The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, April 03, 1877, Image 1

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r / f ,, ■ t : ff& Wp f *-«M tfOi. t;JfUU~ IV. 15 f • f ’■- 6a4«ia»riWiWftAii 8100; eacli'kub- ‘06. ftilUniu.'jM oi!*h«..[.'U.i , .ti...’J taUlt »tam t .lij month*.,.. ,•,, v34>,i» •Haircl)luiap,.tbroomonths. .20 00 jQnirt«l'\:iJUnu.Voua'5 l iit. l i'. i.. i. .3000 l C»i»i«'a8liationf5fipo1itlcji;'«lmril9ti'r 1 cl iWSgSWttmiBg olrooMur si M»»e jiil djjthnaCf m^i rants for 1 otH^c, 15'xier JtoAwffcqKUMftt #t«aaai^t<!p ( « qp,-c;... | •M13CELI/ANEOU3 j ADVERT’. tfiufeAMJW. -it M IrarJccig BU-CKSHIRE’S . «.;* i:r» JKfil o\ ctmr j Iff :yaSOS«! *4*8 f «wwi L EB ¥■*■ ! Mtrqe'Aeoilpeagjcvj, . tpij«pnic : i l.twjqroS Ejtjot qfcVfiis » yir cj. *!HK iroyi* s)ov«)s. atrbsp*. j.}«, H»{!Jto*I» woq pnjj.-frl. »f jetton ; . (wr^RP^JSS/?* VoV.fsi'ot MiWly loWaSTniiiliR-PHOTCaRAPHV rviiitt) w [t,e If* .ASf/litsffifiPM I'M'-vVi <m i n &*’1h < e , ik ^'O’-u-se, j.»t |(r jjtttu;’ tjo no{ •Mumhug oq P(, «.*<;. Jio;,;® tyicicuf <jftfj<Br jc.-.t, i if* »«, oj /;•' p«f »« U.i .•■ «ui Jt4:^ < 7£?^" oTft(s"T»j«Tti»if?’ J ,o '*# lwobp. nfcM }i*.\« * gininwV •nty uvimlence for tbo accommodation By Wm. gj f BBm ji0m. " a siiw.-iPiu’Eu pETOTjw to' lsntis’ffcv ;m ::ryjLiz.t * » «: RW. ltl'I.Eli, 0EII1WU, TVKSIMV, Al’RlL 3rd, ls;7." tVtIOLK XU3IUU: 2Si THE MB ! 'Wl0.h rt - c !l ? 7W;W’ lb - , ----- finer im.t.n her • ol the firm, and ;i ! tOBSUif.-APMHj on., Winn nirr~i;. ir "iiii.^j*s!« Ttt^'COVttTBS'S' nEVEXGE. :'°f (!' *f & 0.' i/RAYtobjiD. fou Rdvertise for hands?" Tlio speaker was a sad-faced ,‘dmi- oale girl in soa'ioh' of efupioyuicnf, arid•ftfifflWtion was addressed to the preiulinggchina fti tlio nfiico pToiiei on the largo fnototies whore Ardmiin rite''emplriyccl. ‘'‘‘boVall we 'wriiit,” answered tub youhg : rili»B , 'thufr addressed, i.-'liiio girl turned slowly,'away, too siclt^t.hourt.f.0. aotica tin; hold dWlPriflrirtrlng gam) Of one of the 'fieatetl around MBb, She n'ddlied the street, anySallrfld on as one in a Imyrihle dream, co)d, tired and dizzy, and fairly^cmsliod' with despair. AH : tW4t l diiy, arid, ninny ■ preceding. Itiid'ttlfd’ U'deti Wlji'3'jtffl .in. diet'' worn .shoes and jijiifldt't.fPlotl ts,, trayoll ug, through theistrectd in- fVuilless searches fur work 1 . : n 'iviwf»tv couvamonoe inrtnciipcomni"n'‘*‘ u ** itl cW*l 61,^ WdSsS.lC.TsaHeitiqnw ;.:i;* tfptjjb* »'^YsSKMIalVtha miaitMm®)r3«.; oOwdr »»i* ps p*S gn.17rr.-r n ti-tj :t»W Mr] «.«{»{« pktrif o; y t)*0 ■ .y.* aoRftio t^tre ofyeutetti/*;., IMPROVED.' £LAt*4 . V »e;eri« to**' 7 u i«fhi*h 1 ,hViri>y» jji«.4*i,p»uu,ti*suwsip.t«p».rftrh'ffe 1 WSnriuM-o* r«* lflttDU^&a sfiygtl’-R -PAPER u KOtisass ' , 1 *I**F V'-H Won amn QtB«r.»* jptusqoA tt JS ’'‘*1 hln thrio too hinny in tlie sll'lhidtglil “Why should I l'H'ii’?”f . . ' ' Visions of the river and of'her ffr»H»rtfj an "pvl.Tp. iP* prinqraK t'.niesntrco »0<; 1 cis.’Aii.'tr tvsr«. o-BoivAir A llvs, u««»».tw-><*rtc«u lh0jCiptta', fall m et.iWveH.ip, orlaiaal skctabss, pumsmiitis * - - utlans of iUI binds Jusl Ibe Uiail cgn Firlt*rMVWdA itnit'gliWUt. gone 1»77 Mfn pc *ejj •B' /iS.]' mqntte t ng re* p« t f pwajcc; ]pipitf]Bfr« m.8 t? 0 *^ WMiaWwm. ^«iau»p«^ ns|i r Hs»AMvt*ikfjts tiojtijc?iiwtwr WdfMl. tut u>> » cine, Betworiplion only Oao Dol- h t. .r . . . Rr. "’i3fi.S fntijrer|«a.iiuit ( -aproimeu oupiss if you wixh to oe nn agent A ad reus NOJ-Cr MCUiCE 1 Aioqooe rn heVator jot snpsciih- Jiomocs o;. VlAi t WrW > ‘ ’> eytcjMcs’ •sitif% fceihtr " j|pi* J SR|)*' , rfts m.po i»np jo s#p*eups iot tpen TjMMpte? Wa liiwgjiW.gan" 1 ”* 4 ,p tloo Ib'ltstm slice iisjiligr _ «aet<iaVorsat'8cdcc. x J-sSyour ijruist or %rcbuut torsi boitlanrif ibcy vtaec get in! scud 85 cents to .1.1'. jPatrhn, self taking-tire fatal Jdnngo which would eml- ller : trdilhh:S, were lie- glhc'itfiAtit float, through her mind, wlieri a'gentlemnu; ivhoso step: she h&d head trio preoccupied, .to hour, Stepped' up'lreaid(J r liei'. “jiApardoh tori',' tnisW,” lie said, in Wlfat^totBftlMlMH manner,' “1 fofclieve.'you'-jnstr left tlio nflioe of Ogden fit Sons I” " * “Slip'guw h quiet,' startled tool: Ut flit) intruder, and r at sight Of thri’ T lfat)\lsBnio ' genbleniiirf beside hot 1 . h'Sliri" cervcnsly' scanried her pOtlrptfVu’rl'r'olotlVes, nrtd hhtShed h't'hrit' iheail ilppearario).' tpwY«S','-sho answered, with a SBitdfgtiitJ'.:; '‘J lilU'ri just:loll the offloriV Havd'. yoU-”Italy lutsiness ^iilftoriDirr ■ -r in «... 1: r 1.J sq ‘,‘jlDh, dhir ’tn)o of ’thp firin'— soir,iy<il( kntovijf II was in the offloo when you applied, just noWy$\tf;r feadie’^Vter you to! sp^.I.eaiT'gSj'yoir'firTO faclory. IV foil wish.” HVVisii'-it I 1 CeVtaiiilyj sir. "tttr fto riot know what d favor jWsre doin^'inA’^ * r lihe lurneil lier'glowjng face to SitiU in glad and eager surprise ; •il-V/i '!*■*' 7.1! i { ‘!'! 1.1 briij'te'idfc'sho : ciiVild firid.wufiis tq ’ tlikrik' liitrij lief ' byei'stffiiiic’d , derves, i gttVo''« , ayj'aofd ‘sl'/ii iiurst iu^l-a Hood o{'"feH^s. ; ! ' Tho gcntletnan^'who had been loookiug- into liei>' eyes, as it he would fairly absorb' their swedt- neSsj' felt'oxtrorifely awku'atd at •tftis', and’Wivlked on in silttnfo 1 be- 1 ^r B fci?ffln|fi she cotild''control 'lielwlf iitittofittiUy'id spuukl’ Tfi'Aglrl, it's ati_ a'jiold|y for her. Mil's, 'gave 1 hifii air iiacbilnt of her iiAWififili’of diiiipiloiri tmeritSj'and ,■ bykliflnfcWdSj'ihjmlh'y 'and kind questioning, he Ootrtrirm Iter lied ivdiole sitd^dristtoyy'wHHi-a. eon fes- Stol^Sprob resolution she had hi w %wif* msmf pflfl •laidTilliv Hii> it cdihi!id; l 'JVtbVtffeii'lliui yfil&tflid r d 6iI 'i P •di‘ 6 J' — i - l| l'fTlopt‘, Ihe'ii, 'thc"'li(c X'hav'd I^StRVrtimlq at 'siinie' tithe, Uel'mig Hi dmRH£*t.i4u.ft.v.75» ■ i..:.- L yomigisl Vm of its head.. ; 'K.iteVegardcd, willi I lie ivartn- estfrieii.lslii;i mid gratitude, this uian. \vho had lilted her out of the fearful slough of despond lo which 0110 ,wns sinking, mid ere long she returned the love which he uvow- ed'fnr her. Every evening found him a guest at the noisy tenement house of Mrs. Finn, who took in wash ing. Ho was so devoted ia his love for her, so lavish in liis gifts to her, and so desirous of doing everything to contribute to her happiness,; that she grew to look tip to him witli almost worship Ho had come Kilo her dark life like a piineu'irf a fairy talc, tam ing everything to brightness, and taking her'heait a willing eaplive at once. To a nature like,hers, hire tyas life, and '.the object o' it hceanie almost lier.'.£j|>,l. Site obeyed and helievyd iii him . impliedly, and gavediet'self up to him body and soul; listgiiiiig in blissful 11 ust to of marriage as soon as lie could, ivitli n solely .10 his pediinmry 'inl.ei'es/s, incur his la thers disljfeusiiru by doing so. Ho took her. from the lnel.i_.ry iiudfriim .Mrs. Filin’s, uml placed he.r ia luxurious rooms of lie. made heaven to her by his presence—where Hhe lived his wife all hut in mime. During his absence she devoted her time to study, and made as tonishing progress. “fie shell not have cause to blush at my ignoraaeo when 1 am his wife," she tMight, This was tlio state of things, when Kute, one day, went to take hCr customary lesson in music Sho aifived at her destination rather early, and the professor be ing engaged. with other pupils, she was shown into- the waiting- roam. , ■. \ ."'ii Tliebuilding' in which'the' pro-, lessor’s rooms were was Divided into offices of' various kinds, and only a thin hoard-pai lilioii |epu- ntriffl the 1:00m ia which Kate .wits' shown Irom'one,. of siiid offices. Situ was no sooner'sealed than.slie redo-hiked the voice of luir hvor 111 eunycrstition with another griti- tlenmiv in- the office; and, ns she, wiis'seated elnso to the partition', every word of their conversntiou reached tier cars. “Toil see, Will, 1 ’ said the Strange voice, “that comes of n fellow -running wild over every pfetty faeo ho sees. You room to have ii faculty for getting into scrapes of this kind.” “But,“ 'Said lien lover, “this is a devil of ft scrape, fcilie expects mo to marry, her.” “ Why; luivoyou promised her? 1 ' “Well, yes, I hud to; hut, of course, I never meant it. I’m brought up wilh a short turn now lily-. j:espn'tees, are JilLtxluuis.K'd, tati.ui of our marriage, and Inti succeeded as well; ;as one coulij wish.” “Why thedriuCe didn't you mar-j ry her., th.en.?” - 1 The answer to this was a long,’ loud whistle of astonishment; “You must ho a madman. Jjur- y ft shop-girl ? Ambition is n ffttnily failing qf ours,.arid ymi see 1 l possess tile failing unusual' degree. Yonr suggestion is mad ness, my dear follow; think of, something else.”’’ ” ' ’ " “Welt, then,. Intng it, man’, leave; tlio city, and write her e fliretvell letter.” “Agroed^i. Kate waited (6 hear no moro, hut rushed wiUlly into the street. Having readied' home; she hardly knew hot.' sue crushed the wild paroxysm th it she was laboring under, and w olo a letter to the destroyer ot her happiness, telling hi 111 how sho had discovered'his perfidy. . “ This sh.iTfb.iot dogrndeunii," she said., ' ‘•.lly Ood’s help, 1 will live 1 down’-toy dj-'j|riice, and; win for tnyself a position at least res- p’oclii'oK;,' Ami by. Ilia help, also, 1 wilt 1,0 avenged.” *,***=.! ' Sevep' years had elapsed since William Ogden lmil seer. Kate Wesley, He had receivid*her let ter, mid lelt relief tliat t.ho affair ended with so liltle trouble to him. 01'Kale’s sitiferings lie would not 'allow,'; himself to think, and her memory .wits' soon', buried witli many oilier lovos of the past. Du* ring tlip'sc) seven years lie had be come 11 .thoroughly blase .man of] the worhl. His friends doubted liis capacity for p real pare, honor able love, ami lie agreed witli them. That sort of thing svas toe liinn-driim and prosy.fur him, lie said. And so opposed was lie to matrimony,.that ho wagered the half ql’.lVi.s.fortune that lie would never drier into it. .Justjub.du't this timo, Miss King- ford j, u..'beautiful English heiress,, ntade her appearance in society,; turning all tile male heads, old arid, young. Her hcriuty of. form, nnd face, and her fascinating pow er# of conversation, were peerless. William throw himself' at her feet at once, nnd; to trio astonish ment of all, becfttrio the most ar dent suitor;for her hand; ami, ns; 'people said, thoiorighly in earnest for the first time in liis life.- Among Miss Kingford's suitors, also, was the gcntlempii M'wJ^jftj Williariilind staked the half of his 1 fortune in.tho event of liis mivri- agef So chritgedwas this irinn at her preference for William, that bo swore to.hold iirin to his wager. Undnpnted by this, XVilliam eag erly pressed liis'sui t, and was ac cepted; . r It. was a new kind of happiness to William, and 0110 tliat die mice thought never 'existed, to leel that being tioimd to this woman for SU‘frifl’ , » luouuriii/o AppJuiitina tor leittrh cfRdmltfiHtrjfioii 4, Application ft-r I^llt-ra of uoardirrEhip. .Add Oiamiiwion fvouuu3r.<in/rtwtinn . #; ii. M 1 JismiHHiV'U fretir;nufittliaUhl.ipjBDf jFw* leave n> soil land.:, ,-v_. Api'HPHtion tor haiinU^d..... *... ,l -. ,i M Xutio«> to ikbtornand ci-wUtorn....»,(;•*TO) s7uie of.real I'.siate by ndinmistrutois, eitjcn- t .m ■ and RiiardiniuH vefs^twre. '.. •. r,.JI 00 of psriiibabia property,.ton dfty8v..ivr»0 Esttny nntiof^'e • 3(1 . ,• * »VU bil'.Y. f ir ftdvwUHJDtf \tx *M% p .p'tt ato 4u«f oa ths, first apjiunriiinee of tho wdvortte— umiit wiirbcrprc-titiuTfd>btintlie iuonc> u .aeuded. - mid .Mho.' time, is dia'wing near ,iii'e .would.hediku.beaveri,’:., ..’ when l nur to fulliU my protuises. j It was'arran^ed’llyat Jl.iss Kin»;- 1 Ve'ptit it' off-ho lolteii,' you sue,; |',,r«i slieuid sail.for Europe immo- 'thii't itcirift see'uiy 'vniy toil of .ii.l'dmkly, ai'id' Wi'lliam. "should till- Jthbs;t'iuio. - Oqirte/olrl I'cll.iw, use I j.,,,- l,y the next steamer; alinost yolir.iiigrifmityami l.elp me out ol | immediately <m' In's arriv.if 'they ht.'' 1 . • ' • j were to he nnH'rteil; , Mtr sho pretty ?” esked tlici William titlluwcfi'bivlUetrrith rstt'iHrgei:. 1 »! ; ■ m a lovely lililu. town ii’i liie nor! i mthrir. think she i.J. Fcl iiku S.riEnl Aaver.iI.iiHG H f iU Iwinrcrtrd the fo'dn’Rinp rtt^n dbvriff-tains, psrv aq-iaro. 5^ CT ing him to come at onco to th6 ohatcau of the Couatde Ohftutry. fiAgci* to elanp his hriiU*. in hl.s arms, ho haHtencul thither. .Ho wus usherod into a spacious sjjJjiu. tha nmgtiiiicence of whicih^astonishod eyen him, accust,uv.u.«.V \ A ^ was to luxury. In a Tjcvfent . tbfc object of liis viipifccuiofctl, drosM ed*iu a regal style qfsploudor, a littering , ooronQt. adorning hor stately head. William stuffed eagerly* forward to greet her as she* swejlK intro thd room, but she haughtily motioned him bade. “Wc will make our iniorview ahrief one."* she saUlj “as my husband awaits ino.” • AVillluTn /'•nzecl at her, iw-if doubt ing her sauity. ‘•Your husband*!” ho exclaimed, lioarse’v, the velha' in his forehead standing out like cords. t: Whb aro yon, then 1 ” ; f* * ‘•The Couiit03$.de Chanty^! ^ho shidj l)o\ying profoundly, “.‘iovon. years ago, l tv as Kato Wesley, tlio poor shop-girl, whom you scorned, l told you, by God’s help, 1 would be ttvengod, and you kcc I npoku truly.” • Ho rushed from her-presence with out waiting to hear her.story, hoWj u ben she sepnr«i\cd from him, she had taken a place as nursery-governess, nnd how an old lady of tlio family bo- iug taken.ill, she tended her faithfully until her doath, and how, out of grat itude, she had made ICatc her hulresk* mid, id last, while traveling abroad, how 6he had met the conut, who mar ried her. That evening, the countoss heard thnt an American gentleman; wh'o had just the hotel, had shot himself from some niiVnown cause. They found, from letters on his per son, that his name 'was ‘William Ogden. . ' FEMALE COLtlGE' MALS XiTSTSTir® o: will open iSoaday, January ; lfllbr 1377, • ■Ttajluu'Hl B.ourd Hiul RwIaesd Tuiiloa Am ohered ut thu Fou.o\raa lovv rats. Board, Fuol and Lights iuoludvil, in nith.. Tuition iuPrimwy Bepiirtmcnt. AccmU-mid,. ■ . •* . . College C 3 of pin Ju-sio v . ., ,_. FI f French and Gwionau vael*, Incideutul Expuiuc-o, pi-r AVision. >Jlenierih»ry Priii.ciolwi oi Brawin^lfreo.' hr advnmio all prohiutly ftt. tiicirpiMUou p;iymont ev.-,e<jtt'tl. In addition to tehl .toucher in F ml Wi»* Work, avlmiiry Depu to ».»• you .firul one pitHior:” "Could «ho'-pufc.s iol* u Indy, in rnnr.ncr uml education ?" •Yes; she Inis-;been stmlying of fcVuncjfj .vvljere, .she, in Ion him, 1 ho lViend resided ut wh house the wethling was tt phieo. . ' On ui riving .ut hi.s ho! OgilCn^iTj the] hard to improve herself, iu eiipee* JoumJ letters await it lug hiuj i ■ I ,y ; 1