The southern herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1850-1853, September 26, 1850, Image 4

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PATENT MEDICINES. .T COUGH HEMEDY PATENT MEDICINES. ffSOSBL ■OAhbSVESS, BHOMCHITia, WaOOKBO-OOUOB, CROUP *mu Ml OOKSUMPTIOW fPUK un fc-no >ium *Iikli bn* attended the iw «•! 1 thi* piepnruti*»ti—ii» salutary effiet—h« p#.u «-rt» relieve ami cure affection* the Lang*, have gained U« it a celebrity equalled by «•*" ined««ne. tt* offer it to iIh- afflicted wiib entire court'Icimt in it* virtue*, and the fall belief that it will siihdw- awl w- more ibr severest atta * •ml Lung-. The* ic known, very naturally Ml I'iii'n GENERAL ADYERTISENENTS. jBOSTON FURNITURE WARE-nOOTfiS. A GENERAL assortment of fashionable Mnlmgai aud other Furniture from PRIME, KENNY & CO.. Boston, Wholesale and Retail. of *1000 or more, will be supplied ary 1^ tSTfoThn Hi philanthropist* even where. M i» tlieir . of CHERRY I'ECTOHAL may lc«ma t fidloRHijr:— _ .. VALENTINE MttTT. M. I>.. IW. «...rrv .IM. CJ'T,X: mi. wtj— "h Bitwise |4.ti-tiri-1** 'tin ii.l(ill CJ..I A ter'. CHKBBV I'KCluB. I.ttlscl. I <tn •idrr poe.ii.rly <° ™ rr ><*-““* ° r '“ 0 "TuEKr’BEV. IrOlin BISHOP FIRM) wrHeaina letter t.. hi* friend. under an affection of tin: Lung** r . v »*»* CHEKIl i .PECTORAL, and if any medicine cm. Rive ymi re lief, with tiro lilc-rog •* ‘j,'-; ’.''** yj" rilIF.F JUSTICE El ST1S, of Louisiana. write* -Tlwl * >•>«' S da..Rl‘'< r of hi* vm cnretl of several severe attack* of i r<.* P by tl*. ..CHERRY I'EUTOKAL" ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. The OiMfMH Joutuul of Admiral Seine* states, “That A*tbiu« ami Bronchi'* m. prevaMit in thi* im htmtit eliinate. ha- \ ‘ I*Ut, to Atcr . UIIKKKY fEOIOKM. o»l «t CM- ■« bo«nLl.vm»wuoo.l ikiteWlful to the profeiMHHi ami public getieroli*. Let the relieved .utfcrer j™* , 7 Dr. J.C. Ayer-Dear Sir :-l laving been r-v em-d from a pahiriil ami daoger.m* di-*a*s bv v'.urj.uji- gratitude prompt* For Ibe removal and Permanent Care *T ill NERVOUS DISEASES, ... rapfeiats whichare earned by aa Impaired, Wholesale prices and lo *1000 at 15 per cent. ince Building, opposite tb March 14. 1*50. 0100 to *500 “20 SOUTHERN HERALD Book and Job Printing Office, BROAD STREET, ATHENS, CA. ■ltd it* failed Stitt**, Dr. CHRISTIE’S GALVANIC BELT DEBILITY, tremors! VaLMTATION LIVERCOMPLAIXT," SPIN. uiiuomu, I. DEAF NESS, nervous r THE HEART, ArO- in Ute SIDE a« ‘ ' . COMPLAINT, ind CHEST, COMPLAINT, DISEASES of ’, and ail NERVOUS DISEASES, which com- •imple ei A Derangement of the Nervous System. Vp >■ NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Dnn and Madicinaa ■McirtiH Ut, (or they weaken the vital energieiof the already prostratrel (yitem ; wlulr aadcr the strengthaiunf, 1 to former health, strength, Id erto reccivctl. tlic uudcnignedlhave been indu n d t«« make large additions to their heretofore large itnd beautifulaMortmcutof rrintingMaterial*,and to rptidtlidi n JOB OFFICE, for the exclusive purpose of d liu- JOB-AVOBK, where we are preparetl ,1,0 .tylr, ,nJ f,,r LOW BRICES, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL -J S) 3 X iii ii j'J T il J'J 8 > OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Our I’rt-MWare from the celebrated LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS.' - EXECUTOR’S SALE ole, oo the lint Tuerf.J in October nert, one tno” land,'containing abo«t sixtv acres, more or w», wner on is a comfortable dwelling house, gm bouse, running gear, and other neceeeanr out housw, f the place wlieruon James Barber, late of Clarke^ tr, deceased, resided at the time of hi* death. Also, the same time and place, will be sold one negro woma Pat, about 70 years old,-said land andnegro, to be soli as the property of James Barber, deceased, in pursu- ice of the will of said deceased. Terms on the ilay, July 18, 185a - O BIFFIN BARBER, Kx r.f* E C °UAS ^S"e"wutor of Jesse Dn^ deceased.] applies to thU Court for Letters of dismission:-- ^Itis tuereibre ordered that all persons concerned, how cause why said Executor should not be discharg ed, and that publication be made according to the stat- ite in such cases made and provided, hlareb 14,1850. JESSE M UKPHEY, Si tli interest 5 of U«!idlis ‘a/Few’and Marcus Cj Few, orphans of Leonidas Few, deceased, in a certau tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county Newton, adjoining the town of Covington, contain! six acres, more or less, being a part of lot No. 253, the 9tb district of originally Henry, now Newk Countv. CAMILLUS L. FEW, Guardian. July 18, 1850. general ADVERTISEMENTS. ! WATCHES. JBWBLRY,I SILVER AND PLATED Ware, A'c. keepers) and a great variety of arranted gomFtim the latest stvleof JEWELRY. Embracing in part. Breast Pins, Ear and Fin .fall kinds. Also, Silver Table, Desert and Tea Spoons, Forks, Soup and Gravy Ladles, Butter-kni F°h r date, npplienti iU be the honorable the Inferior Court of rdinary purposes, for leave jing to the estate of Francj JAMES O’KELLY, Grargla^Wallan count] ll'a/kn Superior Court, ii Ann Hogan, | Imlfortlieinf.* , .... iisthw t«* you, nation of otliers in like afllictmiL A alight cold upon TOl (MWirf yp"' tot 1 became emaciated, could not slei-p, was «lw- ; tressed by my cough, ami a pain through my da>l • and In short had all tin* alornung symptom- of quick consumption. No medwnie seemed at nUto ntch my case, until I providentially tried y«ur < HERR* PECTORAL, which soon relieved and has m.w cured . mt Yours with respect, K. A. ST Is, WART. Alba* v, N. Y, April 17.1848. | Dr. Ayer, Sir:—1 h»ve for ytirs been afflicted with Asthma, in the worst form; so iliat I have liecnnlJiged to sl.-tp in my chair form larger part uf die time, being unable to broatlie «hi my ben. I had tried a great many medicine*, hut to no purpose, until my idivsician procribed, a* on experiment, your CHERRY I'ECTOHAL. . , . | At first it seemed to make me worse, but in less than • week 1 began to experience the most gratifying re lief from ita use; and now, in firnr weeks, the disease i* removed. I can sleep ou my Wd with comfort ami rT\i«y a state of health which 1 had never expected to enjoy. GKO. S. FAURANT. | Sold in Athens by Drs. 11 ILL l SMITH, by Havil j land, Ri*ley A Co. Augusta, and by druggist getierly , tbrougnout the SUte. J Any. 1. 1850 | B E WISE IN TIME!—TIS FOLLY TO DEFER I AFFLICTED READ—Thousand* ara suffering J Iront disease from which there i* no difficulty in being j iienuanentiy and speedily relieved, provided the right ■MM bo used. Aa every vice low its own punish-; ao Jt would seem every di graat peculiarity and exeU’.anea ct Dr. Ohrlatla^ Galvanic Curative*, mnsistf, ia (he f»cl ILat llwy arreil and care dieeaM by tnl' drogiagrod tlie Puilad SUtei, only three year* einca, more tliaa CU °° ** 60,000 Persons including all agaa, cliwn and roodiUonc, amonp which ware Nervout UomplainU, ba»a%*t» ^ * 1 G/-'oiir fneuds and the public gent njM-ctfully invited F LAMPKIN Sc ADAMS, Fine French Calf Boots. EllitY A CO. liave eoa*tanUy on hand a large a made ia the place. —ALSO- i beautiful article of Calf Sho «, Congress Boots, Ac DVSPKnil A. or any other Chronic or Nerrotu DUorder. la ordinary caeca, etimalanta are takan, which, by their action on the nerrea and maacles of the atoaiach, aflurd Inaaerai-y relief, hat which leaea tha patiant ia a lower etau, and with mjaiod Ucultiee; alter the action thaa excited haa aroheatiouot ^helj^LVANl'c BKLT**rSa'a'TlyroapUc lularer, eren in tha wotas ayniptoma of aa attack, and FlaSd^a^di reetr "in'**abort 1 p* ri^T thVlna aV«P Fall Goods. ignetl is now receiving bis Fall and Win- UlTCid fit]IE undersigned is now re * ter stock of goods, consi ceric*. Hardware, Cutlery, Hi liave been selected with gte* trade, and will be sold low C •produce of the country. s, 81m»cs, Ac., all of wliich cans to suit the country cash or exchanged for W.S. GRADY. Oct. 11, 1819. Saa** A FEW DAYS IS OFTEN AMPLY ERADICATE THE DISEASE OF To mothers and married Ladies. la all cases of Female Diaeaiaa, tha Oalranie Belt Dof^n- .Vfic Fire-Proof Warehouse• GIBBS & McCORD, WnrcUoune and Conniislon Mercbants MeIXTOSHSTREET, AUGUSTA, OA. HE undersigned beg leave to inform their friends GEORGIA—WALTON COUNTA’. I, W. W. Nowell, Clerk of the Superi tifv the above to be a true copy of an from the minutes of Walton Superior Court, Augus' Term 1850. Sept. S, 1850. W. W. NOWELL, Clt kptlg.l-- w October next, between lowing property, t« wi The interest of Thomas Hancock in and to the Town lot, in the town of Athens, known as the Plan ter’» Hotel, being the undivided half of said lot, ni i Ji and the public, that they have removed to th« ** ' new fire proof Warehouse recently built on the comei * ! of McIntosh and Reynolds streets, wliere they kav« Tbia ia true, ami there milling in thu i certain tlian tliat tlie AMERICAN COM POUND ia the moat speedy and certain remedy for all discuses of a delicate cliaracter, known to tlie world Adapted to every stage of the di-ease, sex and constitution, at all times ami seasons, there is uo fears of exposure, detention from business nor restric- tionindict; from the certain and speedy relief it give*, U la nnw the most popular remedy of the .lay. Ten Thousand cases have been curcl effectually by it dur- iag the past year. Prepared by a practical physician, the afflicted can rely with oenfidcncc on it* curative powcu over diseases of thi* character. Full directions OTCAUTION.—Ask few the American Compound MMpurchase only of the Agents, 294 Market-street, Ilia, ami of B. 1L WARE, Athens, Geo. 1,184* 17- etphia, a L 47.184 COMPOUND SYRUP OF NAPJ1THA. S OT ONLY A POSITIVE BUT A WARRANT ED CU RE for Consumption and all diseases of tlie a. Tlii* medicine ha* decided the di-putr about Wtacmlilitv of consumption, and -mi*tied tlie medi- *L fe sufficient to satisfy any patient—if not nlto ' “ ‘oo far gone with the disease—of ” angle do*e gives evhlenee of its • in arresting «»! eradicating t’ ««• immediate relief which it Afford*, inis is no quack or secret remedy. Dr. Hastings, its discoverer. m Oris of the most eminent phvsician* of the age, mid kna made a full di-closure of its hist.wv. and all its component porta to the worl.L m*t wi-bing to incur dm rospoo-ibility of confining to bim-ndf, for the sake of profit, a secret which was calculated to do such mwiml gooiL And ata-li 1m* been the wonderful result of its operations, that the Loudon lomcct, Med ina! Time*, ami the most er.inent physirinn* of both lmmUphus . are anxiously calling upon sufferer*to have mramliate recourse to it, and proelniming that of all known medicine, it skoc lui* positively estafo d its efficacy hv umleniable j*r<*if* of curing cou- M ion am] all other diseases of the lungs. AbeSrASrmirtoiiiiB ; *»* upwM.iKiy 1 OW Spirit*. Pals in the nremit and Rida, chlorosis, Flaor i pcnnancntly located, and will continue to give tneir Ibwe, rroleptai uteri or KalU«c of the Womb Coetiveaci^ | ticrsonal attention to the above business in all its 'branches. thi* aim pie and ! Tl»e location selected is very favorable for selling cot ton and other produce to the bc$t advantage. They __ n . w hope by strict attenti-m to business to merit a share of eh*Naturo keneu'ha* provided! patronage. All orders, accompanying consignments of application bj- the Galvanic Belt ; Cotton, and for Bagging, Rope, and Family Supplies SLaKi SmSTJSi ! will be faithfully executed, and delicate can wear it with entire ease and safety. Yoang ! Cadi advances will be made on produce in store when ladiei jut entering womanhood, are always more or few j required. Their charges will •abject to painful and dirtiewing lymptomi-, theie are im- I . ° mediatehr relievad ami ^correctad hy^wearing the^Galranic Purpotr*, Srptrmber 2, 1850. the I Present their honors. Young L. G. Harris, James W. comer J Barrett, William Dickcu, and Elizur L. Newton, n produce in sto inform to the e- ladie* who have an ■ plaints, and it is only requisite to make the trial to t vinced that every thing which D here promised, . fulfilled. Certificates and TesUmonials E. N. BUTLER, READY MADE CLOTHING, Casrimeres, Vestings, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, Socks, Hats and Caps, Umbrellas, Hin doo Shades, Ac., is prepared ' ** "‘" GAINS for ea«h, at the Mck by Pitner and England, under the Soutliem Wliig of- t his old stand, two doors above John sell GREAT BAR- fomierly occupied AN EXTRAORDINARY 0A8E. . .. . . which conclusively proves that , 1. Huggins. “Truth is stranger than Fiction.” HOME INFLUENCE. The fellowiag fetter, aarreting one of the mort remarkable ' A NEW lot of this popular work lias just been It I iV ceivod by CHASE A TETERSON. Sept 5. 'Ray. Dr. Landls tj a Clergyman TTS: j LEATHER FOR SALE. 7iT^^fe«5S*sSaii8£. , ®7S5 T nE w ***2"!' u f t -o*wr aa Ihllewa: 1 are now offering for sale a handsome stock of For abont twenty yurt I had been *a(tiring from Dyipep. : Leather, consisting of Harness, Belt, Sole-and Upper to PMSfiSya : 1 -“-r.."'l -vitc the attention of deafenno* cousu- Dr« Le Roy’s SARSAPARILLA AND WILD CHERRY m- ac ■— m* 9 The only Medicine at once Strengthening, Purifying and Purgaticc, in tr is fence. SE Pills are the very perfection of medicine, a T* UMpUri/lf, without WEAKEN ■ the great end that Iia* long r before discovered. _-rakvningtlie*y*t*jp.;^butin JUftJV. LeJfejr# JVfa ttrmytlen while they pitnr!— They ahme remove the ixi-vt»iTir>; ami riot onlv re- tMii, but brace up, anti consolrilote ererv tiling else.— Thuy produce uo straining!—no relaxation!- kv. the eraitrarv. nmler th«-ir iiifluetwr, turn and puritimtiun go hon.1 in liaml! liy — - By tlie Mom. ^^^^^^WWW^^lHifoderatitui of actual*—they k same time horvl.-n tiro nui-cfes—-treugthen tlie yw ’pstfly the hbnsl—fortify tlie dige*tivo func- *!■»*—sharpen (he appetite—open the pore—ami Irewly di*chaigu all auperfluitKw_. -And thev are nn- attenifevl with griping. nxu*ca,or unpVn«unt s'en-a'ion ;T •Nd do not amJc* before tfiey core, like all other nos- j who take them ron >caroely j urtMTe that they are writ tlie operation of metUciiu',- N*in4ea-1 «r the usual debilitating effect* of tmrga-l 4hw% they fed a glow of health and comfort radiating, ■s it were, from the centre their systems. IMPORTANT NEUtOY, DB. MITCnEbb'S EYE SALVE.' rpilK great advantage* n,ore-««*l W this article over ^ CemhHy.Safety, Covcnicnceaml * » LnUtfog grpat daneerial •P|P r *hended from drugging tlioeye wlxm M aal m«mma NNd Unhealthy iAate v In 4he use of thi? W*, thi* wbMfewfe entirely removed, aa no harm I *“ P°f*lr aw tu_. : ■W* W* .jc. IM. •"U-gOItl. nw.ra.iciK.. puu MiOnr.Ukt ’•* »**» remarked to ■*, after haring witnnrcid it* cf- IVKeSOernU per box. whatoTcr* My phyriciana wi Nat hare their prow option* failed tinea, in cmweanenca of frequent i in ire discharge of my pastoral duti . •ever* Chronic Rfcenmatlim, which for yea clued aw indetcrilwbie aaguiih. In the ecverm »••¥* "L *Y pkyfehwa eoeaetiasee afforded Uaf v but this relief was aaly temporary. Far winter of ’4a and ’48, -ia corucqnence of preacl deal ia are nwa and varioo* other rhnrrh— in waa attacked by the Dmnchitir, l affection-thi immediate mopeniioa of my pastoral labor bsoaIso*dof my Dvip*p^ K, »« . inc ing that theie disorden wei ’*■• Byslea*. My sufferings were indead severe, and I hi no pnapect ,<her than being entirely laid aside from a dischanreof thoee datle^ and the performance ofthoee Jabm wkica my aowl haa ever found tha highest of her joys. Bnt reasoning from effect to cause, I concluded that tb •V trm n,nrt *» vreched. before any hope coal ha indulged of my obtaining relief from these most di"— tog maladies. In the whole pharmacopoeia there eaai re no remedial agant which coaid reach and recuperet gysgsrisp “txr, it "* rnsr.n to vaat-aut see. If time permitted, I of paper with the details af partienfere, but I caw now only furnish this brief abstract My Dyspepsia haa nrrrr return'd; the Bheosnatism once la awUfe v&tt Nring driven from Us hold Upon my »T»tem, and my Brvmckral affectma k enrireig cored. Bach u tha womferftU »»d happy remits of the experiment I have reranmemfed .the BELT and FLUID to many tand, alarge stock* of Negro Slwtea of the best quali- y. Cash paid for hides and bark. Watkinsvillc, July 18. W. G. MORG AN, Sup’t. CONFECTIONS! ICE CREAM AND ICE!! AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. H ANSELL DILLARD would respectfully form the citizens of Athens, and the pti generally, that be » n*,w at bis old stand, on Jack • *-itd»«rin rear of Mr. Huggins’-tore, wl iplete asaortment of e’ s of said Court To all tchom it may concern. W HEREAS, Lucy Puryeur, Guardian of Martlia Elizabeth, John and Sarah Puryenr, orphan r, deceased, applies foriLettcrs of Disi have) in office in terms of the law, otherwi will be granted to the applicai file their objections, (if Letters of Lismissioo will be granted to the applicai the November term next of said Court By ordt A. M. JACKSON, Georgia, JTacksou Comity. Inferior Court titling for Ordinary Purpotet, Septet let Term, 185^ Present their HoouHk, Middleton Robert White, sod Charles Wi I T appearing to the Court, by the r Fricks, tliat Joseph T. Cunninghi ed, did in bis life fime t execute to the said Fricks his bond corifttkatsd to make titles in fee si pie to said Martin Fricks, to lot of land, eight hundi and ninety-one, (891) t *---•■• •• • • ' - section, coutaining fort- payment of the conxidi ^ f tag to the Court that said J. T. Cunningham de t John H. Cm it of land— It it lAerefo •aid, sliould n JOHN O. PITTMAN, c. Georgia, Clarke County. ITTHEREAS, William filwards applies to me for IT Letters of Administration, with the will annex ed, on the estate of Cynthia W. Greer, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed PATENT MEDICINES. ith a great variety of fancy articles and housekeeping Our facilities for ’purchasing goods in New e such as to enable us to offer them cheaper 1 be bought elsewhere. We would respectfully invite our friends, the public., wnd strangers visiting the place, to call and examine j stock, and the raicxs, and judge for themselves. I 0.«fc A. K. CHILDS. . B. Watches and Time Pieces of every dcscriiv , carefully repaired by the most experienced work- . and warranted to perform well. Repairing of all Is neatly done. 0. <fc A. K. C. thens,Juncl4,1849. BOOTS! BOOTS! iHE undersigned would most respectfully inform tlie if Athens and the surrounding country that ed to the store, comer of Broad Street and me, formerly occupied by T. M. White as tore, where he is prepared to make to order Boots and Shoes Of the best French and American Calf Stint. mtlemeit wanting a good Boot, neat ami durable, mid send in their orders. Corlt-soled, double-soled, 1 gotupinn \eralsatisfaction is warranted to all Captain Borrv with a call. 19. PATRICK BARRY. , in be obtained f >rtl», adding only the freight, at the WARE ROOMS ®rs West of the Post Office, near the Epis copal Church. , continuance of the patronage hithertorceeivei ubscriber will encourage and enable him toadi rably to hi* stock of manufactured articles, nm asc the variety of his material. Why take your money abroad, when you can use it a Ivantagcously at home i # * # Old Furniture cleansed and repaired. Sign am **"'* C.S. OLIVER. LOOKOUT FOR CHEAP RIDING! VERY STABTe REMOVED. THE undersigned hav- veil arranged Sm ith the Franklin House, take tins d of informing their old patrons and the public in >1, that they keep constantly on hand for hire. id Buggies, Barouche? - * In Quart Bottles. For the removal and ’permanent cure of alt Diseases arising from an impure state of the blood, or habit of the system. Among the many and important discoveries of thir •iteration, is one whole fame will be written, as With* sunbeam, in the history of the past SANDS’ SAR SAPARILLA stand* forth alone, and by ita own works - G oclnims its power—tliat mute eloquence so irra*i*ti;_ y affecting in the appeals of the suffering for relief,, lias been answered. Thousands of cases of disease have Wen cured by this invaluable medicine, such aa arc not furnished in tlie record* of time. These things arc not done in secret places, or in some unknown tovn, but are performed in our principal citica and public places. They are brought before the world to substan tiate, beyond’doubt, the healing virtues of this prepar ation ; and the facts unfolded, although gigantic, are as plain as the light of day. The Sarsaparilla is combined with the most effectu al aids, tlie most salutary productions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom; and its unprece dented success in the restoration to liealth of iliosc who lmd long pined under tlie most distressing chronic mal adies, has given it au exalted cliaracter—furnishing, as it does, evidence of its own intrinsic value, and recom mending it to the afflicted in terms the afflicted onlv - can know. It lias lomr been a most important desid- medecinc, to obtain a remedy similar to this—one that would acton the liver, ■ ach, and bowels with all the precision and potency of mineral preparations, vet without any of tlieir delete- tpon the vital powers of the system. Al- t, and daily if neces* it the up-country via Athens, will be le the ridge road or by Madison ‘ _ ih, for *C per scat. Travelling time And they flat ter themselves that from long :i perfect liealth, no effect it t delicate When it . if appetite; but ted'in the frame, and carrying fast path of life, then its mysterious in- een; it enkindles new life and vig or, and brings health and strength to the suffering arid A. B.«t D. Sands—Gentlemi have my duty to let . miraculous effect your Sar saparilla has had upon me. My limbs were covered “• " tliat I could not walk during ion 1 of your Sarsaparilla, and after ta il with this scrofuli told him the loss of hi — blindness seemed to be bis fete. Three bad his physician itable.and go rilla. ’ BENJAMIN F. BUCKNER. ITS POPULARITY ABROAD. Maracaibo, > Venezu«l™ l April 12th, 1819. Messrs. Sand*—Gentlemen: I consider it a duty du* the public to make known the great benefit I have re ceived from using your valuable Sarsaparilla. About three years since 1 was attacked with Rheumatiztn in my shoulders, and also in mv legs, and *0 severe waa the pain, that I was unable to sleep. I tried all of tho best medicines I could bear of without receiving any benefit, until through tlie advice of afrimd I procured some of your Sarsaparilla, and after using four bottle* in the course of fifteen days, I found mvaclf entirely well. 1 have no hesitation in saying your Sarsaparilla ^ is the best medicine I ever took, and can confidently iincnd it to 111 v friends and the public. Your obedient servant, J. M.JE3URUN. ind Giles Mitchell, oxecu- c (if any they have,) why s by law, to show Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this the 2nd dav of September, 1850. A. M. JACKSON, Sept 12,1850 be i* offering tv sale: t thing in bis line of business; Cak< and fresh ; Candies of hi* own manufacture, fresh and superior; Nuts. Preserves; Pickle*, Orange*. Lemons, Pine Apples, and every other delicacy of the season. His icc Cream department I* well fitted up. and j G«wi particular attention given to Ladies, for whomtliere is ] The;... , a separate room. He will keep a constant supply of! Purpotet, September 2, thi* delightful article; also, Icc Lemonade and Ice for j Prewnt their Honors, Young L. G. Harris, Elizur L. sal ‘L^ ; r “7 quantity. ... Newton. James W. Barrett and William Dicken, Orders for parties and from tlie country, at- »_.s r —:.i r>,„i ’ tended to in tlie best manner, at short notice. i Jmte 8,1850; j i justices of said Court. To all tchom it may concern. ERE AS, James ^P. Mavne, Admit Athens, Ge< CST All orders promptly filled at Augus Athens, Feb, 28.1850. PI.IJYO-FO 11 Ti: s. AN ELKOANT .mortont of PIANOS CHAS. ZOO BAUM. LOOK AT THIS! CARRIAGES, ROCKAWAYS & BUGGIES, NEW AND SECOND-HAND, AND AT REDUCED TRICES. RICH'D S. SCIIEVENEI.L, Coach-Maker. Opposite the Bank—ATHENS, GA• SALTER* IVY. at the Newton House and Franklii the Indian Springs. Dr. Gordon’s VEGETABLE ANTIBILLI0U8 FAMILY PILLS. T70R the cure of Headache, Giddiness, Salt Rheum, I* Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn, Worms,Dyspcp- ’ “liolera Morbus, Pains in the Back, Limbs and General Weakness, Fits, Consumption, Palpitn- : if the Heart, Liver Complaint, Rising in tlie Throat, Erysipelas, Deafness, Dropsy, Asthma, Itching * ’ e Skin, Fevers of all kinds. Colds, Gout, Grav .•!, ilc Complaints, Nervous Complaints, and all other originates from impurities of the blood or derangement of the digestive organs. Dr. Gordon's Family Pills, Being compounded exclusively of such ingredients as nature intended should operateon the impurities of the Human System, strike at the root of the disease, re moving all impurities from the body, opening the pores externally and infernally, separating all foreign and ob noxious particles from the chyle, so tliat the blood, of which it is the origin, must be thoroughly pure, neces sarily securing a free and vigorous action to the Heart, Lungs, Liver and Stomach, thereby restoring health, by opening the pores, cleansing the veins and arteries, ' npeding all the natural veins and purifying the >d, they render the system not only thoroughly nd but also impervious to disease, even when all iT means have failed. Within the last twelve ltlis, more than one hundred TT° ...—,— JlL l in G. Mayne, deceased. Comm 1,1860. Th., ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. i \\ the real estate A OKEEABLY Le,,C '* rf D “”“* ion fn "» «“ “T. A C ““!J * £«J* “10-lin.rv.fjJUrt, j u,. uin d„J „ nd of „ d ncW..hcd to file their «b- ’ jections, (if any th<*y have) m my office in terms of the J" law, otherwise. Letters of Dismission will be granted the applicant at the next May term of said CocrL 1 should be addressed, and appli =e tf C ’ J. U. PARSONS, See. ^wSStT^EKHMA ^ old; Candinc, 4 years old, and Lucy Id as the property of Reuben Hanson . ate of Clarke caunty. deceased, for the benefit of the l_: j -editor*. Terms casli. A RASSOH. bon Raising or Rnarwij; in (Ua Far*. OcafucAS. which J* generally A Ug. 15, 1850. Nas-JBX, are tret ai-tmaaA crenplaint, called Tfe Mom. j — __ AUBisTiria i T?0UR months after date, application will be made to DR. CHRISTIES J} tlie Honorable the InferiorConrt of Madison comi- ! about 33 years Mil; Tom, 16 years old; George, 13 [ year* old; Ann, 12 years old; John, 8 years old; An na CHRISTIE’S tbony, 7 yearsold; Caroline, 4 years old, and Lucy 2 GALVANIC NECKLACE Is rare for .11 ciwrLinto affecting tha Throat or Bead, rack Inara aed creditors. Term* cash, is Bromkita IntaaMaUirei of the Throat. NcrYtms^aad^Sick , H. B. RANSOM. A S. which k zcMrelly Aug. 15, 1850. with tho will annexed. j-V, j : H||H QMOKF.D Beef, fresh- and firm. j,«t received an O for ralr by SUMMEY.TRAMMELL* Ca GALVANIC BRACELETS ty. .ken sitting for ordinary pnrposes, for leave to i «T Coarafeiore or Fife, sell the Negroes belonging to the'eatate of George W. 0*Kellev, late of Madiwn eountv, deceased. .....,.™»JlUtSfi’SHS! '■r.llini . BENJ.F.’O'KELLEY, Adin. Macrx* hi Ih* lioitM or viher orffaM of tha body. * J T ' T ■ .... .. ■■ ■ .—: ” NEW €R0CERY STORE. Mrelt^wS'amr^trefeitK^Al.o d citizen* of Athens a Iv, tliat they a: snt of F unity general- surtment of FJlESH GROCER IKS, suited to town ; country trade; aB of wliich will be sold on rea. hBdb’'' ; nmOoBaiL soMble terms few<**h.«r tonnoetualdealers. 3 Nee lilacs, • Two Dollar*, . ; ^‘ThejnharrihfirrwnttVl beg leave to say.ihrur Goods 3 Bracelets, One Dollar B>d». • ptarfrased for cash nioaUv.and consequent- . The Galvanic Bracelets, One Dollar Each. ; oeen puranesea xorca-ta uortly. The Magnetio Fhud, One Dollar. ! lytbey rao affiwd to aeUfow a small profit—l*l£cring C5y-Thsartiefessreaer0.rani.J hy full sad plan. Alrec- ui the old fedage that “ahrLk penoyla-better than i wST^gfeUxnfe tkSfEktiin any ts W ^ * ” “^"particular caution. W-fflsn if OMfWWu mud lf«UL.t JwjlaS D. O. MOREHEAD, MS. _ F«w sale in Athens, Gets by the authorized agent ; . SUGARS' SUGARS!! ■“ '* il ** 1 ' JgROWN, Ionf,Qmsbed and Powdered Sugars fresh I IWwitorr b *! streets, in the law ^ a Tin and Stove store. _ _ SUMMEY, TRAMMELL A CO. Athene, March7.1850. READ! HAVING rrmored. I offer for rale, my ; TRAMMElL, A CO. IRON AND ‘STEEL. Swede *ad English. Bar iron, 'boM •feel; reo fhejn. W.-fis • Hr .»Isi Swsals low by SepC !• A. M. JACKSON, c. TAIf HOUTEY de BARRETT, CO ACH-MAKERS, ATHENS. Bro leave to in&irm their friends and the ,blic generaUy, that they have removed to eirNEW SHOP, second lot below the Franklin House—wliere they have on hand several VEHICLES, and are constantly manufacturing aU de scriptions of CARRIAGES. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. REPAIRING done with neatness and despatch. Athens, March 23,1848. . I; Barrett, WiUiam Dicken, and Elizur L. Newton! _ Justices of said Court. 1 Barbcriug and Oair-Dretaing. : To all tchom it may concern. j HANSEL DILLARD, W HEREAS, Beuajali & Sheata, Executor of n ESPECTFCLLY infonns the citizens of Athens Nicholas Sheata, deceased applies for Letters > JK* and the public generally, tliat be wilb^all^tacs, of Dismission from said Executorship;— ‘ 1 be found at hi* Shop, happy to accommodate those wb~ Therefore, the kiadred and creditors of raid deceas- ! JaTor him with tlieir patronage. Athens, Aug. 48. ed, are berebv cited arid admotfislied to file tlieir ob-! ——— ; — ■ ! newton house, the applicant at the next May term of raid Court. ! Athens, Georgia. By order «»f raid Court. f ". ; rptllE subscriber, as proprietor of the above lie - ... - ... .. well arranged and furnished Hotel, expects, from . experience, a disposition to please, and attention to bn- Crargla—Clark* Csaaty, isnes,ft>makeitjust such an establishment as the public The Honorable the Inferior Coirrt, sitting for Ordiuarg Vrants. LO VICK P. THOMAS. Purp ses. September 2,1850. ; Athens, January, 1849. Present their Honors, Yoang L. G. Harris. William , — Dicken, Elizur L. Newton, Justice* of raid Court. V-- To all tchom il may concern. TirHEREAS, David Holmes, Adminsfrator of John ; D Mardi 14, FERRY k CO’S. VV Colly, decor—* -•«*“ ^ 1 ion frora said 'A Therafore, the kindred nd creditors of aaiddeeeas- SPR1NG STYLES, 1850! B EAVER and Moleskin Hats, just received a Mardi 14. w Messrs. Sand*,—Gentlemen,—:1 h in acknowledging to you" the great benefit ccived from the use of your Sarsaparilla. A subject of pulmonary disease, I made a voyage to Europe, but rifis while the after be afflicted. A few week* sized witli a violent hemor- the debility and great ’ ith the protract-”" rliage of the lung*. . prostration of strength that follox ed difficulty of respiration, I am entirely relieved by the use of your Sarsaparilla, which I consider a most important and truly valuable discovery in the healing art. I feel tliat I have not for fourteen years enjoyed *0 good health a* at present. Very gratefully yours, S. E. SEYMORE Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B. A D. SANDS, Druggists «t Chemist*, 100 Fnlton-st. cor ner of William, New York, .'old also by Druggists generally throughout the United State* and Canadas. Price SI tier bottle; six bottles for ?5. '■ by HILL drSMITlI, also REESE .1 WARE, Hinkelin on Self-Preservation. ONLV 25 CENTS. This Book, just published, is filled with useful infor mation, on the infirmities and diseases of the Generative Organs. It addresses itself alike to Youth, Manhood and Old Age. To all who apprehend or suffer under the dire consequences of early or prolonged indiscre tions—to all who feel tlie exhaustive effects of sedenta ry and baneful habits—to all wlioiii addition to declin- -"fit, uud when death stared fully in the face. If Dr. Gordon’s ed to the cure of any but this lion form success in this disease alone 1 T3T This median imorc detailed description of the Medicine, tlie of its bperation, , s * ! *— , J to, and the curesVt lias per.' ts miserable victim j annually thousands of lives. •ills were not adapt- ! Parents by readi r.g it, will learn bow to prevent tho l malady, their uni- I destruction of their children. ould be sufficient to 1 -A remittance of 25 cents, enclosed in a letter, their inventor, as a | addressed to DR. KINKELlN, N. W. corner of Third I A Union streets, between Spruce &. l^ue, Philadelphia. 1 cure the worst ca- • I wil len-i re a book, under envelope per return of mail FIFTEEN YEARS •id uninterrupted practice spent in this cred Dr, K. the most expert and success'.. iplainte it is adapted a pamphlet gratis, sed to G. W. BURR ... street, New York, who have tlie Sole Agency of the South aud West LUCINA CORDIAL; OR, THE ELIXIR OF LOVE. r ‘ IS A sovereign and speedy cure for incipient consumption, barrenness, inipotency.lucorhaia or whit**, obstructions, difficult or painful menstruation, 1 I'ackage* 01 Medicines, iiirectm incontineDceof urine or involuntary discharge thereof; *>? «=udmga remittance, and put up illness or accident. It is pleasaut to the taste,and post-» ers.andall others snppbed with Uieabove workatTWlr tively sure in its operations. Its unrivalled reputation‘ ow ratCS- 1 ' _. j in both heml«plieres is the result of its almost snperna-; DR J A Y KE The above popular medicines for sale in Athens by ranxiLv mmnoiNiw HILL A SMITH, CHASE A PETERSON, and .nup B,<twcribcr is iust receiving a suddIv of n. * WAiS ii w Vert pn». . I liSaStSIASS-jfeS I at the pliiladelphia prices; conmztmg, among other a»- ' tides, of Jayne’s Expectorant, Hair Tonic, Alterat^* Hair Dye, Carminative Balsam,Tonic Vermifuge, San- bones, mercurial riieuiuattam*, strictures, gravel, dis eases arising from youthful excesses or impurities iff tha" blood, whereby the constitution lias become enfeebled,, arc all treated with success.' He who places himself under the care of Dr, K. may confidently rely upon his skill as a physician.* Persons at a distance may address Dr. K. by letter,, (post-paid) and be cured at home. Packages of Medicines, Directions, Ar n forwarded^. - sending a remittance, and put up secure from Dam- - pg* Booksellers, News Agents, redlers. Canvass— March 21,1850. jeetkM, (if w»J they have) in my office in the law, othenrioe. Letters of Dumuoon will be granted to tha applicant *t the next May term of said Court . By order of said ~ LAW NOTICK -jffotlce. .Tax subscriber still continue* to keep open hi* HOUSE in JEmtasox, Jackson county, Ga, for the accommodation of Travelers. Man and horse, per day,..; -#1 50 ; “ ‘ tt. “ all night, 100 | 8cpt 19 1850. tf J.B.NABER3. ' ed. are hereby cited and admonished to file their ob- mHE subscriber having located at 'Newton, (the 1 __ . - -re* - _ .—^ t- ~o=— 1 ± cowity site of BakerjjriU^give hi* prompt and j LIFE INSURANCE. BOOT AMD SHOE SHOT. a JAMISBUHK5ES I RrarxcTrcttY informs the public that be haa. Ita removed hi* shop, to the building in the rear- •of the Post Office, hear the corner of Baldwin! 5,1850. A. M. JACKSON, c. cl o. IHE SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANE street and College Avenue—where he is prepared to^ faithful srtentWi to all professional business entrust-! JL COMPANY have now been engaged ra. Life execute in the most superior style and bo short itotiee.. edtoSs^StatbecouSSs of Randolph, Eariy, Snm- j nu rmice for one year. Hi tbU time _ ^ ^ , . ; alLk*d»ofworkinh» line ofbm^ta ter, Lee, Baker and Decatur of the Botfh-Wcstern,' ™«J r >U R months after date, application will be mode to the Honorable the Inferior Court, of Jackson comity, when setting as a Court of Ordinanr purposes, for leave to sell the Jand# belonging to the estate of Henry 8. Butler, lateofsaid^o Sept. 5,1850 143 Polides 1430.000 00 i.iumi have been 10,586 08 . TheirprcnJu—, —... . — Their kisses Nothing. -.j his work will bedune i This department»,by the Company's charter.en- concern inthe country, whilehe-LeUe-ree-that superior workman) under wliose management the'ee- toblL-hmentwill be placed, he can assure thepubbethat;