The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, June 22, 1877, Image 4

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to ooimmspoim Karrs, mniilcatlons for thl* paper ibnnld ho *< .. .•- fth*autl»or: n«tneea**M ■* 5 '-“Inn th* written iwwc HKMA RKABLK KCKIITBICAt MS- COVHM Hi. Twenljr-tlghl ye»r» ago a French doc tor, M. Kurt), announced that ho could restore Mtuibilltjr to penoni afflicted with certain dlMaaes paralyzing the whole or parta of their bodies, by merely laying a few golden or copper coins ripen the insensible parts. Of course he was laughed at. Nobody believed him. Ho said that the gold coins would restore feeling to eoma persons, copper oolns to Others, r.lne disks to others, and that in no case was there more. Uptn one metal that would have any effect upon the same person. Dr. Ilnrq continued to pracliso his discovery, saying to all who wero incredulous and called him n char latan, “come andseo." More than twenty- five years passed away before he could get any of the medical authorities to listen to him. At last, however, toward the rad or the year 1876, Dr. burq was authorized to repeat his experiments at the Salpdlriere, and a committee of three learned physicians was named by tho Hocioto de biologic to observe and report upon tbo result. The committee added three others, equally well-known, to their number, men chosen for thoif physio logical science, and tho entire’committee made its re)»rt at tho end of last month, establishing the truth of M. Hurq’s a»- eertions. From tho review of this report In tbo Journal dcs Debate for tho .'Id IriBtant, we select a few «f tho curious results of the investigation. A girl of sixteen was operated upon. Hire was subject to con vulsions, and tho right half of bur body was wholly Insensible. It could bo pierced or burned without causing tho least sensation, bracelets made oI gold coin wero applied to tho insensible parts. Fifteen minutes later tho skin had be- come red, the patient experienced a tingling, and was sensitive to tho slight est pricking of tho skin. Moreover, she could hear with her right ear, which had been douf, nttd distinguished colors with her right aye, which before she could not do. On others the application of gold failed to produoe any effect, but the sense of touch was restored by tho use in somocasesof copper, In others of zinc. The efleets wero not confined to the sense of touch. Tho muscular powers were modified. The dynamometer, to register tho force of n blow with the fist, gave for the right lined of the girl whose case wo have referred to, before tbo experiment, twenty-three kilograms, for the left forty- live kilograms. After tho application of gold tho right hand gnvo thirty kilograms, the left only thirty-flve. The ono had lost and the other had gained, before the experiment tho temperature of the right, side was twenty-four |>er cent., and of the left twenty-seven per ceils. After the experiment tiro heat of both sides was equal, but lower than tho previous average. In this case and in many others the effect produced was merely temporary, (leneral muscular weakness, lower tem perature, total Insensibility of one side, deafness and color blindness, all returned in a few hours, but in case of paralysis from corcbrnl lesions—the previous ex periments have been with epileptics— the improvement was permanent. One man, who had been experimented upon with gold, copper uml r.luc withouteffeot, was cured by tho application of disks of iron to tho right sido of his nose and his tongue, lie regained local and general sensitiveness, and has lost none of it, as was the case with persons who wero in sensible from the effects ol epilepsy. Dr. Burq nover pretended to offer an explanation of tho wonderful oflects of tho application of metals, but a member of tho committee, M. Iteguard, supplied the Important elements. The metals cause an extremely feeble current of electricity. The idea that it was elec tricity occurred to M. burq, but lie had dismissed it as untenable, because he did uot supirose that any chemical action whatever could be caused, and conse quently nu electrical action, by the con tact of nil obstinate a metal as gold with the Bkiu. but the test by the galvanom eter demonstrated that such action did tako place, and that the current varies according to the metal, employed. The fact that the very teeblo current thus generated was the efflcaoloUB agent was then proved by employing a current of the same strength otherwise genemted, with identical results. Thus the trial by metal is useful ns an indicator of the pre- ciile strength of current that is necessary in each case. Oue example given by the Dehats will suffice to indicate the possi bilities ol the old agent electricity as newly employed. A woman was affected with hyperesthesia trom organic lesion of the marrow. The use of weak currents greatly diminished the hyperesthesia, cfiie could not walk; contact with any object frightened her; she feared being touched by thrse near her; the least pressure upon the left side caused her to cry out,and she had b-en so jfor five years. In fifty minutes the application of weak currents enabled iter to bear pressure upon the body and muscles without pain, and she walked back to the hall of the infirmary. This Improve ment lasted three weeks. These are but few of the experiments reported by the representatives of the Soclete de biologic, and are treated by the Journal doa Debats with the respect to whlob their apparent significance en titles them.— fiarton Advertin'!-, THK STOHY Of A IHVMJUl'. For seventeen years the most curious object in the museum of the Tennessee historical society has been the Egyptian mummy. It lias a very singular history. In 1800 Colonel Jeremiah fleorge Harris was a purser on n United Btatcs man-of- war In the Egyptian waters, Ifc went on shore, and was at once ushered into tho august presence of the khcdlve and his numerous household. Ho was walk ing nut one day with a member of tho khedivo's staff, when tho latter was sot upon by ruffians. Colonel Harris, who Is a man of great strength, interposed, and the rogues were vanquished. “ Wlmt can I do," naked the Egyptian officer, “to show adequate approbation of the sorvices you have rendered me ?” "(live mo a mummy,” laughingly suggested Colonel Harris. "A mummy?” repented tho officer, holding his breath and pondering. " Did you not know, sir, that our laws prohibit it the removal of the mummies, under 'penalty of death?” But never mind, your request shall bo fulfilled. Just before yottr vessel leaves tho harbor, a boat will como alongside. It will con tain that for which you have asked.” Colonel Harris hud dismissed the suit- joot from his mind, but just boforo tho hour for the departure of tho ship three natives were seen pulling toward the vessel. Tho boat contained a bundle directed to Colonel Harris. Tills bundle was not opened until tho arrival of the ship at boston, wlion it was discovered that there were six mummies instead of one. They were unwruppod, and the best one forwarded to tho Tennessee his torical society, of which Colonel Harris was then and Is still a member. When I’rofcssor Huxley was here he examined tho mummy with a groat deal of interest, and said that ho bolieved It to be tho best preserved specimen either in America or in Europe.—Nashville American. nous r.v <■ i i.rroitxi.i. •• WliaS every SuS; Mas MS ns I bn Iran." The incontrovertible testimony ottered by those who have used Dr. Pierce’s FsvoritePrc- scrtptlon Induced the doctor to sell it under a positive guarantee, hinny Indies hare re frained from urine It on account of a general feeling of prejudice against advertised medi cines. I,et me ask a queation. Are you prejudiced against sewing machines because you lisve seen them advertised? or can yon doubt the Ingenuity and skill requlredln their invention? Again,would you refuse to insure your house because the company advertised that It had paid millions in losses, and yet hod a capita] of several millions? l)o sueli advertisements shake uour confidence, and create prejudices ? Then why refuse to I credit the testlmonv of those who have found the Favorite Prescription to be all that is cinimed for it in overcoming those ailments peculiar to your sex? Why submit to the use of hsrsh, and perhaps caustic treatment, thus aggravating your malady, when relief is guaranteed, anu a positive, jierfecl, ami per manent cure has been effected In thousands of cases? WAnastr Station, III., Oct, 34th, 1876. It. V. PlBBOH, M. 1)., Buffalo, S. V.; /lair Air—Allow me. to extend my most sincere tlrnnks to you for tile great benefit my wife has received from tin- use of your Favorite Prescription. She suffered almost intolerably before using your medicine, and j I had tried the skill of several jihysician- but to no purpose. Finally, I thought I j would give the Favorite, Prescription a trial, j and she is now sound and well. < Very gratefully yours, D. A. Ill;reran. AtTKltan cxpcrionco of over twenty- five years, maylending physicians acknowl edge that the urae/enberg Mnrihnirt Uterine Calholieon Is the only known certain remedy for diseases to which women are subject. Tho (Iraefenberg Vegetable PiUe. the most popular remedy of the day for biliousness, headache, liver complaint and diseases of digestion. Hold by nil druggists. Send for almaunc. Oinefenberg Co., N’nw York. It is ham iiy thosk wiio know that. Doolbv & buOTlIEn, the manufacturers of ! tile justly celebrated and well know n Yeast Powder which bears Iheir name, have the largest and most complete establishment of 1 the kind in the world. ThecnpHcityof their j , mammoth factory is simply marvelous,reach- j lug the immense quantity of five millions ot i pounds nnnually. KiikumaTism Quickly Cubri). “Du- rung's Rheumatic Remedy,” the great, /liter- mil Medicine, will positively cure any case of rheumatism on the face of the earth. Price $1 a bottle; six bottles, $f>. Hold by ail druggists. Hand for circular to Ifeipensline *k Bentley, druggists, Washington, I). r. j j Information worth thousands to those I 1 out of heel lit, Helf-holp for weak and nervous * sufferers. Facts for those who have been , dosed,drugged and quacked. The new,lloaltii 1 Journal teaches alt. Copies free. Address,!’ Electric Quarterly, Cincinnati, O, a cold, and do not recognise until loo late the j penalty paid for mgienre; who, hod they hut taken dial valuable tonic, IIOMK Htomacii IHTTSita, would tie living now. Prepared by (lie borne Bitters Co., Ht.boiiis, 1 Mo. Burnett’s Extracts Ko» NBiktu.: purpose*. Burnett's Extracts ••/>» --rmint I tin ||o«a», Bv-I.nt, Burnett's Extracts IstMON, VANILLA, ROSE, ALMOND. NfCTARINF, CELCRY. onANOt, PEACH, NUTMEG. C'NNAMON, CLOVES, OINOER Burnett's Extracts - he i*/„ fin •™rhj; k u 1[ ArJ s y Burnett's Extract*' nllil Hotel. Phil. Burnett's Extracts 1,100 NEWSPAPERS. Th* attention of Advertisers la called to onr Lint nf Weekly Newspapers, tfcnd for Catalogue. «’tnr» AMD KMMTKOTTPEN. »charge for cula.trnd# mark*. urmanal df«- rrteU t Hid : pUr eradvertiaemei column* ; «n/y Nr** _ whole ii tint her of Newspapers. t'nt* shoul over two and one-eighth inch** in width. PROMPT IMMKRTIVMft. Adwtlwment* or*. In all care., rent to all of the.* PADS”. <m Ha* dfijr tin jr arc received, and *pp**r In tlu* following Imu*« without delay. CHARACTER OF THK PA PERM. Th* newspapers arc of th* letter cla*-; the quality of paper furnished them I. of a higher price than that n.i dl'V ather eencema; they nr* better edited by Maher priced men, hating grenter experience. Their nggrqgale ami a«*rage circulation U larger. AM IMTKHKftTIMO fcT.tTKMKMT. To eend an advertising order to I.IOO n*w*p*p«ra woflld requite an in v*»ttn>-nt . (f|3« .V) f„r postage . Udd're/img I YU eEVeFoJa^t*"^»Sd Arable : towrilo I.IOO order, wonlil t?e a great task. to print tli.ui would r«»al somethin*. "our prlra for a five line ad. je-tleeinent In the wlml* I.IOO paper* one week. I* J30FFH DURNcfT & CO., BOSTOK. punmonew. THE GOOD OLD STAND-BY. MEXICAN MU8TAN0 LINIMENT- FOE MAN AND BEAST. SANDAL-WOOD Ini.tun-. etc., nil or w hich lum Ifumlnn, tUvk A' <'o.*t (•try, Hein* free from nil Injurloi ctled la no (hat the closest ohierver iiotoMervo It. It Imltntra Nature to perfect! 10 »u)Ull over the world. 1 la* Jr j I’oNii'a Extract far I'nln. You st-l- Wlltl hogs abound in tile tulo lands of I "'”-m'udi .illusion toll In tbo tiublio ; u . , . ., ... . „„ ' * print!, yet It* mlo ha* extended to all parta Hnn Joaquin, California. I hoy wert?! of the world. doubtless originally propagatod from do- ,, ; . itKFOKKboyingsny i iirbiusWIiei-t.sanil fi r menttc stock that have escaped into tho j N. F. Burnlniin’s Ni-w l’iini|dili-tmid lti-itu.-, .1 jungle, and liccomo its wild os tho fauimiH l’rb-es. Address 1\ <). Box 613. York, I’u. j game iofesting tbo black Forest, tin- IIurnktt'hCocuaink allays irritation, bunting of which afibrds so nttloh plena- 1 removes dnudruff, mut iIIvigorstes tint action | tiro to tho German nobility. They live j nf lliu capillaries In the highest degree. and thrive on tho succulent roots to be j : found in tho tules, but are exceedingly I AN ELECANT ARTICLE, shy, and It is only by accident tbnl one j in Ti-tt's t>yo t, a meat irtu.m-ti ,u , i, c ,„. j catches a glimpse ol them, ns they in-! ’* lrjr - ’'etns free inmi ell lujurtous; stlnctlvely avoid tbo bnutits of men. j They are trappod and caught occaslo sully I in nil ingenious manner by tbo tub-; farmers, who build smnll but very strong ! corrals or pens on their stamping grounds for this purpose, A ntiPORT of a Connecticut divorce suit that suddenlly and remarkably col lapsed, says: ” At this stage of the pro ceedings, Judgo Carpenter remarked that be wished to say a word. Ho bad been thinking about this matter, he mid, with a particular re'erenco to a jwssibility of bringing about an amicable settlement before either party’s character should be stained bolore the world bv tbo proposed array of unclean evidence. lie spoke feelingly ot tbo children, and suggested for their sake the counsel retire to sec whether a reconciliation or nu amicable agreement, could not now be made. Honest tears rolled down the judge's cheeks ns he referred to bis own domestic relations, and bis motherless children. Wltilo he was talking, sobs were heard in the roar of tho room. .Mrs. Trumpy Was convulsed with weeping. The women in tho court-room sobbed audibly, and even the hardened counsel bonded close down to their papers, and stealthily wiped their eyes. .Iduge Carpenter’s words and manner were affecting in the extreme. The colimul retired, and, after consultation among tliemsolves and with their clients, in due time announced that an amicable settlement had been accom plished.” 1 INltllt OH M lilt'll till* 1> 04*1 (I I'M A Bin*. I’hyMiuiuti! who Imve teatt'd JIostettor’M Stomach Hitter*, concur in representing it to u “ «n mfne/fy *\fe stimulant, fur preferable tiie ordinary liquors of commerce,not onlv because it is moilioatcjUmt because it isinlf. nitcly pure. Its alcoholic bavin is the finest old rye, ami this is tempered and rendered medicinal by the curative ingrodioutaof bot anic «rig*,s vhiclt it holds in solution. It has often beou imitated, but never rivalled, and is, to-day, the leading tonic, diuretic and aperient of America. Malarial fevers are pre vented and remedied by it, and it is a thor oughly reliable medicine in cases of dyspep- PllIubBrifli taulaCiiiresut Whnlfjml* I’rifen. »l«« Ca.nUlhlinc rr. im .In«. •V.v»r*| «mf*r IMwI. Mini n ilt.l.ler. l» tier H alt. l!| t. .l.let«, U f lahlP. hUvkl p.alt.H W*n*r l’llrlier.Slavvr>i» Inch lliifli Flnil «. 1*4 I milk Dliiul fat;,.* Pl-hra. 1 stipatiou,liver complaint,rheumatism, gout, nervousness, urinary and uterine aflVc- tions. It improves the appotite,increases the bodily stamina, checks premature decay,and ns a sustaining and comforting cordial lor the aged and infirm is unequalled. Flour Corn Oat* Hay Pork Wii.uoft’s Anti-Priuodic or Fever I ‘?W* Tlfi: UtAJtKKTS. nr.niMiiN. Flour $7 2. r » a 'AHtoat 1 10 H Corn 02 a <*hitn 00 a Lard .12 8 Bacon—Clear .Sides.. liny—Beat 17 00 n Wliisky—Common... 8« r ) h JtolHTtaon County. 1 76 h Bolirbou 6 00 a Lincoln jCtyuuty... 1 76 a HighwincH 1 IS r Cotton—Ordidurv ... 8’ h Omul OnliPHry.^* 9j a I»w Middling:.10J a Seeila—Clover 5 60 a Herman Millet.... 00 a Miasoufh Millet.... 1 76 a Hungarian 1 76 a Buckwheat 1? buah. 1 76 a l.TVK 8TIX!K. Cattle—Goodtoextra$ 4 60 a ^ Medium butchers.. 8 IK) a Common 2 60 n Hoga—Selected 6 76 a Fair to good 6 66 a Common *1 1)0 a Sheep — ( t o o d to choice 4 60 a Common to fair... 8 00 a 1.01/INV1LLK. Flour t 7 00 a Wheat-Red and Amb’r. 1 75 a Corn—sacked 49 a Gate 44 a Hay—Timothy Pork—Mess'... Lard new epMiw'n. !« m very r«H. !«-r 1 !•••*•• lUt* ot new •papr* .*f1 **'» Mufiuhii lnr*i ink' i« publlah h <lea.-ripi|tni Peliinenl* will fln.i (hi- r U ( rou nds I nr ill lh* I fff-ftfhrr i W«*nca» Oca Wo>M.OIileMgu,^ ff r Ifl on per tUy *1 Home. Sample* worth |! «l)d lU 2ZU free- Htinson A CO.,Purtlai»I Mala* A i>A V u, .Irnu, Sampt* fre*. u mb »T»i<50 O*«ato*oe. L.TLXrr’UKK.II D*r«I..ST 4'On howtoUiKKtr. f h HMlolU COK. TO Sr. K at 'O ,<*. Lomi*. tPOOCtb# # P* O. VICRKttY, Augu*U, M*. £ A wrFK c.uirtu, FKI.TUN a CO.. 114 Nat Samplea KRk'V flMieErie Seartny Marhlne iSTIlf BRhTA CIIKAP i HhT.A*en?!Wauted.W .T.Buih 4 Co.IIuflHlo.lTY C fO n Uny at home. Agcuta wanted. OnUM and f 'rrin» free. TBt T F V it. Aurora. Mai DO $100 i o Aaen nfld 4 Acenta ami reasonable Pratt, Ciurlnnatl. O. •op*rtr<’lalB»e. Inks. mTm 1 PENSIONS, srtt oilier inonleecodec e.l hVJ.M.P.Mtller.: S «lL|i» IlnhlferTrae. Stamp* A Hubt>er 0«P<l*. >:NP FOB l ATAl.OOl E. or e»k your Mutloorr. tffi"» II - IM.RPsnl.l,. H'vtar N.Y. A good WEiv.r.;«rvr.rs3r IrATiJHK*. A Groat SenaaUon. ^ 3 WoUh Out/U f»w to AonU. Better IbaH Gotd. 4<M:e*a A. <t'01*L.Ti:i< *% C O. CbkaflO. $5937 " ' ,nj<M> * 7rwtm <me l i,AI IOMN. ally err. which epoc-er leeuee III.OOO wer This ta tba only UlloSJniiVw *ra! , e ,l r l V’YJnd on r | r Su ii*. t'i*l rharaeter of e*rhamper, whether lh**' t*J«t or The caae fo* Z'nlai 1" '■'fry riuM. V r O'J* W” r »»*^nn.l in the ofllee of P.-aI* 4 1 <i»ter, II I'erk lt<.w. New \i<rk. A pert *1 III? to. aether with eamplea of eU. mar tie Lund at IDO worth 81 reel. New Y*rk ; III Mi-nro* Mr»et « hl- raeo, III. .105 l.n.t WaterKtreel. 'iHwaukee Wu - *7 WeheAhaw nire.l. M Paul. .Minn; 113 Race ^ ,m, -”' nruu - BEALS & FOSTER, 41 1**1 rk It one, XKW YOllli. Burnett’s Cocoaine, Burnett’s Cocoaine, Burnett’s Cocoaine, Is ,»n invaluable remedy for DANDRUFF. Boston, fVt. I have useo leu than a bottle. The dan.iruff an- the irritation which caused it, have entirely Uivap pear**!, and my hair was never Iwfor* in to gooc condition. A. A. FULLER. BALDNESS. CmihagO, May u, 1871. Since the recent um of your ' Cocoaine,” my nre viotuly bald head has f<en covered by a luxunam gmwtn of hair. I had always esteemed your prepa carded it very hi K hfy at suchf but never before knew how valuable it was as a restorative. J. G. LEWIS. LOSS OF HAIR. Ha . . ... ...a ul. only stopped my wife’* hair fre creased its growth, I am also under obligations to thusame " Cocoaine " for saving my own hair, which valuable preparation. * “ “ IRRITATION OF THE SCALP. Wat^villh, Mk , Sept. 13. I purchased a bnfele only, for the purpoee of a hair dressing; but, tocnysurprise, il lias entirely removed the irritation of u> loni; standing. I have mom mended it to several of my friends, who were afflicted in the same way, and it has wholly irradicated the du€Ax. JOSEPH HILL, J*. HAIR-DRESSING. Nr.w York. Sept. *». j f For some time past I have l*een using your Cocoa- ne. and think it far preferable lo anything I bars ever used for the hair. FRANK LESLIE. JOSEPH BURNETT & CO., Boston, Manufacturer9 and Proprietors. NEWSPAPER IN S2S0DH?B.y£HSr3: ,h.. v,'.. 1,• t „rl-r.tlr.l,:. ^ ff l Ot «lll>ara.l«illalrllinl.Kin>>i>ranrrirni .,.n-»n).rn,l, 1 .,. . < ■11141*0 IMIILT .*K,41l; I' IqmaHlili r.l-4 aSTiI".'*.”" iKtltSlYai'JSrBBKE B AJRNARD^ BROTHERS - “ irii"“pf.l -*■ maw 1 >KN8I0KH pr<>* m*»1 or no pay. fur every woundetl. 1 ruptured, eiTldentallr Hijtlfed **r dlseesed JNdiller. Add re,. < . N. W. ) ITXO ERA l.D. U 1!:' ii ” **«;r .»•»"»«»»}».« InVMti 'I in " .-M «f ^•turksmakea free expuinln* everything _ * <-<>■• Uankvr*. 17 Wall »t-,N. T, VIOLIN STRINGS ! Rtnulne Italian Vldin Htrlna*. also Tor Banja or Gutter, P. and >*c. ea r h. nr to 2 a .1 r. dent hf mall.iu receipt of price Penlvie! t»end rar.i f. r rata loB'i* . J. Nnriui r, I mr* rt.» o' MuMral Instru- me ,18 and ^tririfl*. HUH liamher* 8t-. -N«w York. , TltlTII 13 MinilTTI »AT Nt'k’K msde hr,/' I - s Him Ovf 1 on*? Picture and LhrudF ftiogn- free. J ll »«•- t fftahll.hed rtu !#-V aent. po«t paid* f t Illustrated L-ta . it t Ei'oii ■>*.% noan, Ho," Itll.I.ltnD T4HEFJN— j l’e«t ill r. v Rail*. Cloth. UumK «'i'd o’erytliing "PtnrUlnlng tog .'-‘r'll-rltVinV.e p^Xj.tfy'nJl^J ■ \ % flw.COLLENDEE BEST AND GdEAPEST THK WORLD Tarrant’s llfforvrsft'nt Sfllr^r Aperient. It hmbM iin pravon fact for thirty )e*r», tb*t thl* wholesome nil I .Miroealde alleratlke « III „Uat - pro- I vent tho minor alln.en > ol the |»„iv from . ..iminut- . If Hltllllll MAMMONT1I SHLI.r. :uxl0 lurliex. THE EVAN8VILLM Wool. Cotton—Middling. Ordinary and Agvk Tonic —This tnvaluablo H n<Y I Molasses stamhird fam ly nteditineis uow a household j Whisky word and maintain! it* reputation unini- , Cotton paired. Ir is endorsed by the medical pro- —i ~ fcHKion, and prescribed daily in the Charitv ! Tv i: k *1 Hospital and other Hospitals in New Orleans, j Can luinu/shmta* easy as Wilhoft’s Touie is thus highly recommended j Th»< *.*•> host, six i..r s>7.' by the leading medical men of the country, j wild is worthy of such endorsement. G. R ! Finlay k Co- Proprietors, New Orleans. FOR SALK RY ALL HRCGOISTS. . 9 IK) a n 66 . H 50 a 14 75 a 11} - «S R 88 a 80 . 1 60 a 1 86 10} a 11 9 I.KANN. a f 5 60 a / 26 69 a 89 49 a 50 . 16 00 a IS 00 . 15 00 a 7} ft 11 46 a 60 . 1 02 a 1 08 in} 11 11 allty—Tie flmit. re** Shin* a llaadkirchiet. " lUl 'tllwS. WORM KM Vegotiuo is Sold by All Druggists. LANK A I»0IH.KY k <’0.\S STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES AWARDED GRAND PKI/.K OK S200.00 IN GOLD At thelaiiCIncinnati Industrial Exposition. Send for Cite nlar< Ivihk detuil* of the fan.oue trial. THE LANE & BODLEY C0„ »hn nnd Wale »1*. I>*ilo A' tY. Ten HCHHCP. WEEKLY COURIER, Published a* the C Hr l ll( | «f th« Foul Ii west The Oraat. ofTHK PEOPLE; and the £»r..||.pr..iidtln l ' 56ZZEHH$1 s.imnle Co pie* *eui Free. Sen.l Mnnev l*y K teretl Letter or Pi.*t-t'fflre o r dri at ri?k. Addrms THE COURIER COMPANY. COLLINS a CCS '"LVt diMskssm •'ADDRESS FO Coluno 8tCo.i _212 Watep St h'fW-YORK C>ty.’ -!y.aizo Flour Toilet Soap!” •Rtfaizo Flour Toilet Soap!" -Maize Flour Yoi!et Soap!- • Kleat iU*rn\ery’- . new *..»pcntnpniind!It *(.ot|ie« ‘ "I”-', *'l e ►kin. hi 8 u.-lidfllul br.lliuf bill < «ifumed....Id rvervwhere *i a moderate price | ,- K ,t,-r.-.t,ii rwl-nt-elfirr. Ie*tl.hi tbemanu- t-iur . Mr KKi.Nk, VAN IMAGES .t I <» . PhlU. COKGA' AtiKNTH WANTED U>^0 JU ”" r «^»»»«* P»mblii«U<iN ~ l*r«iaprf»un, irprew'iitiog 150 3 &TINCT BOOKS wanted every Wh i« the lilttrsl th»is*<T^r trtr,» .-ale. made r r t». ► v» hen all *in*l« lNmk*fail. Atw, ment. wantedon.> it < ATk 4MII.Y lllltl.rj»,-urertoM all. there Will,Invalaahln ||. nistrutedaid*nnd niii * 11- hiudimr*. Tlsrar hooka »*v«t IIIe Wo. lo. I paitlenlar- Ire® Andre** JOHN K. 1 oTTKUa • ••.. I Ubllnh.m. Philadelphia Tho^iPnrquticur separator -j PHBBEEBEEOSliaiBB I e.mvr.ciTTiMA e iX n , •>f the Uulo- -re Messrs. D. W. Hatch & Co.: We h ; ivo becu M'lling your Universal Cough r Syrup about eight year-, and find it giveR j the Lest satisfaction ofj any preparation for I Doughs and colds that we have ever sold,and 1 from tho time of its first introduction in this I market vre have sold much larger quantities I of it than any other similar preparation. Your* truly, SAWYER & LYON. ! Horuellsville, N. Y. Deal direc Iv with th-- Manutactu OPIUM —- . only known and sure Reined;. NO CHARGE for treatment until cnml. Call on or addra** OR. J. o. BECK, U2 Jofcn serret, CBiCURlin, 0*.t0. CLOVE-FITTING CORSETS. The Friends of this wUWtiVAiitDCoasEr a are now namb*t*dby ■ J MILLIONS. H /fl’ices are much reduced u MEDAL RICEIVID S AT CINTtNNIAL. U Get the*Genulne. and R Ssbewareof hn nations. ? ASK ALSO rOR THOMSONS UNBREAKABLE STEELS The best good* made. See that tha name of .’HOMSQN and tho TradeMarKaCROwetare pi _/stamped on every CofsatlstNl.fg NsnKwidJaiHiinajainseiv l»opb- l.y the peopiVaud b.MVn 't'i.-up'|J.. r .!*oppoM-,| t to couoting**f*votm*t^fe*rcetj*?«v*niIHti»rv\[* tn ,U '' emleavei* t-> »unp’ly it* rtader*-a bo«y not tar frr.iu a million of *onla—with the n»o*i careful. vt>niple>e and trustworthy account, of current evcitSund em: ploy* for thl* purpx>*e a numeron* and carnally *-• lectod einfftif rerort' T* ana correspondent* it* re n»t**a^d l f»'rlea- •'and'it h \oh 1,1 y ,r, ‘ fnl1 - * Ci U - eerveana '-"J'UJlii“"m , | , .-. , i"“f'ub!. n thrivVl'y pi under Inc tkTt.-4.un ..r by ii»urpinic « h -t tl.claw doe* not give them, nliile it en.l-nvor* i-. nierfc trie $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. The choicest household ornaments. Price One Dollar each. Send for catalogue* JAMES 2L OSGOOD & CO. BOSTON, MASS. ^ $1.00 $1.00 made in tiiree nioniha by «ny her sex, in any part of the ho ie wiping to work steadily the emploTincut that we furnish. 06o w» skin your own ov n. Ymt need not i-m* oTsr r ight. You «so giv* y*ur n* 'O th-work. nr only ynurspare moment*, agents wlto are making over S^O per day slues*- All who eng*«e at once can make st. At the present time money cannot Ve -11; aud rapidly at auy other business.^ lernuand §5 H. 11ALLKTT°GO., Portland. Maine. FOB 10 CSim, a BABBITT’S TOILET SOAP. S How to Print 1- I ; V**; 1h,r, -. wX/r SSrXSK-i Malm'PRINTING PRESS. ■cKuttbc«openia«rt For Card-, sad ih« best. Kt— sofes. from ISO* ap. r. {QPii week in vour own town. Tennsand gfioutfii Yaim*— ’ JDP'™ D h A I, I Kn Am.. Portland, Maine S b >a7?.’Lr!?lK/T.T 0 £Y Fr , g0A, ; ,n We - d - WH«* whihsoto *.»vki Kifs'J'its.'.cisnI.-.....'/’.“T"/ Sampl* box, containing 3 of • o». each, -n«. lr^ u> any ad- , , _ - _ _ _ _ KRTINKKA, N r. 24- and lAth ot every mouth. Sond 1 wire LHRAATIA. | Stores. HI.IKRE.HEj 1G» Lemmon St., Now Orleans, tiinorv. 9fd. HEADACHE. nfl.C. W. BEhSOS’M Ei,EBVA!VDCHAM- OHIIJ* PiL* fe are piepared exprewl; to rureRU H HE * »» »f'KE.TKRVOrB HfAi>- ACME. »T!* ErT«C HEADACHE. AEf RAtnlA. .NKRVtHSNPAN. aLKF.Pl.KBN - ENa j»u«I will rare any nu*. Oiflee 106 W. Kutan Nt . Ha-timore. did Price50c..posl free. Mold b.r all drnnl.’Uand conn tat ‘ Howard Bank,Bail*