The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, February 16, 1877, Image 3

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miry Newspaper. fubliahed Inry ■«*v 'day Morning by W. S. D. WIKLE «te OO. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ono oopy, on* year 18.00 Ona copy, six months 1.00 Ten copies, in clnbs, ono year, each 1.60 Single oopiea 5eta All subocriptione Invariably in adranoe. No name entered upon the list until tbs subscrip tion is paid. RATES OF ADVERTISING. 6.00 12.00 H00 15.1X1 18 00| 25. (X) 80.00 30.OO) 40.00 25.(X) 40.00 05.00 C5.1X.J 120.00 Professional and llusiness Cards of one inch or lees, $12 per annum, payable quarterly in advance; six mouths, $8. All advertise ments due after first insertion. FRIDAY MORNING, FF.I1. 16, 1877. LOCAL ITEMS. Here ami Tlie by our Reporter. Philips' hall to-night. Did you get a Valentiuo? Ob the mud, tho sticky mud* This is that other kind of weather. Bring uloug that corn you promis ed u *. Rond J. B. Carver’s advertisement iu nuotber column. Tho skating rink is tho only place of nmusement in town Strick order and decorum will bo kept at the Kink to-night. Mr. Ellis Cleuieuts got his commis sion Wednesday. The Convention Bill still hangs fire in tho legislature. Don't forget tho skating rink to night. Thu bill to rcpenl thn act regula ting the stilu of liquor iu Polk county passed. Jus. P. Hammock killed three wild turkey gobblers on last Saturday at one shoot. Go to Philips' Hall to night. Ad mission 15 cents, skates 10 cents. All those who wants any of Thomp son's Liniment had bolter get it at ouce. The ladies supper postponed until next Monday night. Carry your quarter and go early. Hon. John W. Wofford, (not Ta tum j has left Georgia, and will uiako his future homo in Kansas City, Mo. Header, pause a moment. Don't you owe something on your ftubscrip- tionV It you do bring it in at once. The SkiUitg Rink will bo open to ladies nud children only, Saturday evening free of churgo. Doors open 2 X o’clock. Shoperd k Ray are spreading them selves. No. 1 bar and billiard room, No. 2, dry goods and groceries; No. 3, restaurant. Dr. L. S. Ledbetter has moved his office from over Phil pot's, to office for merly occupied by Master Cal Dodds, a cross the street from Philpot* k Dodds’ store. The rovenuo officers made a raid on Haralson County last week, and about twoniy persons who were, or supposed to have' been engaged id selling crooked whisky. They caught Joseph Wofford, onr furmfit towns man. Tell uh, nngflio host, ye messengers of tvxe, shall swiudled printers hero below redress above? Tho shining-angers baud replied: “To us is kuoiykidgo given; delinquents on tlie printers books can never enter HcAvpi.* sAeial of bur young people ought Superior Court Items. Polk Suporior court convened on last MAiiday, Judge Underwood pro- sidiug. We notice iu attondauco, be* Bidos our local bar, Cola. Akin and Milner, Cartersvillo, Col. Broyles, At lanta; Col’s. Wright, Dabney, Alex ander, Foatherston and Yaucoy,Borne, Tho Boss is ou tho jury this week. All short comingsiu this paper c m bo attributed to that fact. Col. Wurren Aikon's speooli to the juryiu tho Davitto-will case is chnr- terized as boiug one of tho host speeches ho ever made. Wo trust at some tiino in tho futuro wo ahull have tho satisfaction of soeiug him on tho Supremo Court beech. The Jury iu tho Davitto-will ease, returned a verdict Thursday sustain ing tho will of Jno. O. Davitto, de ceased. Judging from the amount in volved, wo suppose that tho case will go to tho supremo court. Tho case of the State vs Elbert West nnd Shelton Battle, charged with larceny, were tried for tlmt of fense on Thursday, and found not guilty. Judge A, R Wright made ouo of his happy efforts iu the Duvittc-witl Itiiru tlie Woods. Agricola in tho Home Courier, upon the question of burning off' the woods says: “Forty years ago, when tho Indians lived in this country, there were little chills and fever among them, and it is known wherever they live they always keep tho woods burut oft'.” And forty years ago there were no grasshoppers in tho woods, but now it is said the woods oro full of them. Wo again suggest to our country peoplo t!m propriety, tho nucoasity, of burning off the woods at once, which would, no doubt, destroy millions of Lhoso iusculs. File tho woods at ouco. Cut this Out—it May Save Your Lite. There is no person living but what suffers more or less with Lung Die ease, Coughs, Cplds or consumption, yet some would die rather than pay 75 couts for a bottle of medicine tlmt would euro them. Doctor A. Boshcheo’s German Sirup lms late ly been introduced in this country from Germany, and its wonderous cures astonishes every one tlmt try it. If you douhl wlmt wo say iu print, cut this out and idee it to your drug gists, Bradford k Allen and get a sample bottle for 10 cunts ami try it, or a regular size for 75 cents. A Useful Invention for l*ii|>- IlHllCI'H. Although we print our mail list, we are using 0110 of W. T* Christopher's Labor-saving Mail Books, and find it of groat convenience, exactly what the patentee represents it, simple, durable, durublo, systematic, and eco nomical. No erasers are necessary, and when subscribers change their address the names can be shifted to the proper paq|cage in ft moment,, On expirntiou of-Subscription .tho name can ho taken 01ft and filed if desira- 1 bio for further referenc'd. We think the newspaper publishers of Texas will find it to their interest to corres pond with Mr, Christopher. His ad dress is Fort Valley, Ga. Mr. O. is editor and proprietor of iho Fort Val ley Mirror.—Denison ( Texas) Daily Nows. THE rpilK LARGESTSTOCK of CROCKERY 1 M1K LARGEST 8TOCK OF GLASS- WARE rjpiIE Largest stock of Silver Plated waro rjARF. Largest Stock of Knifes nud Forks THE Largest stock of Pocket Knifes. rpilK Largest Stock of Chinn Vases, I Colonge Setts nud Fancy Articles. 1 HE Xrf ARGKST §TOOK of G EN- EttAL HOUSE FURNISHING WOODS IS A.T J. B. Carver's China Hall, ROME, GEO. 601WK0TBD WEEKLY 11Y J. 8. BTUUltf A CO. FLOUR—choice —... $4}0 440 COFFEE—Rio, * lb...: 280 25 SUGAR-* lb, Ex. 0 0 12 “ “ A 12J0 1« *• “ Crush —0 *• “ Yellow 100 11 SYRUP—p gal 5001 00 IHorlPKe Slu i tllN Salt*, Will bo said before the (lour! House door in Ccdnatoiv« Polk Co.. Ga., within tho legul hours of salo on tho 1st Tuesday in May next, tho following property: The undivided half interest in lots of bind Nos. fii»7, 1171, 036, 012, DM. 015, 7M, 788, 760, 1100, 1127, 1100, 1080,1055, tOOO, 11*8, U20, 1054 1057. 1058, 1015, •108, 708, 812, 818 815 84'i. 857. 858. 850. $Ql\ 801, 80A, 01i), 020,11 17. 1148; 1140 and 114c, ns the property of .1 nines F. Do ver, by virtuo of nnd t» satisfy ono movt- grge ti fn from l’olk Superior Court in fn- ▼or of H. V, M. Miller utid W. C. Morris, ngniust said |)eve». Fob 16, 1877. !!• P. LUMPKIN, ShlT. Sheriff SjiIoh for Mmult. Will be sold before the court house door 'n Ccdnrtown “oik Co , On., on the IhI Tuesday In March next, between the legal hours of snlo,tho following property, Lots of laud Nos. 870,875, HI nnd 188, In the 18th district nud 8d Reel ion of Polk county, Georgia, levied npon by virtue of and to satisfy two justioo court 11 fas, in favor of Mender llros., ngniust P. M. Agin nnd .1. E. Deuproo security, t\ fas is- sued from the 1072d distriot <•, Si., ns the property of Hiiid Agin. Also, lot of land No. 81)1. in tho 18th district nnd .‘id section of Polk county (iu.; bounded 011 tlie west by tliu lands of Mrs. Hurt ridge nud on tho north by T. P, CumpbcH. Levied upon by virtuo of nnd to satisfy a lax li fn iu favor of the stale and county ngniust E. (1. Doyle ns the property of E (1. Doyle. Also, lots of land Nos. 74 nnd It iu tho 2lst district nud 8th section of Polk coun ty <*n., by virtue of and to satisfy a state nnd county tax ll fn ngniust A N Morrell, an the property of A N Merrill, Proper ty pointed out by said Merrill. Levy made and handed to me by n constable. Also, nt same time nud place lolsof land Nos 71*1, 7'J2, 7i).l, and 764 in the 21st district nnd ilnl section of Polk counnty, (ieorgia, ns the property of ins. it Morgan, levied upon by virtuo of n a Polk superior court li fn in favor of John M Pallium ngniust .litmus U Morgan, and ouo Polk supoi lor court ti fn iu favor Win McDowell for the use of ollioors of officers of court ugalnst .lames ll Morgan nnd one Polk superior court li fn in favor of Geo W Foot for the use of oilierrs of court ugnin«t W A While, principle nud I Janu s It Morgan security on u bond, am' i I’oiU county court li in Jo law.'* of A ; Pcioghui ly ugalnst .la It Morgan; nail one j Polk county court li fn in favor of .1 N ' Noyen ngniust James It Morgan, nnd on i Polk county court ti fn in Invur of V 11 Up I pert against James It Morgan, nud other fi fus in my hands a* thu property of Jus K Morgan Feb. 7, 1877. II. P LUMPKIN, Sh’ff Uioet ut sumo pi 1C.0 an cl org eiul club. This is Something our wu has long needed, and wo .trust r young ladirs nod young iuuu will 1 16 w< rk tu.d otgiiuiz-j oui-. \\ lio ill Lu lilt- illht iu bi-giu. ,1. li. Cirter, tliu Ti'O crockery inoi 'Soilli G.orgit >»" udv.-itimj- L'llt ill tl.!« pupei-. If rllilH Iho l .r- fct „nd bent nl.ctid stock ut goods :i t Lrouglil South, nnd bo sells Omni leiipcr tliiii. umbody. Wo ndvise ur l’olk coii i.iy folks lo cull ou him heu in Romo. Tbt debating society of Culhojiu re gelling into d<cp wutcr. Lust |n|,t id the court Ijoufo it debuted e question, "I. Cutliolicistu O.-tlio- ,x'!" We nre gind lo know tbut lis question, Mbich bus ngiteted bristendom for o\er n tbousnnd nrs, is in the nuy of sgeedy deter- illation. Your “chid ’ was the happy recipi- it of three Valiutinca among which as the following: Cedabtown, Feb. 11,1877. My Dkeb:— bought uh the day of velnntiiic«c3 was at buu’ ud i tbot i wood sen you ono ns you iB nil in my eyes. ie rose is red, the vilots blu ic woods is greoe and so is you m Look like lusses and Sug^r mixt. you or a uise Feller, Link spring w cumin’ in a good time your maw will just 1« t 3011 graze. jui looks will frese vimgiu. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral For Disouos of ths Throat and Lungs, such as Goughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. The reputation it tins attained, In consequence 01 Uio marvellous cures it has produced during the lost half century, is n suiBeient assurance to the ; public that it will continue to realise the happiest : results that can be desired. In almost every I section of country there are persons, publicly known,wbohave been restored from alarming and • even desperate diseases of the lungs, by its iibo. | All who have tried lt,sckuowlcdge its superiority; : and where Us virtues arc known, no one hesitates os to what medldne to employ to relievo the dis tress and suffering peculiar to pulmonary affec tions. Ciierbt Pectoral always affords in stant relief, and performs rapid cures of tho 1 milder varieties of bronchlaldisorrler, as \p.ll as ' Uio more fomiidabio diseases of tlie Rugs. | As a safeguard to children, noftji the'iMtrees- ing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of 1 Childhood, it is invaluable; for, by its timely uso, ■ multitudes arc rescued and re^oied to health. This medicine gains frieuil^«t,evcry trial, as the cures it is constantly producing ore too re- ; markable to lie forgotten. No family should ho i without it, ami those who have once used it ; never will. Eminent Physicians throughout the country I prescribe it, and Clergymen often recommend it ! from tbeir knowledge of its effects. THE SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS For 1877 On (lie IhI of January, 1877 tho MORN ING NEWS fillers upon its Iweulyseventh volume, anil, il Ih Imped by its oonduotorH, upon a prosperous your. Every rolurning anniversary bus witnessed its exlending, influence, and to-day it is (lie text of tho political faith of thousands of readers, lit; uniform consistency and steadfast de votion to principle lias gained for il confidence of the fluidic, l Iiiih enabling it to ootitrlblito largely to thu triumph of Uio Democratic purly. fn t he futuro, ns in tlie pant, no puiim will be spared to mnko llm MORNING NEWS in every respect still more dosorv- of tho Conifldenco ami prlronngo which has been so liberally extended to it by thu people of Georgia and Florida- Tho ■ am pie limans ot thu establishment will bo do voted lo tlie improvement of the paper in all its departments, ami to mnkiugyil a comprehensive, iuHtriuiivo and rqftjiihlo med'iim of the current iiowm. Its sHItV of special correspondents—at Waslihigt 1 Allnnla, Jacksonville, Tallnlmssuo, 1 other points ol interest has peeu reorgan ized with a view of meeting every possible emergency that may arise, and paiiiH will bo tskon to m ike its commercial no foreign and domestic, complete and raliu- bio. As wo are about entering upon tho year, wo desire to call especial attention to our club rates of subscription. HOSTAGE FREE. * -Wt wit! pay postage on nil papers coin® to mail subsbrlbors/ilnM making tlie Nows the chunpffd paper of its :iizu and ohai tor in iho sunlh. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY, One copy, one year - $ 10 00 Five copies, (to one address) • 45 00 Ten copies,one year to one address 80 01/ TRIWEEKLY. One copy, ono year - 9 6 00 Two copies, ono year, 0110 ad drew 10 00 Five copies, ono year, “ “ f l5 00 Ten copies one year “ “ 50 OU WEEKLY. ' One copy, one year - # 2 (X) Five copies, ono year, one address i) 00 Ten copies one year, ono address 18 00 Twenty copies *0 one address 8» OO REMITTANCES. Can be made by post 'ofticu order, register ed letter, or ex at my rink. Letters should be addressed, J. II. ESTILL, Oavuunaii, Ga. , Dr. J. C, AYER Si CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. BOLD BY ALL DUUUCUST3 EVEBTWHJEBfc 00 - 180 — 250 — 850 40 600 0 150 — 1040 174 HULK ME AT-Sides....'. 100 101 SHOULDERS-* lb 11J0 12 EGGS—* doion 1-40 — RUTTER—* lb 200 25 UHICKENS 1240 — RICE—* .lb CHEESE—best nrtlolo Cronin.. CANDLES —* lb, full weight... CORN—from WngoaS MEAL—husli. from wagons.. HAMS—Bulk—* lb. Sugar Curod—* D>.. PRICES FOR HIE TIMES I ONLY $53 For 11 First-clftM Sewing Machines Send for Circular with full Purtie- ulnra. .. < .h< CABINET ORCAN3, Alt kinds' of 'Stringed Instruments and Sheet Music, Retailed at Wholosnlo Trices. Sterling Silver Ware At Reduced Trices. Articles of apparel for Ladle*, Gentle men anil Children, Household and Fanoy Articles of every quality nnd kind, at uti IMMENSE REDUCTION OF RATES. For a Catalogue uml Current Trice Lint of Styles, Send ten cent a to Mint. Hai.i.ii J. Hattky, FuhIiIoii UdltrotH, T. O. llox 1200, New fork, PnoTOdRA ni i;n. CEDART0WN DIRECTORY. < vi. Mi’.iu if ANOisr. P iitt.t’nf ijj5f)ns,W”» ( '«iinrvrniivM —Dry Goods. Crockery, Hardware, Hhoon, Huddles, do. •4|fc... , ■ Hardware, TolmcM) ^grloultural Imple- niciiis, e>tc. '/; » ;| 1 H *N()TkS * ooh Tnatigiihir lllook— C N W. FEATFIERflTON A CO., Feath- T erst on's Block, Main at.-—Dry Good*, Reo'ly-tmule Olothjng, Orodorlus, etc. W .M. IMIII.LITS .S: CO., Main Htreol- l)ry Goods, Notions, NIiooh, Huts, Hardware, Groceries, etc. N M. WIlian 1, (ImlVt ftou.o'flqimr..— Dry (iootls. Hlioes, Hals, Notions, Hnrdwnre, Cutlery, etc A ll INTI NGt6:\, C.mrl IIoiiho .Sqimrn — Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Huts, Notions, Mm<1 mu0, Iron. Htpol, etc. ( llHtltOKK.i: ikon' CUmT’ANV, Hloro J tit the Works—Dry Goods, Notions, Huts, Slim'!*, Hardware^ (irocories, et FAMILY GJKOCKKIHS. flF. a7wYNN, WostTide Main si.—Staple •I a it* I Fancy Family GmuoHcs, Crockery, HnPdwiire, Tohnoco, Cigars, etc. h P.TiUlVWKL^. Alain si.—Uroocriiw, CotifeeliuiierJes, J Gantied Goods; 'J'o' liacoo, Cigars, Mln.ea, Hardware, olo. I/IUKHIISTS. YJRADFORD & ALLEN, Court llottso JL J Square— Drugs, Medicines, Taints. Oils, Heaps, J’erTiiiiicry f Garden .Sec<Js, etc. B URBANK A JONES, Main Stroel— ‘Drugs, Medicines, Hoops, Toilet .Vrli clfS, Oils, Taints, Window Glass, eto, IIOOICS I..-,(t [STATION Kit. NoyoU/«!'( lit tin hiiop. G eorgia, polk county—Applies. tioti having boon imple to have thu pri vate road leaving the Etlwnrdsvillu near T,- O. Titliiiati's passing near Blooming Grove Church and intersecting the Jacksonville road near thy residence of VV 11. Short iu the 107'.Uh district G. M., to he made a public road of second clusi or twenty feet wide; nnd T. O. Tillman, John Garner and W. H Short, the duly appointed column sioners having made Jhoir report under oath that they liavo proceeded to mark out the same according to law. Therefore al persons liuviug objections will tile them at the next term of the court of (Jrdiuury to be held on the 3d Monday in January ue*L else said petition will be granted Decem ber 2Utli 1870. Jotu UucwtJK, Ord’y. WAGON MAKER* / (ROUGE I* LYNCH, Main street, ' i Feuiherstou's store, make and repair wugoiis and bnggeis, and smith work of al Mortgage Sheriff Sale. ILL be soliniieforo tho Court House, VV door, in the. town of Ccdarluwn, l’olk county, Ga., w'uhin tlie legal hours of sale, 011 the tirst Tuesday in March next, the following property, to-wit; One roan speckled cow and one brindlo meuly headed dow un>l ten bushels of corn, more or less, as tlie properly of 0 M Camp uml J{ A Camp, by virtue of uml to satisfy a mortgage li fa issued from Tolk superior court in favor of 8 P Bmilb, Hon it Brothel' against C A Camp olid E A Gampj January 6 r 187.1 Hi' LUMUKIN, Sh’tf CHEROKEE IRON CO. -DEALERS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE. DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, groceries, woodbnwahe; PATENT MEDICINES, GLASSWARE, R’dy M'do CLOTHING, TINWARE, NOTIONSi PAINTS and OILS, HOOTS ami) SHOES, SADDLES, HARNESS, LEATHER, IRON amd STEEL, PLANTATION SUPPLIESJETC. Frosti ground Flour nnd Monl roooivodjjdally.] Couutry Produoo Solioitod nt Highost MnrUot](Rntoa[ Tn.Hn Stiuotot Cabii. Orao« and Stoiib at Tnn Wobks Oedahtowm, Ga., Fob. 10, 1870. j We may have Mentioned it Before. But it will hour repeating; and to make a suro thing, wo \vi 1 nay that tho MOBILE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF MOBILE, ALABAMA., Ih Hie L«mlin^ Life Company in. tlie Houtli, And undor ita prosont oxoollont limnngoinont iB doing more Now BusinoHH in the Southern States than any othor Life Company, North or South. Over 2000 Policies Issued in 1875. outs « n? B a;i altib?: Tlio l.lfa Endowmont Plnn, by whiolt you securu nit F.mlowrnotit in fiftecti yours, ut ilia rule of an ordinary Lift) Policy. Tho Yeary Renewable Term Plan, ll.e clump- i’«t plan of ItiHuranca non workad. M. MrCARTY, It. M. FRIEND, SHEPPARD HOMANS, Prosident. Seorotury. Autuaiy A, C. PICKENS, General Agoat North Georgia, OARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA. FOR THE YEAR ’ENDINC DEOKMBERI31 at, 1870. $440,800 la ORGANS AND FI A 3ST £3 f All the best improvement! combined In the Organa and TlatioS ntauUfaoturcl by 2 CORNISH & CO., WfiHliiugton, N. J. To all wlto wish to purohane ohlior an ORGAN or PIANO, wo can truthfully say that for ARTISTIC CONSTRUCTION,B Beautiful Finish nnd Swoot Musical QUall- tios, our inatrumonta tnko rank with [tha Most Celebrated Manufacturers Our only olnhn to fiivoritlsm over other lending nmnufscturcni Ih our OAV PRICE 6S, reduced to moot tho requirements of tho Hines. Determined not to he unddrsold, ami at tho biuro titno furnishing instru ments dial wo fully Warrant For Five Years, wo invito oorre3pon<I«uta that, wn may bavo un opportunity to provo satisfactorily all that wo here assort. Our Tlnnosuro Airnishod with tho improved FRENCH GRAND MUON, (tho vory host In uso) They are also HEAVILY STRUNG with thu improved wiro; tho cohos aro of solid rosowood J--perfootly seasoned and WARRANTED NOT TO CRACK OR WART. Our ORGANS aro furnished with all Iho modern improvements, ns to stops, notion, eto., wliilo Iho CA8ES aro of tho reoont cabinet style, admirably suitod for Iho parlor. mr SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND 1MU0B LIST. Address CORNISH fk OC. f Washington, Now Jersey. Not Aasots Ducombor Bint, 1874 INCOME VpBt $760,785 12 Rpoeivml for Broiiiiums ami intqroHt DISHimSBMENTH LoufJos by Death $7i.25i 00 DividonuH, OoinmisaiotJH, Taxes, nud othor expousos.. 75,850 (j‘2 148,118 (12 $002,071 60 ASS I5T8, Cash in Bank ....♦ 17,185 40 , U. 3. Oovornmoiit aiul other Bonds 70,270 HO Loans on Mbrtgago, t’irst Lions 40,082 12 Tioars on BoikIb and Stocks 20,095 00 Instiranno Htoc.ks 1,425 00 Real Estatfi aud amount dun by othor Companies • for R/t-rnHuranoo 95,085 74^ Bills Uowflvablo, snourod, and Stock Bonds 299,238 4GJJ Proiniut/s in hands of Agents and iu oourso of Coilentiou 40,993 45 Offloo end Agency Furniture 2,745 88 002,(Wl 50 Add Accrued Interest and Deferred Premiums 21,824 40 Assots Decombor 81»t, 1875 .'.,$024,495 90 THE GRANGERS’ UNITED STATES OF AMEMC/L Authorized Capital, I^ACH Htulo is a Homo Company, and its Entire Reserve i lit tlie Mtate Departinents. Parent 0/floo, Mobile, Alabama; Uoutls and Cash, T. E. DAVIDBON, Trcsidcn Georgia DopArtmont, Home, Georgia; Loans and Cash, C. 0. SAMUEL, President. - $4,500,000 Loaned and insured in - - $260,000 Mississippi Department, Meridian, MiHssijiiyni; Loans and Cash, - 100,000 W. McfNTOSH," Tfosidenl, South Carolina Department, Columbih, South Carolina; Loans and CaBi, 100,000 THOMAS J. JETER, Tiosidont. ‘ vXJi&a Toxos Department, Austin, Texas; Loans and Ottsli. - - - 100,000 GEO. II./4MFLEMAN, President. Total assets, * - IL ----- $700,000 Security; Kbonomy, Lihuralitv, AHE THE JEADIN0. FRfNClPLES OF THIS COMPANY.- All approved furms of Lifo atid Eiidiiwrnonl Policies is' :c<l i $10,000 Also Tcini Policies yf Ouo, Throd. Five or : l .* • n Yn All Life Policies unn.forfeiiing after two annual payni . ts, when tho insured will bo enlDlud to a paid-up Policy or Cash WurVondov Gum’uoL Dividends may bo used to protect poliolaa against lapsing in case of failure to pay premiums. This, with tliu imn-forfoiiiug and Cash Surreu<lur features, are sufficient io make this Company popular among Ihinktog n*«»u. Uk£T GOOD AGKN iU-WANTED. W. G. ENGLAND, of Mobile, Ala., General Superintendent of Agencies. \j. 8. NOYES, Locul Agent, Cedartowu, Ga- JAMES DOULASS Ar CO. LIVERY STABLE. Broad nt ., oppoeilo lloyt’n Drug Store ItomCf Gooiyiii. 8tables, wliere the penple .if Polk and Haralh'ou will (iml >• verylhlngtiocasHiiry for Ihnir onm,f.irt wliile iu thu city. Give i(m a-U-ial. . wiiov. U-lf ,, L 1-4. DAVIS, Watchmaker and Jewelet Codartown, Ga. W ORK done prrimptly and satisfactorily All work warranted Twolvo Months. Repairing flno watches a spoolalty. AI klmlH of Jawolry and Watches and Clock kept fo" sale. ,un e 20 1 Estruy Notice. G eorgia, polk county.—Taken up by G W Lindsay, on liis own froo- liold iu tiio 1075tli district, O. M.. In said county, ono astray now, wjiito body, with union pldos, red and brindlo hoadand nook, riglit horn sllppml, and left hip slippod down, a natural letter, ,“0” on hor nook, marknil with a crop off tho right ear and a split in tho loft, supposed to bo twolvo years old. Appraised by Jas B Orabb and J H Phillids to bo worth eight dollars. And it appearing that said estray is not of sufficient value to defray tho ordinary ox- .ponsos of of posting, it is therefore ordered Hint tho owner come forward, provo prop* erty, pay charges nnd Inks hor away, and that in dnfnult thereof, said oow bo sold by tho sheriff of said county on iho 3d day of February next, at. or on tho freehold of Haiti G W Lindsay I n terms of the law.Th. 1 lOlh day of Jan., 1877. ,: r ' JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. G. W. VANCE, Saddler and Harness Maker, CEIU TOWN, GA. T TOBB wanting work done In my line are respect fully asked to givo mo a trl- nl. My Shop Is on the ooruor, in the Pow ell old Livery Stable building. may 8 Dr. L. 3. LEDBTTER, SURGEON DENTIST O FFERS Li 1 nvqfcssiqfiftl h4wIccb to th ^ citizens tT^tovvijn^ vioinily. o IT Colville «‘Xuiuptiou of. personalty and Vtvt ,; S*‘l v,ll ' t vitluaitqa of homes leu 4. :<hM 1'Svill paijs upon'the* same at If o’duelc a. hi op the 8th day of Feb , 1877, at,4ny*otime.- Jau. 18, 1877. liH'b kno./in, Ordinary.