The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, April 10, 1877, Image 1

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Ono niuara ©no Insertion it 00 j each sub- ' vwqueat iiwertion 50. cents. if \ One column,one jeer .... One oolumu, aix months. ....$100.00 _ ^.SV*\.8000 One ooiumn', three month*. i.. ,3B 00 v ' ..6000 Half column, bus ycer 60 00 dcU'oolufcin. six months...^*... • JD0O Half column,three months. . .20 00; •4u»rter column, one year........... • «0 00 Qasrter oolumu. six -months...... hi..20 00 Qetrtcr oolumu, three month*......... 12 00 Qiirtcr oolumu, three GommuniMUone oft politic* 1 chftMQter, art oIah written in a Wooacy or defense of tnei olalrns of aspirants for offloe, 16 cents pel- . Announcement *f Candidates $5 00. VOLUME 1. efi ■a.’iu-g’.g MISCELLANEOUS ADVERT’ BLACKSHIEE'S ART GALLERY. MO. 13, COTTOX AVEXCE, MOON ...... QA ! T,: s' • tat EmntiTsaaisxc u d.«a.d •btaityloFIBilTOLAbS PHOTOGRAPHY . OM deiced piotQTM of every kind, cularg. d* tc lltf-sixe at*d colorel true »p untur* in Pasted, ora} or iuk. Bathdaction guatau* iaed in every instant. LAPlil HOUSE, B* DUB. Proprietor. Tut RTUaELoimprerldnd with o«j n«r*»e* w.»^i«io» f"rthe«ewmmoii*tion ,mA Mofon of il. p-urmto. To. location I. d-vlnK. and conrouleat to tho biuiufs, por- Mm ai tbe city. The Table* IT, <h. b«et U>. market afford". Omni- toud'rom -t fr«« ofobarg., beg. l koadlrd tree nf . harge. ia eappllou with tht beat SlfU LADY Liars ont) of onr IMPROVED rLAITEUS. » all kinds of good*, audio all the taihloutibie s,iyea wf Patuing. JuWVd «t?ily managed, it is juat the ar ttiry «<w uuedb. Beet taastL postage paid on rnwlpt of Mias. $2.04. Bend for Ciroulir auUresii, N, Y. TREaDLB MTU, CO, <A Cotuaud* !Strait. Near York. BUIDGES SMITH'S PAPER FOB 91.00 A 73EAXI. A11.., a my paper from the Capital, foil o •bat. (uuip. original aketches, paragranka aadaenUoMofalikind, dual the kinduf a p.p*r to drivo away blue, and give the world a bright and cheerful look. A good ascot wauled U erery towu is the Eiosth, to wham a literal oammiKcion will be paid, end eiamp for a apedmen copy or cntlnae one dollar and receive the paper for oue year. Address, muoas mirii' fapba. Atlanta. 6a 1877 XXSXbwkXX) 1877 AGENTS WANTED! We deelr to aeeure the aerrlcee of suer- gede ladies, men, boys and girls to can van far the Pis Du Hrratn, a large twenty eight oolnuin Fire-aids paper, published it> Wadesboro, N. O, oTery Wodnmday. We wilt pay cash tor services. The subscrip tion pnte ie eo law that it is -no trouble 10 ret up a elup, Subscription only One Dol lar. Betid for circular Ha specimen copies if you wish ta be ata agent. Audrcsd 10HS T. PATRICK, Wadeebora, X. 0. BtKALD OOMPOUJfja. w# hxTS n Compound that w* guuanto to %mu1 broktn glassware, furniture, etc, so it fin nwter eoau apfttr. It will also put a MoT£ »Bhne that will stick as tight os hough It was sewed or pegged on. t sk your ttUiisistorSlcrcueutforo bojtBfflrif they «^t go, it. scud 85 cents to J. T. Pulritn, (rtubwo, K, C. Agent, wanteed By Wm. X. BESOT, BfOjrlelvr. A SEWSPAPEB bKVO'IB t TO wnparity ANr/'JlViLIZATIO.'I «1.60 « Year' 11ULER, GEORGIA, TLESIUV, APItU, HN'i IS7J. THE BUTLER HERALD. aosioiornou Pstos St.00. Pan Asscsr ■ TUESDAY, APRIL lOlh, 1877 The JToneot Boy Makes Ike x Honest Man. ’. “Arc nil tlicHO stories true, tliat wo read in papers' of poor boys who' were very honest and good and then become great meu?” asked Master Arthur Forsyth of his father as lie finish ed reading a story, iu a religious paper. “Well my sou," replied Mr, Forsyth, “tliat is rather a com piehensivo question', alto requires more than 1 knew to answer; imt I can assure you that a good tntny of them are quite true. Besides, I do not see why they may not be true; and there is nothing incousistaui in an honest boy’s getting along in this world better thau a dishonest one, any more than it is expected that tin industrious scholar will learn more at school than a lacy idle, one. Indeed, I have known hoys who porve just such n'uhurnuteras those of whom yon read. One in par ticular I remember, who was a uobie example of honesty." “Well.papa, won't you tell me alH>ut him?" said Arthum “it sat isfies me so much more when 1 know it is tine.” “This, I can assure yon,is true; for 1 was myself a witness of many instances of his honesty. He was a schoolmate of mine when 1 was a boy; and 1 retncinb.T his tuakc- ing diligent inquiry to find the owner of n tup which he found on tho playground, and, when lie knew the Inser, he returned it to him with great satisfaction.” "But, pspu," said Arthur; “that was not tuuoii honesty,” “How much mure honesty would you waut him to have? Ho had enough for tlie occasion, and that wostcfiml the owner of a playth ing whicli ho fouud and mighthnve kept to himself. Besides, it shows the good principle which he culti vated even when a cliBA On one occasion he went into N^ationer's to purchase some pens, and when ho got homo ho found that tho man had given him a penney too muoh in change; lie went hack the very next day and returned the penney.” That was very little; besides the man might never have missed it,” said Arthur. “I think it was a great deal; and suppose it had never been missed, it might have prorod the commencement of u dishonest course to tho yoUng nianj encour aging covr tousness and lending ti theft, do you not think stealing is dishonest? On another Wccasion, having made a purchase, after lie left tho store, in a large city where he wasa perfect stranger, lie foiled that one of the hills recived, in change was a great deal larger than was intended. IU had got away some distnneo and was in haste, but-tonk pains to walk hack and return tho money.” And what good did it do hi in, ’' asked Arthur. “Why it did him great good to hear one cleark say to another who waspresnt; ‘Th'at is an hon est boy.-’ Once he found two dol- hus on-the floor nl a large store: no one saw him pick it np, hut that was no unit er to this truly honest hey. lie rallied tlie mon ey to tho desk to see if it belong there. They thought not, but lie iult it, saying lie would-caH again, and if they hail not touiid the own er,ho would elaim it.” : “Did they find the ewBer?” in quired Arthur. “No; ho asked for it, “tint tho cashier said they must have lost it themselves,-.and refused to give it up.” “That was not very honest in tlie cashiers,” said Arthur. “Not very, but lie acted as hon estly .HS'U great many persons do who takes to themselves orodit for being atriotly honest, when trav eling .in a railroad car on uuo oc-. ca.ion, the conductor overlooked him iu taking up the tickets." “Thou ho could travel on tiie same ticket again,” interrupted Arthur. ,‘8» he could, had he not been honest; but he chose to hand up the ticket as lie steppi d off the car.' ‘•Well, in order to act hoestly, ninst'one give up his ticket wheth er asked lor it nr noi?" inquired Arthur, “If lie never travels on tluit ticket again, nor give it to any one else to use, then it may make uo difference whether lie gives it up or not; but if he uses it again, lie is simply taking twice as much as lie has paid fur, uud that is not ImmeM,” “But I should rather hoar of his doing something Hint would ho a real test of honesty,” s.--id Arthur, “some can ho honest in little-things who cun not be so in great mutters.' 1 “When he had grown up to be a young man of suveuleen, his fa ther sent him away two hundred miles from home to attend sellout Ho had never been in so large a city before, and,having arrived by night, was anxious’next morning to seethe splendors of the city. Wulking along a crow,led street, imagine Ids suprise to see at bis foot a large, wolf filled purse. He picked it up very quickly and suc ceeded in putting it in his pocket without being noticed.” “Did ho want to keep it inter rupted Artjj.iir. “Wait, my sun, and you shall hear the end. He feared some person might claim it who had no more right to il than he luid him self. But, after putting it in It is pocket, lie walked several times along tlie same street, backward and forward, to see if any one would seem to have lost it; but uo one appearing, lie went to school witli the purse in hits pocket.” “Then I suppose lie was free to keep it,” remarked Arthur. So thought a young man ut tho school, to whom ho communicated the fact und of wham lie-sought counsel. That friend asuned him that lie was perfectly justifiable in using tho three hundred mid fifty dollars wliioh the purse con tained in promoting his education; ‘besides,’ said ho, ‘the owner was probably, some rich person, and would never miss it.’ ‘But,’said tliis honest hoy, ‘snppnfflthe own er Ini very poor, or a clerk merely carrying the money for his /em ployer, and suppose ho Idsf iris situation oii aceounf'of this' mis ; fortune?' ‘That is not at all like ly,’ said the schotdmalc; 'fund if it should even bo so, you would not *■ '*r <vr*M*pW-fapa'«<<Mv*?««* ^ i«gal Aftvyertls nj ^ Vtlf t*»1 »» the fnlhiwihK Shniflf irtlcH, M'l ifcrf *? JJ ShtTilfN niortfcaR''' «u’ics»•.*.w* Ap{4uivtioo tot l5:ter«* 4 Application lor iHItt*flf utiwliiftMliip J UiKUiiaoion* from nluiini-tr.iticto •’Jr OifiWiaflua iruin gnurdiunauip. »*••••>.• 6 WJ ^’or 1 «mtu to k«U lund .4 w Application litrhokf fitcaul ““ Notice to debtor-ttnd crwlltors. ^dleofrealiwtnteby iritaj' 1 ' t ra and Raurdnuun per*- S ile of perishable ptopurt fintrny uoticee, 20 .... i AH bills for udvalieiug in tbiii pkp« m ■due oa the Grit appearance ol the NcUrtlu— •neat will be pricentcd when the mottvy 4* WHOLE NtMBEH 8»- }«ded. ‘.VS BUTLER FEM ALE COLLEGE ntrsTrrxjjl be responsiblu for.his fault when you w.iirld know untiring about it.; ■But to keep myself in wilful ig norance of what, iifriglit, in order to excuse myself in doing wrong, would itsell ho iy groat a wrong, if not a grealer, sin. I think it is my duty to try and find tho own er, even though it ciiBt mo some trouble to do so. If he*tbir.ks it ia right of me to keep the purse, I am contented,’ 'It is possilite to be over iionest,’ said the school mate, ‘and I thiuk you are so just .now. 5 If you need tho money as much as I do, you would not- hesi tate'to look upon it ns provides- , 0 , ,m, unnm liftlly sent iu yunv way.' Being ~1 **“ Ti at l4a h *«“T liU in need docs not make it light to * keep it, and lam suro (Jod never I JRSI h»*rd a J BMooM Tot*«« gives us possession ol tliat winch rall a WI , , , n u, „. T ,' belongs to another, unless to try b-.j, p^uTLlS*' tin. Por my own part, I would v.« inmtli, T lioot fear that God would bring some $2 misfortune upon me if I kept that . jfWh|» Os; *, " •• wldcli belongs to another. I Muio'fth'useorp! " " 15'SJ would rather posses a clear con- ttSjffiSS, SwioJ' 0 * science and 11 fearless heart than lilanienury Priurfr-U 01 Cr..»iu(; t, K . ' get all the money in the city by unlawful means.’ The school- tnatu wan greatly disgusted with p«yrawit expeetad. his sciHpolousoess,' and walked „g‘ ra d SiePr™c? off saying sometliing about jiissee »i> '' »rwork.‘«u.i i^,ao ; j^u5un“iI? jug tho day he ,woul,l ho glad had '* xKfoXj-b, lii.Msfii.i th,i m..M a.. XT.. a - .._ J.. anm.uluAil Ilf ulw 1 ... ua , , _ - _ r. b tub ciiotuty for tu w luAkcht the money, Next morning, compound of«lx well lUkiifiM hw sui’priMu was great to see iu ” the daily papers a description of the purse lie had fouud, with the piomise tliat tlm finder would he well rewarded oa returning it.” '•Did lie return il?’ asked Ar thur. —- - —. 'Certainly ho did.’ ‘Probably lie was rich and did not want i( much,’ thought Ar thur,. Ho was just the opposite. He of greatness; but he possessed the riches of a good name and an an*, ut yowouilil. yoariauUy-wjruani*u Cod* pruvi -g couso'enee; these,with tho fEjBgjlffi favur of (led, are better than anyj is houored by all who kuowdiihi. and umk.ii uppliaitiou Ol tU^ipfiluu liouof Hind CHtaU-, AU getting off his horse to put on the H,»p lirst rail that jjets off the fence? hvm ‘te BdiuiniMniUoM./s and through ibis buy neglect L whole field of 0 is seriously jMtKatr.W damaged, Isiziness keeps a hiiiii - 0,, a» under my hand Offi r I • • ... • i-l.llv. -riiiK lllli, ilarcn 1877 from driving one nail when one ' J.ujgf, il, uuss. wnuld do, mid finally costs a car- “ ol ‘ 13 ll 4 llli - Uuii.»r.v. penter's hill lor,extensive repairs. UEOKOiA-'l'.vuu Oovrn : I.aziness allnwau gate to booff-the (fe .^r,.li Xwn-imk r.i,.k^ unnlicitinn t, I . .... V . mu W M-WU ft 6MMwMbiu ut ,» hinges, to lie 111 the mud, or Vo iiimusunj miner.01 .s.hirani st,.,,,1 propped by r«ils-a stable ifes or barn to leak and damage hun- wm, o:;or iwiow u«o Ujxt'Muuduy ii dreds of dollars worth of proven- ue». I.azmehH iu short,is the prop- uow ' OiTuruuucr :my baa'd yffiiioiii or imnio for nine-tenths of the ex- ’DH»jMPpHWlWi«j • cuses lor bad farming; ttdi.13.fT.' pjffi nu. wv K ,i-en In ill bfduekw tdugui iu uuy CoHurb iu lUi Hitu For iuforaation »pplj in v, V ilttis T. WHIT*. Dm. 33.1a. i PaadoM. ■FITS O.B EtZLEPSri __v«M ii r.qnm<d to 11 sub A Knbhins, and a trii nrd'a iuWUble Fit Pn«d« tbom, by mail pod paid,' dptri have been looted by 1 lib lbs .tan din- id tbeir addns w * of m Qoul- dll ba Mat Is —i, TbeaaPon. oMtcu wv ntudreudsof cum iu.tiio Old World, aud a j^m/mbiu cur* but d» — --- been the ro«ult iu overy iiitnnc8. Sidferv# had l«t a few dollars in his p ick- 5?* *}*•■> jlwM««konidRitd those powder* ut ut t lie time, and it took himself ?«fu|&sqy plisons'bllvlutbMo *S«d°S and l(is father doing their best to r „„, m „ puy his way atsehool. I need not 3S 5 'jK2 rf u “OaiiadsiBJot Ciaads, *J. tell you how much lie was thought '**’ of and how kindly he wad treated by the family. During, all his limoat school lie was welcome as one of their own children, and the kind ness and attention shown to him were worth iar mure than lhue hundred and fifty dollars. Then he saw the pi evidence. Uod had plunued this pursif unti'oiiuc- tiou to make him iufinlute ivi'i.h u good family, which proved a great hlessiug to him.’ “Did ho become a great man?' uskod Arthur, “Ho did nut becomo a wealthy mati, though tliut is the usual test 360 FeiTOii Srmr, ItrooLlyn, K. r. COflSUM P ’£ ION! ralobnted seat ires. 1/ * Irani uj prepara'i., A trial Bus of Dr. , u Oonsnuptiuu Powdtts will -. mail peat paid, ta every -utl abuva iihiTr. This is tba out, prcparu-t.,11 kaban tacure or b-acut itaip.,—. K.m for large bos, S3. 00. sbBBias,. 360 Foi.ios Sinssr,* Brookyn, N. 7. Good Advice Now Ia the time of j*ar for Fneunoult Luug Fever, Ao Kvtry family ihould hkv, f {fa**** &***• I>au , < ..U.VI.UUJVI, >uu uuici ami mi aiseueu lq.> / n iu. Although it i* truo Gexmam tinw. i -uslug thoumiudd of tuu«c* di elided diMMMB sutn of money, lie lives now anti J^juiuraaoh betulr to hlvertauSud'whBu 5 ' * • " tbr^doww will car« you. Ouc Bottle ■-**• .-.vw UU..CS WiU UUFQ jr,»u. Ulie UOIU IrtHt j'O’ir whole fdtailvA wiairt cod ket , •* w “* ’“"BY* ** JUU mo KOBljT honesty, so that even the most tri- Simpl/bomes' jo 0 ouubi. U 'Ilcgu^v ute v. fling piomise wliioh he makes, is wilkcr. 8 ° H * 1> r ° ur J3ru ““ ,> fc •»•*>» looked up on as sacred and novel left Uiiltilfilled. •* GEORGIA—Taylob : -— T. 1. Riloy, Admlnlau l it.,r oa (be «iul« < IjASE.n'ess prevents a mun from Mr?. Catbcrme Daniel, smau-itt 'laud - Liadiul return, fully ndniuiuerad