxhlNta, rnrloaTllc^ hrai> and axlla at piratn onaday. *and f.-r \n I to nil I I-nl | M3 JYATCttJtS. A t(rcHt t>tuwllon. Zb-aav ^ *o(cA aaH 1 hufii free t 0 Aon,',. Uu»n I Oold. Addrraa A. (Oll.IK.H 0, CO.. Ohtcaan. I A Month. .\jrvut«w»iiUxt. Mt-«tioili u •rtictxa In tha »urld. (>•• frp*>. Ad drxaa i t V llltMXrt*. JT, Patrolt. Htrh - - - - queatioi of Having fuel or oil tne raiiroad com panion would have ap|H*aled long fince to the invoutivc genius of the country ; but "■* it i« only a question of pn.tccting hu man Silo, no siH'clal anxiety i* felt, ought to lw 11 is now generally admitted by hon est physician*, that when once the consump tion is fairly fastened upon the lung*, no thxUr*<-«t f«Ui-i-tt"n« flnhl,-* i» •pcrlNllr Cl( Tlfi\ t nrttRsonat-l* and worthies* l I* , j U ,‘ e (j'ktMlt--n ar- nr *U»oa ►:« and TO ftnoMurTatlmr*.' N>11.1.1 XU IMMCXMELY-TIIK CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION DKHrilUnBI) AN" il ' rsTirtVih. romplete. r(.hl> UluatratH low krlrw !«p < «nl.t Tr.*«a of thc.-nur» '-in » T rtc" D 'l i |" r*i 'i^br w | nn ^ r ^[ n ’ ►shrtiU^curi- I '-^y 0 xt-srr-dntcl In I wrelu. to r . rt aplw-u (HU »nm«■. MM manted, tor fnll r*>tiro. !*r. write .,atck|% to UCUHA Hi* IIBO.1., 144 West ; • iriritiB*t(, Ohio. - (' Tlft\ derfUH H» prenuluir it I coha aatnmiDK I* t- • nfflcial." etc . | "IT SKLL8AT SIGHT." FR.UK LESLIE'S HISTORICAL REWDiTEB ! A LUCRATIVE BUSINESS, centennial"Exhibition^' •»- WE WANT 500 MORE FIRST-CLAS9 , Nine -Mr enuiM*le rirtor.wl History* V. B. THAYER, ^Matiufaclunnc^Jewelxr and Johtwr tu ring* at 1.40 a y*t. *<iar*Utr»« at ^4d<-U*r< tuaiRDtced I and -llrer tak*u’ln trade. " TIIATr.M,*tt > ie Z \ MON K5 .. K !H. b-. Tl.y. t Arthur *t .1? r mmm . *! r °r Matte t'oiaponn* ' rwjsiratxic Will irnll III (. It »*•. SEWINC MACHINE AGENTS. AND SOO MENOFENERCY AND ABILITY TO LEARN THE BUSINES8CF SELLINGSEWINDMA* CHINES. COMPENSATION LIBERAL, BUT iiul-t-ard VARYINC ACCORDING TO ABILITY, CHA* iM a*"-. ACTER AND QUALIFICATIONS OF THE ,ir AGENT, for particulars, address *, v "‘ Wilson Sewing Machine Co., diicagn. ia" » 825 8XOSWAT. .’ot Tj?L ct Kiw Crtee U. A.ent. H.a.en. Ad-lreJ. Afenri ^ "l-,, .F UA FE rrnLi.xfiiNr, . M7 1‘ratil Nli-ewl, S.w ioik. special difficulty h .' xw ™ L? lanf Ik. ti| (loath, lit. of those who rile from this disen: the entitle to a neglected cough or cold, which mixht have been cured by n *01*11 i«|uid Opodeldoc, or what in applying the principle of the carboni’ "" ,l P-c-xtliiRulrficr ao » to «•! (ho K -a, | i^VL' free with the Mine oliock that overturn* which in.*... the car; and »t ought to Im* efkaicr still to bottle of Li.j heat the cant withoututdng stoves at all i- thin?,. i Anodyne Liniment. A i a Hunt percentage of Dane* than any other nationality ha* embraced Mor- •' u ' 1 monism, but of late years the effort of Five A the missionaries-in that country have . Irritetio bceu thwarted by the interferen 1 government. A i.s l*or Throat ntsrnsew of the chest, "firtn.M'j Jiron- i-> " are of value. For t'oughs, of the Throat, caused by cold, or of the | Unusual Exertion of the vocal organs, in ►peaking in public, or ►itiging, they prodaee htneflcial results. TO ADVERTISERS. mmx’i.oymbjvt . BEALS & FOSTER, | 41 »•«;; im ;«* r ' »«*"••- Tin: mim it hrivsmi'hr i m lists Rddn-a* CltltR. 4 Urtory sprit- Prlrr (< r all t!-»t ■(.. no| suit. .^§4 . tj-r noth *ldfw, ML .-an Rupiitn » tTan »n» ofUi—» tr!* - I'in ttUra freer f bnmdwar. New York The Female * ' enturw* 'Mod- k OcsriiTwsiiiASA oxTiu2'^lJ i 4**051. tlnrlnitnll, Olil». « lirimtM In 4. iu the Nose and Threat, Dr. J. H, JdcLe i ^tarrh Hnufl. It too the* aud hwda. TYial by mail. I» r . J. H McLean, (’IT thi* notice out and bring it with ou'. We arc authorized to refund the cash j j any person or persons who ►hall bur and • IWions’ Punr.itiTe Pill* and fail of Veil f *•*. and a IR-pac... M-odoinn, k-.MI'a*/.'/. Kciidslt A ' o .V<U#ntpt.f/vwUli klencilsnd KrjOicck i«l,K cm- andI yarn pi m Yfl KK AIK KAN. I'rrwMr nf OF FO OPEKATIVK XFWSFIPKHS. i»-r.-,nrr r- Aint-ricioi Xewr»pr»|*er 1'iiioit. read h hni (• rswf.r... nln>ut Amerlrnn U»lrhr« a il ith tie*.- otto whonlit arnil ( ■ H-ai-l-lof I* c rrlca^l.lal ot U allh i lilt--, n li la-la la ami free lo nil rrn ol Clila | Birr. I LLI’NTR ATED i-den qiuu-tp oollu-r i'cni*. and notr 1-' <-«nt»V> niruraiie r aw. Vn rr ■ f ■ tnioisu at Dam sura WAN™^ Kurnrra. AuKuutk t. itimruiahrm. l.amp t * ‘ “ " ' md Irmeliiia "ifcna* lllnc. Ne ri«V. li«t •i.-ieo P«i4 to kt"«l men. ! *."n. nil Hit a A BOOK for the MILLION. .MEDICAL ADVICE.": -V - V.rri^ Htfpurc. Op:uca Uib.t. tc .SENT FHKJ r-v.r-r i ' rampl(M frra. il \\ or) OPIUM?" mi-liftty. ^ Tltnc'Vhori"; '.i-rms n>".|eratr I.UVteallmo- niala. Ih+cnbcc»*r. Dr. K. K. Marah, gainer, Jtieh A GREAT OFFER FOR THE HOLIDAYS! : 5fttfte : SSW85R-557; k Ri?.“..T , 22A-. < ! n... .. JOUrUNOSAOHfil.N*.... mte. SR> j hand. ;.r nro-rlaw ntahm. larlmtlnr H *' rr III , n| loarr lirlm fur rnah. - Install- r ' rr ter.irf aaOV-r«al iaX->«* York JL^€t. R - v 'flnmJMJI'AHKiiBa I PNIOHr lifATHIOS CHINK. Or- "•« a- AUI.NTN S *VTirT*!I*l”lrnIrYt' 1 and Mth/adion, I NMMni.K WHITINOon re*«*> > . n ourn »v t o . s w ANTED,, I prrmsnrul rinploi meat: • r*»»' -is |va>t t-r i• tnpan*. I'nlon In«ln«4i-lnl Work*, <TucianAil,0, rnusnrr lh«- hnl mndr. »*nrrnnlpd fnr six a. AUK.NTW W4NTI I) llluslrr. -- ojiir.jfnllrd. A llha-ml 4l*roual I, .'(laiOrrt. r'XarrA,*. .Srfcvo;*. l.A.Ijri, Mhaal ualcnlliul prlir. HOHACi; WlTI'.Rl NON*i. *nnuri-riuma and Dralrr*. 40 $5 once to F. NASON, 111 Na«*nu S hi art rlr I iy I* Wte, ^nknLi 1 ^*^ Funiip Im-ii, i .-,t in tbewonc HUT ”25X*%.Corr.a 1H>, «a- when atfoUiW Umncdle* fall. TmMmoruja rid circular* r/yu f OPIUM r.KxiN>:R«, kdowd and aura nctix«tz. XO CHARGE for treatment until cured. Coll on or addrrsa DR. J. O. BECK, 112 Jobs >SK|' CIJCI-' JIII. 0BI».