The southern herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1850-1853, November 28, 1850, Image 4
ArfMINISTtlATOIlS' SALE. Htinry S. Uti-.l.f. Uu rf JmX- account BOOKS, PER ANO STATIONERY ARTICLES. Adminislrat«r’s Sale. d on the first Tuesday ia i ordit of the Haourable the Infe the premise* tin* year, nnd nwi" other . Jedfea* to mention; uJsd the land* will be the hired ant .Civ the ensuing w ,iU«*,(jnoto<lNK *be smith*.) three boy*, tl. , »*afe will euntm «aiAUi^»j.i. ru; *a!e. TT7ILL be «*U «»the first Tl next, beforp the Court EBAMS k r ^ BIADIEH LANE, W. Y. J Court of Clarice eountj, sitting for ordinary purpose*, NYITE Merchants, Dealer*, and all who require ar- os the property efJuou T, Baker, deceased, for tlie ‘ '■rfa line, to enlist 17 Maiden Larne.K. J. benefit o* ’ * ”* * * “ try variety «f Blank Books, Paper ami the day. V^ 1 Stathmerr, at vcrv-ldw prices. A«we both manufac- > Oct -1,1850. i fc? I ««re an l Import our line, re are enabled , «„d„I«ri,Hl»em«»,uto bajers. Onfer. i ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. SOUTHERN HERALD Georgia, Jackson Cotratjr- January _ _ _ _ ' ' ,, ,. ■ : Inferior Court sittingfor Ordinary Purpose^ Septan- _*** **■ * Jtt: Boot aJid JobPrinting Office, ^ ^ .H™,, .b«,t i ? « k at T. w BROAD STREET. ATHENS, GA. ! mu. i T t appearing to the Court, by the petition of Uartm ASA M. JACKSON, Adm’r. .> day j V OA.pi.lfbO. Thursday, the 5th dar of De- L t balance of the perishable •f Geo. W. O’Kclly, late of | WILL be 4 AS. HARGROVE .Adm. j f<a J, kU.Uon^i^; Banki. Public Offices. County ! . S. M. BL’TLRK, Adm*. Clerks.Sett*of R.**s with prtoteAbemlfo* for Lodges. | d^ased listing of * — 1 i lHrhipjj-, and others, Hotel Kegistew, Time Books, j rr onc vokc ; if oxcn « n ,i CJLrti othcr artic i es .. ft*.' cihrkc Ihcrifi’s Sale. , N*o*M,Hrafls. C..j»y, Passnad Meiw«mlum Books. Term* on the day. BENJ. F. O'KELLY' Adm. K'v /-V^the first Tuv-laj in Dcc-ml^r mat. will he COPY YOUR LETTERS. j Oct 24,1850.' m. ■: . V/ soldbef.»n AaCowt-h.m : c do.»r iatl.e town of - tl|ft ^ flf Kranci v Manifold Letter Writer, Let- .yyjf^.n iw, ll.» iilirVn mnutr within tlie Iwal hour* of . ... 0 * - . | TT appearing to tho Court, by the petition of 3 P XCOURAGEDhy the »erv fiberal patronage hitli- . X Fncks, that Joseph T.Cunntogha w, lately d *V erto received, the «ra.k : reijrned have been iudu. ed,dkl to hi* life tune, execute to the nST* red to make large additions to mrir, heretofore largo Fricks liia bond conditioned to make tttlee rn fo of doing JOB-WOKK. vdier ■.containingforty 1 s more or lees, upon the .•>st beautiful style, and for LOW payment of the ctmsideratiao money; and it appear- nig to the Court that Mud J. T. Cunningham departed PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL ,tti«Ufe. «»cui»ig tin.. (obfc •.me; »nd 3 ii:u ? jtayif a si;& ! lot of land— Our Presses are from the celebrated mannfac It i« Iherefore ordered by the CVwirt, That y of Hoe &. Co., W^tkiuiriUu, Clarke county, within tlie legal lioars of • sale, the Mfewfeg property, to wit: Otw inje of clean eoU'-n. mipprwedto weigh _ _ nra'Ew* 'J~ S.ipi-rior C-rort, at thj in«tanoeof John Scott, plaintiff , v*. the mid James fhaie. principal, mid William Date, £ aeeiiritr.- 1. S. VIXCEXT, Sli'dl ' 01. ^11,1850. " nftYA ~POE Mil, AG,Til KJSXTLY TBu» C i -l«nnj inTnrke Deala . M.irro.- j.i-t re virc4 at fUASK-i PETERSONS cheap book sto "Oef. HI. IiKMLOCJi SOLE LKATHElt. A .t\RGK lot#f tbe very liest • Hemlock Sole lientlicrat • FERRY k COS . Oel3>- A SPLENDID ANNUAL. .‘iAVlOC* wHIt Pn>pt.eU an t Aportt.. nojiavi.i^.. jot " ’ - ter* and copies arc written at k contained in slicvts, the peu ;pcditu>u* and economical—price from $1 CROTON INK. If TIM want good black writing ink. use the Soar* frt-elr from the pen. and retains its color Al to In.MUblr Carmine and copy Inks. /P ITEU AXD STATIONERY. Alt size* ami i-tyli-s of a-riting paper at mill prices.— Tissue, colored, drawing and perforated paper, envel opes, gold pens, note juiptr, t-crap books, portfolios, cards,quills, wax, wafers, steel pen*, chessmen, wallets, • writing desk«, and every varh:ty of fancy stationery. 1 DIARIES FOR ISol* I . fron. the foil cap size, to the smallest 1 pr 5*pt .ttenti containing ahnmiac. time, and interest tables, a space r r for memorandums for every «l*y in tbe year, «tc, su Me fur. bu'ine*s, pr..f.j—i.Hiah or private use—pi 60C. 75c. and $1, sent by mail free. Bitok-bihiling exccuicil in any style. ; the Ink j John W. Goss, wears out, boUi DEALER IK DRY GOODS AXD GROCERIES, | J0I11 HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Ac., Ac. Xo. 9. Lrood-street AT1IEXS. GA. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION in the celebrated in _ . ^nr Type, Oruanten' from the funmlries of Bruce & Co., Cornier iud Joseph T. White of New York, and Messi of Philndelphi - • • • • - t-eir sttperiortty, good paper, canls, Ac., and the ..said Martin Fncks having petitionedthUcourttodi- ' ” ' n and Giles Mitchell » execute to him title* while by the public places J.I.. application, that all pci lions, (if anv they turn....... said John H. Cunningham and Giles Mitchell, i “getting up” W. S. Grady, In Dry floods, IJrorr Xd 15, Brood Street—.4 I'cutiuu of our’ Our fnends and the public generally » they have,) in the Clerk’s office, Cunningham and Giles Mitchell, execuuirs . as aforesaid, should not execute title* to said lot of land, id Court, Sep- GBEAT COUGH BEHBDy T. M. LAMFK1X. is of said bond. True extract from the minutes of s tember 2,1850. JOHN G. FlTTMAN, a Sept. 12, 1850. ' Dor tbe Core of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, GROUP ASTBHA and CONSUMPTION fllllE uniform success which lias attended tbe use of -L this preparation—its salutary effect—it* power to relieve and cure affections of tlie Lungs, have gained for it a celebrity equalled by no other medicine. We offer it to the afflicted with entire confidence in it* virtues and the full belief that it will subdue and re move the severest attacks of disease upon the throat and Lung*. These results, as they become publicly 1 very naturally attni "* -“* ' ** " J philanthropists e BOSTON FURNITURE: Walton Superior Court, August Term, 1850. | Ann Hogan, 'store of OH AS GAP KT EUSOX. 7 Maiden Lane, X, 17 July 26. 1850- 4C—ly S PARADISE LOST, bv Rev. James U.dicrt Boyd, an l>X the following illu-trations, execute style of the art, viz: (sing »he falh 'iRgtbei ’ mplatii . ligW. iverm of Bli . I Kve driven out of l'aradi* CHASE A PETERSON’S. ♦^’Georgia—Ciarkn Comity. ” " 1 all I’ersj/U tojc/iom these Pi - 3 -fDRtc—Greeting. S. Sclievenell, IV and John S. Lint • as a body coporn e purpos* of engaging in the business of ring Doors’, Sadi and BlinJs, nnd otlier * Lis >,f0i»pu»e»l of Wood, ami of ca-stin^ iron and bra> . -1—*—madiinejy, and oih - MILL STONES AND MILL MACHINERY, FRENCH BURR, HOLLAND, &C. W. H. H. WHITE, t. msiicr, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER. Xo. 1 .BroadStreet ATHEXS, GA. FERBY & CO., DANISZ. A. GALLOWAY, 7G FRONT STREET, NEW YORK July 25, 1800. 3m hal K :; ; e anil bo vned, •* Die Ath- iml t>y wlmdi wo will be bat we have subscribed as t af five thousand dollars which’will 1« employed in the business before nren- tinned. - RICHARD S. SCHEVENELL. , • PEl’ER A. SU SIMLA', R. L. MOSS. » ; : 1 JOHN S. LINTON. , ,Signed inlhe pretence of John Kirkp;itrick, J. P. pEdROU-TCLARKE COUNTY. Cirri* Q$ce,8nprr[or Court; Bool T, folio 364. Re- Cirri* Offer,Superior Court, Bo<,l T, folio 364. R> ■ cqrded on tbe 25/A day Jute, 1850. QctTl7,185a JOHK C. JOHNSON, Clerk. Alio fur the manufacturing all otlier things neci-ssarv^to adopted . WEBSTER’S DICTIONARY, dition. 8 vo. Uni tool do, and hi* itionary. For oala by CHASE ‘ X *ARGE QTUICrO, Revised Edi CONVERSE, TODD & GRAYDON, FOREIGN ANV DOMESTIC Dry Goods. 53 Liberty Street, Cor. of Nassau, near tbeJCost Offie ■LT4 E. CO.NV'KUPE, NEW YORK. May 9,185C. A. B. & D. SANDS, AM© (BIEnEIfflUStfS 9 Xo.100 Fulton street. Comer of William, S, BOOTSi SHOES, TRUNKS, to Broad Street—ATHEXS, GA. R. J. MAYNARD, Libel for Dieort by the return of theSher- j KlT^ffecting - ■ ■ fnnni! in fl.w 1 . J , ** W^RE-StOOTGS. table Mahogany GENERAL assorimeut A and other Furnitiae froir PRIME, KENNY & CO., Boston, Wholesale and Retail. Purcluisers of flOOO or more, will be supplied at lOper - * William Hogan ) I T appearing to the Cou iff, tliat the Defendai county ; and it further appealing i the defendant is beyond the jurUdi< on uiutiou of D. H. Walker, enmph It is ordered by said Court, That ed by publicatkai of this order, once a month months, in the Southern Whig, previous to the next term of said Superior Court, for said county; and that tlie defendant be required to appear at the next term of said Court, to answer said Libel in terms of the law. In Quart Bottles. „ For the removal and permanent cure of all \ opinion of CHERRY PECTORAL uuty be Diseases aiising from ah impure state the foU ‘ of the blood, or habit of the tystem. Among the many and important disci T-Ties of this generation, is onq wlio-.e fame will be writ en, as with a sunbeam, in the history of tlie past SANDS’ SAR SAPARILLA stands forth alone, and by its own work: power appeals of th iloquet g for relief, These thing be found tl "’,C°? r i th » l ' h»vo“bSn' are not furnished in the records are not done iu secret places, or but are performed in our pincipal cities ami public places. They are brought before the world to substan- ‘ ’, bey.ond doubt, the healing virtues of this prepur- of this Court, of transportatior i Wholesale GEORGIA—WALTON COUNTY’. I, W. W. Nowell, Clerk of the Superb be a true copy of an .f Walton St n $500 toSlOOO at If, per cent “ $100 to $500 “ 20 * - :c, in tlie Insurance Building, oppositi Post Office, Adieus, Ga. March 14. 1850. .v™ Fire-Proof Warehouse. GIBBS & McCORD, O. & A. K. CHILDS, Watch-maker* and Jewclle Wmtehss, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver, Plated and Bri No. 13, Broad-street, under the Frankliu House—At hen ASA M. JACKSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW , April 22,1848. ly WATxntsvn.L*, Ga. C. & W. J. PEEPLES, B. M. WHITLOCK & CO. 81 Front street, «>tw York, WHOLESALE DEALEES IN GROCERIES, SELECTED FOR TIIE SOUTHERN TRADE. t3T Brandies, Wines, and Segars of our own Impor tation—Tea*, Tobacco, Ac., fine quality. Orders e prompt attention. July 4,1850. ! it PETERSON. >C-Office Stampu—To Postmaster*. _ JJE. advertiser, Postmaster at Pleasant Urove, ’ A All«lumy county. Maryland, is tlie first person in the United States who conceived and undertook rdy to publish the idea of furnishing all post n tb» country with cheap siamps. All stamp r him are warranted equal or superior to any that can be procured for the same price, and •verany are met out to any manner defective tsatisfactory, duplicates will be forwarded, on K .withoqt extra charge All who ortler a set of stamp*, with « full eetof Change* for dates, at only twh dollars,(for thirty pieces) «hall be kept in stamp mdlUUum. Fffll »et widiooe change, $1. When stamp are neatly ssade with turned handles ami screw,—same stylo.ah tlie regular government r. a stamps—durable,eBWeut, ami warranted,—Price nit te two dollar* only, And special authority to send tynrtdhjfo. GEO. W. & JEHIAI* READ, MANUFACTURERS h WHOLESALE DEALERSII HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, •trtifieial Flowers, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. No. id casnlasd Mreci- New York. July 4, 1850, ty Macon Journal <b Messenger, quircr, Rome Bulletin oud Washington Gazetti • P. JL, Pleauuit Grove, Alleghany eo. 'editor publishing die above (wtth thii not*) three tiaaea, and sending a copy of tlie paper ‘ rhall rtceive credit for ten dollars in wood letter, o, ten dollar lVoof Press—or if preferred, a wood en graving or an crtgnired newspapr head, of tho abovt value will be fiwwarded. St, Oct 81. DUYCEINCE, HOWELL A GO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, No. 62, Cedar Street, opposite the Post Office, ». s. ncTcwixcK, in. ) NEW YORK. Ilnt^ Cap*, Boots nnd Shoes! FERRY&CO. TTAVE removed their stock of goods to tbe slot r Ilatolvoogipie J by A ■ J. Brady. No.^7, GBAN- tinue to offer upo* liberal terms, a very extensiv, M-rlmrnt qf H-dS ’ap. Boots and Show, Trunks, li»e< t I’arpvt-Hajs, Umbrellas and such othcr articles as n.-) toualiy kepi by them. N. B. Tim market pices will lie mud. in Goods < ‘C-.uh, for FUR-SKINS of the following kto.1*: Otl. Raceoon, Fox, Mink. Wild-Cat, Muskrat, Opossum and Rabbit. August 29,1850. LEATHER! LEATHER! if good Oak and Hemlock sole A C.oOD supply of . leatlier, Upjsvl* Untlv «m hand and for Leatlier, Calf Skin :.IV» Fall Cooils. THE in ■ jasJ is now receiving bis FalUndHI * ter stock goods, esmtoting of DryGomls, Gro- , eerie*, Hardware, Cutlery, Hat*. Shoe*, kc.. all of which have been «lectr-l with great rare to suit the country trude.tvtid.wiU be tolll low for cash or exdianged for the pmlneeof thecoontrv. W. S. GRADY. Oct. II, 1849. CANDLES! CANDLES! ! *^^fBBJLAda man tine, and^ pteut^ Mould Candle* s in Athens and Gainesville, Ga.) ontinue the practice of Law in the coun- s, Walton, Jackson, Gwinnett, Hall, Haber- Newrton X Lncas, MeIXTOSH STREET, A UG USTA, GA. T HE undersigned beg leave to inform their fricmU an J the public, that they have removed to the proof Warehouse recently built on the cornel >f Mcluti mtlyloc mlattei ted, and will c ruuckcs. i the above business i thei all i rompanjing consignment* of ifvthc above 1 Court, cer order, taken ind tlie facts unfolded, although gigantic, ai plain a* the light of - The Sarsaparilla is combined with tlie al aids, the most salutary productions, th iples of the vegetable kingdom; most potent dented success in tho restoration to health oftbos , - . . . r«r,. c-- . _ ^ . .liadlmig pined under the most distressing chronic mi from tlie uiiuutes of Walton Superior Court, August adiw , wAyiven i t an exaUed character—fornishto- Term 1850. Sept. 3,1850. W. W.NOWELUClk. I itdmis. evidence of its 0^^7*100, ™dre^, Sept 12,1850. mending it to the afflicted to tenus the afflictod oti ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. I’““ l ' order of the honorable Inferior similar Court of Ordinary of Clarke neb, and bowels with all tlie ill be sold on the first Tuesday in Decembei before tho Court house door in Watkinsville Clarke county, eight negroes to wit: Silvcy, A GREEABLY ( Court, sitting a county} ould a ii the liv VALENTINE MOTT. M. D n Prof Surgery Mtd^Col'egc.Xew York, «•>«— • It gives me pleasure to certify the value and eflR- T or Ayer 1 . CHERRY PECTORAL, which I coo- or peculiarly adapted to euro disease* of tbc_ THE RT. REV. LORI) BISHOT 1 ites to a letter to his friend, who was Jer an affection of the Lungs:—■“ Trv th< STICK EUSTIS, daugl if Croup by thw was cured of several sever CHERRY 9ECT0&AL.” ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. The Canadian Journal of M.dical Seiem young daughter of his ^ old; George, 13 i3d‘. years old; Ann, 12 years old; John, i thony,7 years old; Caroline, 4 year*old, and Lucy : Sold a* the property of Reuben Ron so ty, deceased, for the benefit of the led creditors. Terms cadi. 1L B. RANSOM, Adi 3. 15, 1850. with tlie will The Honorable the Inferior Court sittint, Purposes, September 2, 185C at their honors, Young Lfl. Hat Augusta, July 19,1849. X“ . •"H0S.F. GIBBS. GEORGE McCORD. NEW GROCERY-STORE. William A. Lewis, ATTORNEY AT LA W, Ccmming, FoanTTn 00, Ga. pT Will practice in the counties composing tbe Che rokee Circuit All professional and other business en trusted to hi* management, will n faithful attei mhs,and forward accounts to this office. AVER?, HILLIARD A CO. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Staple aud Fancy Dry Goods No. 70, Broadway, N. Y. May 9,1850 lj May 9,1850 Hardware* WILUAn BRYCG 4k CO. IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY. GUNS, &l 22S Pearl Street, New York, Have constantly on hand a full and wdl stock, adapted to*the Southern trade. Particular n is called to their assortment of Guns. f«. ' »7 Mjtetv JYolicc- williiavept >t attention. OVERBY k. GLENN. Barbcrikg and Dair Dressing. ERNARDO J. ARZE ia prepared I B J ...... sat isfact ion to all gentlemen requiring hi in the above line. He may be found at all times to brick buildiug over Matthew*,Goodman «fc Co’s st T HE Subscribers' would respectfully inform the good citizens of Athens and the country general ly, that tliev are now opening a new and complete as sortment of FRESH GROCERIES, suited to town and country trade; all of which will be sold on rea- 'erms for cash, ibscribers would beg leave to say, tlieir Goods n purchased fn fur ca->h mostly, mid consequent idlfor n small profit—liehevin< the old adage that u a brisk penny is better tlrnu 1 ty shilling.” Their store U on tbe comer of Bro:id and Wall reets, in the house formerly occupied by Si Jy they Great Bargains at BLOOMFIELD’S CLOTHING STORE. Broad Street, Athens Ga. I patrons, that bis new, and splendid stock of FALL AND WISTER CLOTHING, Has been received direct from our mnnufacturiug tablishment, in New Jersey, where there has been ^ains spared to make if good and fashionable, in short, WILLIAM PHILIPS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, June 1850. ' ly. Mauxtta, G 1 unhesitatingly say, tliat my stock is the best 01 I have ever had the pleasure of bringing 1 5ti*. Having selected most of the styles myself, 1 warrant them to be fashionable and durable, while the cheapness, I will leave to your own good judgment. Without saying more, IcorUially invite all who are in need of the following'a HORTOI, MOORE 4k CABLTOM, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEES IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. CROCKERY AXD SADDLERY. NSW GOODS. T. H. WILSON, 1 exhibiting a splendid 1 well selected; he hope* his friends and customers, will W^ N. WHITE, AC the University Bookstore, 0.2, COLLEGE AVENUE, ATHENS, GEO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER, COMMON AND FANCY STA TIOXER Y, Manic and U a viral Instrument*. LAMPS, FINE CUTLERV, FANCY GOODS. TOYS. aV, $c. I3j* % 0rders filled with promptness and ar Acci-sra Aug. 1. Throo Voars In California, C IONTAISING engraved portrait* of Senators J Fremont and Gwynn, and of Wright, Sutter, aud others—togotber whh litb»ttot* illustrative of life there.' Also far similes of tbe signatures of the Mem bers of the tV’.iYv.i'.i- ’i. J;:-! r- .vivtd and f„r sale bv CHASE A PKISRSON. s,.pt 5. 3i; Sign otthsMsa>p>oth Book Pioneer Paper Mill. T HE Proprietors of this Mill, situated four mile South-west of Athens, are prepared to purcha* any quantity of Hens Cotton and JLincn Rags, which maybe offered, either delivered to them in Ath ens, or at the mill, for which they will pay JPMwVO-JFOR TJS S. _AN ELEGANT assortment of PIANOS 3PS<>f the celebrated makers, STODART A •DUNHAM, N. Y, also, the recently ' LOOK AT THIS! CARRIAGES, ROOKAWAYS & BUGGIES, NEW AND SECOND-HAND, . AND AT XECDIJCED PBICFA. RICH’D S, SCHEVENEI.L, Coach-Make*. Opposite the Bank—ATHENS, GA* Southern Bfntnal Insurance Co. H OME OFFICE, in their building opposite the Post Office. Communications should be addressed, and appli J.U. PARSONS, See. Jan. 10,1850, Fine French Calf Boot*. F ERRY A CO. have constantly on hand a large sort incut of gt ~ tlier will warrant! sortment of gentlemen’s fine dress Boots, which wear and fit as well as any N F. W TON HOUSE, Athens, Georgia. T of th. •!»« weU arranged and furnished Hotel, expect*, from exiH ricnee, a disposition to please, and attention to bo- |*nos to make it just cudhau establishment as the public - *Atiien*. January, lSt 9. LOVICK P. THOMAS. New Goods. WATCHES ANB'JEW^LRY, SHrcr and .PIaled Wanf. itcstrAL iNsrausiENTS, ac. W. p/SAGE, has just returned from Ner York with' a beautiful assortment of the above named | article* which be will sell cheaper ’ ” a can i>e purchased elsewhere. jrewelry, •( ike latest Styles, Broaches Pins, Ear and Finger Rings ; Gold Guard and Fob Chains ; Gold Pens and Pencils ; Gold, Silver -Ik, - —f~-r -5-” -i Smith & Stovall, ani f u f, **"!*• OUSUI^h. it, DEALERS. IS DEY COODS, OBOCEUIES. AC “* ' willalso be purchased, at from o«r to three esntsper l K* L CsUcceAvesse, Jthess. and bpccttclct. pound, acccrdtog toqnaljty. . - Terms—cheap for cash or country produce ; trarranteel Kt«-rIIn C ' Table Desert Meirhaats throughout the up-country are solicited | Mare * aaSl Tea Spoon*. »|lr<— ”—*— *>«■•>■■» fcr Wl»«. » »dl •• .Am,l|» ml otbrutieU. 1*}« itages which l e in tbe place. They will girt in exchange,paper of their own man ufacture .Bock*. Stationery, «fv_ from the store of Chase A Peterson, at tlie lowest cash prices—articles from the Athens Factory, or CA.SH, at the option of the Tliei To all whom it may concern. [EREAS, Lucy Puryear, Guardian of Martha, tl. applies lor Lettt hereby cited #St°. i bowels with all tlie precision at preparations, yet without anv o effects upon tlie vital powers of the system. Ale though possessed of powerful hcalirg properties, entirely harmless, and will not injure the most dclicat- constitution. When in perfect health, no effect is pro duced by its use, except an increase of appetite; but when disease is seated in the frame, aud carrying fast it* victim along tlie path of lifts then its mysterious in fluence is felt ami seen; it ctikmdles new life and vig or, and brings health and strength to the suffering and prevalent to this im lemeut climate, has yielded with surprising ra pidity to Ayer’s CHERRY*PECTORAL and we «— not too strongly recommend this skillful preparaf to the profession and public generally.” Let the relieved sufferer speak for himself Haetforu, Jan. 26,1847. Dr. J. 0. Aver—Dear Sir:—Having been rescued from a painful mid dangerous disease by your medi cine, gratitude prompt* me to send you thisacknowl- ‘ — ■'—to you, but forthu infer- “ti> of othei A slight n g of blood, a violent cough I by my eougli, aud a pain through my chest. and in sluirt luid all the alar PECTORAL, wl.k Wischicstkx, Ky,Oct 29,1849. A. B.A D. Sands—Gentlemen: I would not have mied to write to you, if it was not my duty to let the public know tlie almost miraculous effect your Sar saparilla lu 1 ’ .... otnmenccd the ut tog two bottles e ou of another wot v so tliat I could not * nd Summer. Iu this of your Sarsaparilla, a id guardianship i, all persons concerned, 1 admonished to file their objcctii re) in my office in terms of the law, otlierwi Iters of Dismission will be granted to the applicar —‘ of said Court. By ordi ms. (if any they ure. My brother was afflict < head, so bad hit physician ' ' " ?SS: ed to be his fate. Tl.r. it the Nc if die Court September 1850. A. M. JACKSON, c ing for Ordinary The Honorable the Inferior Purposes, September 2,1850. Present their Houors, Young L. G. Harris, Newton. James W. Barrett and Willian Justices of said CcurL To all whom it may concern. W HEREAS, Janie* P. Mayne, Administrator o the real estate of Jolrn G. Mayne, deccaset applies for Letters of Dismission from said adiuinu end all similarly afflicted ti BENJAMIN F. BUCKNER. ITS POPULARITY ABROAD. izuela, April 12th, 1849. ed fro Dickon, my a„d Mw in the pain, that I was unable to sleep. I best medicines I could hear of with through the advice of Sarsaparilla, and nftci ■ked with Rheumatism I tried all of th« benefit, 1 Therefore, the kindred and creditors of saiddeceas- I, are hereby cived and admonislicd to file their ob- ctions, (if any they have) to my office >f fifteen days, I found myself well. I have no hesitation iu saying your Sars the best medicine I ever took, ami can con commend it to my friends s of Dismission will be granted A. M. JACKSON, c. The Honorable the Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary Purposes, Se/dember 2.1850. Present their Honors, Young L. G. Harris, James W. Barrett, William Dicken, and Elizur L. Newton, Justices of said Cot To all whom id may concern. : Black Broad Cloth Frock, Dress, Sack, and Polka Coats; Black, 1 nett. Blanket, Felt, aud Pilot, Flush ing, Kersey, and Ca/simeie Overcoats, cut Iona foi horseback riding and short fo , Tweed. Cloth, Beavc Jeaus, and Mole Skin Sacks, and Frock Coats, Doe Skin Ca*s.Sacks,and Frock Coats, (a handsome arti- :le) BTk Poe Skin, and English Cass, pant*; Faocy English, French and (cheap and good,) Satinett, Jeans, Tweads, Kersey, English Cord, and Moleskin taints ; Cashmere, Silk, Satin, Cashmerett, Wool, Worsted,'Valencia, and Black Broad Cloth, double and single'breasted Vests; Also, a large assortment of famishing articles, to wit Stocks, Collars, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Buck,and Berlin Gloves; Kid, Hilk and Oassimere Gloves; Sus penders, Combs, Brushes, Half hose, Ac. Shirts! Shirts!: make, handsomely. well made; jilso, knit undi W HEREAS, Bcnnjah S. Slicats, Executor of Nicholas Sheats, deceased applies far Letters of Dismission from said Executorship:— jections, (if any they li law, otherwise, Letter xt May A. M. JACKSON, ill be grante 0t said Cout Hug for Ordinary The Honorable the Inferior Court, Purp ses, September 2, I860! Present their Hunors, Young L. G. Harris, William id die public. J.’M. JESURUN. New-York, Jan. 8,1850. Messrs. Sands,—Gentlemen,—I have great nleasur 1 acknowledging to you the great betmfit I have r< cived from the use of your Sarsaparilla. A subject < ulmonary disease. I made a voyage to Europe, lit •cuied at all to reach •ved nml ha* now cured E. A. STEWART, ril 17,1848. A lb ANV, N. Y , April 17,1848. Lowell,—Dtar Sir:—1 have for year* been afflicted wilh Asthma, in the worst form; so that I liave been obliged to sleep to my chair for a larger f art of the time, tieiug unable to breathe on my bed. had tried a great many Medicines, but to no purpose. CHERRY PECTORAL At first it seemed to maki I can sleep on uiy bed with comfort and e of health which I had never expected to GEO. S. FARllANT. Hinkolin on Solf-Prosorvation- ONLY 2S CENTS. Tliis Book, just published, is filled with useful info mation, on tlie infirmities and diseases of Organs. It addresses itself alike to Youth, Manhood and Old Age. To all wl» apprehend . the dire consequences of early or prolonged mciiscro-—to all who feel the exhaustive effects of sedenta* Si ilcr ^ ind ban ing phy cal em ivrgy, are tho victims of nervous and ,and of moping and inelauclioly despon- Tlie valuable advi 1 BOOK. and suffering, and save address rely relieved by t Uni ed difficulty of respiration tlie ose of your Sarsaparilla, which 1 c important nnd truly, valuable discovery in tho healing L I feel that I have not for fourteen years enjoyed of extei good health as at present. ; city, ha’ Very gratefully yours, . ful prat Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, gists A Chemists, 100 Ful r York. Sold also by Druggii D.SA&DS, Dru- ner of Williat generally throughout the Unitetl Price $ I per Little; six bottles for $5.' For sale by HILL ASM ITU, also REESE A WARE, die body,throat.01 rrurial rbeunuitMii „ - . . OT . ng from youthful c: ,nd Canadas, blood, whereby tlie constitul all treated wi ’ Athens, Ga. Dicken, Elizur L Newton, Justices of said Court To all whom it may concern. TYTHEREAS, David Holmes, Adraius/rator of John ft Colly, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismis sion from said Administration:— Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, are hereby cited and admonished to file their ob jections, (if any they have), to mv office in terms of the law, otherwise. Letters of Dismission' will be granted to the applicant^ at the next May term of said Court. *By order of said Court. every quality and style, silk, Cottou,^'Merino, and Wool. I Georgia, Clarke Co it illy. Hats, Caps, &c, Also, a large and handsome stock of Hats anti Caps, embracing all the styles wom at the present day. fine Mole Skin, Beaver, Soft Bodies, A a, Ac. UMBRELLAS. Silk, Ginghams, Cotton, and Cambric, Whale and Steel Ribbed Umbrellas. Tranks, Carpet Bags, and Valises, Iron frame, and russet folios, all of which will be sold cheap, at the above seamed *tore. September 26,1856. COFFEE! rOFKEE!! COFFEE!!! IKON AND STEEL. A then*. Jan. 1 CHASE * LINTON. QUPERIOR Rio and Laguira Coffee; also 1 practical Jeweller, itndera him capable of J “— the value of al he purchases and _ . . -wagon boro*, web chain. Ac, wadimllt en band and y sale low by Sept. 12. 1 . plow. R*«UK ca«L blistered and Gettnan steel; - ‘-- _ * '^tlV on hand am* T. BISHOP. FERRY A CO’S Of .SHEET IRON. id American sheet Iron *f various 1 we*, rrostaatiy on hand and ftjr rale .SepLIfc »!*. BISHOP. GEORBIA-CLARKE COUNTY- YJTHEREAS. Benjamin Peeler , t» let *’ ' the putdic. Flnfcs, Yiolius Cuilarx, icc. Pianos from the most celebrated makers and letters «f Guardianship of Mary Aim and Wil- dall ShcrifF* Hale. 'ILLbe add before theCoart-boasedoor, to the town of Gainesville .within tbe legal boon of safe, oothe first Tuesday in December next, the foi-' warranted. 5 * ' Athens, Aug 22,1850. W5 All watches and time-pieces faithfully repaired and WOMAN S FRIENDSHIP, k NEW supply for■» J\ Sept 19. U ASK A PETERSON. COBB'S PEXAL CODE, ^ ..f Jurtice- of the Poare. ju.t re inese are, tnereiore, to cite and admonish all p«r- “" sons interested, to beaod at my rtfice withto dfe time!®?**?*, Wt>) Given under my hand, at office, this 1st day of Oc tober. 185a . ASA JL JACKSON, a o^o. ; fa. from Lnmpkin Superior Court. David ibon vs. Nicholas G. Thomas. RICnHARD H. WATERS, Sh’E Nov. 7,1850. CHASE'A PETERSON. SUGARS! SUGARS!! | I^EOW N. Loaf. Crushed and Powdered Sugars fresh Y\7T1EREAS, William Eilwards appl'ua to me for ft Letters of Administration, with the will annex- 1, on the estate of Cynthia W. Greer, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite aud mlmooish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause (if any they have,) why said ?OUR months after date, application will be made to HATCHES. JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED IFffrc, dtc. (post-paid) and lx Packages of M< by sending a remit ^Book-wfler mder the can* of Dr. K.may -kill as a physician, ly address Dr. K. t>y fetter. HT 1- erylot JEWELRY. Embracing in part, Breast'Pins, Ear and Fi Gold guard and fob Cleans, Gold Pens a Gold Buckles, Gold and silver thimbles, and Spectacles of all kinds. Also, Silver Table, Desert and Tea Spoons,extra-fine Silver Forks, Sonp and Gravy Ladles, Butter-knives; ith a great variety of. fancy art ides and housekeeping , •-* - fo r purchasing goods in New enable us to offer them cheaper DR. JAYNE’S FAMILY MEDICINES. fflllE subscriber is ju«t receiving a supply of Dr 1 Jayne’s Faintly Medicines, all of which, are offered at tlie Philadelphia prices; consisting,among other «r- Rmgs, tides, qf Jayne’s Expti ‘e-eils, t Hair Dyt ~ ’ - ative 1*111 goods York than can be bought eh We would respectfully im F < ... , .. - - • - • , the Honorable the Inferior Court of Madison coun-1 kinds neatly done, ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tlie Negroes belonging to the estate of George W O'Kelley, late of Madison county, deceased. 11/ ind*, the public, itockfand the prices, muj judye for themselves. O. A A. K. CHILDS. _ . . most experienced worlT ami warranted - to perform welL Repairing of all ’ 0.4A.K.C. 14,1849 . Jujy 11,185a BENJ. F. O’KELLEY, Adm. F° application will be made IOUR months aft> ... _ to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Jack unity, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary purposes, r leave to sell the lunds belonging to the estate of Henry S. Butler, late of said county, deceased. OUR months after date, a .F to the Honorable Inferior fy, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for It - .... to sell all the interest of Leonidas A. Few and Marcus C. Few, orphans of Leonidas Few, deceased, in a certain tract or parcel «f land lying and being to tbe county of Newton, adjoining the town of Covington, containing six acres, more or less, being.a part, of lot No. 253, in the 9th district of originally Henry, now Newton Countv. CAHILLU3 L. FEW, July 18, 1850. , Guardian. JAMES BRIDGES Bf Respectfully informs tlie public that he h removed hi* shop tothcbuildiii “ w^taiof the Post Office, near the treet and College Avenue— ixecutc in tlie most superior style an ill kinds of work in liis line ofbusine Haying procured tlie service* of Mr. IInudrup,(a most tablishment will lie placed, lie can assure the public that his work will be done iu a style equal to tliat of any •n in tlie country, while he belies m 's fine Boots Ladies, and Children’* shoes. Ac. Ac., at lower price* " be purchased at any otlier •* MAHOOANY, MAPLE AND SLACK WALNUT CHAIRS, Wnrdrobes.ttnreaua. Sideboard •.Tobies-Ac MANUFACTURED AT HOME, As cheap as such articles (equally well made and do 0 be) can be obtained from th< ble, and warranted e North, adding only the freight, at the WARE ROOMS Two doors West of the Post Office, nea. copal Church. ’ the Epis- ***A continuance of the patronage hithertorcceived by the subscriber will encourage and enable him to add considerably to his Mock of manufactured articles, and to increase the variety of his material. Why take your money abroad, when yon can use it a advantageous!yat home ? **# Old Furniture cleansed and repaired. Sign ar itlis after date, application will be made ornamental Fainting. 0. S. OLIV ER. TT'OU r to the honorable tbe Inferior Court of Madisou countv, wlien sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to seUafl tbe negroes belonging to the estate of Francina Spratling, deceased. JAMES O’KELLY, Exr. July 4. 1850. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE W ILL be sold before the court bouse door to the town of Danielsvilfe. during the legal hours of sale, on tbe first Tuesday in December next, one tract of land, containing four hundred and fifty acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Rice, Duncan and other*, whereon is a t-bool with a rock dam, commenced Bor the purpose of building a saw mill, a , good gin boose, and other common booses; it being j tbe place whereon Geo. W. O’Kellev, late of Madison TAN IIOCTEN A BARRETT, CH-JNAKERS. ATHENS. ;-/j ^ 1 leave fo inform Omit friends and the! Comity, deceased.reside*; at the time be died. Also, : graeraliy, that they have removed to . at the same time and place, will be sold two J — NEW SHOP, second tot below that viz: Gilbert, a man about 85 years of age. MUifr .lftwp v I--’ -• - e by SUMMEY. TRAMMELL 4 CO. script ions of CARRIAGES. ■ ' ‘ J said county, when sitting for ordinary purposes. Ordersjlhankfully received and promptly attended to. i aS the property of said deceased, for the benefit 0 ' J_ '^lidniqilfRuiar' * **■"-*— r. 3, t?59. REPAIRING doi Athva*, Marrii 2? ! 1 ! . Terms on the dav. Talna TRUSTEES’ SALE. 5 Legatees, and for distr a good repair, with a comforta- The above place is , »yso.<‘ |M| J The above property can be treated for at p sale. Terms made known on the day of sale. ' _ . T. G. MACON/-)- Aug. 29,185a M. J. CLANCY, J 1 ble 2 story dwelling, gin house, and all necessary out- * aiding*. . The _above property can be treated for at private BENJ. F. O'KELLY, Adm T?0R sale bv L—um 1’ilU. Ague Pi! f 24, 1849. ill*, Ac., Ac. WM. S. GRADY . BOOT AKD SHOES SHOP. if Baldwin •e lie is prepared t and on short r * : - s tliat lie will lookout fob gheap amnia!. LIVERY STABLE REMOVER. TIIE undersigned hav ing built and just fin* isbed tlieir splcndiit iiOES, nnd well arranged Sta- ith the Franklin House, taW'tKia ■ their old patrons and the public fo constantly on hand for hire, mud Buggies, Barouches, and n be had at jk from A then Spring, and daily if necessary. AH families wishing to visit the up-country via Athens, will be sent to Clarke*, ille the ridgejood or by ^Madi.-on Springs, as they lay wish, for $6 per seat. Travelling ti xperience and dose attention, they will give tbe It. R. Depot . SALTER AIV Stage and Livery office at the Franklin House. We wiU also run a splendid line of four horse Coaches, daily, from Fcrsytfoto the Indian Spring*: No tic 6^ 11 * »jr£| The subscriber still continues to keep jlgOSli!- 4 HOUSE in Jefferson, Jackson co GK,for tbe accommodation of Traveli Man and horse, per day,. 4 *j Mi