The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, April 06, 1877, Image 4

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MVtr H ARDtNKH A HR PHRVA UK II. The American mrrlfne company iilart- cd the biiAlnem of preparing wirdinei for haIo about aeven yeara ago, nt Port Mon mouth, New Jersey, Borne idea of the extent of these worla may bo gained from the fact that in 1872 the company manufactured and aold 470,000 cans, n quantity which wah nearly equal to the total importation of foreign sardines in 1870, the yeaT when the company was started. In 1874 the' production wan equally large, but during the last two seasons the catch haa been’ small 'owing to the scarcity of the fish which the com pany selected as a substitute for the sar dine—the menhadop or ocean trout, com monly called the “moss bunker." Its color is silvery, spotted with dark brown. These fishes Abound in the bays and deep rivers which indent the coasts of Now Hurnswick, Newfoundland and Nova Hcotia, and in the spring and fall appear also in great numbers along the New Kngland coast and in the Raritan bay. Here during the season they are caught by the employes of tho Kardino company, who begin oporatlon about May 1 and continue the work until November 1. The flesh of tho menhaden is sweet and nutritious and is by many preferred to that of the imported sar dine, tho only dofect“belng the unusual number of bones. Those, however, are now removed by a mechanical process,for which the compnny secured a patent in 1872. The menhaden Is a timid fish nnd swims upon tho surface. When at early dawn a school is dcscril>ed by tho ripples on tho surface, the small boats are lowored from tho sloops which have been lying off the ground since midnight, and u long not over seven hundred foot in length and descending twelve or thirteon feet into the water Is curried out on both sidos until the school is surrounded. Tho fishes are then ladled out by the flsh- ormen with “scoops," placed on bonrd tho sloops, and brought to tho factory docks at Port Monmouth. In tho fac tory they nro first brought to the "sealer," a long shaft with twelve re volving wheels filled with long blunt teeth, which remove the scales. The heads are then cut off, and entrails re moved, and the fishes are placed in wash Ing troughs, abovo which are circular revolving brushes, by contact with which tho fishes are thoroughly cleansed and tho bones removed. They arc then put in pickling vats for several hours, until woli salted ; fromfthcBo they nro trans ferred to tho cooking cans, which arc placed in the steaming tanks, seven in number, each Capable of holding 1,000 boxes. From the steaming tanks they pais to a long table, and are finally packed In pormanont cans. After oil and spices have been placed In tho cans, They are sealed. Tho time occupied in the whole propeas ia*about three days. Prior to 1874 the sales were confined to thin country, but during the last two years large quantities have been ex ported to Russia, 'Gormany, Australia, England and Bouth America. JLust year applications for agoncies in France were received, but as, owing to tho Bmall yield lust season, tho existing demand could not bo supplied, It was deemed uuadvhable to undertake new contracts. Tho company now employ about one hundred and fitly men. An extensive catch is expected during tho coming season, and preparations are making to enlarge the works —JV. K Tribune. KXCKl.LKNT IN TKHKST HULKS. For finding tho interest on any prin cipal for any number of days. Tho answer in each case being in cents, sep arate the two right hand figures of the answers to express it in dollars and cents. Four per cent.—Multiply by tho num ber of days, and divide by seventy-two. •Six por cent.—Multiply by the num- er of days, separate tho right hand e, and divido by six. k ^t per cent. —Multiply by the of days, and divide by forty- A curious case of hallucination iii te- lfttiil by t a Michigan uewspaj>er. A young man named George G. Wheeler, a hard student with a turn for investiga. tion, announced to his friends a chemical discovery of the first importance. He had prepared a powder which, sprinkled on the body of a dead person would restore life. He had unbounded faith In it, ns is shown by a memorandum left by him directing bis friends to scatter some of his "creative, all-changing material assistant" on his body. He had killed himself to bare an opportunity to prove the value of his discovery. Riirumatihm cured at once by Durang's Ithcunmtic Itemedy. Head for circular to Ilelphenstino At Rently, Washington, D. C. rAHNKKS, MM IMSU N, and nil people who npprccinte the vnlne of keeping a memorandum of business trans actions, daily events, nnd Items of interest or importance, for future reference, should (rail on their druggists nnrl get Dr. Pierce’s Memorandum book free. The Doctor’s Grand Invalids’Hotel at Huflaln, which costs, when finished, two hundred thousand dol- Hri, will be opened early in June next, for tlie reception of patients nfllictcd with chronic diseases nnd deformities. It will afford the most perfect facilities for the cure of such nfiectlons, and its Faculty of physi cians and surgeons will embrace graduates from both American and Furopean Medical .Schools who have become distinguished for their skill. The People** Common Sense Medical Adviser, by Dr. It. V. Pierce,a work of over nine hundred large pages, illustrated by two hundred and eighty two enernvings, and elegantly hound in cloth nnd gilt, is sent to any address by the Author on receipt of one rlollnr nnd fifty cents. Almost one hun dred thousnnd copies have already been sold. H. A. ('it A to, Esq., druggist, of West Alex ander, Pa., says: “J sellmOrcof I>r.Pierce’s preparations than nil others combined. They give satisfaction in every case nnd 1 can cheerfully recommend them to the public." Five Thousand nook* 441 veil Anny 10r the Asking. While Dr. IT. James was attnehed to the Itritisli Medical .Stall' in the East Indies, Ids high position enabled him to call about him the best chemists, physicians, nnd scientists of the day, nnd while experimenting with nnd amengthe natives, ho accidentally made the discovery that consumption e«»n l»e positive ly and pcrmnnontlv CUJIKD. During the many yenrs of his sojourn there, he devoted his time to the treatment of I,imp Diseases, nnd upon ids retirement he left, wit li us books nnd papers containing full particulars, show ing that every one can he Ids own physician nnd prepare Ids ohii medicine, and sitch in- 1 formation us we have reccivod wo now oiler to the public without price, only asking that each remit a three-ccnt stamp for postage. Address nRADDOOK & CO., 1032 Knee HI., Philadelphia, Pn. “IIi-ouii'm HioimIiIuI Trochci.” ('ouglis nnd Colds nro often overlooked. A continuance for any length of time causes irritation of tho Lung* or some chronic Thrond Disease. 'V/Iroitm’s llronrhitil Troches aroun effectual Cough Kkmkpy. (’apt. It. II. Young, l\ H. Army, says u £si/mr/Ps rifles ore the. best in the II orb/;" am so say hundreds of thousands of others who have used tho "Old RkmaiiI.k" during the past twenty-seven yenrs. Mend to Sharp's Rifle Co., Bridgeport, Conn., for illustrated prico list, free. Johnson’s Anodyne Liniment rany he administered to children with perfect sue- cess, in cases of croup, wjionping qough, In- fluomtn, and almost any of the diseases to which they are liable. Gpi'BKbhion after eating, headache, nervous debility, are tho effects of indices tlon. One, or two at moat of Parson’s Pur gativo Pills will givo immediate relief. VKORTABI.K Pulmonary Balsam, tho great New England cure for coughs, colds and con sumption. Cutler, Bros, Co’s, Host oft, only genuine. A Positive Cure for Rheumatism— Durang’s Rheumatic Remedy. Send for circu lar to llelp)o»»“*Uni>A*. Iiiuitly, Washington,D.C THIS MARKETS. M KM 1*11 IN. Flour $ 6 00 Wheat 1 10 Corn f>2 f^ftta 60 Lard. . 12 Bacon—Clear Bides.. 9 Hay—Best 15 00 Whisky—Common ... 1 00 Robertson County. 1 75 Bourbon Lincoln County... Highwinea Cotton—Ordidary ... Good Ordinary... Low Middling 11 (Seeds—Glover S 60 Gorman Millet.... 60 Missouri Millet.... 1 75 Hungarian 1 75 Buckwheat. 18 bush. 1 75 LIVE STOCK. Cattlo—Good to extras 4 50 6 00 1 75 a 1 18 a 10 a 101 a $ 8 50 1 12} 13 17 66 1 15 8 00 6 50 8 00 1 15 104 104 A 11A 9 50 65 2 00 2 00 2 00. After an experience of over twenty- five years, many leading physicians acknowl edge that the Urnefmberq MarskuW* Uterine Calhtilcioix in the only known caiisin remedy for diseases to which women nro subject. The Oraefetnberg Vegetable Pills, the most popular remedy of the day for biliousness, headache, liver complaint nnd diseases of digestion. Hold by allduggists. Send for almanac*. Grnefen- berg Co., New York. Bt/iiNKT^H Fla yoking Extracts aro used and indorsed by the best hotels, con fectioners, grocers, and the first families in the country. Durano's Rheumatic Remedy never failstocure rheumatism. Hold by nil drmrirbts 1,150 NEWSPAPERS. Thn attention of Advertiser* I* called to our l.Ut of weekly Newspaper** Semi for a Catalogue. IJIfTN AND KLKCrilOTYPKM, Nnextra charge for ruts, find-mark*, unusual dis play **r»«• rtiorint-n(n insert-d arm** twnnr morn columns; onfu ruin nro required fur tho w hid- niimhor of newspaper*. Cut* |,. over two Hint on- eighth Inchon in width. I»KOMI*T INSERTIOnN. Advertisement* nro, in all case*, Pont to all ofth— paper* on tho day they ere received, niil appear in the followInK mini i without any dclny. 4JIA It .14'TKK OF TIIK PAI'KRN. Tho newspaper* nr-of th- hat tor rial* } th-qualify of pnper fnridsli-d them l*of a blgh-r price than Hint lined hy other concern*, they are Ix'tter edited l.y hluhor prlreil men, having (-renter exparloace. Their aggregate Slid average rit<,ul*tl<in I* large AN INTKRKNTIN44 NTATRMKNT. To send no ndvrrtinimr order to I.I5A nownpnporN would »«-«|tiir<* un Investment of MX 1.00 for postage , Mulinoor) would cost nratly us nim h : the labor of addressing 1,100 onvolof ••• In < <in«|drt nhl* . to writ- 1.150 order* would he u great UUH: to print thrm would cost something. Onr pries for a five.lino ad vertisement III tho whole 1.150 pn pern, one Meek, In 551.50 or M5.00 loan tlinii tire postage, MITII’I'A IN NF.H'N 4'OI.CMNN. Tohnve nn'iidvortlM-iiient set up in tlie fornt of lending matter, nnd Inserted In the iivm* ndmu* of newspaper*. In n very ellirlent ino«t« of ad* • rtulmi These lists of newspaper" ofh-r iidviiiitiniex ill till* reaped whlrli tin other n-w.paper* or list* of pawn ini pern posses*. Maiiufu'lur-rs nnd iii-rrhanud-slr w.pnpern or lists ol news- r . fl .ur-rs ami n . puldiiih i» il*s«Tlj»tlon of their _ Ilslim-hl" will find thin ohm Ver) serviceable It) initdinliinK n series of hrlef notjoee, they run noon innko (lie merit" of their u<mh|" furuillnr lotlie iicople of tho region* In which Inrfti |m|*T" aro puhllMiod, 4llt4l?I,ATIONM. The rlreutatlotl* given nre from the A inn JewsjiHper Dlractory for nnen nro too mnnll. Newnpnper IMrortor) for l«7«. and in liundr* n nre t<H> Mnnll, for inltiim e. tho Uhli'Miro f,nf. wlilcli nppenrnat 1,000 i in ulntioii n< timlh i»- nuon 15,000 weekly. Thin In tlie old) lint of < o-o|" riitl)« Newnpnper" wld' h lias ever ethltdtnd to the ndv-nl.*r the rlr- rlllntloii of the nepumte pnpei" Hint oil ||,t- ||<it the neJiuil (hninrler ofenrh pnper, wpettier tlio i^-.t n, only pn|*t-r in a nlnrv, i) plnluly Indlented In every nine, pend for t'ntnlogiie. niiEs (ifitho paperirnn he found In the oHU o of Itenln A' Foster, 41 Park Itow. New Voik- A pnrllul tile, to- nether with "iimplr. of nil. tuny ‘ Worth Street. New York : 114 Mi Fngn, III.: 5«5 Kant Wn|rr HjrvH fnul, Mtnn.; 115 It u f'ligo. III.: 5«5 Hunt Water street. MilWuuk' 17 Wiihnnhnw Street, St. Paul, Minn.; I- street, Cliu iiiUHtl, O.-, 347 Seronit Mrc.-t, llemphl* Ten n. For ('ntnloguo addrenn BEALS & FOSTER, ■II 1‘nvk Huiv. VKIi ;i«KK. Medium butclierH.. 3 00 11 '3*76 Common 2 60 n 2 no Hors—Selected 5 76 a 6 90 Fair to good 6 66 ft 5 70 Common ■1 90 ft 6 16 Sheep — Good to choice -1 60 n 6 60 ^Common to fnir... 3 00 ft 4 00 ■|^^^I.4>IHNVII.1.K. $ 5 6(1 « *8 76 ^»'’ r 1 40 a 1 48 mum ?«|M | or TIIK for t'fttnlogiio to i .asm • 1179 St. Itn nt.. t •hirtnnnti. I.ESTET & 00. nrottloboro, Vt.^ r^rSoml for Illustrated Catalogue. NEW Wll.l.tUx , AUTOMATIC Marvelous Renu Itn. Tr*4# M»rH In Only machine kkr n<criJ i’ennUm nnd Latest Invention, nndt producing /Mitch’ Indicator. StLKNT 8RWINO MACHINE. Send Pontnl Card for Illustrated l*rt«c Lint, Ac. AVIllcox & Gibbs S. M. Co., M.'or. ltond KM 05H Ilrondwnv Now York IIR. WAR.V'Elt’S HEALTH CORSET. With Hklrt Hnpportrr nnd Nrlf-AdJiiMlon 1'iuIn. SecuiT-M IIrai.tii and Comron-rof Body, with (.itai r and Hbal-tt of Form. Three Garment# in one. Approved i,y all t hys'.cianH. A If K NTH W % N T K l>. Sain pies l.y ma.i, In Coutll, f'i; Fatteen, (4 *6. To Afft-nls at ■45 centale*«. Order size two Inches smaller than waist tnea- s tit cover tlie dresa. Warner Bro*. 763 Broadway ,Y ” FOR THE PEOPLE iniued Gnitr i Stnlen ■ nerrntit of I nly iu t Amertra. Ilelng ntrlctly In- Weekly. It eontnlns the latei., . Itnpnrtlnl i ii to 111 in e from nil partn of th nnd U • npectMlIy devoted to tlie Jntnrnnt di'iw-ndent. lli deal* ........ _ it it. The N\ KKKI.Y KIUTI IS column* of lending matter, In innlli'd to nddren* in the United Htslen nl th.. I..w nrin. . per itiiuill for nliigle Miit.e. rtple nt *1 7S: to rlnI'* of ten nt *1 ..*#». It I* n journal for th- merchant and ttin mnnufactiiror. n« well n« f„r i Drenide. Price of li.vlhY . rnten to clilhn. Knud fnrnpeeln Pontng- free iu nil Phllndelphl '..X 1 . 1 ! itirrtirVi HNIlipIS Ol p«)'" tlie pontage pioiiouiici'd l.y th- t "Illy |*nr«> liiiii11 .v lorn liftvn nil hemd niTiingenietit with I iiirfl^fitr ' l"i>rated Rohidni' KlectriViWp. "provided the nddreeHiiiid fifteen cent", which ex* tlie "oitn. Till* "oup wan eniiinl .ludwT" to he tlm H made in Americft. Gnr - • ttilaaoap. " I hnv Hindu thl" nrrnngeniniit that they iiihi nil linvemi onpor- tnulty id ehoarl) i-hting *»r theuiseiven im merit*. Hf«- lour addrra. nnd flRreu tent* for pontnge I. L. CRAGIN &'C0., HO South Ji’ourtli Btrord, i , im.A|>4:«.i»»iiA, V i. RICH BEAUTIFUL. MMSMi&SFSg&gST* VMaS! 1 VANlAQEanrt most ECONOMICALLY uSWtti?' 3 CAT - *^»,?; vo . ryono having a FARM oad Sr A T'oet.ll-Grtrtl at on^o d ? ,0 . rl ? tly o CIRCUr.AK ; or 10c. for IUuBtrated Cataloffuo, loo page. '■*». B. K. BLISS & SONS, IHROIHO STATIMKRY BOX! Containing Writing Paper Kn vehipmi. Pen*. Panel!*, Pen- Holder", and Ppwder for making Pint Hottle Ink, with n €H H O M O fntiued In lllsek Widnut Frntue. Plica SOct*. per • ox. ('limaneti N«w«l.o.,('lnr4nmtl. $500 YEABLY profit „ , FROM 12 IHEjsS. Mr hftfidling Kirg" and railing Poultry l>> mean* ol llorae Manure alone. The C'enten Hint aim *e» > ml 44ol«t Seilal* Mini i‘4 In ploma* have t"wn awarded cor — * PILIUS! Dr. Ilrown'* Herbal Ointment Suppoaitoriei guaranteed to enre any eaaenf Pile* that ra fonnd In the United KUitis. A -ample box of thene Suppo*ltorl«" wilt lie tent free hy malt to any auf- ferrr on fereipt of twenty rent*• to prepay pontage and t>a king. Regular price *|. Addre.i l»r. O. PIIKI.PS ItlUMYS. *| 44rrtiu4 Nt., Jersey I F Y4H' II % Vi; « OkMIlPIlOX . i . I ■'•!'! .rough, <>r any trouble with the throat or lungi.lry PAXt'HKATlP FSH.SUIX COD LIVFR OIL WITH Till. Hl/paphoHUhiteH «/' l./mr ami Sail a U-roinm-nded by the lending phv*|riaii« throughout the i untry. A«n*j>rlng uu*dlelne tor rurif,fug tlie hlooa.andenre for ifieunintUm.t euralgln or*' roftifa It ha* iMi' A*k ymiMlmggi*t for it:u*k your pliy* »ir|an about It. WM.W.HAHTf.RT.* < >>.. Mam luring (b>iiil»t", I Mil High f*tn--t. Ilonton, Mm* THE ALBION MILL h. IV. iti:i,i<kv. KAMA- KILIilNOJiY. < Gffera for *ale Go- following mnrbintr). nine ■ Two Htillln* l.naper*. Iweofy-lx 4'«rrfa, tune Sine tliiglUli N|t«-edrr, Ian Hr»**i> Knnllati Npreaer*. two Warper*, ftll.) Wnrper Henuw. two lire*aero, fifty l/Miunm one (honot*ml Nponla. CARPET WARP. TO THE CONSUMER Having im proved the onaliiy of < ur Warp, now du tinder Hie •*P8K1tl,KSS" ticket, wevhall being heraatlei .. . WHITE M ■ Improved uuality. tho hiand *tiail uleo iminnrni-turea lower'jiiality of Warp which w ill be *old under (lie "PKKRLKSo 1 ’ brand Kmiulre for ••WHITE ST A It AAA*' t nrpet Warj of alt leading brv Good" Healer*. lot Old. Iwit Tested and Approved GET THEM. Foui fiirl* al Chauhit/iui, ll.oO. Mrs. Hunts ,\7a al..'iO. Thr i i.iLimj ('Itih, 1.25. Toni nml intsulnl, > JIoumMiI /'i/jr/r.t nnd Os Sri/vrl Th* Jirtivloljiht hi/ Pnsssy, St.M «n A. Unto* Mnnliih, S|.Ml. Our Ifuirt lAtr, 1.25. Thosr /toys *1 .A0, Will I'nrson's /.ihranj, atalogun* tn . I.OTII ItO I* «* 4’0., Pilbtlaherw THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS !!*••#•* llff-rlBtfroBj all other*.U e*p-ub*pe, with Self ft*Jonla* Dali center. *4*pU toe If to oli^ool- bdj. whit# th* . pronaaa back u» In- teatlnea lust aa m person would with tho finger With ^ ^ ^ llfht pre.ore th* Mtrol* t* linkJ a*r*ble f .o/obt*e. %*nt*hr Bkll. Ctr**l*n fre*. EGGLESTON TRUSS CO., Marshall, Mtch. mSFffiiAHD 1 'He Stt: cawt dust tomi£7J LOWEST PRICES. 5to4 r.r Pusrhl.t of tht Borlm^o* Ro,J. Addles. L:tit CtEOilli4:ir,I. tU.B.S. I kl •*. U7MM3T0K, IOWA IN THE UNITED s taTES A GREAT OFFER! Il>«r«l lime- «ll-|»uae- of luOPl.tXONA 01144ANN. new n*.f*erond- IimimI "t flral-elNaa ninkm, liielniitiiK w • • T»:itV nt Inner price* for enoli nr *nat<«ll- •neat* nr to let imlll uwlil Cor limn etcr »*#•- fore oiler. *t. W ATKMS' 4411A \ l> M|4' .%Kt; nnd t'1*lt(4ellT PMSOS A 4>M44.%\n 'In- el mi log i heir Mil VVNIK nml HOI ■ IXMII ere J He n»AT M.tot:. 1.0441. Mt,d TH % VF.ff.TN44 %4JKXTH IV t XTI', t . Illuialru led 4'nlol«p«nra viullr.l: V lib-ml dltcniintf • Tun hrrt,iHiui»lf >,< hnrrhr. f.,. f. .Slier t moale nl IimII price HOIt %4'K \V Vri'.ltS A SO%.%. yiMMiufurt urerannd l». liter*. 10 F. ol I 11 It Street. I'tiloo Nqnre. V V. IB ’** N 1 R - 1 1 TTTTT + FREE GIFT to every Rtthfcrlbdr to thlspa- por. V\ ohave Ju*t issued nnel egant w ii i a-1: uhoss. + + which la entwined In l(cuutlful roses,t!im whoD'ou dirk l>ack- ground und executed iu French Oil Color*. ltt« llxll hi alto, imdlan pirfoctirctu of dm. an ornament to any househn t! Wo have made nrrmi go liter t* + + no that any aultamber of C i* paper can receive ill is Im-iu'.* 'll orosafreoby sending tin 2) * to pavthoeostof postage,tub ing,dir* ethig, ote. Wo make thin offer to Introduco o-ir art productions. Ad*.iesa F, 1Y MCCLKAVK * CO., Bo-ton. + +++++ Vis wiu. cct T0 THRVER' S2» B ^IuV F l i,' JE,N V. B. THAYER, Manufacturing Jeweler and Jobber in Watches, Hintnond*. Jewelry, Clock* of H || manuriuture. nnd Fine King*. 18 k plain gold Diamond ^ettin ring* at 1.40 a py gentiitu' Elgin movement Klug". 4 to 35dollar*. n movement tn it coin *tl* or cn*e t I t', dollar*. Fine rolled plate go 1.1 , gent*, 0 to It*dollar*; ladle* O to 30 dollars; nteed to wear for year*. Good* seut on aelec- Adjusting of nil kind* of watches. Old gold and Mirer tak-u in trade. V. K. Til A YEK, the *OHH,K.*CJKI» JtESTIt U VKI' ; tn tin.iui.iKin,.Mt t:tn n,> will send free by malt and guarautte CATARRH., l’oml'* Extract is nearly a Mpe- t’llje for thi* dine:i#e. It can hardly * eveu in old nnd obstinate the relief I* ho prompt that no t 1 it will be without It. hardly be ex otic .who prompt that r-tx , mi.,;: *•* .* *• l>o withom ». IH.UTKI) HANDS AND FACE.-Fond'. leXtrnct mhwild bo iu every lamily toi* r ’ttjKU weather. It removes the eorenesf softens and lu-nla •sailVlffi or 20 Verbenas, all ** I' 1 Verbenas and o uoh>s. dltrerent . *5 D«*kctor Bedding Plants, * s Bedding Plants and 5 Gtranluii '• 10 Geraniums, all different oorts. M 12 Double Tuberose*, blooming but “ IS Gladiolus, fine blooming bulbs, ‘ 6 Tuberose ami 6 Gladiolus. Plant Clatalogtie of 80iuigt‘s free. («»Sweet Chestnut Trees for $1. or 50 Strawberry Plants, 4 sorts, ** I" Concord Grape Vines, ' 10 Grape Vines, 5 sorts, 8 Currant Bushes, 4 sorts. ASTHMAS J4AA WKKK. Catalogue and Fampl# FHKr ®6kUFKLTONACO.. liONaa*an8l.,New York* $25 Auioglir Ki^!IiKy «Wfakto4|tow. llOOw/ftf/ra ibOObibi ( P.O. VICKEKY, Augusta, Mo. REVOLVER N 7 allot $4.00,70 etylaa. M9A*>¥rt HOWTO RAKE IT. SomAhiminttr AsaSbU. COE. Y(iS(IKACO.,*U,m< , . t**.*ik*a. I .Green, Buonton.NJ. BRACKET/*"' Ft i »Ihj- nt home. Agents wanteil. Ouflt and DEAF< (f PP ii week In your own town TetmaandfAoulAl 3)00 f " H. U A Id.MT A CO., Portland. Maine. $2600s Agents. Outfit . KNTff WANTED.- Twenty 4»*>l Mbnnlek ipte* by mall, postpaid, '.ttc. 57 Nnf*an t*t.. New lork. A t’hromo* fortl. ? ('•uitim iiti.I t.'hronm \ f/-v V.T FV Lastly made with our Hteneil ^ L sml Key Check outfit. Circulars Free. II. N. A Arthur Stafford, ttrt Fulton It., N, T. I .'•tut nai.i: $350; heap fur m*ti, patent 'j«st *enired i able, tiM'lul article. Address. Bov MM, Boston. Mass. IIoiwhIIm, Toui.' VVificAor «**» rax#. Adi.-**,, itos.8 mtufi., KicBMoao. lap. A Ploall*.—Agsntawanted. Mbest*elltng articles In the world. Un«(*tnpl»ft*i. Ad lire#* JAY ItHOXWON, Detroit. Mich. York. DM AGP V’wvnic. I >\ F\ UJ X • ainb'gnes free by mu II4M»N4:Y .1 t'ii..;M K*-t l |th Ktreet, New 11| V NKI'ONII-lf «NI> Ml IIOOIj HOOKS* All Tmiiil-d r—t paid, tipoll receipt *>f half pub- ll*ti."l pri.-. A S rUHK,4HlS.-*'"iM.N"« York. T T oe AUNTIN’N Patent) Pries by mail 25 c« J Hitler. Measure, I**f*r fAsjtln tlf * * n , M-asure. Paper -Austin Ml Blorter comli’d * vi N. 5th «t. Phlla. I If- sfthiry. Ti ' cilittt nprn*-i wl hj C«mw.,. I'nlotl r .iliMlHnl V«rl*a. ' m.-urnati. A4A . Afir ■>Dy suit mute kr A«*SU selling norChiwno 3)lU^ ijfcU Orsjreni, Ptrtsr* and rbrmm, 135 t—-l free. J. II. A FOUTUNTE fer?»ru<Xt n»en who can keep tha r_own_ru)unsel.__A_ddreM. «3 K. 441. 4 HIM N*4. Hoboken. J*. J. H ATCHES. A Great Hauaatlou. flkn.'***- Watch and Oul/U trrs to AomU. Bettar thNI Address A. 4*CTlf.TWt 4% 4M».. Ghlcago. 555 n lYvck net to Agent". Tlie.New W ork .rDeBcrlptlve fatalogue. it KDDI.mi <t •d., Pt’gLIsnr.XS Masonic Work". 751 Broadway, Now Y’ork. •~IbT^*urTw n I*A INTIN€4 t AOXKTH PAINT.i,, > vonr own n«Yori.M4. in evert city and countv Send forclrrnlarand prlca li"t to John T. Cray.** Diamond St., Pittsburgh. Pa , Wear 4Mit. . By malt 30r- Circular" free, ’• I>sv Street, New Yura. "Comldnntlon ol Capital.” New mode of operating In Block". !.i**"ln* l»o*all»t«*. Profltaanre. Kvrlan- ntory circular* »ent k.trr* aor- •V 4 o.. Brokets,,18 Broad St.,P.O.b®x .►>3f',N. Y BOO'KKEEPING~^^^!KWv. gold. No "torekeeper,clerk or mechanic can aflorn to do without it. Srnl,po"i-p -Id. on receipt of54» cetlla. II. Gill.DING lilt VAST. Ilultal", N. Y. S KM. 1 Mi IXf* TitnrjiM’H I’nutiug Ontfltyt Press5M.50. Mnker ii»iiiu-H. send 2"tatnns for t alaiogne to . Wat*on,nt'ornhllf»t..Boston.Man*. Floral Calondar. Journal, and S Sample'Plants, *4.5 ct*. Uruirrt. ,i. <;iu:ivj;s.s-«.-., Itox887,gkieraon,w. J the world — importers’ Company in America-- bird) - TradeoolitiDually d every wbere — best in- - The choicest Hi t TEAS.: • is plo art US* — please* every}» Ihcreaalng -Acent" wanted ducenienis—don't waste lime—«end for Circular_ to ItoarnT Wrt.i.s. 4.1 Veaey St-.N.Y. F. O. B0». »». Cotton! Cotton! Plaxtxrs Heap MrCnrlay'g CelebraJgd Java Prolific Cotton Seed greatly Improved end spld at reduced price. For particulars, nddresa. n. WANTED lamp g<io i A lll.KY. Winona. Mt«_s. TIEN to travel and sell to Dealer* our icw nobr-akahl- g a"* chimney* and go,in*. No IV'tdlliig. Salary liberal, termanent. Hotel A trftTol'gexpensea i. i . a c. >.t Main Kt.. I inclnnati. n. 51100. REWARD. 8100. Tm* MOOSTaCUK prodiiced on a face by the use "f Dvko’s IK«iu> Kuvia without Iryori, or will forfeit *I00._ Prtco by _«*lHo ' rar,.n <>.. Ag'U, PaUUae. I A BOOK for the MILLION. MEDICAL ADVICE Ay^BlKSrttSS 1 Catarrh*Rupture. Opium Habit. Ac., BENT FREE on reevij. jt Min^.^jStS^ltaDeiHM* No. 12N.8lhiL.St.IgroU.Mr Card Writing A S:* a $2SZ* Unsurpassed direct and reverse movements; perfect execution; equal to engraving. Hpcclinett and circu lar lor.Vt".stamp.8.V Jotissox,Poughkeepsie.».T_. I*r«r. Haifa Magic Coapoaug I* the only preparation.onr (uteksesof whiefc will force the t face (without injury) in St d*y» In every c**e. or money cheennUy STRAWBERRY ha* more sterling ■tualitle offered te the public, produchig are foil" • ARM I.KR'N K M'KJIT II. I ftMITII. We»l llaven, 4onn. IV x have, by 11 rations ' different prep- rations t new. called for tn Ibis section, nrunu iwiii rniversal Cough Syrup fur ftveyears. with tm new « paper ad'-rtisingjUiia^mudy has ksd^n tfc-rmiy In Its large .1- « o.... efficient med'itTuc of it* kind. \ It PKSTKIt A BA nit ELL. Albion, N. Y. We will send you a handsome Cas ket.containing the following ar- ttcle* of Jewelry: 1 handsome set inf Heevebnttons, I Gent'* r'ln« Watchchsln. I set of J»nirnl-*tud*. 1 Corn! Hcirf- itn. t Larty’s Weddlng-rfng. and I Improved Collnr- >111 ton. Satlaliicriou guaranteed or money reinnd- , 0« Morten bt.. N.Y. t May. Jew The Heat Triiaa without w N MetalBpringieverInvented. ^< .-No humbug claim of a •Ar^vQtain radical cure,bnta|. i of a comfortable. *e- .bntaguar- :>rtable, se cure and *fttl*facrory appli ance. We will take back and pay full Price for all that do not *ult. n«le. like ent, §4 : for both •Idee, Went by mail, post-paid, on receipt of_prlce. N . B.—Thla Truss w ill cure more Rupture* t ~aygant<da' r ct thoee for IT SiCI^I.S A. r r SIGHT.* FRANK LESLIE'S IlbvT'IRlCAL REGISTER CENTENNIAL'EXHIBITION. , .• tno oiily complete Pictorial llictqryof the* enten- nial publi-hed. A main moth panorama. I.U«M» largo engravings, manv of them l*eing If 1 * by It'S Inches Agriitk Wanted Address Agency Department - tvh PUBLISH HP BOUSE. W Pearl Street- Wew York. FRANK LESLIE'.' $5to$20!^ day at home, trample* worth |5 8T1KSOK A Co..Portland,Maine 12 Raspberries. 4 sorts. , A list of nuiilnble Trees and Vlne%and nSI-ixicr I \\i »KN WIMT1N44 TO AH11.RTINKR4, Ib -crlptivp Catalogue free. ' pleaae *ay you »aw the »dvrmwmsnt STOKKS, lLAKitISON'«tCO.,PaIue*vllle, Lake Co. O. in (nl* paper. N. N REDEN CUTIrERY CO. ,Ved the HICHEST CENTENNIAL PRIZE. Itort'* Handle Table Kvut, L KINDS OF 1 jextWor^V TABLE CUTLERY. WHITE llANDLEMBRBBBMBBBBBBBRMHi rain America- original Makers of the 11AHH HbKItEK ii.v.Mil . MERIDEN CUTLERY CO.” on the blade. Warranted and Bold by a; u r.ini>r.> ( I I t.r.ti i UU. on me oiaue. narmuieu ana *oia oy a [EHIOEN CUTLERY CO.. >» Gmmben Ntrwe*. New York.