The southern herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1850-1853, October 17, 1850, Image 1

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T.i M; I-iAMlMvIN'..
■sawas m rjgm Mrmsrmm hm SSEST fls»iaso#al
! Notice to Pet .for* -.1-•»
: Hompnwmlu’J'^otifce*,..*‘'4 uo
"l?rW•*»•»•**»<«■. V*i.M" t n
:, ■m.-i.i. villW .Vmre,.,l }
JzrZ'z'i ,
31m-aJifrHstai nils. ■
TSVITE Mercfcimf*'l nil who require nr-
JL tiele* in tiwir line, to ran at 7TMAMrn Iaih*. X. V
we'offer ever/ rariefy of IBank Hook*. Pa|M>ran«l
BlaUnery, «t very low prices. As we insuiufec-
lure and import ail £«od* in our line, wc are cnaMed
to sell cheap, and offer inducements to buyer#. Order#
receive prompt attention.
few an kioAiof buntiee.. Bank#. Public Office. C.rnnty
Hlarka, Hettaof Boole* with printed beading for Lodge*.
Dimiuna, and otln rs/Hotcl itegutepv Time Ik<vk*,
Jffltn, Draft#, C«pv, Pi*s‘imd Memorandum Bools.
hj IE. »»<.r’ M.niMi) letter Writer, Irt
cxjK.iitiuti. and ccon* .mictii—-frier fruit
Cli o Toy INK.
If you vrnatgood black writhi- ink, u-o tlie
flows freely from tbe pen. anil retires Its color Al
so Indcllildo Cnrinmc and copv Inks. t
i n-AHl rfzes and styles of writing paper a trail 1 prices.’—
Tissue, colored, drawing mid perforated paper, cnvtl-
au^s,quilliswax,wafers, steel pens^cliessineii,wulfet*,
writing desks, ami every variety of fancy ststiiaierv.
from tbe full cap sire, to tbe -mnllest pocket edition,
containing almanac, time, and interest tables, a space
fer memorandums for every day in tlio yCar.dc. suita
ble fer business, professional, or privatctise—prie
BOe.75c. awl $1,sent by mail free,
tr Boolc-bi/tiling eJrrcvted in any style.
JlanufactHrimy (HatioMrr,.
77 Mahln, I.a n r,X, Y.
mt* M. UNTsku 1 July 25, 1850. 46—ly.
A Tribute to llic Meniorj- of General
I saw him but twice, iho^hero of the
Mexican war, the chief man in power,
in the United Stairs, the laic President
Zachary Taylor; hut enough to feel
that I saw in him—
. “An bone at umu, ll*c uolilc&t work of
The first lime was a beautiful even*
ing on the green ground around the
While House. The Potomac glistened
in the selling sun, a band of amsic in
the grounds was. playing tbe “Star
Spangled Banner,” and gay crowds of nge.
men, women and «l»iltP—* 1
Bin. Washington.
air readers will please read
| of huiltffnd-
1 V All ||
in l<«3tb,
Sad end of an /Kronant.
Tbe NtawaraVpapcrsiVecord the death
of Lieut. Gale, the fool-hard v a?ronaut.
as follows .- '' .
The Bordeaux journals, which haw
July Si, 1650, 3m
Comer of Liberty Bt^ Opposite tbe Post-Office,
/IIAVE received a full mid complete wwartment ol
■H goods in tUir Uuo, which they will l»c.liupiiy.>to
, sell or Allow to Merchant* imrclia-iog'' their FiiU.xup-
4 ply of Fmrwy CW*; ri)h4siiiiglnpnrtnf‘
OomA-fertoiv* Shell, Horn, lv»>rv, German silver, dr.
IhTTrara.—Gilt,- Brrcadfe, JxMlipsL Uono» ,iVari, Shirt,
Steel, etc, etc.
Balaiiki*.—Cloth, Hair. ’Tooth, Shaving, Six*. Bsuiit.
etc, 8oMp», Perfumery, Hair Oil*, Violins and
Strings Accordeoo*, Unitars, Flute*, etc . - -
Tnuiw.—Marshall's Linen, Giant * .Wilson's do..
8poal Cotton. Cotton Thread, etc. Sexring Silk and
Twist, Oott.ri ami Linen Tape*. iJrten IImn, Cor-
act Lace*, etc etc. Suspender#,all kind#, Pins See-,
dive. Hair l'iiw, llook.- upd Eye-, Thimble#, Knitting
I’m*. Bodkin#, Poclft Itools^ilk and Coftdi. l\rr?X
Tart-Moitnniev .VIeel genh, n ri-mplctf flsff.rtment,
Paper hamriaes etc « ' . ' -!
Cenxar.—1 taxor*. Pocket cutlery, S.-i#sors etc,etc •
German Silver NiHMm#, Do. do. plated, Britianna do..
Silver ami Gold Pencil Ca#m, Gobi l*en«, l'«v«’U#rion
CapsFhdi Hooka SlaUv. Peneib.etc, R “ **
Looking G la*.#-'- i’t.-.t - :.i..&»*■
j v—o ihe evening, the ipusic, the green
grounds, and the view of the noble r
cr, with itye Washington Monument m
giant proportions rising on its banks.—
President Taylor was among them, not
as the.kings of Europe when they come
down among the people, surrounded by
guards/ir star-spangled attendants ; qo,
but unattended, alone, plain in attire as
the grcaicst part ol them strangers to
him. Yet he seemed to feel that he
was among friends, and his honest face,
and his uuassuming bearing, his straight
forward, friendly manner, and the cor
dial pressure of his hand, made a friend
even of the stranger who was for tbe
first time introduced to him. He stood
there s^yene, smiling to the children who
were running about and tumbling in
the grass in unrestrained liberty. He
spoke of the pleasure they gave him.
It was truly a republican scene—one
of those we would fain sec more often
oh earth—where nil distance between
men, nil difference of rank and fortune
are done away with, and life is again
an Idyl full of innocence and beauty in
llic lap of great nature. May tbe star-
spangled banner (loot wider over such
scenes, such banquets of life !
The next lime I saw President Tay
lor it was in one of the splendid rooms
of his mansion, and with'him bis beau
tiful daughter, the sister of the Graces,
Mrs. Bliss. Political questions, to which
he was called lo attend, detained ’ him
for some litne from us. When he came
lie was cordial and simple in his man
ner, as before on the green grounds.—
Yet lie seemed lo rnc not quite well
and as if lie was i ” ’ ° ' • -* — —
bis mind p cloud.
gqllpiu.mao. nrjcl t....v, £«-„,,c
attending lo life ladies. He spoke ■
During the terrible winter of 1787-S,
Mrs. Washington was at Valley Forge. -- j ne norucaux journals, which have
The privations Ip which she had ;io arrived ibis morning, announce the
submit, may be judged from a letter she i death of Lieut. Gale, the- mronaut.—
wrote fo Mrs. Warren, in which she On Sunday be made an ascent with the
says:—“The General’s apartment is “ Royal Cremorne,” balloon, on the
very small; he has had a log cab-| bank of a pony, from tfie Hippodrome
in. built to dine in, which has made our . of Vincennes, at Bordeaux. It was the
quarters much morq tolerable than they first time that Mr. Gale had ever made
were at first.” - j such an ascension, and his pony had
It would be well to compare the hab-,’ only a few days before been broken in.
its, taste,.and occupation of ibis illustri- j At first tbe little animal displayed «»rcat
ous lady ot tbe olden time, with those repugnance at being lifted from° his
of the leading females of this illustrious feet, but gradually got accustomed toil
, ru »„5 ui ,age. There arc few.characters so well and on Sunday allowed himself to be
with nurses J worthy of admiration, and imitation, as carried 6ff by the ba1tc»on with the
tr nhnni #»n_ i this ovrninlarv wife ami millier. T r
luarj- antic-a, V]
«U1 Ujclurg^lfi
$ »1k* edito r*
know'Something of their own mailers,
that they ere possessed of some moral
principle, and understand tbe right and
wrong of questions as well as we do?
In other words can’t we let them alone?
“ Can’t we let them alone ? Yes, and
we must too. The South has borne a
great deal from the North it has seen
us gradually coming nearer ami nearer .
until we are * knocking at the dnor, ? but t
--V uirefe- Wiiu-UUiSCS j »»wmij Ml auufimuuii) «iiiu i«,ii,uiiuu, ao l.iiuuu wi UJf ■ |!ie OntHtOtl With the
and negroes, weriHjvu&fcg about c „. | this exemplary wife and mother. Her: greatest composureT "si's there was
V. vtc.
—#■ Mm'* (thick*, *’«.«»•
All pixxl# warranted oq<n»rtn Mimpfe, 'amt pfic
way* at the k>wtMt market point.
July 4, ISiO. . . 43—Smos.
Dry Goods.
M Librrtf £itrrrt, Cur. </ -VuM.oq mi m- the- Port
jam ex liRvvtM i'v. Mny t», lFSt.' ly-
tuis exemplary wiiu uiui uuuicr. ner greatest composure. sYS there was
Saratoga, during the eventful year spo- some delay in filling the balloon with
ken of above, was Valley Forge; dur-! gas, the pony, gaily saddled and bri-
irig the inclement season of winter, her Idled, was paraded round the Hippo-
drawing-room, parlor, silting, and bed | drome, and was regarded with extra
room, one small apartment in a log hut; 1 ordinary curiosity by the spectators.
and this too, when she might have been j An immense multitude assembled ‘to
: see the ascent. The local journals say
that the town was completely deserted,
and that the adjacent villages sent their
contingents. When Mr. Gale was seen
to ascend rapidly into the air, seated on
his pony, with the bridle in one hand
and saluting the public with the other,
there was a sort of a shudder or fear in
tbe vast gathering.
I he pony was perfectly calm, with
bis legs hanging and his neck bent; but
he made no movement. The descent
of Mr. Gale, which took place at a short
distance from Bordeaux, proved fatal
to him,. When the horse had Been re
leased from his slings, the peasants who
■ held the ropes of the balooh, misunder-
1 standing the directions given by the rero-
enjoying comparative comfort
own home at Mount Vernon.
But even there, although her fortune
was ample, she had very few of those
luxuries, for which women now-a-days
waste exorbitant sums, and barter away
the precious gilt of health.
Mrs. Washington was an economist.
She was itotabove aitendingto the minor
matters connected with household du
ties, and performing them too with her
own hands. Ladies, now-a-days, are
so oppressed with the ennui, that they
lounge in bed, while away time, till near
ly noon ; never look at domestics, un
less to reprimand ^ them, and as to
looking after^l^cm, that is entirely out
pied wilnWlress, and fashionable calls
attend to things so menial.
But Mrs.' Washington seldom allow
ed the sun to rise before her, attired her
self simply for the morning, gave direc
tions to her servants, with reference to
the disposition of their lime during the
day, supervised the quantity of food
which was likely to be consumed, and
superintended at its cooking herself.
Her life was eminently a Christian,
and a useful one, while the lives of very
many ladies of the present day are
merely fashionable. The dress-maker
to us ol liie .feuiians, whom lie j ,n -> ,ie ' r ‘ ! ,1 ' ll " a0 P 1, JF-' >
had been tv * bo Itactv i. 1 'l uu3l,un l " ,uch ' vhel . l,cr Mr3 ’ W ? 5, j-
well. And as be spolte bo brigbleacd. j IT'", "? ul , d i l’ uruse ’, lle """f c " s ' cal -
is spcccli flowed or, so pfcastin.Iy l '. , ? ka ^" S ! Cal lovC T' els ' ' vb ' d, are 50
-- |* w ^ J | rile with the poison of a sentamental mor-
liow ‘ a ^ l y* P rncl,se J °°Iy by heroes and licro-
is ofiencr consulted than the Bible, and
the last new Paris plate is of more value
'face- r—j . iiutnwy, anu on igrtner
search being made, TfifrUenQ hodv of
wm, rvL,oaS'(r r ’ llielast new Paris plate is of more va
■loud. And k did.L 0 ”; ? wn eternal interest; wl
and trr» American gHriVr.? eharnong opera s.rrgv, or thAgru
rg to lire ladies. He snoke! ful . da " 3CU f a : ««""» ““'J
•heerfully, that, had
gptisls, we would have forgotten how
time flowed on, as we forgot the storm
•hich gathered without, and rattled at
the windows.
It was a. few days afterwards that T
heard inthe Scnnte |lie low, thrilling
tones of Daniel Webster interrupt tfie
;, let go, and the balloon having still
sufficient gas in it (ogive an ascensional
force, after losing the weight of the horse,
rose suddenly, and the anchor, which
held by a tree, being loosened by the
sudden motion, the shock upset the car.
Mr. Gale, however, clung to the ropes,
and was fortunately able to pull the
string of the valve, to cause a further
escape of the ga3. The ascent of the
balloon was then checked, and it was
thought, in consequence, at Bordeaux,
that he had succeeded in climbing up
into the ear. This, however, was not
the case, as the next day the balloon
was discovered lying on the ground,
some miles from the spot where the
pony was liberal^!, and on further
discussion going on. to announce that a
“ 8 reu I misfortune threatened the land,”
ibat the President ol the United States
was dying#—was pot expected to.outlive
the day. And that very evening, how
changed was tljc gay scene in the White
House! Death was there,, was laying
Ins heavy hand on the beloved .father
Lieut* Gale, was found in a wood, with
the limbs all broken. He has left a
ife and eight children.”
We may expect to hear of a similar
termination ro the career of M. Poitevin,
, w...j « * u..« ..v.w- ? nolher 5er onaut, who ascended in Par-
ofa fanciful creation—evenbadthey j s . °” l ^ ,e day that Mr. Gale lost
been as plenty in her day as in our own. | "' S . !' ,e * , rhe following is the account
Her mind was matured by works of . of b's performance:
.solid reasoning; her intellect strength- !. n theSth inst., at o o’clock, an
ened by books of strong analytical re-j IT.” 160 ? 0 conc< >urse assembled at the
■search. We don’t believe her reading , 'PP°^ rorne . to see the ascension of M.
lever gave her the vapors, or called forth ‘ OJ ^ ln on on ass. lhe vast area of
the tears of sympathy, while the poor . e H, PP«drome was filled, and the
and needv wept at her door iu vain. jopproach to the barrier lie ’lEteile and
Shn was kind to the suffering; minis- I a crowd*so co '? re< * w ' 1 ^ 1
tering to their necessities, almost unso- j a SV l,m * oron , c f ^ot
licited she attended the sick soldier, ^"^uld pass the ^ar-
Two men, w|file Pl nas*»in*» afior 1,0 hri attunl settlement and
found thut the boys hud boon kidmippud ! g„i„o,'„ ■flbot ite'Thdo".^! *'
... . - S
chatter,‘ u!ld “peep through Voj ^X^Tbo’^ys k" yThl^n™" U'eo' I f ™"m''I "°' W V"'
und tell them henv they ought to sow, u^d .but their numes ^reXl'cu Jnek: vl l’n ' 'u C ' e ' UK ' ">
buw they ought to menage their own tob umlWm. Cs Jl B “l ( ! “ ‘ b ° l,llaml ''-I.'"ttH intents mul
business, how many cows they ought to I their captors they assumed cither names »L£! " hatsoever^ nor shall such
keep, and how their wives and daugh-: and made up a'tale to mislead as , ^ " O^nl, or the hmd oh-
ters should dress and behave, but when their true history and hohie. Not lillllfJ’Tr ’ ,?c L ,nm, y w,se nfK’clcd
we attempt to put our hands upon their after repented trials and thre-its Wml.l '• c ‘ , nrgod wiih, or subject tex tile
property we will find un oppnsitinn font, they beTnduucd
“ easi, y overcome.’ In shb'rt. wc of yjieir cnpturc.Jrtd •travel. Their i f udl " f ® t ' er ' P r S'<bher, R
shall iiave loiearn to mstthem aloxe.” ! mother, thev sav, With iter finrilv con I,? h 8 D««ottf,i:*I’lialI
Delaware sistiug’of be,Selves nutl ™ o ’wdd.e I ^ “f aal sl ’ al1 •«**»’
daughters, bad been in,faced by these 'prSS,
Professor \V«I>alcr and IHlilcfield.
The N. Y. JEj-jmss says:
men to- leave her home, and to go 10 u
.. .^-rsoo^o. 'Ephraim ; place near Huntsville, and while there,
Littlefield, the late Janitor of the Mass?- i ihey were suddenly taken from her and*
chusotls Medical College, in Boston, j carried to the .railroad, whence they
whose testimony on the trial of Profes- were brought through Augusta, Geo?
sor Webster did more to procure the! 1° this place. The men on beinc*closely
conviction, arid of course, the death of 1 — 1 t * ° J
when braving with her husband the ...
clemencies of many a hard winter*
, -.•v. w. aam/o, and said: “ My dear wife, I am not
A1TO (BIElISMlfSIP-S;, I afraid t( ? <***•■ i Imve tried to do my
■ .V* too Afte« 4>vi, YStnw«/• i iluty!” _And vlhat -stern monitor—so
May A NKW Vouk. • t fearful to many—catne to him on bis
—'^ -J*— 1 1 death bed; as a comforter,- as a soothing
B. M. WHlxfJH'K' & CXI/ ^ j angel. - But be'had long since made of
^ -and on the beloved father c»c«iencies ot many a naru winters
of the family—on the elected head ofi sie 8 e » and often gave them money out
the Republic oi tlie United States, of her own private purse.
s.Ypt serene was he even., now. Iq I She fainted not at the touch of pov-
deatfohe grasped lhe Band of hi*'wife * 4
erty’scold hand, nor shrank trembling
ly from the ghostly faces of the wound
ed. Shn.had always a kind word, anti
,a gentle smile for her dependents, and
never passed with cold scorn, and fng-
jd pride, the poor seamstress, or the
humble day laborer. The mechanic,
coaid touch his hat, arid even smile, in
return for her gentle salutation, and the
^veriest menial, ne.ver- feared that she
. /V** Y v " **"* «'«!"■ ' ' 1,1 warnnn m politics,) must jniu in-ac-i would gather her robes daintily around
SKPwCTKf) Ffif: Tiri? ^ncrilpiix TK:t rft:: j'knowled^ipg that truthfulness and con-! her as if,, fur sooth, there was contagion in
.of dot pyn 1 m]>.*f■ | scicntioushcss " \ve/c the unswerving | the touch of the scant garments of the
1id:p virinpe' noor. Would it nol bn well for Indies
j>. xu. luiiiiAN-iv cc-'VvF.** ‘ f■«*ngc». J3ut ne-nau long since made of
8 « Front Utrcer, .Yew Yorlc, j llim a friend. Duiy-liad been and .was
* 1\viloLf.sAi.H DKAfitRS ix llic spring of and actions. His
flonp PBTrO !! rriends o«Kl his fo4s (and he had such
Xv** u O i '|jn war and in politics,) must-jniu- iiuic-
Ko Enigma.
The hatred of a Southerner to
Abolitionist is vciwed with surprise by
l.;" /.*•.*• hit.. "V” ” ii u i ii i ui ness anu con-, «yr«s uj.ior sooiu,uiciu was cumagiou in lhe people of .the North, and they tall:
iSTscicntioushcss weyc the unswerving j the touch of the scant garments of the about ‘discussing the question with the
hrappia^it wumjiiii “ T**..Ju^ 4 qualities of his mind. In these virtues poor. Would it not Be well for ladies Santb in a calm and impartial manner.’
T^iTTir-r-,. .' . ’ ^i be .was grea*. {j n high life lo imitate the example o r
crivcpmwiRaiu-mifu. \ juiya.Vssa' *l ua *- ,,cs ... ...«v ...,u W .r ...
— . - ' v . . be .was great. "• t in high life to imitate the example of
GEO, W. Jt JOTLVL BEAD, * I saw him but twice, andTor a little !one so exalted in station ? so much
#6A*VMCTUrer» * wpouESAtE oealersin * w hilc, but as I saw him, nnd with'wbalftnore exalted, in all the virtues that
0 Mats. CAr^ bonnets, ' 11 have heard of him, !. can' wcH onder- j'make the perfect woman'?— Olue
sMrtiflpiaJ VMo}rers\ ' 1 stand that brave «^riptfrii6hs !
- 1 ° n ,,ie ^aule-ifieId have wept as.chil- j . - ?•.
v. -tJ "• x..,.’ ;:n d,.t?u * r * ! dren at his death-heel ; and that there Poppins lbs Qocslioo In Panama.
mxwLU-, c 1 y v • a ? ttSC » a who, , - They- Bave some curious .customs in
iittttt Unw fiatiiia — i Tf-^ x -Tirri ffewnti L-.wa deadl * ae y cr more wiij feel the^ Panama, as doubtless is the case every:*
i®* r - ~ - j where. An old man belonging t<> New
YD'rid■i/'laiki ; i?rjfarJrTjwho caojive and York, who was politically decapitated
T.n.s5 rac
S ^^^jgMj^g.AXD J2BB W .QF. ?;J A ‘Jjman^who lived and died, he, borbing sentiments, was puazled one
B 1 fr , °’r ,n ’ * ,3 v d ® al h-hed looking'over b^day while tarrying there, on his way to
i- 1 military and civil import, Colifornia, at the receipt of a tolerably
-jp.K-r - ” s ^ r P. nel y say. “ I nm not afraid lo pretty note from a yellow girl, wlijch
JNJYOKINCK, HOWELL ,n ^ to domy^duty^— ran very muchas follows: “ Senor—I
— . wiior.r.s.vt.K DKAI.URS in * • • * Magazine. ■ - - cannot marry yon as ray faiher ds in
J.VnamC" i ’ - - - I which «tc*>ei’»mo.iin|-’. dtscbverylhat the .laughter, were often
) .MavMSM tv The complainant is Mr’ D^AnYerVn* *n the manner stnled, an.l also that
WILL1VVI ItKK i,; 4 to ; lishers of tbe National Police Gnzeue ™ ariia S«-» ntislake in which the es-
IMPOliTKltri OF ■. . j Damage, TbeDolice I’wpeetof-wa* ; ttBw.u.ngly caught, .n
HARDWARE ( UTLERY OUMS ■■ cltargjed with publisliing an an e'lempl tu d.splay lus American gnl-
kmmmcMMAm AhwibbiirhurM^pkM. ; e,c ” etc.; I>m v when loo late. Mr. Wilkes I .-tl Li-.-dj -.w:. - »_
- He wore the costume of Sanchri
I anza, and was mounted on a superb
black ass. Above him, standing in a
small car, was a companion represenl-
ingDon Quixottc. They were driven
by a northeast wind, and alighted n<
the village of Orsay, on the same pi
where he descended on the preceding
Sunday.- M. Poitevin speedily' packed
his halloon ori a cart, rode his ass to a
neighboring house, arid dined with the
same host who had entertained him on
Ins former ascent.
that wretched culprit, than all the rest,
and who in consequence received ihi
thousand dollars reward from the fam
ily of the murdered man, is now at Clin
ton Hall in this city', exhibiting a model
of the building which was the scene of
the crime, describing its localities and
incidents, and recapitulating the evi
dence given by him, on the trial,
together with sundry private anecdotes,
explanations, comments and opinions,
with regard to the horrible affair.
Accompanying the model are full
length wax figures, representing the
murderer and the murdered, the fea
tures of whose face is imitated with a
sufficient nearness to nature togive the
spectator a ghastly idea of their appear-
auce while alive. These figures are
dressed in semblances of “ the custo
mary suits of black,” the originals were
wont to wear, and present that awkard
and unnatural appearance which such
things always do. The far famed Mad
ame Tussaud, of London, in her
Chamber of Horrors,” could not have
- more repulsive group than that now
polluting the hall of the Mercantile Li
brary Association, in the Clinton bnild-
ing. But when to its execrableness is
added the disgusting sight of a man
having occupied and-occupying the sit
uation of this Mr. Littlefield, In relation
to the affair, showing up, (and with oc
casional facetiae thrown in by way of
heightening its interest,) explaining the
scene, every well regulated mind shrinks
with instinctive horror from the exhibi
tion, and refuses to believe that it can
ever be a popular one with his kind.
We hope it will not.”
Tar and Feathers.
questioned, substantially confirmed tins
statemenr. They say they live ir. North
Carolina, and that their names are
Elihu King Rector and William Payne.
1 hey were making their way hack fo
North Carolina. Both have been com-
muted to jail. The boys, who are pro
bably about nine and eleven years of
age, are in possession ot the Jailor,
though not in custody.—Edgefield Ad
vertiser. .
Bounty Lauds to Soldier*,
It ho served in any of the tVars since 1790.
Among the Acts passed at the session
of Congress just closed was the follow
ing, which interests very many persons.
It is a transcript from the official copy:
Be it enacted hj the Senate and Home
oj Jicpramtanccs of. the United Slates if
America, m Congress assembled. That
each of the sorviviog, or the widow nr
the minor children of deceased com-
missioned and non-commissioned offi-
n any
who performed military service „
regiment, company, or detachment in
the service of the United States, in the
war with Great Britain, declared by
the United Slates on the lSIb day of
June, 1812, or in -any of the Indian
wars smee 179fl, stanch -of the com
missioned officers who was engaged in
the military service o^ho United In the
late war with .Mexico, shall be entitled
to lands, as follows:
Those who engaged to serve twel
it shall be ihe<luiy<r»r the Cnmniiisio^
cr of tho General Lhml Glhec, under
Such ’regulations as innv he proscribed -
by the Secretary of the Intcrmr; t»>‘
cause to lie located, free of expense,
liny warrant which tho hokler may
transmit to the General-Latid Office for
that purpose, in such State and laud
district as the said holder ‘or tva!rrnntfc*o
may designate, and upon good farming >
land,- so far as the same can be nscen-j
tamed from the maps, plans; and fiHd
notes of the surveyor, or from any oilier
information in the possession of (he lo
cal office ; and upon -the locution being ■
made, as aforesaid, the Secretary shsilL
cause a patent to l>c transmitted lo-such' 1
warrantee : And provided further, ’that
no patent issued under this act shall bq
delivered upon any power of attorney x
or agreement dated bcioro the passage
of this act; and that all such-powers
of attorney nr agreement* be consider* 1
ed and treated as null and void.
The Minerva, a smart, wide awake
paper published iu Tbibodauxville; Lrii.-
. r am- Munchabjeo-iMo ,he- «h«de; .«| .
cers, musicians, or privates, whether of ' caves . bam “ide **nr wharf by the
regulars, volunteers, rangers, or militia ,0,lo ' Vln o ,ou gn story about a down--
who performed military service in mv f? al cow * Tho editor—who with alt ‘
his waggery, has no less cuteness arid >
sagacity-—declines to take his character
for veracity On the truth of the yarn, '?
and throws the -responsibility upon a '
northern acquaintance,; wbo snys the
fact came to him from llic lins-of
ifncle in Maine \ ^ " f _** i.
Uncle Seth, who resided awajrdown* 1
* lhe Stale of Maine, hod a most'splen- *
did tnilch cow. She wosihe-prize bf ificT
farm, and the admiration of the neigh-»
borhood ; she was more gentle, better
months, or during the war, and actually l i? rhood , ; she was more gentle, better
served nine months, shall one I T? ’ S3Ve r V° r ° mHk ’ ani1
I milk than any other cow ever- known ;
fact, her equal could not be produbed
hundred and sixty acres; and actually
—ed four months, shall receive eigb- j Cy’any
The Rutherford, North Carolina, Ban-! ai,d .Actually
net, of the 1st inst., saysWc learn i rece ‘ y e forty ai
from the Yorkvillo Miscellany, that a j wherever an office
man named Jackson Avans, who was | °™W.y disclmrged
ordered some weeks since, by the citt-I d ‘ sal U* ,, y
zens of Ebenczer, to lea * ~
ty acres; aud those who engaged „
son*. f 0 r any, or an indefiniio period
Suppose a pirate should meet a vessel at
sea, and ask to come on hoard, and dis
cuss the question with the captain,
whethar he I and his had the
best rignl la. his sliip riirnl earga?*-*
Suppose-that-the pifate should keep his
boat alongside, and insist on talking *to
tu the crew about * indiv idual rights’ to
property j and upon discussing the ques
tion fairly and calmly, would a North
ern captain listen to such a discussion,
or would he throw aitwenty-four pound-
r into the boat arid sink it at once ?
” With these views and feelings, is Tt
surprising that the Southern members
of Congress should resist any move
ments tending towards the question of
slavery t-' They are acting only on the
defensive. Their .language to us is plain
and to the point. ,v Iset us Alone.’—
They are asking uothing morej-they do
qot meddle with us, they have no dis-
havfng made sundry Aholitioo declara
tions, returned to' that neighborhood
last week, when he was taken up,
treated toacoat'of tar and feathers,
rode on a rail, ami again ordered to
leave the State, with the injunction that
if he was ever caught again in them
“ d-ggins” they would HANG him.
The same paper adds—A Mr. Charles
Boyd was committed to jail in this
place on last Sunday, Charged with
tampering with slaves, using incendia
ry language, fee., See. Boyd came
here some time ago froin Philadelphia,
and has since been in the employ pf
the Philadelphia and North Carolina
Mining and Smelting Company, and
month, shall
Provided, That
soldier was kon-
consequence .of
.•>y mu cm- j . •- ,ee before the ex-
the Slate for M >in J! ,OD l '* 3 period of service, he
lias for some lime been regarded
suspiciotq.on account of information de
rived through negroes. On last Satur
day night, at a camp-meeting,'he was
overheard by two white meri; and his
language was such as to justify his rif-
rest, and for want of hail he
milted. The evidence, ns
heard it, will doubtless convict hi
hut we <lo not deem it proper to n
jay that evideric^ before the pnhlic.—
He is in tlid harids of the law; and will
Wliat Sort of a Winter wc are lo
The Alexandria Gazette says Wei
have liairrd, -through-a scientific friend, 1 *t‘ c
that he has recently examined a record
shall receive the amount to which he
would have been entitled had lie serv
ed the full period for which he had en
gaged to serve: Provided, the person
so having been in service shall not re
ceive said lands, or any pan thereof, if
it shall appear by the muster rolls of
Ins regiment or corpse that lie deserted,
or was dishonorably discharged from
service, or if he lias received, «c is.en
titled to any military land bounty un
der any pel oi Congress heretofore
Sec:. 2. And be it Jurthcr enacted &‘c.,
I bat the period during which.^ny offi
cer or soldier may have remained in
captivity will, the enemy shall be esti
mated and added to the period of his
actual services and the person $o dc-
Jptivity shall receive land
under the provision, of this act in the
same manner that be would he .entitled,
in case he had entered the service for
com- T lerm ,nad( * U P Dy.ilie addition
hrivb »“ ( *??.• , .-‘ ,n . c of ,,l3 - c «P4viiy, and had
-'ll’ • ,
•ed during such terras
^ -Sec. '0. And be it further enacted §'c.,
That cnch doinmissioned and nou-cotn-
... — ...x- mni.wiii, missioned - officer, , musician,. and pri-
vedrust, be dealt?with uccordinglrt hist vale » f° r whom provision is made by
leseris. ,'hhe first,section thereof, shall
# The chagrin ot the owrierH
may he imagnined, when one day it-was v
discovered that this paragon of a cow 1
had got her foot terribly mangled : hyB
some unlucky mischance. As .lhera •
was uo hope «f saving the foot; it? was <
thought advisable to have it rimpuiatcll,
and its place supplied with an artificial
one, which was ingeniously carriedihrif'5
of a large pine knot. This succeeded//
to admiration, and in a lew weeks iho.l
favorite cow was enjoying excellent
health, and lo all appearance, none lhe.. i
worse for her mishap. “ She gave: just' *
as much milk,” said uncle. •* It wasT
just as rich as before, but; would you •
believe it, the daro’d stuff wau’i fit foe : •
a^ny ihing.” “How was ilial,’Unclcr <
Scih “ Why, ever alter the foot was j
put on, lhe milk lasted so. nlJ-flmlw
strong of the i»inb iluir wc couMuli. u^o.
,u ” ____ i-rf -M«| I -14 -
By SriftNorM,
• C °r‘TJ 1 - 1 ’ , isn l Miss/Lovelockc n ,
nice lady ? isn’t she iliougli ?
Mother.—Yes, love,. sl,, indeed a.
very fine lady. . '
Anil don’t father think u heap of
her ? don’t lie i hough ?
M.—Yes, fit her, as well as myself, >
dunks very highly of Miss Lovclocfcq.
^* That s what I thought to*dav.
heu I see father* liuggrn and kissing.*'/ in the from parlor. . ( . ..,i
M. (springing lola-r feel with., ylhlbf?^
:igihiy of having pressed her hare fiMit
iitjiiag Xw^hihcr
of the w’ealher which has Been uninter
ruptedly, kept through several ^genera
tions lor the past three hundred years,
and that he finds that as are the first
three days 'prior to the auturiinal equi
noxes, so are the autumn arid winter
Been a mild and 'pleasant winter; if,
qrt the' other hand, the three days pre-'
cediifg. ber cold and bluslcriiTg, so will
be the autumn and winter that succeed.'
fairs.. If we want ghivefy we caa have
it, if we dont want it Without
it., Wc inaymanufaciure our gdotls, or
a “- w aa “ wi«?.ier that succeed,
ioa workhouse ami mnt: ’ ,eI ”^Our‘atren.tion s has-Beeri tnor'e particular-
dlE with a s.or S av wh,day.,u<!othi,? “,' < ’J l " e hi ^f a ^" n a Y CCCe ' ,,n Si ' h *^7
v-o n g a ini kisjiug iYfss Lovelockctt-
.. " •—•* '*>“» j. 11. (in a tone yf high glee.)—My eye!
iihcnie,o*\warrant, trom the Depart- j wasn’t he ihotigh ? b ' * '
mem of the Interior for ihe quautiiy of M. (distractedly.)— Ami did she suf-
land to winch he may he entitled, and I fer lnin to do such a tCivir-
which may be located !,v the warranting an aTnriri? ° !
Bn Mrs El law- at o.iy land of- j B. (wintiag i,i s T. ft aye !„ a retnnrli-
. lb <r U«n*cd States, fo one body, | able elite style.)—She didn't suffer mfv
and in cnnlormitT In the legal fdtbdi.i-; al all; elm just hugged and kissed back’
inns orthe p«bh« M. a „, ot’ ngain. ns ifibolikS it belter nur'
Ihcpqblic land in such district then sub-1 dumpling, covereil with ’lasses dip. ” .
ject to private entry; and uoon tin* re-i \i / mu . - . ... ' • i
turn of such cenifijateor wi^anl, with 3 and
_-:-i . - -- ■ ««.«'•)—Vifjitlie, mean rnf-eyed,.:pug-'
missioned or her bain,
musictani or private prior if d , ^ i' ?r ,,n tbe PV|N|k, Ktye j
lo the passageofthis act, wTtiHball have : ff. c *f < mf ^' r |‘ ,,lvor,K ’ * vl ‘ ,)a tou-tmt
served ns afo’resnid, and win. shall’ not ' ua> . ° a " ra doeior. m.d-nieel.og p.’.miyj.j
have received boonly laiid for said ser-'f"" 1 ,',” 8 l H,m ^. l f ,U l «‘ n v '»MM
vices..a like cer.ifieilrorwgrrrreti.Shall, >'*>(1*1*‘ la |».fi.l, soime, ; woul.U (
be-issued jn hwknd-wmreaWfciie. H
' ,lcr rJ.: j I’l'i .»• ■; - « r'~l At
When .ihe rich AriSkrr^wb« "
^ _ •• ••* wsiunr, ei-crct Of his success iu 'life, he answer-^
lo her beirt. Protiiled, c She is' cd, “ Civility, friend,, civ ilhy” SriVuo.
edv ilt-the llatC of• hpY :innli<*n- ni*dnle ‘nri« : ' iirn'idil 1 eWnV
fit of hts widow,’who shall receive one-!
hundred and- sixty acres of fond,