The southern herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1850-1853, October 24, 1850, Image 1
.^nYOF^UBWat Sister •:-?* PWtr 'POLLABS *m AJttou divarUbly “ * ^ lis ADVANCE. , j prara* minniSQ; Miim&tfsiM m© ©Missas, ammMsssisii. :NE\V SERIES—VOL IV., NO. L, ATHENS, THUBSDAI, OCT. 24/1850. VOLUME XVm NUMBER 20 Fim>’> LacC. : forty. for-iy cunts a pound only is bid ;| coming, drone all eor cattle .bUo the In that tieautiful, quiet city of parol*' hwo and a half did 1 heart** -. I *warap, and when they come up, he told , Icl streets, sweet butter, and sweet wo* 1 “ Yel, forty-two and ft half, 1 bhf,** | ’em he hadn’t seen nocatUe.audsosav- men—Philadelphia—lb£re once did live'said Peter Flinn, in a tone of voice that ed ’em. Pop Blauwu mm Inm w a certain native of the' Emerald Isle fairly stapled some of the merchants. ‘ called Peter Flino. His' vocation was I The auctioneer paused. * ^ ■' * ' ’* Yis, it’s that of the most honorable, because of its usefulness to the commercial world •^-driving a dray. Pcter owoed a very ancient and nowise spry horse, and an equally unstable dray, by means where-.' of ho essayed, and by dint ofgreat phy sical exertion, succeeded to obtaining for his large mid growing family a tol erable living. ^ * Stephen Girard lived and carried on his immense mercantile transactions at the time of which f write, and was a princi,.!. r rr.«icrt- £ ,y, J»ilo :,wry. The one-ejped tittle Frenchman, ifo- great pet of dame Fortune, was not a man of very, wnndcrfu.1 developement Jof heart ami soal, or sympathy in the ^t/s(«rtunei, crosses, or losses of his ^ fellow-1 icing*: but now aqdthen be was ^P«Uvn, more through eccentricity than ■ ought else, to jierform some very mbic nnd really magnificent acts of kindness to those falling in. his way. One day he said to Peter Flinn, whom he had oft, and fur a long' time*, em ployed upon the wharves, in hauling 8 rx>ds from his large ships to -bis ware- ouses: , •• Petoir, l believe you have worked vairy bard,” ^ Mies, sir, and be my souT/I have," responded Peter.” * * ■•'-*. , •• Very long time; save any thing ?”- said the banker, the merchant prince, the millionaire! . ••Be my conscience, Misthur Ge-rnd. it*# nofa bn’puth ( save at all; ilw devil hissell might dance his hornpipes in my pockets of a Monday morning, without disturbing a toenail of his fut «gin* the silver that’s there,** “Two* three, five, seven of de chil dren home eh P* •• Faix, and it’s yerself that’s guessed exactly, Misthur Gr-rad ; ’4 have seven as brav'e hoys and gals as iverye dap- ped nu eye upon sir.** •• Ah, yes. I see, I see; vairy well, Petnir, you shall have von chance pre sently; oy-and-by, directly; to do sum* .thing*bettaire zau drive de old horse .and dray.” . j •• Faix, Misthur Ge-rad, it*s myself * that’s a saying it, os should not be say- “ You bid, sir,” •• Yis, il’s me ; go ahead.** We aremnt selling a pound, or a box* but 800 chests !” “ Be dad, and sure I know that, sir; go on with it. J * The merchants snickered and the auctioneer grinned ; r no more bids were made,'and down came tbc tea, 800 chests. •• The name, sii*f” ** Peter Fiinp/* . . 1. . , *Where Is yribr fofcj# 9* Me house ?** - f'*~- ••Me boose! and faith 1 I have no house;'ft’s two' rooms and a cellcr I havein Wntber street, and me place of business is round here on the wharf.** '^•Your endorser’s name, ifyou please?’ •* Stephen Ge-rad, sir.** This dubious declaration produced another stretch of the phizzes of the merchants, and the auctioneer, in great doubt, put up another lot of five hundred chests. Down it went to Peter Flinn ! And so, likewise, went . the third.-— When the sale was concluded, the mer chants glided oft, believing the auction eer was certainly n •• sold” man. But, presenting the bills and notes of Pe ter Flrun at the desk of Stephen Girard, the old fellow cashed lhem on sight.— The sale Caine nearly to $100,000; the much wanted in the market, ami Peter got rare bargains; nnd be fore noon the nest day received $15,000 for his bid on the cargo of tea.— The cargo was soon transferred. Girard indemnified ' and the poor drayman found himself with a snug little furluue in his fob. and Barney, the old boss the be, me conscience, if would he a god send that would put us both niesdi and the poor ould baste there, over ul oor ills nnd miseries,” said the *1 ! ah! vairy well, Prtair, come into my counting house, hy-t by,” and the little old Frenchman, with much for ibis* that he told him he might have his liberty, but Jim wouldn’t; be that a large Snake had. crawled down his throat-. They attempted to draw out the Snake by tbc tail, which extend ed a few inches out of the nCgroe’s mouth, but drew it in two, aud the ne gro diecl at the instant. It is supposed stayed with him more’ii forty years arter • that he lay down on the ground and fell that.” And thus these good old people j asleep, and the snake finding an en- beguiled an hour with reminiscences of j trance into the open mouth of the negro, the revolution, to some others of which ■ crawled down his throat, thereby caus- we* may have occasion to refer to here- j ing its own and the negroe’s death, afters. Our ride home in the gloaming was made doubly pleasant by all that The Pacific Rail. Bond. we'badTseen and'beard, and we retired J THE whitnev scheme and the senate- to rest to dream of other days, and of xr7 ~ 1 L * ~ A "* the ••times that tried men’s souls.** We have been favored with a copy ’»tbnn, •RAVE E*HORTKTSQSS. ^^stesSSss^- ; upon tint happy stale, Vcb«ikq and woman meets. • The btwain', rarm emotion,, Ned, The dew drop, witbiu the eye*; The nice eaih’d thing*, the darn'd atoddna, And all them tender tie*. Ton don’t kaovr wt iti* Netf ^ Vile lying in yoar bed, - To nze on careful voman'aj Vue the breahfaat thing* a Venyou dont want to get up, Ned, The hirer feel so nice; And she ray* •* take another cup And thi* here t’other *liee.” Vile the fire ia burning bright, Ned, ,_'And all upon the chair, /. : - Yaur linen and your drawer*, Ngd, . Is hanging up to sir^ l are, every heart, Ned, • Vat tfut made of steal, , If they can gaze upon that fire. And not a vanning feel T Oh! werryfew,indeed,Ned, Knows ven tbtjp’remdy hafjpy; Oid Women of ihe 76 Home. Whitt relates to Washington, and the war he led in, can ne w er be tiresome. Here is an incident -of a visit lately unde by Lewis Gaylord-Clark to the Old ’76 House,” at the village of Tap- pan, and related in tho editorial gossip of the July Kitick: Arrived at the 44 Seventy-Six House,” we examined the room where Maj< Andre was confined, and from which die. -Our friend, and. the iles which compose a framework around the fire-place. Pocketing these inter esting mementos ol the past. Ob. fie! to,pj 11 all pappy’s tea! .Yon naughty ducky, dandr, .Owny, dony.rogney, pognry, Tliwcct MAigar candy. Oh, Ned! there are some momenti The sternest hearts will quiver; Joit let the baby spill yonr tea, Vikryaa’ra beneath the kiver, Ymf lithe hand withiu yonr hair, lb»Votber in yonr cup ; Don’t vduder if we sometime, feel Senate of the Dtjitjtd. States. Mr. Bright,jnrelafWto^.^V'hi pktn all the ciriijro*&ti0i>.£oaDccietf wuh the enterprise, and then takes the strong est grouml in favor of the measure. A hill accompanies the report, and it is highly probable that the subject wllf be fully agitated, aud finally acted upon at the next session of Congress. The bill proposes that a belt, of -territory sixty tntles wide—that is, thirty miles on eac'b side of the road, with its eastern base bn Lake Michigan, and its western oi the Pacific, Comprehending about 78 t 000.006 of* acres, shall be soW and aj»- prnpriated to this object, to he acconni- ed for by Mr. Whitney at the national treasury, at tea cents per acre, good, bud. anti indifterenbe-amouMing to near ly SS.000.000. '.The commiilee say that when it is considered that tens and scores of millions-at itcres of the pub lic domain are' now being, and about to be, giren away, foryjirious objects, and that some of ouc lending statesmen are proposing to give att the public lands away, with some prospect of success bjra, horresco referent! he licked tr,y hand as a dog would rfo. The French proverb says that “ we mwt dor^play with fire,” and I fear one of these days the lion will find his wild&qaturd, and make Some bloody deed. Yegetnblc Instinct. If a^pan of water be placet! within c inches on either side af the stem of a young pumpkin or vegetable marrow, it wijl in the night approcb it, and' will be found in ihe morqing with oner of its floating on the water. Thi# ex periment may be continued nightly un til the plant begins to fruit, . If a prop be placed within six inches, of a young , slip? 5 edited aopvqdi#- tance up the prop, it be unwouttdand twined iu the opposite direction, it will return to its original position or die in the attempt.* yet notwithstanding, if two of these pints grow near each other, and have no stake around which they entwine, one of them will alter the direction of its spiral, and they will twine around each othUr. Dubatnal placed aorne kidney beans in a cylinder of moist earth; after root down to the soil, After a few days the cylinder was turned one-fourth round, aud again and again this Was repeated until an entire revolution of the cylinder had been completed.*— The beans were then taken out the earth, and it was found-that botb the plume and radicle had'titbit to accom modate themselves to every revolution, and the one in its effort to ascend perpen dicularly, and the other to descend, had : Rights and Privileges. The Southern: Stales. arc co-equals with the Northern, and while they share common burdeqs should enjoy a just and equal share of the benefits. This proposition is plain and will doubtless be readily agreed to hgr all. We, were net a little amused, a few days since, by a. remark which fell from the lips of one of our most energetic men of bostness, in reply to a question which we put to him in the course of a conversation between us, in -regard to the rules and regulations wjiich govern merchants in coparlnpi^hip. After some remarks upon the passage of the com promise ,bdts,having for their teb have been agitating Congress and the country for the past year, we, as aforesaid, broached the subject of co partnership in business, &c. We bad an interesting explanation of all matters relating to it from our merchantile friend, and in order to learn his ideas»of right and wrong, we asked him “ifhis part ner in business should take all the prof its and leave him noihtdg for his pains taking labor, what he would do un der the circumstances Y' sssi RATKS OF ADViarnSINO i oick^. i-S •'*— Ipmpnrty, by Bscoitor*, Auluiin- ' wnlum S A# Or Negroe*. by ,lo^ <-T* . Lrttm of Dimnimtion,.: 4 5® vctineinenU wiU he chnrgoU IjtjM try twelve lines, or lew, first insertion, nail M for each weekly continuance. ' t3T Announcewentsof Candidates will b/cbuiW Fit* Dolum; •• also the advertuLmx. ot aepuirk* ofhiuUanit and wife. . V AH "obituary noticed, exceeding *1* I iu length, will be charged for a*o> saw for evei He ogreed with us that Mr.S«»uilinughf, at least* to protect-himself from furl her wrongs. He said he had never looked at the matter in this light.before-, 'ife is going to volc-the Southern Rightf ticut. —Augusta Republic. :; ,. , - , ^'Tho Charleston Mercury the#, notices a pledge signed by a large num ber of planters on 8t. Helena Parish* published in that paper: A Worthy Example.—We ask the attention o! our -readers to the commu nication from Beaufort in this morning’s . Mercury. It is:a pledge to give ao more patronage l# the Northern coasters iu our domestic trade. The sigarrs srucfM^kimtui). »«o «i the most important portions of our coast. These gentlemen-feel that they are con sulting their (rue interests in withdraw ing their custom fr&n enemies and giv ing it to friends. jThcy have taken' 'a' step, natural and practical, iu the road of self-protection, and knowing them a4 we do, we are sure that they willi^iake no step'backwards.” But St. Helena is only one ol the Parishes that have | habitually n .. .ioaimuauj supported and-enrlcbed-Uta .... d»,i iim. ibiy ,t the &^ r ^4iri; g T,r n ^ iioo - bu, - >f, ' ra ami when, moreover,^^ it is considered formed a perfect spiral. But although that not only a little more thanone-ihirtl j the natural tendency of the roots IHoasluatiou of tbe Cathedral at Ntra«bars* A Paris correspondent of the London Times, in giving a description of the re cent tour of the President of France, of the belt proposed to.fle set apart for this road is good and saleable land,—it must be seen theref is liltle chance or probability that the government will ever gel ns much for this territory ns by selling it for this road at ten cents per acre. Consequently, the road built on tins plan, will itself be a capital of im mense and incalculable value, and so much positive gain to the nation, which, as the committee endeavor to show, could in no other way be realized.* They remark further, chat the capital to build a road is to be created by. the in- ing it, p’rans, hot it’s few men labm kaiqrtdawq hereof, were mado happy^ thus describes- the illumination i»f ill© j creas *d value which ihe-buildingof the praties, and hay that we ate tuan ntesell rtoTofthe house, of two of the pictured « About ball-past ten o’clocfea smalt sefapart, and through which the > .» . . nnd Riirnev. llii» old hnlt fll**r«* : and. lilra ivliictiroiniincp n IrMiiioivnrL- iirnun^ nnaniun u>n< coon nmnnn ihp diinil« in road Will paSS. W hen Created 8ltd thUS . . A downwards, if the soil beneath be dry* and any damp substance be above, the roots will ascend to reach i(. f An Elopement. The St. Louis Intelligencer relate® the following remarkable case oftreach- ery on the part of a nephew, and of-iofi- delily on ibe part of a wife : “ About three months ago, a young man, rather comely and reputed of fltt- ished edneation, reached this city from Baltimore. Having no means of sup- |H>rt, and being unable after several day s’-trial, to^obtain. employment, his hat.advann^lH ♦ . t e \ We cordially and earnestly join with to . <Mu r** C4 « a'roffe- them in recommending ibeir example to the planters of our whole seaboard. What say St. Peter's, St. John’s, Collo* ton, St. Luke’s, St; BariholoiiMSw.^and . what says Georgetown? Will they any longer pay tribute to a clasiof men who are mischievous in their influ ence while here, and who go baclrto add their gains to the power of outs Ul- ter enemies? If the evil is mH veiy great, it is yet. as we took occasion to point out some time since, important enough to justify and even* demand remedy. The following is the pledge: /‘ ! * “ We, the undersigned, of St. Hele na Parish, pledge ourselves most sol emnly never to employ any coaster owned by a citizen of tbo North 1 or manned by a Northern’ crew, to take any part of our products to tbe cityof Charleston or elsewhere.” , whom he nad scen on his arrival for the first.time only, gave him ^ writing to do, and for remuneratiob al- 'zhMte'a r n,ithc oiidi him his board, lodging &c. t in nnnninc was wwn ihe clouds i„ rna<l w,» pass When creaied and thus the disui”t horizon, aud a gentle streak Hivesied, *t further provuled that the of mild Ugh showed that the moon "vrotivotgrtumiu II>iraui*uuulouii/mn-c, i—-, ■ ■*- y °• •• rth no Other tax for transport of passen- mamed steadily at work, eschewing a l 1 than such tolls as] ! rr f$ u, . ar ! 'temperate, or other discred- “ Would that lie the extent of your action, in such a case?” modestly- in quired we. “ No, sir,” said our worthy merchant, ’* I would break up the- copartnersliip •—I would quit the rascal at a moment’s notice! 'V.„ So would we, and so doubtless would all our readers in such a case. But let us look at this matter a little. Two bodies politic, some years ago, entered into a copartnership, for geueral purpo ses, under the name of Messrs. North and South. They were remarkably prosperous, and although one treated the-other a little badly sometimes, still the respect andaftectionenlertained by the injured person for his partner, led him almost entirely to everlook the wrongs and trespasses. Time went on, and prosperity still smiled upon the firm. They made purchases, they bought land, and divided it after some fashion-, Mr. North, however, always ob taining a large share o( the bread and cheese; A firm, in a neighboring State* becotmng hostile -««ir bzteresta^ Messrs. North and Sooth invaded, ti et fsrmis, their territory, at*£ took posses- .— ofahe t _ - I tqan old, crumbling, low-roof- [about to rise. At this moment the point * pe^etvalgratuity tofrad™7)dcommerce, | ed mansion, once the head-quarters of of light which was observed on the very Gen. Wn«hb-gl-n. VVe Jrew rein al Uummil nf .he ej.ire nt ,he Min«cr be- ' a d" n "-; j itabTe Imbils, nnd he finally so the gate, and passed into a little patch came larger and brighter, ami in o few f° necessary to keep the roan anu - , . . * rrnleclor - ant r relatives. I menilmv lev beuveen « ..n,lihe L-om<I.Vhu«. .ol ffure .Inzxling light ■'«• •PP*ram m working or, esteemed by Ins protector nnd relnt,res, louse. It w«s aitoui half mown ;-the | broke over the city, and as soon as the JoUs areiobedetermined onaiidregu- sweet scenic I grass lay in swathsarouml, ] eye was able to endure the splendor, a I»y'Congress. I where t lie mower had stopped inM vision of beauty arose upon it, which' far Ihe end proposed, is-to draw trade his lulinrs, there lav his scythe and whet- * surpassed all it had ns V e« b-he!d. Yod a t n<1 co »?»r« on this line by means of Stone. had our companion (-are feware that the spire of the Cathe- cheap transport between the great eas that 44 Old Kaick” could deftly wield dral «f Sirash.trg is the highest in the and the great west«f^be United States, that instrument of •* Old Tempos but \-world, rising 474 feet above the pav ask him note. Ask him if. we d make the little meadow resound the ding-clang ut the whetstone, ami) than St. Paul’s'. This wonderlul strue- didn’t! merit, 25 feet higher I bun the great a »d between Europe and Asia. Bui if I with pyramid ol Egvpt.and 143 feet higher »*>ll* should he required to meet the tn- • / r> *?’ * i terest on the cost of ihernru . tins end hi® bands locked behiod him. stalked off to his counting house, leaving the poor dtt»yiwttt».c«h*i<lrrjibly mystified as lowImt the result of ihis conference >yas io l»e.” ..••Be .tlad,” says Peter to himself •» maybe il’s the old feller’s uhim to set me up in a shop! - or, be gorry, to buy pic a hew tlruj* and horse. O, l»c conscience, die re’s no telling what the oulil gintleman will do when be takes tbe turn ami thus solikquisiitg, after a respectful dejny, Peter presented himself nt ilie door of die millionaire’s counlirtg-room. ami doffing his Imt, in he walked. ^ ••Petair,” snitl the merchant, prince, “ze big Canton packet ship Muzarr lay down at my wharf.” “ Yes, sir.’i . .“.She have one grand cargo• of fea, continued the banker. ••Faix, tlMtJhiVp,” saicj Peter. , r _ To-morrdw, Petair, ze whole cargo ing with the mansion than those two] point of this masterpiece ofart, the whole J>o put underdo haroraaire to be sold to women. One was nearly : —— —-i..«u- ~ fietween the United' States and Asia, then, seizing die sharpened instrument, 1 ture is one-piece of airy open work, and with long sweeping strokes, lay as close j the stone work is so completely apart, cut and clean a swath around that field . the pillars supporting it all tbe way up ns he ever saw in his life. There are I so thia.r and the fret-work so delicate several things that we can’t do—hat we |und so distinct.-that the eye can see mow! Well, rejoicing in the glow ] through it as through the finest' lace.— wbich.thai best of all exercise had giv-| With its tracery so elaborate, rising to be frequently quoted for his exem plary conduct. He was particularly attractive to his aunt, a lady touch his elder, and' not a Sunday passed that when ihe couple attended divine service, the nephew was not seen at their side with a book modestly carried under one arm, and the other arm dutifully ex tended to his relative. Thus matters progressed* thwunde- rejoicing ’ '' 1 ’ AGood Mau’i Whit. V I freely confess to you that I would rather, when. I an laid low to. Ih# grave, have some one ift bis manhood stindover me and say : “There lie# one who was a real friend to me; ;he kiodty%nd privately warn«H «te of she dangers of the youngy no one knew: it* r. -i •v p * r but he aided in the timt of need;.I owe after a long « ™ggl*. of soo-e of vhal , am ilim f . ot l would ratber the good, and chattel, of the opP"«ng > have some widow wUh choking 1 utter- firm. Mr. South fortusbed a much lar-! ance leili her children “ there it joor ger share of the nteans to carry on tht, friend and b minc . He Tisi iad meut tay campaign, and sbe.1 h.s blood freely to affll< . lioni and found , OUl my arm. a (.■onquera '" piece. employer; and ynu my daughter, a When they came to tltvtde. Mr. North 6ap l p/ ho i e in ,’respectable and rim- showed an evident deposition to take " f alnil - £ j w00 ld rather all. Mr. South waxed wrothy al thts that Euc b persons should stand al my fresh evidence of Ins partner’s injustice ; a ,| m „ have erected over it, lb. and positive greediness. He insisted m OS[ beautiful sculptured monument of i amiable accession to bis terest on the cost of-;h^ mad. this end could not be accomplished, and the terprise would he a stupendous failure. But on the nlam proposed, with- tolls .. , . , sufficient only for expenses of opera-1 a ? d 8 < r , ‘ c . ral education, and lhe nephew tion and necessary repairs, it is. believ-1 himself, bearing all encomiums like ** ed that n passenger may be taken MW MWC.>»t ,| »«»*tl. <| »?-l»»t the whole line of the road, 2.030 miles,' family circle, the aunt ceaseless in her approvalof her dear nephew's character. M's; ot an exercise tiau gtv-, vvitn us tracery so eianoraie, rising mr.- — xt repaired to the old house, j a nei-wo«k o| detached arcades and tiny^.jlor $20; a bushel of corn for 25 cents; more than a hundred vears old,' pillars, ii looks like a rich open screen, R barrel of flmir for 61; ajon weight ot ami inn very personification ’of decay, or marble-woven^ in the most-graceful merchandise for $10; ami one ton mea- We, entereil,. and were cordially wel-> forms, to cover the gigantic mass be- ®«roment of teas (4 half ton weight) tor ‘ .r.i..l. I ,u i fi.™ 9 . r.«.« ik» HS5. “ At these rates, can u be doubted that the corn of ifie Mississippi valley may he put down in China for 40 cents transit per bushe|—\roril! there, as the ighty, and | of tbe interior grew gradually into a committee are utfufroi*!, from 75 cents corned by its occupants, two elderly i nenth it. In a few ^seconds from, the ladies, who were horn in the house.— j bursting of the ball qf light that bad {Nothing could be to more perlecl keep-j hitherto been stationary at tbe very _ 44 Mo! O, be gorra. selii^bvci bidder,” ^ v the other liirnetl of seveniy',~1>ut both , blaze of radiance, and then blazed out “ Its,” Peter replies, still deeper, in wrere most agreeably lively for persons!into one sheet of flume that assumed tnjllrry.tir-ln wh*i .or how that could so old,'arid were obligingly cotnmunica-I successively every color oTthe rainbow, interest or concern kin. ' jtive. V'Many and many a time,” said, Tbe rich crimson blaze was the most •* Vairy well. Petair,” continued the the elder of the two, “in this very room, brilliant that can be imagined; and banker, “tomorrow morning, when z« has Gen. Washington held rate in his lap. when ii assumed the more intense glow sale begin* he yoa dar; ze tea be put I remetqber it just as^ well as . if it was of flmne; you might. fancy-it was soma up two or three, tots, *»ne of Zc nrp*r- veslerday. r HVwas/h.«i.«t u^ovely mao,; volcano whose sides, unable to restrain 1 chants' begin to bid, den -you bid 3e |^en^-Washington was—lovely! “Here,” the terrible element that raged yriihiii it. sbe: continued, going to a cupboard, had suddenly burst, and you jrour pri^ /*be used to keep his things, and here’s -through the the bill it b# for, Jbe very bowl he used to make his'wjhe firp iu all their fury. The sba beheld to $1,25 for sixty pound weight—leav ing an average of from.80 to 35 cents a bushello the proitucer; and, as the com mittee are also informed, with an limited demand ? And so of agricul tural products, and of every other spe- som«t merch#ctdi|e»; going to and, fro sir,ini betweenJtrf*^*i*ia«Ki Paeifie -ptmt of the U npted upon an equal share, as he had spent treasure aud “ coined btood” to obtain Wfell, Mr. North proposed a Com promise—an adjustment of the difficulty upon some plan or other. Mr. South patiently waited to see the bond drawn up. It wg®. prepared accordingly, and : Sharp. presented to Mr.. South for his accep- ! Parian or Italian marble. The heart’# broken utterance of the reflectioiia> of past kindness, and the tears ot grateful memory shed upon the grave, are more valuable in my estimation, than the ■ most cosily cenotaph ever reared.—-J>r. iearn—-just after the husband’s depar ture from the breakfast table, a large trunk reached the house, which was Or dered to the aunt's bedroom. A gen eral overhauling of clothing suceeded; and the tjunk rendered heavier with its contents, was returned to the vehicle that had brought it.- Two child rear were then called into the. ball.—a little boy and girl—having been ad monished-in a feeling manner to behave well until their father returnee!, the rfephew jjailh bis-admiring aunt crossed tbe threshold, since which lime they have not been seen, nor directly beard from. No cause of dissatisfaction was alleged by tbe wife, no suspicion bad before been enter- , .tained* and not the lea«t;word of tfkpla- Ateet. the Mis- t»“ i * ^.IrfUtebiod. A «nil gen- accep-I unce. It provided so and so-»aoo(A-| A rariou , ioalancB 0 f a chttng, t^- matters over n.ce y-ho rotslake.-! in instinct menlioned b , Dararirr.— — 1 htr part ti me," satd Mr. North, Th( , bMt carrl( . d „„„ Barbado es« l i* “ and as oa old Mexican law exists, pro- lhe Wes|ern j s)ab , K ceas.-d to lay .op ytd.ttg thar you capaot have the «»'. honey ari „,he Bm year. They found of course I’ll take tt-«. all „ tht firm, (h( . ’ ealher fine and materials for V °'m °Z. u- honey so plentiful, that they vjmtted Mr. South objected to thts with many lhei / gr „i. prudeut and mercantile words. He even passed solemn reso- • • — »:—i- r—.m_ lutions not to submit to if. Burbot lik- _ destroy the copartnership, he of fered to take one third •issippi volley and Asia, between our, crossed the river, early that day, bilfows’Tf eastern coast andiAsto. and between ; a boggy; they were suspected as shafts, thei® uro P® oad Asiti~ia a word, between the pair, and pursuit was made to no the likes of Peter Flinn to be among tbeysangaree into; and they used to passit pillars, the arches, - the tracery, the I a P°P“lation rf 25(U)00,000P ur l M:>3e * merchants, and bidding for a cargoof round from one officer to another when, whole of tbe ornaments of the smxs\ atr ? u our bosom, and 500,000,000 ** * u i . .-Li- : ii -i Asia: as s they came-to see him. He seen a good were as plainly visible in all their de-j Asia j as also between ourselves and deal of company, Gen. Washington did.* tail as if you were standing close tbjaHAstju • • . We spoke of Major Andre. -•• Oh,” said them ; and in the interior you beheld B will _be seen fmrnt the foregoing, the old lady, ••!, seen him more’n fifty, moving about, human figures*.* ho aj^-Hhatthe Com mitt ee^t okc, the strongest n. l ..i. j -around in favor of the measuie. Thev tea? It’s qiad entirely they’d say I was- ", 4 ‘ ; '“ Nevaire mind ; you bid on ze tea^— when xe tea knocked down you take ze whole, zen you cohie to me.-1 fix ’em. 'tTmes- He was Good mitrning, *Petnire.” And stum- ; he was a. kind man. bling, and awkward with astoaishment,-iy. tDnriiiqg they ' Peter got out, and Ibe rest of the day tbe bill to hang*him. Every btoly felt variety of gfoWJ > Frcm tbfe sora* ^ ns , accomplishment means be weal about mottertogvMrer-to b<m-.sorry for liim.” 1 mil of the-spire. am?each of the fourj of '^ ,h . e P« Wk5 *f *??" self the entire sirange.and- bewildering ’ We' asked bow Gen. Washington towers lower . di>wn t shor fotth balls 1 practicable; and ihmlty, that the hit- part which be had toenaci otrihe mnr- seemed ,tr> feel on the occasion. .‘Oh, of flame, that gave byt the.most dazZfiug ■ "**-? c . r I ea ^ cs ! ,s *> wn owans, re row at the grand tea sale. - . be must ba* tell dreadful! He walked lights, while the .interior varied each ft uirea no for interest on, Next day the merchants of the Qna- back’ardsand for’ards all that morning moment in colcr. This wonderJul dis- no tax ^or debt on theaialio” nr ker city assembled on one of Girard’s. in this very room; and I’ve hcarn JPop play lasl»ti4iiuil about jplcvrn o’clock,, involves no cmtstaulional or scc- quays, where the huge pile of chests of’ Blatfvvlt says that be never.see him feel when, aftrr pi >0 last gush of light from ,,0,,a * f l u .T* ,,on<ir "‘tficulty, am if.exe- lea were ready for the auctioneers ham- 6i» bad'afore.- He kept looking at his • beneath the cross on *he very fop ot jbe nier and the bids ofthe merchants. It wateb-fvery now and then, and wason- spire, and another still more brilliant was a consignee’s sale—cash was to be' easy till the tijnehad come, and Major from themterior, tbe whole sunk info raised in short metre, and the whole. Andre was-hong. I seen aAIujor Andre darkness. .. . . cargo was pul ip three separate lots, myself when he was "a-swingin*, and JJ ~• hail cash, and balance at four months, seen him d?hen be was dug op; and so! sir*«iae Deatw- witlr approved endorsements. did you, t«», Pollv, ‘didn't you7” The( A negro, in Duiwiddie county, cflroe “Now. m-ollt-men’* «mI<I ik- v — - - * • • ^— cuted, will accomplish th t ’ (l, ‘ds and ob jects in view:—Philadelphia Inquirer. Now, gentlemen,” said the auction- old fatly -mentioned n circumstance con- hi*.death a short time since, in the"fol- eer, opening the sale, “we pm up nected with the.‘revolution, and with lowing singtdar manner: .He was sent chests of Young Hyson this spot, that struck us os interesting into the field on an errand,'and not rc- I hear for this Hyson tea, , and somewhat instructive. The enemy, turning as soon as expected, search was I all through ns cample, nr no it would seetii, were iq the habit of cbm- made, and he was found lying on ^ the w much do I hear ? Start U, ing sometimes into ihe rich valley, of grouml nearly dead, his eyes strained genijcinun—we shall not dwell longlnh Tnppan. ami driving off entile, sheep,, from their sockets, and exhibiting the this tea. Forty cents »• pound I hear etc. 44 One 11 ay Pop Blau veil’s little appearance of strangulation. On ap hid ; only forty cenir a pound—foriy, ; nigger l**\* Jim, hearing some of'em preaching nearer/it was discovered ~ [ ’ ■ . ' A Tamo f.lon. A correspondent «»f*the New York Heraldi writing from Paris, says : There was in J Paris for thela3t two weeks, a French officer recently returned from Africa, who has for his companion in the streets a magnificent lion, who fol lowed him like a dog. The name of the animal as Emir, and never have I seen a more splendid specimen of the king of the forest. Though I did not like much fo be .near In's wild* majesty, 1 ventured the other* night to approach character, became exceedingly ^-profli gate and debauched, eat up their «#pi* .. .. tal. resolved tb’wbrk no more,(and amus- tl - .. ....... 'he basts of ed l hemselves by flying about tbe sugar- an old and long established ond 8l i ngin ^ negroes. Human between them, called, iu general terms, 1 na . ure exactly. . ^ * “the Missouri” Mr. North bbiected; nalUrC mci V- ■ Mcentnufly, and endetl finally byfak- <■ You labor otter much on yoar com- ! ng a ' l ~’ P arl ? nJparCel ' “T 1 ,C !'' position, doctor.” «ida fiippant.clergy- tng Mr. South io be content, ibal .he ^ an (() a „ nerable divjne . ...Write copartnership existing .between them • a Jernlon , hree hnars . aadmakt noth- was a most glorious one—persons to- - ur , „ s„ yoor congregation quoth thodoctor. 1 ; ST wrong—the po?sesdnpa the firm bad ac quired by conquest, had been taken alto gether from him—he was not able to Will California Bun Oi • Ifhajfwbat Commodore Jnties and Col. Freemont tell bs the abun dance of gold in California bo true, the gold product is to be increased to an in definite extent. Col. Freemont produc ed a leuer.froqi Mr. CurtlsT well known in New York nnd California, giving the result of essays of ores frohV the .quartz ledges on lbe Mariposa. ." It; produces, according to Mr. Curtis; froth b "dollar means, re- an j twenty-five ceuts to five xlollars a pound.. Mr. .Curtis speaks ol the spe cimens which he essayed. Of- another veto of gold .in the quartz region,- CoU Freemont produced testimony to show that iriwas stilP richer, and ibe deeper /wiirked v/aa tbe tno££ product ive. .The 65.000 tons ol ores worked by a British -company in Brazil last year, would, in California, CoLF. said, produce .S179.000.000. Commodore Jones estimates'the gold product of California fqr : the next year at fifty mil- lions, and from placers to which Col* Fremont says he docs hot look for the permanent and chief supply of gold to enjoy any portion of it, and was daily becoming poorer and poorer, while his partner was waxing, fat with amazing rapidity. But this was not alL Mr. North even went so far as-to threaten his partner that if he /did not give up some of tbe goods he had already i possession,.he would’take the sword i band against him!' He was kicked and cuffed, after a little, hut he slill.deiermined, it seemed, to hold.on to the Union with Mr; North. He lost all.the goods acquired from the hostile firm above mentioned, and suf- Five dung. .jjjjr Of wbmn yoa apeak—to wtma Ton ifi.M And how—nnd wlnrn—nnd where. ■• *■ i ; * Among the Mongeess, thunder is Call ed “ sky’s gsn ihe' raorning^ 44 tb« days child;” and wheo,boe is /intoxi cated, is said to be “ taken - captive - : by rum.” A native tof Africa, ,who .bbia visited America some years ngo/ wbe* asked what ice was,, said “Him 1 b® water fast asleep,” and of a rail car be said *• Him be ope thunder tnill.”' " California. When an Indian swears be swears, in English, there being no oaths in his own langoage. t One of the^hairs left in tl.e bead brush of Miss Lind at New YorVr. has --. T - —... —. - - . been sold for .one- thousand five. Jkbi^ fered many other , losses *• in the bar- dred nnd seventy-seven dollars. Cheap " 4«» nu Cat. »t— epougb for such goods. ^ •*» ur gain,” hut.his love Fed/the Messed, and. righteous copartnership kept him from any “ mode and .mcasure/of redress.” He is now not only poor in purse, hot poor in spirit, and \ve doubt not, will 1 soon give up every thing for the^Union. He has' fixed a fighting thne several iimesr—but bebacksont wheoMr. North comes up to it, and retreats “ in ‘ haste” to another a little in tha.raari, \Yhat a glorious copa rtnership is this! Ought Mr. North, is tbe wonls-of pur mercantile Jtiend, io be whaled or not ? Has he not acted an unjust part by his parttier? These are the questions which we put .to our friend the mer chant, and although a non-action man, and. for. non-resistance heretofore, he acknowledged the justice of our remarks. Why is an actor.Hko a cigar| Bpy- cause the more he's pufled, t he'bet tef he draws. ' \ ' ■ , ■ »:T. The reason why editors arc ®q apt tn have their manners spoiled, is beeauiw they receive from one correspondent , and another such a vast cumberof evit communications. -5 A young lad v stepped into the a of a merchant Sy the name of and very innocently 'said shfe ' like to be weighed (Wad .) • Really; t am very sorry',’ said be : * bin my wife will tell you that you are too late * hqp.% couple of y ears.’ ^