Newspaper Page Text
«W* imfrtnml Iqm »MOI« in lie eitrcise of itoljvl W <tol- j
Major Weight men, U. S. Senator elect from Ibe !^^.«T W ' , T^!Kt t J?!.--Lg < gi
Ruu ol tie* 8c. raj \ Thc Wcmicloi Mo»o»HT._*ttk. Ule .M-
*1 4*gg»S M 5 lh ' Se, '“' i6C «»« Horen,
- "—• SEE* lkS1SS(/temSEJ*|E ^ P "' fc “' W - *• «6d «W «0,e of
Mr. Pratt—I certainly understood the Senator to i w,, ^ h ,l,e Washington Monument, is being con-
, .. jr, _ _,. ***e, Bt l>®® f«e lokf me of the ftci, that be j structed of a very iodiflerent quality,among the
* LlIutbat'—Henrv Connelly 67M- Tbo. «<> bring it to the notice of the Sen- poorest building material in the U. States, it is
J* *»■£' " “ * -“•*
Fur I*aitcna*l'Got*r%m\*—Manuel Ainm. subject. ^ ° 1 pressure of-only (wo thousand pounds to the square
a 7 Ue«m,, mm',- TL, f.v frt ,„dj, : ; **,»«*
Hugh NiSmilh, 4,711. “ ft is but a small matter whether the Senator wc, S hl wh,ch “ arble l w ‘ 11 * nsUin .'’ thence con-
In die Legislature, the rote for U,- S. Senators, *Ppke in confidence or not. It fs to the fact we eludes that if the column u earned to the height
stood as follows ! For Richard H. Weightman, 10; nr»*h to call thc attention of oar renders, psrticu- contemplated, it most necessarially crush under
F. A. Cunningham, 17; A. W. Reynolds, 3 ; Ja- Jarly those of New England; and especially Rhode i j U 00 weight. The subject is one of manifest
cob Ifoegbton, 1. Island. What is tins fact 7 That one lawyer of^ aod ou^bt to be carefnllv invi^tivsrad
It is stated that the rote on the efectmo of dele- «he State of Georgia has collected T«a« huxdred ,nlerat ’ amJ ou ^ 1 “"estigated.
gates to tbs convention that Iramed the constitution, tbocsasd dollars for a citizer or Rhode Is* j We see by our Nothern exchanges that the Mora
in numbers exceeded by several thousand the nura- laxd foe regroes ihforted irto Georgia!—
bar ol votes subsequently cast for the State ©ffi- We do not suppose, much as we woold like to be*
cere. The violence of the contest between the lieve, that it is in isolated case. The Constitution
parties for and against a State Government, was for more than forty year? has made this importation
: ■■■' v- -.
General Intelligence.
very great. The friends of the State Government °f negroes, Piracy, and vet in a section of coontry
carried every county save one. whence we hear most said against slavery,
The Republic** is favored with a copy of the , *hat the grcatestneca niary
correspondence between C**l. Monroe, in command : rived from a traffic ir
■ards have been de-
. w. With such facts
of the* 9tb Military Department, and Lieut. Gov.i “taring ns in thc face, and proclaimed aloud from
Alrares, Acting Governor, in tbs absence of Gov. j the Sea tie Chamber at Washington, may not
Connelly. The violence of the feeling prevailin' '
Transmitted for the Chronicle & Sentinel.
Passage of the California Bill.
Baltimore, Sept 8.
The House of tUpresentatives yesterday pass*
ed the California Bill* including the BUI providing
a Territorial Government for Utah, by aboat twee*
tt majority
One Hundred Guns were fired in-honor of the-
occasion, and an illumination took place in tbe
Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun.
nwmcvsf tfes.r* 3
Telegraphic Intelligence.
From the Canstitationalut. j
day the 24tb uit, extended to the Northern Slates.
It was very severe in New York, Pennsylvania, and
New Jersey.
$25,000 rob Chamjji.’—The Aboliton Conren* j^rity'often votea—yeas 108, naysSsT 'friVag
tion, "before adjoarnment, passed a resolution to i gregate vote was 206 yesterday and the same to-
raise, in thirty days, the sum of $25,000 to pay d*y- So nine votes liave been changed
Ibe expenses of a legal defence of W. L. Chap
lin, tbe Slave stealer, and to help him to recover
The Texan bill, with the New Mexican bill,
passed at two o’clock to a third reading, by a i
jority of tr ,/w —*« **-
,.J. • v. luo p.«.«...o S , «■*' for the true welfare of slaves be* questioned, lM ou
i territory, is manifested in the correspon-! and the taunt of hypocrisy flung back upon ns, ...
_JV. O. Picayune, hi. inst. as we herald our own lore of freedom.*nd our ab-1 h,s lab«rty-
Grat letter given fa that of BVl Col. Mon- £°"f“ ce < IIoD ’ LvraEM Sevmaec* sailed from Boston on
I rati has here drawn out is n< * * “ e 7? D0 *° the 21st inst., with his family, in the ship Genloo
idsrs, but it is a sad one, and one which!, . 0 , . . . . . . T t o
ouly to deplore it, bnt for tbe rake of i ,or ll * ^ndwich Wands, wh.ther he goes as U. S.
saying, in tbe name of a common charity for all ] Commissioner.
hlf JE *» ISDUH SCFTESISC. ^Th. Michig..
wo are no better than we should be, oarselvea. ,, j State Convention has adopted a clause extending
'"t—• f the elective franchise to Indians and their descend-
, , a? ACT ' - ..i ants, and also a revolution submitting to the people
«epar«« proposiiiori, «,e q u, s ,io n o. „. e ndi„ B
this Stott;and to appropriate avmatf# (he-tame. 1 the same to the African race. ,
t Col. M.
roc. Military Governor ol Santa Fe,to Lieut Gov.
Alvarex, (lately elected by the people J stating that
aa extract from tbe instructions he received of
Gist Msy, is enclosed. The sense of the iUntrue,
lions is, that the people 6f New Mexico are to
exercise none of tbe function* of government antiI
they are permitted so to do byCoagrevs; that is,
having elected a Governor, a Lieut. Governor,
Legislature, end other civil eAceavaad adopted a-
constitution, they arts to aw'shlhe taftetfon dftheir
proceeding*, before they go into effect. (Rather
different from California, whose government, form-
ed wider precisely similar circumstances, super
seded the military government immediately j The
second la also a Communication ffom Gor. Mon
roe to Lt. Gov. Alvarez, rekeraling$be views ex
pressed in the instructions, and arguing the impro
priety of the “ nomination of officers, and their
confirmation, to assume the exercise of functions
which (by saperseding the officers now in eomreis-
moo,) will affect the laws of this territory aa at
present constituted,” and *• will be deemed and
considered aa an set, on the part of all concerned,
in direct violation of tbe duties as citizens of tbe
United States.” He then goes on to say, “my offi-
night. It is not a change of prinriple in regard to
the bill, bnt an abandonment of particular projects
in relation Ho details. There is a majority much
larger than this' vote represents, in favor of some
mode of adjustment similar to that adopted. .
It has been and will be alleged* partly in jest
and partly-in earnest, that the ten millions exerted
a direct influence on the result, and especially
within a few days. . Bnt there is toothing in that,
may be seen from the fact that the whole dis-
te has been about this fine and that line, and
about tbe sum of money to be paid for a boundary.
During the course of the proceedings several
Whereas, Tbs non-slaveholding Spates have l FaERCH Repubucasisu.—It is almost impossi
L,\7S.V e .u£ &EZ2& T2Z£h [° r,n
South, by sucli aggressive measures of the new electonallaw of France, by which the
of intolerance as to render it no longer a question
of doubt that the Federal Legislature will soon
adopt sucb restrictive measures against the institu
tion of slavery, as to trammel, fetter and confine
it within certain geographical limits, '
template*! by tbe original parties “ "
tiona) compact: And, whereas, Georgia,
sovereign capacity as a State, has delegated
other power to the Federal Government than those
found in the constitution of the United States, and
believing that her best interests, and her honor as
a sovereign and independent government require
representatives'of the people in tliat happy land
have disfranchised so many of their constituents.
Sovereigns are made and unmade there with equal
facility—provided this euormons outrage on pop-
the eonstitu- ular right be submitted to. The following results
show how French freemen are swept away by the
she should meet all encroachments
id manly spirit of resistance:
m ^ t ^ Sec. 1. Be it enacted by tbe Senate and House
cwl oMimliom irop,r«U,elj rnj»ire tbu pre.- °t Kepre.cnt.livM of ihe Sute of Georpa in sen-
..v nJL-M if.M.iif until K, e» MfCntbl, met. nnd it,, hereby enaari by the
of the United States pass any law prohibiting
rv or involuntary servitude in any territory of the
United States;- or any law abolishing slavery in
the District ol Columbia; or any law ’prohibiting
the slave trade between the States where slavery
may exist; or admit into tbe United States as a
State of this Confederacy, the sparsely peopled ; their lives.
territory of Caliiornia and New Mexico; or should
ent Government be snstained until superseded by
another legally constituted; and this duty 1 will
falfil with all tho means at my disposal.”
“’To this, Alvarez replies in a long letter in which
ho endeavors to sustain six propositions, some of
which were, “ That any private citizen, as well as
the commandant of the Ninth Military Department,
could have issued ths proclamation; or coaid by
consent, have been designated (or that purpose, and
if obeyed, it would have been just as effectual and
obligatory on the people and yourself.” “ That in
the absence of any Congressional legislation over
»e. w« beve as free and undoubted right to reform
and remodel the old system, or to establish a new
and deferent one—not violating the constitution of
tbe United States—as New York or Virginia have.” _ ^ ^
** That the President cannot delegate a greater j Convention of the people of this State to convene
power than be could himself exercise, and nothing ; at the seat of Government within twenty days al
ls clearer than he, without the sanction of Con-' ter said e'certion.
i. . ji-. 1 Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, Jhat the
I™' bu no power either to Jicttt. . piverament . CMntiM „„„ ,„ UtW w R.p^naUve, in Ibe
lo or prevent us from making such an one as House of Representatives of the general assembly
[we may prefer.” He then quotes President Polk, of this State, shall each be entitled and shall elect
jaod Mr. Crawford, in defence of bis position. Thc
In Paris the voters have been reduced from 224,
000 to 74,000; in Nantes from 28,000 to 3,000; in
Toulon from 14,000 to 3,350; in Rheims from 11
9oO to 4,070; in Bayonne from 4,040 to 1,700; ir
Mulhouse from 5,300 to 1,500. These it is said
are by no means extreme cases, but may be taken
as fair samples of the general ope ration of this dis
franchising law.'
A large cotton mill toll in at Stockport while the
hands were at dinner, and from fifteen to twenty
people were buried in the ruins, by which it is
feared that no less than eleven persons have lost
the Governor of this State receive
satisfactory evidence that any slave
ing escaped Irom this State to a no
State, and that such slave or slaves is or are refused
to be given up to the proper owner by the authori
ties of the State, in which such fugitive or fugit'
may be found, then,
events, it shall be and it is hereby made the duty
of the Governor of this State, within sixty days
thereafter to issue his proclamation ordering
election to bo held in each and every county, to
^ Kossuth’s Habits is Exile.—Kossuth it
ilaves bav-! to divert the hours of his captivity by educating
n-slaveholding j his children, laboring in a little garden within the
walls of the fortress, and by indulging in an
sional game of skittles, with the companions of his
either *of the foregoing I political and military struggles.
extracts from the above authorities show that.
The Government existing in New Mexico is sim
ply of consent. fndly/That the President dfa-
claime any power to establish, or to continue tempo
rary military governments, and 3dly, “ That the
military regulations established for misgovern-
four delegates to said convention, and the counties
which are entitled to one Representative shall elect
tiyo delegates to said Convention.
Sec. 3. And bs it further cdaciei. That Mid
election for delegates shall bo. eonjkscfced.yMsdteld
Russia.—The Russian fleet consists, according
to official reports, of 186 sail of ships of all sorts
and sizes, and are as follows :—4 line of battle
ships of 120; 6 of 100 to 110; 26 of 80 to 90; 18
of 70 to 80 guns; 30 frigates: 50 corvettes, brigs
and schooners, and 34 steamers. This naval force
is divided into five squadrons: thc Baltic squadron
consists oi 40,000 men including the artillery ;
but the paper states that the crews are not of the
rery best quality of men, amongst them are many
Jews from Poland.
Mb. PeArck’s bill is Texas.—The Tfew Or-
letna Crescent sXyst ** By the Maria Bart too are
in receipt of Galveston papers to the 24th incln-
Adtanct i» Colton of 1-Sd—Fmck Af- 2,tSS3F£»" oOWSlHBPTIOir
fairs—Denmark and Holstein Affairs. ■ r p HE uniform success which h« attended the use of
A despatch from our Baltimore correspondent,"! JL this preparetiow-^-its salutary effect—its power to
*b in., nnnooncee *e.r,M rthMM
steamer Hibernia at Halifax at lO o’clock on the j offer it afflicted with eutire confidence in its
morning ol the 7th inst. j virtues, and the foil belief that .it will subdue and rc-
She brings „, re e A* ieier inieHijenee
tiurope. , j UMWrn> very naturally attract the attention of medical
The Cotton market at Liverpool had advanced men and pbilanthromsU everywhere. What Is their
one-eighth pence, with a spirited demand since the j °\ CHERRY PECTORAL may be seen in
sailing ol the Atlantic. The sales on the day of i ° ° W>I vXlENTINE MOTT,
the sailing of the Hibernia reached 10 to 12.000 j Prof, Surgery MtA CoVegr, Ren York, says
bales. The sales ol the week sum up 38,000! - It gives me - phwrawitc; .certifyRevalue and t-ffi
■ I , . • - , . , . , j cacy of Avers CHERRY PECTORAL, which I con-
balee, oi which rpeculelor. loot 15,000 end expor-! fi j^ »i» pU „l to c „„ dteoee of ,bo
13,000 bales. Fair Upland and Mobile
quoted at 8jd., and Fair Orleans 8£d.
The Havre Cotton market was dull.'
Affairs in France look stormy. The President
was turned out ot a ball room at Briscoom. The
roon^kad to be cleared at the point of the bayo-
Throat and Lungs.*'
under an affection of the Lungs:— u Try the CHERRY
PECTORAL, and if any medicino can ghre you re-
of Ciod that wifL*
raiJEF "Justice ecstis,
proach was not intended for Iho ignd-ljolders but'
for members voting for tbpbitf^.^’ Jf r . ..
As the Texan Senators and member* have voted
for this bill, it is to be tak^E for granted that Tex-
will accept it.
The question is asked whether the Senate will
will terminate the session in four weeks from to-
The absence of the Maryland members yester
day did not affect the vote. They had gone home
to attend the election, and liad both paired off.
The Cork Crop.—We are pleased to learn
(says the Macon Messenger of tbe 4lh instant)
from an experienced planter, that tbe corn crop
in South-Western Georgia, west of the Flint Riv
er, is very large and exceedingly fine. East of
the River the crop is not as promising, bnt is never
theless very good. We are pleased to bear this
news from that quarter, as an abundant crop
the South-West will relieve tbir market from the
inconveniences occasioned by a short crop in the
upper counties. Tbe Railroad to Oglethorpe will
be in operation by January, when the planters of
that section will, no doobt, be able to sell their
Corn at fair prices.
ID* We are sorry to state, says the Abbeville
South Carolina Banner, that our prospects
abundant crop of corn in this district is inauspi
cious. The drought has effectually twined what
at one time was a fair' calculation of plenty.
Portions of this District wifi nottnake half enough
to do ihroqgh the next-seasob. The supply of old
corn may be more abundant than wethink, if so,
the scarcity will be partially relieved. The Cot
ton is rather better than the corn,crop, but stilt (ar
from being good. In some localities a fair yield
will be made.
The Cuors.—A friend who hs»kefn traveling
extensively for the last two ufonths, informs
that tbe crops in West Tennesson Kentucky, Illi-
oofs,tfiseosti, Ibffiam-and-GhHy^a^csry ahan-
dant In Kentucky, the hemp,'wheat and
superseded by the return of peace.”— famish each delegate elected with a certificate of ■ .. ’ ^ n
n ,«.! k.. election. i • '* ce P l “J: P
He then says the' Military Governor acted
constat if the people', that that consent is now
—withdrawn ; that the military commandant has no
right to interfere.
A farther communication of Alvarez asserts
that** I aeo nothing to alter my resolution indi
cated to yon in my last letter.”
Tk* Act EMtwireriac lfc« Governor to call 1 0
• Convention oC tbe People of ibe state.
We publish to-day, the Act passed by the last
Legislature making it thc duty of the Governor
of this State to call a convention of the people,
lathe event of certain contingencies. The act
provides for the election of four delegates from
each counties as are entitled to two rrprepresenta-
tivea in tho legislature, 'and two from such aa are
entitled to one representative; and appropriates
$30,000 to bear the expenses of tbe same.
narUto—noatbern MccUucs.
This State appears to be atl right in the present
state of affairs. Meetings have been held in all
portions of tko State, warmly approbating the pro
ceedings of tb« Nashvif to Convention. If the - re
maining Southern States are but tone to their
Interests, Florida may be relied on with certainty,
whatever the result may he.
Maalctfat U egwlaliens. -
By n late act of tbe Town Council,- « Powder
Magazine has been provided for the storing' of
gnu-powder, and T. Bishop appointed Keeper.—
The ordinance provides that all. gun-powder sow
In town, or hereafter imported, shall be ke^ in the
public magazine, except twenty-five pounds, allow*
ed tobe kept by retailers. In tin or copper canisters.
f'-Tlto Mies for storage are one cent a pound for the
first twelve months, if pfcid, In two days after tbe
powder is stored, else, one and a-,half cent- per
pound, and half a cent per poand for every six
months after. An; person guilty of violating .this
ordinance may be fined not less than fifty, or more
thar five hundred dollars for each offence, one half
going to tho informer. - -
Another ordinance has also beetf-passed lately,
*• For tbe better regulation of slaves nr free persons
•f color in tho public streets,” which provides,
4* That too slave or free person of oofoivahaU walk
v with a cast, clab,'or stick, except such dare .or
‘ ftna person ol color be blind or infirm; nor smoke
* pip* or cigar in uoy street, line, alley, or other
' public place, under a penalty. not exceeding
twanty-five lashek.”—flora of Mirth.
The Civilion ia the only paper which criti- j crops are heavier than they have been for
Mr. Pearce’s Bill. It is disposed to acquiesce , b er 0 f years back. F/our is nowselliing at Loui
pt tbe provision which retains five I vi!l« lor $4 a barrel, and doll rale.' In-Ohio there
millions in tbe Treasury to meet all such de- , w j|j jjg a J ir g er surplus of wheat than at any pre-
hereby j mands as might hereafter be pressed against the ^ vioas season. Com is selling in Missouri at 10
^ * " of North Alabama,
cents a bushel. • Portio
of thirty thousand dollars bound the
appropriated out of any money in tbe Treasury, r Federal Government,
for tlie purpose of defraying the expenses of Said '
Convention and that the members of said Conven
tion shall by vote regulate their per diem pay and ' ,' 3 showing itself. We shoald be sorry (
mileagt*. .. t displaced. He was one of the friends of Texas in , “ fine crops as he ever witnessed »ny where.
a opposition to tbe re-election of Gen. Rnsk East Tennessee, have suffered from the drought, but
ring itself. We should be sorry to see him | <>or informant states that he saw in parts of Ala.,
Ha nnn of tho friend* of Texas in « fine crops as he ever witnessed nny where. He
ibrir! Mexico, an* tnpht on the fieU oli«» *»dheorcred M hacw of U* hie
n. Approved, Feb. 8, 1850.
San Jacinto. His course in tbe Senate has been devastating storm, nntil his arrival in Georgia; the
highly creditable to him. Texas must abound in , Stales through which he passed having experienced
great men, if she can aDord to exchange him for none of its evil effects.—Helicon.
a better.” j The Cbow.—We learn that in many portions
Latek.—The Crescent of the next day says:
r district (says the Sumter Banner) the cotton
is bill, as it passed the Senate, contains,
substance, the following provisions: . u v v
I. For tbo appointment of commissioners by On the 16th several bills were introduced in tbe j pfo“ tha » recently been much injared by the
tbe United States Courts in the States and Territo- - , hr .„ rh nftho i^uutnre to nroride! of the 24Ul olt * We lhcrefore » now'.hardly think
rivs.whose <lutv it ahali hotnhearihnftpinanitaand Senatorial branch ofUio Legislature to provide, ^ LuiU'E-A-
ries, whose duty it shall be to hear the demands and
ant certificates to the claimants of fugitive slaves * w ‘ *••"•“6 w * ~ :— r
r their apprehension. sion of Santa Fe, which were severally read a
3. Commissioners shall appoint assistants to £„( ao j eecoud time and referred to a Joint
”"“! 0 ,ll ' ir (luti " the and sl »ll «V » [ Select Committee of both Hooeee. Ono of these
them have power to summon tbe posse comitatus ., , , . , ,
to their aid. ^ ! bills provides that the Governor be authorized to
3. Testimony of claimant or be prima ' call for five thousand volunteers—lo be organized
/«cfe evidence against the fugitives, whose evidence ' into fire regiments of one lliousandin tbe »g-
is not tobe taleo; aodopono heeting before .ny I _ tee „i,. comp .„ie. to consist of one »fCb>
magistrate, justice of the peace, U.S. Judge, com-. f . . ■ „ . • *. . . J.gusta,
missioner or svsistant, upon tbo testimony of the blindred men cach ,n tho te » and to ** ■*
average crop will be-taade in the district,
although the prospect beta few weeks ago, seemed
very flattering, and is indeed,
Suddenly, in Gainesville, on the evening of the 7th
inst, of disease of the heart, FielmsuRuadi obd, Esq.
Office or tbe Auocsta Republic, T
September 10, 1850. (
60 bales of new Cotton were received
last week, and sold from 11£ to I3| cents. The
quality of the new Cotton brought to market
shows the effects, of the storm very evidently;
most of it classes from low Middling to Middling
Fair, and but a small proportion of the latter
quality. The sales of the week have been about
,600 bales at the following prices:
Inferior to Ordinary, 11 a Ilf
Good Ordinary to Middling, 114 a 13
Good Middling, 12| a 12}
Middling Fair to Fair, 12} a —
7 he accounts of tho growing crop that daily
reach ns induce us to believe that Georgia aud
Carolina will not make as good a crop as last
year, and the accounts that we publish from our
Western exchanges report the prospect as very
discouraging. .
From the Montreal Transcript, July 29, 18-18.
Whal the Canadians think el Wistar's
We think it but due to Dr. Wistar that arc should
ild our testimony to numerous others as to the ex
traordiuary merits of hi» medicine in certain cure-
ifarly where the patient lias complained of pail
side, or in cases of an asthmatical diameter,
personally acquainted with many person.
of Louisiana, writes “ Tbut a young*' daughter of his
ras cured of several severe attacks oT Croup by tbe
The Canadian, Journal of Medical Science
itates, “ Tliat Asthma and Bronchitis so prevalent in
his its lemeut climate, baa yielded with surprising ra
pidity to Ayer's CHERRY PECTORAL am) we caa-
rot toostrongly reccamnesd-tfopritoaUful preparation,
Let the relieved sutfcrcr speak furlihnself:—
HfRTFOUD, Jan. 28.1847.
Dr. J. C. Ayer—Dear Sir :—Having been rescued
from a painful and daugeroua disease by your medi
cine, gratitude prompts me to send you this acknowl
edgement, not ouly in justice to you, but fur the infur
mation of- others in like affliction.
A slight cold upon the' lungs, neglected at first, bc-
and in short liad all tho alarming *ymp m
ipti<m. No. medicine seemed at all to roach
medicine calculated to counteract them must be . _
We are aware that it has a large and still increas
ing sale and has been very generally and beneficially
medicines unless tbe benefits conferred by them hare
come under our own observation; but in the present
instance we can recommend WlSTAR'S BALSAM
OF WILD CHERRY, as a medicine worthy of the
confidence of the public in diseases of the Chest and
side, aud in many cases in this city severe coughs have
yielded to its influence.
To be genuine it must be signed L BUTTS.
Address all orders to the Geueral Agent, Seth W.
Fowle, Boston, Mass.
Bowen & McNamee,
•Vctr York,
H ave removed to their new silk
Warehouse, 112 and 114, Broadway, and now of
fer for sale probably the largest, richest and most com
prthetutoe stock of French, India, German, Italian and
English Silk and Fancy Goods ever exhibited in this
market The attention of Merchants from ever
tion of the country is respectfully invited.
May J, 1850. * " <
I NTENDING to close his Daguerrean room next
week, invites all who desire work this season, to
call at their earliest convenience.
Clear days between 11 and 2 o’clock, should be se
lected for children. Room open from 8 A. M, till 5
P - M -if- Athens, Sept 11,1850.
r agent, the fugitive* lato^be^Uverod | officered according to the regulations of the Uni- j
n of 'the law, j
f Charleston. S. C, for many years President of Au-
-"‘-v, and this place.
ted States armv r , Georgia, JTackaoM County.
"*4. Persons hindering the execution of'the law, j ^ . ( Inferior Court sitting for OrilinaryPttrposct, Septcm-
to be fined $500 and imprisoned ’ *jx' months, and ; ArroniTJiE.NTs vox Georgia. Tbe Senate has ber Term, 1350.
iction after trial of having caused the escape 1 recently been acting upon the appointments to | Fr^cnt their Honors, Middleton Witt,Russel J. Park,
: — •- *“ *—* *• -*'-—**“ recovery { office by the late and present President,^'and Robcrt . White, and Charles Witt
' among the confirmations by that body w. noltce
iwinir (or this State: Hiram Roberts. Col- «ii,i ; n i,; a i:r„ J.—
of fugitive, to be fined $1,000, subject
by law. - . , * ' among uw connrmauous uy uuu uouy, *jv uuucu
niESSKSStK the following tot tbinState: Wgfo. C+
services under thisact. .-
6. Additional persons provided, for to assist, if
necessary*, in the reclamation and transportation to
i to his master of a fugitive, and their tompensation
possession, they shall be amenable to the value of ? a ppe n d a table showing tbe character of. the deto-
tbe slave; and for defanlt of duty in hra capture,' *77 ... . „
amenable to a fine of $1,000. ’ i £* t,0Q301 there States m the present Congress:—
It will be notieed that the bill difiere from theSafe*-'. Election. Dem. Whig. Free S.
act oTl793 in the-imporUnt particular, that instead 1 Missouri, Aug. 5. 5 — • —
of leaving the enforcement of the. Constitutional l-Brera, . Aug. 6. 2 — . —
provision* concerning tbe reclamation of fngilivcs | Maine,
.front, labor to.tbe State authorites, it commits the Vermont,
execution of the liw to the handref critnfnissiqoers
appointed under the authority M- the United States.
Toe provisions' of the hill-are qnita stringent.
KT We would direct tbe altention of oor readers
to tbe following extract from the N. Y. Express.
We leave the matter to the judicious comment* of
* tWtJournal with a single • remaik^b. not sheight, and is to remain right mB* of tables.-
developements stagger Ihe. faith of those among
uawho profess so. much respect for "the .'genius
of the Northern people.”
JM|* Berrien—A Sirnnie Derotapenem.
7. It is provided that'!
from one State or Ten
fugitive, and hie recat
lifirate shall be given
for tbo pursuit of a
wKf'&S**- ^* te T
8. It’’is provided that when'' i marshal or his
deputies permit the escape of Afnghire from their
lector for thePort of Savannah; John H.Dilworth,
for SL Mary’s; Henry Williams, U. S. District
Attorney; and Z. T. Conner, Pos*master at Mi-
Election-, Tan F,ll.-SU1«o Suie, eld SSlifoT! ONEoflb.a.d pfodng mnmtbwof the^.te
said Martia Fricks Sarinz petitioaedthk court to di- 1 Vl/ chudrep; composed of letters which can bo
net John IL Cnnaigham aod Alitos Mitdrell, txccu- Moved anywhere on tho board—and yet not liable to
tors of said deceased, to it*nts toi him titles to said ; 4 feW <»ly, just received and for sale at tr
lot of land—^ ^ ^ . j cheap Book Store of- CHASE * PETERSQN.
It is therefore ordered by tie Court, That notice be Septembers.
_ ^en at three ot more public! places in the county, \ ' ' ;
tlicir Represeuratives io the next (thirty-second)
Congress, during tbe ensuing autumn. The
Congress in which such members take seats will
meet on the first Monday in December 1851
, Ttoto Worlc^s Fair.—The preparat'ron%*t Lon-
dou, for tbe great exhibition, in 1851, of the indus
try of the world, are progressing, and ou a scale of,
the greatest magnificence. Tbe building- to be
erected for thi* Fair in Hyde P|J& ibelow-
est estimate,- cost hair a million of jfoltarm . The
edifice -is to cover 18 acres, is to be 100 -feet in
Tb* amount already, obtained by subscription i
otcr 5300,000. It is estimated that at least half i
million of people wilf visit the Exhibitions, in the
course of six month* it tato continue, And the're-
cripte from thta kource, at the probable admission
price of on* shilling, or twurty four cents, per
head, wif! give 5120,000. More space ia tire bazaar
has beenrilotted. 10 the Uphed Stales thaa to any
, other nation, exjrepCu^ France. TW prizes to
-1 successful competitors will ambant to it00,000.'
The New York Express says: “In reading
.the debate* of the Senate upon tho Fugitive
Slave Bill, we find the following. remarks of
Mr. Bsaaitrf, of Ga., and Mr. Pratt, of' Mary-
Jaad. Mr. P*attsaid: .
Now there is one'fact which tbe Senator (Mr.
- Barries) has related lome, which 1 desire to'men-j '»* ™ />*'- . . >fowr«T'xi,
ties to the Senate. Tbe honorable Senator, m I g *- •
* have understood from him, has collected upwards of j Fra* atMoftszav—A dreadful .fire- occurred
•*#,000 for * citizen of the State of RhoJe Island, here last night in. the St. Lawrence suburbs.—
SI5?^ , f lt ^U v «' b y | . heci,s “ , *. s< > f G cor e!*.lo i Several acres of ground are covered with the
, F ~”
q.clion.b], ,he Schator is correct to liis cute- . “*•**■*> barot dorr. The
■Mat 1 have alalct! to trim that loan, jiar, ago,' lt»« iscilliiulciol b-uCS^W-KIO. '
Florida, Oct. 7.
So. Carolina, Oct. 14. ,
Ohio, u Oct 8,
7 — —
Illinois, •'
Wisconsin, Nov. 5.
Pennsylvania, OeL 8.
New York,- Nor. 5.
New Jersey,' Nov. 5.
Michigan,' "
•Mass. . NovIJ.
Delaware, Nor. 12. .
- 4 ■ : —
7 l
‘ TotaL 54 78 7
v' * la present Congress twp vacancies.
- CzZsus or 1850.—The United States Marshsis
will be s^ad to learn tint an act supplementary to
tbe actoffiSd of May, 1850, has been ; passed bg Ann Hogan, '-Y;
Congrere, authorizing tbe Secretary of tbe lnte-
riotto extend the time ,for taking the censor,
where, from circumstances beyond the control
of the Marshal, further funets rewicrcd necessary.
The act also provides for asi increased compen
sation for" taking the ecu sns of California, Ofegi
- - J*
Utah, and Near Mexico, and provides for the pajr.
ment, in all cases,ot eight cents per page for tbe
two copies of returns required by the act.
Census of the Cafttal^—The Rational Intel-
ligence’’ publishes the following retnros of the cen
sus of lour of the seven wards in Washington, D.
C.: second ward, 6&11 persons; third ward,
6,025; fourth ward, 8,812: fifth ward, 4,121; to
tal, 25,669.
S UPERIOR Rioand Laguira Coffeo; also a few
sacks very choice old Government Java do.
received and for sale low »y
Sept 12.
A GOOD stock of Swede and English. Bar iron,
-fX round, square and oval do, band, hoop and bread
d<J» plow moulds, east, blistered and German steel;
wagon boxes, web efiam, iic^ constantly on bar ’ —*
for sale low by Sept 12. T. BISH
i hi* life tune, execute to the said Martin . TriT .
bond la nuV* MIm in , cim. A r . 1
ed, did .
Fricks bis bond conditioned to make titles
pie tosaid Martin pricks, to lot of land, eight hundred
and ninetf-oDe, (891) seventeenth district, and thincf ■ _
section, containing forty acres more or less, upon the I "
A of heavy Gunny bagging; and beat Kentucky
XL bale rope, just received and for sale low for cash by
as aforesaid, should not execute titles to said lotof land,
hr terms ef said bond. .
True extract from the' minutes of said Court,' Sep
tember J, 1850. JOHN G. PITTMAN,c.c.a
Georgia. Clarke Comity- .
WHEREAS, William Edtotodal applies to me for
H - Letters of Administration, with tbe will annex
ed, ob the estate of Cynthia W. Greer,deceased:
These are, therefore, to ata and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of taid deceased, to
be and appear at my office within the time prescribed
bylaw, to show cause (if any they.havd,) why said 1
Lc&era should not be granted..
Given under xny hand at cffice,lMs the 2nd day of
September, ^mo. A. M. JACKSON, c. c. ~
B Y CHARLES L. DAVIES—together with a gpod
^PP 1 ? of Davies' Arithmetics, Algebra, Survcy-
lD 6ept 5. ’ ^ *CHASE A PETERSOJTS
Libel for Divorce.
William Hogan | ;
county ; and it further appealing to the Court, that
the defendant'is beyond iho jmbffietioo of thiaCoort,
on (motion of D.IL Waller, complainant’s csnnsal
the defendant be required to appear at the next term
of said Court, to answer said Liberia terms of ibe law.
I, W.W. Nowell, Clerk of the Superior Court, cer
tify the above to be a true copy of an order, taken
from the minutes of Walton Superior Court, August
Term 1850. Sept. 3,1850. W. W. NOWELL, Clk. '
Sept. 12,1850. - ;* ' . \
Sept 5.
iv case, until I providentially tried yoi
■ECTOUAL, which soon relieved and lr
July 55. 1850. 3m
luw n
Dr. Ayer, Lowell,—Dtar 1
April 17,1818.
[ bare for year;
I have been obliged to sleep in my chair fora largei
^ of tiie tiniB, being unable to breatlic on my bed,
J tried a great many medicines, but touo purpose'
until my physician prescribed, as an experiment, youi
At first it seemed to make me worse, but in less than
week I began to experience the most gratifying
lief from il
r weeks, the disease
y.bed with comfort ami
Sold in Athens by Drs. HILL jfcSMITH, by Havil
land. Risky & Co. Augusta, and by druggist gencrly
tbrougnout the State.
Aug. 1, 1850
Gem of th® Season for 1851,
Irving Offering for 1851,
Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit, (Coleridge)
Gibbon’s Rome, cheap edition,
Confessions of English Opium Eater,
Tbe Traitor, complete, 50 cts, '
" * . « of Odd
of Odd Fellowship, 25cts
Just receiv '
2, College A'
ed at Wlute’s University 13
Valuable Lauds.
O N the first Tuesday hi November next
Court-house, in Watkinsvillo, Clarke county, will
be sold for the benefit of the Legatees, and for.distri
bution, all that ti
f land, belor
. the late
of Ms death, known as the
William Jones,
“ Smith Plantation,’’ lying on th® Scull Shoal road,
about 3 miles from Watkm -ville, containing seven hm
dred and fifty (750) acres, more or less.
The above place is in good repair, with a comfort:
ble 2 story dwelling, giu house, and all necessary ou
The above pro pert i
sale.. Terms made known
Ang. .39,1850. M. J. CLANCY, f 1 rustcc »
in be treated for at private
'* e day of sale.
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes!
H AVE removed their stock of goods to thc
lately occupied by A. J. Brady, No. 7, GRAN
ITE ROW, where they have ou band, and will con
tinue to offer upon liberal terrts, a very extensive as
sortment ot Hats, Capa, Boots end Shoes, Trunks, Va
lises, Carpet-Bags, Umbrellas and such other articli
as are usually kept by them. '
N. B. The market prices will be paid, in Goods t
■Cash, for FUR-SKINS of tbe following kinds: Otter,
Raccoon, Fox, Mink, Wild-Cat, Muskrat, Opossum and
Rabbit August 29,1850.
B EAVER and Moleskin Hats, juat received at
Aug. 29. FERRY & CO’S.
R EOWEE Waltzes; Glenmaiy Waltzes; Hum .
Sweet Home, Old unde Ned and au clairde la
June, with variation*; Mrs. Smith, my dear, (a comic
duetto;) Poor aunt Dinah; Oeme touch the harp, gen"
" ; Tell me'; 'Lost adieuThou art gone home;
Kitty Carey; JUy Annie, G; ■'Uppn a Summer’s Day,
(Jenny Liad;) Oh, ah ^ • *
Jeannette and Jeaunot,
cottage, gentle wHl
lir;-The Soldier’s Wed
ding; Pirate's chorus; WhatSUc the wild wavessay-
ing | Sleeping, I dreamed, wte; On de banks ob de
Ohio, Ail, At, just received at White’s University
Book-store, No.2, College Avenue, Athens,Georgia.
July 26. '
Itos-ftot atetisaritt
jSccHjS$ r B00K^^
YNVITE Merchants, Dealers,and all who require ar-’ '
X tides in their line, to call at 77 Maiden La ne,JV. Y.
We offer eveiy Variety-of Blank Bonks, Paper and
Stationery, at very low prices. As we both manufac
ture and unport all goous in our line, we are enabled
tosctl dieap, and- otfor inddoements to buyers. Orders
■ prompt attention.,
for all kinds of business. Banks, Public Offices, County
Clerk*. Setts of Books with printed heading for Lodges,
Divisions, and others, Hotel Register*. Tim® Rooks,
Notes, Drafts, Copy, Pass and Metni iron liter Boats.
By the i*-e of Freutis Manifold Letter Writer, Utf.
ters and copies aro written at the same timo; the Uk
contained in sheets, the pea never wears out, botir
rpeditious and cc«'«oniicaK-prico froftv ^1 to $5.
If you want good Mark writing iuk, use the Croton, ft
flows freely from the pen, aud-retaui* its Color Al-
Indellible Canuluc and copy Inks.
All sizes and styles of writing poper at mill price*.—
Tissue, colored, drawing and- ja-rforateil paper, envcl-
»»j>e.s, gold pens, note paper, scrap books, portfolio*,'
cards, quills, wax, wafers, steel pero,chessmen wallets,
writing desks, *nd every variety of fancy stationery.
from the full cap size, to tho smallest pocket tJktoe,
containing almanac,, time, and interest tabic*, A »pK»
nioramlums for every day in the year, it, suita-
r business, professional, or private tae—priew
Jc. ami $1, sent by mail free.
^ Book-binding executed in any style.
il LourncL. ) July 26,1858, tt—fj.
rAiicr goods,
Comer of Liberty St, Opposite the Post-Office,
AVE received a full and complete assortment of
. goods in their line, which they will be happy to
11 or show to Merchants purchasing their Fall sup
ply c r Fancy Goods; consisting in part Of
'’onas.—Tortoise Shell, Hom, Ivory,Gertoan silver,etc.
Jittons.—Gilt, Brocade, Lastms, Bone, Pearl, Shirt,
Steel, etc, etc, ■' '
tnusmaL—Cloth, Hair, Tooth, Sliaving, Shoe, Paine,
etc. Soaps, Perfumery, Hair Oils, Violin* am
Strings, Accordcons, Guitars, Flutes, cte. > .. ■ _
’iirvadI—Marshall’s Linen, Grant & Wilson’s do.
Spool Cotton, Cotton Thread, etc. Sewing Silk soil
Twist, Cotton and Linen Tapes, Linen Flosses, Cor
set Laces, etc. etc, Suspendvrs, all kinds, Pins, Nee
dles, Hair Pins, Hooks and Eyes, Thimbles, Knitting
Pina, Bodkins,"TUcket Boobs, Silk and Cottar. Purses,
Port Monuaies, Steel goods, a complete assortment,
P»l*r hangings, c
Looking Glasses, Brass Clodi*. etc. ete^ _
All goods warranted equal to sample, and prices al
ways at the lowest market point.
July 4,1850.
— - D«.!.,n>
Dry Goods.
63 Liberty Street, Cor. of Nassau, near the Past Off—
May 9,185G. Af
A. B. & D. SANDS,
No. 100 Fulton Street, Corner of William,
May 9,
84 Front street, YYc'JO York,
Brandies, Wines, andSegats of our own Impor
tation—Tt^, Tobacco, <tc^ fine quality. Orders re
ceive prompt attention. WH1850.
Artificial Flower9,
No. IO Connlamtsircrti New York.
er, Rome Bulletin and Washington Gazette', pub
>uths,aml forward accounts to th^g office.
TArce Years in California,
/CONTAINING engraved portraits of Senators
Vy Fremoot and Gwynn, and of Wrigbt, Sutter, and ,
cAera—t^ether with Htbotints iUnstratiro of lifo j BroacJiCt Pins, Ear. and Finger Rings
there. Abo foe sunilcs of the ncnatum of tbe Mrm- n m
New Goods.
Iver End Plauil Ware.
W. P. SAGE, has just returned
from New York with a beautiful
assortment of the above named
articles which be will sell cheaper
than can be purchased elsewhere,
rn a CURAT vaairrr or rich
Irirelrr, •( thq Latest Styles,
there. Abo foe rimiles of the signatures of the Mem
bers of the Convention. Just received and for sale by
L ARGE QUARTO, Revised Edition. 8va.Hni-
i Tcraity ~ ** *
Gold Guard and Fob Chains ; Gold
Pent and Pencils; Gold, Silver
and,Steel Buckles; Gold
and Silver Thimbles, -,
and Spectacles. -
i Warranted Sterling- Silver, Table Desert
and Tea Mpsoua. Silver tor Its,
end all othcr'artidea usually kept iu a Jewelry Store.
Tlie superior advantages which tbe dubecriber po*-
tatlori about two miles front Athens, contaimpg 415
acres, of which between 150 and 160 acre* if wood
land. In addition to good farm buildings, there i» on
the place a young orchard of qxc®Heu fruit teeto. t A
part of the present crop of com, fodder, and together
with my stock of horses, hogs, and cattle may be
bought with the load if desired. Possession given at
anytime. - Y.L.G.HARRIS.
Athens, September 5,1850. tt
properly judging the value of all be purchases and re
commends to the public. -
rime*, Violin.*, Guitars, Ac.
PLmo3 from the “most celebrated makers and \
_ -—■ - w w scars. For tale bj
Stapleand Fancf OkF Goodv
No. 70, Broadway, N. Y.
May 9,1850 ly
Ko.62, Cedar Street, opposite thfi Yost.Office.,
ckwck, ra.) - ■ NEW YORK.
J May 9, I860* ly
s. s.
228 Peart Street,. Ncto York,
ly, that they are bow opening a new and complete as-
a brisk peimj^k-better than a
a Tin aiid Stove store.
F iR the use of Justices of the Peace, just received
and for sale by CHASE & PETERSON.
tt * Sign of the Mammoth Book.
Truai*, ValUevunU Carpcl Bugs-
4 LARGE'assortment to be foiutM at .
il March 28.. ~ FERRY 4 COS.. .