The southern herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1850-1853, October 24, 1850, Image 3

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We ere informed that a misapprehension pre
vails, respecting the Convention. which is to a»-
semhle on the 100> December. Some suppose 1U
Ike unauthorized act of the Governor. This is tfn
errooeons view. The Governor, in calling the
Conrention, is simply obeying an Act of the last
Southern HlghU JI«Uo» la Oglethorpe.
A Urge and respectable nnmber of the citisens
of Oglethorpe convened this day in the Coort
House, at Lexington, for the purpose ol taking some
action apon the late acts of Congress—upon the
continued aggression* of the North—the unconati-
tional admission *of Cslilornis-the State Coo-
} and viewing' wake of Toombs, Stephens -and Cobb before, ho I
wrongs which j finished,'as* ma/ter of coerw. Gov. Gilmer was ;
domesticto*ftai/»r»Jwe claY™mm| c* 11 * 1 tor, but declined to make a apeeeb — ,
poor right tp be heard in Jour detente, trusting the j Dr. J. S. Siro'ms was next i^Hed jo the stand, and •
ores against the South comn
aa we do, the past and* lb? p
have been sustained by the
your peculiar domestic instil
poor right tp he heard-isi JpBr . .
merits of poor cause to au-eiriighteoeJ and pstn- gave o
Otic people. *• Soto- after the adoption of the Mis- Ri K | ll(
fcoinaT ••
Tel?graipMe Intslligeace. s , r «
Reported for the Charleston Courier. '
Baltixore. Oct 18~
Arrival, of.(he 'Crescent City.
The steamer Ore.scent 'City arrived *t New
OCT. 23... .Corrected wrej/y, f>y Thomas Bissor
I gave us an eloquent address io favor of Sonthern j
Rights,*wbieh be contended for. peaceably fa ilie j
Union—disdaining, most positively, the party chip-' York this morning,' from Cbagres, With Sail Fran-
Legislature! A law was jwused at the last session,! vention, &c., &c. Upon motion of J. W. Moody,
making it his duty to do so, in esse Congress ad- E*q., Dr. \V. W. Davenport, wac^called to
matedCalifenria, which was virtually adopting the Uie Chair, and upon motion of T. E. R. Hams,
Wttaot Proviso. Tlie Governor bad no more Esq., Dr. F.J. Robinson and John A. Bell were
taw ; h“ te j "WT’J ,n * Ct “^ r T’_t „, lci the Mea cl «“* «*w lb. Italto Ol «***.. to.
rf*“ to U *r •» ««°uon wludi » Th. .hyro.n hnnus «“ c °* cl “ ; M ,nc W ..ide.,cc. cf .h. ini*? cl ..eperi,,; EUlld . 1]d „ netly de mo!USe<I the O,’. taking 4th ultimo, wRh a ntHli
him by the Court. the meeting, Dr. James IV. Pnee moved tha ap- . ^ ^ PD Ue Ct . The advocates for the abolition ““ ■■rf lo Z two hundred and fPtv
The Convention will be required to determine pointment of a committee of fire to prepare reso- cause continued to increare, and pressing their , 8 ^ P r ST $ m..:i *
Whether the people of tbe‘~
vesietance, stop the encroai
and save the Union, or by urinwnly submission,
poured in.upon that body
abolition associations and petticoatpoliticiaos, —r - * ■ "
praying the abolishment of slavery within the Dre- by Dr. W« Willingham,- who endeavored to an*-. three hundred .and forty passengers. And i
it iet of Columbia.; many firm and noble spirits tain the acts ot Stephen^fcd Toombs and their million in gold. There was no cliolera at Cha-
SSJSU^hut^'i^^^iSw'lhdr’iSl followers, hi and out of ^ngress, as well as the' gres at the time of tie departure of
tap, while the* warm and enthusiastic debates acts of the Chief Magistrate whaAeotT. B. King to. City. t
0 . which thrilled the Halls of Congress, was the California. Joel A. Billups, Esq. next took thel The steamerTennessee arrivedat Ffciumt outlie
:1 j -* • - - . ... ... illfon of dollars in gold,’
passengers. The United
official Documents. ) . Suites 4 Mail, left San Francisco on the 15th Sep-
concfusion of thespeaking, upon the mo- tember. John W. Haskell, of Boston ; .Edward
\V. Price, the preamble and resolu- Cwtbbert, of Newbern, N. C.; Samuel S. go.1 man,
w*rage the North to persevere, until wo shall be ing. Esq-, and Charles S. Merriwether. The com- step in the political drama was the prohibition of ,Ion * wen **?* J'° r f *!** P *~!! ?'\ bnt ° f NlW ' ° rk ’ * nd Joh, ‘ Ilon ^ hlon > of Termont,
dU.,loo, h,.bort 1 i™ h f.U.*!. opon motion ofD.C. B.r- .to .Uv..™d ? in thcDi-tricl C u l,«b„_,hen t. pend,n S .h,ch. the follo.ta. rmdu,
t South will, by tStcual tail*, for th. .ction .1 tto m.etinR; .hwenpon, : <*i™ .v.r, ^ioo, .mU tto no.! d«H» e o^o- o'Eti.l Doc
. , *• w priro T»r 1 neat to their nefarious schemes, shrunk, from the- At the con
mchmenta of the North, the Cha.rmsn appomted Dr. James W. ^.ce. Dr. con|estf and the }Ulta of Congress were literally of Dr J .
r un'mtnly submission, en- J; 8. Sims, J. H. McWhorter, Esq., R- M. Flem- fcoded with their detestable documents. Tbenext .
a aubstitute:
of. died on board ol the Crescent City. Mayor tlige-
| low, since the amputation of his artn/wa* impro-
Prevention is I
’ than i
End either disunion or abolition is the necessary
~ We would call the particular attention of our
renders to the proceedings, published in to-day's pa
per, of the patriotic Southern Rights meeting held
in Lexington recently. The preamble, adopted at
(be meeting, is one of the dearest recitations of
Northern aggression, .we have ever read. Don’t
fall to read Judge Dougherty’* letter, contained in
the proceedings.
: Florida r.lectlu*.
Jscxson Cocvty.—Cen. Milton, Democrat, and
Messrs. Long and Brett, Whigs, are elected to the
Major Finley, Whig, to the Senate. Mr.
• in this county.
Washirotox Courtt sends a Whig—a gain.
.. Calrocx— Luke Lott is elected in this county,
being a Democratic gain. - v -
Hamilton.—The Democratic ticket is elected
by 40 majority; • gait* of one. Major Johnson,
Senator, John G. S,
Dougherty, of Athens Gee
, .. . ,. , la. R-W«i That at., a portion ot the people 1 vins. .Tto Northern mine, were areragins hall
if tbe macm- lt)e Southern States, will abide the action of ;he i an ounce to the digger* daily.. The mines, gener-
Henry M. r^gle had
dy affectiAjr other
Wbl^majority. Democratic gain.
These reterns show the election of 3 Whig* to
(be Senate, ami 3 Democrats. That body milt
therefore probably stand 10 Democrats and 9
Whig*. There has been a Democratic gain of 3
Senators since the last Legislature. The
mteme show the election or 13 Democrat* and 12
Whigs to the lower House—a gain of 3 and a loss
<f 1 to the Democrats. Should the remaining
bounties vote at at the last election, the House
will stand 31 Democrat* and 19 Whigs—giving
the Democrats a majority ol three on joint ballot,
Tbe vote for Congress is too indefinite to calc
fate tbe lost .ml gains either way, but Mr. Cabell
a decreased majority.
a then read, and through the mail; ait important pi
highly applauded, nery of the Government, for the purpose of
’** ” ’ reetion tbe 8ja<
lereil a just cause ol islatibnofany tutu re Congress, upon the subject j ■—'■ £ °
tR*r. And last, of all, and which the South has n | s ti very, withiu the'District of Columbia, or any ^ Bunking house*. Flour had advanced _
jnst grounds for cmHplaint, was the admission of Territory now held, or hereafter. acMby|A^either dollars, with large sates. Business generally u
° '! A" for or a just cause of a f^Botion ot good. Prices ot most substantial articles w
this Udwfi. inproviDg r . .
After tliey were read, upon motion, they were Arrival^', the Steamer PhiLadclghhi-
the sentiments uttered in it were highly applauded, nery or the Government, for the purpose of excit- i a8t Congress upon tbe subject of slavery. a ,i-
ing . io insurreetHm the slaves of our country, 2J Res ,- /Ueiit That we shall consider the Leg-1 * ,,
CLa..«T,t«, Ofl. 13, 1830. i i.l„io,.»f an, .IPlure. Cong^., « r o» „re suh/c,' ^
My Drar Docti .
I have just^rrlved at thi* place trom Ra- c*|jf«>rni
bun Court, and received your letter of the 9th in- New AJcxico territorial forms of G,
alanl, which —a. forwariad Irom Alton,. I read Ato, .to, were read, ppen reoliop, ,to,
lelU Col. B. aud mywIf. Rnd instructed „ w|lic ^ xhe ^ uth i# forever excluded from equal unanimously laid upon the table.
couple of
. ‘ujiht lvi*c baules,.4he furuWied 45,6(0, andtbe tKina/which wetf tK'd IttWatqly aud distiuctWi
I send by this mail, ««• !•««• Hwch y« by ; Ngrth S3.0W-b«t -dftifa wore *i»* MT** by J. A. Biflupv, faiMEd fetween each
the 16th. I w | r y a^e—ihe^forlil^nTy "imoutoVev7rf 12L Then’ of them, and asked if OierT‘«ms a single
1 have only time to say, that ,nmy humble op.n j it tliatlJ)i , newly acquired Territory is to object to them! Taep 1
n. if tbe South now submit calmly to the .ate ^ a j one appropriated to the use of Xin-lhern to utter a word,
police ot tto Ccnorel Gm cromen. louchicg ,hc , tore.Prerea ! We a,k, ir the blood and ..cure | 0ov Gnm „ m0>cd , („ tte p ,^ c o[
.lore.,,.. will b, bo. an ta.i».»» tajrf .to So.a. *. capentod re^ .h;. oorJe| , 0 lbeC J™n,io3Ki, m*3E*
.he North to commit foither aggreaiiona on our i e olde , n .reaaa.e—to. winch Over, p.rl ol Gods . b ..
rights. I trust in God 1 may be mistaken in tills
opinion, if the SouUi should tamely submit, which [ {t mi
I fear she will. In my judgment, the South
do something by war of resistance. Tiieki ... .. . -- _ . - • .
^d. ol rtaiooc. i. .to poemmo, i. Hgureta | C" ^0^^ too”«.h tor
I am no disunumist. That must be the last and j on ds— except opon the principle, that might gives
sperate remedy, if remedy it can be called. j right 1 Not one foot of land do we possess in thr*
All remedies, in my opinion, will prove fruitless, i widely extended territory, upon
: creation is admitted and welcomed, exeepl the judgments might dictate, and for prixloangsgreat-
j poor, spurned snd down-trodden South—to whom er unanimity amongst ourselves, lire*following
it, which | itmost rightfully belongs, while upon t h ^& in * °f | rewlution as a substitotHbrtUe committEe’s .which
th should , Mexico, the bones of many of her Boblest sons ; . .’
kind and ! now bleaching. Then.sgain, we ajk, why are j ™ Dr ; J * b ’ S ‘ W3 * and onammously
solved. That we are in favor of .the Conven-
be holden in Milledgeville, in December
pd that our delegates trom this county, go
! of property.
. untramtneled.
« lorgo oupril, present in favor of
.n‘d WVTS the committee’s preamble and resolutions,
ex- j hut to secure the object of union amongst our.
dreaded influence, than Pharaoh’s host, selves, as division was submission, accepted Gov.
of frogo nod lice. (f, oobutiluto, which bein<. voted . for b, cv
But ihe storm is still gathering, and the inotter- ; , . . , * . , •
iog ol' .he divloo. Uiooder. poneTid. .he approoch j ,ho " “ lio h ” <l *P° ien a,[d * ae<l
Jrext Lisp are Barscm.—The following state-
went in tbe Batavia Times, i« derived from a aourc
Entitled to the highest confidence, and doubtle.
gives tbe only correct version that has been pub
lished of Barnum'a present contract with Jenny
Th# original contract between these individulas
was, ihatBarnum should pay Miss Lind $1000 per
* night, for 200 nights’ singing, an i defray the ex-
psneca of herself and two servants, from, tbe time
i Gl Wr leaving England until the completion of her
eagEgemeat and return to that country, audio bind
tlw contract, each deposited $60,000 witlnUe Bar-
■ Ingala London, as a forfeiture.
— pR-rWChing Abis country, Miss Lind informed
- J M», Barium that as their trnrto Wrf mrs bos»"
mm transaction, she ba! concluded to refract her
Engagement and pay the forfeiture. This resulted
. 5a a new contract, to the cflect that Bantam should
jay her $1000 dollars per night lor 200 nights, to
oing in the United Stairs, Canada, ami West In
die*, or England; she to defray her own expenses.
^JTtiw. after deducting all other expenses, Bernum is
to take the first $6000 of each nights’ nett proceeds,
and divide the balance equally between them. This
arnngemeu t show* that Jenny is as shrewd at a har-
gaiu as she is superior in singing.
b THE North Satisi-ikd 1—'The following, tak-
■on (rota the New York Post, a leading paper, will
skew that the grasping North is not yet satisfied,
aad that it meditates still further and. grower ag
gressions upon Southern Rights:
* With regard to New Mexico and Utah, which
an now provided with Territorial Governments
containing no prohibition of slavery, there is no.
(king to prevent that question from being brought
«p again as often as there is the slightest chance
for it* success. There is nothin# to prevent a
proposition for the amendment of jhtro bills from
being brought forward at the nosl'lg-mlon t.f emi
gres*, when w* shall be reinforced by ibe accession
ro ike Senators and Representative* iron* Califor
nia; nothing,” that print crocliones, “ to prevent*it
from being urged upon the nrxi Coiy^Tes, when a
difierent and jnster proportion' , ,«‘ort'.iern and
BrnRhein Repreeentativcj will be nEgTOvd K» Con-
giaro under tbe new census.”
Aad farther, be nys:
•* If we cannot exclude slavery fjv.av the territo
ries by a- direct prohibition ; if Cung'Hs has not
the firmness er tbe virtue to amend ihe territorial
government by a formal recognition of the law of
freedom, bequeathed by Mexico to beroada l prov
ince*, w* wmI do our best to exclude it by the con-
tiuaal agitation of the question—a method of war-,
five which is still left «s, and which the capitalist*
possessing slaves—if we mar trust the admission
ml (he Southern politicians- dread almost aa macb
os an express exclusion by law.
So, ‘"' Y *" d 'T™ I£V:'lS?£ &.' n ,h I,..' ill '.Ire' Jesi
in their application. I have not time to speak of, wilmot Proviso is not in existence—“go up and
the remedies which have or may be suggested for i possess the land,”—while the M.
our wrongs. In my judgment, any remedy
be eirer.tnsl if the whole South was united
enforcement. The policy of the Govern mr __
resulted in the exclusion of Southern slave-holders lof greater evils; and where slavery is thns hem- j * contrary manner, secured
from tbe ne« ly acqnired territories, and it is use- ) med in —" localized and discouraged," Senator j era Rights Party of Georgia, as
S nM *i—l nf ron",iio(lott*lity. ! I U,e ." 1 !"" «f Utol* U^tatar.
The practical result is and will be the same as the j meilt lo Federal office; and by thus bribing
positive enactment of the Wilmot proviso—and ern men to treachery, the war is to be carried on | jj e8S ^ Stephens and Toombs,
yet it is raid we shoolj nru resist. The next step to . t h - c * a «»t foii 'deed of all—the abolition of slavery j p^jjjon to iho*e measures are concerned.
• • — • - “ithin the States. . . i Uimn motion, the meeting was adjourned *
“ Tire Sk.fState, Ire.c bnt 30 .otp. in lire ben- j Jis w wTlBAVBNPORT, Cb’n
ate, an, I two nf ihnre (Detaware) can barjly be, y. J. Rom,so,, | _ .
n.eJ njuin in .heir delenre. Nor is I. possible lo . j A Bel , \ be!..
■ slrenpll.hy ne.v States. ’ IrexisoTon, Geo. Oct. 16, 1850.
the South-
be right, and
x resist The
will be the abolition of slavery in tlie District of
Columbia, and then it will be sai-.l; that the interest
we have in 10 miles square is too small to justify
i; and certainly it is true that we have
interest in the new territories, than in
the 10 miles square. Then the slave trade between
Ihe States will be attacked, and if abolished or pro
will be said th«t such a measure would
render the slaves in tlie planting Slates more v n J-
ble, and we will be called on to submit again ;
d so on until our strenghth is fritered away.
The North will never do but one thingat a time.
They will do nothing which of itself, would be so
attractive of nnr rights, but that some would say
was not sufficient to justify resistance.
If the North will give any assurances that no
they will stop their aggressions, J, might .consent
‘ apsaropvfof*
them to themselves. But they will give none.
So lar from it, they will continue, it not enlarge
their demands. 1* it possiblo that Georgia will do
leas than invite the slave holding Statei
them in Convention, to unite with them on eobm:s-
»n and silence, or on some mode of
I have time to say no more, and repeat my regret,
that I cannot be vwth you. Hoping that Ogle
thorpe may prove herself worthy of the crisis, J i
sir your most ob’t. eerv't.
Dr, Jas. S. Sims..
The committee of five having now returned, re
ported through their Chairman, Dr. J. YY. Price,
the following preamble end resolution*, which
were read and laid on the table until after tUo
■peaking was concluded:
Whereas, a period ha«arrived in the political his
tory of our Government, which demands from tlie
whole SouiIk a position at once firm and nnyield-
_ We ask not a dissolution of this .... _
eus and happy Union, nor to burst asunder the
chords which now bind ns together; but to insure
our continued ronnectim
assurances that our future rights will be respected,
and our just and Constitutions I claims guarantee.!
to u* and our posterity. •• Sixty years have pass
ed since tlie Northern and Southern State* enter
ed into a treaty lor the common defence and gene-'
ral .welfare. We joined that league with thom.
a* equals: it* strictly defined power* were tola
exercised for the equal goo.! of all parties, and iti
keoefiita and burdens were to be equally shared.—
Bui our allies at the North have grown strong un
der the fostering protection of this great treaty, and
are no lenger com tent with lite equal conditions upor
which »t was formed,” and gone on making exac
tion abet exaction, having advanced W tea sew
of measure*, which, if unresisted, aimt eventual
in the overthrow of our slave institutions. The
history of the cause* of the present crisis is the
history of ever-growing demands on the part of
the North, and of a* constant concession* trom the
Booth- Virginia owned an immense Territory
the North-west of the Ohktijver, but, tor the “ sake
of the Union, she gi» v ® up this fide country, forger
**■ ” Southern Srate* of the old
her own cltiien* to be excluded from
O—rtoH Mattah, me ha: -
- Whjir. tto MUtoJ totoa jnnatlito Ore to, aud,. • Wiltow tto tbulow of copreitutontl
ri awe of South Catoliitot. ......
' • Boo. urn. .to, ore eithpr lor mo henoralU Union
; ;.. me tingle independence.”
A portion of the fair daughters of Macon county
Aoaored our humble aheet, at tbe barbecue near
Town Creek, with the formal presentation o!» large
and meet elegant cake, previously prepared by their
own “ lilly-white bands.” It was surmounted by a
miniature flag, with the following inscription
n I if this- be treason, make the most of
t of the Southern views expressed
e never fell more hon-
«red in onr lives by any mark'd public approbation
than by this testimonial on tbe part of osrfoir cuun-
r (Afa.) Adter-
AnoUTIOR Dcstatch.—The Georgetown Repub-
authority. Although Virginia, for the sake of the
“general welfare,’' eebmitted to an aggression so
great, she, looking- to the balance of power in
the Union, annexed one condition, that not more
than ■'l States shoeld be formed out of this Terri-
tory.” Yet, even this haa been violated by the
North, and *‘29,336 square miles of its
more than the average sice of ail the free
earner the Ohio, have gone to constitute the future
State of Mines'**.”
* In . 1790, tbe South bad as many votes in the
Senate, and only eight less in the House. In 1817,
the North had a majority of two in The fortnei
body, aud (wenty.five in the latter. It was ac
cordingly, on the application of Mi<*ouri in 1819-
30 for admission into the Union, that tliepreten-
uras first set up that no new slave Slate should
The steam ship Philadelphia, from Chagreser
ved to-day, bringing 140 passengers and 800,000
i gold. • She furnishes no later intelligence from
California than before published.
Politics-tx Mobile.—*A call fora men^g in fa
ir of the &>mpmhiLe Measures;'td -on-
last Tuesday evening, was made at Mobile, Oh its
announcement, a Southern Rights Meeting was
called for the preceding evening, whereupon many
if the “ compromisers” backed out from their pre-
engagements, and others, it is supposed* will fol
low, as the planters in the interior have vclj signifi
cantly expressed a wish to have their names pub
lished. [ ^ [
Southern Rights Meetings.
The friends of Southern Right» an
Requested to meet in Athens on Wed
nesday, the 30th hist.; And in Wat-
lcinsville, on the first Tuesday m No
vember; when addresses will be deliv
ered by Oov. Lumpkin, and ‘Judge
Dougherty. The citizens of the county
are earnestly solicited to attend.
The candidates of the other side are
invited to be present and participate ii
the discussion.
Rufus Kinfi
fthe North v
been already obtained i
North to herself, of
Rncky Mountains, an
are. miles, added Tv this Minesota, twenty.-f
thousand square miles, all of Oregon
300,000 square miles, nu‘ *
Territory appropriated by th
over ONE MILLION aquar
ig appropriated all ot California, Utah and New
iexico, aud rut off from Texas 80,000 square
files, she will have ONE MILLION SIX HUN
ol the public domain, for her own peculiar use;—
S'VtK^an.a’^aicxlai^i-Uie paltry amount,
oi SUtnSoiisand square mites ofaTl the letVitory
s the formation of the G.
j Mone Wosdextvl DncovEmss.—In a letter to
i. , the Scientific American, Henry N, Paine, the wa-
east ol ter gas man, says he has succeeded entirely in
700.000 j. ce p-„,g || ie secret of his discovery, while no one
*' as claims adverse to his priority .of dis-
grand total o?, covery. He has thus been enabled to prosecute
his researches iuto electricity, and announces
other new discovery, as follows:
“ I now, with the same.views and feelfngs that
I made the first announcement, have the pleasure
of stating that I have succeeded in making certain
' ” peliant, or repulsive to water, when
ersed ii
—ijie whole surfac
srtd** be3*w* Ifr&A-fgfRjktffcrpj
- the stern post to thi broadest cross section,
L 1 triawktaie, a repulsive action aword
Wlh no prcp^l ol ever e.lenjing lie. tmitoml
Itoto or tor lep.M.« ..ftnglh; .rot “I”." • ) ' e a »' d - ” h,ch ■> “P
to toi, alariiitog elation, .to ha. Ito hope, ^ , '* e . vc “' . 1 '" “ ! ,ls
tothorown firmtoe.. She wr.hee to fleet-.c»l .CUon co„lm«* . rhWelec.neal aeon
Ih. Unices it was, .ad ,h. tone, therefore, in- , “ f;'m,-hed .nd coi.lmrnm.v ntop-neto electnmtjr,
nie. upon suflkient guarantiee obeerv.non *nJ .fthe ee.eel. cooree w in a circle, her mouon
of her rights and her future political equality
The additions which have already been made
the North, through territorial strength, would give
will be perpetual
“ I am a warp that I have opened a fine field for
learned bodies to practice scientific gambols i
„,„d"tto Con- *", J . ■hereto, jet forgotten .he end aha,
pleasure if we which the first announcement brought down upon
.to. would take the trouble to cn- : my heed: yel,,.,, I shall keep ro, secrel
'.'mendraent to do Ito. which Mr. Adams 1 ”" ul 1 accomplish one more undertaking, though
declared could he done wilhont it, under « hall ■ tte err-of “ hnmbue” loll™• n.i.tolbe roodI houa,.
dosen elanaea Constitution as it howatnnda. | X»"«, UENRf W. PAINE."
We call upon the whole Southern people to I —
look lilts subject full in the face. Weigh it well—j „ - ...
and decide upon' I. calmly and d.«pa.,'ionatel,.~ *“*»»» Sa.t>n«i~.TI,c New \ork M.rro.
Suffer not the intrigue of designing politicians,' say* that William H. Seward and John Van Buren
who value the interest of thoSonth in proportion _« a noble pair of brothers,” have knocked thei
and determined to make a grand
the : $fyracuse ticket. The
luttf’re perpetuity*of our Government and tlie pros- governor and Prince John are to take the field and
perity of her people. deliver sundrv stump opeeches on the nigger
- 1% SS^SsSm^SL%^i S& '■ Tb 'j ,ha » «re*
ns toe.., cento office upon .hem, to delude you , lea|!s , |h „ .
tway Irotn tnc sapport of principles essential to
ahe ol your home/and fi-eeides and .he ""T ■» b ' t » lf
Is, aayeMr. Toombs, -Ihe moskd toffrry’lr.lind pare theS.a.elortaederelopementof aprandBut-
tcbidUhe conslUulion and rights of thc South are Mo platform in 1852, when ThomasH. Benton is
“ *» .nTr*em,ta be presented for the Presidency, with Seward as
MAN !; toto .. J"' .ac his Vice, nnl John Vnn Bnren ns United states
t<$ the last extremity—‘he will be the imitator if that 0
hirtorictrt Character, the base Judean, who for thirty Senator. .- It m hard toroy what would he thepnn-
pieces >f silver, threw away a pear} richer than ail ciples of such a platform, when the three leaders
bis tribe." Bnt no longer doped by such appeals are known to he withoqt any principle at all. It
tojonr sympathies, determine to'think and act would be difficnU tn cbense between such a nomi-
riglSand egonlhv in The'Unfon, above The p*!y na,ion « nd b >' libe^y party al
shackles of party demagogues, who attempt to lend Oswego, in which Gernt Smith figured as candi-
you about like herd, from position to position, alike date for President,,and Sam Ward, a negro, for
absurd and conflicting. . j Vice President.
Be il therefore, Resoired, “ That political-equal- ■ L
ity fo indispensable to our position in the Union.'— * , _ r _
te obfafoment should bothe great leading princh; A YVobtht. Example Followed.—The George-
pie of our political action,and every patriot Geor- jTown (P. C.) Observer, says: “Tbe planters o!
gian. under whatsoever part, banner he may have p r j nce William's Parish'have followed the move o
ari'"of a^gmland mfitoT'SOUTH&S WgSs St ‘ ,n P ,ed ^ B K seIvcs neT * r ,0 empIo J
PARTY, wlmse motto should be equality if rights •«>' coasting vessel owned, commanded or manned
■and let the South MARK'TlIE
» /.er the Uni
u hazard and
Wild Chet
‘ ... inlftLKSAUJ PflAUERS is
..jFwtXjWsd&tc.-}, rji/wtOi IbrlRbMtOyjs. J
bavyu Str.mrt: NEW, YORK; .
MOWfttL, \ . -
.xSwr. J 51nr 9, 1850' f ’19
u Hardware* ^
2^S Vcnrl Stmt, Nctc l(ortr t T
Have constantly <m Kind a full ami w«U, eofo^afi
ock, adopted to tlie Southern trad.!. Particular at
tention is called to their lUMirthi'enf'of Guns.-’ 3
Slay ft ^ -
,\ 'GOOD liorseand buggy- Apply at this Office.
A "toi« . . . ,n
rrXfrE last puMihla-d, in the scriesnif “ ALbttt’a
A. Histories,” for sale at the cheap book., titore of.
' Sept. IV.
S PERM, Adamantine, and patent Mould CvtitL
constantly on bund and for sale low by ,
Adieus, Sept 19. T. RlilfOt-i
' 4 ‘ NEW siipj>ly*i,f g.K»d clean Rice, jkst rccciaqd
xV ond for sale low V* - ,
Athens, £**pt J 9, ' ,-f f
Sept. 12. T. BISHOP.
... .ASi
x > BEEF t
S MOKED Beef, fre-h and firm, jnst rccei 1
for rale by 1
B EAT ER and Mo’.cskin lints just received
Miircli 1-1. 1
USSI.4 X and A nicricnu .ihcel Iron of vaiionssixe*
ml thicknesses, constantly on hand Bud for sal*
■ud Job Office
■hi, (late Southern Whig.) news-
ipletely fitted for the
p Th;
printing of a large weekly ohi
anil has connected with it, a Job Office, where Boo
Job, ami Faucy Printing of every variety, is lum
For further particulars, ad.lress post paid,
1L J. ADAMS, Athens.
For incipient consumption, we
■emedy than Wistara Balsam
soothing and healing iu k its
!y adapted to allay and tflssip
tliat annoying aud distressing irritation which so nr
prerails at this season of tbe year, caused by colds,
coughs, and chills, brought on bv frequent and sud
den changes of tlie weather. We know of several
re cases which have been radically cured by tl
if this Balsam. Some two years since a friend
was suffering under what was thought to be con
firmed consumption—a severe cough, loss
night sweats, *fcc. By the use of the Balt
polled these alarming enerna
the enjoyment ofcotuparativ.
laud Washingtonian, Boston
New Bedford, Aug. 10,1818.
Mr.' S. W. Fowle:—Having seen many certificates
«nWh*od in.relation to Dr. '^ISTAp/Sar Vj. tAM OF
WILD CHEKttY.i tafc> »hwAppoctuhrty *,r7Rfok-in*
a word in its favor .which you are also at liberty to
publish. A few months since ray wiTS’s lungs be-
Jfected by a sudden cold, that she
id suffered severely from pains in tlm
uation caused her friends ranch alarm.
Having heard your Balsam strongly recommended by
those w1h> had used it, I purchased a bottli
agent in this place. She took it according
and it produced a wonderful effect Befo
bottle, she had completely recovered her voice, the
pains subsided, end her health wa* soon fully restored
Yours truly, HENRY G. BttIGHTMAN.
For sale in Athens, by iJrs. Keesk «fc Wttt, also at
wholesale by P. M. Cohen it Co., Charleston, S. C. and
by dealers in Medicines generally, in Georgia.
A VERY Superior lot of Bacon Sides and Shoul
ders, iu-f received and for sale low for cash for
!Sq,t. 19. > BISHOP.
El Dorado,
O R Adventures In tlie Path of Empire, by Bayard
Taylor-a new
. Bonnets, Kibbons ai
Her friends and the puhlii
■he will sell cheap for CASH,
approved customers.
W 1
Harper's JYcw Jtlonlhly,
ILL be received as fast as issued' by
Sign of the Mammoth Book
be done, for thi
ness. And th
Sonne dy^s Z*ifo of Wii^i
• ana TT'OR sale bv CHASE A PKTERSOW.
R»pl, J*. • ^ -■ :•
‘flourT flourh 1 : flour hi
ipany,” ami by i
ording to directio
On the 15th insL, 1
John IL I’ope, of Athe
wford, Mr.
Bowen & EIcKamee,
•IVtr York,
H ave removed to their new silk
Warehouse, U2 and 114, Broadway, and w
fer for sale probably the largest, richest and wo*
prehensice stock of French, India, German, Italian and
English Silk and Fancy Goods ever exhibited in tlii
market The attention of Merchant* from every sci
tion of tbe country is respectfully invited.
May 9,1850. ly
FROM the subscriber, 2 1-2 miles south
wfordsvillt, ou tlie 9tli
2 dark bay mare mules roach i
s rix inches, about
lareabou ~
dand hon
information will
iberal reward for their de-
»y information bo that I get tin
10 years, rather in thia ordei
Athens, Oct 4.18S0. 41
tnder nor constitutional bond of union, and d<
renqiiipd resistance to all who oppose them.” j State, to take
r Rt^ hed, ^That os inequality i»aa been . clearly • Charleston qtc
jnasri flrtterf npen the pan of ti.c NY.ftlu. . « 4,
right* of tne South, io appropriating the while of]
the fate acquired Territories to her sole use. thereby ; *
portion of their produce to
fti move, renuirks—
to stat« iu ft is connexion, that the
fearful extent, political power and planfcra of Georgetown, th* richest rice district in
action that for the future protectidh of oar rights,; the State,have already aeted upon aaimilar agree-
aflnpt Ihe tallowing por'ions: _ ^ .! meal, «nyffl«Mrr e th. tredi! ot taking thn Ifrol in
the movement to banirii Northern vessels from °t» r
I the idea of Disunion and ■ *•
- That ...
Secession, as long as the most distant hope remains ,
that political equality, in the_ luturo action of the ; coasting trade.” secured
Jrssr Lnro’s Visrr .to Savasnah.—This de-
± That ihe principles of Ihe pre.t S.™/krrn! pe^. open cireomuanee.. We haee aeen a toiler
.""St LnMr. Barnnro to Ur. P-C. Adenr^ ollhia city.
and all parties, North. . - - .
above suspicion, and openly 1 stating that if the *om of 13 or 818,000 can be *e-
in favor of the coaetiluAmat rights of the South. ■ cured. Mademoiselle. Lind ujll gratify our rilizens
3. T hat Congress pass a resolution, affirming ! w jq, a and prohahlv give two or three con-
^ "SS’L'h; Z, X “«■' Hrenro-nnce no on. poroon
shall have uneqnjvocal; would feel warranted in making the engagement:
nation and aggressions But if tbe citizens of/Savannah, Macon, and of the
Itaenuriend her people, determined to remain up«rour rigUt M«H j eiljoining conntry, feel diapoaed to enjoy the touiro
wilhont Ihe Union with a regularly organized gov-1 ' 4. That we believe the interests of Slavery and
eminent as it separate,' independent State, unless Cotton are identical. undShnst share the some fate;
Hit Federal Government nadertouk to subine Iter, hence the aecessity of tl«e cooperation of the cof- ....
and codvnlsed the Country bv civil war. In this hpCtyotes, at least, in any measure* of redress. Hit at ttie Keafltng Rooms ot me ueor 0 ian ana xve-
atoteof the qaesifon, the South liad onlyn« re- 5. That we approve of the State ConTentioa, and publican for signaturea. If the above
Jforn of Wednesday nn -l-A mevtinw ol the Com- * B * ,n ■ nd North wtwrtil be forced to yield, the cotope ratiira of all the Slave tkates.and . mfaed, we shall have the pleasure of
—Pirto nf pjiri, .,,1 • - - , but o* nsnal, the South was weak eitoegh to retreat especially the cotton States in these propositions; R vv . <K iuh-Nivhlimrate Will the amc
**r°* bM 1 lo * . from her ground, .od in her love £ the Union, and invito them to elect delegate* to .^Southern t B
day to take into .oooMdenhen the conde^t and de-, *fae »ubm:n-d to a provision forever -prohibiiCng Congress, Uvessemb'e at Miiledgeville. 4th of Jo- \ ^ cribed ? We * haU *ee.—^Sap. Geo,
eater the confederacy. A clause prohibiting slave- territories—«nd that we si
lywil inserted in In. bill lor Ihe edmtoton of BOerantiee thetnil lotnre ep
Mfeeunri,” and iler people. drtennined o<~o out n-hl. tiallao*.
-1X7-1LL be sold uo the first ’
V f next, before the Court house d >or, in the
of Watkinsville, durinx the legal hours of sale
negro boy, Henry, about 15 or 16 years old. To be
sold under on order of the Honorable the Inferior
benefit ot the creditors of snid deceased. Terms
the day. ASA M. JAC5«ON, Aibn’t
Oct $4,4830. - ‘ '
r capital stock the sum ol
liich will be employed in tin
W ILL be sold before the court house door in
tin* town of DanieLviile, during the legal
hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next,
one tract oflund. ‘containing four hundred and fifty
i, adjoining lands of Ri< "
rock dam
saw mill, a
■s; it being
of Madl<
rlied. Ah
and others, \
commenced for the purpose of building i
gqe.1 gin house, and other common hou
tfie place whereon Geo. W. O’Kelley, lat
County,’ deceased, resided at the time he
at the same time and place, will be sold i»u in^rum,
viz: Gilbert, a man about 65 years of age, and Pri
mus, # man about forty years of age. To b« gold
under on order of the Honorable tlie Inferior Court ol
Oct.8,1850. BENJ. F. O’KELLY, Adm r.
I^Dr LOMBARD haa relurncJ
and can be found at his office nil hours of tbmdayc-
IItiring lately visited the North, Ihs has availed himself
of all the fate improvements in plate work, and fa
now prepared to furnish gold plates, without cqpprr or
I’fay- _ St. .fiept. |L9.
CJcorgia—Clarkr* Cennlf-
To till Persons lo whom these Presents shall
K NOW ye that we, Richard S. ScbevencH, Peter
A.Suiamey, llufus L. Moss and John S. Unton
have associated ourselves together as a body coporate,
(or the purpose of engaging iu the business of Manu
facturing Doors, Sash and Blinds, and other articles
composed of wood, and of casting iron and bras , and
u».-:br*stich^! rOiafVir-MC. sjuA -ottwe-ratifilas oopy
posed oflron and woou. Also for the manufacturing
ifcriru meal, and doing all other things necessary to
profitabfa mnnageraedt of said busi-
have adopted as our corporate T?XTRA Family Vkiur, constantly on liand end fir
ill sue and be sued, “the Atli- sale low by • Sept 19. T. BISHOP.
F. F. G-. Blasting and extra-fine Rifle Powder
constantly on band and for *ale Uiw, wholesale
tail, by ’ Sept 19. T. BISHOP.
B EAVKR and Moleskin Hats, justYeccfred at
-Aug. 29. FERRY A COTt-
adminisTratou's sale.
•^jyiLL 1« sold on Thursday, the 5 th dav of De-
der, one yok<
*"erms out 1 ‘
xt,' the balance qf the perishable
estate of Geo. W. O KeUy, fate of
county, deceased, conristfne of onen-and fod-
yoke of oxen and cart, and other articles.—
Terms on the day. BENJ. F. OKELLY’ Adm.'
Aiders, Georgia.
rf^HE" subscriber, a* propwrictor of the above new-
I well arranged and furnished Hotel, expects, from
experience, * disposition to please, and attention to bu-
isnes, to make it j ust such an establishment as the public
Athens. January,! 849. *
T HE subscriber havinj;. ^batted at Nowton, (tha
county site of Baker.) will give hi* prompt-ond
laithful attention to rM professhmal bufliness entrust
ed to his care in the counties of Randolph, Early, Sum
ter, Lee, Baker and Decatur of the South-Wtstoro,
and Thomas of the Southern Circuit. .
m JOHN LYON, ATT0axmf.a»L(ff.
Newton. Hiker Ga, Ga, Aug. 1. ' ' ' ri
I RON, Nails anda general assortment of Hard War*
just received and for sale by . ? 1
. March 7, SUMMEY, fgf.
pOll the ora of Ju-tice* .‘be- Peace^ jj
leatiiep. for sale. ,
I t HE Watkinsville Leather Mannfaetnrfafc Company
are'now ofiering ii.r *a!q ai fn.nrfaqi*f’trtr»c| of
Lcatlicr. c<m6i ? :iiig of. ILuuess, Belt, iolc and Upper
leather, mil invite the 'attention of dealers and consu
mer". The company nW «rne^; sodn 4 toT*i# en
' nd.h large stock of Negro H:ocs of the he(t,^(fali-
W ILL be sold before the Court-house door in the j *7- ** . wr ,'. ^ ~
town of Watiiuiviile. on tlie first Tuesday in Wqtfa^rilio, Jnly l» W, G. HOfigAMpupX
November next, betw.v-on tlie usual liours of aafa, the) ’ ’ ■■,r- -
following property; to wit- . I BLANK NOTfcS. ’ ;
Ou* tract i* hm), ronWifiJbgooe ha wired and sixty 1 LOTof*np<-iior Malik Note*,Ju*t printed arm. **
acres, rapreorleifs, on the v-irik bfSicNut’amqt.aa-s A >aVe at^ii* office. ^ ■' 1
joining William Epps and others, tho ptijraAVije f c«rW--^‘ 5 f 7 v v --^-tre—■—x-V • ~ -♦>» -
william Shaw, Sn,i»ofa Jives. Lovfaii apon ns tbo \ Tflti iVf. ^ '
illfam Shaw, by a fi. fo. at the instance i ftl'ilU * .'■'!« " .
fr,,m - - IT A VINO removed, I offer fpf M»faT»ty
home and lot in the. town of Athens. 'The
’ ZSSSf**.
W HEREAS, Benjamin Peeler applies to me for
letters of GunnEvy hip of Mary. Aon and Wil
liam Pinkney Loving, orphan? of Sanford Loving, de
These are, therefore, to cite an J admonish all per
sons interested, to be ami at my office within die time
prescribed by law, to show can so (if any they liavc)
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office, this 1st day of Oc
tober, 1850. ASA M. JACKSON, c. c. o.
Oct. 3.1850.
property Of William Shaw,
of Nathaniel Daniell, vs. the said William Shaw, front
the Superior Court of Clarke County.
- ! October!
Three Years in California,
/CONTAINING engraved portraits of Sena
\y Fremont and Gwyna, and of Wright, Sutter,
others—together with lhlmtinta illustrative of
there. Also fee similes of tbesignatuTea of the Mem-
bera ofth« Convention. Just drived andfor sole by
Sept 5.
al treat which they would be favored with by azi*-
U*ro»Jnnn, Urol. taro. nr. .utacripfion pnpeta ^^IJAL^ FOK 1851.
npHE fo’Jcrwing have been received at the Sign of
1 the Mammoth Book.
. . . . Tlie Iris, 4
- * V Tha SnowTloke, •
’f Cabinet of Modern Art.
■ r Scenes in the Life of Christ,
The Winter Bloom.
Geras of Beauty, aad a number of, others.—
These will be followed by the choicest publications of
the season in this line, as Cost as they are iasnad, ahd
will be offered at very low prices.
Please call aad examine them at the Bookstore of
Oct. 3,1850. CHASE <fc PETERSON.
Wiuiot's Successor,—Mr. Grow, the candidate
whose favor the other two democratic candidates
resigned, asserts, in a letter to ti* electors, that be
pottment of two Maine grntlenen, Capt. Bvardsly, 1 slavery in all that part of the TeWUnry of Lnuisi- ly, 1852, to rnnsider the wrongs—the posit
*f Ihe schr. George and William, and one Scott *na (except Missouri itselt) which lies north of the safety of the South : and to take inch a
eerhan* an officer on -» »■ . „ . ’ 3G 30—the Southern fo-amfory of Virginia and Ken- (in the event that the above demands
,ert»p.«n officer on tantaw*** , . Th. Soolh tin,. Inrt. vhlMt ,.n eqni,«- crolcfl .n by tb. Xortfl) « on-.nt.ty,
wrere regaided a* fit so tqectstoleave immediately, foot, five-sixths of what wa->aireodf a'slave terri-. honor demand.
•W without ceremony Were waited en bymfiom- lory, porhased by tue coumran treasure- .'She re- Col; John Bilfops. of Athens, who was present acknowledges the «constitutional power of Con-
•wttre appointed for that porppse, amf im hed to 110^00 sqnare miles for U^ enrigra- by inrilatrae, was^ wiled for, and although , gresa to prohibit, by-jraaiUve law, the extension of
leave in twentyfoar honrs, and nut to ret am under soflWing physical debility, be gave Os a speech alavery into the territories of the n
S penally of a coat nf Ur add feathers. Sefoe- forced owut uV by Northern xotes.-is bqw snarned’ with hi* usual abiiity; He was followed by J- H. cognize# the necessity foMhe exei
qoeatly. however, a comiuiitee tliem safe on bv the free States. They have derived ail li e "Lumpkin, Jr. Esq., in opposition, who was in tbe er. The constitutional influence ot inia uovem*
baud of their vessel at anclior in oiir bay, and .li P^Me benefit from ii on thfa side of the Rocky few openiflg sentences ol his address very pathetic, ment. t**ays, shonld be constantly on the aide of
-*•» TlroronpU, !.k.n their buiineM .nd .W.irrf.hnt hi, broil eld b, .ll/tata, dtalk. *Mm. Mr.. Wjlron. biOtolf,.ro.olfl.flta 6 o
. iato ibeir own band*, aud ns may he imagined, it is “ h *. oat - might weep for the wrongs done the Soath, !
o joat «s tt blioaM l*e. Here ifer ! 4*!r for power and aggressive mexa- -hid heard
I N two volumes, and a new supply of FESTUS, by-
Philip J< Bailey. Just received'by
Sept 5. Sign of the Mammoth Book.
d so often recounted—bat he got ii
tber than this. Tbe Sodtfo it
nothing in this change, aa bad been anticipated-
,Vw Fall Goods. . v .
ITHE undersigned is now receiving bis Foil and Win-
1 ter stock ■ of goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Gro
ceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Hats, Shoes, <tc, all ofwhich
. have been selected with gteat care to suit the country
’ ~ trade, and will to raid low for coih or exchanged, for
ppeare. ^a gmnedi!!^^^^^^ ir^GRADY.
Jurt received and for so!
Sign of the Mammeth Book
L ARGE QUARTO, Reviled Edition. 8 va, 1
versity Dictionary, - High School do, and bis
" common School Bictomarv. For rale by
O NE of the most pleasing inventions of the age for
children; composed, of Letter# which c *~
moved anywhere on the board—and yet not lial.
be lost’ Afow oolv. just received and for arie at the.
cheap Book Store of CHASE A PETERSON.
. September 5..
« u< -\ n
io ensv. AJdri*s the- duivini, uro. v
ifar-st Macon. (
T he southern hctcaj, iksurake
COMPANY have now lwcn engaged in XiTo
icc f. .rone year. lothis time <..i
They have issued I«Toliei*s ;
- - iWhred' ?4t0,«0600
hero I®A88?*
. by the
tirely distinct fr»-m their other bwtneM. litis raf«*ara
July 11, 1850.
“A HDtifc Fres'L
tWfXtCti) Mgrr
ROWN. Loaf,CmslbCtland Powdered Sogara
and cheap, f<»r kale hy f
A GOOD.atockuTSwede and EogiWL’ Bar'iroo,
/Y round, square and oval do, baud, bpopamf reaad .
do,, plow moulds, cast, blistered -and-' German Meel;
wagon boie\ web dram, fe, constantly cn hand and
for solo low by. Sept 12. J. BISHOP.
* -X, 3l!»WP. lOffioo. - - < - -ri Ji -f> -l