The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, March 30, 1877, Image 2

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THE RECORD CKDAHTOWN, OA., HAKUH 30, 1877 The most prominent properiy- bolder of Loiiiniuns, hucIi as lliu Brook*, of Boittoo, and Bnronida, tbo largest property bolder* in tbo elate are payiug tliuir taxes to tbo Nicboll* government. Minister Waabbnrn baa resigned a* minister to Fr»noe, and hi* resigna tion baa been acoepted by tbo Execu tive. He will however return to Pur- ia and remain until hia successor bus been appointed. Secretary Fvurts ia the father of fifteen ceildreu, and Secretary Key bus tbirieon. There ure only 001 light houses in this country. Uncle Sam should go fur an even thousand or bust. Two nephews of John Randolph, of Roanoke, are members of Oon'gn ss. viz: John Randolph Tucker, of Vir ginia, and Richard P. Bland, of Mis- aouri. Tuosduy was the twenty first birth day of the President'* iblest son, Webb Hayes, jr., and bo was made tbo happy incipient of a suitable pres ent from each member of thn family and Mr. \V. K. Rogers, the presidents private secretary. The event was inado the uoevsion of a pleasant fam ily reunion, and the nows that there was another man in the White House soon becaniu noised about in tho vi cinity, and Mr Webb was showered with congratulations. At dinner a birth-day cake was placed on tbo ta ble and surrounded with 21 candles which were lighted in the evening and kept buruiug until midnight as a pleasing remind of the occutiou.— Washington Republican. ANTIOCII NEWS. No Convention. Mn. Eiutoii: Obodii lit to your re quest, wo 'dot" you a few lines from Antioch neighborhood: Farming operations generally, are farther advanced thim usual at this Benson of the year, and farmers ui - dor hotter rupuir. Owing to tho win ter freezes and tint ouergetio speeding of the plow, our lands are in a good condition fora crop—loose and liable. But. few have pl otted eorn; farmers thinking the lands to cold. Wheat. Hintill but geetl stands. Fall oals | winter killed. Spring oats, good stand ami look very 'veil. Not im'cli Guano UBOil—oattso, too high price, Our day school, ttndur .lie super vision of that accomplished scholar. Mr, J. E. Hon seal, is progressing fine ly. Our community consider them- BelveB exceedingly fortunate in semir ing the services of so excellent a teacher. Our Sunday soltool still flourishes. Notwithstanding the severity of the past winter weather, our school has mot regularly. To give yoiu readers an idea of tbo interest manifested, we would state that the school met ouo Sunday morning with quite a largo attendance when tbo snow wiir from four to six inches deep, some of the scholars actually walking two and tbreo miles through the snow. Our community deeply sympathise with one of our citizens, Mr. J. F. Kimbrol, whose wife, nil estimable lady died last week, leaving a husband and four little children, one ait inf ml to mourn her loss. May “He who tempers tbo wind to thn shorn lambs," console and comfort tho bereaved hus band, and guide, guard and proteat the Utile ones. The “Boys” organized a debating iug society last Saturday night. Now if any of your Cudurtowu Oiceroes think they can run rough-shod over oouutry boys in debate let them come out aud try tbo Antioch boys. “The only hue Grunge” in the eonu- ty ns ouo of your eurrespoudents “ loug-time-ago" denominated t It e Grange organization in this settle ment, still liveth brenthelh and Until an existence. You may be assured, that should it die, (which wo Jo not believe,) it will die hard, with its face to the fee. From the best information we have w< tin k the lunjolity of our people • 1 pos.d to a e. ostltutioual eo.i- : o • •! ■ .It vo e with elections! We ure suileo d with candidates and politicians, ai d want a littlo rest. Besides wo hu\ o been so often deceived by specious promisee which arc hardly ever fulfill ed, thnt we have lost confidence in office-seekers, office-holders in partic- I ulur and maukiud in general, Our people seem to fear that should l bo convention inset, it will tske especial pains'to stay In session long enough to exhaust the $2 7,000 appropriation, and do ns our legislature so long have been doing—absolutely nothing, for the interest of the people, tax payers, or laboring men. A man es pecially a candidate, would be in dan ger to come through hero now and hollow "retrenchment and reform,” At any rate if any one contemplates doing such a tiling hu had hotter have tho caudle extremity insured before coming. So if any of the convention I candidates do come down this way I they had better lie low on lids "re form business. It is understood that Gov. Coulquitt did not favor bolding n convention at llie time. If no why di.m’t lie have tliu manliness and in dependence to to say so aud veto tee convention bill. New we menu ad mirer of Gov. Colquitt, but wo dis like to sec n bigli public functionary truckling through deference, (we don't like the word deference,) to the wishes of uuy man or sot of men. Would that our public men had more of tho “Old Hickory" "By tho Eter nal" nerve about them. With tho ligliln before us, we Hindi bo very apt to vote No Convention* Kcpnit of Klnnnce Committee to Town Council. To llie Honorable Major anil Council man of Cedarlown: Your committee appointed to ezntn- ino into tho finances of Cudartewii council for the years 1874-75-7(1, re spectfully submit the following re port: After a close and diligent oxami na tion uf Hie Treasurer's books of 1875 and '70, we lied tlmt lie has received for tbo two yours $2,180 70, to which he shows vouchers -to that amount, paid out. The tax books from 1870 to tho present year, are uiiHoLthal. many of the claims are worthless, as t he parties tlmt the claims ere against say they have paid them up and fail ed l<> get their receipts from the mar shal, and that they wore cnali ud on claims they held against tho town council. \Vp wopld recommend that Hie council publish that hereafter, any person paying their taxes and failing to take their receipt from the marah il will not be exempt from paying them over. Unless some such plan bu edopted there is no accufato way to soltlo up the uinrslud's books. The tax of 1875 were nearly settled up. Less unpaid tax receipts on them limn any books previous there only remain ing $11 75 unpaid. Tho books of 187(1 shows a balauoo of sotuu throe hundred dollars still to be Collected which wu would adviso that tho mar shal bo iustrtlulcd to take such ac tion iih will cause the defaulters to settle fotthwith. This wo doom but just and right to those of our citizens that have paid their taxes. If this amount was collected and paid out to claimants it would pay tho town out of debt and stop tbo interest. With your instructions tho com mittee His settled off the claims of Wm. Phillips & Co., to date by giving him su order on tho Treasurer for $13 44 this claim has been running from 1872 to dale; for lumber used in and around tho town. In examining into tho account of J W T Hand for liimself aud as admt., stands as follows. (iencrnl tuxes unpaid for himself 1874. $ 4 (18 llcuciat • • *' 187.-1 -O 30 • ' >• •• •• 1878 8 40 *, " for silmt 1878 'JO 00 Street tax for liimsoll anil John 1875 10 10 •• „ ,i " 1870 U 00 $&4 60 $15 06 #-’8 16 off all credited claims by taxon that be hns taken up, be is due ou unpaid tuxes tbo sum of $*2123, which the said McMeekm claims ho still bolds ao counts for Borneo and tools furuishod the council during the year 1871, which there in uo minute made of on nny of the former town council books, Which wo could not allow, and requent the council to take bucIi ac tion kb you Hhall deem juHt and right after hearing McMeckiu’s statement. We lmvu Bottled off the judgement claim of Messrs. King and Jama without paying out, or drawing on tho Treasurer for money. In the uoitleinent with A. Hunting- ton we found u balance of $29 80 due him, which we gave order on the trcdHurer for, and was Bottled off, and receiptM in full given and tuk«*n. L. S. Ledbetter's account for t bo years 1875 and 1870: Service ns Recorder 1876 $ 60 00 " for receiving tuxes 1876 *10 00 *« an Record r 1876 60 00 i«, 187 40 00 Tatal Ity services of mule on Street Ity work, Iten Lampion Ity work Mr, Hand Ity Ulucksmlth account Xotol This leaves a balance of $26.10 duo tho council. In this statement iho settlement for tho cometei y is uot in cluded, ns tho payment was inado with Ivey F. Thompson, who hold the claims, which we paid off in full, and ' now have tho deeds in our posessiou. j Si* parties wishing to pnreliube lot# ! n< Oil have no fetus about getting proper titles, and would recommend that the marshal be instructed to \ t ko stub steps as the conned would a !m t- •«» C»ll» ct the balance due ou • *-s aud the iiinoait col lided bu appropriated to impioviug | tho grounds. Upon examination of the claims of Thos. G. W. McMeekin, after paying Janes’case 14 60 By amount drawn on Trcas., 1876 00 00 By “ •• *• 1870 100 00 The claim of Huso of sixteen dol lars approved by council of 1871 drawn by J. SV. T. Hand Iiuh u1m» been paid off by nn order on Treas urer and which haa been cashed; also tho claim of N. M. Wright, which was approved and and audited by tho council of 1875. This leaves the town still indebted so far as wo ascertain, as follows : J A. Blanco, lei* order and taxor, GO 00 Dabney iV Kouolic, 75 OU Horn & McGee, (trnnsf’il Mar. cl’m l»s <) On these cIuiuih we have drawn on tho treasurer thirty dollars J. A. Bluuce, Dabney k Foncho f'>ity-five dollars, Horn k McGee $100, which has been cashed. With paying the marshal #25, his salary for that month leaves a balance of twelve dollars on hand. Tho treasurer’s books of 1870 show n settlement in full with the marshal, treasurer and nmyor. In examining tho accounts of them) clliceis, we not. the tit m of marshal -ibson donating $50 to tho town, and also tho items ot one half the sularys of mayor and treasurer given to the tax puy\ ih, we take tho liberty of Emitting them throe oflicers tho tlmnks of a tax bur dened people, and would rer inmtiUtl their example to others in ».fft ••*. should tliiu example be followed up by the officers in state, county and towns, Georgians would be relieved «-t tlmt oppressive debts which is now so grinding to the t ix payors of the state. In cloMtig our repoi t we beg leave to call your attention to tho sum of $10 in bauds of ex-mayor Reese, which was donated by Messrs Mon roe, Wilkes aud others as a fund to improve.the grave yard. This fund should be collected iitul appropriated in improving the grounds and ceme tery lot. lu conclusion wo feel that we call at least say to the citizens ol Cedurtown that if it is necessary to raise any general tax this year it will hardly bu felt. Respectfully, 1\ C. Hakius, L. li. Walthall, R. G. HfcRIlEUT. Finance Committee, j Cedart »wn, March 28, 1877. 1 My mother was going to liaptiz-t in ! the crock. Sbo was a good uud Chris-1 tiun woman, when she was sick about j a wetk and died in the year 1814 ; She left her six children and I into heaven. She was happy forever. I was about thirteen years old when l lost her. 1 wanted to go with my friend to the creek ami waded in the creek then 1 and he climbed up the field down into the corn field of my father, to see an angel sat upon a large dead popular trdp, about three hundred yards from two o'clock, on the Tarepiu creek oh the evening of July iu tho year 184(5, at Palestine, Ala. I knew my mother, I toid him that she was my mothet 1 . She asked me if her family was well. Yes I s od her family was well. I and he were glad to run after her. Sue saw me aud him ruuuing after her. Site thanked to me. She was ascended into heaven. I was very wondered that she wore a very bright, white snowy dress, than she wore the old common plain frocks, I believed that she was iu heaven forever. I hope that her good family, relations and frionds Would see her in heaven, i don't forget it strong, from 181(5 lo 1877. Very Respectfully J. W. Hoge. Tricks on a Tragedian. John McCulloch was once ploying the part of the Prince of Morocco iu the “Merchant of Venice” at the old Metropolitan Theatre, when the bo)S put a job on him. You know they put three caskets ou a tabic, one of which the prince opens. Home wag got the casket from tho property muo and fixed a juok-in-the-box inside, so that whofi tho lid was opened the jack would fly up. John walked up bent over tho box uud turned the key # when up flew one of those elongated jacks with a red wooden bead aud hit John ou the nose. You never huw such an astonished man since Bulanins ass attempted to draw his muster into a conversational debate, uud of course the whole effect of the scene wus lost amid the rour of the uudioucc. The Latest.—News comes to us via grape-vine, from Paris of a recent contrivance of the modistes, by which the long trains and ‘colluut’ dresses are to be retain* d in position. A strong elastic is attached to one gar ter, just ubovo the knee, carried over and fastened to the other: thus the length of the st ps taken by tho wear er is regulated, and the classical fold** of the continue remain undiHtuibed. THE NEW HOME GUANO, LIME, SALT, PLASTER BALE’S CUAN0! QUALITY IMPROVED TWENTY PER CENT, F*rloe SCO AVith Colton Option at 15 eta ACID PHOSPHATE At Cbnrleston Prices, Freight AJdod. LAND PLASTER, SALT AND LIME CHEAP FOR CASH. J". BALE, HOMr, GFOROTA. 4 ,\ it CASH STORE. 9 9 CT. S. STWBB3 Sc CO. Cetl nrtown, On. |_JAVE jest received their Spring Stock of tY Q OODS, NOTIONS. SHOES, GROCERIES, CROCKERY. READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AO Three gnt'da wore bought at thr closest figures, and having secured (Jabii and ( dipcntint*, they art* able to offer them at prices which defy competition. Call and be' convinced. A Complete nvsortment of Leather Hoots and shoes manufactured to order, call special attention to our stock of I.'IIP. com:K liirt Pon-nlir fi-rnna-moc, OASVA«Wt> in HI HA H. It AKIN, HALT. X tllllliy Ul 0061168, SYKU V. SOA P, 8TAI CANNED ROODS, PICKLES, t-'LOUIl snd MEAL. Sole Aponl. in Polk county for the Celebrated “Walt Plow*" and fixtures. n«k. A gouts for Hall's Patent Rotary lurnnv—WARRANTED. FIRST PREMIUM! II I II SCII OO I j O K n A n T OYVN. Principal .1 No . Map A H. •I exhibition, l"7(1, mi- .■ l ■ tr tho liudicsi iionon ‘ever exhibited. ^ a COMPACT, si'irj.r. nnum.r:. Zacht Itirminir and I I I It Hi NT • t OCK 1 sriTCH" M u him:, auapi ki> t.. t:> IV \ NTS of J V till V I'bliV. The HOfviK CEW1NG I y ira r,nii'ti by iho aid uf Iho hcs>t inventive talont • ! lli'ihcnlrnl I? n mium.i | ifto i:«*«mtl..l »'n. I » «l a FIB) T 01. A PH i.i • 11*.*•, HUtKHlOIl i :. iiutvi;st fcM Sawing Miichtn •«. li will HUN b rmr: y.-iilijuit p'tsriNo on: CENT b rH. i*«ins Iu the Mnnur.ictiirtt ofUn M.M'IIISK Uie Very }&•• f .Mi.lorlulwa . UjiED. The WKaKINu 1*AHT- arc MAHDENED. and Uh> .>;ncbaiilai i has been iNi.v-riii.i rnf wi h tho Mjtrrlul tr of prodvioinu an Kt*y Itunuing, Id liALLi:, ami nlmn«t NOIsili.i.'ss M U IlINr, udrptodiQUAi.i v Wiii i >r t t>dt»fl c - lino Til it PAl), COT* TON, BILK « r LINEN, M:\VINO from tho ) Ifin/tiM to flmrrr Clt»h and I LATIIKIL Socb Conflrionco i* KKI.l Warranted f.:T Five Years. 1.1 VK AGENTS i ed in localitiea wlic Mim. II N N'oyni Instructor in drawing and painting. Jk*«j*k Gaol*, Instructor in Penmanahlp. 'Fhe FcliolnHtic vear will be divided in-’ to two session*. Spring and fall. The Sprinc .Session will eomtnene** on the 15th o January 1877, nfid close about Gil* mid* d o of June. The i propr purs m gEIHSOH, ©LARK & ©0,. ^ 30 Ci. on Cqca-o, Fit/ Y* G'J l Xa hiagton Stroe., Louou, I.t.vea 111! c«co: J rr.tsbcrjjti, Fa. j 111 Ctato Otrec;, Cmci.r. Id. 31 Booth Sib Hr.-pci, Lt.Ioois.Mo. V How Honigou.o. v f t. ( f. . . ,,cbco, Ct!. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS BRADFORD & ALLEN’S. AT Notice to Drlitois anil Creilitors vV I.L persons indebted to the estate of Uehecc "arliam, late of Folk county, de cease’. are required to, make immediate paymeoi. .mil ail persons having demands against slid deceased will hand in their claims properly attested to tho under signed, as tho law prescribes, or they will bo barred by tho statutes. W . U. KNIGHT, Adtn’r Rebecca Parham, dee d THE rpHE LARGEST STOCK of CROCKERY rpiIF, LARGEST STOCK OF GLASS- I W \RE r p I1E Largest stock of Silver Plated ware r £^HE Largest Stock of Knifes and Forks THE Largest stock of Pocket Knifes. rpHE Largest Stock of China Vases, JL Colonge Setts and Fancy Articles. 1 ns Largest Stuck of vtks ERA!, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Is -A.T J. B. Carver’s China Hall, ROME, GEO. Reading. Writing, Spelling. Arith metic, Geography and Map Draw ing per month - $2 60 Higher Arithmetic. Grammar, Eng lish Composition and History . 3 CO Rhetoric, Elementary Algebra, Phy siology, (ilium rated by charts) Rook-keeping - 8 66 Geometry, Higher Algebra, Astrono my. Natural Phylofophy (with ex periment? and apparatus), anil Men tal Philosophy pi r month - - - 4 00 Surveying.Trigernometry, Chemistry (with experTmetitu), Rut any, Lntin Greek, French aud German - - 4 00 Instruction* in Drawing, per month 2 60 No deduction will bn mado for absenco except in case* of protracted iliuoss. The school will tie provided with an in strument, and pupils will receive instruc tions in vocal music, free of charge, The government of tho school will be mild and firm. Teacher* will strive e?pe. chilly to inculcate good, moral principles Instruction will be thorough and sys tematic. Reviews t requent. A public examination will be held at the end of the Term. A GREAT DISCOVERY. Thompson’s Liniment Is one of the greatest discoveries of tha »»ge. Nothing,brings such spoedj and sure relief to those who suffer will the nurner- 1 mis pains and aches common to the human race. Do you want something that will ease your hertd. your back, cum your rheu matism and Neuralgia ? Apply Thompson's Liniment and suffer no more. For Toothache, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Rums, and Puma generally, USE THOMPSON'S ll *IMENT j » n «l y°" need Tear no harm. The Medi cine is put up right here in your midst, by i Dr - it. It. 11IOMP80N. Your neighbors j have tried it, and it has never failed to do what it promises. Every family should keep it on hand, and thereby save many a dollar. Often a long aud eipensive trip for n physician might be dispensed with, simply by applying Thompson’s Liniment: then keep it on hand—It will cost you but little. .No physician cun practice success fully without a good Liniment--they know its importance—then keep it ou baud. Yoiy cun apply it yourself and save money. "w '■'’all on DR. K. R. THOMPSON, over Dr. Iteese’s Drug Store, get a bottle and never be without it. It will do what it say. and you’ll uever regret buying it. Oct '2 For sale in Rock mart by S K Hogue j. p. McConnell, Agent, Acworth.oi IV E W BLACKSMITH & W00DSH0P —BY— GEO. P, LYNCH. OHOP next to Dr. Chisolm's office O All kinds of work, in Iron and Wood, done in the best style and oti short notice. H L Cambron, well known to most of our farmers as the Champion plow smith, is in the shop hammering away. Rring in your Plows, old Uuggii s and Wagons, or any other work. Satisfaction guaranteed* Ckdautown, Ua., May 1, 187G. FITS OR EPILEPSY. Auv person afflicted with the above dis ease is requested to send their address to Ash \ Robbins, and a trial Box of Dr. Goulard’s fit powdeis will be sent to them, by mail, post paid, FREE. These pow ders have been tested by hundreds, hun dreds of cases in the Old World, and a permnnet cure has been the result in every instance. Sufferers from this disease should give these powders an early trial, as its curative powers are wonderful, many persons having been cured by a trial box aloue. Priee for large box, by mail, post pai to any put of the United States or Cana da, $-5,00. Address ash.&:robbins 36FCultontStBrook 1m £ COPPER COPPER. I KEEP constantly ou hand a good assort ment of ready made TXiSr-WJAIRBE, and can afford to sell it as reasonoblc as can be bought in any market. Also do all kind ot job work, such as roofing and gut tering houses in the most durable style.— All kinds of stove and sheet-iron work, copper and brass, tnending umbrellas. I respectfully solicits the trade of in chants. Take all kinds of country produce in ex change for Tin. Guauo Strewers made to order on the shortest notice. I. T. MEE, Cedartown, Ua. agent every moutn in the busi ness we furnish, but those who are wiling to work can easily earn a dozen dollars a day right in their own localities. Have no room to explain here. Business pleasant and houoruble. Women, an 1 boys and girls do as well as men. We will furuisk you a complete outfit free. The business pays better thau anything else. We will bear expense of starting you. Particulars free. Write and see. Farmers and me chanics, their sous sud daughters, and all classes in need of payiug work at home, should write to us and learn all about the work at, once. Don’t delay. Address. Trob 6c Co.» Augusta, Maine.