The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, April 03, 1877, Image 4

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Waitii'.s .U«ne. 'Ji'i hard in port with tiioo we loro— Tot-uajvthfi Uuvwt'ohahi bhiuu • That p\Vro «ift‘cotiou> hands b^vo wove, 1 Ktir meet im.ojrth again, lu ^oxtth, tlioliOArih Hji:Meu0rH3 lDrj>i - Bourn] giler hearts will ding; .. But we.-iry npo. ’wh*«J»:mtluu to nr 3urn, . IsayaaJoutly thing.. , Upon ttttif tuttmtMu’n ^*8crt peak. f^oft summer showers descend; In vulnAhe svtelhuj»«trohuvlfcts«wsk • A oomtuon opxiwa to wand} One dashes iluvm the rocky hide, ilciiu tile broadriveV’s \v.wv, . Till :tx the Extern oo<uu’s tide • It rahk* ilk gioomy grave. i BADEN PROLIFIC FLOWER CORN. TJit« o nn vX'juls any .oritur fur br*».ul nn.l is the Lest tor slouk. it ripoita tux weeks curlier than any athur kind, uuil grown from 0 lu 14 au« on a Htulk. Tbo important points wo thorn for lit it, n<‘W T.tripty of com tire these : * ,,.l , c •». this com bears from 6 t«> 14 enrs, one h 11 with two htulks makes tiitiu 10 to 20 <» rs producing from one ae.e of grm.u l thn u * v tour ti-ntsiw many hm-bels ou ttiv mupu. . • i ami with the same cupmo us tilt cummou •vrn. 9. Tho obYn isiieitvitr in w*i;;ht, h-t>> ns largo an ear, thinner husk, and make coni titeal, for iiunijy! use, sweeter and more nifv'.tiouH, uud vuianblu for feeding slock, 13. That it will grow and produce a profits- i bio crop, on givtiud v hew other corn w 11 not gfow to ii atnrity. 4 It ripein earlier and I is not liabla to bo c?.ught by frost. 0. Tin •, grams tun large, pt;ra and, while, and nn bn j diuavy yield is from bit to 1(JU bushuls to the- j acre, on int-ditnc laud. • A tin a qu ility i.f Four enn be made lrorn it. ,,. I B dUlrloto tU«e- fa **«*.*«* j t; ®dy for dry or empty wells, especially where fr dm t^o b.*t white whetit, Even an epicure 1 “ ,4 “ would fail to dUtingoisb between bread nnide from llio two.' Tk** corn shelled weighs f»l to flip imshel—weigh is o. lbs ltuivirT The other, far in Western land.;, A J lejisftnt ft mit.iin glides? Boon in hone mighty lake :t stands, Tiost 'mid ihti fathering tides llut lo l the vapors soon ascend,- lu clduds sarpassiug fair; , Tho clouds their rides oi gUiry'blond, Tyoso streamlets .meqt in air. , Audthup, ou carth.-Wraioroed to pnft * Frfm* those fle-tr friends we love; / And thus tho fond aud faithful heart! t BhtUl join the |ojit above. j % . ' Digging Wells Deeper. -1 something IT«w- AQEK-XS WAXCTID, jcitawSiiiy'iiiwwaiV.xwtfiCfiiglwMWfur ;a2r-xo3i*i n ow yiUer is found jnst upon or above gwh to or *rolfi%uudatioUi AVhen tlio usual siiwply is oxHitsfcd there is no othir resourcoW lo cro \t-ait for iba influx of water front heufa foils x>f rain. .Vttch.cases,^ however, are exception^,, and in tacst localities (ho simple'rarmidy for 1 r "look or scarcity of water is tb dae/feu tho : * wellr. By digging dowu lo water Hi time of i dioutli, n never-failing supply is UsiuUy. se cured-in fact, it is almost ini practicable to ’ obtain it at any other ti»««e, r.a an fcxiew of v. yreveuta -going; tq a Rufl\eicnt flopth, 'The easiest ruejhod p'ith which \vc ava appi/untid . for reaching water in a well already dug, but. ’ dry, says thb'T’or.'/aiitrJVess. is to ‘sink a ' L ' tsFot hogshead its ontive length nbUte boltju'u c. uf the Ifuil. Tlwi.hMi';' - 1 ' hngshuiil ehnnhi be made, of ash px ouk,.VfeU heaped uiid * without hff.nE, and of such iV.aiuotrr us to allow of ifs oosy desetnt ins-irluof the bricks .’ibt stonesof-wgieli- tho well, is.mude. t Tlit cart^ ond vattr out bo retpoved m the ordi nary, and as tho amount will not bo large, without tbo hstf ot : the n-ore cxpelisivu utelb- : oiW .required Id digging • a'wpll .lropi the beginning.The, boltom of a well Will . fouud to-be- tho yqldc-at and most uhcomtqit- .. abio.p!a:sjj at this season of the year, and,wo . prfcsuino tho entire bo doho with lc$s . .risk and .suffering flian Is incurred in soina uioniiu" truuip tu a'd'fitaut stmta with a ^'drove of iarnv hfocki Whftb wo rtcomniomi ^ and'pi'tfcr ttii.4 way i>ti accouu\ of its . cohdmy nhd bimpheity, and'beCaHso it secures a pres- c ?nr*nhd future supply of water, .we also ml- vj8fe/ v .as.'ri46m.riorar.v expedient, tne substitu- I'.lion ot thn iTou- pipes used in the drive well «system-r,-T‘ncfO- may -bq-very readily driven r »k»v.’u-in a dry well in ih'j.u^cossary depth and , ijoaiiectod wUU. a, pmun, aud hub-cqnent !y, hpon the 'rotniu ol‘ high wAt<-r as easily re- fihovnd • •' We' frtwt- licit uvvlb ofjlihr vead-is XTWill bef guiltywof ftlruifrng. tliotitsplvca ;-c»p tlieif.n.uimaU by .imnecewary expo- Htjvc lo th»i eobl. jii search of. weior. If irracthVablc; thcV-shonmSv tlmttt delay 'test the plans suggested, or any others ■..that thcir ingenuity may doyise. r:, . ; Tips for^lorsos’ Feet, g: In soma sandy .distrieiH, especially in tuo Jhrqth aaU.V*!y«t, phpe.H gfe not woru by ths •iiorsM or'lnule.i during tbesuiutfter mcrntlis, ^Avhifo'in'-«Vihbr>j,lucesOnpoca nro woru.too ujuchat'lh.v. spuwm. quo pvil r.;sttitsin either \cw‘. If .mVhoih.the hoofo a o either wor.i •away at the toe. or bechnie tiiis-shiipAi aud •break s.wu^, leaving a ".very tjadToot for any. aitler-shoeingf \Vheu tho shqwh retained too ‘long th6 growth of tho hoof in fri'erfered with,' Wd th'o behiiilve inuer pin ts of tl'« foot are jujnrett nu'd • bnewme diseased. If, on d»c brixer hand, .the rluies avc frequently r-mioyed •'and replaced,' ailoibbr evil my-ur.*: toe frog is ?Uthui r 6ut (xwnyot »qfe.ry-hhoeiug. cr is kept rfleviited nbqvo tli3 shoe,’.and uu*tr prruiltted bi tpuoli.' the ground. Und its natural r hever •eaUsd' iii'.o »lo!i"n. In oithei .trouble may. bs avoided by using tips for the feet., These, aro made Of light horseshoe Inr, 1'nrbtWtd'i/ut considerably, so-1 hat tbfty are tliin lipoh iho imi'er edgo rtlid ttieendn.' They nre nailed ttr thedoes, -and proi«st ll|em frerp btflAJns’a iiiwhiottlfoj? the. sole,;aud keeps the jvqrklng.purts of the foot iu a ayund eoudi- xjou. ‘Thestf tips may bo kr-ot ru veadiutss rorft'so, 'an d‘ may lie' easily nulled oh the fool jry-Uuy ownerlafirLhoivo, if he wilj take pro- .pey, pvegauticu to drivp .tna a;.il iw.the rlg'it ilireciitn 1 ‘‘They may also b'o V-ft tp6i lbot’frr U loiVgefUhiokh&hTjio ordinary yrithouf injaryvrAO iir <u . . j.n »o than auy other quality. PRICES BY MAIL POSTP AID, Each -Back ortnluiiis 1,000 sound grain.-.. Sample -.talks With the earn or them sent out to /Ige. ts, lbr Tustimoni.xi/i with terms to Ageuts. Bewiro ot >-wiudhvs; iio htie hljH the gomime seed exc pi uiVscU. Some’pahies advertising ti.iso rp and oltVr- iug to send stalks, When you brdf r them they J ‘ u ^one. lita i '• Aguiicy ot w.'s'.’ Tii-roy. Cjuvoliinffl T ritti. WHiT I x pay'fl every Maunf■tc'ur..-r,- Mm-lmr curie, Inventor, Favuar m- l r -f : tUrtU, 16 kwep inloiioed uiv all lliu iiripvo.e' molits amt discoveries of the age. It p-iys tic- head of every fann.y to iiuro- - dace m'o Ids household a ntw-papci- that iu lostriictrva or.t* that lbuevs a taste fur invi - figatlou, and jirumo*es thought and t fleour- ago» di,cushion among Hie uu-uihcw. THE 3C!EflTiFiC AMEHiCAW which has been published weekly foy the st thlrty-onu yiiiis, does ibis, to an u.vOiit rhat of any otluY pnbltcstiou; in iaet, it in tho bidy 'weekly pa; er published in tiie United Stillest, devoted to Maim tael nrt-h, Mc- ohunift.-, In' ontions a.,d New Discovents in the Arls and Sciences • Every number is pvo!'n«foly illus(rated and its‘ti-mtenth cnihraces tire lute t aud in- •eresting uiiorum<fou' patidning to tlu» Indus- iriaf. Mechanical, and Sricntiflc J’roprcin vf tk« AVorld; ]>,ir,otiptiom!, with Jh*antiful En gravings til - Nevy Inventions, .Ni-w liupk- meutH, Nev Ptpe!)H‘is. ami Improved Imiv.s ®wmm HEKAii only SilvelyTimes Ah.oad. .ITIUND THE PRESENT YEAH, 1377, sbo.,11 bn k< I»t lullv . qnestjnqH of tin-diy. ' the only smircu from l^unuff SEWING MACHINES. THE CROWNING YICIGBYit THE BIHGEE AHE||! Cincinnati Exblbltton t« tko KcW-TorT !■« Read l!ic Sin> 4a1 nt.pntck front tho “PHILAPELPHIA, rrTEMBWi 27lh, lit*.'- “TUT? VERY Ilir.HET IIOXOE « HIGH COULD BE r&fiPEnRED'bK'OIr IXtttM foil- -TWO MEDAL OP HOXOit -A^D/rw,) DIPLOJlAN.-0.?^SIJBIlIT HAVE HK.EX' A'A'AUDED TUE IJiQEB MANUFAOTUttlHcT OOMPASV SOU xswiKo liiciina:.- 2,000,000 in Use—Sales in Eces. o aOh’-'W.-' ^ Agents wanted at onco to s«sll iu counties aud towns. “Xton*.- THE SINGER .'MANUFAG UR1G COMPANY 33. S. S0205, . Agfoat. KO. 80 SUJMIEHKY STHECT,^ ftra. MV COI.BEP.T Attorney nt Lmv, Butler, .Go OolSoUug Age! County. - - - HI," . • :,-r/ d-i"*rfV tftet#* 'uTxfiir. THE ma TO BUY YOUR BOOOS jlUg \ K triiq* j, s. CASH :-;rr 8 nq • » »DCJ V,-.4#(v BOCTflk DRY GOODS COLUSY1BUS IU, nminw et pif.uwl*' trlw of overy kind; Useful Notes. I; , biiiggCHiicns ami AcMiie by tVrucis, far Work men and Employers in tho various nrls. torming a eo-ipleto repertory of New Inventions and DUeovt-rivs; contiiiniug a weekly record,uot only of tho progress of the 'Industrial Art in onr own country, but also c?f 11m New Dis-amrie-i end luv« nttoiui iu ev cry brjineh of Eugiuc*iriug, Mietiamos, aud beteiioe jtiiroad. ' THIS SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN hm hoi n tut tyieu.fjst of every ludiud'hl judhioaH- n, for. the pnbt thirty-one .veins. It is il,e mdw-', largtist, uud tin-ben weekly iilusirdid pnp. i devoted t:» Fiigim-erin^, ^Ieehitu.c^. Oh'-un>- fry. NewIuveimons. Heietiee H’ul IiKliis'iiid J’rogrA-ss, pubiihle.'il in tt.e wmhl. t -T.u« prajliail r«-eipts are well worili (,hnas the sulworipti.-ni tiritn-.iwid f r the l • i aud ho'tso save many iitues tint cost *•! sob- fcripti'ui. '• Me/ohnn»s, Farunrs, ^leclinuieb • Kughi- eev«, Ijivonloiv,, Maiiufie urlm. Chontisis Lovely of Scieqae, ,iud Fcople ol oveay |mi>- fessioii, will tind the fc-'cavrunc AnittucAN useful to thorn. It should In v--. a place in everv Family Librurv, Study 0111..“ and ,Cotv,th»g JIuiun; in every lltading Room, OoUege nml, Sclio-.l. A new volume com- me lies Jan nary 1st, 1877. Auyeav’e'itiiuib r contains 832 p.rgnt an 1 several hnndxvd jEiigiMvinps J bo..»-ruuls oi colninc-K are preserved lor huidiiig and, leJeu.- onee. Terms, S3.20 ii year by nmii inch;, ding postage Disc .um to Cluln. Spc-ch l oircnlars uiviog oluh rates sent frfee. • Hiii&le •ft'tii&rV tlfe copies mailed pa ; r« c-iclt «'i 10 cents. May ilifrarv slioe ba.hnd of every News Dealer. . qjwry shop | p^enisi Iv .onmmntion with llio Scir.N- tific AiivmcAN’, Messrs Munx’A: On., ur<- Solicltors of American and F . reign Putonts, ana have the largest- estubiishinent .in tin Roio, tli-.'L 1 fifty .thousand applications lmv( I lwon mudr. for pineuis through tln-ir agfm ol tint world - thn gen- llrAt-Q’ass Family Paper. PII'EHTING, yard wide, 7 cants. SHIRTING, of cents. KACTOilV OilECKS, '.\J cents. 08N'ABURGS,‘ , jJ ci-ntin ' JUANS, 15, 18,25,35, •ill arid 50 cents. The Jenna nt 85 cento i.s flic best. Inr t,l:e [n'ico ever offered. — l.ndicH Hose, 10 cents jier pair. I.iuen Hujulifoi chicls (i- 1 ,- cents Flannel 20 cants. i.nioe lot, nl' Bhuihets, Slm>yls. and Shirts cheap. UM Quills 75cents;, 11-4 Qijills, $1.0(1., i4 i;lceik) n 2-liutton” Kill Gloves, at $1 S.abscriljQ Tmr!! THIS PAPER 10 ON FILE WITH Cull lbr “Tho ‘Hampton j pair warranted. • Buttum prices on all Goods. iVlicro Advertlahis Contracts c L,-*..;; .; william n. uennt. mum sale, LJj ICLl.Y wilh Kill vli^ectipns. dojuuy pcrsoii cuclchiug * 1 ‘i- DRJ!?!j;aUK A'. BOBBIN.-!., •. ;• Gbeum Blqck^i StypunfsE, ,N. r Y. ... ... Box./tf.) iaEOHGJ'.1-^Tatlgi{ f (JoiNiv : 1 \ ’ *•. ?!}&$} .^'.raV/ .SIstriittk innki-s nppiicntion lo lae lor lit't^-'of GimrilinnK'iip 'of, the’nr- pbans amt minora of 4.'l|pnu»s \) r . .Vajrauk, iatp of w*td county, (k'c.xvse.t. Ail p'cmhiB eoneerhea tfr'ft'r«’quifitVto show Can; o if auv they.Win.-'Obbeipre. U_,o, JJi>t...Monday;;iu April uext, why said should i:ot . lie nppoinU-d-.UniUtHtui.of-i-atq orphan mi ner a Ginn nr,»h-V my khtuY* UIHuimly. . 4ick.W-4v.' Ordinary. hiinliiR’Piiienis sent li AumtinW Rkviikknck Rogx.u v iu *.loth and giR.contatitiug H.e Census of thn U. ts. and M2 F. mw-lmniovl eiovonautH. Pi ice Address the I'am-r. or cone- ruing (Patents, ATUNN WCO., 37 P.nk Row. New Y-. l; Bmucli Olllee, C«nVl«. &. 7ih, Ms., Wash ington, D . U. , lilt VMIMl MIEQII JEWELRY GO. in England. ii&D KOKpri ■'00. Every Call andiloel : k iS;SKfe. TS BEfiLEBS |1 I80TS, •W-3 I3333IE1B TO TOTO VMt - liHSCHp* . /.an.iy n»i« TO OCR STOC*F-Or" ‘ ,m ‘ a «i«- i'*|». V M ^- «MM>4 V**v W»*»* S^ots. clibas lJ > ' and' : ‘'6. , te^“ , ’ , * . . i.mj t :T W Vm> B* 99 r.ww s8«»>s- J’ * _u- cviv’K v r.#- THEm NTIRE STOCK C Evtryrody has heard of MILT JN GOLD JE5VMntY. il fffimiB i.-rirfulil in itiis 'liiiu, 1 ket for Uio ins'. Lit years.•‘utlll \u in by the b^-st and richest eiuss nl ditr i-.optiavircn. Slid, it takes an i-xii.vt. jeweh-.v to diseovu MiLTON gnld from \TRGINgoid. We will! semi tor tue ninety d.iys UNLV the following i artiiks by mail, post paid, on ttceint '*f fill l o.jiij; OXE l-.UU liUiGANT H.EUVE- FOR TIIE FALL AND \V[NTKR; n T«ADfi.; r ,,«■). n off"*- WHICH IIVS UEEN.,|((AUEFLLLViSia.SG«»»? ATIl'H A VIEW To THU WAXTs OP TlfW-SEC! 103 And rei|iies(s that vim call and examine tjwnj lj^Se M-4W imrchses. Wc have houglit goods cheaper than before uud propose to givit our customers-the. liciieliti uf jthe decline ItoMf Wo flavo Always Entierivored to give Stlsfapt^i;. ^ TO THOSE WHO SO LI RET!ALLY PATRONIZED US WE CAN u.NIA" 1'JiOMlSE THAT NOTTPEORT WILL SPAliED UN ©ok PART TO.® THE SAME IN THE l- UTUHE. OUR GOODS WJJ’.LiBEcOF^U'AtiHPWLND NO ONE CAN SELL (legitimu,telv) AT LESS PBKJE FOB CASH. A call before you buy is Solicited'. • It will savo you money. ’^^ffi"»l0NW triang’ulab BLOCK, jafj^pON, GA. 8 U 1N-.0 F O'R ■U ' COTTONS- Soluble Specific, tfW l net .'rjiitid Shirt Ihndila, 1 ...03 Sf»j 8 | AiJF S| U VK GliORGI.V—TAtLuR Ooo T. J. Rijey,. A< ! m!uio’i- Mrs C-iUitritie Din.e’. Usflntil vetiu-n. fully i°.fe, and Mink* s up d idmiiuKt' i •dial L 0 GA PI’S COMPOUND, A N D; cWrH Ar-M N’S lo PI liii T E from. tir 4 a ailin' peribq-iC«tnfa-a..I aw* thcreft r-> required \<> ] allow rvtUH *, if any tliev cm. onorhef le |h»»| lirst M-iU-k'y in .Imif-’n. why siri.'i orntEjionld not lit? d;»:mi-icd bo n r!1 'd mimalratioM. ■ Givcv. under* my hitiul OllV- daily. . This f Miu-cii 337T. J.UtKS l>. RUF-R. •Mob 13*m3ja. - Ordinurj*. . lJihLL k CO , jtlohch uud J.iWt-iry, .1 3 .. I'hiladdt.hfo, ai880LVED V B6|p : jllR ^idphWte Tlio best mntelialin lbe world for composino with Cotton Seed add Stable Manure, Apply to Only 450 Hi. .Cot.tpij ppryTon. . . a.'av b.