The southern herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1850-1853, October 03, 1850, Image 4
PATENT MEDICINES. OBBAT COUCH REMEDY PATENT MEDICINES. OOVOHS, GOLDS, HOARSBMSS, BROWCHITIS, WSOOPIXIG-COUGH, CROUP ASTHMA ui OOHSDMTTIOH rpm.,r ->■«>■ ««*“ g “•* * 1 thisprepi liim—its salutary eff. ct- I,* ll > .30.1WI I'T .» Mbtt mtt*»«• ”• rtfrr it to the »*ktttl «llb «t'5* Vt fuw tm.l r.- I,".i rtttto. ■» they *»r “ '""“’’“vALENTISE MOTT. M. I). /'* ZrJSZi .in rurv f.f A v*-r'» CHERRY I’ECTtlRd L, which I ««- si.Jr peculiarly adapted to cure di-ease* of tl>e T, ”t|IBKt“TkV. LORD BISHOP FIELD I •* I_. ti . r to hi. friend. who wa« fa-t sinking M i .1 Ik. tew; Trv tte CHERKY PECTORAL, .»> if an? it."!**? S*” >■* « u.f. ttkv spSna. i of fomi-isim writes -Unit a'y**U»>3 daughter <4 hi* wa- cured of seT.val severe attack. of Ctonp by the „CHERRY PECTORAL." ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. The Canadian Journal Of Medical Sesenes Mate., •• TW Asthma aud Ur-nchui- *» prevalent u» to the profession Aixl public generallv." Let & relieved JZ. Dr.J.C. Ayer—Dear Sir:—Haviog be«« n^eue from a poiiiful and dangerous di-ease by-your me.ii »-■ K~.iiu.ut.... •.-ix-teis! followed Mid Gut cued .mritltcl. »«U US .W* gii. ,tu) . tlirmijjlt nt.vdtttt, l t)ie alarming symptom* «» medicin ' *“ ’ GENERAL ADVERTISENENTS. BOSTON FURNITURE For Ike Irani! and Pfrmamat Cara of ill NERVOUS DISEASES, And U llsw tVmpkinb which nrs c*n»eJ by an tasoirW. nsskened or nnbesltb, condition of Um IRRVODISYSTEM. This beautiful and roavauiont anplicatioa of the mya. terioaa |«w*n ot GALVANISM mmi MAGNETISM, baa beon pronounced by distintniabed phyaiciana. both is Earope and the CnRad States, to be the ami aeUeUa aaadirinet Dr.' CHRISTIE’S GALVANIC BELT MAGNETIC FLUID j WARE-ROOMS. A GENERAL assortment of fashionable Mahogany and other Furniture from ! PRIME, KENNY & CO., Boston, j Wholesale and Retail. Purchasers of $1000 or more, will be supplied al " per cent, advance on Boston P 1 * 1 —* 1 t of transportation. ■*- 0*1000 » $500 10 per cent, advance on Botou Wholesale pores snd i coat of transportation. From $500 to $1000 at 15 per cent. Post Office, Athens. Ga. March 14. 1850. SOUTHERN HERALD Book and Job Printing Office, BROAD STREET, ATHENS, GA. E NCOURAGED by the very liberal patronage hith erto received, the undersignedfhave been indu M j red. to make large addition* to their heretofore large ' and laenntifitl assortment of Printing Materials, and to CENKKA1. DEBILITY, ' establish a JOB OFFICE, for the exclusive purpose of doing JOB-WORK, where we «re prepared FITS, cSK\tr. PARALVBIS anJ fALSY, ^I SPEPSTA or *« execute, re «he most beautiful style, and for LO INDIGESTION, RHEUMATISM, ACUTE snd CHRONIC. , PRICES, !!Tvff“W:J^i‘» »S^»5£*YS™ I PLA1S MB ORNAMENTAL 5 03 panamas. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. tV Our Preasesare from the celebrated manufnc try of Hoe & Co., awl onr Type, Ornaments, See. on, the foundries of Bruce & Co., Conner &. Son tul inviiKT. White of New York, and Messrs. J. L which is abundau ri.EXV. NEURALGIA, PAINS la Iks SIDE sad CHEST. j LIVER COMPLAINT, SPINAL COMPLAINT, aad CUR VATURE of tba SPINE. HIP COMPLAINT, DISEASES of | the KIDNEYS, DEFICIENCY OK NERVOUS aad PHVSI CAL ENERGY, aad all NERVOUS DISEASES, wluch com- . LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. EXECUTOR’S SALE. YXTILL be sold before the Court-house door, in the V Y town of Watkinsville, daring the legal hours of sale. on the first Tuesday in October next, one tract of lawl, containing about sixty acres, more or less, where on is a comfortable dwelling house, gin house, and running gear, and other necessanr out house*, being the place whereon James Barber, bite of Clarke coun tv, deceased, resided at the time of hi* death. Also,at the same time and place, will be sold one negro woman, Pat, about 70 years eld,—said land and negro, to be sold as the property of James Barber, deceased, in pursu ance of the will of said deceased. Terms on the day. July 18,1850. GRIFFIN BARBER, Ex’r. BUSINESS DIRECTORY; I GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Smith & Stovall, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, AC., «• 1, Csllere Aveaae, Alkess. Terms—cheap for cash or country produce. DR. C. B. LOMBARD, 9EHTI9T, ATHENS GA. the Drug Store of Messrs. Hill A Smith, sept. 16. » E l . applies to this Court for Letters of dismission:— It is therefore ordered that all persons concerned, show cause why said Executor should not be discharg ed, and that publication be made according to the 170UR months after date, application will bemadc [ to the Honorable Inferior Court of Jackson Coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave'to sell acres, more or less, being a part of lot No. 253, i •lie 9th district of originally Henry, County. * * CAMILLUS L. FEW, Gvardian. IT >UR months after date,application will he madi the honorable the Inferior Court of Madison Spratling. deceased. JAMES O'KELLY’, Ext. pa- la NF.RVOUR COMPLAINT*. Drag, Ik* dim***, for tksy waskss ths vitj c already prostrated systsm; wkil* ubr tba i lifs-citing. vitalizing ii tkis Vsaurul aad wsads lalvsalsw, as applisd . Bvsry, the sskaastodpaUsst i to Wm*r kcallk, strength. i Johnson St Co., of l'hiladelphi evklcuee i ' -* *- : *” J S«“d papei Sr. Ohrlatla 1 * Oalranlo Curatives, vmsiitz, in Iks fact tkzt thsr srrsst sad car* disease by .Hi trsrd mfflicmli.H, ia place ef tks UI • '* -* * * —* CjSSA-riSj" bile hy t lards, Ac., and* the display < gening up” aud execution of < S]»ect to ipve universal satisfactiol jias.-sets I LAMPKIN St ADAMS. #/ Ik, ll**d, prsa 60,000 Per«ons^ including all agas, cl EITl-IRELT AMD PERMANENTLY CURED, f^Ne French Calf Boots. F ERRY A CO. have constantly on hand a forge a sortment of gentlemen's fine dress Boots, whk I they will warrant to wear and fit as well as an made in the place. tutiful at March 14. Auunt.N.Y, April 17.181 Dr. Ay.-r, Lowell,—Dtar Kir:—I hare for j I teen afflicted with AmIum. >>»the worst form; w» 1 liave been uliliged to sleep in my fhair hr a U part of tile time, being unable to breathe on my 1 had tried a great many CHER 1 Y^PECToITa L. Vtt me vnr.e. Ml I. Ltifyhlg K. Hals ths uss of tbs GALVANIC BELT, n n sJBictsd with that Lsns o vor»e, but in lest that of health which I had GEO* s’fArKaNT. JVcic Fall Goods. sBscfa^*ffurd >> *rwssrsry ! T'HE undersigned is now receiving his Fall and Win- in a lowsr state, and ; * ter stock of goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Gro- purpose,! mmi tbis'witk'tiis'sAhct rwlltoe fwa tks j ceriesj Hardware, Cutlery, Hats, Shoes, At, all of which •ppUesUoa cl ths GALVANIC BELT. Take slyspsptie , *‘» ve 1**® B ,e * 1 «re to suit the country suflsrsr, srsn ia Iks worse symptom* af aa attack, sad ! trade, and will be sold low for cash or exclianged fu «"PjF J* 1 *, b ? d /'“*“* i tile produce of the country. W.S. GRADY. £^ar,aiayjg j o£r». ■«». ; ! JVtio Fire-Proof ffTarehouse. Thus til* most severe cssss *t DYSPEPSIA are PERM A NENTLY CURED. A FEW DAYS IS OFTEN AMPLY ERADICATE THE DISEASE i GIBBS & McCORD, nd CsMMlmU h.ld in Allien* by Dr* B e wise AFFI.H —"ITS FOLLY TO DEFER, 1CTED READ—Tlionsand* are suffering r from which there is no d'ffficnlty in being nl (y and speedily relieved, provitledthe right V “tJ Elothers and Harried Ladies. i ^intoshstreet, auousta, ga. In sll cm«z ofFem*le*^UM*«^S* Gslvsiuc Belt UoJLJn- ! rfYHE undersigned beg leave to inform their friends estimable value. It would take many adveitiaementsinis i JR and the public, that they have removed to tl lbs present, war* we toghs numerous tekUmonisU which j new fire proof Wardiouse recently buUt on the corn jStoTtfjgmlnM I ofMdntoa y»l Bpnolfr rttt.te. vte. ttsy U- John W. doss, , DEALER IS DRY GOODS AXD GROCERIES, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, ko., Ac. No. 9. Bromd*trtrt~~ATHEN8, OA, May 3,1849. . V >J-- W. S. Grady, r in Dry GwwAs, Crscerlr*, **o* No 15, Sro,Ml Street—ATHENS. OA. Thomas W. Alexander, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lawuxckyillx, Gwixnxtt Cl yap Any business entrusted to his care will meet with WATCHES. JTBWBI.B.Y, SILVER AND PLATED wvwe, srto THE subscribers are now opening at the new Jewel- 4 Store, a splendid assortment of fine Watches, (*n} warranted good time keepers) and a great variety of the latest style of fv , JBiyyiT.nv Embracing in pail. Breast Pins, Ear and Finger Rings, i Gold guard and fob Chains, Gold Pens and Pencils, 1 Gold Buckles, Gold and silver thimbles, and Spectacles I ~c all kinds. * Ako^Silver Tabls, Desert and Tea Spoon*,extra-fine i Iver Forks, Sbnp and Gravy Ladles, Butter-knives; with a great variety of fancy article* and housekeeping , gooifo. Our facilities for purchasing goods in New . York are such as to enable us to offer them cheaper ! than can be bought elsewhere. i We would respectfully invite our friends, the public, : and strangers visiting the place, to call aud examine , “* stock, and the puces, and judge for themselves. I _ 0.4 A. K. CHILDS. f every descri^- W. H. H. WHITE, merchant Tatlar. Next door to Alexander* Drug Store, College Arenu. ATHENS, GEORGIA. T. BISHOP, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No. 1, Broad Street 4 THE AS, OA. irerglamWallsa county. Walton Superior Court, Avgutl Term, 1850. Inn Hogan, ) _ vs. [ Libel for Divorce. William Hogan ) I T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sher iff, that the Defendant is not to be found in tliis cuntv ; and it further appealing to the Court, that the defendant is beyond the jurisdiction of this Court, i .motion of D. H.Walker, complainant’s counsel:— It i* ordered by taid Court, That service be perfect ed by publication of this order, once a month for four iths, in the Southern Whig, previous to the next n of said Superior Court, for said county ; and that defendant be required to appear at the next term of said Court, to answer said Libel in terms of the law. GEORGIA—WALTON COUNTY*. I, YV. W. Nowell, Clerk of the Superior Court, cer tify the above to be a true copy of an order, taken from the minutes of Walton Superior Court, August Term 1850. Sept. 8,1850. W. W. NOWELL, Cl'k. FERRY & CO., Broad Street—ATHENS, 0A. ft. J. MAYNARD, O. & A. K. CHILDS, Watch-makers aad Jewellers* AND DEALERS IN Watchee, Clock*, Jewelry, Silver, Plated and Britai Ware, fine Cutlery, Musical Instrument*, Fancy Good*, Ac* Ac. No. 13, Broad-street, under the Franklin House—Athens ASA M. JACKSON, ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY’ to an older of the honorable Infer s the Court house door in Watkinsville,! Watkissville, Ga. C. & VV. J. PEEPLES, Athens, June 14,1849. BOOTS!BOOTS! fTIHE undersigned would most respectfully inform the -L citizens of Athens and the surrounding country iky,, he has removed to the store, corner of Broad Street and College Avenue, formerly occupied by T. M. White as a dry goods store, where he is prepared to make to order Boots and Shoes Of the best French and Atnerican Calf Skin*. Gentlemen wanting a good Boot, neat and durable, should send in their orders. Cork-soled, double-soled, water-proof walking anil pump-soled Boots, got up in a style which for fit, work manship and durability, cannot be excelled in Georgia, or any where else. ° Also, will bottom Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Fane* Slippers, with neatness and despatch. General satisfaction is warranted to all Who will favor Captain Barry with a call Athens, Feb. 15,1849. PATklCK BARRY. FURNITURE, GOOD AND CHEAP! Clarke county, eight negroes, to wit: Silvey, a woman j i ies n f Clarke, Walton, Jackson, Gwinnett, Hall, Haber- about 33 years old; Tom, 16 years old; George, 13 ! 9 ham and Franklin, of the YVestem Circuit; Cherokee, thuny, 7 years _ years old. Sold as the property of Reuben Ransom, late of Clarke caunty, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs aed creditors. Term* cash. H. B. RANSOM, Adm’r, * bonis non. Aug. 15, 1850. with the will annexed. MAHOGANY, MAPLE AND BL, WALNUT CHAIRS, Wardrobes.Unreaus.sidehoards,Table MANUFACTURED AT HOME, As cheap as such articles (equally well made and ble, and warranted so to be) can be obtained froi North, adding only the freight, at the WARE ROOMS Two doors West of the Post Office, near the Epis copal Church. *,*A continuance of the patronage hithertorcceived by the subscriber will encourage and enable him to add considerably to his stock of manufactured articles, and to increase the variety of his material. Why take your money abroad, when you can use it as advantageously at home I # * # Old Furniture cleansed and repaired. Sign and ornamental Painting. C. S. OLIVER. In Quart Bottles. For the removal and permanent cure of alt Diseases arising from an impure state of the blood, or habit of the system. Among the many and important discoveries of thk* generation, is one who /* fame will be written, as with* asunbeam, in the history of the past SANDS’ SAR' SAPARILLA stands forth alone,and hy its own works- proclaims it* power—that mute eloquence so irresisti bly affecting in the appeals of the suffering for relief, has been answered. Thousands of cases of di*e*BW~ have lx-en cured by this invaluable medicine, such as are not furnished in the records of time. These things- are not done in secret places, or in some unknown town, but are performed iu our principal cities and public place*. They are in-ought before the world to sub*tan- liate, beyond doubt, the heeding virtues of this prepar ation ; and the fact* unfolded, although gigantic, are asf plain as the light of day. The Sarsaparilla is combined with the most effectu- . al aids, the mint salutary productions, the moat potent \ simples of the vegetable kingdom; and its unprece- ( dented success in the restoration to liealth of those who ' had long pined under the most distressing chronic mal adies, has given it an exalted character—furnishing, as it does, evidence of its own intrinsic value, and recom mending it to the afflicted in term* the afflicted only can know. It lias long been a most important dezid- erat um in the practice of medecine, to obtain a remedy similar to this—one that would act on the liver, stom ach, and bowels with all the precision and potency of mineral preparations, yet without any of their delete rious effects upon the vital powers of the system. Al though possessed of powerful healicg properties, it ia entirely harmless, and will not injure the most delieats constitution. When in perfeetbealth, no effect is pro duced by ita use, except an increase of appetite; but when disease is seated in the frame, and carrying fkat ita victim along the path of life, then its mysterious in fluence is felt and seen; it enkindles new life and vig- cvr^wid^brings health and strength to the suffering and SCROFULOUS AFFECTION OF THE EYES. Wixchestek, Ky.,OcL 29,1849. A. B.A D. Sands—Gentlemen: I would not have presumed to write to vou, if it was not my duty to let ingfor Ordinary li(« n»se c< rnun than that the AMEI FOUND is the most speedy and cert a all disease* of a delicate clmractrr, k world. Ailaptcd to every stage of tin fears of exposure, det< diet; from the certain il seasons, there is no n business nor restric- dy relief it gives, ing the past yei popular remeJ^ of^ the day. Ten . Breazt and Bids, Chlonais, Fluor j permanently located, and will c >r Falling of tha Wonb^Costivencss. | personal attention Low Spirits, Pali Albna, Prolapsus ..._ _ Obstructed or Difficult Menstruation, General Prostration of { tbs ft; stem, and *U affections of similar character, ns ia- - ornnenes. mediately and permanently relieved by this simple and ! The loc beautiful Invention. The enervating nstur* of our climate | ton and other prodl j the best advantage. ibsiBahorOtol I hope by strict attention to business to merit It share of erself has provided. ! patronage. All orders, accompany ing consignments:of erjr^respoct pleasant and Ceanrla—Clarke County. The Honorable the Inferior Court Purposes, September 2, ltjou. Present their honors, Y'nung L. G. Harris, James W. Barrett, William Dicken, aad Elizur L. Newton, Justices of said Court To all irhom it may concern. 1REAS, Lucy Fury ear, Guardian of Martha, „ c-... . . .., arjJi ^ . >r Letters oi Dismis- \YTHE1 .... Y Y Elizabeth, John uid Sarah Fury ear, oi phi John Puryear, deceased, applies ” * '' ' xi from said guardianship:— Therefore, all persons concerned, are hereby cited repared by a practical pi the afflicted ran rely with cr-* '— — *‘« jvuwers over diseases • J this eh accixnpanv each bottle. HT CAUTION.—Ask for tin ind purchase only of the Agent Full direction# in Compound I Market COMPOUND SYRUP OP NAPHTHA. N ot only* a positive but a warrant ed CU KE for consumption ami all diseases of tin- lungs. Tins medicine has decided the dispute about the curability of consumption, and satisfied the meili cal faculty and all who have used it, that consump tion ami all affections of the lungs can not only la- cured, but they are a* easily aud simply cured, a* al most any of tin* disorders to which tlie liumuti frame i* liable. The operation of a single bottle, which $1, is sufficient to satisfy any patient—if not alio gethcr too far gone with the disease—of tli.s fact; am even a single dure gives evidence of its extraordinary influence in arresting and eradicating the malady V> the immediate relief which it affords. Tliis is no quack or secret remedy. Dr. Hastings, its discoverer in «sie of the most eminent physicians of the age. ano has made a ftill disclosure of its hist ait, and all it* component parts to the world, not w ishing to incur tlie responsiliility of cmifining to himself, for tlie sake •f profit, a secret which was calculated to «lu such universal good. And such has lievn the wonderful result sf its operations, that the Loudon Lancet, Mvd- ical Time*, ami tlie nowt eminent physician* of both Vetnh-pheres, are anxiously railing up«m sufferers to liave immediate recourse t«» it, ami proclaiming that of all kuowu meda-ine. it alone has positivelr cwtab- lislicd it* eflk-acy hv umleuiablc jiroof* of cunng con sumption and all other diseases oi the lungs. Dr. Lc Roy’s SARSAPARILLA AND WILD CHERRY The only Medicine at once Strengthening, Purifying and Purgative, in existence. T HESE Pill* are the very perfection of medicine, a they thoroughly pores nod purify, without weaken im, the system, winch is the great end that has long been sought for.but never before discovered. We said “ witbo it weakening the system;” but in fact Dr. Lt Roy* Pills strengthen while they purge.'~ 'l lrev alunc remove tlie ixiiritieh; and mu only re tain. but lwaoe up, and cnnsi>lidate everv thing else.— They produce n» straining!—no rc-laxalmn!—no debil ity. On the contrary, under their influence, in rigora- •• » ami purifimtian gi. Ium.1 in hand! By the 1 period, called -ths ti a mica ssffirriag--* -* and their families by tl linff results have uniformly attend t bristle's tialvmuic articles in all cz Mtal *t AH EXTRAORDINARY CASE, Rev. Dr. Landis, a Clergyman E. N. BUTLER, H AVING just received a new and forge assort ment of Spring and Summer READY MADE CLOTHING, sting*. Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, by Pitner and England, under the Southern Whig of fice, as well as at his old stand, two doors above John I. Huggins.’ May 23,1850. HOME INFLUENCE. A NEW lot of this popular work lots just been r ceired by CHASE 4 PETERSON. SeptS. ®t THE GALVANIC B riz—Dear Sir: You wist to Lam of ass result in * MjTni^y w£faveT a My plysicisms were sUUM « but bore their prescriptions failed. About fm since, is coosenuencs of frequent sspossrs tot ia ths discharge of my pastoral duties, I became subject to i •ever# Chronic RI — ‘ *— “ caused m* indescrib... the skill of ay pkysici by the Bmorkitis, w preachinc a crest jvtker cherebes in tkia refftos, I 1 — that these disorders were M prospect ether than bene entirely V dwchargs of those duties, and ike performance of' la which ay soul ha ever found the highest of Sat roseoaisg (tom effect to cause, 1 coaela £***•" ’V"* *stt be reached, before say Inff‘cudSau 7.’£*£S roUef fro* these a,, ta so remedial sgrnt which coulJrtAcCend'wupereto aj action—or rather by a c*afej*rati.«i ,4 actum*—they at tlie same time harden tlw ma«clc*—strengthen tlie nerve*—V*urfiy the blood— fortify the digestive func- tiow->—-Iwrpeti the appetite—open the pores—ami freely discharge all superfluities! And thev are i atteuderi with grijxng. nausea, or unplea*ant sensa*!* ifekrti fe/«r* they erre, like all other n t scarcely j LEATHER FOR SALE. 'DUE Watkinsville Leather Manufacturing Company , » are now offering for sale a handsome stock of Leather, consisting of Harness, Belt, Sole and Upper leather, and invite the attention of dealers ami consu mers. The company also expec, soon to liave on hand, a forge stock of Negro Shoes of tlw best quali- . Cash paid for hides and bark. Watkinsville, July 18. W. G. MORGAN, Sup’L CONFECTIONS! ICE CREAM AND ICE!! AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. W)i, e their objections, (if v they Georcia* Jackson Couuly. Inferior Court sitting for Ordinary Purposes, Septem- Robert White, and Charles Witt. I T appearing to the Court, by the petition of Martin Fnclu, that Joseph T. Cunningham, lately deceas ed, did in bis life time, execute to the said Martin Fricks his bond conditioned plc to said Martin Fricks, to lot of land, eight hundred ind n tenth dis and t payment of th« — to the Com life, without nig to the Court that said J. T. Cunningliam departed Newton & Lucas, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Slc. No. 2, Granite Rose—ATHENS, 0A. William A. Lewis, ATTORNEY AT LA IF, Ci'MMisG, Forsytii c0 n 1 Will practice in the counties composing the Clie- rokee Circuit All professional and other business er trusted to his management, will meet with prompt an faithful attention. Dec. 3,1847. Mjtntt JYbtice. T HE undersigned have associated themselves in th practice of Law. All business confided to then willhave prompt attention. OVERBY A GLENN. B. a OVERBY*. ) J. N. GLENN. Jefferson, Jackson Co n Ga. j Carnesville, Franklin Co. Dec. 27, 1849. lj- Barber loc aud Hair Dressing. B ERNARDO J. ARZE is prepared to give ft satisfaction to all gentlemen requiring his servie in the above line. He may be found at all times in tl brick building over Matthews,Goodman <fc Co’s stor Jan. 24. LOOKOUT FOR CHEAP RIDING! LIVERY STABLE REMOVED. THE undersigned hav ing built and just fin ished their splendid and well arranged Sta ble, in connection with the Franklin House, take this method of informing their old patrons and the public ill general, that they keep constantly on hand for hire, Saddle Horses, Horses and Buggies, Barouches, and Stage Coaches of all sizes; all of which can be had the shortest notice, and upon more reasonable ten WILLIAM PHILIPS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, June 1850. ly. Marietta, ' d deceased, to execute to him titles to said ipplication, that all persons concerned, may file tiuns. (if any they have.) in the Clerk’s office, why said John H. Cunningham ami Giles Mitchell, executors as aforesaid, sliould not execute titles to said lot of fond. HORTON, MOORE At CARLTOJf, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY AND SADDLERY. No. 3, Granite Ron- ATHENS, GA, J. W. Hortos. P. E. Moore, J. A. Carlton. Athens, Feb. 7,1850. 44—tt and fresh; Candies of his own manufacture, fresh and superior; Nuts, Preserves, Pickles,Oranges, Lemons, Pina Apples, and every other delicacy of the season. His Ice Cream department is well fitted np, and particular attention given to Ladies, for wbomthei i separate room. He will keep i constant snp] this‘delightful article; also, Ice Lemonade and Ii sale by anv quantity. 0T Orders for parties and from the counts tended to in the best manner, at short notice. June 6,1850. TTK)UR months after date, application will be made to L the Honorable the Inferior Court of Madison coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, fur leave to sell the Negroes belonging to the estate of George W. trams; mo that patients who take theme Wlieve that they are under «he operation of medical. 1 as instead of tlie usual debilitating effects ,4 purga tives, they feel a glow of health and comfort radiating, as it were, from the centre throughout their systems. ° j IMPORTANT REME0Y. 1 !)R. MITCHELL'S EYE SALVE. ! fflUE great advantage* possessed hv this avtiefo over ' 4 rrenr other, arc Certainty. Sofotjr. Coveuience and i K ‘£ Wn ' y ' AJI (hat great danger is *«»jw anprebethlcd from drugging tlie eye when m aa ! smtot mflamed and unhealthy >mic. In the u*« of tLU ; Salve this objection is eorirvlv rciuovod, as no ham ! can tareibly result from its dm; if being in all case* . mpiMd to the external portions of the eye. thereby avoiding all the inconvenience, pain aad danger, wbici NEW GROCERY STORE. mot Athens aad ths country geoerai- *** ■***»• 'V» Throat or Hsal, sack ly, that they are now opening a new and complete u sortment of FRESH GROCERIES, suited to town *>sff orRoansg ia the Ran, Deafness, which is rcacrsUv and country trade; all of which will be sold on rea- -tos, saJ that aistrosssdearo|daiat,caUad Tic italstvaa. j sonabfo terras forcash, or to punctual dealers. __ ‘ The subscribers would beg leave to say, their Goods DR. CHRISTIE 8 1 hare been purchased for cash mostlv, and oonsequent- GAX.VANIC BRACELETS i ,b *7 afford to sell for a small profit—believing foaaJof T*rt terries ia ernes of Conrolziou or FMa ;«*» the old adage that “ a brisk penny is better than mod* Complaints, and pasts! Nerront Aff.etinn W ' " ” Uezd and upper evuvauuss Ak ■“ - ' ing for Ordinary Purposes, September 2,1850. Present their Honors, Young L. G. Harris, Elizur L. Newton, James W. Barrett and William Dicken, Justices of said Ccurt. Toall whom it may concern. ■^^■HEREAS, James P- Mayne, Administrator Therefore, the kindred and creditors of saiddeccas- l, are hereby cited and admonished to file their ob jections, (if any they have) in my office in terms of the law, otherwise. Letters of Dismission will be granted j ‘ the applicant at the next May term of said Court.; Md E»*snl Memos Affection, of ! foxv shilling Afonj^rnhyznd rarelys*. j tbeir stare X*'— ! streets, in the 1 CO- Ms tronkls or lacsavenisac* attends the nse af DA CHRISTIE'S G.1Lr.1XIC MTtCUUL mi they “•J he wsja hy ths mss* fsehls and dslicnts with psrfoet enee and sefcty. lawsay csss*ths until* sttoadtoff thstr — ■ fo^% ffosssto sai scrroslfa. They OM he seal to say Three Dollare, (am is #• great that but few' e cflfo-t h perfect in subduing require the use nf , «• cure. Owe phy- . after having witnessed its ef a sewtalm*t.iiM'e«. that it was a “perfect fire killer. All we arit is that Us viztaes U thoroughly t strict! v followed. BEEF! S MOKED Beef, fresh and firm, just received and fur sale by SUMMBY. TRAMMELL 4 CO. Aptil II. • f TO SHERIFFS. A LAROfemppI, of Sheriff.' KU, of Solo. Mb printed and for sale lev at the Southern Whir Office. - '.. * - Tb» Magnetic lUd, ■jiEirskSS’SfirJT: t*. PASyfooLSS CAUTION. n. fl.*im«»Piiiun m jv fWNEAAL ABKinr 1^UMHTOjn G«X, by the. authorized agent READ! A MOVING removed, I offer fur sale, my HQ hoNseaadletitolha towaof Dheas. The ■sasBarsYtMs the college and to the charehes. T™ l<nr • of Broad and Wall streets, in the house formerly occupied by Summer, as SUGARS! SUGARS!! B ROWN, Loaf.Cn»hed and Powdered Sugars fresh and cheap, for sole bv Marcb7. SUMMEY, TRAMMELL 4 CO. > IRON AND STEEL. A GOOD stockeC Swede and Engliah. Bar iron, round, aquaie aad oval dot, band, hoop aad bread do, plow moulds, cast, blistered and German steel r COFFEE! COFFEE!! COFFEE gUPERIOR Rioand Laguim Coffee; also » very choice old G 1 and for sale low oy Sept 12. choice old Government Java do. iff - leather: LEATHER!! C ASH paid for beeswax hy Athens, Sept, Ik A. M. JACKSON,« CHASE & PETERSON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OEALERS IN BOOKS, STA TIONER Y,FANCY GOODS PERFUMERY, *C. SIGN OF THE BUMMOTH BOOK. Third door east of College Avenue, etofor They will run a splendid line of Four IIoi Coaches three times a week from Athens to Spring, and daily if necessary. All families w visit the up-country via Athens, will be sent to Clarkes- ville the ndge road or by Madison Springs, as they may wish, for $6 per seat Travelling '* All horses sent to their charge will recei> e the best attention. And they flatter themselves that from long j experience and close attention, they will give satisfac- I tion to all who may favor them with their patronage. iplendid Omnibus daily from the city to the R. R. Depot SALTER 4 IV Y. January 26.1849. Omnibus offices at the Newton House and Franklin House. Stage and Livery office at the Franklin House. W e will also run a splendid line of four horse Coaclie: ‘folly, from Forsyth to the Indian Springs. Hr. Gordon's VEGETABLE ANTI-BILL IOUS FAMILV PILLS. TT'OR the cure of Headache, Giddiness, Salt Rlieurn, _T Rheumatism. Piles, Heartburn, Worms, Dyspep- Cholera Morbus, Pains in the Back, Limbs and ‘ Weakness, Fits, Consumption, Palpita- PMJtJrO-FORTES. .AN ELEGANT assortment of PIANOS Jof the celebrated makers, STODART 4 •DUNHAM, N. Ytt also, the recently ii ented MELODEON, at the Pisno-Forto depot. Athens, Feb. 7,1850. CHAS. ZOGBAUM. LOOK AT THIS! CARRIAGES, ROCKAWATS fc BUGGIES, NEW AND SECOND-HAND, AND AT REDUCED PRICER- RICII'D S. SCHEVENEI.L, Coach-Maker, Opposite the Bank—ATHENS, OA’ H Communications should be addressed, and appli TA1V HOUTElff Sc BARRETT, COACH-MAKERS, ATHENS. o leave to inform their friends and the I public generally, that they have removed A. M. JACKSON, c. My limbs wet t walk during rith ulcerous sores, so that I c lie whole Spring and Summer. In this situation ] ommenced the use of your Sarsaparilla, and after I you of anothe ed with this s told him tlie loss of his su;h msnent blindness seem ’ ties entirely restored h tirely cured. I must also tell il cure. My brother was afflict head, so bad his physician _ lit was inevitable, and per- iwl to be his fate. Three bot- •ight, and we cannot but re ly afflicted to use Sands' Sarsapa- BENJAM1N F. BUCKNER. ITS POPULARITY ABROAD. three years since f a my shoulders, an the pain, that I was unable to sleep. I tried all of tlie best medicines I could hear of without receiving any benefit, until through the advice of a friend I procured some of your Sarsaparilla, and after using four bottles in tlie course of fifteen days, I found myself entirely \ well. I have no hesitation in sayingyour Sarsaparilla is tlie best medicine I ever took, and can confidently recommend it to my friends and tlie public. Your obedient servant, J. M. JESURUN. Ilet .8,1850. -I liave great jrfeasure ion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Rising throat. Erysipelas, Deafness, Dropsy, Asthma, Itching tf the Skin, Fevers of all kinds, Colds, Gout, Gravel, Female Complaints, Nervous Compluinta, and all othei Diseases bid secretions of Every disease rities of tlie blood, and ind stomach. which the human frame is subject. iriginates from impurities of the blood or derangi of the digestive organs. Dr. Gordon's Family Pills, Being compounded exclusively of such ingredients as nature intended should operate on the impurities of the - ----- - »f the.”--- «u the great benefit I your Sarsaparilla. A i pulmonary disease, I made a voyage to Europe, but ed to be afflicted. A few weeks ed difficulty o _ ^ ^ the use of your Sarsaparilla, which I consider a most" important ami truly valuable discovery in tlie healing is at present cry gratefully yours Prepared and sold, wholesale ami retail, by A. B. 4 D. SANDS, Druggists 4 Chemists, 100 Fulton-sL. cor- York. . a old also by Druggists Jfw of Willia generally throughout the United States a Price $1 per bottle ; six bottles for $5. For sale by HILLdrSMITH, also REESE 4 WARE, May 9.18.70. Athena,Oa. Premature Death. KinfccUn on Self-Preservation. ONLY 25 CENTS. This Book, just published, is filled with useful infor mation, on the infirmities and diseases of the Generative Organs. It addresses itself alike to Y’outh, Manhood and Old Age. To all who apprehend or suffer under consequences of early or prolonged indiscre- l> all who feel the exhaustive effects of sedenta* Jm'^T'^'lw^ghH-!-- V “J b £*f uldecUn i to disease even wlien all P h t v * lc » 1 en, r ?y. «* victims of nervous and Within the last twelve | dci T<«- READ THIS BOOK, lie valuable advice and impressive warning it gives, ! prevent years of misery and suffering, and save lually thousands of lives. adapt Parents by reading iL will I cam how to prevent th» eir uni- 1 'Jedructiiai of their diildren. » disease alone would be sufficient to £2T~ A remittance of 25 cents, enclosed in a letter, fame” the name of their inventor, as a addressed ta DIL KINKELIN, N. V. corner of Third n System, strike at the root o moving all impurities from the body, opening the pores externally and internally, separating all foreign and ob noxious particles from the chyle, so that the blood, of which it is the origin, must be thoroughly pure, neces sarily securing a free and vigorous action to the Heart, Lungs, Liver and Stomach, thereby restoring health, by opening tlie pores, cleansing the veins and arteries, i7 kskS:* ■‘“S! Sr. i ^ wi S months, more than one hundred case* of the most a< gravated forms of Dyspepsia hare been cured by th medicine, where rigid dieting, the blue pill, and almo? every other piean* had been resorted to without an benefit, and when death stared its miserable fully in the face. If Dr. Gordon’s Pills ed to the cure of any but this horrid malady, theii expert and success-. L-atment of all Ceargla—Ciarith Caaaiy. The Honorable the Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary Purposes, September 2.1850. Present their Honors, Y'oung L. G. Harris, James W. Barrett, William Dicken, and Elizur L. Newton, Justices of said Court. To all whom it may concern. W HEREAS, Benajah S. Sheata. Executor of Nicholas Sbeats, deceased applies for Letters of Dismission from said Executorship:— Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said deceas •d, are hereby cited and admooished to file their ob jections, (if any they have) in mj office in terms of the law, otherwise. Letters of Dismission will be granted ta the applicant at the next May term of said Court. By order of said Court. - September 6,1850. A. M. JACKSON, c. c. a Purp set, September 2,1850. Present their Honors, Young L. G. Harris, William Dicken, Elizur L. Newton, Justices of said Court Toall whom itmay concern. Wl matEAS, David Holmes, Adminafrator of John v V Colly, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismis- -ion from said Administration •.— Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, are hereby cited and admonished to file their ob jections, (if any they have) in my office in terms of dm law, otherwise. Letters of Dismission will be granted to the applicant at the next May term of said Court. By order of said Court September 5,1850. A. IL JACKSON, c c o. county, when sitting as a Court of Ordiaary purposes, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Henry 8. Butler, late ef said county. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. REPAIRING done with neatness and despatch. Athens, March 23,1848. Bartering aud Hair-Dressing. HANSEL DILLARD, R ESPECTU LLY informs the citizens of Athens and the public generally, that he will, at ail times, be found at bis Shop, happy to accommodate those who '-.vor him with theur patronage.. Athens, Aug.’48. NEWTON HOUSE, Athens, Georgia. fTYHE subscriber, aa proprietor of the above new 1 well arranged aad fiuiusbed Hotel, expects, from experience, a disposition to please, and attention tobu- Ties, to make itjust such an establishment as the public anti. LOVICKP. THOMAS. Athens, January, 1849. B March 14. FERRY 4 CO’S. j ti Union streets,between Spruce «fc Pine, Philadelphia. 23T This medicine never fails to cure the worst ca- 1 wil fonsure a book, under envelope per return of mail ses of Piles, in one week. ( FIFTEEN YEARS For a more detailed description of the Medicine, the j of extensive and uninterrupted practice spent ir maimer of its operation, the complaints it is adapted , city, have rendered Dr. K. the m * * -" * to, and the curesit has performed we refer our readers j fol practitioner far and near, ii .... to our agents, who will give them a pamphlet gratis, i diseases of a private nature. Persons afflicted with ul- ty All orders must be addressed to G. W. BURR cers upon the body, throat,or legs, pains in the head or 4 BROTHER, 154 Greenwich street. New York, bones, mercurial rheumatisms, strictures, gravel, dis- who have the Sole Agency of the South and WesL easesarising from youthful excesses or impurities of the- — : blood, whereby tha constitution lias become enfeebled- LUCINA CORDIAL; OR* THE ELIXIR OF LOVE. J confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. T IS A ttttttign and .pttdj cor, for incipient ,_££!S “*?»• K - “I LAW NOTICE. rPHE subaanber having located at Newton, (the} of Dr. K.may w iwv upon in* suii as a dUV*' ' I T IS A sovereign and speedy cure for incipient . . consumption, barrenness, impotency, lucoriwea or (P^P**d) an ^^ e ?J lre< * * t % whites, obstructions, difficult or painful menstruation, 1 P*«ages of Medicines, Directions, 4<^ forward*), incontinence of urine, or involuntan-discbarge thereof; h * , T muUnce ' M * d V* U P sitcnre from and for gaoeral proatratkm of the system, whether the *** ” ,^*"7.- v . „ _ result of inherent causes or produred by irregularity, Booksellers, News Agents, Pedlers, Canvas illness or accident It is pleasant to the taste, and posi- ers.mndall others supplied with the above work at very t*vely sure in ita operations. Ita unrivalled reputation in^iS p ^ UtUreMUofiUmlmortroperoa 'i DR * JAYNE’S The above popular medicines for sale in Athens by FAMILY IWHHICIMBR REEEs'a WterSi *?***■£ v PE T ERSOS - and fFHE subscriber is just receiving a supply of Dr ^ , 1 Jayne’s Fainilr Medicines, all of whiefo are offered 21,1850. teg j at the Philadelphia prices ; consisting, among other ar ticles, of Jayne's Expectorant, Hair Tonic, Alterative Notice. ; Hair Dye, Carminatrcr Balsam, Tonic Vermifuge, Sam TuEgQbwTibcr .tillcontinue,toI(cepop«n A|»c Pill*.*^Ac.^ ^ g QRAPV BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. ■ JAMESBRIDGES I RzsrzciruLLT intirms the public that he haa L removed his shop-to the budding in the rear a of the Post Office, near the corner of Baldwin |hia HOUSE in Jzrrxasoa, Jackson county, Ga, for the accommodation of Travelers. Man and hone, per dav, $1 50 j I Sept 191850. J.B.NABERS. _ LIFE INSURANCE. __ T eonntj-tearBS^Jwill p„ V3 HTBE SOUTHERN MUTUAL IN8URANE rtrtttMdOJIcEcATcimtt--.het.teu mnrit. futhfylrtteotion t,,11 profttiiitrt te-incu entrust- * COMPANY here m. tec. engrged in Life eregtem ttemert rttpenttrtjrl. rttdtrtihort nortec milt, eam in rtMinTta. »r R f orLJpi. miurancc for one year. In this time . all kasefoof work mhai 1ms orbusuiess.^ ter, Lee, Brtier ,nd Decetur of the Sonth-H^utcra, Ttej tet. iuocd ifhSS and Thomas of the Southern Circuit “ insured $430,000 00 superior workman) under whose management tho *#-- JOHN LYON, ATtouzx ,tL*.. Thrtr pttmienu he,.hem. 10AM M utl^™nl..Utep^te^tt^thcputteU»t Newton, Baker Co, Ga, Anr 1. Their tosses Satinag. hu work wdl ba done m a style equal to tint of any ^ ^ i - J This department is, by the Camaaay's *karter,en- concern latiU country, while he believes that he til IRON NAim AND IlATIDWkTIV tirely distinct from their other business. Thrirretesmw be epablvdto offer Gsntlwnen’sfine Boota and shoes, ulUl ’» iYAIfoo AMD ilAtlUW AaIXj. | ower tfaeua charged W Northern companies for Ladies,and Children* shoes, 4c.4c* at lower prices •-* " — -«■-*— • | thsasimSarartides can be purchased at any otiweito' TRON.Na received and nd for sals ly I SUMMEY, TRAMMELL4 CO. * Jafy II, 1850.