The southern herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1850-1853, September 19, 1850, Image 4
r mm ■ — ■’ mm— Ups r PATENT MEDICINES. GENERAL ADVERlftSENENTS. B OjS TOJJ. FURKITttRE Far Iba Car* «f COUGHS, OOLOS, EOAB8ENESS, BB.OHOHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH,. CROUP ASTHMA ud CONSUMPTION r» JIK > i.cccwi which ha* attended tl* n-e • f . 1 this r ..4-f hratfc n-if* r aiLtary effect—it* poorer to i relieve and ewe affection* «f tl* Lung.. Uve gained for it a oshbrity rquaRM by no other median*. W« offer it to tM afflicted witl* entire confidence ui it* , virtues. and ti c (all belief »h«t It will Mhdin and re move the evert attack*-of de^a*e.op«» tbe throat, nml Lnw: IThx; nMdf* M tl*>7 become jmbhrly , hor.arfc^crraatvrany attract tlm*tt«ntiqni.f medicaL men and j.hi’nnthr..phf* fcc*r> where. Vi hati* thv.r'- .1 CHERRY’-PECTORAL ntey be seen m th * WtoW ‘vALEN'TlNP' MOTT, M. D„ j Prof, Surgery lied. CoVege,Kme York, says -It nrn roe nfeaiare to certify the value am! db . ejIT,*. AShBY PECTCSI^.I,^ I fej, aider peculiarly adapted to cure di'caae* of the | Tkro nreKrttv. loud bishw field ! writea in a letter t«» his frkfcid, • who wae fast pinking under an affect iow of the Lung* •—"Try theCHEURY'j PECTORAL, and if any niedichw can «i« J®* re ' j lief, with the ble^ins of God that will. . rimi' JtSTlCK F.0ST18. ! «f f-ouiil.o. write -Ttal » dausl.t.r_«f b, waa cured of aerfral severe attacks of Croup by the ; „CHERRY PECTORAL-" j ASTHMA AND-BRONCHim j. Tha CunediM Journal of M«Gml Se*n~ : states " That AMluna and BrraichtU* *» prevalent m, thia ku lenient climate, fere yie»4e*l with -nrprirtiig m-. pidity to Ayer’* CHEREy PECTORAL and we can- not too strongly recommend thi* -htllftil preparation, [ to the profession and public gencrallv. j Let tbe relieved sufferer, apeak forluni*ejf: ■ JIabti oao. Jan. 28.18»7. , Dr. J. C. Afcr—Dear Sir -—Having been rescued from a painful and dangenw disease by vow nu-di- cine, gratitude p»«n»t'» m« to rend youi thisacknuwl- | cdjment.'rM.t reify Tn jretice'to ymt; but for tlie mfor j Marion of oilier* in-like affhctaai. - ’ - . < A alight cold upon the lung-, oegh eted at firrt, l.o- camu sc severe that -pitti.ijE of Mend. a vHilrnt cough am! pmfu'o night await* followed ntul fastened upon M. I noao. «nWwiia~p.TOJ>*- tressed by niv cough, and a pain through my client, and is stout lid all the alarming symptom. of quick eon*tanntion. No medicine aeetued at all to rcarii STHISil I pJuSSll/ t™J fr CBElillY FKOTOKAL, i&k — «L.. JrfOhj-Jfw roe. Youra with respect, E. A. STEW Ain. Ata-iav, N. Y, April 17,1818. Dr. D<« S;'--I »™ r - T Jf*” lweo affiictod with A-tUma,in the worrt forui; »*that 1 lire been obliged to aleep i« my chair fora larger K uf the time, being unable to breatlw on my Ujd. | tried a great many juedjciw*, but to no purple, until uiy phv-ician prescribed, a* an expenment, your OUERllT; PECTORAL. , , , At first it seemed to raaka me worse, but hue** than a week I began to experience the most gntiiymg re- Jief from iUu-u; and now, in four week.-, the direare i* removed. I can aleep «i"mr l* J with comfort and -t aWfy a state of health which I had never expoc^J to GEO. S. FARRABT. rarr.utm ar j. c. irrA nmn«r, inwm, xiiw. p Sold in Athena bv Dr*. H ILL l SMITH, by Havil- land, Risley A Da. August* and by druggist generly TJK WISE IN TIME!—TW FOLLY TO DEFER i3 AFFLICTED RELVD—Thousand* ara aufferiog fr«xn dhense from which there is no diffieultv in being permanently and speedily relieved, provided the right means 'he wed. Air e very vice has Jta own punish ment, so it would eeem every disease has its remedy. Thi* is true, and there w nothing in this Ido more certain than that the AMERICAN COM POUND is tba roost speedy and certain remedy Air all dt*ea*«a of a delicate character, known^ to the world. Adapted to every atage of the di-wise, ROT WABE-StOGTfiS. I GENERAL assortment of fashionable Mahogany and other Furniture from PitIM.E, JCENNV & CO., Boston, Wholesale and Retail..' * . - Purchasers of 81000 or more, will be supplied at 0 per cent, advance on Boston Wholesale prices and oat of transportation. * From 8500. to f1000 at 15 per cent. “ floato 8500 “ 20 " “ - Far Ihe Rrmaial and Peroactnt Cnre of ill c »Rahd see ui Uio iaiuranceBuilding, opposi NEHVOUS DISEASES, I Post Office, Athens. Ga. March 14. 11 And of Ihot, rwnpt.unt! which are uaeJ hr SB inpsltsd, 1 ~ *ssk,ned nr aoheilthy condition of ths XKRVOtSSYSTEM. Thi, tcsattfnl sad eonrmtSFil snpUcatimi of tho 1 tenon, I«w,r, of GALVANISM and MAGNETISM, been pronounced by di,tinRsiihc<] |.Ur,icisn,,'botb in Eu . _ «nJ lbs I’nited Kale,, to b, the moil rWuil< mtdieimol Dr. CHRISTIE’S QAtVAUIO BELT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. EXECOTOR’S SALE. . WILL hud 1 LetmO. Caart-Iioa.c ,!oor, i„ the •VV town dr- Wa^^illo, duriK thel««al hdura of «al«. ou the first Tuesdar in Pdober next, one tract of land, containing about sixty acre*, more or lese. where- on is a comfortable dwelling, heose* pn home, and running gear, amt other neccssanrout houses, being the place whereon James Rarher, late of Clarke coun- tjr, deceased, resided at the time of hi* death. Aka, at the same time and place, will lie sold one negro woman, Pat,about 70 years old,—said land and negro, to be sold asthe property of James Barber, deceased, in pursu ance of the writ! of said deceased. Term* on the day. July. 18.1850. GRIFFIN BARBER, Ex’r. Gcorsia-Gwinnett Connir. lit LIAS. Davis; executor of Jesse Davis, deceased, Tj applies to thi- Court for Letters of dismission:— It is theieibre ordered that nil persons concerned, show cause why said Executor should not be discharg ed, and that publication be made according to the stat ute in such cases made and provided. • MaTch'H, 1850. Ji&SE MURPllEY, a c c.o. SOUTHERN HERALD §i; Book and Job Printing Office, BROAD STREET, ATHENS, GA, GENERAL DEBILITY, Strengthening the weakened body, gtvlog ‘ *—gen* »nil tnrigiirating the entire m AMII PARALYBia il, tbe .iindenigneilBiave been indn ' 'litions to thsiT heretofore large tut lUL'onnimt of Priuting Materials, and to JOB OFFICE, forth* exclusive purpose lake Ibi 1-tVOltK, where s are nrejmreil ........... .^jsawaaispaiaaa: * INDIOEMTION, RIIF.UMAT1SM, ACUTE end CHRONIC, ; PRICES, TREMORaj 'rAUrITATl’oN°OVI^illT. R ! PLAIN AND 0BNASIENTAL i. S 01 EP'SS !l 33 If !1 SI © Ihe KinNK.VS. DKFU ir.M V OF Ni ltVOUS and fUtM CAjLENCTOY^eaJeB NUKVOCS PlSgAHa, winch cow- , A Derangement of yhe Nervous System. 0(7- fa NMIVOUS COMPLAINT*. Dregs and Medicines He, far they weaken ths ritM energies of the alresdy oroctreted syeteW: while ender the strengthening, Ufe-aiviag. eitalisiag inSuenre of GsTrsnbM. ae eprdied by this beantifsl and wondertll diectnerr, the esheneted patient and weakened anSarer is restored to haw health, strangth, r EVERY DESCRIPTION. J.1T Onr Presses are from the celebrated n rv of Hoe & Co., niiil owr Type, Orniuuen nn the foundries of Bruce & Co., Conner ilMMO&C ridei The great peealiarity Dr. Chris tla's Galvanic Cora lives, vmeUta, in the bet that Ow^arraet and care ftim by enl ^ if thei e exjiect to give and t r date, application will hemadt parcel of land lying and being in the county of Newton, adjoining the town of Covington, containing r less, being a part of lot No. .268, ! of origioitllv Henry, now Newt* CAMILLU8 L. FEW, Ovarian. July 18, 185a - County, BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Smith & Stovall, DEALERS IX DRY .6001®, GROCERIES. iC, No- I. Cones* -'vrinir, A 111 a. a. Terms-—eLeipforcallibrcountry produce. GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS, j WATCHES. ij.awBiaY,! PATENT MEDICINES. DR. G. B. LOMBARD, DENTIST, ATHENS, CA. ffice over the Drug Store of Messrs. Hill & Smith. Athens, sept. 16. tf Joim W. GOSS, DEALER IE CRY GOODS A ED GROCERIES, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, fco., Ao. Xo. 8r. Brombttrett—ATHENS, GA. May 8,1849. ly W. S. Grady, - - Dry Qaeda, Crecfflre, Ac., A ' 15, Broad Street—~A TREKS, GA. Thomai W. Alexander, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lawkescxviuje, Gwuinltt Co, tW~Any business entrusted to his care will meet with prompt Attention. ly x,-v ’" ,0<0 SILVER ANDr'PLATED, iVarCy&c. warranted gooil linie keepers) and a great variety of the latest style of ■ „ ‘ . ' JEWBIaKTT. Embracing in part, Breast Pin*, Ear and Finger Bings,, Gold guard and fob Chains, Gold. Pens and Pencils, Gold Buckles, Gold ahd silver thimbles, anil Spectacles \V. H. H. WHITE, merchant Tailor. Nixt door to Alexander's Drug Store, College A tent Silver Fotks, Soup' and Gravy' Ladles, Butter-kriii ■with a great variety of fimey articles and housekeeping j goods. Our facilities for purchasing goods in New ! York are such a* to enable us to offer them cheaper • than can be bought elsewhere. j We would respccChdly invite our friends, the public, and stranger* visiting the place, to call .and examine | our stock, and the puces, and judge for themselves. - O.^ A. K. CHILDS. N. B. Watches and Tihe Pieces of every descrip tion, carefully repaired by the most experienced work- , men. and Warranted to perform well. Repairing of all Feb. 10,1848. I kinds neatly done. ' 0. 4A.K.C. 1 “* >, June 14,1849. F’.o 1 ;,: lonths after date, application will be made the lionomble tbe Inferior Court of Madison , when silting for ordinary purpose s, for leave to sell aft the negroe-belonging to the estate of Francina Sprathng,deceas*J. *«»wo July 4, 1830. Libel for Din, LAMPK1N & ADAMS. JFrmek Coir Bools. Ih. iUl.J St.l.t, ml, jMn>i'., mart thtn | |-KK11Y A CO. have con.tantly cm hand a lac-., a: 60,0.0 O Persons JL; sortuicnt of gentlemen’s fine dress Boots, wliic InrluJInf alt agM, etaaiuM an* condition!, among which ware : they will warrant to wear a ud fit as well as an - 1 ' ■*- pacnliarljr aobjact to j nla J 0 ; I learn y thio( j I .Vcw Fall Good*. ‘temporary ( tj'HE undersigued is now receiving his Fall and Win- Matt, u* j 1 ter stock of goods, consisting of" " * ~ SSilS 1 Hardware, butlery, Hats, SIhk y«r.pttc , BOOTS! BOOTS! i npHE undcrsignetl would mo6t respectfully inform the i, utUKO LA. JL citizens of Atbcns.and the surrounding country tliat TV BISHOP, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No. 1, Broad Street—ATHENS, GA. FERRY & CO., Broad Street—ATHENS, GA. R.' J. MAYNAltD, GMfElamWallau County. Walton Superior Court, August Term, 1850. Ann Hogan, ' J* William Hogan. ^ * XT appearing to the Court by the return of the Slier- X iff, tliat the Defendant is not to be found in .this county ; ai»d it fueller appealing to the Court, that the defendant is beyond the jurisdiction of this Court, on .motion of B. H. Walker, compkuiuxnt’s counsel:— It is ordered by said Court, That service be perfect ed by publication id! tins order, ouce a month for four months, iu the Southern Whig, previous to the next terra of said Superior Court, for said county; and that { Ixo.U.Bnmd^^^htHo^.Atheh, tify the above to be a true- copy of an order, taken ’ - of W,UonSuim™r Court, Aopist; ASA SI. JACKSON, W. \\. NOWELL, Clk. ATTORNEY AT LAW, O. &A. K. CHILDS, ntdi-niakrra and Jewclle AND DEALERS I m 1850. So'pt.1,1830. March 14. • aOLcted with that ban* o relief, b ftrss GALVANIC I constitution, at all iiutes and *easons, there i» tear* of exposure, detention from busmen* nor reMric- tiGB hi diet V fnenthc certain nnd *ne«dv relief it give*. U n now the roo-t popular remedy of the day. Ten TbontdoddriM havebeefl cured effectually by it dor- ing tbe past year. lYepnred by » practical physician, the afflicted can roly with confidence on itscurati— power* overdlsensoa of this character. Full directio accompany ench bottle. OTopnrchai TWodelpht COMPOUNJ) SVKUP OF NAPHTHA. all who have used it, tliat con. Hon and all alft ctiam of the lungs can not oi enml, but they aro a* ciudly and siuiplv cured, roost any of the «K*onlere to winch the human : i* liable. Tbe operatksi of a single bottle, Wluch costs 81, i* sufficient to *ati*fy any patient—if not alto gether too (hr gone with the disease—of this fact; and cron a single itosc gives eridenecof its extraordinary influence in am»tiag ami emdicating the malady by the immediate relief which i; affords. Ibis i- n« quack or secret remedy. Dr. Hustings. Its discoverer. Mooeof the most emui. nt phydnans of the age, and has made a frill disclosure of its history,'rind all its component parts to'tlie world, not wishing to incur the responsibility of confining to himself, for the sake nf profit. a ooaapt ahicli was calculated to do such lujiveraal g/axl Aud swli lms been the wonderful rimin' of its opi>mt ions, that'the London Lancet, Med-’ ieaf Times,arm the most eminent physicians of lioth Oct.11, 1849. ^TS^iilij^pSe t lmvebcen selected with’gti ............. —n* of aa aiuik, and trade, and sol’d low fc negadfs,aivl tlnroca back *t«io totoejxwltive, tUu« keepinf l4ui thv'mart severe ea^n of*DVSPKr%?A°are fE^MA NKNTLV CURED. A KKW DAYS IS OKTEN AMPLY SUmciENT TO ERADICATE THE DISEASE OF To mothers and Harried Ladies. la MI caare of Female !»«*«»»«. tLe Galvanic Balt h^o^n- .f Dry Goods, Git «Cff, * c n all of which JYeiv Five-Proof Warehouse. GIBBS & McCORD, Clarke Slier if r« Sales. ’ W ILL be sold before the Court-lmuse door in the town of Watkiusville, on the first Tuesday in Octolicr next, between the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing property; t« Vit on,. fri.. April 22,1848. Watkixsville, Ga. C. & W. J- PEEPLES, Will continue the practice of Law .ies of Clarke, Walton, Jackson, Gw’ ’s Hotel, beingWfte undivideilhalf of said lot, num mot known, adjoinin'? Mrs. Brown, and others, at. Cobly of the Coweta Cin ropied by said Hancock.' Levied oi * . - lry good* store, where he is prepared to make to order Boots,and Shoes Of the fast French and American Calf Skit , “"* 1 icn wanting & good Boot, neat and durable, r any where else. Also, will bottom Ladies* and-Gentlemen’s Fane Uppers, with neatness ami despatch. General satisfaction is warranted to all Who will favor Captain Barry with a call. - Athens, Feb. 15,1849. PATRICK BARRY. AHOGANY, MAPLE AND BLACK WALNUT CHAIRS, obe«. IIu rca u a. siil t-boarda.Tablea.Ac MANUFA CTURED A T HOME, As cheap as such articles (equally well made and dura bio, and warranted so to bo) can be obtained from th North, adding only the freight, at the WARE ROOMS Ttco doors Wert of ike Post Office, hear Ike Epii In Quart Bottles. jFor the removal and permanent cure tf alt Diseases arising from an impure state of'the blood, or habit of the system. Among the many and important discoveries eFthlip generation, is one whole fame will be written, as Yhfl* a sunbeam, iu the history of the past SANDS’^SAR*—"" SAPAUILLA stands forth aloue.andby its own workr —claims its power—that mute eloquence so imristf-r affecting in the appeals of the suffering for reliaf^ been. answered. Thousands of cases of disease e been cured by this invaluable medicine, oudi as not furcidicd in tbe records of tiitae. These things not done insecret places, or in some unknown town,- are performed in our principal cities aud puhlie cos. Tliey are brought before the world to •nbstan-' c, beyond doubt the healing virtues of thi«pn|)ar- >n; und the facta unfolded, although gigantic, ar* ms plain as tlie light of day. The Sarsaparilla is combined witli the most effectu al aids, the most salutary productions, the most potent- simples of the vegetable kingdom; and its unprece dented success in the restoration to health of thoee who* lmd long pined under the most distressing ckronick&ol-' ad ies; has given it an exalted character—furnishiag, as'"’— it does,-evidence of its own intrinsic , value, and recom mending it to the afflicted In terms the afflicted only can know. It has’ long been a most important’dedU- eratum in the practice of modecine, to obtain a remedy similar to -this—one tliat would act on the liver, stom ach, and bowels with.all the precision and potency of mineral preparations, yet without any of their delete rious effects upon the vital powers of the. system. Al though possessed of powerful liea’.icg properties, it is entirely harmless, and will not injure the most delicate n in perfect effect is pro- ;xcept an increase of appetite; hot ‘ted in the frame,and carrying fast dong the path of life, then its mysterious in- elt and seen; it enkindles new life and vig- ngs health and strength to the Buffering and m of Female healtk, and aarely aolljing c The location selected b very favorable fc r selling cot ------ - .v.n and other produce to the best advantage. TTit’ - - rre**™-_ n j bopc by strict attenti-jn to business to merit a share o MclNTOSH STREET, A UGUSTA, GA. T HE Undersigned beg leave to inform tlieir fi and tli uml present, wore wo to giro numerous tretinionisu which | ncw f uti^ h Wetk'^riV^Juriui ! of McIntosh and Keyuolds street Low Spirit!, tain tn th* Breait and Side. Chlorovis, Floor i permanently located, and will CO Alhoe, rroUpsu* Utari nr F'idliag oT the Womb. CoOivaoeaa, ncrsonal attention to the al>ovt Olwtrocted or DilUcalt Menitnialion, General Prostration of l I’^ r!,0, ' uliuu;nu0a w lne a,,OT< the System, sad all affections of simitar character, are im- ■ brandies. mediauK » nff^>eraiai>-ni1jr reheved By this simple aad | Tile location selected L' very fai latisraf atsm i provided, i patronage. Allordci . — -I,—. v .... raaic Belt : Colton, and for Baggi sisa.’ffsmsstiisst 1 tauuniix/szaa. rtt wUlt entlra'case and safety. Young 1 Cash advances will be n _ *■ * * quired. Tbcir charges snadAtalr retiarad and corsertoJ bv-'wearinc the Ualvaaic Bah, which.-ly iu wom!re* *flecl of eqnaliring thovkea- lation and protnotiu* tlis prayer .eerstinaa, lends to restore health tad vigor to th* whale {ream. Lwdi«t who htv« tr- rtaed at thu critical perioA. railed -the tore of Ufa.” are assured that touch a*3Vdhg«a4 ilaitn can be saved them salve* and their bmities by 4he ate of the Rett. The most gratifying remits hare um£>nnlT attended the application of Dr. Christla'i Galvanle article* la aU cates of Female com plaints, and' it i« onl^rjcuuiidto^to^nake the triaUo tia^c^ Cotton, and for Baling, Hope, aud Family .Supplies >n prodnee in store when fi. fa. from Clarke Inferior Court The Bank of the State of Gcoigia vs. Tliomas Hancock, indorser, as the properly of s*id Hancock. Aug. 29 1850. L. P. THOMAS, D. Sh’ft Ccorj-iu—CInrke(ouuly. The Honorable the. Inferior Court sitting for Ordinary Purpose*, September 2, I860. Present tlieir honors, Young L. G. Harris, James W. Barrett, William Ilicken, and Elizur L. Newton, Justices of said Court. To all-tchoM it may concern. W HEREAS, Lucy Purycar, Guardian of Martha, Elizabeth,Jt’ *' ’ " * * * John Puryear, deces sion from said guardian -hip Therefore, all person - concerned, are hereby cited ! ’ ’ ’ ' ‘ their objections, (if anv tliey j erms of the law, othirw « i ill be granted to the a) plicant Newton & Lucas, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, &o. JW2, Granite Row—ATHENS, GA. William A. Lewis, A TT0RXEYA T LA IF, Ccsrtnxo, Forsyth co n Ga fW Will practice in the counties composing tlie Clic okee Circuit. All professional and other business ei: d repaired. Sign and LOOS OUT FOR CHEAP RIDING! LIVERY STABLE REMOVED. SigSItSii iththe Franklin mcttiod of informing their old patrol general, tluit tliey keeper u«d. Reggies, Barouche have) in my; office ii Letters of Dismission at the November term of the Court. September 6,1850. tolfllM. Certificates and Testimonials Or ths most Undoubted -Character, From all parts of UwCoeatpxcould be ffivaa, sufficient to AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE, f Rev. Dr- Landis^: Tn.". whs* has been tlie result in my own case, of t!,e application of THE GALV.iK.JC BELT AND NECKLACE. .My reply Far about rwaafy-years I had been suffering fro* Dyspep sia. Every yaarthe aymptomt bjcanie went, nor rould 1 ob tain permanent relief from any coon a of medical treatment whauver. My physicians were skilfol and axcellent urea; bat hare their prescriptions failed. About /sortcco yssn siacc, w eoosequenca of/remnant exposmw to the weathar. in tha diacharga of sny pastoral duties, T severe Chrome Kheuamtiim, which fc E. N. BUTLER, H AYING jnst. received a new and largq assort ment of Spring and Sommer READY MADE CLOTHING, Cassimeres, Vestings, C-ravats, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, Socks, Hats and Caps, Umbrellas, Hin doo Shades, &c^ is prepared to sell GREAT BAR GAINS for cash, at the brick store formerly'occupied by Pitner and England, under the Southern Whig of fice, as well as at his old stand, two doors above John I. Huggins.* May 28,1850. HOME INFLUENCE. irkabla ! A NEW lot of this popular work has ju«t been ience, is lrom tha , | J\_ cei VCjl by Clergyman: i Sep*-»- - CHASE & PETERSON. tba skill of myphy.ic: Urfl but tWsVUel wi I became subject to a only temporary. Farther: is tl IwTOl-jdure*. are anxiously calling upon sufferers to have iiurntblktie recourse to it, and proclaiming tliat of All kufwn medicine, it alreie has’ positively estab- lmbed its efficacy bv undcnlahle proof* of airing ctm- and all otter diseaaes of the ltnigs. Dr* Le’Roy's . SAR3APAT1ILLA AND WILD CHERRY The ^kttfMedicine at once Strengthening, Purifying and Purgative, i w ' ' in existence. ; " rnilKSh rnis are the very perfection of medicine, a A they tharoughly perye andperi/^, Wiihentwriro' ixe, the system, which is the geest end that has tone brem aongl.t fur but never helhr. di^vorvd. _ - “ ntbo it weakening Ihe system f but la feet Dr. la Rofs PUlt strengthen while they purge!— &ps3^Sba»^ab They trekrtastraining !—norolaxatbm!—o» debil ity. - 0a the contrary, nniler their influence. v«r*»ern- frets andpne^lesUiot. wo haml in hand! BythoaiuO — I ' r rather by* confederation of actions—^hoy M the sometime harden ihe mm-elrs—strengthen the —pnrfiy tbe» Uoad—fortify the digestiva Ant .« * ~ u t%—eiien the poro«—*i iuties! And tbev arc u ■ i*tt fssrruason of ay pastoral labors. ■ s “ i .J!32W ~ oiih other throegi. Hie medium of to^Broochitu r aB3S£Z m> prosi*c'. .-Star tha* Wax entirely laid a«id« from tha diacharx* of those duties, aud the perit.rmancc af those labors in which my soal ha. aver tooad the highest of bar joys. Bat reasoning from effect to cause, fcwicloded that tha. JVerveHs .«yslew must be reached, before any hope could . be hMlulged of my obtaining relkf from there nod dbtresa- ing aaaladse*. la th* whole pharmacopeia there eeemed to ba no remedial agent which ooaU reach and recuperet# my 18 7 ,,cm j •' «ry thing that I bad tried ter this sareoa* ipUtcly Ailed. At last I 'was led by my fneadt to 1 in*rations, and ftboegh with no very sanguine e^U Cli a thretof ^«.7J’thtoa*<^iJo/^‘^uHcalm^ba! csi'jgrsir's 1 zsvsvzxirtsni Brcmrhisl adretton is retire.', , mU 8«h U tha wond.rfi to easy who hare been LhewUeeugrucffrom Neuralgic aBactiam. They have b»ad these, wrt* sort uirus,lsiuni ir I aim dear sir, vainr respecttoQy years, ' ; .BOBEHT W. LANDIS. UR. CHRISTIE’S GALVANIC NECKLACE ■ wed for aU complaints affecting the Throat or Head, aseh a Eronrhitia InBsmmaUaw of tha Throat. Nervouv and Sick ~Ua<a***af Tba Head, Neuralgia is tha •fnesa, which it gas LEATHER FOR SALE. I tHE Watkinsvillc Leather Manufacturing Company are new offering for sale a handsome stock of Leather, consisting of Harness,'Belt, Sole andUpiver leather, and invite the attention of dealers and consu mers. The company also expect soon to have on hand, a largo stock of Negro Mines of the best quali ty or !e, JLaw JYolice. T HE undersigned hare associated themselves practice of Law. All business .confided t will nave prompt attention. OVERBY dz GLENN. B. H. OVERBY. 1 J- N. GLENN. Jefferam, Jackson Co., Ga. J Carnesville, Franklin Co Dec.’27, 1849. ly. My limbs were" covered so that I could not walk during id Summer. Iu this situation I of your Sarsaparilla, and after ta- Three ES- tles entirely restored his' sight, and we cannot butrs- cotnuiemLall similarly afflicted to use Sands’.Sarsapa rilla. BENJAMIN F. BUCKNER. ITS POPULARITY ABROAD. Maracaibo. Venezuela, April 12th, 1849. Messrs. Sands—Gentlemen: 1 Consider it a duty due- thc public to make known the great benefit I have re- ccivt-d froni uring your valuable Sar-aparilla. About three years since I was attacked with Rheumatism in Georgia, Jackion County. Inferior Court:sttlU0&Orifih<try Purposes, Septem- frrTcrm, l85of. ' - Present their Honors, Middleton Witt, Russel J. Park, Robert White, and Charles Witt I T appearing to the Court, by the petition of Martin Fricks, that Joseph T. Cunningham, lately deceas ed, did in his life tune, execute (o the .said Martin JMcka hk* hood conditioned to make titles in fee sim ple to said Martiu Fricks to lot of land, eight hundred uad ninety one, (891) teventernth district, and third section, containing forty acres more.or less, upon tlie paymcDt of the consideration money; and it appear ing to the Court that said j. T. Cunningham departed this life, without executing titles to the same; and said Martin Fricks having petitioned this court to di rect John H. Cunnigliam and Gilev Mitchell, execu tors of said deceased, to execute to him titles to Baid lot of laud— It is therefore ordered by the Court, Tliat notice be given at three or more public places in the county, and in the Southern Whig, according to law, of such application, that all persons concerned, may file objec- ‘ —y they have,) in tlie Clerk’s office, why Hew Spring and Sommer Goods. w. il hTwhite H AS received his stock of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS—connsting iu part of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Mcrinoes, French and English Cracats, . Alp tecus. Drop ct Tes. Tlie styles -of fency Cassimeres and Votings are new nnd ricli, and the stock larger than usual; thejr will with all other goods 'be void by the yard or pat tern or made up to order after the latest style and np- pn reasonable terms. Also, Stocks, Gloves, Handker chiefs, Suspender*, Ac, of various' styles and qualiticf. Also, Shirts, Collars, Drawers, Uhder-Shirts, h&ls Hose, At, Ac. Also, a superior article of HATS. : READY-MADE CLOTHING made to order; all of whiefi bring selectedby himself and bought for cask, will be sold on the best terms. Persons wishing to wear good and FASHIONABLE CLOTHING can ha ve it at this house. Tlie public are respectfully e for ith the will i tV. Greer, deceased ite and admonish all and VV Letters of Adi ed.nn tl.e estate of Cynthi These are, therefore, ti ^ singular the kindred and creditors of raid deceased, be and appear at my office.withiu the time prescribe*! by law, to show cause (if any-they liave,) why s ’ ’ Letters should not bo granted. - Given under my hand at office, this the 2nd da' September, 1850. A.1L JACKSON, c. c.< Sept li?8S0.^ . f ■ W froaxthe centre throughout tlieir systems. confections: ; 1C B C R E A M AND r efer AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Z2SSS±3g8£ES£l I nn-LAEo « I il form the uttzeas of Athens, and the public OR. CHRISTIE’S g-,i.ralW, rtrttI* i. .t M, ulJ .uiri, w j^kson GALVANIC BRACELETS iectidna, (if -Bfly tfefyliii»»>3oroy office hi terra* of tbe law, otherwise, Letters of JJjsmL-rion .will be the applicant at ihe A. M. JACKSON, c. IMPORTANT RCREI DR. MITCliKLI/S EYE salve. ythfeprticleo Alia is I'alsTaci Varaiyais, 1 and fresh; Candies of Ids 'own inr.nn&cture, fresh aud rf»er or Kstvms : superior; Nut*, prererves, Ibdclcs. Oranges. Lhhdt», -l\~Ti 7Jlr?rt2*off th* conn- ! P***® Apples,-and every other delicacy of . the reason. a avlreerlimiTchanetarcaaBaxii*a.if *#• Mis les Cream department is well fi.ted The Galvanic Necklace, T ^ dollars, f n SLhSdSB^ 1 ^ ! ADMINISXRATOR’S .SALE. ' t?-TVa*rtiile»arevrcG»pam*J fry hii'MrUnfiiM. : A GREEABLY lo an order df the honorable Inferior frogwTMrta*** with fall particslart way be M of the : Court, sitting as a Courts yf Ordinary of Clarke w -V. ■ .yyj egffJMgsg amkec^ty.9^»e 5 rH^lC«t 1 ^ ? r3L>.w*«»n about S3 yean old ; Tom. Id, jams old; George. J# Years-old; Ann,liyCafs old; John. 8 veare old ”: lal* of Gbfke canntr, deceased, fyTlLe be hefesacdcrtHlito^ ^ ^ t Atjg,Ty 1S50.' with the will annexed. tag for Ordinary 530.. . «, , Harris, Elizur L. _ James W. Barrett' and William Dickcn, tires of said CfurL Toallechoxn Umity concern. W HEREAS, Jafrie* P- Mayne, Administrator the real estate of John G. Mayne, deceased, pplics foe Letters of Dismission from said adminis- Barbcriag and Hair Dressing. B ernardo j. arze i» prepared t •S ■ - r Matthews,Goodman A Co’i WILLIAM PHILIPS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HORTOV, BOORE & CARLTON. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY AND SADDLERY. No. 3, Granite Rote ATHENS, GA., J. W. Horton, P. E. Moor*, J. A. Cablton. Athens, Feb. 7,1850. 44—tf. CHASE & PETERSON, WHOLESALE AND RFTAtL DEALERS IN BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS PERFUMERY, $C. SION OFTHE MAMMOTH BOOK- ThirddoorcastofCollegeAvenue,- ,.y ~~ ■ _«• Aihess, Georgia. tfT All orders promptly filled at Augusta prices Athens, Feb, 28,1850.. JPIAJYO -FOR TJE S. »_AN ELEGANT assortmenl of PIANOS pfgof the celebrated makers, STODART it ‘DUNHAM, N. Y-, also, the recently ii .. -piano-Porte depot CHAS. ZOGBAUM. LOOK AT THIS! CARRIAGES, R0CKAWA7S & BUGGIES, A'A'IK AST) SECOND-HAND, ' ANtl AT BEDUCED PRICES. RIGH*D3- SC H EVE NELL, Coacti-Maker. Opposite the Yank—ATHENS, GAr Stage and Livery office at the Franklin House. W e will also run a splendid line of four horse Coach* daily, from Forsyth to the Indian Springs. Dr. Gordon’s VEGETABLE ANTI-BILL IOUS FAMILY PILLS. F OP. the cure of Headache, Giddiness, Salt Rhcui Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn, Worms, Dyspe ia, Cholera Morbus, Pa oints. General Weakness ion of the Heart, Livei Tiroat, Erysipelas, Deafness, Dropsy, Asthma, Itching if the Skin, Fevers of all kinds. Colds, Gout, Gravel, female Complaints, Nervous Complaints and all other )iseases arising frota impurities of tlie blond, and mor bid secretions of the liver and stomach. Every disease to which the human frame is subject, originates from impurities of the blood or derangement of the digestive organs. Dr. Gordon's Family Pills, compounded exclusively of such ingredients as intended should operate on the impurities of the moving all impurities from the body, opening the pores externally and internally, separating all foreign and ob- rticlcs from tlie chyle, so that the blood, of the origin, must be thoroughly pure, ncces- rin? a free and vigorous action to the Heart, health, H o: « Communications should be addressed, and appli cation for Insurance made, to Jan. 10,1850. ' * J.U. PARSONS, Sec. By order of said Court. VAN BARRETT COACH-MAKERS, ATHENS. Bi:t: leave to inform their friends and the .public generally, that they have removed t Purposes, September 2.1850. Present their Honors, Young L. G. Harris, James W. Barrett, William Dickon, and.EUaair L. -Newton, Justices of said CourL ^ ,-?i , ' To all tchomU uiay concern. NTM7HEREAS, Benajak s.‘ Sheafs, Executor of V T Nicholas S hcata.^tecea«ed appijea for Letters Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said deceas- I, are htTeby cited and admonished »o file their ob jections. (if any.thoy Vukre) iaiuj office in terms of the taw, otherwise. Letters of Dismission will be granted the applicant at tho ntil'May term of said Court. -A. M. JACKSON; Barberiug and Hair-Dressing . HANSEL DILLARD, ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Athens and the publicgeneqdly.that he will, at all times, be fotmd at his Shop, happy to accoouhodate those who f a^orhim with their patronage.' Athens, Aug.’48. R The Honerahlt the Inferior Court, sitting • OrSnarg . ; \*• Prop se*.Septembers, 1850. : V-. J L Present their-Honere.. Young L. G. Harris, WilTmm Dkkcn^ElizarL. Newtou, Justices of said Court OTlOT | it may concern., ■> almirt, Admins/raltir of John NEWT O N H O K S E, Athens, Georgia. fT^HE subscriber, as proprietor -of the above ue’ I - well arranged and furnishll Hotid, expects, from experience, a disposition to please, and attention to bu- tsnes, to makeitjust such an establishment as the public Athens, January, 1849. LO VICK P; THOMAS. . land cmfitorTof said deeffas-' ed, are beri*y dted and adropnisbed to file their ob- ' “ na, (if any thcr hare) in my office in fermawf — Letters of DLiuissioh will be _ .. cant at the next May term of aid ader of said Court rf 1850. A.iLJACKSON,ada ’ .r Court of Jackson of Grdinai^rpurposes, HenryS. Bntlef, Jato of aid coe^Tdeceased.. JAS. 1LARGROVE, Adm. Sept 5,1850 N-M. BUTLER, Adm’x. B SPRING. STYLES, 1S50! ■ . EAVEU and Moleskin Hats, just received at March 14. FERRY AGCO'S. Lungs, Liv reby r ting tlie purifying the lly tiioronghl^ rnths, i failed. Within the last twelvi gravated fo is of Dp dyspepsia have been cured by tlie if dieting, the blue pill, and almost ..... . had been resorted to without any benefit, and when death stared its miserable victim fully in the face. If Dr. Gordon’s Pills Were not adapt- ' '' if any but this horrid - ,1J - **--= ! M. JESURUN. Here is another, nearerhome: New-York, Jan. 8,1850. Messrs. Sands,—Gentlemen,—I liave great pleasure- in acknowledging to you the great benefit I nave re ceived from the use of your Sarsaparilla.. A subject of iary disease, I made a voyage to Europe, but bo afflicted. A few.or • rcturu. I was n-izi-il with a violent hr-mtir-'* if the lungs, and from the 'debility and great :d difficulty, pin important and truly > Art. I feci that I hav :0good health as at p Pmaainre Death. Uinhclia on Self-Preservation. ONLY 25 CENTd. , lliis Book, just published, is filled with useful tafor- andC l Age. To all who apprehend or si n addition to dedin- of moping and melancholy despon- ‘ waft on'to fame* * in this disease alone w< id baneful liabits—to sSSmTSZ. deucy. Dr. K. would say- RE AD THIE BOOK. Tlie valuable advice and impressive warning Ugh years of misery and suffering, and si lually thousands of live reading iL wiU learn how to prevent tiro f their children. nittance of 25 cent*, enclosed ia a letter^ DR. KINKELIN, N. W. corner of Thinfi •ceta, between Spruce A Pine, Philadelphia^ e a book, under envelope per return, ofmaik Proxs^invne week. ' . i£ll!&. .. ' FIFTEEN ’Z. - For anioredriailed descriptionof the Medicine, the of extensivc and uninterrupted practice thifr manner of its operation, the complaints it is adapted ' city, liave rendered Dr. K. tne most expert andmiccsm * to, and tlie cores it has performed we refer our readers ' ful practitioner far and near, in tlie treatrneol of all to our agents, who will give them a pamphlet gratis. diseases of a private nature. Persons afflicted wttii t#" All orders must be addressed to G. WI BURR cers upon the bodv, throat, or legs, pains id the head W — A BROTHER, 154 Greenwich street, New York, 1 bones, mercurial rheumatisms, strictures, gtoysl. dis- whohave the Sole Agency of .the South and West . | cases arising from youthful excesses or impuritfealoftlta’ -——- ' blood, wberebv the constitution lias become ff LCCHiA CORDIAL ; -“JS^aBSKferS.^ ®Bi THE ELIXIR OF LO.VE. confidently rely upon his skill as a pliysidan. • F ; IS A ,.l .pcly rare for iociplcut , ■'"-»** *OMecW->««• Vr*t*f Mta* consumption, barrenness, iropotency, lucorhma or (post-iyiid) and be curcU at noma whites, obstructions, diffiWWt or painful'^menstruation, - Packages of Metlmme«,^)»rectio«», *a. incontinence of urine, or involuntary discharge thereof; by sending a remittance, an p 1 and for general prostration of the system, whether tlie agC-QivCurijfr 1 ty. . , « ; PmUbts'C result of inherent causes or produced by irregularjfy. ZSV,Boowellcrs, - ® gon ** m » k. pi^t t^c tWSdpoii- era,and all otliCrssnppbed of Dr. EL mays with the a! Itsuhrivalied reputfltio : March 21,11 DR. JAYNES The above pbnular medicines for sale in Athens by FAMILY IUZBICIINZiS. . ftVS CHASE A PETERSON, and ' JIE aub;icriber is j„st.receiving a ~PP*V-oL Dr R^ES A..WARE, at New Y orftpneesj 1 javnc’s Eamilv-ATediciiics, all-oFwhich, are offeraf at the Philadelphia prices; con*hting, among otber sta tides of JayneV.Expectorant, Hair Tonic, AlteratiT# BTOttce. ' Hair Dyc.Curinlnativ'e Balfeni,Tonic Vermifuge, San* nffsnWribwstillcontinuestokcepopen • WM. S. C^IADY . BOOT SHOP. : JAHEihRIDGES Jits rturfcLLT informs tiiepublic that he luw removed lug shop to-tbe building in Hie rear ofthe PoBt-Ofifefe near the corner of Baldwin. ' LAW N0TICE. rrHE subscriber haring Ideated-at-Newtoo, (the* " LIFE INSURANCE. ^ A ^county site of Baker,) will give his prompt and r nnHR SOUTHERN - MUTUAL INS Ult AN E street and College ^venpe^-wherc h^fe prepared- by faithful attention to an professional business entrust-; JL COMPANY have now keen engaged in Life execute in the most and on short notiee, ed to hia care in the counties otRandolph,E*rly, Sura- : nu ranCe'foronc vear. In this time all kinds of work in hfe Dnsortw*iie*i.f' '- '** ter, Lee, Baker and Decatar-of,Ihe SOTth-Wtatero,! TheY have'issued Impolicies Having procured tfceserviceeafMr. Haudrup,(a mm# aadYhokaxa ofthe ScartJaom Circuit, , • , “insured- $450,00000 superior workman) under whose management the c*~ i JOHN LYON, Attosxzt at Law. ... Their premiums have been 10,58806 tablii-hmerit will be placed, he can assure tlie public thati Newton, Baker Co, Ga,A*g.l. -j . -Their losses' Nothing. his work will be done in a style eqhal to that of any Tliis department is, by the CMhpanyfe charter, en- cooeera in tbe coontry, addle he believes fiuit he willl 117 ON \ ATTQ AND TIAHTHVARP i tirely distinct from their other buriness. Their rateffar© be enabled to offer Gentlemen's fine Boots and. sboea,. IHUJV INAIL.55 AND HAKUWAttb. low«- than those charged by Northern companies for. Ifedies, arid Children’s shoes, Ac. Ac., at lower priced TRON, Nails, and a general assortment of Hardware.’ residents Of the Southern States. j than similar articles can bep 1 «■ X i°*t received and tor sale by ’ : . A. HULL,'Pres’t j tablishmcnt in the place. L A CO. ‘ ' July \U 1850. ■Jiat ,C. F. McCat, AcFry" Athens, Jan. 11,1849; . -"’wy jf. *.