The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, April 03, 1877, Image 3

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L M ll NEW! = iiwiJtl Srd, 1877. ' gfiB "ht notici. W« *to now offering liberal in iheeaenU to onr. oountrr Aland Whowiib to enbeoribe for their Oenaty paper. We will take aUokeait egg»,butter, wood, corn, yotatoae or any kind of oonntry nrednoe In payaent for mbeorlp- HOTEL NOTICE 1 ! Batter, Ge. The Cannon Houie, under the aaaageaeot of Mn. E. W. Jeter, bee recently been refitted and re- faralebed., It iicenterally loca ted being within a itonee throw of the eenrt houie, and ie therefore eeaTient forbueiueu men. Chargee moderate and the beet Are that the Market can afford. Be anre to atop Ot thia houie where you mill be well aerred. Mm. Mark U. IHan/vrJ. We regret to annottuoe the death o'f this good woman who died at htr home in Columbus on the 27th dtt. Mra. Blanfurd was the daughter of Young Daniel Long, a leading oitisen of Talbot county. Wo suppose Mrs. Blan- ford was about 40 years old at the time of her death. She leaves behind a host of fi lends, a hus band and three children to moura her death. - Eutaertbe if.te, W# trust the people of Taylor eeuty, will call next week and anbaoribe for the Hnau>, for we intend to make it a model paper la the future, ancfall we ask ia, that ear own people will atand np tow. CBWTBAL CAMP GXOVJtD. The building Committee and all parties intonated are hereby in vited to meet at the camp ground, •ear Geneva, Thursday at ~~ •‘sleek April 6th, J. B. McOam Mra. WUUam Whatley, daugh ter of Jaa, T. Harmon, Esq., at the residence of her husband, near this place, on the 19th, ult. The demised lett a large family of little children who alas! will never knew a mether'a love. Alted. We netice that the somewhat femeha real estate agent of Atlan te, 0. W. Adair, has failed for ea* headred and forty thousand dalllrs, but says be has assets eaeegh to pay off his entire in debtedness, if bis buisness is porpr erly maaaged. Thu ia to us a little singular, the. idea of some •me else managing the bmsnesi of this toelsbrated man better than he could, or did is simply reditu- lout. . Bunday Matt. Oar people now have a Sunday mail. This ia quite pleasant, to the moat of us, but we guess our esdlent post master Pr. Walker, and hla ever polite efficient assit- aat Hr. Heard, do not appreciate it; for it does not leave a single bit af rest for them. But judging from Undo Bnck'a bright, and genial faoa he doe* not feel the least! dut of humor, hut rather teems to like it. Quarterly Muting. Tha second Quarterly meeting tor thia Circuit, comes off next Saturday and Sunday at Canon- villa, <‘01d Bocky Mount". The Presiding Elder desires a fall at- tendanoeof the officaliof the churoh a/well as all otheri who can go. Don't forget io go because it comet right at tha heel of court. Our popular and encijetio Hay- or has put up good and lubstantial lightwood post up by each of the yonng shade treea on the public square, which will protect them from the oows and wogons. We Sfi’alio informed that his Honor tbe Uayor.intended to plant out a lafge additional number of Elm,, enthestreeUin our beautiful town but waa prevented by the high watera of tha river having kept up ao long that he could not get te the trees, and the Elms does Wet Vtrg liith. The Standard beast of having one tax'payer in Tolbot county, who gives in property to the ■mount of Qiteen thousand (16,- 000) dollars and says he is the richest man in the county. Wo have several in our poor snndy county, that pays on more than that, and two who pays on 25,000. Death. We notice that J. Clark Swasie, the notorious Radical, that made himself so distoseful to the people of Haoon several years, has been killed reseatly in Topeka Kan- He was shot threw the heart by a man of the name of Wilson. Swasie could not live in peace neither in the South nor the West. Superler Court. Judge Crawford, promply open ed the Superior Court of this coun ty yesterday, at 10 o'clock. His charge to the Grand Jury was terse and to the puint as usual. We think those who have been viola ting any portion of the PennlCode hod better go west, nud at once. Our people love Judge Crawford, he has for a quarter of a century been a conspicuous character. He was Judge of this Circuit twenty- one years, ago, when he was elect ed to Congress, where lie served the people six yearn most accept ably. We notice that our old sol dier has givon way for the new one. Mr.ft Bussey, of tho Chat tahoochee court, will adjounu Fri day we guess. Good Wttuepaper. We hive more than once called the attention of the readers of the IUiiald to what we regard as the best news paper In Oeorgla—the Savannah News. First, it is reliable, which is more than we can say of many papers in this age of sensation. Secondly, it contains all tho news of the day In a condensed and attractive form; Is published at the commercial capital of onr State, which gives it advantages over other papers of the interior, and last, bat not least, its editors are men of great experience ill the newspaper business. If yon want a good paper, ■end for the Nowe, and if you are dis satisfied, let us know am we will stand for a treat all round. To the Beadern of the Herald. The article in tho previous number of tho Herald, “Public Opinion;” having been so unfa vorably recived by some; it is bat an act of jnstio to Mr. Beans, the publicher, to say that it was writ ten by myself and that he made no suggestions in regard to the subject or the way it was treated. The fact that some say the article is too muoh against, while others say it is too much in favor, sf the person and faots commented on, is suffi cient evidence that it is not far voide of the truth. To those who find fault with the composition, I would say, that truth is the on ly merits of any importance, claimed for it. Bespecfully, \V. P. Caldwell. Butler, Ga. April 2nd 1877. Improving. t i We arc glad to learn that. Mi not grow any where but on .tho Sistrunk, who lias been vu-y ill low .alluvial .noil of the rives. ] weeks is improving. A Servitude. Our ears were filled with the sweet melodious voices performed by snmoof tho dear ludius ami gen tlemen of our town,on last evening at the silent hour of 12. We lovo the sweet music, and to you dear frirnds we return our sincere thanks and lest wishes to attend you through life. May you ever live to ohecr the homes of those who love to welcome you. We aro sorry we were not prepared to present you with refreshments which you truly deserve. Taylor County Sheriff Sales. Will be cold before tho Conit Hour* door, in the town of Butler, on Uiu first Tuesday iu April, n*xt, bo.ue.-n tho legal him in ol eale. the following property Juvvil: Lot or Inna No. 229 in th« 12tb, dUovict of sold oiuuty. to satisfy a ft, In. tamed lnun Taylor Htiperior. Court, in favor «f Will* Whatley, vs. It. M. Garret', Autuihhmtnr and J. it. Fowler, Emtonwr. Prop-m* p-MnUd out by it. M. Gurctt AdmiuiH'rator Sold us tbe property of Enoch Uurrett, dvcc-wtti Alto, at the same time aud plncc, o>o (1) showcase and nine (9) brass nud watohts, to satl-Jy two ft. fa's- tsauud f:om Taylor Vuj.ericr Court, onu io favor of Ham- ucl Garrett, for the use of officers .of court, te. J. J. Reinhart, nnJ one iu f»ror of Hen* dtfrou, Meeker and Gird, vh. J. J. Reiulurt, Hold a-i the property of J. J iteluhert. Property pointed out by plaiutifl's attorney. Also, at *ho Kama time and | lace, CO acres of the uortheaNt portion of lot of laud No. 7 in Urn old agency reserve ot add county, to h.tisfy two iiX fl. t*\. issued by Tux* Colla tor-of said oouuty, vb. John W. Wiwtor. f<> hit tax for the ye -rs 1675 and 1676. Also to Hitisfy a fi. fa. issued from tho Juv.ioe court ot the 768th, district, G. M. in favor of Fiokim and Willis vs John Waotnr. Property pointed ont by Jcnb Willis. Levy inane and returned to me by D. Reelaud, L 1>. Also, at tbe same tim» end place,200 acres of land, bounded by Flint river ou the north, ond east, by the old Wire trad on the uoutb, and rnnning np Bald Wire road a sufficient distance that iv line running directly north would make two hundred hctoe. ail lying and beinn in I'ayioroouuty. Go., to S'disfy two ti. ta'ii issued from tbe Jnet'oe comt «*f tho 768tl. District, G. M. iu favor of Fiokhu A Willis vs. W. It. Ouiitbrrs. Property po.n'e.1 oat by Joab Willis. L«vy inude *ud returned to me by D tit-eland, L. D. Also, at the Rime Mins and pliro, pH tha tract or parcel of land knowu u- the old Our* bin place, lying north of the old Wire mad Hounded on the north by the land v of J. D. Bo ill and Flint river,nud on the east by Fliu' river, m the south by thf old Wird road.nnd •m the west, by the lands of W. Ii Griffith containing iu nil. oue thousand ilOOOi -'Cro* tuora or l-s«, to mti fy a ft. f-i. tssii -d f: tn Taylor Sniv.-rior -Court, iu fa*oi of Jnab liiylor snpvrior -Court, iu fa*oi ot Jnal Willis v*l'W II. Curithon. Proper'.y pulm- ed flit bv said Willis. Al«o, at the mute i ! .me and place, lot of land No. 127 nud 60 acres of lot No, 128. i* 11 in the 14ih, District of said court,v, to satihfy h fl. fa issued from Taylor Superior C.ouC, in favor of O. M. Colbert, Assiunoc, vs W. N. Wbiulei. Property pointed out byO. M. Colbert, Plalutiff. Also, at tbe ssme time nud place, lot *f lan S .Mo. 144, iu tho 13th, District of said conuly, to satisfy aft. fa. issued frnm Taylor Superior Court, iu favor of John Joiner, v*. Jam-A Tompson and John M. Tnmpion. Soldaa the property of .Tames Toumsnn. Proprny pointed out by Plaintiffs Attorney. O. A. J. POPE, Mch.lBJds, Sheriff. GEORGIA—Tailoti Cocnty Mrs. Sarah Ms trunk applies to me for per- mnneut litters of A'tministmtiAn on tbe es tate of Thomas W. Sistrnnk. lata oi said aunty, deceased. All persons concerned credit trs and next to kin' to show cause if «uy they can, on or before tho first Aloud i in April next, why said letter with Adminnf tration on said estate should not bo grontid said applicant, fifiven under toy hand Offi cially. This 121b, vforch. 1877. JAMES D. ttUAS Mch.lfllb-6-w.Ordinc TO THE PUNTERS OF TAYLOR COUNTY I I \m Agent /or Pencils!on's Animnnlnted Saperpuosphutc Guano. It U the berit F-r- tilizer ev.-r offensl in State. Sold for Co^u • Ooctou option. J, M B ITEM AN. Bdti^b. Ga., Feb. 27th, 1877. Agt. ! one dollar the 8atamkah Weekly Neae will bo eent, postage paid, to any ad- drei< for mx month It U one of the Ghfrip. est pape rs puhlUhod.aud is a welcoun vinitur .o toe count in* r*om, fireside or fiuui It is neatly printed four page sheet, compactly made up, and oontaiua the pohtical and cur rent newt of the w«ek; a o^mprehenrive summary of tha telegraphic dispathes and local utws, and interesting sketches and sto ries. It also contains full repoits of tlio markets. Thus, those whe hitv« not the ad vantage of a daily moil cuu get the news forilx months by sending One Dollar. It U just the piper for everybody interested hi Georgia and Florida, it will be well invest ed, »ud will educate your clnltai-eu and mike home hsppy. Money toe eniher paper can be sent by Poet Uffico onlar. ttgistmd letter Express, at publisher’ll risk. Addnss J f . H. EST1LL, t avimnuli, Ga. “Noway, Spicy, Meltable.” The Atlanta Constitution. Under iUnow o.anagemtnt, The Ati.ahta OousTitmoH bos won fur tho title of tbe lending journals or the bouth. IU eutaprixe, during the recent election excitement, ia uuviiig iuu rvuiui. viwiiwu viuwiuvm, iu >euiliug cortHspondeuts to difisrent pordoUM of the uouutry, and its scries of special tele gram from Washington while the electoral com.-uinsiot) was eugsgsd in consumatiug the fraud that placed radicalism once moro iu power iu our national council, are evidence conspicuous enough to prove that no ex pense will bu spared to make The Constitu tion not ouly a leader iu the disouialon of matters of public cono. rn, but a leader iu the dissemination of the latest and most re- lUbsl newa. There is uo better time thuu now to subscribe for A Fresh and Vigorous Newspaper. Alneit there bos been a quasi settlement of oue of the most difficult and d&uguroua piobletns of modem federal politic*, tne dis cussions springing therefrom and the riNulta likely to «'Uhuo have lost nothing ot their absorbing Merest. In addition to this, the people of Georgia are uow ended upon to riLttlc Tho Convention Question, and iu tin* dL-cusJou of this important sub ject (in which las CoNhTiTUTioN will take a le idiug patt) every Georgian is interested. If u ccuveuiion {•> calico its proceediuga will And their tuilieat nud P’lloat vmbodiim-nt in tho column* of Tun Constitution, nud this fuel ulouv will mak,; tb** paper indisueuseDie to every oitizon cf the blute. T« be brief, The At'unta Dally CouRtltntlon will eudoAVor, by all the moans that tho pro gress of moderu jnnraalism has mudu pewi* h'o uud necesKiry, to nold its place as a l*’nd- A NEW VLAN. Kchcltors for prou.inui pnperu should write us at ouce. The burden ot a heavy loud re moved. Httrples all carried out of »dgbt. Scud for terms for tho cheapest caper pub lished, with a fino tugraviug (26x32) for a premium. For this snd tho nbovo new works and 159 standard books, address 8. L. MARROW & CO., Indianapolis, Ind. tho late-t news. Its cditcriai thoughtful, timely and vigorous-calm and urgumeutaMvn in their methods i.nd thor oughly sombevu and dtunoir.itic in tbeir Hcntitucnt*. Jeno^swUl bo fresh, reliuhlo uud oaruiully digested. It will be alert and •Mterprising, ond no expense will be oparod to m ko it tho medium of the Ule^t and most important intelligccue TI1E WEEKLY CONRYlTUTlON. Basidcs embodying everything of interest in the daily, tho Weekly t omUiiution will coumiti o Department of rigrioaltnre, wbioh will be in charge r.f Mr. MulofiiS Johnson, tho well-known Keorcturv of Georgia titato igricultnrAl .^iclety. This department will fanmrw'll find in it not only all tbs current infnnbation on the sub ject of ngrioulturo. but timely suggestions and well-digested advice. Subscriptions t hup Id l*o sent iu at once. TEOHS Ton THE DAILY * 1 month $1 00 3 months 3 00 0 months. 6 00 12 months 10 00 TE11HS YOB THE WEEKLY S M^noy may bo sent by postoffleo money order at onr expense. Address THE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ga. RAXD‘8 JSUW YORK CITY BUtUMW HEUGH &CO., P;inters und Publishers of 14 Pirk Place, New York. It contains a full and complete list of a ! i tbe IMPORTERS, JOBBERS and M*NUFACIUI4EU« doing basiness iu the great metropolis, duasiU*d nud arranged by Trades nud Occupations,and giving tbeir streH ui»d number address. It is an invaluable work for ttie Country Mer chants. It toils him where to obmin any thing from u ueedlo to u stoara engine, oi first or second hand. The work will bo sent tho publishers to any address, poastsge prepaid, upon the receipt of the pneu, which is us follows: Cloth full bound Edition, per oopy, ONE DOLLAR; flexible doth bound, SEVENTY-FIVE CENiV, papiT govc-m, FIFTY CENTS. THE KENNESAW GAZETTE, A MONTHLY Y VPXR PUBLISHED i ATLANTA, GA. Devoted to Railroad interests, Liiera- tnre, Wit and Humor . Fifty Cents per Year. CIIRUMO to every Subscriber. Address, Eennseaw Gazette, can uuicuct ATLANTA, GA. SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALDt PUK'.W Navfl motion oq one voluic ThoUwy. will each conrlj piepared espet veil i mi co. It is designed place in politics . does in laugnsgo, nud 1 in geutml Utcrsture. ' and illustrations have heeut with the general chaiaotcr otfthe work. Though a person cun bo y good citizen without a thorough education, uo good citi zen cau enjoy the right ot franchis* intelli gently w.tbout pr.nskbsiLg the Informstiou eon'.ftinad in this book. Wliile persons refuse te pnrehase ordinary or expousive works, all dutses will gladly avail thewsulves of tha ip port unity for ou- mining a work so indispenifsbla at so lo* a price, *2.50. fluid only by subscription. Bend f»r special circulars and terms to ageuts. It ,w, mits «& ao. Dealers Ik Artists’ and Wax Flowsr MATERIALS OF ALL KIND, SUCH AS Oil Colors, Pssiol Crayons, Bnishes, Pastel Papur and Boards, Falletts and Knives, Peuoilsaud Crayons, Cauvas etc,, eta, ctu. PICTURE FRAMES, Of nil Styles and Sizes, on bond and Mado to Order. SHOW C SF S Made to Order. Northern Bill Duplicated. Send for Catalogue. Address. L. W. SMITH & CO. Nu. 15 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga, GET THE BEST. tiis | Tim NEW ENGLAND j N ATI ON AL JOURNAL 8F EDUCATIO. BOSTOK J/JSS. The leading Educational Papers In Ameri ca—the Largest and Ablest in tlis World. Editor, 1UOHAS IP. BICKNELL, Boehm, ASSOCIATE EDITORS. Rev. A. D. Mayor. Massachusetts, M Is* Anna C. Brackett, N. Y„ Hon. W. H. RnS u.r, Virginia, Hon. Mm. T. Harris, Mis- aoori, Hon. Johu Sweet, California, B. Mel lon, Esq., Georgia. With tho ablest educators in tho country among ths coatribitora. Just the paper needed by Toacberfa every gTadc. and recommended by tbe high est authorities iu the country. The Departmenas cover over port of the Educational work: Kindergarten, Primary, Grammar School, High School, College and Home Truiuing. Goudfor Parents; Excellent for Saheol Officers: Uneaqueled for Te*chers. TERMS FOR 187* The Journal, (th» Now England or the Na tional), $300. With Portrait of Agassiz, $400, With Portrait of II. Mann, or E. Willard $400. With Portraits of Horace Ilian, Emma Willard, or Louis Agassiz, «ithon*. Jenrual, * $200. jy. Every Teacher in the land snonld potwona the Largest, the Cheapest, tbe Beet Edue tionnl Paper in tho world. Kep Hunk With Yonr Profession. Agents wanted iu every town and county in tho United States. Liberal commixsioni paid* Scud for special terms uud specimen copy. T. W. BIOKNELL, Publisher, No, 16 Hawley Street, Boston. Good Advico. nus uu J miui'i-t ot Thoiiiits W fl > trunk,' iu'e of sj.ul cimuty, d»dtueJ. All jcnoi s cnjirtracd are rcqu.vcil u» slam- c u.i e it nuy; they or be.'ou- tl o tlr-t Mo-i ay iu : April uest, why mhI «t|* sli ' t ot be uppaihtod fJuaiiliu t m tatd «11*- tfficlmly. This 12th. Mu oh I b77 JAMES D. RrStS. AlcW3A^ .Grdiujrr- . SKRJ5VX lMDUCKME-STHTU AGENTS- WalUr. Now is tho time of year for Pnoumonia, Lung Fever, Ac., Every family should have a bottle of Buschke's Gfuman .bVnur. Don’t allow forono moment that cough to tak»»hold ot your child, yonr family aryoumelf Cov- suinptiou, Asthma, Phvurooniu, Cr ny. Hemorrhages, nud other fatal diseases m.*y set iu. All bough it is true German Snur is curing thousands of theso dreaded disauieu yet it is much better to havo it at hand when throe doses will euro yon. Ouo Bottle will last yonr whole family a winter and keep jon wife from danger. If yon are conanrap'We do not rest until you have tried this remedy, ti unpl’j Bottles 10 cents. Regular size 7 • oouts. tiol-1 by your Druggist, Dr. Jsja A \ L . i hKH ShHHH 1