The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, May 04, 1877, Image 3

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THE RECORD. 4 Lite Country Newspaper. Published Every *'*v 'day Morning by W. S. D. WIKLE &> OO. | TEIUIS OF SUBSCUimON. Olio copy, ono year #2.00 Ono copy, six month8 100 Ten copies, in club*, ono year, each 1.00 Single copicH Bote All subecriptione invariably in advance. No name entered upon the list until tho isubacrip- tton is paid. HATES OF ADVERTISING. rrraTTa m 1 Square. W - Column. H Column. 1 Column. 1 M. | 12 jL ; 1.00'# 8.00$ 12.00 6.001 12.00 30.01!! 40.00 8 001 15.U4*; £5 (Ml 40.001 05.00 18 00| 25.001 46.00 (15.00 120.00 Profeaxioiial and Buatnosa Garda of nno inch or lea*, $12 per annum, payable quarterly in advance; nix month a, $S. All udvoi'tLc- menta duo aftor insertion. TOM Ti ll XEIt, Reporter. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 4. 1877 Wft »»»v' authorized to uunotinoo the uiiinc of Col. Balt Jones ub a candi date for the constitutional convention Biib]ect to tho decision of tho voters of tho district on tho day of election. Here and Tliere by our Be port Pi Mr. Dan Proctor, Editor of tho Home Department of tho Cave Spring j Enterprise, was in town to-day gath- j ering up news for tliat paper. Some euperstiti cub person wanted | to get a piece of thoropo that Meeks ! was bung with, to carry in his pocket j to keep llts off. Mr. C. C. Phillips was killed j near Dalton on last Friday. Charley ■ Farrell, eon, of Dr. Win. M. Panel J of Home, is supposed to bo tho nun- derer, and is now in jail in Dalt-ou. , Our Debating Society debated on last Monday night, tho question, “Ought Capital Punishment to bo Abolished.” Messrs. Chas. Janes, Jim Glenn and the Rov. C. K. Hen derson, were ou tho negative, and tho question was decided in their favor. Wo arc very sorry indeed to nil* j nounco the sudden death of Mrs. E 1. | Mauu, who died Thursday evening 1 about 11 o’clock. We tendon our ! heartfelt sympathy !<> (.be bepoaved ! family. Head the law card in this paper paper of Mr. Flournoy Treadaway, headed “To the Public,” He sot, the I typo himself, ami if ho imik “There's u chicl among ye Inkin’ notes* ; good a 1 iwyer, as ho does a typu*sef- Au*l faith he’ll prent ’em.” j ter wo predict for him A bright fli- Beck was hung in Summerville on last Friday. Mr. Georgo Harney, of Homo, was in town last .Sunday. Wo regret very much to learn that Mrs. Tom B ik r is very sick. Gapt. A. G. West’s road engine is the “big thing on ice" now. No ns i ruuniiig fmm lloury King if ho docs weigh a few pounds. Mr. Asy Prior, has been \*jfclking* around our streets for tho past throe or four days. Head Philpot A Dodds’ locals and when you want cheap goods call on them. Mr. Win. Grad v, reporter for the Atlanta Constitution in iu town to day. i Ladies, Miss Fannie Wcesncr has & card in ibis paper which every ono of you ought to read. Tho Romo Tri-Weekly Tribune, was represented hero to-day by Mr. Thos. Cuyler. Mr. W. O Knight had a mess of new Irish potatoes hist Sunday. W In can bent this? Didn’t we go for straw berries and cream out at Maj. Waddell’s Tues day night, though. Rev. J. W. Leo of I jong Cane, Troope county, preached n very good sermou, in tho Methodist church at this place last Sunday. The editor of this paper had the pleasure of sitting down to a dish of English peas gathered from hi. gar den, last Sunday. Philpot A Dodds keep fresh ground Corn Meal, Agricultural Implements, Iron, etc., Low slippers have appeared, and when a gjrl is accused of having mended stocking!?, she says “Not by a . darn sight.” We publish the Sheriff’s sales this week. We do tins free of charge. Will do the Ordinary's advertising on the samo terms. The cbaimiog Miss Hattie England, who has been in oiu* midst for the past two weeks, left for Homo last Tuesday. It baa not been decided who was the belle at the moon-star-light pic nic yet-. Dr. England thinks ho was, but he wasn’t. Will tell you next week. j tur . j Tin* days gradually lengthen out, j forests assume their liveries of greou, j tho silver-throated bird ; enrol their j ; morning songs, the li d-bug begins to | to prance, and everything betokens I | another gladsome Spring. Can't j • somebody get married. j li> v. Mr. Herbert, of tho South I Carolina Conference, is hereon a visit to his cousin, U. G. Herbert, of our town, and will remain a week. He will preach at the Methodist church Sljtuiny :_j hig. t<) Tile IM’iibir The man who has put in u big pro- vjejou crop can go to sleep with a “ good conscience. But “uneasy lies the head”—that has a big cotton crop Just received, at Philpot A Dodds a fine assortment of Ladies’ Straw Goods, Heady SlUdeClotbing, Boots, and Shoes, Piece goods, etc., They are making artificial butter now. A friend says that the hair he pulled out of some t.he other morn ing was not artificial. He recognized it by the color at a glance. If a man can restrain his speech when a wasp lights on his cheek and begins to investigate bis cuticle be is in a fit frame of miud to sing “I want to be an angel.” odrn judo.) tmicb (^Ibivx yppi In Kf Dog Yeiiuvx t Hui Siumc dcuvo h721 wq n adh mlmUio qbjjj<»n uaMm odppn j jinbccilx hois*, ii)udr < >[<*Iinj heio Zebra cow cmuxlilb dumd liouqn psfgdci bsjMpqm 'pivxhjHi qcpis oinmut heiodi c d- imbudu siligwy Fiou.i^OV (:;| ad ywhA\ Mr. E. E. England, Brutlmr of our towiim.imii, Dr. W. G. Epgland, has been in town for several days tin* representative of tho Grangers Life and Health Imuniuro Company, an advertisement of which is in this pa per. Mr.‘Engl ml belongs to tho head department of the Company at Mobile, Ala., and came up for the purpose of paying the policy of tho lamented Miss Flora Mclvor, who died in this town about Chri -t,mas,and was insured in this company. Tho policy has been paid by Mr. England, showing tho promptness and relia bility of this company. Mr. Eng land is a genial gentleman and we hope he’ll visit our town again soon. Tuekduy night last, was ono memo- ruble to all who participated in tho moonlight pic-nic at the residence of Mr. J. O. Waddell. Although, it as sumed the name given above, it might have been more properly called tho “star-light pic-nic, for Luna seeming ly not so anxious to shed her brilliant rays upon the merry opowd, was slow to make her appearance attovu tno Eastern borrison. Consequently we were compelled to be content with tho lesser lights, which ‘•On the world in beauty fell,’’ imparling to each and every one feel ings of admiration and delight. Two by two the number continued to increase up to the hour of ten, when couples could be soon in almost every direction; some sitting, some standing, and others following the meandering paths, leading around the beds of fragrant flowers, from whence, occasionally a Tfisd was pluck ed by a pair oi lilly white hands, and pinned to the lapel of “a fellah’s’ coat, with such a sweet smile, as would at once lead one to believe that she would fain quote the words of ono of our ‘b’hoyK,‘ “now won’t you love me a leetle drap.” At, or near the hour of twelve sup per was announced,and by our smiling host we were conducted to the table which wus laden with tho most tempt ing viands. Mr. Allen was called ou for a blessing, after which, everybody “sailed in,” and those “wittles” began to disappear. About one or two o’clock the crowd began to break up, every body going home well contented with their nights pleasure, and the air was ringing with praises and thunks to our kind host and hostess. TO THE PUBLIC. A Card From Win. Meeks. Polk Co., Jail, May 3rd 1877. 1 cannot leave your midst without leaving behind this testimonial of tho in iformly kind and humane treat ment 1 have at all times received at the hands of tho Sheriff and jailor, E. \Y. Clements. During his term of office, ho line always been ready and willing to show me nil tho kindness and attention in his power, and I firmly believe ho regrets, as much as any ono could, to ho obliged to axo- ciE<* tin stern mandates » f tho law. To all who have been kind enough to treat mo kindly and humanely I extend them them thanks. I leave you trusti i g a Immune and generous communi’y will throw tho mantle of charity over mv nmny sins, and do all in their power to comfort and cons >1<- my poor grief strick en wifi , and guard and protect mv little uiu sli .'iii the paths of sin and danger into which J have fallen. And tot to mini -tors of the vari ous domn-iinalioiis I also return my sincere (hunks. William Meukh. .TAMES D. 15NLOW, .). J*. (T.dahtovtn, Gko. Omen: at tiii: Court All r>iisilir-s lull'll tod to |U0 will 1)0 Promptly Attended to. mar2-6m. MESS FANNIE J. WEESNEK, ( Vilarlou it Geo. R; IRE* Hoc'' vi s latest styles him! Newest, fash ions monthly. All u• '•!< ami good fitting warranted. I’ri-v io -iiittlio limes. < lil ting nml tilling a spool ally. Mrs. TtTIMVEIi, Broad St., over llnrpor A iOi. HOME, (lA., QOLIClTrt tho patronni KJ of i’oik. Paper putt»• BARB MITOM ATIC Elood Fence and Water Rack This invention i:-< uhsolutolynucossa. ry to every farmer who has n strean nf water passing through his farm No kind of stock can pruw throng or over if , and yet, will yield roadil to admit the pasHtige of drift-woof It is tlw cheapest ;will not wash away docs not rrquiro n mechanic to mala il, and the material of which it i. composed can be found on any farm that has timber upon it. Needs no rial attention to| insure its proper working. fr-jv-A sure protection U; tho crops from all kinds of stock* Form find county rights for sale. .». IS. HAItHEK, A«t., < Vilsi/ (own, Geo., CHEROKEE IRON CO DEAI.EU8 IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, BOOTS and SHOES, GROOERIEp, WOODENWARE, SADDLES,' PATENT MEDICINES, GLASSWARE, HARNESS, R’lly MYlo CLOTHING, TINWARE, LEATHER, NOTIONS, PAINTS and OILS, IRON and STEEL, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, ETC." Froli cmnnil Flour and Moal ronoivod daily. j Country Produoo Solicitor! at Highest Market, Ratos' Tnits Stiuotly Cash, Omen and Stobb at thk Womts OnDAirows, Ga., Fob. TO, 187(1. 'Ve may have Mentioned it Before. Bat t will boar l-opoating; and to mnke a sure tiling, wo wi 1 say that tho MOBILE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF MOBILE, ALABAMA,, ' Ih T.lie 1 .uncling Li Co Company in tlio South, Aid untlor its prosont oxcollont managomont is doing more Now nusinosH in tin Southorn States than any othor T.ifo Company, North or South. Over 2000 in 1875. ;OITR 8PB O'l ALTIHS: Tho l.ito Rtulowinen/t Plan, bv which you socm-o an Endowmont in liftoon yoars, tho rate of au ordinary Lifa Policy. Tho Yem-y Ronewnble Term hj an) Uio ohoap- onl. plan of Insurance now worltod. M. MoCARTY, H. M. FRIEND, SHEPPARD HOMtaNS, Prosidont. Sdoi'otary. Actuary A,- C. PICKENS, General Agent North Georgia, ' CAItTERSVILI.E, GEORGIA. STA-TEinVCEHsTT FOR THE YEAR ENDINGfDECEMBER 13fst, 1875. Nel Assqls Ducombor Hist, 1K7 I $440,809 1<I INCOME. Reouivid for Prcmiuras and intorost 90 $750,785 12 DISI) lilt SEN ENTS. Losan by Doath $71.251 n()| IJiviolinds, Commissions, Taxon, and othor oxponsos.. 75,85!) 02 148,113 82 For pestering Cray Hair to its liatura-WUtaiity and Color. A dressing which is at once a g r 0 a a b 1«, liualthy, and ef fectual for pre- r ' ", r vi "'/■ l!i,t r. nr " "' w " rrini h iirissoon $ 1 /> original color, with l/to '/loss tmo. frc.slmcsH of youth** Tliiji hair is thickened, falling hair cheek"'!, and bald;.* — often, though not always, cured by il.; use. Noth-i ing can restoic* the hail* where tlie follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such ati remain can bo saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of f’oulf ing the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. ltd occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dan gerous, and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit bat not harm it. If wanted merely for a $002,071 50 ASSETS. hash it Bank * 17,185 40 Si. IS. (ovorument and othor Bonds 70,270 80 ll oansm Mortgngo, First Lions 40,032 12 Loar.BDn Bonds and Stocks 20,095 00 hisimuco Stocks 1,425 00 Heal Mate and amount duo by othor Companies fo ' Ho-Iusufancn 95,085 741 Bills liceiviiblo, secured, and Stock Bonds 20!),238 40 jj Premium in hands of Agents and in course of Cll'otioii 40,993 45 [Office .ml Agency Furniture 2,745 88 002,071 50 Add Acrucd Interest and Deferred Premiums 21,824 40 Assets December 31st. 1875 $024^fcjfe 96 TH E GK /VTV i IE IIW 5 @JI OF TIIK UNITED STATES Of AME81CL Authorized Capital, $4,500,000 T -*-o E ACH Htalo i« u II.emc Comppay, and its Entiro Reserve is LoaneJ and insured i i the thv StaLe Dcpartiuenls, Parent Ofllee, Mobile, Alabama; Ponds ami Cash, T. 11, DAVIDSON, Prosidon ieorgialDepartrnent, Rome, Georgia*, Loans and Cash, C. G. SAMUEL, J'rosident. yiabamclDopartmcnt, Montgomery, Alabama; Loans and Cash, lion. N. N.'CLEMENTS, President. VfisHtesiApi Department, Meridian, MisssisVnpi; Loans and Cash, W. MeINTONH, President, South Ci rolina Department, Columbia, Houtli' Oarolina; Loans and Cash, THOMAS J. JETER, President. $260,009 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 HAIR DRESSING, Texas D partment, Austin, Texas; Loans and (hish, nothing else can lie found ho desir- GEO. 13. ZIMPLfiMAN’, i*n able. C(/ntaining neither oil nor Total asets, -------- $7 dye, it docs not. .-oil white cambric, Security, Economy, Libaralitv, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving ,, T „ . *. it a rich, gl-iaty lustre mid a grateful A f THE 'HADING PRINCIPLES Of THIS COMPANY. All approved forms of Life and Ludowmont, Policies issued in sums of $100 up to $10,00o/ Also Term Policies of One, Three, Five or Sv/en Years. All liiie Policies non-forfeiting after two annual payings, when tho insured will he entitledfo a paid-up Policy or Cash Hurrender thereof. Dividjtuds may be used to protect policies against lapsing in case of failure to pay premium. This, with tha non-forfeiting and Cash Surronaer features, are sufficient to make tfs Company popular among thinking Aon. GOOD AGENTS WANTED. W. G. ENGLAND, of Mobile, Ala., General Superintendent of Agencies. J. S. NOYES, Local Agent, Cedartown, Ga- perfume. Prepared by Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical ChemlaU, LOWELL, MASS. For sale in Cedartown^by 3 U It BANK & JONES. Druggists ORGANS AND 1? X gLIJiT O sT All (ho best iuqnovemcnts coinhined in tho Organs and Pianos manufactured by CORNISH CO., t, WnsliiiiKfmi, N. <1. 3 To all who wish to purchase oil tier an ORGAN or PIANO, wo can truth fully say that for ARTISTIC CONSTRUCTION, Beautiful Finish and Swoot Musical Quali ties, our instruments take rank with tho Most Celebrated Manufacturers Our only claim to favoritism' ovor other leading nmnufsoturors is our OW PUICES, reduced to meet tho requirements of tho times. Detormnied not, to bo unddrsold, and at the same time furnishing instru ments that wo fully Warrant For Five Years, wo invito corre '.pendents that wo may have' an opportunity to prove satisfactorily all that wo boro assort. Our Pianos are furnished with I ho improved FEHCH GRAND ACTION, (tho vary host iu use) They aro also HEAVILY STRUNG with tho improved wire; tho oases aro of solid rosowood — perfectly seasoned and WARRANTED NOT TO (JR A OK OR WARP. Our ORGANS aro furnished with all I ho modern improvements, as to stops, action, etc., while the GASES are of the recent cabinet atylo, admirably suited for tho parlor. (toy SEND FOR ILLUSTRATE!) CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. Address CORNISH & OC.* Washington, Now Jersey. Professional Dr. II. K. THOMPSON, officii over .t. a. wynn’s stork. W ILL PR AUTIOE FOR HALF PIUCJE for those who will pay run by the 1st day of November, oilier who the usual rates will he charged. The usual charge is $2 for visit and modioino, if paid 1st of Nov. 1 charge $1 only. No one noed call on mo who has not either paid or secured hills for past services and who m not willing t.o secure mo for future praotlco. Ohstotri- oal oiisos a specialty. Dee. 1, 1876* WM. K. TIMINKK, .TAB. Ot.ICNN TURNER and GLENN, AITTORISTIUYS AT LAW Ueilnitown, Oft. O FFICE South of Court Ilonso, between Huntington and Wright’s stores. Will praotioo in tho counties of Polk. Floyd, Paulding, Haralson and Carroll. Special attention given to collections. May 25, 1876 Dr. W. G. ENGLAND, Surgeon and Physician, CEDAIITO HW, (iA. OfTico corner (Jollego and Prior street whorohomaybo found at all hours when not profossif/nally absent. sep 4 P. THOMPSON, W. S. T). WIKI.N THOMPSON & WIKLE, Real Estate Agents (J EDARTO WN, OEORGIA, W ILL Sell, Buy or rent, property, nl n reasonable commission. M. TIDWKMi, IVY V. THOMPSON. TIDWELL & TITOMPSO’L Attorneys n.t Law, CEDARTOWN, GA. O FFICE —East side Court House square juno 20 Dr. C. H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, Cedai'town, (»a. O FFICE at residence, on Pryor Ftrccfc juno 20 3 k 3 I'VO'.b' » h * o Watchmaker and Jewelei Codartown, Ca. W ORK done promptly and satisfnotorilk All work warranted Twelve Monthy Repairing fine watches a specialty, lo* kinds of Jewelry and Wutohes and C o» kept for sate. ,u nt 20