The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, March 30, 1877, Image 3

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THE RECORD. 4 Li to Country Newspaper. Published Every "day Morning by W. S. D. WIKLE &> OO. TEHMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one yoar $2.00 One copy, six month* 1.00 Ten copies, in clubs, one yoar, each 1.50 Single oopies Beta All oubooriptiona Invariably In advance. No name entered upou tbo list until the subscrip tion is paid. HATES OF ADVERTISING. 1 Square.. V Column. H Column. 1 Column. 1 W. | 1 M. IS M. I 6 M. I 12 « 1.0h'$ 2.50 * fi.oo't 8.00 $ 12.00 5.00 12.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 HOO 15.00 25.00 40 00 05.00 18 00! 25.001 45.00 G5.00, 120.00 Piofesnional and BusiucHa Cards of inch or Ions, $12 per annum, payable quarterly in advance; six months, $8. All advertise ments due aftoi first insertion. TOM Tl’RXERj Riqiorter. FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 80, 1877 Here an<l/rii(‘rc‘byoiir Reporter "There’s a chiel among ye tnkin’ notes' And faith bo’ll prent ’em.” The charming Miss Vurnon is visit ing her friends in Cave Spring. Old Pegging-awl Parrish is trying to look pretty. \\ o know he is, ’cause he cut his whiskers off. Au advertisement of the Atlanta Constitution, one of the best papers in Georgia, will appear in our next. Mr.W. C. Knight bought a cow last week, <uul didn’t keep her in his yard but a little while before that cow took a fool notion and lay down and died. Capt. A G. West left last week to attend the funeral services of his futfi- er-iu-law, Mr. Browning, who died in New Yolk a few days since. Young man, go to the candy jork- ing to-night; take your duleirm, pay yonr quarter, and help build a house for tier preacher to live in. When a man spends a half hour tiying to bridle the wrong end of his horse, put him down ns 'iigiu the local option.' Many of our boys are sighing to day, wishing for n certain yoting lady to come back. Don’t cry, boys, hIh 'll be buck in a week or two. Your Chiel is responsible for nil grntnnmiienl errors,mis-spelled words, etc., that may occur (n this page, thereby relievii g the Boss, who is so very precise and corn ct. Mi. V. m. lb ge, of our county, hud his 1( g amputated above the knee, about six weeks ago. We wire pleased to see him in town last Fri day, his leg about well. Dr. Batley, of Borne, performed the operatiou. A letter was received hero this week by some of our merchants, from W. H. Adkins, manager of the West ern Union Telegraph Company, at Romo, making propositions to run a wire from Tecmnseh to our town, at a cost of about four hundred dollars, to bo paid by our citizens. Ilo also proposes to furnish an operator at a cost of not over thirty-five dollars a mouth, with the understanding that ho is to learn any ono young man or ludy to oporato the machine. A telegraph office would bo quite a con venience to our business men, espec ially in the cotton season; but whether they will consider it of suffi cient importance to justify tho outlay at present, wo are unablo to say. We announced last week that thu Cherokee Iron Compuo’s furnace was in full blast. They had made up to noon yesterday—just oue week from tho time tho match was applied— about one hundred and twenty-five tons of A No. 1 Foui.drv Iron—can’t bo excelled in the Uuited States, We trust tho Company may find ready sale, at remunerative prices, for all the iron they can manufacture, and we believe nil good citizens will lu- j lice at the success of the Company. Will tho people of Polk county, who are very “tender” on tho subject of high taxes, expenses of tho legis- isl ilure, a coubtilutiounl convention, court expenses, jail fees, paying for publishing grand jury presentments, nuil all other expenses, continue to pay, without a word of protest, $2 50 a square or levy for »S fieri if sales, and the same rates for the Ordinary’s ad vertising, when we propose to do it FREE OF CHARGE. Wo wish to give our leaders all llio county news, and sheriff sales ami such will be published by us hereafter as news. Our people should rufiiso to pay for such advertising in tin* future. Tho finance eommi*.tee of our tow n council, whose report will be found in t.Lis paper, comuieud the marshal, mayor and treasurer of last year, for tne donation (?) of u portion of their Ha I mies to the town, and recommend that state uml county officers do hk •- wise. We have donated (,?), in the jiast two years, about six hundred doll ill's in utivot Using, to the tax pay ers of the county, him 1 piojiose to ioii- tinue to donate tho M ime pinning, it the officers whom the people have elected to mi rvu them will allow ii. Sheriff sales and all the Ordinarya i dverlising done FREE in the J1 cord Remember this, ye tux-burdened people-—donb pay any more lii^li charges for she benefit of “political pets.” Tho laws of tlm State will not force you to pay it when it can be legally done for nothing. Don’t do it. Cut this Out—it May Save Your Mr©. There is uo person living but what suffers more or less with Lung Dis ease, Coughs, Colds or consumption, yet s<?mo would die rather than pay 75 cents for a bottlo of medicine that would cure them. Doctor A. Boshcheo’s German Syrup has late ly been introduced in this country from Germany, and its wouderous cures astonishes every one that try it. If you doubt what wo say in print, cut this out and take it to your drug gists, Bradford & Allen and get a sample bottlo for 10 cents and try it, or u regular sizo for 75 cents. ORIGINAL GOODYEAR'S RUBBER GOODS Vulcanized Rubber in every Conceiv able form, adapted to universal use Any article under four pounds can be sent by mail. WIND AND WATER! PROOF garment a a specialty, Our Cloth surface Coat combines I Wo garments in ono, for stormy weather, it is a perfect Water* Proo , i tid tn dry weather a NEAT AND TIDY OVERCOAT By a peculiar process, tho rubber is put. between tho two cloth surlnccs, wh oh prevents Smelling or Sticking, ev ii in tho hot test olinmtCH. Th y arc made in tlirco colors—Blue, Black and Brown. ARK LIGHT, PORTABLE, STRONG AND 1) I; It ABLE. \\'e are now offer'ng them at. tho cx- trmely low price of $1(1 o.icli. S<nt post pai I to any address upon receipt of price. When order, statu ai/.e around chest, over veal. Reliable pirties desiring to see our goods, can send for nnr Trade Journal giving d. scription of our leading art icles. Bond for Illustrated prioo list of our ('drliiuted pocket Gymnasium, Address carefully, Goodyear’s Rubber Curler Co, Gf)7 Broiitlway. P, 0, Box 5150. N..W YOK1C CITY, fob 28 Om STEWART’S Adjustable Treadle FOR OPERATING SEWING MACHINES WITHOUT PATIG 11 i: or in.M by. T ie moat complete fnethod of propelling the - swing machine. U saves lour fifths the labor and entirely avoids the mimes of physical injury: endorsed by thu Medical fraternity. It can lie u’tii lied to any or- d nary sewing machine without removing the machine from the house. No Sowing Machine should bo used without th * im portant nltnohment. Bend for our olrou • lar, which explains its principles. Address Too Fast One Time.—Brother Yur- bioigh, of the Cave Spring Euter- drif-o, note <3 for his down* ss iu getting married, going to see the girls, etc., is entirely too fast about “Good Friday,’ nud Easier Sunday. To-day is “U >od Friday” and Sunday is Easter, in stead of Friday and Sunday of las! week. And last Saturday wasn’t the 42nd day of March either. Study your almanac again, 'ole purd.’ We over beaitl a young lady Ray that she wished Dock Cobb would keep closely shaved, ’cause bis beard hurt her, when be goes to bid her good: bye. Air. H. P Lumpkin, Tom, Eli and Dr. Dun, all leave for Atlanta, Texas next monday. The charming Miss Simmons, of Cave Spring, paid Odd nr town a visit yesterday. Foil Sale- A new cue horse wagon and one second hand buggy, for cash or barter. Apply to J. M. Harris or J. S. Stubbs. JAMES D. ENLOW, J. P. Cedartown, Geo. Office at the Court House. All Business Intrusted to me will be Promptly Attended to. i»ur2-3rn. It is said that more guano will be used by our farmers Ibis year than lost. Air. Huntington has already sold about oue hundred and fifty tons and Nr. Wright ubout fifty tons. We have not ascertained how much has been sold at Prior s and Rockmait and other places, but we thiuk it sale to say that at least four hundred tons will be used iu the county. It will take u five hundred pound bale of cotton to pay for a ton. At ten cents per pound, the cotton would bring $20,000. Do the people of Folk county in tend to puv three times n3 much for legal advertising as has been custom ary for the past two years, for no oth er reason than that u “political put” of some of the officers may be sup ported from the heavy charges? Rend communication of “Junius” iu this paper, and then act upon tho suggestion. Do our county officers pay over to their “political pot” all they collect for legal advertising, or do they keep a portion of it in order to “make themselves safe ?” 'I'lie Conventions Mr. Editor:—If we are to have i convention, I know of no man more suitable to represent Polk than Mi. R. W. Everett. He is a man of sound, honest mind, and thoroughly imbued with a spirit of economy. Mora than all, ho is terribly iu eurnest about all he does, and here lies I lie y with most men wo elect to offi:-. They are given to favoring economy or measures for police-’h Hike, with out the least earnestness or serious- mss of intention, and swerve flow duty for the sake of gftini; g friends political. They hollow ’‘wolf!’’ till they get the necessary s; pport to put them in office, and lo! when their purpose is accomplished, they are “cheek by jole” with the wolf, and choke off their supporters wdh some trilling subterfuge. We want a man in tne convention who means what he says, and will do it despite “big no- tious” of big men so-called. A man who has neither friend or foe, so i.n as fav.r or uffeciiou is concerned, but who is for right, f >r saving the peo ple’s money and will do it. Such a man is R. W. Everett. Sen d him. Junius. New York Treadle Mf’g Co. 04 Corllnudt Street, N. Y fob. 2 ly This standard article is compound ed with the greatest care. Its effects are as wonderful and as satisfactory as ever. It restores gray or faded hair to its youthful color. It removes all eruptions, itching and dandruff. It gives the head a cooling, soothing sensation of great comfort, ’and the scalp by its use becomes white and clean. By its tonic properties it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, preventing baldness, and mik ing the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing, nothing has been found so effectual or desirable. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, “The con stituents are pure, and carefully se lected for excellent quality ; and J consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes.” Price, One Dollar*’3 Bye FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may be relied on to change the color of the beard from gray or any other undesir able shade, to in-own or black, nt dis cretion. It is easily applied, being in one preparation, and quickly and ef fectually produces a permanent color, which will neither rub nor wash off. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.H. Bill ty kU Bnggliti, til Cului la IMJilau. For sale in Cedartown by BURBANK StjjJUNEF. Ilruggi.t. CHEROKEE IRON CO -DEALERS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE. DliY GOODS, HARDWARE, LOOTS anu SHOES, QROOERIES, WOODENWAUE, SADDLES, PATENT MEDICINES, GLASSWARE, HARNESS, R'cly M'do CLOTHING, TINWARE, LEATHER, NOTIONS, PAINTS anu OILS, IRON and STEEL, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, ETC.: ' Frosli ground Flour and Monl roooivod daily. Country Produoe Solicited at Ilighost Market Ratos Teiims S-rntoTi.Y Cash. Orricii and Sronu at the Works Cedar-town, Oa., Fob. 10, 1870. ORGANS AND P I A IT O S 1.3 All (ho best Improvements oombinod in tho Organs and Pianos manufactured by CORNISH & CO., Washington, X. .1. To all who wish to purohaso either an ORGAN or PIANO, wo can truthfully say that for AUTISTIC CONSTRUCTION, Beautiful Finish and Swoot Musical Quali ties, our instruments take rank with 'tho Most Celebrated Manufacturers Our only claim to favoritism over other lending luumifHoturors is our OAV PRICES, reduced to moot (ho requirements of tho times. Dotormtncd not. to bo unddrsold, and at tho sumo timo furnishing instru- MOBILE LIEE INSURANCE CO., t,mtwof,,Uy We may have Mentioned it Before, Hut ii will bear repeating; and to make a sure thing, we wi 1 say that the OF MOBILE, ALABAMA., Ih tlio Lending Life Company in the (South, And under its present excellent manugemunt is doing more Now Business in the Southern States than any other Life Company, North or South. Over 2000 Policies Issued in 1875. O IT .R SEE o;i A. L T I E : The Life lOndoWmenl; Plan, by which yon secure an Endowment in fifteen veai-H, at tlm rate of an ordinary Lif - Policy. Tin; Yem-y licnutviiblo Term tho cheap est plan of Insurance now worked. M. M (JARTY, Ii. M. FRIEND, SHEPPARD HOMANS, President. Heereiury. Aelnu-y A, C. PICKENS, General Agent North Georgia, OARTERSVILI.E, GEORGIA. STLA/X'TrniMTJE! XSTT FOR THE YEAR ENDIMC DECEMB3EH 3 (3t, I87S. Not Assels IDcmnhor III si, 1871 $119,809 Hi INCOME. Uecoivml for Premiums ami infm-cs! 00 $750,785 12 1)1 SHU ICS Id HUNTS. Losses in* D' , nlh $74.25-1 00 1 Diviiliqicls, Commissions, TaXns, and othui’PXpnnseH.. 78,859 02 148,118 (12 $602,571 50 ASSISTS. flash in Bank 05 17,185 10 U. S. Govenimmih and other Bonds 70,270 30 loans on Mortgage, First Liana 49.032 12 Lours on Bonds ami Stocks 20,095 00 I nsiraimm Stocks 1,425 00 Real Estate and amount duo by other Companies for ReMnsiminoe 95.085 74^ Bills Receivable, seen rod, and Stock Bmds 290,238 40 J Premiums In hands <>f Agents and in course of Colli «| ion 40,993 4b Office and Agency Furniture 2,745 88 002.071 50 Add Accrued Interest, and Deferred Premiums 21.824 40 Warrant For Five Years, wo invito correspondents thltt wo may havo an opportunity to prove ant isfaotorily all that Wo here assort* Our Pianos nro furnished with tho improved FRENCH GRAND ACTION, (tho very best in use) They are also HEAVILY .STRUNG with tho improved wiro; tho casus arc of solid rosewood —perfectly seasoned and WARRANTED NOT TO CRACK Oil WARP. Our ORGANS are furnished with all the* modern improvements, as lo stops, action, etc., while tho CASES are of tho roimnt oabinot atylo, admirably suited for (hi) parlor. SEND POR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. Address C3RNBSH & OC., Washington, New Jersey. Professional Cards, hr. It, it. THOMPSON. OFFIOU OVKK J. A. WVNn’b STOKE. ST7ILL PR AC TICE FOR IT A I.F PRICE ^ * for those who will pay mo by tho 1st dav "f November, oilier wise tho usual rat os will he churned The usual oliargo is $2 for visit and medium**, if paid 1st. of Nov. I nhnrgo $1 only. No one need call on mu who has not either paid nr aeoured hills for |> isi fierviflOS and who is not willing to Heeiirn me for future praolioo Obstotri- cal cases a specially. Deo 1. 1870 Assets December 31st. 1875 WM F. TUIINKU, .IAS. OtiKKN TURNER and GLENN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW (Cdartown, Ga. O FFICE South of Court llonso, between Huntington and Wright’s stores Will practice in the counties of Polk, Floyd, Paulding, Haralson and Carroll. •Special attention given to collections. May 25, 1870 Dr. W. G. ENGLAND, Surgeon and Physician, CJ: DA It TO GA, Ofiioe corner College and Prior streets, Ctr-'O t tor , /• w, "‘ n? he may be found at all hours when Sm-. Cu.m 90 not, professionally absent. sep 4 r r i IE < * B £ A TV < J IS 0 2,S’ HIM HIM I Til mm mil LiIIMIIIIiIjIII HAIM lllill OF THE UNITED GT/lTEe OF AMERICA* Authorized Capital, ------- !\ THOMPSON, w. H. I). WIKl/J «|1T! THOMPSON ti. WIKLE, Real Estate Agents CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, W ibb H 'dl, Buy or ront, property, nt a reasonable commission. m. m. Tinwm.L, ivy r. tiiomfso.v. | TIDWELL S. TirOiMPSO*;. $-l,.ii)u,oou I Attorneys at Law. CkmitTOWN, ga. ! ■'ACII State is a Home Company, and its Entire Reserve is Loaned and insured ili ihe State Department.''. Parent Olllee, Mobile, Alabama; Bonds and Cash, T. 12. DAVIDSON, Presidon $2C,0,00U 100,000 Georgia Department, Romo, Georgia: Loans and Cash, C. (1. .SAMUEL, President. Alabama Department, Montgomery, Alabama: Loans and Cath. 100,000 Hon. N. N. CLEMENTS, President. Mississippi Department., Meridian, Misssisippi; Loans and Cash, - ICO,000 W. MdiNTOcJJf, President, South Carolina Department, Columbia, South Carolina; Loans un'l Cush, 100,000 THOMAS J. .JETER, Pre-idont. Texas Department, Austin, Texas; Loans and Cash, * - - 1 GEO B. Z1MPLEMAN, President. — Total assets, -------- $7 S curiiy, Economy, Librjilitv, ARE THE t E A DING PRINCIPLES OF THIS COMPANY. All approved forms of Life and Endowment Policies is*-.:ed in sums of $100 up to $10,000. Also Term Policies of One, Three, Five or .8 ■ / n Years. All Life Policies non-forfeiting utter two annual puytu . ts, when the insured will be eutitled to a paid-up Policy or Cash Wui render thercol. Dividends rnuy bo used to protect policies against lapsing in case of failure to pay premiums. This, with thu non-ibiTcitiug and Cash Surrender features, are sufficient to i/iuke this Company popular among thinking men. GOOD AGEN I'B WANTED. W. G. ENGLAND, of Mobile, Ala., General Superintendent ol Agencies. J. B. NOYErt, Local Agent, Cedartown, Ga / OFFICE -East side Court House squar. ' juno 20 Dr. C. H. HARRIS,! Physician and Surgeon, Cedartown, Ga. YYFFICE at residence, on Pryor street June 20 A® d Watchmaker and Jewe' , Cedartown, Ca. W ORK done promptly and salftfnot. lx All work warranted 'i’lvolvo Mo ,y Repairing line watches a Boeci-ilty. a kinds of Jewelry and Watdhe’a and C o, kept ior aaie. ,unt "t' -*