The southern herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1850-1853, November 21, 1850, Image 3

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    /I ... . |\ South, b4ve you become 90 degraded and spirit- j mUe«, She may alike more, if $0, let her say so; * the shield of Southern rights—to the fierce,
’ii- Ijv vUUll|Cill less, that you are ready to surrender np those 0 q the other hand, let the North act candidly, and lenting assaults of the Ncrtli upgn our institutions,
— - - - rights and privilege*, for the protection of which, M y whether she is satisfied—wliethershe will now ! and that, through them,
i Manilla Rope, H>
Are yoa Russian serf*—crouching spaniels—tint y C1 —all will be weH; if nay—then let the South \ Johnson, Hill and Sheets in faror of our calmly wimnuiaftOIM . JO
are expecteJ to obey the commands of Northera ! t a jj e \ xr position. In my judgment she has reme- j folding our hands and tamely submitting to have j Twjm-,
masters, and in doing to, bring disgrace opon • dies within the constitution, and such as will ; our feelings outraged, and our property attacked Bacon per lb.,
yourselves and ruin upon yonr posterity ? Rouse prove effectual, if she Can unite on them. I have -. in this way, or are they in. favor of inviting the 1 p^ n J r
np, we beseech you—slumber not, when the sal- not time to speak‘of them. Pirate make my kind' other slaveholding States to meet us in Conven- j Tallow,
vat ion—indeed the very existence of the South , acknowledgements to'the friends who signed the tion. to say this tiling must and.shall cease? j Tallow Candles,
depends npoo your prompt and decided action.— letter lo me, for this manifestation of their confi- JUSTICE AND TIIE'CONSTITUTION. Coffee, Rio,
Friends ol Southern Right*, be up and doing—save dence, and make known to them mv regret and —. —
the Union, and stare off Abolition. I excuses for not being able to meet them.
People of old Clarke, what sty you ! Are you J 1 am your*, most respectfully,
prepared to bow your necks to a servile yoke? VI c , (Signed) C. DOUGHERTY
Thursday Morning, Xor. 21, !8S0.
Southern Right* Ticket.
nnbesilatingly and indignantly answer for you. No.
You will protect the rights of the South, and at the
same time preserve the Union. Be at the polls,
without fail, on Monday next. A long pull—a
strong pull—and a pull altogether, will secure to
yon a triumph—a glorious triumph !
For the Southern Herald. . .
Political meeting 3u Jackso.ii. i Rice,
On Saturday, the 16th Inst. Messrs. Mitchell, Sugar, brown.
Peeples, Dougherty and Cobbi, severally addressed
For the Southern Herald. * n assemblage ot the citizens of this county: rela-
.1/r. Editor—In my opinion, the Convention to tire to the pending canvass. ’Each is
meet in Milledgerille, on the lOrh December, will believed, fully answered the expectations of his
be the most responsible assembly that ever con- friends.
ver.eJ in the State of Georgia. For upon its de- Hit is allowable to discriminate,a passing no-
cision we must take opon our necks the yoke of tice is due to the speech of Judge Dougherty. It
wiU be daily, hourly 1 N0V CtreeUd weskfy, by Tuoiiiw ISuuor. and ! OS COLLEGE AVF.NGR qH’OSITK THE P.O
1 en r^SSrSS3®SS!
taw ..tens L livo;, .ill pov «... at kb dtath. • ¥1 taTtaC* tare «
to fi. .urviviip; family. !„V, «r Be. tbouran.1 at>HS( *
dollars, according the* muomit of the annual pre-
avium. This company is thus a Saving Bank, accuntn-1
fitting at compound interest the annual paymvnts.andI- - . .... • .. ... ...
giuranUcim; ilia!llu-v .Ml mnoorttS»laray fiue.1 ly ™ta«l Ufa artjmjmrf "o t" 1 ™ 1
“mv If tbepurlv ilf'iiosit, till, may tend. l»y «**»* kotlko WT mt.l im.l fo.lfa.nai.V
able to tlie fun-llv, five from the claim, ol creditor*.— **“ I"' 1 ; rotT-fa**
To all a ho have not vet made, in M of their death, the kw *e feel ,.mK,.l ti, Mmtte Wi he
a S'.rfHeimt proviia.'fhr the .-.lueoti-m and rapport *>‘ te togire perfect *.1ti.farlta, t.,.11. Ip. icy be <1»- belter method-feeewins It cm peetalfe
be reeemmeoded. . All...,.., June IS, IM
Application, received at tl.e Hume Oflier,in Athene
... l.’Jv
§ permanent nfrangetuuMjiiwuto a
personal twiuVln New York, u.
|N>rterof the bent Enrich Lather fit*m
• will haw no difficulty in having constant-
Steel, cast.
5*1 30 i
hush 60 :
sack — 1 75 i
per lb 21 i
submission to Northern dictation and Northern op* was fortified, throughout, with, great strength and
We would particularly direct the reader’s atten- pression, or we most boldly set forth a point of re- clearness. His manner was calm, dignified, and
tion to the proceeding* of a Soutlieni Rights Meet- Stance, and refuse to yield at any hazard. Dis- fervid. It seemed, indeed, effusion of a heart
ing, held in Forsyth, Monroe county, on the 5th guise it as we will, we have arrived at that period overflowing with an ardent attachment for the pro-
instant, published in our columns to-day. They | in our history, when we must consent to bo made m0, ' on °f l ^ e I 5 ® 61 interests of this State and the
breatflb the true spirit of patriotism. Appended to the bondmen of the North, or we must make a bold en, ‘ re South. It was a epee Worthy of a cause 11 ow u cr >
the proceedings, will be found the letter of accefb strike for justice and equality. And now is the involving the destinies of the. Southern portion o) j j, cni j
tance of Col. James Lamar, who received the nomi- ! auspicious moment; lor in a few years our border this great nation. ^ * | j Cotton
, nation to represent the “ Constitutional Southern j States will he free of their slare population, and From the Savannah Georgian. ! Flonr
Shall we resist, or shall we submit—shall we j^ghts Party,'’ in the election for members to the j they too will be against us, which, together with The “Journal & Messenger” of Macon, in the j Wheat
approve, or shall we dissent from the Congressional State Convention. If every man in that Conven- t en or fifteen free Slates to be carved out of the excess of its loval love and affection, has publish- ?. or “
adjustment of the slavery question, and register { ; 0fJ „ ou >j f ec j t } ie tame lively interest in the j vast territories of New Mexico, Utah and C&litor- ed an extra purporting to be a letter from Prosi-joats
our protest agaiO't it? Belore another nnmber j a||je D ( Southern Rights, that Uujanifest through* i n ia, will place us in such a hopeless minority that dent Fillmore to Robert Cfcl|ir.% Esq., of Macon, I Bye
of our humble sheet shall make its appearance, j ont thu lc , tcr 0 f acccptanu.. we should not feel ] we must tamely yield or be whipped into servile an j this “letter” rays xtejninuil, settles the Jjjf*'
this great question will have been j«»g doubt of the triumph of odSrc^rse.: 1 submission. Tlie Union Sutes Right parry .be- whole question; but in iny " if this lettqc^Tfo,,. .
peop.e.Oi* r,? J° n i ^THE «LECTIO NON MONDAY. ' *tl : eve ttf.t oor safely consists in resistance to the really was written at the ‘Preenlent’a dictation, it 'Blueston*
*! . “ ' m ’' ^ . * r ‘“ ‘ ’ .* . ,OU ^ 1 . mny . Before we . an Lave another opportunity to ad-1 extreme of the Constitution. The Union party, per 6 ho\vs in an eminent degree that »e are to es-
e ora ,v i e m • n , , dress our readers, the great ami momentous ques- se i contends that our safety lies in unconditional poet uothing at the hands of the Executive, pro-
tion will be settled, and perhaps forever, in the J submission. Give me a solitary reason to believe tectire of our rights, as conveyed in the terms of
great and mighty South—the question of aobmis- i 80 > an< ! I am w ' l l* J ou > gentlemen, heart and hand, jj, e “Fugitive Slave Law.” But we should cer-
and disgrace, or an honorable means of secur-1 ^ or I look with pride to the high position we have tainly have been better pleased, if the Journal
jur rights. We would urge upon our readers ' taken among the nations of the earth, my heart j,ai| taken the trouble to publish the letter of Mr.
deeeiveiU.nt] bn™,,d. The Oon,en„on. wl.ich ■ >o exercUo the rigl.t ol voUn B . bul by no """» •» i 1'"“, 'n ’.”1‘ .t” 'jlifJ-hllt C ° m " 5 ’ * hi ' h “ »“*«! 11
i. fa Obedience to ,n Act of the lent Ughhlm. to '»'• '" c » f"»> I*".'' ° r !>»»«* mMmUam, | “?• ™ ""T f "• »" 1 d ’ 1 ’° k *, l ! h , ■»»« »•« be» “ "*• Mr. Fill-
a..-emb1e on the loth of month, will bo rc- ! bM » n ,h “‘ >'»" lK ’ ld ' !e * , “ S'""™' 11 "" d I’"’
41 «
" 5 50 a C
6 00 a f
dfiah purposes, withhold the whole truth fret
But the day of rifribution is nigh at dam
when tlieir apoMalc leaders shall call upon tl
rocks and mountain* to shelter them from the fierce j
idignanl wratli of those whom they have j
ju r if."
^ bid
ASRURY HULL. Prendrft, j FLOUR, FLO I'll.
McCat, Actuary. Nov. U, J850. 1 -j^XTRA Genesee t rco ivt d and ftw mIu
^ HF.UEAS, Tlumins Mmiont, n, Guardian of thi
phiui* of Hubert S. Gordon, dcccaseil. appfi
me lor Letters of Dismission, from said Guar
are, therefore, to cite and admonMi all p
ton* interested, to las mid appear at my office will
the lime prescribed by law, to show cause, (ifanr tl
jirtvc) why sahl Letters should not be grantml.
A Hunter’s lifo in South Africa,
.. ,. i /“'t OBTAINING anecdotes of theebase of the LIOR,-
smd Guardian ; y , KLKl’lUNT. RHINOCEROS'Ac. A remark*
| vhhs book, just received by
White Lend, keg. So'bs..
qgited to determine whether the S..te of Georgi. j •°’ 0 for mm ' vl, ° “o.k"'' 1 '”* f™ Sght.
i of you and yours. Need we say such men are
LOWE. Southerners, be freemen—not slaves.
The smoke 1ms disappered fro
approve* or condemn* the Clay Compromise. We
have often exhibited, in detail, this measure, to our
readers, and it may not be amiss to take another .
short and final review ol its component parts.— , ra ^y friqnds of the Southern Rij
Who is the author of this adjustment? Henry j ct lt must e * ected - ^ ^
Clay—a practical Abolitionist—and avowel Free-j NEW YORK ELECTION.
Sailer; and ho has adjusted this matter
subserve hisdariing purpose—the exclusion of the ; | s,l " m . c
South from all the territory acquired by the Mex- 1 a ° 1 >e re8U 1
ican ivar. He wants to be President in f 5J, and
like other aspiring Southern men, is ready to bar
ter our rights for Northern votes. Submissionisls
tell us, Southerners, with their slave property, are
not excluded from the territories, when they know
we are. II the Northern members of Congress
did not believe such to be the fact, why did they so *
obstinately refuse to repeal the Mexican law, and
why did they not adopt Mr. Seddon’s amendment.
The following is a part of the debate in the House
ol Representatives:
Mr. Set!don, of Va., moved the following
the dark picture which a devastat- more j n t|,j* precious communication, condoles
pm.ds out to my m,nlal vision. The „ ilh Mr . c . „„ hi, failure to recover his proper-
ty, but in conclusion leaves us under the impres-
contest of our revolutionary ancestors
tween liberty and the rope, but trusting to God and
their cause, they triumphed. They may have
... 20 3 f- NV- 1 ?• 1S50.’
T.r ■ * rif—
I El Dorado,
i / Adventures in the Path of Umpire; In’ Bayard
I V / Ta v lor—a new supply inst renewed by -
gov- l*, HW. j Sept. ID CHASE & PETERSON.
ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. j SSnrper's .Yfir •TJoiif/if.Vt
157ILL he sold at the late residence of Virgil W. \\TlLL be received as fast «« i-wiovl by “
»■ Akiidge deceased, near Farmington, Clarke y \
ty.on Tuctslay the 31st day «>f December next, f : c .pt.
“ " " purtv ohaid, to :
S MOKED Beef, fvedi and I
A;m i! 1
liXTSSTAN rnd feibajnMreK
IV andiliiekiK’Mes dorewtHBy Uu'i'^lsutl and fi-r »».u
*7^ 8 i part of the pcririmblts jiroporty ohaid deceased....
ij a j 25 wit: 2 or 3 horee.% 1 cot ton giu, l g*g, 1 ox cart anil
at tl»« same time and place, will bo hired for the en-
of tins negro*'* Imlonging to the estate of said deed.
-Terms on the day. A. M. JAUK80N, A din.
j A LL persons indebted to either thee date of Nieh-
1 i\ nlas Oslxmt, deceased, or Nancy Osborn, deceas-
] ed, are requested to make immediate payment; and
8 00 n 9 00
ribed by law.
i.M. JACKSON, Adm.
that he can’t help tts—he says, that it is his
, duty to take care that tho laws be faithfully ex-
Ids Tick-1 ^ een ver y to ” 8 k so much, but you will eeu t e J,” and'this we know, lor he ib paid for it;
please excuse me lor following in their footsteps. , hat .. he )ias n0 ,h„„g| lt „f ,h,inking Iron his
Run your eye the beautiful Ohio, until it in- JaIJ . io H|ij „ any other caWi bal „ n , , a llle
tersecls the majestic Mississippi, and thence until mo!t „f hi, ability, faithM!. and firmly perform
tho tattle field, 1 111 " oks 001 T? lhe,, " el,m|! ,,de of ,he mi Sl>«y it." All thiCis very pretty «nj no doubt very
unparent. Il’ Aboli-. I'a'ific. ccrnpri-inu tl.e granary of the world, and conjo li n g to Mr. Collins ill payment for his tie*
tionist, is elected Governor, lie was the candi-! J, 1 ' 1 s'| that cea d.Upht the poet^a fancy, j, ro .,. bul | wou |j as k, what do we Caro for Mr.
date of the coalition (orincd between Van Boren
Shirting*. 7-8 pr bale.,
I 00 | yr^HE subscriber, who wju Surgeon in C«d. Ren-
? j JL ben Nash’s Regiment ol South Carolina V
and Seward. He was pledged to the repeal of the
Fugitive Slave f-aw, and the abolition of slare ry
in the Dis'rict of Columbia, What will the tubs
about tho friendly feelings of the North,
and their willingness to stand by the compromise.
amendment, to come in immediately alter the pn
vision that tho Territories when formed into States,
should be admitted with or without slavery, as
the people should in their constitutions declare :
“• And that prior to the formation ot Slate con
stitutions, thore shall be no prohibition by reason
pf any law or usage existing in said territory, or
by the action of the territorial legislature, of the
emigration of all citizens of the United States with
Auty kind of property, recognized as such in any of
^tbe Stales of the Union.” ’
A proposition of a similar kind was offered in
tho Senate by General Davis, of Mississippi, and
rejected. Tho object was to have a fair un^ef-
s.sndmg with the people of the f^oi^h—to have
a fair and well acknowledged non-intervention.
This was rejected by a larg c majority. It wil
be perceived that its adoption would have secured
to the South equal rights in the territories, andl
established the true doctrine of non-intervention
But no, tho South was to have no share in tin
territories, :ind the North acted out this determina-
If a Southern man offers for sale iris slave
the District of Columbia, although that slave is
cognised a* property by the Constitution of the
United Slates, such slave is, ipso facto, liberated
and free.
One third of Texas has been forcibly taken from
her, and appropriated to the North. The subs tell
us that Texas may do as she pleases—that i
Jo be « voluntary act on her part. This is
Ftrictlv true. Sue is compelled to choose between
the bribe and the sivord. Il she rejecflhe ten mil
lions, then she is to encounter the bayonets of the
Federal Army.
We have been fraudulently and unconstitution
ally shut out from California, whose inexhaustible
iniueral wealth is monopolized by the North
No candid man, with the capacity to form a cor
rect opinion, will gainsay or attempt to refute these
positions. But they contend that we have receiv
ed ■ full equivalent lor our extraordinary conces
sions to tlm North, in tho Fugitive Slave Law
Judge Berrien, an J other faithful Representatives
ol the South, uniformly asserted, that this act
would prove a nullity. Have not recent facts es
tablished their claim to prophetic vision? Out of
30,000 runaway slaves, now harbored at the North,
notOQcbas been returned to his master, nnder
the operation of this Act- Combinations of armed
negroes and whiles have successfully resisted,
defied and trampled upon the laws of the Union
A citizen of Macon, in our own State, sent two
Agenta to Boston to capture two runaway slaves
that had absconded from him, and taken refuge in
that city. The local Magistrates refused to grant
the necessary process—denouncing U*s law as in
human and barbarous. Judge Woodbury, of the
". Court, issued a warrant, but the officers
whom Fillmore's protestations J We wish something
lore solid. He goes on to tell Mr. C., that his
letter contains no proof-and therefore requires
action, that they are matters for judicial inves-
fine he
washes his hands ot the whole matter, and closes
Was a tame, lifeless affair. In one fense, it was
feast—there seemed an abundance of wholesome
meat and bread, but the flow of soul was not there.
Not a particle of enthusiasm was manifested. The
meeting was held in the College Chapel. One
third of those present, were women and boys.—
According to our estimate, there were, exclusive
ol the residents of the town, between three and
four hundred persons present. It must be recol
lected that this was a a District gathering. Owing
the absence of some gentlemen, who were ex
pected to adJrcss the mooting, there were strong
symptoms of disappointment. The only speakers
srs. Corns and Dawson. ■ Mr. Cobb
chanted his old song of Union, f»ack to the merri
ment of a pu.tion of Die audience. Wt. Dawson's
speech (as the efforts of the old gentleman always
are) was “ leather and prunella and naught beside.”
Of those present on that occasion, we are satisfied
one hundred or more were friends of Southern
Rights. If the subs are satisfied with their doings
on that occasion, we are delighted. We felt, in
truth, that it was good lor us to be there. We met
many friends from varions comities, whose glowing
accounts of the onward progress of our cause,
cheered our very hearts.
Finn.—A very destructive fire occurred in Alba
ny, Baker County, Ga. on the evening of the 12th
inst. by which a large amount of property was de
stroyed. Loss estimated at 830,000. It was
thought to be the work of an incendiary.
Athens, Nov. 4lh, 1850.
“ Thos. F. Jones, Esq., and others,
“Ge5tlkmex.—On my return borne on Sat
urday evening late.T found yours of the 21st ult.
in office, inviting me to address the people of New
ton, on to-morrow the 5th inst, on the exciting
topics of the day. 1 regret to say that I cannot
comply with your request. I bare been saflering
for the last two weeka sorely from an affection
of the throat, accompanied by a distressing cough.
I am still thus suffering, and it wonld be madness—
foolish madness for me to attempt to make any
thing tike • speech, and if I were well and able
to speak, my friends had made an appointment for
me at Watkinsville on the 5th, before I returned
home from the circuit. I have not time or incli
nation to make any extended remarks on the top-
of the day'. I will, however, say that I am no
disunioni-t. I am not for secession or any mea
sures tending or looking that way. This Union
shall never be dissolved if I can help it. I will
not calculate its value, and if it ia ever dissolved,
or its value calculated, the Northern men should
do both if I could control the South. I know that
one State can do nothing single-handed. I have
no doubt, that if the Southern Atlantic, States
united, justice would be done us, and this glorious
Union made perpetual. I am, therefbre, iu favor
or charm the miser’s avarice, and tell
did it all once belong? To the South. Given
away for what ? A bribe for peace. What was
the result ? What human nature and all history
tenches ua-farther agressions and a demand for and no, for esecutivt
farther concessions. Refer me to the nation, an- ,, is iu) , ol wWt
cent or modern, which ever jrurctasrj su/sf, by his cpisUe svith w fionriuh .bout - oeu Ustor.”
tamely «.bn.itu,. S to isron* and insuU. It Joes Co „, d „„ th „ ^ j „ ou , d „ |k< h „ e
not record at. ...stance. Anj yet the poor, down- tlMt , , 0 . Bo „ on to , ue l| a lawless mob en,l enforce
trodden and robbed South is st.II calico upou-and j „ CM , d ttIt!on , sqoadron „ n „ mfying
It lush to say, by some ui her own soas-to offer charleston, and threaten to send troops to indig-
up other sacrifices to appease this Moloch ot the nant Texu . lat Bo , toai ,„ v , ul Bostmi pioos
North. Politicians may cry peace, peace, but there Bos , on- darl|n „ BostM ^ be „ empt Irom , ny
is no peace. They may shout from the mast head, , och infl ; cti(1 „. i ,d vi s 0 every roan to read tl.e
"land ahoy,” but there is nothing around ns but | clter and then so, what indemnily is given by tho
heaving billows, w,it. not an arrarat whereon the Pre , lJdat It is en eaemplificatiooof the otd
ship of Slate can rest in safety. The/vgif ice . - The King of France with fin y thousand me.
slave bill—the dear bought victory of the South— j
has proved to be Dead Sea fruit, “that tempted the j
eye, bul turned to ashes upon the lips.” j
Air. Collins, of the County of Bibb, for the pur- i
pose of securing his own election, and sweeping !
How i
Bowen & McNamee,
•Vcic I'o »•/,’,
vannah, and a detachment at Darien in the autumn,
winter and spring, 1815, till after penre was made
with Britain . and who was also Hospital
geon's Mate to tlse 6th Military Dist., United
Slates Army, nnd attached to Gen. Uickney’s Sufi",
winter and spring 1815 ; having the commissions
H AVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW SILK ofsuch service from the proper officers, nowin
Warehouse, 112 and 114, Broadway, and now of-; i, la possession, and believing that he can identity
fer for sale probably the largest, richest and most row- b hi$ ulcn ever y soldier in Nash’s and Few '
prehensieekUkk of trench, Indio, German. Ital!«« ««<> 1 — J • • • -• ' • *•
English Silk and Fancy Goods ever exhibited
market. The attention of Merchant.*, from every
tion of the country is respectfully invited.
Thomas’ regiment, encamped at Camp Covington,
and in Gen. Blackshear s regiment at Darien, as
well as many of the Regular soldiers commanded
by Col. II. V. Milton and Gen. Jackson in August,
, 1814, particularly in Captain Twiggs’ Company
j ol Infantry, Captain Messia’a Rifle Compi
nd Capt. Proctors Company of Cavalry of
E XTRA Family Flonr, constantly on hand and for aim Vsapi. riutim a ». vaiwiy >•> me
sale low by Sept 19. T. BISHOP, j 8th Regiment, United States Army, believing,
! he repeats, that these circumstances- ostensibly
F. F. G., Blasting and extra-fine Ilifle Powder
jP' c constantly
nnd retail, by
i be Doxr. !■—An Irishman, who
lighted, about to tight a duel,
the State of Georgia, ootme^ied and assisted by : sisted that he should Bearer ta
Eugenios A. Xubet, with all the privilege of his his antagonist than the other did to him, and that
high office, seut two men to Boston, to bring back Ihey were both to fire at the same time! This
two fugitive slaves, with letters to men in office heats Sheridan’s telling a fat man who was go-
and high standing, selling forth their motives—not * u ° *°®shl a thin one that Ihe latter’s slim figure
the value ul the ulavev, hut for pol'lmal effect in <" 1 S llt to be ehulkeJ on the ahev’e portly person,
Georgia, and urging them to assist fn their recap- . * n< ! *he bullet hit him oulsidc the chalk line it
ture and delivery. Even the most bigoted zealot ■ was to f° * or nothing.—Figaro.
will admit, that if ever a case could arise, in which j ’ • * 1
the New England States could have been induced i _ „ ? ron [ l ^ ,e
to comply with tho requisition, ot the fugitive : Dt ;. S ,' 'L&'f'! l3 JL W “ ! f! n S lon
i ,,, , . “ an article entitled as above, which we believe is
slave bill, this would have been the one; and the the ^ preparation hitherto discovered for the
tact that she did not, proves, to a demonstration, cure of colds and other consumptive complaints.—
that the heart of the North is amiinst us; that pub- Having tested this medicine, we can speak with
lie opinien is opposed to the fugitive slave bill, end con6dence . a ''» “* s ;'!"" r V effect, in removing
...... . f. ’ coughs and other complaints, incident to this season
that it is null and void—a dead letter upon our stat- • 0 t the year.
ute book. And it is child's play to talk about the i CCf* Beware of the Syrups and all other prepara-
President's ordering the United States army to lions of Wild Cherry. Buy none but the genuine
force the North to comply with the fugitive .lave Wfat.r's B.lam signed f. BUTTS on the wrep-
j bill, it .he is not disposed to do so. Nine thousand ‘"originally prepared by Willfagfa & Co., Phila.
intimidate and coerce as many mil- delphia, now prepared and sold, wholesald and re-
lions, preposterous and absurd. And the bare fact ,a j*» on ty ^y Seth W, Foivle, Boston, Mass., to
that it bus become necessary to call out armed ell orders .bould be addressed, end for sale
force to compel an unwilling romplianee with a * "J , , (
constitutional law, passed lor our benefit, fH.irricO*.
should arouse every slaveholder to a sense of his 1° Clarke county, on the 4th iush,bvJ. W. Cook,
danger. How long will the people of the South ^1- Mr-Bc-vos-cu, mnl )lnv Ass Horse,
be lulled with the syren song, that the great mass j UlClIj
of the North are with ns? Need we any farther' In Early county, at “HanSet’s VaPonia” James
proof that thev are against us? Proof could be Joses, second son of Cob James J; Taylor, nged three
given upon proof A, cue strobe ot the iSCSSiffitK,
whole Baptist Church South was excommunicated. : Be wen by human eyes- -but burst and bloom,
The Methodi.-t next met with the same fate, as un- j And blossom in Etern’ty
worthy to meet around one common altar, and com-1 * —
munc around one common table with their spotless ! Bounty Land Blanks.
brethren of Ihe North. \ T)RINTED in the neatest style, and for sate at this
‘The Fugitive Slave Law akd the Church , °® ca • 1 P cr qmre. , v Hov. 21.
—The New York Evangelical Congregational As- i
instant, expressed (heir views upon the fugitive ! J^FALL & WINTER GOODSffz
slave lew, in this wise— £C Mrs. Prlfrbard. W
“Resotre* That while we reeognme the oblige- TTAS received rni.l epeoed her stock of FALL
tion to obey the laws of. the land, we make an ex- j XI *
EAVER and Moleskin Hats, just received a
, ,. .. , r . . , of such measures as will unite the South. I know
I used to serve it. The runaway negroes, however, .l. . . . , , _
» ia- ,, ® |. * lla t wl»t has been done cannot be undone. I . - .
Northern brethren, take
ceedings they desired against the Agents. Be-! « . » .
. 'T , . . . . tent, yon must cease the warfare you have for
surer in an action of slander. They were .arrested a ...
second time,it ,he in.fmKC of the negroes, nod £ " urn ^ h “". pr0p " ,,)r "” d i
bound over in. f», sum of g.tWwTu. defend ^
w.l'y q. Agenu tam, b.rrewwd by. ever, K-m- ,*,; JOU m ^ da .„ Lietfa. and
We rvprJieur, uod JiscomilueJ every pmu , .err, ,„J k(pt op w;0tio
themselves, compelled to rtoieiruy, fo..voul tamg, limil . fatIte , , d „ lrofi
faro to prey, by the onter-lovlo, end Uw-ebulmg j .mfaguefa Dor ,o
J ”« *’.. ' i excite them to rebellion, violence’and insurrection.
Now, soppore these scene, tad been envcled T he„,h illgi wool j n „ t p,, mil „^ onB
i “* s ‘««. The President, with the to do, und you,„ oar ostnfa., ought cm w do
utmost alacrity, wonld have sent the Army and these ibings.
N.vj to enforce obedience to lew. When South j If we meet in Convention ,„]
Carolina even threatened to resist the Revenue
ception in the case of all such provisi
travene the “higher laws” of God.
‘Resolved, That we advise all persona to render ( and examine them, as she will au*lrfa'p for CASH
Ronnels, Uibboui and Dress Goods.
Her friends and the public aN^r^qilfested to call
every needful aid and comfort to fugitite slaves,
just the same as if there were no law in theiand ; Athens, Oct.
Athens, Ga.
4 NEW supply of good clean Rice, just received
1 and for sale low by T. BISHOP.
Athens, Nept, 19.
't ASH paid for beeswax by
luitliful attention to all professional business
ed to liis care in the counties of Randolph, Early, Sum
ter, Lee, Baker and Decatur of the South-Western,
and Thomas of tlie Southern Circuit.
JOHN LYON, Attobset
Newton, Baker Co, Gil, Aug.-l.
I RON. Nails, and a general assortment of Hardware
just received and for sale bv
point him out as pre-e
iptitly prepared and qual
ified for such an office, respectfully offers himself
•s an Agent to procure Bounty Lands for the sol
diers of these Companies and wars.
Added to tho above advantages, he lias e.rpe
rience, as he was an agent for procuring noldier'
bounties for services in the Mexican war, an
succeeded in every case even aller other agents
and leaving scarce any proofs of identity
or heirship. In addition to Ihcse, he has all the
laws on tlie subject, the Secretary of the Inte
rior’s Manifesto, his decision upon the two tours of
service v entitlement,JlPJ£tH>je_ia entitled, &c„ all,
the necessary Tortn*, crpfei of oaths, method of
identifying the original soldier, or if he is dead, his
widow, orphan or other heirs, and all other papers
necessary to secure his success. He is also in cor
respondence with the Secretary of the Interior, who
is sole arbiter (or judge) in tins matter, and whose
instructions in all cases will be implicitly obeyed in
order to ensure success.
He begs his fellow soldiers to remember that
identification is one of the most important items in
the testimony, and consequently that his being able
iu " '■* ' ‘' ‘
NEW supply fur s
!0R the u-«! id Justice* «.f tho IVico. ju-t received
and f-.r sale by CHASE A PETERSON.
Aug 22. * Sign «»f the Mammoth Book
ylVlDF.ND No. GO—The Ikmrd of Director*
annual dividend
I'.LLle on and af-
L K. TFFFT, Ca.-luer.
HAVING removed, I offer for sale, my
,, uiehtly situated to the business part of
town, to tlie college anil to the e linn lies. Term* low
ami easv. Address (he nsbrerilier at Miienn. Va.
Throo Years in California,
( 'CONTAINING engraved portrait* of Senators
j l'remont and Gwynii, and of Wright, Sutter, nnd
others—together with litholiuts iffu.-trativc of lifo
Sept J
Sign of the Mammoth Book
Athans, Georgia.
T HE sul^cribc", as proprietor of the above new
well arranged lunl furnished Hotel, expects, front
nines, to make it just such un establishment a* the public
Athens, January, 1849.
A GOOD stock of Swede and English. Bar irort,
round, square and oval do., band, boon and l>raad
do,, plow iiksuuloL. out, Wittered awl {Muuajhft; ’
«. j—j- t ^ oousUiutly on baud and
llafs Bools nnd Shot's !
ferry"& CO.
H AVE-removed their stock of goods to the store
lately occupied l>y A. J. Brady, No. 7, GRAN
ITE ROW, where they have on hand, nnd will con
tinue to offer upon liberal terms, a very extensive as
sortment of Hats, Caps, Boots and Slioes, Trunks, Vfc-
to swear to their identity is an essential favor which lis< Carpet-Bajs, Umbrellas and such other articles
they can obtain from no other agent; and they 1 ^ „’ e , w haRy kept by them.
will eee therefore, that ’tis most likely to their ad- N p n ic niarket prices will be paid, in Goovls or
their way, or at Washington ere this, and bounties
will soon be returned to him. With the above ba-
predicatc the selection of an agent upon.
obtain their bounties, my lellovr comrades in these
tours of war service, arc assured, that I will oh- 4 G 1
tain their Bounty Land Warrants for them as cer-
tainly, quickly and cheaply, as any other Agent,
and upon the principle that if I obtain no bounty
1 will ask no pay ; and I will ask none till they re
ceive their Bounty Warrants in due legal form.—
Those who wish to intrust me with their agency
must direct their letters tome, (postage paid,) at
this office, (Powelton, Hancock county, Ga.,1 writ
ing on the outside of ihe letter, Bounty Iuatids,”
to distinguish it from others, and stnte the highest
price they will give me to insure their bounties,
payable when they receive the warrant, and their
letters shall he attended to immediately, and, il
necessary, snswered. There can be no peculation,
speculation, or fraud in this business, as the law
prohibits old debts, mortgages, sales, or any other
claims, from touching or recovering out of them
till they are issued and held by the owner. A fe
licitous provision! Whan these bounties arc re
ived by the soldier, I will, (it he wishes it done,)
tpHE Watkinsville Leather Manufacturing Company
4 are now offering for sale a handsome stock of
Leather, consisting of Harness, Belt, Sole and Upper i 9® 1 '. .-~ .; ,,.
leather, eod rovito the nttctioo of d.uler. sod coura. locate « for lum on the most lertilo fuMtc lends
mere. 11,o compuuy also erpeet u«ut to tare on 1 stall thro be In possession (no I tun non.) of the
hand, a large stock of Negro Shoes of the best quali j most satisfactory inlorntafion Willi regard to these
ty. Cash paid for bales and bark. 1 ’ ‘ 11 -
Watkinsville, July 18. W. G. MORGAN, Sup’t
GOOD supply of good Osk nnd Hemlock *ole
leather, U pper Leather, Calf Skins, «t<x, Ac.
tautly on hand and for sale low for cash bv
. Sept 19. T. B18110
JWtw Fall Gooffs.
T HE undersigned is now receiving liis Fall and Win
ter stock of goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Gns
Ac., nil of w hich
suit tlie country
S PERM, Adjunantiue, ami patent Moubl Candles
L, a
AItGB QUARTO, Revised Kditiim. 8 vo.Uni-
there are between two and thief hundred thousand
bounties tot>c issued ; it requires time trouble and ,
labor to collect the testimony, to examine and ap- r r' 1I , E „ ;
• • ** it 1.1 Afli
troubtelnd ' Pmt °* fic c 8tninpie«To Poatmaatcn.
advertiser. Postmaster at Pleasant Grove,
the bouulics. Bin I .JL. AUegliunv county. Jforyl.tml, i, ttallWjwuro
■ cue, FOR SABuE.
.lemficuot sign or Ihe tad rpim pp,,,, mJ creisncd, desireoj of closing up l.U busi-
rel.g.ooeeon.n.oo.ltee,!. found in ± .pccdilv.-ill sefl his interest,
the Inllonnng item. in the Southern Hereld, (late Southern Wliig,) ncn-..
-The New York Sfate Conventon which „„ r ud j„ b offiaC- > w ,„ r ^
M II Brnolreon. on the 9th inst.. Her. Gibbon He estubILhmcn( I, "as completely filled for tho
Brookport, on the 9th inst., Rev. Gibbon j
Williams in the chair, passed a series of resolu-1 printing of iflarge w etklv sheet 1 ,
>, repudiating the fugitive slave law as contra- ! and lias connected with ft, a Job Office, where Book,
any in the State;
rv r ~""9 "• ; j 4V xw.fice. Where Book,
fy to the spirit of the declaration of national inde-j Job, and Fancy Printing of every'variety, ishand-
pendence, and opposed to the direct grants of the : somely dene.
Constitution to every citizen, and to the law ol | For further particulars, ad.lress post pnid,
* - • ■ • • -! H. J. ADAMS, Athens.
. »g‘V-|
ing effectiveness to the law, for the speedy repeal ol
which they will do everything that is in their
Are these the friends you commend me to? If
■«*, they are- your, friends—they are none of mine.
Fugitive slaves are getting to be a great burthen to
Ihe Northern States, ar.d they only bear with it
because the abolition party is large enough io hold
the balance of power between the two great pohti-
nothing, or cal parties, and they are both'quoting if for the
. . ; approve of what Congress has dons, which is the sake of the spoils of offiee. And they will continue
Lswtlre Federal force, were instantly assembled *** thing as doing nothing, l fear * wHl be bat i in this coarse to the very vefge of our sufferance,
« Charleston ^mamtam the supremacy of the ] „ invitation to further aggressions on our rights. | .nd wfll only stop short of that point of resistance
j. . ”* * p r ’. 01 1 * C * S ” are 1 1 believe ihal the only \y*y to preserve this, our threatening to lose ouf custom. Will the oppo-
widety diflerenLwy our Rulers. Massachusetts j Union, is to maintain our rights under the Consti- * ,itk»n candidates io this county say we ought to
» a free State—Carolina is a slave Slate. A free, tution, and iu compromiees. Tyranny and ag-I force the North to that point, or will they still
State may do aa she p.cares—she may he bound gression was never staved by submiraion, a* all-counsel ns to permit our institutions to be made the
or net, at her option, by Federal Legislation, but a j history clearly shows, opposition and resistance on play thing for abolition demagogues. The lion,
slave State, if the proves-in the least cootumteious, j the part of the assailed are the only means of cans- Howell Cobb, Crosby Dawson, Robert Toombs and
is to he tripped into docility. - ) ing the oppressorto pa use. and stay his progress.—Alexander H. Stephens, tell us the South has tri-
SocU is the true character of the Clay Compro- it U time the North and Sooth understood each vmpktd,a*& tfiat all now will be peace and barmo-
mise. It yields every *rng to ^Ifcftbdha^ she jotbetonthusubjecL It is time there was'anend ny, when they know, at the very time they are
ever claimed, and ihe Halo that was stipulated . to this agitation i -.11 good men desire repose and making the declaration: that the very moment they
in favor of lbo Soath, is jirroganrty auJ contempt-, peace Jo reign in tV county. The Souths has land in Washington City, they will have to bear
uously "withheld and denied Id us. Men of tliefagain sod :iji »r niJe concisions nod compro* ’their breasts—would to God they were armed with
OcL 17,1
A 1^\RGE and well selected stock ot Negro
Shoes for Plantation use, consisting of Black
and Russet Brogans of best kieds. Persons in
want of this article will find it to their interest to
call at —*"” '
Oct. 31,1860.
\ GREEBLY to on order from the Court of Ordina-
XJl. ry of Clarke county,’ Will be sold on the first
Tuesday in January next, at Watkinsville, within the
legal hours of sale, 15 or more negroes, belonging to
the estate of William W. Anderson, deceased.
Amongst the negroes are five house servants, goo
washers and ironers; likely boys, and one of the best
tanner.*, curriers, and fini-hers in the State. Terr*"
on the dav. B. H. OVERBY, Adm’r.
Oct. 81,1850. .
4 NEW stock of best sole leather; just received and
A for sale low by T. BISHOP.
850 Reward.
Str&ycd Ol? Stolen I probate it, and no less io issue uie oouimc!«. uui: —-■ , f rtook
FROM the subscriber, et MeJiuon ; !b e m.,« imperfant s.epe in ibis boeittess ere eerie , ^ S'rffomii.™ *£
Morgan county, G»., oe Monttay nig-l.t , te lccl.on c,f an intelligent en ejptricmee, In* ^ uUbctaup -amp.. All .lulop.
4th met., three meree-one • emell | collection of the testimony, nfid: .1* »!>“;'»: „., Jc bv h :„, „„ uWrenleil rnpial-r raperior U. any
iron grey, iu fine order, and well form- t presentation to the SrcreUry of the Interior, as he others can ^ procure d f„ r the r-ame price, and
ed; one, a bay with a ball face, with j will issue tho bounties seriatim—first applied for, whenever any arc sent out in a.ty manner defective
‘ ~ ' * — •* " * ° Un unsatisfactory, duplicates will l»e forwarded, on
ire, . without extra charge. All who order a *ct of
idim, with a full ret of Charges for elates, at only
be given lor the wife delivery in any Jail in this claims. And now, permit me, my old fellow-oili- * (wo dollars,(for thirty*) shall be keptiu stamps
State, with sufficient proof to commit the thief, and cers and soldiers, to hie us to a reminiscence pf 1 ad libitum. Full ret with one change,?!.,
a liberal reward will be given for all or any of the those long gone liy and lonely nights when we were J When stamps are neatly xiade with turned handles
horses: and any information given to Timer & «-ont to steep our souls in reverie and cheer our mid screw.—same style a* the regular government
England, Athens. Gen., or to the subscriber, Tus- hearts with the recollections of far absent u wife, f-o. stamps—durable,efficient, end warranted,—rnco
quitta I». 0., N. C., will be thanklully received. children, and friends bul anon, we were wor- <■»« ‘“two dollars only, and apccul authority to reua
1 .bippineat Ibeeb.ine of Iheir pmbatiun, ibe Alceca by m.,i! lice. ■
of patriotfam—our country’* honor I All nece**a- ’ ' Alk « h *"- V
ly in*lruclion will be f.uni.l.cj to .pplicaul. by , • Jj 5 r “ u „, r p! ,, dij |,i , ll0 (.ttb 11,i.
- enro.wtallb.nef. In do on lbeir *” “ “*!* u*“tW liuw. eid ucnfirng u copy of (ta paper.
W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January success., Ad other soldiers in any ot the other riwll rccuive CTeJit f<ir (cu ,j„ 1Uni i„ wood letter, or
next, before the Court-house door in Jeffer- 8 *» ce *£• year l ,M, such as t loyd 8 old .«]- U . u Allllir Ptoog p^-or if preferred, a wood -
- ■ .... i .t.ora (.an Uritiuin . Hot McIntosh s, rearaoa a mv i B , lff9D mrmv.A nf-nymaoerhead. <>f the abc
Oct. 31
Athens, Nov.
J.cksoil county, agreeable to an order of !tir ‘tat*. ffon. J*c*roii'*, Col. Mclntofli’r, Feurwra * engnrt.l new.paper heutl, of tta ubore
Ilonomblelhelnlerior Court, .illing uu Court of Norlli Carolina Regiment.Col. Mjltui. *. Neu-uan ., v.luo'.iU b« foruaJcl. =t. *“ 31
Ordinary, that portion of the re.i erfale of Mum- n» d •>* Oro. ’rnckney a Untied fauun taMirnre,
ford Bemerr, decewed. n-bereon Tlmruu* Mo,Aon Col. fanodBrrm, of Jack,on county, Afa.. and nth- Coun(r .
now live*, embracing tie Tun-yutd, end ion ecre* o' 11 « f Florida war,, "bo mu;; apply by loner CoorBltJ-CIarfe® foounly
of loud, mure or lea. Sold for the benefit of the 1 [»*'»!!' r*.' d - «•'» 1 li *" ! their L'ntm* nuended to To ,M l'inon, to whom time l'rt
of land, more or leas. Sold for the benefit of tbe , F* id '
beira.- MIDDLETON WITT. Adm. I immediatelr
Noe. 7.1850. NANCY BENNETT, Adm’J.
tbem.” " DAVID COOPER, M. D.
Powelton, Hancock Co., Ga., Nov, 2,1850.
\ GOOD horso and buggy. Apply at this Office, j Nov. 7,1850. . 4t.
il- Oct. 10.
/~\R, Tbe Modern Changes of the Earth and its In-
V/ habitants, considered as illustrative of Geology,
by Charles Lyell. Illustrated with Maps, Plate* aud
Wood cuts, fur sale by CHASE A PETERSON,
Oct. SI. Sign of tlie Mammoth Book.
t To ull Persons Io whom these Presents shut
immediately as above specified. I emit GMEETING.
“ Readers will oblige the soldiers, widows, and Tr „ Q ,y tliat w uiclmrd s. tkhavmwll. Peter
; orphans, by cmamaiMnni^ totejnMttion to | |\, A .s,m,mey. Rufus L Mo** and John S. Lmtco
I hir<wsrial«l uunclrps higether »s a body coporate,
1 lor the purpose of engaging in the busiuev* of Kami-
j f ; ,during Doors, Sash and Blinds, and other article*
iposcl of wood, and of casting iron and leas , and
Tf ING of Albania, just received l>y
manufacturing lnachinojy, ami other articles,
posed of ir«si ami wmxi. Also for the manufacturing
<dcorn meal, and doing all other things necussanr^U*
liy which we will sue an3 be sued. “ The Ath-
be dime, for the profitable management of *
And that we have adopted —
.. ,jy which we will sue anu l* ....
Steam Company,” and hy which we will be
kR Peasant Love and Sorrow, by DeLsunartinc, just , jj„ <iwn atM l designated, lint wc have subscribed a*
9 recived by CHASE A PETERSON. • our capital stock the sum of five thousand dollars
CHRISTMAS TRIBUTE. “ i-ettr a^l-msily,
I LLUSTRATED with tunc beautiful engravings, i joJIV si I INTON
^trj-rofby CHASE A PETLilSON. I sigucl in tbe prococc'of Joint Kirbputrlelt. J. R
SO MET HIND MCE. I Clerks Office,Superior Court, Book T, folio SCI. Re-
O UGAR cured Hams very choire.pvt received and ee rded on the 25/A Jny July, 1SS0.
O fur sale by Nor. 1*. T. BISHOP ' j Oct. 17, I860. JOHN C. JOHNSON, Ckrk.