The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, April 27, 1877, Image 3

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THE RECORD. A Lite Country Newxpapor. Published Every ~dny Morning by W. S. D. WIKLE & CO. terms of subscription. Oho copy, one year $2.00 Ono copy, six months 1.00 Ton oopiea, in clubs, one year, each 1.50 Single copies.... Bets All subscriptions invariably in advanoo. No name entered upon the list until the subscrip tion is paid. RATES OF ADVERTISING. 11 M. \ 3 M. I 0 M.'fia M. $ 1.00 $ 2.50 * 5.00;$ 8.00 $ 12.00 6.00 12.00 20.U0 30.00 40.00 8 00 16.00 25.00 40.1KI 06.00 18 001 25.001 45.00| (*5.00| 120.00 Ptofesnional and BuslnoHs Cards of one inch or less, $12 per annum, payable quarterly in advance; six months, $8. All advertise ments duo after first insertion. TOM THtNEK, Reporter. FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 27 1877 Wo nte authorized to nunounoe the name of Cdl. Bait Jones ns n candi date for the constitutional convention subject to the decision of tho voters of the district on tho day of election. Here and Thereby our Reporter “There’s a chiel among ye takin’ notes* And faith he’ll prent 'em.” M ho set to fire the court house ? ♦Straw hats arc becoming numerous War preparations in Europe con tinue. Plant more corn. Boys, we must get up a base hall Club. Let’s don’t get too lazy. A large number of our citizens went fishing last Saturday. Dr. Ledbetter tumbled, heels over haul in the creek last Saturday. Miss Carrie Prebble left lust Wednes day on a visit to Shelby, Ala, Kev. B. B. Quillian, and Mr. Jones, of Cave Spring wero in town this week. Mr. G reon, the photographer is still at the Court House taking picutes Farmers, plant plenty < f corn. There’s a mighty big fuss in the East. There will be a moonlight pic-nio out to Mr. Waddells Tuesday night. Now is the timo for young Misses to hammer their feet with croquet mullets. Pup Eidow und Will Tomlinson kinder favor since limy have cut oft’ their whiskers. The young folks out nbt at West’s mill will have a libbing p oly lo-mor- row. Mr. Win Hutch is building a nice little d welling, just across the tauyard branch. Mr. Wynn has a huge lot of baby shoes, which ho is sellmg cheap for cash. Philpoi A: Dodds keep fresh ground Corn Meal, Agricultural Implements, Iron, etc., Glad to see Feast or Harris, who line been sick for some time, uble to be out again. We under*;und they will have a pjc-nicsomewhere around here, now pretty soon. Mr. Green, our present Photogra pher is decidedly the best that has ever been to Cedartown. Who set tiie to the court house,und wherefore did he doit? is the ques tion. Don’t nil answer at once. What has become of our Ilock- mart und Antioch Correspondents. Let us hear fi>m you again gents. Mr. H. P. Lumpkin, returned from Texas lust Friday. Ho reports every thing flourishing in that country. Our cleaver young friend, Mr. Wal ter McNeul, formerly of this place, is now doing business at Tecumsoh. Regret to learn that Mr. John O. Lumpkin had the misfortune to lose his horse which died yesterday, about 12 o’clock. The weather is real summorry, but it is rather dangerous to mako any j groat chaugo in clothing yet awhile, j Col. Tidwell and lady havo return- I ed from Texas. The Colonel’s Texas fever has about cooled oft, but ho is not quite well of the cold he caught while thero. Mr. Cleveland, the old roliable, still holds forth at I. T. Meo’s tin shop, ready, willing and waiting to carve out and make up your summer cloth ing* Wo would advise Dock Cobb, Jim Dodds, Atys Chisolm, Gus Adams and Jim Harris to wear blue neck ties as the reflection of blue upon the face will make the whiskers grow. Persian silks of elaborate designs aro among tho most beautiful pro ducts of spring, but a Codartowq girl in a calico dress and a straw hat. is as pretty as a diamond decked queen. Wo aro glad to sec on our stroots once more, our genial young friend, J. M. Morris, who has boon in Atlan ta tho past few months, attending lectures at Moore’s Commercial Col- lego. The latost sousatiou in geutlemen’s neck wear now is tho blue tie, which is oagorly sought after by tho more youthful, tho reflection *»f tho blue upon tho face having a tendency to stimulate tho growth of tho beard. Married in tho prosbyteriau church at Cavo Spring on Tuesday night last Mr. Pink B. Sheldon, of Dallas, Texas and Miss Lilly Lako of tho former pluco. The happy couplo loft for Texas on tho ten o’clock train. Dan Hightower, who is now making his living by iho ‘sweat of his brow’ in a rural manner, came in Friday and remained over 'till Sunday with the b’boys. Dan says ho is competed lo see her semi-occ isionly anyhow. Our boss store keepers can now bo scon with a little tin bucket a fishing cane and a little cup of bait, making their wav to some shady placo on the creek, while tho clerks stays at homo, sits on tho porch and bays, d n that old fly. C ipt. A. G. West, recently bought a stei which will bo hern in i will use it to haul oi fhilo out wost in road engine, few days. Ho ) from his oro bank. It is a twclvo horso engine and will haul about eight tons at a load. Cnpt. West is fixing up to bo independent of tho railroad. From reading a letter published in the Express this wet k, purporting to bo from B. C. Wilkin, ono u old nat urally suppose ho hud been studying criminal law, and reading ancient and modern history, in order to post him self in regard to pardons aud respites extended to criminals in different countries. Mrs. J. A. Wynn has opened a largo stock of milinery and ladies furnishing goods at Lumpkin’s brick store house. This will bo a great con venience to our ladies, who,heretofore have had to go to Rome for military goods. They should now patronize Mrs. Wynn and keep their money at home. As Wilkes has not been brought up to prove Mocks’ inuocouce, and tho Governor has issued no further re spite, wo suppose Meeks will bo exe cuted cn next Friday. We havo had nothing to do with this case, being willing to lenvo tho matter where it properly belongs, with the courts, believing that tho judge and jury would do right, if left freo to act, und wo luivo no desire to sot aside their decisions aud set up our own opinions in their stead. W T 0 believe tho impression gener ally prevails throughout tlm county that the wheat crop is good, but Mr. Herbert informed us on last Wednes day that the fly is damaging the crop considerably. If this is tho caso to any extent tho crop will bo short, ami it behooves our farmers, in view of this fact, and the impending war in Europe, to raise an extra quantity of corn aud other crops, and loss cotton. Corn and wheat is now advancing rapidly, and if tho war continues and it is likely it will—'.lie balance of tho year at least, tho f irmer who raises the most earn and moat will be in the lus'. condition at. tho end of tho year. BARBER’S AUTOMATIC Elood Fence and Water Rack, This invention is absolutelynocessn- rv to every farmer who ns a hstroam of water passing through his {farm. No kind of stock can pass through or over it, and yet, will valid readily to admit the passage of drift-wood It is tho cheapest;will not wash away; does not require a mechanic to mako it, and the material of which it. is c mj'f S’dcan bo found on any farm that has timber upon it. {SfiyNoods no sp< eiul attontion to insure its proper working. fini?/’** \ sure pint action to Iho crops fromall kinds of stock* Farm and couuly rights for sale. J. IL I! ARISE It, Ad., (e<l;t if own, (Ini. SEND FOR CATALOGUE E. It I D L E Y & SONS 309, 311,311 1-2 Grand St., N E W Y 0 11 K . EstnbFahed 1811). Lorgosl Establishment * of its kind in Atnorio.i. M! LINER Y AND NANCY (IOOI),S'. Dre-s ii id (Moult Trimmings, Fringi La . Ho Ili 1»1 lie: KID GL( )VBy, h’ tails, Dolinuiis, Inilci* Oni'ino I’.uys aloLliliig. iii Catalogue for i 00IH clf- No party, no dance, no nothing to mar the peaceful quiet of cur beauti ful little “City among the Cedars,” this week. Just received, at Rbilpot & Dodds, a fine assortment of Ladies’ Straw Goods, Ready Ma- e Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Piece goods, etc., Jim Hailisou has got another new horse. Illlistrah'd Cdhilonui'. ami I* Fred on (ij)/>iCation. A saving of Fifty Cents oil Iho Dollar oun be ininlo by purolmnoiag direct, from he cost of somling go< any disUinci cciiI per ounce. Full info Catalogue. /•I. H / D /, E Y 809, 811,811 1-2 ti 615.63, fltyiO, 15^ and 70 All'' but. One i given in Yuri', CHEROKEE IRON CO GENERAL MERCHANDISE. DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, BOOTS and SHOES, GROCERIES, WOODEN WARE, SADDLES,' PATENT MEDICINES, GLASSWARE, HARNESS, lVily M'de CLOTHING, TINWARE, LEATHER, NOTIONS, PAINTS *nd OILS, IRON and STEEL, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, ETC.: Frank {.round Flour und Moal roooivoil daily. Country Produoo Solioitod at Highoat Mui'kot Ratos Timms Striott.y Cash. Oitiok and Stork at the Works Cedabtown, Ga., Fob. 10, 1876.' We may have Mentioned it Before. Rut it will boar repeating; and to males a suro tiling, wo wi 1 say Unit tbo MOBILE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OP MOBILE, ALABAMA., In tlie l-ioncliny I-al'e Compnny in tlie South, Ami under its present excellent mauagomont is doing moro Now Business in I bo Southern States than any othor Lifo Company, North or South. Over 2000 Policies Issued in 1875. Old Pegging Awl Parrish is now located on the corner just above Phil lips’ store, where he is prepared to lix up your shoes in a neat and stylish manner. His sign roads "Meals at all Hours,” but wo know it ain’t so, ’cause Old Pegging Awl don’t look like a man that gels a moal every hour. The Cherokee Iron Company have ordered a large cano mill, and two of larges- evaporators. Tho mill will ho I obtained aworld-wide reputation for their b 1 iii I virtues. They correct diseased action m run by water power and will bu cup a • > q ie several assimilative organs of the bio of “squeezing” out from four to \ body, and are so competed that obstruc- six hundred gallons of juice per hour Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For all tho purpoaoa of ft Family Blyrnio, and for curing Contivonoss, Jaunaioo, Indigestion, Foul Stomach, Drouth, Iloudaohe, Erysipelas, Khoumutism, Eruptions and Skin Disoasos, Bil iousness, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, for Purifying tho Blood, Are the most ef- #t feetive and conga- nial purgative ever discovered. They arc mild, hut ef fectual in their operation, moving the bowels surely and without pain. Although gentle in their operation, they are still the most thorough and searching cathar tic medicine that can he employed : cleans ing the stomach and bowels, and even the blood. In small doses of ono pill a day, they stimulate the digestive organs and promote vigorous health. Ayer’s Pili.s have been known for more than a quarter of a century, and have so parties having syrup to mako can bring their cane and barrels to the company and wait, like going to mill, until it is made up, without any labor on their part whatever. Plant sor ghum. The steps of the court house were discovered to be on fire on last Tues day night, between the hours of 12 aud 1 o’clock. The alarm was given and tho building saved. It was evi dently tho work of an incidiary, as shuvings hud been placed under the steps and set on lire. There various surmises as to the object of the incin- diary—some thinking it was done to Tr , ( „ i draw the attention of the guard at He alwajs comes for your tbe jail to get Meeks out ; others that chiel to go to r ide with him when he 0 \^ ec ^ WftS robbery, and some think trades horses, ’cause he knows we’re there were other motives, aud proba- a judgo of such things. 1 bly none ure correct. tions within their range can rarely with stand or evade them. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also formidable and dangerous diseases that have bailled the best of human skill. While they produce power ful effects, they are, at the same time, flic safest and best physic for children. By their aperient action they gripe much less than tlie common purgatives, and never give pain when the bowels are not inflamed. They reach the vital fountains of the blood, and strengthen the system by freeing i1, from the elements of weakness. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates, containing neither calomel nor any deleterious drug, these Pili.s may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar-coating preserves them ever fresh, and makes them pleasant to take; while being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. Dr.J.C. AYER & CO.Lowell, Mhss., Practical and Analytical (.'ln-mints. BOLD BY AIaL DJtUGOlhTS EVERYWHERE. For sale in Cedartown by BURBANK & JONES. Druggists ;OUR J3 13 CTI .A. L T I B S : r Flio 1-iilo Enilowmont by which you hooiu'o an F.mlowiuont in fifteen years, at tbo rate of an ordinary Lifo Policy. The Yeiir.y JIAjnewsible TermPInn, tho cheap est plan of luenranoo now worked. m. McCarty, ii. m. friend, siieppard iiomans, President. Secretary. Actuary A. C. PICKENS, General Agent North Georgia, CARTE] tSVIL I <E, GEORG I A. S^A-TIEClMIIElNrT FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER]31 st, 1875. Not Assots Doeombor 31st, 3374 $419,809 13 I N COM 10. Received for Premiums and interest 09 $750,785 12 1)1 SfUJRSISM HINTS. Losses by Death $74,254 00 9 Dividends, Com missions, TaxoH, and othor expenses.. 73,859 02 148,113 02 $002,071 50 ASSETS. in Bank * 17,185 40 IJ, 8. Government and other Bonds 70,270 90 loans on Mortgage, First Lions 49,032 12 Loans on Bonds and StockH 20,095 00 Insurance Stocks 1,425 00 Real Estate and amount duo by othor Oompanios for Re-Insurancn 95,085 74^ Bills Receivable, soeurod, and Stock Bonds 299,238 40JJ Premiums in hands of Agents and in courso of Collection 40,903 46 Office und Agency Furniture 2,745 88 002,071 50 Add Accrued Interest aud Deferred Premiums . 21,824 40 Assets December 31st, 1875. *H24tei$i !)G ORGANS I AND - FIA1TOSII All tho bent iniprtyvoMcnts combined in tho Organs and Pianos manufactured by , CORNISH CO, IWnsliliiRton, N. .1. _ To all who wiah lo purohaoo^ottJrtran^ ORGAN or PIANO, wo can truthfully say that for]’) ARTISTIC CONSTRUCTION, Doautiful Finish and Swoot. Musical Quali ties, our instruments take rank with ’tho Most Celebrated Manufacturers Our only claim to favoritism ovor other leading ummifsoturorH in our O W PRICES, roduood to moot tho roqulromonts of tho times. Dotorimnoil not to ho unddrsold, and at Iho samo timo furnishing instru ment h that wo fully Warrant For Five Years, wo invit o correspondents that, wo may havo an opportunity to provo satisfactorily all that wo horo assort. Oar Pianos aro furnished with the improvod FRENCH GRAND ACTION, (tho vory host, in uso) They aro also HEAVILY STRUNG with tho improvod wire; tho casos aro of solid rosewood —perfectly aeasonod and WARRANTED NOT TO CRACK OR WARP. Our ORGANS aro furnished with all Iho modorn improvement % as ’to stops, notion, Ho., whllo tho CASES aro of tho rooont cabinet atylo, admirably suited for Iho parlor. flgy SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. Address CORNISH 6c OC., WiiHhington, Now Jornoy. THE GRANGERS 9 UNITED STATES OT AMERICA Authorized Capital, i -\..\CH Slate is a Horne Company, and its Entire Resorv L the State Departments. Parent Oflloe, Mobile, Alabama; Ronds and Gash, T. J3. DAVIDSON, Preside] lUcoriria Department, Rome, Georgia; Lo U. G. SAI Alabama Department, Montgomery, Alabama; Loans und Cash. Hon. N. N. CLEMENTS, President. Mississippi Department, Meridian, Misssisippi; Loans and Cash, W. MclNTOSH, President, South Ca - $4,500,000 * is Loaned and insurod in $2(50,000 100,000 100,000 ICO,000 100,000 Department, Columbia, South Carolina; Loans and Cash, THOMAS J. JETER, Prosidobt. Texus Department, Austin, Texas; Loans and Cash, 1 GEO. R. ZIMPLEMAN, President. *- Total assets, -------- $7 Security, Economy, Liboralitv, ARE THE t E A DING PRINCIPLES OF THIS COMPANY. All approved forms of Lifo and Endowment Policies issued in sums of $1(MV up to $ 10,000. Also Term Policies of One, Three, Five or Seven Years. All Life Policies non-forfeiting after two annual paymji.ts, when tho insurod will bo entitled to a paid-up Policy or Cash Surrender thereof. Dividends may be used to protect policies against lapsing in case oi’ failure to pay premiums. This, with tha non-forfeiting and Cash Surrender foaturos, are sufficient to make this Company popular among thinking men. $£8* GOOD AGENTS WANTED. W, G. ENGLAND, of Mobile, Ala., General Superintendent of Agencies. J. S. NOYES, Local Agent, Cedartown,, Ga- Professional Cards. I)r. H. U. THOMPSON. OFFICE OVER J. A. WYNN’S BTOIIH. W ILL PRACTICE FOR HALF PRICE for those who will pay me by tho 1st day of Novombnr, otliorwiso tho usual rates will bo ohnrgod. Tho usual ohargo is $2 for visit and modioine, if paid 1st of Nov. 1 eluirgo $1 only. No ono nood oall on mo who has.not oithor paid or secured hills for past services and who is not willing to Bocuro mo for fuluro practice. Obstetri cal cases a specially. Doc. 1, 187(5' TUHNH JAM. OI.KNN TURNER and GLENN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW (Jedartown, Ga. O FFICE South of Court House, botwoon Huntington and Wright’s stores. Will practice in Iho oountios of Polk, Floyd, Paulding, Haralson and Carroll. Special attention given to collections. May 26, 187<! Dr. W. G. ENGLAND, Surgeon and Physician, CEDARTOWtr, GA. Oflico cornor Collogo and Prior streets, wliero he may ho found at all hours when not professionally absent. sep \ IVY F. THOMPSON, W. H. D. WIKI.H THOMPSON At WIKLE, Real Estate Agents CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, W\ M. M. TIDWBIJ., IVY Y. THOMPSON, TIDWELL Ac THOMPSON. Attorneys at Law, CEDARTOWN. GA. O FFIOK —l'-.Lsi slclo Court Houso Hqimrc j uno 20 Dr. C. H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, Cedartown, Ga. O FFICE at roaidonoo, on Pryor street .iuno 20 A. L. DAYHS, 3 Watchmaker and Jewelei Cedartown, Ca. W ORK done promptly and sulisfuclonilk All work warranted Twelve Monthy Repairing fine watches a specialty. 1c- kinds of Jewelry and Watches and C oa kept lor saic. ,u *u 20