The southern herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1850-1853, November 14, 1850, Image 4
ACCOUNT BOOKS, > STATIONERY ARTICLES. REAM HAVING removed, I offer for bou-e anJ lot io tlm itnpvovometRs , . 77 HA i DE fiXMre, w. t. : *cLrriVr st 31.iron. GA. ; fJVlfl! Jfarckantat *>«•&**. »nd nil who require nr I „ the property uf Jean T. itaker. RVX.VANCS LANORUM.. 1 -§. ticfe, it) UreirJiitr. t» calfat 77 Maiden Laue;N. Y. I benefit uf the creditors of raid deceased Term* • \r«- -offer every, variety®! Blank Books, I'apcr and [ ,he day. Stationery, nt Terr lew price*. -A* we both nuurafac- ' ~ I nientlr aitaatod to the lo college and to the chur Addrco* the »nhscriber at Macon. Go. April 19 Tftrjo Years in California, . Voftr for safe, .my PARER ana wrmrmsmznj wwticles. SsEsHS. FRA sm^LOUTREL, SOUTHERN HERALD W 1LL ^ e * oWonth * ^ To « sJa ) r in January _ % . . . -• , ', Book and Job Printing Office, anSESrSfir’S STiESE a **£ broap street, ATHENS, ga Coart of Clarke county, sitting far ordinary purposes, i '■ ~ " 5 'deceased. ' i Georgia, Jackson County. I Inferior Court tilting for Ordinary Purposes, Septem ber Term, 1880. ! Present their Houors, Middleton Witt, Russel J. Park, I Robert "White, and Charles WitL 1 TT appearing to the Court, by the petition of Martin I- J X Fricks, that Joseph T. Cunningham, Lately deceas- ! ■ nr '° XMia , e <7/ two and import oil good* in /CONTAIN JNO engraved portrait* id Seiwtor : toM » Uclwnp ^fferindocti t 1 ri-RH-nt end Gwymvnnd of w> right, • «r. < rcw .j Te prompt attetitkxi. with lithntinU illustrative nf life 1 * r line, we are enabled ;.ire AIM. fdc rimi'c*oftlic signaturestdtbe Mem- wt/uno f V cwnU-r nest, the balance or tlic peridiab’e r -oftheCoriTcution. JtHt received and foe sale by f»r ail kindsof bu-iness. Rank*. Public Office 1 . County property of the estate of Geot W. O'Kelly, fete of CI1ASE A PETERSON. Clerk*. Setts of Book, with printed beading for L*»dge,,' Madison county, deceased. cond-ting of corn and fod- emente to buyers. Orders _ prompt attrition. BLANK BOOKS Oct. 21. 1850. forthc E N c^o hav^becn hulu.j cd, did tn’his life tune, execute to the said Martin, ASA M. JACKSON, J- \ > [ establish u JOB OFFICE, for the exclusive purpose and uinety-onc, (801) seventeenth district, ami third . ' .i„:— 1 r * ij.WQBk', where we are prepared 1 section, containing forty acres i ~* *• •he most beautiful style, aiul for LOW payment of the consideration i ADMIMSTRATOR’S SALK. TILL be sold on Thursday, the 5th dav of Pc- ’ PRICES, SrpL 5. N F, IV T O N H O U S K, A'.fceM, Georgia. pUEMl4t9«, *» )■*»** *r ' Notes. Draft*. Copy, Pa** and Memorandum Books. Term* on the dav. copy tour letters. ' By the use of Francis’ Manifold Letter Writer, Let- _ . „,. w - t«r* and copies arc written at the same time; the Ink rpilE -uVciU- mwHJ.* i, J i, tk jK-n never vv.rr, ont.' ' 1 *.]l.r,«n«rl »njam,i-l,rJ nnj wvk.wv.I—prion from *1 In f5. •nperivnrr,n,li.n,^tnriInplrtw.nntlatlentnin Su- I ..... lane* loinakeitju-t such an e<tabli«hm«Tt»s the public LUO l 02* IA A. •- » HV tCK P. THOMAS. If yon want gx-od black writing ink, u*c the flows freely from the pen. and retain* its color Al so Iudellihle Carmine and copy Inks. n rod cart, and other articles.— PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL . 3DI> 1? il 33 if U '£1£b « , ... i money; and it appear- | mg to the Court tliat said J. T. Cunningham departed : BENJ. F. O'KELLY’ Adm. John W. Goss, or EVERY DESCRIPTION. Jot of ], m d— Our Presses arc from the celebrated munufac^; It it lArrtfore ordered by the. Court, That notice be tory of Hoe vk. Co., and our Type, Oruaiuents, &c.’ given at three or more public places in the county. Athen*. January, 1*19. IRON AND STEEL. \ GOOD Stork of Swede and F.nglMi. Bar - ■ , . . . . , .. r-mral. square and oral do, land, hoop and brand rTissuo, colored drawing and perforated pajrer^cnvcl- f ; VASTER AND STATIONERY. i. 1 All sires and styles of writing |>aper at mill prices. • mould v cast, blistered and German stetl; opes, gold pel wagr« lMAfii, web chain. Ae_ wmstantlv on liandand : card*.quills, for »a!c low by Sept. 1 ~ " the foundries of Bruce & Co., Conner & Sou’ ami in the Southern Whig, according to law, of such * i nf i t !•», r \- nnr rrmne j vn r nnrvitTP’<? j "“d JocejilrT. White of New York, mut Messrs. J. L. | application, that all persons concerned, nmy file objet- I™ *»«» I»*l; DEALli: I.\ DRr OOODSAiS OKOCIR71S, JlJuilnn & 0o .. „ r Pldk , ai .i,,Ua. which i, nhiimh.ul <i™,. (if „„v ,fc, („ ,|, e clerk', offleo, rtv ' pricafrom ?1 U»f5. HARDWARE AND C . ■evidence of their superiority* while l»y the use of; said Joint IL Ccnniugham and Giles Mitchell, executors So. 9. Broad-ttrcet ATIIEXS,GA. • good 'paper, cunts, Ac., and the display of correct: as afefesaid, should not execute titles to said lot of land. Mar 3.1819. ly , taste in the “getting np” aud execotiou of our work, in terms of said bond. 1— — : | we expect to ^ivc- universal satisfaction. True extract from the minutes of said Court, Sep- iST Our fnends and the -public generally are re- tember 2, 1850. JOHN G. PITTMAN, c. e. o. spectfelly invited to give U* a call. ... . ! Sent. 12, 1850. Athens, Sep*.*5. T. al. I*AM1’K1N. i _—; ; ' — —— - j ticorginok Wnllou County. BOSTON FURNITURE Walton Sirperior Court, Augutt Term, 1850. Ann Hogan, CHEAT COUGH REMEDY SSSEKf SECTORAL For tho Curr • f COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS. WHOOPING-COUGH, GROUP ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION , fjlllJJ uniform success which has attended the use of us preparati) a celebrity e<piallcd by r . .. -, -o other medicine, t to the afflicted with entire confidence ii. . virtues, and the full belief that it will subdue and r T. BISHOP. Hall, Caps Boot* aud Shoo! FERRY & CO. writing desk*, and every variety of tancr stationery. DIARIES FOR 1S51 from the full cap sice, to the smallest pocket oxlition, lining alumnae, time, and interest tables, a space ' for nu nioranduins for every day in the year, Ac., i H AVE removed their atock of good* to the store j hie for business, pmfesdoiial. lately iH'cupieilby A. J. Brady. No. 7. ('.BAN-1 50c.75c. awl ^1,sent by mail free. ■ jinvate me—price n«tment of Hata,C'ap*. Boots and Shoes, Trunk li-e*. Carpet-Ban. Umbrellas sumI »ucb otlicr article* ; as are usually kept by them. K. B. The market t*rkv« will be pai l, in Good* „ , Ca-h, fiir FUR-SKINS of tlw following kinds: Otter ! * Rimroon, Fox, Mink, Wild-Cat, Mu-krnt, ('in*™ an.1 Babbit. Angnst 29,1850. tjF' llook-bindiu<r executed in anif stifle. FRANCIS A L0UTREL, Manufacturing Stationer*, 77 Maidm Lane,Jf, Y. i.r.wta ra.e>c!«, J ! crura n. loctkeu ) July 15, 1850. 4C—ly W. S, Gratiy, Dry Goad*, timer !»*, c, & . 15, Broad Street—ATJIEXS, GA. Tbouia* XV. Alexander, ATTORNEY AT LAW, L.VWXF.XCKVILIK. OwiSXETT Co V&" Any bnrincsf entrusted to his care will meet w tth NV. H. H. WHITK, j Merchant Tailor. .Vext door to Alexander't Drug Store, College Arenvr, ATHENS, GEORGIA. , WARH-aooras. Libel for Dieoree. • William Hogan ) I T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sher iff, that the Defemlant is not to be found in this county ; and it further appearing to the Court, that the defendant is beyond the jurisdiction of this Court, It it ordered by ntid Court, That service lie perfect- | ed by publication of this order, once a month for four j months, in the Southern Whig, previous to the next In flnart Bottles. For the removal and permanent cure of all: ‘°? LTlERltV PECTORAL may l7c Diseases arising from an impure state ’ of the blood, or habit of the system. Among the many and important discoveries of this generation, is one wh<r-o fume will be written, as with a sunbeam, in the history of the past. SA NDS’ SAR SAPARILLA stands forth alone, and by its own works proclaims its power—tliat mute eloquence so irresisti bly affecting in the appeals of the suffering for relief, has been answered. Thousands of cases of disease have been cured by this invaluable niediciuc, such MILL STONES LE ATHER LEA THER!! AND MILL MACHINERY, OOOD .. rP l, .4^..1 o.k ^nl Hvv.Wk *,1. KRENCIt BURR, HOLLAND, S.C. MILL M.CClirXF.RT OF ALL KINDS, FOK SALK »I DANICL A. GALLOWAY, 70 FRONT STREET, KEW YORK July 25. leso. 3ra f V feather, VppxT ly-atber. Coif Skin*. Ac, Ac., •tautly on hand and for -ale low for cadi by Sept 19. T. BISHOP. •Vt’ir Full Goods. rpHU un.Jcr.dgneil i* now receiving bi* Fall and Win » ter Muck of good«.enn-i ' ’ eerie*. Hardware.Cutlery, HaPsH!w»e* t Ac_ allofwhich j ‘V’tS^TSl CONVERSE. TODD &GRAYDON, tlw jwciluceof the country. W.S.GRADY. XVkaleanle Bealera In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods. f, Cor. of Xatiau, near the Pott Offic NEW YORK. I'BAULn K. CONVERSE, CANDLES! CANDLES!! ; S PERM. Adamantine, and patent Mould Candle* 53 LiUrty Sti mustautly on hand and f*,r sale low by Allien*, S«-pt 19. T. BISHOP. cbable* e. c . JAMtS L. TOllD, James c.RAVnox. May 9,1850, WEBSTER’S DICTIONARY, : T AUGE QUARTO, Revised Edition. 8 vo, Uni- A. B. & D. SANDS, i ®3m«W®T8 AME jiramps, Post Oflirr Slampo—To PoMmaolcrti. fJMIK wlvrrti-i-r, Postmaster at Pleasant Grove, .1 AHejrhany county. MaryUixl, is the fir>t person in the I'uited Stales who conceived and undert<K)k exlen-ivelv to putili-h the idea of furnishing all post offices in tha country with cheap s.amps. All stnmjw made by him are warranted equal or superior to any _ I* |H,«.„nri *» tie ..... i gjr£Jf(OT p FOR THE SOUTHERN TRADE. others tliat whenever any are sent out in any manner defective unsatisfactory, duplicates will l>c forwardetl, No. 100 Fv.tton Street, Corner of William, NEW YORK. ' May 9 ly B. M. WHITLOCK & CO. 81 Front street, JVew York, WHOLESALE HEALERS IN GROGERIES, j pT Brandies, Wines, and Segars of our own Impor- ad libit am. Full set with one change, ?1. I GKO. W. & JEHIAL READ, When slump. ... W.I1, 5»>,. wiU, IroiMto | M » KUFACTU ,„, t WHOLESALE DEALERS IN stylo ns the regular government j T» Bin:CP, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER. No. 1, Broad Street A TEENS, GA. cqtiiml to appear at tlio next term FERRY & CO., Broad Street ATHENS, GA. It. J. MAYNARD, and other Furniture from. PRIME, KENNY & CO., Boston, W/ioUsale and Retail. Purchasers of $1000 or more, will be supplied al | tify’thV ubove^fo- > per cent itihrance on Boston «nole«ale onees and 1 ^ - .. • . 1st of transportation. Sept 12, -j C.R anriTccj i." ike I„,ur7nw BuiUli.R, op(Kwit. Hie ] ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Post Office. Athens. Ga. March 14. 1850. | , . , , . ! : if A GRLLABL1 to an order of the honorable Infer nr XX Court, Mtting as a CouTt of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold on tlie first Tuesday in Deccinlicr I GEORGIA—WALTON COUNTY. I, W. W. Nowell, Clerk of the Sup« , ify the above to be a true copy of : , from the minutes of Walton Supe .Terra 1850. Sept.3,1650. \V.\V.NOWELL rior Court, cer- m order, taken iperior Court, August \V. NOW EL U Clk. •IVir Fire* Proof Warehouse. GIBBS & McCOUD, Wareliouie and t'anuniaklon-itlercIinntM MelNTOSH STREET, A UGVSTA, Tom, ] Watkins ville, vey, a worn years old; George, ■enot furnished in the records of time. These thin; e not done in secret places, or in some unknown ti but are performed it places, ’l'hey are Iwought before the world to substan- ■’ ‘ •, beyond doubt, the healing virtues of this prepar- u; anil the facts unfolded, although gigantic, 1 TheiJarsaparilU is combined with the must eSVectu al aids, tlie most salutary productions, the most jxitciit * J ‘ mijiroce- iimples of the vegetable kingdom; and il had long pined under the most distressing chronic mal adies, has giveu it an exalted character—fu and Lung*. . - , 1- j.uom-iy known, very naturally attract tlie attention of medical nu n and jdiilanihropists every v here. WJiat is their opinion .of CIlERUY * tlie following:— VALENTINE MOTT. M. D., Prvf Surgery Med. College, Xev York, tag* f— “It gives me pleasure to certify the value and effi cacy of Ayer's CHERRY PKCTtfR-fL, which I con ifer peenUarly adapted fo cure - diseases of th5* THE. UT. REV. LORD BISHOP FIELD liis friend, who was fast sinking under on affection of the Limgs- Try the CHERRY give you re PECTORAL, a v lief, with the blessing of God that will.” CHIEF JUSTICE KUSTIS, of laaiisiana. writes “That a young daughter of his cured of several severe attacks of Croup bv tlie IKflkY I'H'Tnl; if 1 * CHERRY PECTORAL." ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. The Canadian Journal of Science state*, “ That Asthma and Bronchitis so prevalent in this ini foment climate, has yielded with r.urprising ra- jiidity to Ayer's CHERRY PECTORAL and wo can not too strongly recommend this skillful jireparatiotK to the profession and public generally." Let tlu: relieved suUeret speak for himself:— '—D*‘ar Sir:—Having been rescued Dr. J. < know. It lias long been a most important desill- j from a painful and dangerous disease”bv erntum in the practice of mcdecine, to obtain a remedy cine, gratitude prompts me to send you this acknowl- similar to this—one that would act on the liver, stoni-1 cilgcmeht, not only in justice to you, but for the infor acli, and bowels with all the in—-' f >««*!-«' - f «-•'—-'»• ' ‘ “ ith. T HE iWodHb,, totaf OT ntteirlrie«d.i a™ IRjj.t. oM-, 0.,U^ 8 jmkoM; A»- unJ the jniijlie. Unit they h... r«n»v«I.o tU, J' 1 > • ■ J“™»4 J am.»JLuc, 8 a... Air l„:d .... it.,. ...««* ' ? wws boKl as hie property of Reulien Ransom, possessed of powerful healii g projx?rties, it is entirely iiarmlese, and will not injure the most delicat- constitutiun. When in perfect health, no effect * axd dbaleu ix new fire proof Warehouse recently built on the comer t. as t U,c . W* t «f u “ n Watcher, Clocht, Jewelry, Silver, Plated and Britannia i of McIntosh and Reynolds streets, where they liavc . . , benefit of the ir. ic... ir..i..i .i„i ...i i -■ i . 1‘cirsacd cn*ditors. lcrms cash. No. 13, Broad-street, under the FranklinHonse. ASAM. JACKSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, April22,1848. ly Watkissville, Ga. |>crmaneutly located, and will continue to give their t personal attentiou to the above business iu all its .Athens j brandies. . The location selected is very favorable for selling cot- j t.coririu—Clurl&e County. heirs nod creditors. Terms cash. RANSOM, Adm’r, de bonis non. with the will annexed. increase of appetite; bat wlien disease is seated in the frame, and carrying fast its victim along the path of life, then its mysterious in- C. & W. J. PEEPLES, Attorney* at Law. (Orricra ix Axtinxs axn Gjusesville, Gx.) jy Will continue the practice of Law ii of Clarke, Wniton, Jackson, Gwinnett, Hall, Haber sham and Franklin, of the Western Circuit; Cherokee. Lnmpkin and Forsyth, of the Cherokee Circuit; and Cobb, of the Coweta Circuit. C. Peeples, Athene W. J. Peeples, Gainetvi’Ja. Newton & Lucas, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, bo No. 2, Granite Row—A THE NS, GA. William A. Lewis, ATTORNEY AT LA IF, Ci mmixg, Forsyth co., Ga. t8T Will practice in the counties composing the Chc- nnt«q three time*, and tending a copy of the paper, •ball receive credit Sir ten ihtJIars in wood letter, or i dollar lYuof Pro-*—or if preferre*!, a wood i HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, •Artificial Flowers UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. Me. IO CaurilauA street New York. ADJOIXtXG WESTEEX IIOTEL. July 4, 1850. 1 y I3f~ Macon Journal A MAtetiger, Columbus En qnirer, Rome Bulletin and Washington Gazette, pub faithful attention. graving nr an engrave*I newspaper haul, of the above lish two mondi*. and forward wccounta to this office. JLatv JYolice. mHE undersigned Iiave associated themselves in the A practice of Law. All business confided to them, prompt attention, OVERBY A GLENN. :ovfcr ton and other produce, to the best advantage. 'They The Honorable the In ft hope by strict attention to business to merit a share of j Purpose*, September 2, 185o! SSTSdi D Y’«WLOjBjna jp.w. will be faithfully .xi-cutej. ! SSi T'iTc Cat-h advances will be made on produce instore when j s '* ° required. Their cluirgcs willcnjilorm tothd establfeh- j * To all ichom it may concern. W HEREAS, Lucy Purycar, Guardian of Martha, Elizal>etli, John mid .Sarah Purycar, orphans o' John Puryear, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismis sion from said guardianship Tlierefore, all [icrsons concerned, are hereby cited T HE Subscribers would respectfully inform the ■ and admonished to file their objections, (if uny they ' good citizens of Athens and the country general- j have) in my office in terms of the law, otherwise, ly, that they are now opening a new and complete as- j Letters of Dismission will be granted to the applicant sortment of FRErill GROCERIES, suited to town at the November term next of said Court. By order la, July 19,1 NEW GROCERY STORE. :erins for cash, or to pur The subscribers would beg lea have been purchased for cash ni ly they can’ afford to sell for a small profit—lielieviiig in the old adage that a a brisk penny is better than a lazy shillin; i Tin aud Stove store. SUMMEY, TRAMMELL A CO. Athens, March?, 1850. A. M. JACKSON, c vatuu will be forwarded. Oat. 31. Gforgln-CInYkn County. To all Versons to whom these Presents shall come—Greeting. K NOW ye that we. Richard S. Schevenell, Peter A. Summer. Rnfu* L. Mon and John S. Linton have as-ocititet!ourselves togetlier a* a body coporate, hu the purpose *.f engaging in tha burincs* of Manu facturing D* «>r i. Siish ami Blinds, anil other articles enrapn-e.l of wood, and of casting iron and lira* , and manufi iuring machinejy, and other articles coni- p*s«>.| >.f iron and wimiii. Also for the manufacturing of. mi mead, and doing all oIIht tilings necessary to • h'.loo ’. for iIk’ profitable management of naid oasi- . An I that we have adopted as our corporate name by which we will sue and bo sued, “ Tlie Ath- en« .Steam Cnmpnoy,” and by which wo will be known and desigiuited. That we have subscribed a* our cap tal stock the sum of five thousand dollar* which will be employed in the business before mei tinned. RICHARD 8. SCHEVENELL. PETF.Il A. SUMMEY. R. L. MOSS. JOHN S. LINTON. Signed in the presence of John Kirkpatrick, J. P. AVZ2B7, HILLIARD A CO. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Staple nnd Fancy Dry Goods No. 70, Broadway, N. Y. May 9, 1850 1) DU7CBINCS, HOWELL CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, No. 62, Cedar Street, opposite the Pott Office. «. a. DprcKixc*, j*. ) NEW YORK, j. s. noWEit, > c. n. n'xt’LTV. ) May 9, 1850 1 Hardware. B.H. OVERBY. J. N. GLENN. Jefferson, Jackson Co n Ga. j Camesville, Franklin Co. BarberiikB aud Bair Drcwin|. B ernardo j. arze is prepared i S I satisfaction to all gentlemen requiring his services WILLIAM PHILIPS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, June 1850. ly. Maamta, Ga. Great Bargains at BLOOMFIELD’S CLOTH1SQ STORE. osr. DOOR Bt'JLOW REESE Ir tff ARE’s DRUG STORE, Broad Street, Athens Ga. T HE undersigned would inform bis friends and pat runs, that hi? new, and splendid stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Purposes,-September 2,1850. Present their Honors, Young L. G. Harris, Elizur L Nowton, James W. Barrett and William Dickon, Justices of said Court. To all whom it may concern. T^fTHEREAS, James P. Muyue, Administrator on Y Y tbe real estate of John G. Mayne, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from said admiuis- j Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said deceas- I fd. nre hereby cited aud admonished to file their ob- i jectiuns, (if any they have) in my office in terms of the j law, otherwise, Letters of Dismission will be granted ; to the applicant nt the next May term of said Court. By order of said Court. September 5,1850. A. M. JACKSON, c. i WILLIAM BRYCE & CO. IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY GUNS, &C. 22S Pearl Street, New York, Have constantly on hand a fell and well selected HORTOY, MOORE Ac CARLTON, WUOLE8ALE AXD KETAIt r>EAl«S IX DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKER YAND SADDLER Y. No. 8, Granite Row—ATHENS, GA* J W. IIortox. P. E. Moork, J. A. Cutm Athens. Feb. 7,1850. 44—tf GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. Clerks Office, Superior Comrt, Rook T, folio 36-1. Re corded a* the tith dav Julv. 1850. JOHN C. JOHNSON, Clerk. I stock, adapted to the Southern trade. Particular at- ; tention is called to their assortment of Guns. M.,3. ly NEW GOODS. SONS OF TEMl’ERANCE OFFERIN'}. 4 NEW supplv just received by Oct. SI, CHASE A PETERSON. T. H. WILSON, £JAS moved his old stock to the room on College . Avenue recently occupied by A. Aixxaxdek A ! Co., wh* re he is now exhibiting a splendid assortment ukmi nrk am f r v t-rwuu i^avle and fancy dry goods, hard- HhAHAIUtV SULfc LLA I HLIL ; WARE £ CROCKERY; all of which is fresh and A LARGE lot of the very best Hemlock Sole ’ well selected; lie hopes hi* friends and customers, will 1 .rather al FERRY k CO’S. 1 cal1 * n ' ! for themsclvej. OctSI April 25, 1850. if A SPLENDID ANNUAI.,- W. N. WHITE, AI Hie Unircraily Book* to re. .31. CHASE A PETERSON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER, and rr.\u» IX. COMMON AND FANCY STATIONERY, MILTON’S PARADISE LOST,' j na«ic and Ma»le«l lusirummi*. VT^rrHnotysb x RryjJyy^Robert Boyd, andj LAMPS, FINE CUTLERY. FANCY 'twh^^foonS^ ^^ i , ooot >**»**. *■ Satan aroieditg the fallen Angels, |2T Orders filled with promptness and at Acecxra sin pceTentkm the combat between So taa ami Ileath. j 1’“'^*- Satan confemplating Adam and Eve. in Paradise, * Aug. 1.. CtcatMU of Light. Hcnven-Riyersnf Bli*?, CHASE A Wm^SON^. Pioneer Paper Xfiill. CHASE & PETERSON, WHOLESALE AND RFTAIL DEALERS I Has been received direct from our manufacturing tablisbmcnt, in New Jersey, where there has been no pains spared to make it good and fashionable, in short, I can unhesitatingly say. that my stock is the best one that I have ever had the pleasure of bringing to Athens. Haring selected most of the styles myself, Without s: g more, I cordially invite all examine for themselves, to wit: Black Broad Cloth Frock, Dress, Sack, and Polka Coats; Black, and Brown Broad Clotli Overcoats; Grey, and Brown Beaver Overcoats; handsome Drab Felt Cloth Over Coats; also, Sitinett, Blanket, Felt, and Pilot. Flush ing, Kersey, and Cassiniere Overcoats, cut long for horseback riding and short for plantation — * * '' * - \ Clot’ ’■ Purposes, September 2. Present their Honors, Young L. O. Harris, James W. Barrett, William Dicken, and Klizur L Newton, Justice* of said Court. To all whom it may concern. W HEREAS, Bcnajuli S. Shcats, Executor of Nicholas Shcats, deceased applies for Letters of Dismission from said Executorship - Therefore, tlie kindred and creditors of said deceas- ed, are hereby cited nnd admonished to file their ob jections. (if any they have) in my office in terms of the diseased. SCROFULOUS AFFECTION OF THE EYES. inciuvSTEu, Ky.,Oct. 29, 1849. with ulcerous sores, so tliat I could not walk during the whole Spring and Summer. Iu this situation 1 Sarsaparilla, and after ta rt.a pain through my client. severe that spitting of blood, a violent cough and profuse night sweats followed and fastened upon - 1^ liecamc emaciated, could not sleep, t and in short li consumption. No niedieino^med'ataUto iUcli n?’,savTo , ! n . tl 1 providentially tried your CHERRY l LCI ORAL, which soon relieved and has now cured me. \ ours w UU respect, K A. STEW A RT. Albanv, N. Y, April 17,1818. :—1 have for years cr, Lowell,—Dm been afflicte * with Asthma, in the v I have been obliged to sleep in mv chair for a larger part of tlm'Ume, being unable to breathe on my bod. 1 bad tried n great many medicines, but to no purpose, until my physician prescribed, as an exiierimcnt, vour CHERRY PKC1X>RAL At first it seemed to make me worse, but iu less than ‘ek I begun to evjmricncC the most gratUyingn told him the loss of his sight was inevitable,and per miu.ent blindness seemed to be his fate. Three Lot ties entirely restored his sight, and we cannot but re BENJAMIN F. BUCKNER. ITS POPULARITY ABROAD. FKOM SOUTH AMEUICA. Maracaibo, Venezuela, April 12th, 1849. eefcs, the disease , j . .. xith comfort an*l enjoy a state of health which 1 had never expected to cn J°y- GEO. S. FARRANT. ritUPAUED BV J. C. ATCa, CHEMIST, EOWKII, MASS. Athens bv Drs. 1III.L *t SMITH, by Havil- y AC‘ * *- ’ 1 laud, Rislev <fc Co. Augusta, and by- druggist gen the public to make known the great benefit I have SYOUTH & MANHOOD. A VIGOROUS LIFE, . i was attacked will/KbvnmatUn shoulders, and also in my lees, and so severe was i ~ _ . . . the |>ain, that I was unable to sleep. I tried all of the j *IlRlLGUQ OH Scll-PrCSCrVIltioil. Frcniuture Dcutli. best medicines I could hear of without receiving any i L’-J CENTS. benefit, until through the advice of a friend I procured 1 This Book, just published, i* filled wilh useful inf«»r- >f your Sarsaparilla, and after using four bottles mat ion, on the infirraitios aud diseases of the Generative , or. . ^ j fo U!K i myself entirely j Orgmis. It addresses itself alike to Youth, Manhood in sayingjrour Sarsaparilla | and Old Age. To all who apprehend or suffer Under i the best medicine I c sd it to my friends and die public. J. M. JKSURUN. Here is another, nearer home Messrs. Sands,—Gentlemen,—1 have great jrt ceived from the use o^your Sarsaparilla. A subject of pulmonary disease, I made a voyage to Europe, hut while there continued to be afflicted, rhage of the lungs, and from the debility anil great prostration of strength that followed, with the protract ed difficulty of respiration, I am entirely relieved by the use of your Sarsaparilla, which I consider a most important and truly valuable discovery ill the healing Very gratefully y« A. M. JACKSON, c Blanket, Satinett, Tweed, Cloth, Beaver, Kersey, tirorcia—Clarke County. j The Honorable the Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinarg 1 Purp ses, September 2,1850. STSi'SZXL'E&SiJEtfSl I *s***?W M- BOOKS, STATIONERY,FANCY GOODS : Vremh and American CaXerc' pmits, i PERFUMERY, <frC. ' ** * * • — 1 SIGN OF THE nAM9IOTH BOOK. Third door east of College Arem Athens, Georgia. pT All orders promptly filled at Augusta prices ! Stocks, Collars, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Buck, aud Dicken, Elizur L. Newton, Justices of said Court „ . . To dll whom it may concern. (clwpanJ Jram. T.c^U, K «~?-1 WHEREAS. D.vid Hoi™, Adminlrat™ cl J.,hn Enijl^Cortmd ilofek,,, pwt,; C.*n,«re. Sili, VV OUv., applic. for Letter, of Di.raU- Satm, Caslnnerott, Wool. WoraoH, Valoncil. anrl I non fr., m aid A.lmi.iirtiilioli Athrnr. Fob. 23,1850. PJX.YO-FORTFS. AN ELEGANT assortment of PIANOS rif the celebrated makers, STODART A DUNHAM, N. Y, also, the recendy in vented MELODEON, at tlie Piano-Forte depot. Athens, Feb. 7,1850. CHAS. ZOGBAUM. »Satin, Casbmerett, Wool, Worsted, Valeucii, ami ' Black Broad Cloth, double and single breasted Vests. Also, a large assortment <d furnishing articles, to wit: c d Stocti Catlar,, CravaK Ilamlkrrrhief, Burt, .od I jcolioa,, (it Miy Utey have)»,mv afficr Berlin Gloves; Kid, Silk nnd Oassunere Gloves; Sus-1 the Liw, otherwise. Letters of D ponders, Combs, Brushes, Half hose, *tc. Shirts! Shirts!! of our own make, handsomely, and Tlierefore, the kindred and creditors of said deceas- hereby cited and admonished to file their ob- terras of LOOK AT THIS! CARRIAGES, ROOKAWAYS & BUGGIES, NEW AND SECOND-HAND, AND AT REDUCED PRICER. RICH'D S- SCHEVENELL, Coacu-Makeb. Opposite the Bank—ATHENS, GA• every quality ami style, silk, Cotton, Merino, and Wool. Hats, Caps, Ac. Also, a large and handsome stock of Hats and Caps, J et L 0,1 l b e estate of Cynth embracing all the styles worn at the present day, TK “ a “ * Georgia, Clarke County. W HEREAS. William Edwards applies to n Ia:tters of Administration, with the will a E. SEYMORE. Prepared and sold, wholesale nnd retail, by A. B. «t D.SANDS, Druggists «fc Chemists, 100 Fnlton-st_cor ner of William, New York. Sold also by Druggists j ( .„4 es ’ surly of prolonged iudi-cr o feel the exhaustive effects of sedento- ons—-U» afl^ ^ *S plivskail energy, are the victims of nervous and f moping and v- huicholy despon- rill pr Dr. K. x RE AD THIS BOOK. 1 impressive warning it gives. Hie valuable ndvie < of 11 viil learn how to prevent the' a letter. destruction of their children. £5?” A remittance of 25 cents, enclosed ii addressed to l)lt. K1NKEL1N, N. \Y. corner <»f lliirti Ipruce *^ Pine, Pliihidelpliii u of maij city, Iiave rendered l>r. K. till s in the head o ?*, gravel, dw : all t Athens, C WATCHES. JBWBLBT.jJ SILVER AND PLATED j IFrtPc, &'c. T HE subscriber? are now opening at the new Jewel- j ry Store, a splendid assortment of fine Watches, (all | arrant ed go*>d time keepers) and a great variety of j He who places himself under the care of Dr. K.may ess Dr. Iv. Dy letter. the latest style of JEWEZ.HV. Embracing in part. Breast Pins, Ear and Fin; Gold guard and fob Chains, Gold- Pens and I r Kim These ngular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, be nnd appear at my office within the time prescribed I by law b (if any they have,) why said Southern Mutual Insurance Co. J JOHE OFFICE, in their building opp**.Lte the Post fine Mole°Skin, Beaver, Soft Bodies, Jtc^ Xc UMBRELLAS. Silk, Ginghams, Cotton, and Cambric, Whale and I litters should not be granted.' Steel Bibbed Umbrellas. Tnrnks, Carpet Bags, and Valises, Iron frame, and russet folios, all of which will be sold cheap, at the above named store. j T?0UR months after date, application will be made to J. the Honorable tlie Inferior Court of Madison coun- Given under my hand at office, this the 2nd dav of 1 September, 1850. A. M. JACKSON, e. c. o. Sept. 12,1850 Gold Ifeckfos, Gold and silver thimbles,and Spectacles . H“ir Dye, of all kinds. p.Hj Abo, Silver Table, Desert ami Tea Spoons, extra-fine j Silver Fork*, Soup and Gnivy Ladle*. Butter-kiiives; j DR. JAYNES rAr, medicines. T Javue’s Family Medicines, all of which, are offered at the Philadelphia prices; con si-ting, among other ar ticle*, of Jayne’s Expectorant, Hair Tonic, Alterative pills. Ague Pills,Ac.,«tc. y 24. 1849. WM. S. GRADY BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. September 26, 1850. cation for Insurance made, U J.U. PARSONS, Sec. | any quantity of olean Cod so ««Mt filial Rags. BRYANT’S POEMS, ’VfAGNIFICKNTLY illustrated—hound in Turkey j which mavbe offered.either delivered to Ath- ifX Momwm, jn*» receiraJ at ! en*. or at tbe mill for which they will pay tuxes cxxt* CHASE k PETERSONS cheap book ktorc. j rta roexa Oct. 31. * * I They will give in exchange, paper of their own man-i - —: ;-A- i wfactUTn .Bo«s. Slatbrnery. «tv, from the store of Chase FOR SA I.I'i* J A Peter?u«b tlw lowest cash prices—articles from r IR un aiimiiTf^h!hiff h , • . ^ AtkenVFactory, or CASH, at the-option of the T n*** m this nW spoe^Iyt wfi >S hlI i.TerLt, | ^oJj Salt-oo.dcs, srraps of Lagging, piecesof rope, in the Southern Herald, (late Southern Wing.) news-1 will abo be purcUast-iL. at bxHa'one to throe cent* per ^Thn^*!Oddi*ho*.iff* fowfor cud*. - ~ pound, arcording to quality. Fine French Calf Boots. TT^ERRY k CO. have constantly on hand a large as- X? eortment of gentlemen’s fine dress Boots, which they will warrant to wear and fit as well as made in the place. —ALSO— •beautiful article of Calf Shoes, Congress Boots, «fcc ^jty. when sitting for ordinary purposes,, for leave to kind* neatlv done. Hew Gouda. WATCHES AND JEWELRY, BENJ. F. O’KELLEY, Adm. JtOUR months after date, application will be made Silver Md Hinted Ware, j MUSICAL INSTXUMINTS, ac. j . .v /7 w. P. SAGE, has jast returned countv. when sitting as a Court of Ordinary purposes, JvjMi from New York with a beautiful j „ ,ea ^ e i° sell tlie lands belonging to tlie estate of to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson ateortment * tin above named \ ll ™’ S - ButK ' r ' Ut.oTiud vom.t^aw^rf. _ articles which he will sell cheaper | than can bo purchased elsewhere, i Far forther pattfeularyoblry*gad frAJ, . Oct. 17. 1830. ling toqualir luoqjwat the up-country are solicited to purchase for-«s. to-whom, as well m others, the above rate} will be allowed--and these prices may be considered as pennanentlv established. Athens,Jan. 10. CHASE k LINTON. .FALL & WINTER GOODS Mr*. Prilrlmrd. Her frieoil* and the public are mmHtnl'to call and exambm them, as she will cheap for CASH. — ; M-:G&osnoEs.- , v LARGE «nd well aelecteJ stock ol Ne^ . Shoe* fer Plantation use. ennsistln; of I mrt of this article will find it th tl cl at KEI RY & GO’S. <V.«I,1M0. NoJ Granite Row- LADIES’ VISETTES. J UST received and for sale a good assortment of Ladies’ Spring ind Sommer AA*ettes by ” Mr 21. R. L. BLOOMFIELD. Smith & StOVRll} DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, AC Km I. Cellrce Areaxe, itkeas. Terms—cheap for cash or Country produce COFFEE! COFFEE!! COFFEE!! U sacks very choice old Go received and for sole low or Sept 12. TOGETHER WITH A GREAT VARIETY OF RICH Jewelry, of the talent Styles. Broaches Pins, Ear and Finger Ring. Gold Guard and Fob Chains ; Gold Pens and Pencils ; Gold. Silver and Steel Buckles; Gold and Silver Thimbles, and Spectacles. Warranted Sterling Silver, Table Desert t T?0UR months after date, application will bemade j J- to the Honorable Inferior Court of Jackson Coun- . | ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell ’ j all the interest of Leonidas A. Few and Marcus C. i Few, orphans of Leonidas Few, deceased, in a certain ! tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of I Newton, adjoining the town of Covington, containing i six acres, more or less, being a part of lot Na 253, iu 1 tins 9th district of originally Henry, now Newton County. CAM1LLUS L. FEW, Guardi July 18, 1850. aud Test spooua. Silver b'urka, sesses over those unacquainted with the business, in ; being a practical Jeweller, renders him capable of i iniMiwtlM nine of all he purchases and re- Trasks, fallsm and Carpet Bax** 3E0R81A—SLABKE COUNTY- 3E( YTfHEREAts Benjamia Peeler applies to W letters of*mhip of Mary Ann and Wil liam Rnkney-Lnriiig. orphansafSonford Ltrting, de- aSf&i ASA M. JACKSON, c. c LIFE INSURANCE. IjpHE^ SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURAJSE They'hare' issued Their premiums Their losses t* > the public. Fifties, VIollMs, Gaifarx, Ac, Pianos from the most celebrated makers and t TT'OUR months after date,application will be made X? to the honorable the Inferior Court of Madison county, when sitting for ordinary purpose s, for leave to sell afl the negroes belonging to the estate of Francina Sprat ling, deceased. JAMES O'KELLY, Ex'r. July 4, 1850. 43—3ms. JAMES Bit IDGES informs tlie public that he ha* removed liis shop tothe building in the r ist superior.-itvle and on short i ... . .. . of every descrip , a |j kind? of work in his line ofbti-i Athens, June 14, 1849 O. & A. K. C. Haying procured the scrvicosof Mr. flauJrup.fa most superior workman) uodi-r whose management Uie es- tabli-hment will be placed, he ran assure the public that his work will lie dime in equal' to that of a concent in the country, wbife ho believes that he wiU lie enabled to offer Gentlemen's fine Boot* and shoes, ,_j! nL..j.._-. .. . . . lower prices Athens, Jan. 1 LOOKOUT FOR CHEAP RIDING! MAHOGANY, MAPLE AND BLACK WALNUT CHAIRS, W«rdrobe«.Barrau». sideboard*.Tables.Ac MANUFACTURED AT HOME, I ble, and warranted so to be) can be obtained from the LIVERY STABLE REMOVED. North, adding only the freight, at the ' ^^ THE undersigned har- - WARE ROOMS ju , Bt Two doors West of the. Post Office, near the Epis.. ^well wangedSt^"' with the Franklin House, t ' *»*A continuance of the patronage hitlicrtt,received me tlio.I of informing their old patrons and the public it) by the subscriber wUl encourage and enable lum to add general, that thev keep constantly on hand for hire considerably to liis stock of manufactured articles, and Saddle Horses, Horses and Buggies, Barouches, and’ to increase the variety of his material. i Stage Couches of all sizes ; all of which cau bo had at Why take your money abroad, when you can use it as the shortest notice, and upon more reasonable'terina advantageously at home 1 ] # ** 01<J Furniture cleansed and repaired. Sign and j ornamental Painting. C. S, OLIV ER. Valuable Lands. TRUSTEES’ SALE.«-g*e> ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE 1 O* 6nlToWd ” ! ” N °' ” 1 ' ut '"‘ h ' Coaches three times a week from Athens to Madison Spring, and daily if nece-^ary. All families wishing to ••• ‘it the up-country via Athens, will be sent to Clarkes-- ’• J by Mailison Springs, as thay ceed 16 hours. • .«v «*»4. • ur-uo. ... - All horses sentto theirchargo will receive the best Court-house, in Watkin-'tiUc, Clarke county, will attention. Ami they flatter themselves tliat from long 7 ILL be sold before the court bouse door hi ! be sold for tlie benefit of the Legatees, and for di.«tri- experience and close attention, they will give satisfac- AU watches and time-pieces faithfully repaired and warranted. Athens, Aug 22,1850. W the town of Danielsville, during the legal butioo, all that tract of land, belonging to the late tion to all who may fciyor them with their patronage, hours-of sale, on the first Tuesdar in December next, j William Jones, at the time of his death, known as the We ™na*plendid Omnibus daily from the aty ta one tract of land, containing fora hundred and fifty '“Smith Plantation.’’lying cm the Scull shoal r.sul, 'heRK. Depot. • b ALTER A IVY. 1 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Rice, Duncan »bout 3 miles from Watkm-vifle, containing seven bun- 1849. , _ * f* • .1^.1 »;»K . dred and fiftv 17501 acres, more or less. | Omnibus offices at tlie Newton House and Franklin Joljll, 185a VAN HOUW & BARRETT, COACH-MAKERS. ATHENS. Beg leave to inform their friends and the that they, have removed to IP, second lot below the SUGARS! SUGARS!!’ T3 ROWN, Loaf, Crushed and Powdered Sugars fresh X) and cheap.'for sale by March 7. SUMMEY. TRAMMELL k CO. lajntoTlfa^arTgUi.I.mlt.'.'Hidr.aCTJ.dto. HEPAIRINU d«». witk *nd Albm-, Jifteh eS. IMS- lj if building a saw mill, . mimon bouses; it bein„ the place whereon Gets W. O'Kelley, late of Madison County, deceased, resided at the time bo died. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold two viz: Gilbert, a man about 65-years of age, tons, a man about forty year* of age. To ’ * Tm &morabfc Urn foferior under an order of the £ Said county, when sitting for ordinary . . aa theproperty of said deceased, for tbe benefit of the heirs and rreditors. Terms on tits day. Oct.», 1850. 1)EXJ. F. 0’KELLV, The above place is good repair, with a comforta- j House. ble 2 story dw"elling', gin bouse, and all necessary out- Stage aad Livery office at the Franklin Hou*c. buildings. Wewill also run ft splendid line of four horse Coaches, The above property can be treated for at private \ daily, from Forsyth to the IndUui Springs, de. Terms made known on the day of sale. - T. G. MACON. ) Trnst<(0 it J. CLANCY. J Tr °\ , „„ his HOUSE in JirrtusoN, Jackson coqnty Aug. 29,1850. Notice. The subscriber still continues to keep open