The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, April 17, 1877, Image 2

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ImnfKt Our Wwt'ili ffttm . Letter. y At w j:u —Tilt' r!»KJ»:i»£NT > JicnuNA nwruov mi< abih:s*c ts- yh* noiiTMBX commotio* nr. TR" n*.l*T.\l*T*’> VTO. WvtusqB”M. II "■■ -I(ril (VU 1377* ftorroonio by tlio fatiguM.. »r hi. f>l|i(’c. ny.iuninnniriil afnhnint mini- oive Democri'tc yd’n-I. f j ll fa ilfielaoty probiiMii flint flic: lircnhlii party Una.* will o.’cur upon) tho piolluijini'y organization of the | Homo Iiy iho Clerk, as It fa. well known lo bo the Intention of lciol!n;r • Repub lean, to ijueitinn ike tor new, *' m»W.prtnWpMtuMfm^ i of «ny.eontesl;iiit« Wiving prini i bid CMC*;»ml ni llit*,«t>ill. l< iluu,’ In tit I loot in cam, a m» Uotrad- ,,i: tbe. wry bumming i •. ... vi. *1,11.u. An'act^e'dri-Mpouilo"'- InWi „o*\ fin- whom .* mujorily 01 his ftllOw It*, ll„«wie, n In if ike eti-rwil fluifes «>f tiling* sectU' odlo iinvt weighed wltV bltiii the I'tiwltltnt the other day /cppothttu it men I'ont-uiv-tvi- nt tremont. Ohio, citizens hed expressed » profcmuce by ballot* Thus, out «»>. uuo ho reiupvps the steps trom the Udder by wiilyli lie himself dimed to ofHte. Klirst, .the poor ntrlein trt the south.' ff.’t'Wliiirtl nlotid the 1‘resldoutlftl heart ibtort. Tildtih was known lo l«i fairly elented inXO'eiuhw, J»|uru.-d,pYMVboiturt end wnktwi, lo, tho Cnrlnrlifus of tho eoetlou, nnd tlmt tvlth ti eoleritv whirl. Mr. Tllilen tonid not itevh tixeolled'. and now* the snbreil and itindhruaenfnl and iuditpens.hie iiJinininlmtion Itleti Tbut a minafity Is bettor than n majori ty Is disregard tl. In dill blind and rcnklssa yay tho rresldent will yol nmitD his position so absurd that llku tlio darkey when the day Judgement was thought tu be at hand, he will taka to tho woods. The height of absurdity will be rtycltad lias- is reported, Governor Niculls of T.outslaua shall employ Stanley Matthews as nttorny to repre sent his eeso before the Louisiana Commission. Matthew, prored to his own and Justice llraJloy'a »ntl«- faetton that Hovos liad gained Louisi ana, and now proposes to show that .Packard who had more votes-.than JUuy.s teas defeated, Matthews will bean object of ridicule to every man in the United States if he goes on In this way Meanwhile, Packard emphatically refuses to make any compromise and astwrt} that his cine It < stronger one thnu that of Hayes. Iu this fie will ha ciMited by nreryboyd* and he will have tho sympathy and support, aftar a while, of the bulk.of the Re publican. party itiyntls by his guns mid riifuW to b« jiiailn “vassal” .■VltVds glvimr me.nbrrs of tbs Senate and Hayes,IVdlii day to day from tlld facknrd Legislator., 1 the •.recruit, being Inftiieii ed probably . by aecrot pressure from odminl.trAtlon circles Tiny es may fear the effect upon lilgtstif. Ills administration, and his stip ortemofau open abandonment of Packard, and his Irlentln (always without tit* knowledge) may In thin underhanded nirnner seek to detach supporters from Packard to such nn extent that he will be • ontpoU to tnke lilmself out ef the w'lty. Thus the pledges Hindu to Lsmsr, Cordon, anil Kitts, iu the'Way f without Hayes’s kaotvlmlg.) may be kept, aid still an open no, though not leas dis graceful brunch of faith on the partof the President be awtrdcn Since 111* war there has been spent jieurlv #300,000,000 one-third of our whole debt i on tlio army aid navy alone, lively,|f VrysldevtH.yoi shall proinptl withdraw troop, from the South, tliore will roinntu a question to be settled altbo Extra-Bsssion of Coagi'i‘s#,in June as lo.lbo amount ef moony to bo appropriated. In view of llifs iraormus aggregate In a time of peace, a more co efnl investi gation even limn those of the past fow cessions into t* tfmanner of its expen diture; would seem to bit In order. Reno. slid, orrMlo Icydiae. Ownjfected Jkmlhvro liemoersis with a vie* to a perfect under HUhniog b-forn tlio ' «isalon op, u.i The basis of this nefoti, ticn fa that tbs ftilnih' n f tuen ahtll hohl a 'cancel of mcr own. an 11 Mill tntlr ntu’fnlctm (bf all the Ire u I Co. Meant the Spy ,kor, .who is to be tima.,11 tiiu Republican on on. The .-'ooilirro ehnens isnlao to Bnbio the cih» rmis-liips ,.f hsOeioultlMS on Approprls'loosan I Frolic Hnllroeds; to seieot a tnajon'v of ear lomr,- heTS ihrtrcf. It will ool ite for Nnruicrn brmoorate to whlatle down this moveiornt. I become It is rapidly. soplng »«sy tbe viiiill y Jf tbe Naqvnsi Ilcino.m.iO nrciinlni.nn. . The Dsumcnne. luve bad luiminb of this ntsain and sale bniln«w, and the S ulhiro ■ DimiHimlie Under »po enter Into I atari's'- iticnl s|«cnliiilnns at tbe s-ir-ifloe oft . n- ‘, , o*l t nr,v slid sekeopret „. o e v niheru prop, iioould Is, cm tuna that . hbytlnivt make tfnnimi’s Um lurr.nif ivhtph tluer will Im ntiablo to taiail—that they do n't sell wbarfhey will be uuiiH-i to ,1*liver The Southern .jDlitnocraoy is not vet alrertUeu lor sale. f Jp.. ,,y,\is' IILMOUK & (JO,, AttoHeys nt Uw, .weeisssrs Ml Hwerner .» Ca, 689 F Street, 'Washington, D. O. Aatatlun and Vortign ratnta. . ralrma preyinvil In all vomuriev' No rads l» »y*anv No elmrre mils,, ill, |Musit 1, »taol«l. No tes» ler isakluc timHmWafa Siam*- aallonv Uiwrlal ijueiiuim sitra lo Inurfrrsnc. JkwB errors Hie IJneat natce Kxlesmsu M, fare (Mucrew. liifrl.P'iopm null. In mmirHlt Smlrr, mnl nil lliunlleii n|t|sirinlillnK ut titrnil. unn» er Patsiind aasu stamv ran lOnniur or snttr Mims. Halts* Itatss CoatU ail Sipartaasts. Jh)iiKi» «.f AKiKinin < IMIlim,' Ssiui lilirtl OUIM IHtninilfaoliiii, mitl nil «l«uw<ihM»r wurttUllinRimfurtl Mi* Kimml.tH !M|ktrunMilm , • ; Amur* of Pay and lonaty* > OrriniiHR. mh.oikhn, mnl maimiiii «.r Ui* InM war, or ihi*lr «i»i In inm.jr *wUiI>mI lo montjT fnitn tliMlovrmmniL of which Utc/havt .niymowlcdit*. Wrliw full likiory «ir ncrtle*. tind vm* nuwtiiu of |*uy mnl iMimiiy rwivnl. Ku* eJocH Hump, mill 11 full iwiily* nrmr Miihtnlmuion, WUI l)*cWtm you frw, VmiIui. mpuinM.or In hire* I In lint lnlHtWiM > ,‘ltow*v«| •llftiiity, c«ia •ilil.tiii ft i'ciinIoh, tnnHy iiuw rc«i>lv- «lr Jiwwhn'w fcn» MiUlNt to mt /ttrtm««N. Snod •lmn|» mnl lnn<riimiliiH will lm rnmlithml free, Oltklmiiiiu, wlio.c lauiriiev* ititV* iwhi vii» prmlcd. wlllhcirmliilintisly rnritUlictl with full liiforiiMUou ,iuJ pruiwr |m|Mn oil 4%|>|»lic;«.Uou tc A* w« cli.itxrnn fee tiulo* •ncrmefiil, tlamix for ratuni pofinx* mIiuiHU Im (cat m, Hatted State* General Laml Office. ' ‘ vntu )«mnl O •McfttH Jnm**. |tro*» HilcM’»ml l.ttiiil Cmics. mnl l»*|iftrv READ THIS. ONLY ONE DOLLAR! For ono dell tr the 8AVAVitAtt Wbkxli Jjiwa will ba aent, pontage paid, to ajy ad dress for its month It!« one uf tlio f’-ntup- ei(t paper* pnhUahed.Aud la a welecma vlt u« to tn« oonnt(i% mom, Cro4de ot lium It is neatly printed four poK« abret, epmpdotiv made up. aud •ioutalnn tho political aud cur rent newn of the WH*k: a <v.mfUrol)ei:«iv(* smnoaurj of tbn tologwphU’ diap-thc* and local news, and intcrodlnp sketches and 4lo ries. It ulfto couMllift lull reports of tLu ciarhfltn. Thus, ihpua whr hnt« not the ad- vnntsgo of a daily mail can pet the new for rix months bv fturilug* Ukb Doli*ai;. Tt h I'uriflusmer for evtnjbnty Mmnifli* Qeoryin And Florida. It will be well invest ed; ana will eduam- your clnlArouaad'nukf homohnppy. Money for onther pnper Mn be sent*by i*oat Otfiso order. raglsUrcd Idler 6i Express. Ut pnbU*her't rivk. - Address ‘ J. tf. EST1LL, tnvaunAb, Oa. Mlmni Pui-nimuii eiiltKl lirfou-Hind .. tarn i of dm hiiMiiur. ' Old Beauty Land Warrants. Wepsy ca^li for iHeni. Wimre iwaiuiimvida ni- (roiwrfcct w« *!»*« mxii-Moiloim hi pvriWii dmm, Hull Contractor* mnl olttora. We set a* Attorney* for aiich In ptoc trlnreoa* ‘ itiua lmn», and mauiiu i >u<-ciu»i«, n .rhqII ^... II bii*ine»* conrtdt d n> us. -JllfMlIHIIt all dime* of huviiiuM, Addr0*8 GILMORE & CO., t. O. ItOX 44. WuhtH(itmi, D. a. WhmuhutG*, 11. C»„ ,Vm*tmUr S4,1CTC * X Ink* iilrtuniru lit exiirrtvnimr iny wunvronfl* nice In Ui* YnfunuKihlinu ami jt.hiltu of the *W. l*nlent ami Ollt'ctluii IliJioe orUiuuuKS 4Co,of cUU diy, , oko. ii. ii. \miTE; ICaihltr t/lkt Ml,.Knl Utun,mtUnn ihih*4 nttendlni THE l^EW to the K«xt House of Uopresentatlves ' to bo Scld out to llayes. j ' priyns Is playing )ils cards to cap- J turn the next House of Bepresijnta-1 live-, Iris ala being to buy up enough' democrats with tits enforced ‘-South- •rn poJiey’’ to secure the organization of that body in the Interests oflils ad ministration. Thu .Radical leaders at VVuhlngton assort that they can count upon at least thirty Southern Demo crats who will not go Into the Demo-, orotic < aucut, but who whl unite with thsmaolvcsln giving tho IIouso to Hayes, so tli»t r 111 cnujmictinn/wltli fh'e. j3eiialo, ho may bo ab'o to reach the gnat appropriations which ho suggcsSnr necessary for the Mississip pi love**, tbs Southern Pnciile Ttoll- vord and tlio rivers and harbors oftbo Booth. , The Washitmion correspondent of Mew Orleans Democrat tolls this tilie; ' ' • Fr«m my owa fenowldj^o of tlio irifoation nnd from written evidence I Savo heard, I nmconipcllcdto>bo1ievo thatfth's*E&&ubllcan» know I.I-JIJ-1-- it 'ajiata? iarffoa pnill I v h v.r,v liulo nmtif'iA. tow teuil i» in kiinr.P; *r|»H ta d«*. vbvii in tk it, and hMT In do ic—in other wnrtU. hie braitw help Uia limwU. Tilth* if* «n« 1 to do ibia; Tun onmU ot akin i-n* dnclton nf 1*m -lmn *mlf a (vul a »Uv. «»r : cuu.le « w*ek, will n.iW priMjiitSj n 1- n.u-lk-'V timl elifny I’tiurnu!, t«»r n'l of l %77, w-tMu’- Idiy lUiifatiale 1, witlniViT MOO Bun ».i : «!»*m u.«*i:mviiiKN and mt-rii Tii-imiImI CtMen*«y •*t the V»-r> be*r, j'l tiui |it«Mlivil'im»4M bf iufnruintiuii njm.n Hie . %.r, #iav in-ilnia -m ou» d«-t work anil siHivlii; t m w« ly in Oonittr*/. Yitiiipo u».d l«f>. T4iIk’it*mi- iniiiinu.u; uoi p^jM»r*«‘» V' wri* b* n but l»y n kirijV lortv oi inlclllfpti' vf-iWr* men nnd a'cun^n* wh i kno* abai Cii>4\uii« About, iaid Un-.v nr« ivwiMed by im».> .»I \> who firtilali iniorma'lru ftreto K nerioe Alin ol) S t-r» rtiion. Siudi it J.»»: t <•« it- e AmcuiCvn AmuouLTbiiWT. m«i iuumm-W Caust* ekirfitd Gil VOirn ii«o mi n rrral joritnl but dime graitlv rtiuirgfd and impn'V.d to •nit du’lff *wuIk oi vvm Wan. 'vi toar ami child in City. Conuity aud Villu^e—i. the Farmer and Gardener, the Mm i niitaiin Mpobanio, trio Proftu*irniil Man—inJvod, ail clauses. It is picked full of irlnnna linn thut every one on cut to have. - ■ Sf iiu> siugitt hint* and Kno^L-hUnm will repuy nio»f than a Wholw year**«**t of Die paper}* It* original ouriavihI piutiH (nr bnildin«f iuu* improxthienia. with details of cost, etu and •ooiuuMMi«*uimu directions, are verrh hit inor< • tmu » UMijuriiy oi i an wsily wo k* on srcln- t-cturo. limit i-arw is t-xitciMid to have every nu: iu the isipm rcli b.n. lira cuiUMunt. pvt* iiHiAtir, ixia-hurctf a nmititudH ot imiibnps mnl a* indies, urs wor’h lur tri«>fa than its ooit, itud I avt* saved lo its r«wdi*r> raid io tbu country tnilll.-n* of dollalii Uiui would have j»ouu Juo ihe hnuds of ehiirpenu The DemrtiocalH oi H\msabe«|i»ra and Chil- tr innreviry nsrinl dl«d entenaiuuic*. In diorl. the .-‘.dnicui/itnKsv Is ;fiill •f wood things, i ' I oiiKlir to be in every bouse in (lie lun-i. i be (Mitiulnlhm Im mrflo (hf t the Fnbiidjers mil Kepp*.)* it nt ft tltUe above tsrf ’nt of the rrilitiutf r«*pv»— for 51 All a year,sent post-paid; ovfoiir.tidpin* B-» 40 Take our ndvioo and send yotir sab- Kcnpt'rtas for 1877 (Vol. 86i to' UjiAJfat 'mo Oo*.ipanv, 114ft Hroadway. N;i|I lOfkv ou will flod if to ••uy, ami pay w TO THE PUNTEHj TAYLOR COUNTY I . in Ai.nct (rn' Snicic.ljtcil ^i’perpnoipIiH‘6 uuhiio. xtislbaiyet F»r filixm- ev.-r id Sflife. SoM ^*r Ctivn ir Puiton option, .f, M flifEMAN. Dim An. Ga., Feb. 27ll>, 1877. ArI. The diflereftt dtitlOAs of ftfn Jirv dnrbiR the next yeui will be the smoui as during tin year that ufis fiut |nw«fd. Thu dsiiy u-iitioi will on week day* bt a shent of fdnr piiRAf, tuiilouriuudayHM ekve 01 ». Rh. cor, ovub Iwosd o.»l runs}' wktlu tho wwikly ivlnic.n wli lie a nil cut 01 ciubt pagts <0 Jhfr mums auuea- sums mid oimrictef fud are niro-my faiuiiuo -lonr Inenis. % Tmk Bun will will itfmtiuue lo bo tho sireu houh adv. uatu of robins aud r*-trj*iuhuuun, and cf the hutatumum •>f stuTumi>iuiil<ip. wisdom, Aud ii,:«^iicv for bull, w ^i-eieuiru. imlnvilniity. ir.ind iu l!iu uduiiulitmiinu ol pnbtto a£f.dth, ll will coutena iuv the uov- emmeut of tlio people by rhe people mid tor the neoplo, a* opposed »n gHverouu-m by fmudn In ihe iitll'H isin.mid <11 thbO'i'U-limi nfvoiu-, emor «.i ny udi.inry violence. It will f-udtavt.r U* stip,.l\ :s rmdem- a lmdy now not iar I'niui.. imdiou«Tmi.ii* -with tlu luoitckireial, c.i.u -Uut. uod fiUMiWdriiiy no- ooamnf tiss's-m setfiito. „, 4 .l ;i; i.p^a.y ua this yurn s»o u utioi’ ro'ts.oui c.«r«*f iti$ etlvd- t*d sir.ft'of rejM-rbrlw iiL-.i -orttsj oii ions. l»s reiMi* ftfuu . ra.-bifctti.t, e*,*<j... y, w il l -: toil, A.-tMini i, iiiidieu'iuRi; uuUii u«ii miubt- ie#s coutiuiiu 01 iitvervu mid enjoy Iho haired of those who thrive Uy pluudor.u# tou I’ttas- ury,-rby udurpbiR what the law docs not b dVo ih nu, whm it will endeavor tu aii-rii liu» oonlHt»ct.*.f h»« pubiiii hv «h‘ltfiding iht- riphifa of he pe»pte «g-iiiikt the cnaruudi- meuUt of utdnat ttun.ii |hjwc*. Iik< pnoi «•* 'uodaily Sun will he Oi Cvuts a lnouisi or jd •>.».» •• •ar. tsiw paid, »,r tilth Uu B<«nda.s adilii ii a year The btiuaiy edition iuone, siyhl page’s of dl.30 a y«»r. Tub wHfexfsY HrN il^lil jof 5S broad Which for moro 'than 65 Y*». Til? bjn Ut oj »y> lure's ndncliou from mi ME EMPLOYMENT GOB A YUAR, Loan Than 4 Cents a Weak. SJaks Uumk ATTiiAcrirk nV Is< THE SATURDAY EVENING MST the pf’.vimt.- AttUn ol lbv «V CK4Z.V C.Ui be ell jo- ed by in 'iviilunl uillscrihei* without the nermtity «./to iking up •■mbs. At the Kinne time, ifjmy «I'nnr muudM olioou, to uid m oru-udif-R our diuulation, we shall be «mt«- ful to them, umt every wicti pernou who >uuds us ten or tnote such bubsuiiyerv from one place will be entitled to one copy ox the pa- pvr for himself without otutrgv. Al ouo’dnb lur a year pint ago paid, the ex|>«nseH of the pupio hi MU •* '* cooeideiii qnnlilyol _ . people uiil consider 'Dab WjmiitT .iun the toe been lira Dost Htory, Skcleh and Fonill, Taper. is knows all pnhlishi’d weekly. aim jiriuiluK McUmly roje-di and tUBsHad I’ii a-cl In’ffli fl’Jw ciIdj tlio hIzu oI tlu iliuit apd i|‘* ‘i,l,ri, ( l,ii .i„rl^ ,u„l ,v„n-l,.. bv’ rofits oon»w»te.wonre oontider.t the I wr ;-^„. „ n » ModmiMjal uiufli, b..ts epHr. iv iirnoAL (jA»i pa’ov op reto. X which Includes National, .State out) • ronuty Bl-ciious and wide' will undnnttcd- •; 1st the un«t svllvt. aud Luly coni rated of • •py sinoe the niiuiomble mnvoMi of 3HCU, - Is now lairiy ojieuHi. The National Democrat* o Tarty will this year make a tv Id, vigor* oils, aud doubtless Mux-cssfu) kttURgle furtl.*< msluhnsm e and anpremaov of those prin*.« iilea which are yihil to the prraperity nf tbu Bipnbllo and essentia) to th* weil-beiug of Iu mfiitiou to ihf Prraldvhtial election, the iwople iu Ge rpia and Florida will elect new State Roven.nieuts. In Florida the cmn< palpi promises to bv ontismdly viRomuh, nnd there hi a probability that tor the find litne since Ike war the people of Hint Itudi- col-ridden Stute will elect a TVu.omlio Btnt« Government. In tlnve cumrciRns the pem J * 1; mnl welfitrs . should acqusmt himself with every Jdiail nf the great work of redemption aud reform (hot ii rovrgolilB'ou:'• ' To thli' end be sbonld «n1i»cribc to and fa- shrt in drctilnting the Savnmtnh NOmlnjf X«Wa, «u independent Pejuovrulto u.jv»* paper, «1 ptououm.-ed Opinions and Icurless inUietr exprewdorjajsipevtl.nt is maigui?. ed every whi re as tlio last daily iu tlu> Viauh. Its editorial deportment in vigorous, ihong)it« fW.andormsk«vnt, while Uk o*wm und 1o#t.1 ihqwn nicuts art* marm* oi iudustry mid corn. pictneM. Its depiulineiu of tb-orgia und Florida afTairs is nntauufllMi) to a nitre hoi- run summary offvintK tmuhpirit'tt in Oiokc StnUx. bill ip fti liveiifd b> taiiumau al u*lid apt, iJiuuly. uud mcy. 'the amplertuonrees of the r*liMl-ntncw will b«* dfVuii-d tofimiishinR Ih** w-ndurt ot Iho isconKr i n a- Ns w &, Dully, I v,iir ;- .si(tlt.i. U U’tmlia, j ijU J eumtliS S'” Tri-vSBkly. l ye«r a •• CiuuntlM iMtit “ « months 1 *hj *• 3 mentis! fid Sprciunui copios s«nt jrec •»» rec-jpi of fie, a .Al^ftfonvjr can bo sen tt; Pom Oflh.N- Or* dat, HcRislfrW Letturt or Nspraiiiet l«uY ink, Savitiu.ab,Ga. Address, THE BUN New Yfok City, N.Y. Esmia PfK«ms It nnp; ti*. to tho court from the cniry ol tho HiiitiU khol Fouls Fcikiur dofeudMii in tho above stated o iso is not to ha found in said couuty. and it further oppe irirg to th«- ^onr* tbut vod deieadml is not a rcsidest ol this -late It is nnlerad ‘but ai-rvie* be pwl-c- tod iu mid case, by publication of this order iu tho Dull r Hkaald o icon month foy lour months iMitiro tin* next t*mi o' (hi* Oonrt. Iiy the Coart B ii. Ji.ttt.MoN Aimruov for LUielant \ ffne uxlrvf* ftuto-.ue ndpatts April U'.V* 1877. W. II. -lENKlIffi Warranted for Five Tears. lrra' AQECTS wpnM Ih IsukUes where JilRHSOB, 30 Union B^auo, H,w York, OCX WuUogtoS Strut, Bfatcx, Nut. UU Bouhf An,, BimtiiqB, P». HlBtE&BtmgOUujOilU. 81 Sooth Oth Street, St. Eorfi, Kb, •UUI».U B ,1 S pBKjBt. t 8»»Ero»ol«ot<W.- |,14ol> Ut-uiSm- OHMUXi Itiiiu^si T. J. IKI«y, m tbu -abito ol Mrs. l.mnorm.* Da tin.-', dittu^aragl, Las made UMfln.iPffarnni.Aili/ HdmttHsUvud »«'d t> into, and makiw upwlicatiou ot ilismiiwim from tlvaduiuiUirmfon .4 suid eMste. Al penoiw concern d »ra» therefore ri qutred to allow eutwe, if an/ rtwy can, on or bjLs- the Unit Monday in June m-xt, why said appM** oittc obooid not be dltunhsiHl from mid iWk miulKtrstioti. Give* under my hund Ofl^* dally. This 12th. .March Mr7. •l-VMEi 1>. nUslfi, GaDimu^* tbe Didled Biirira. itia •IrIii large filled with 'he the brat such as. a lllii'R is have her childnu rend. ••Im whole toncifHio *n|icr Is purviunl i-K* rating. It also contriiw Historical and Dtogmplil- cal iinicl.*; ifeimiific; Aixncufturiftf ai d Hnust-lnild T>epnrinieutst F-uOtbu Articles’ WetWy, fri’t-U And niicxcolled: Hnuiumaa noter; fjrrwny Jvtivinws; Dow Notes: Boy* (Iiris’ Columns- uud hivour and sparkling Editorials, o:a, etc. Isjnstsacha pBptf At everybody lavra to read, uud tbapricu Iff poly. $2.00 A YEAR. Sacpiv copy contomiuR clnb rates etc., c4nt 011 rocipt «-f a H-wnt k man. Addrtm. JfHNNKTI A Lilt Ml. 2tl7 S.nihOu Biruct Fhlladt lpoiaf Fa. FALSE 131 PRESS ION*, It H Rvutwry roppoued by •» tfvritda dHum of citizens, who are not pnu'fiail or sxpe* rienoed. that Djftptfftia «in not luiilrkhly wired, but wowr- pkased to my that IKE LARGEST THE CHEAPEST - and - THE BEST MAGAZINE. •A Qoiihinalbn at fthe l fitful KoJkt- toinlnq und iht Heanilhd mmr mrsT’D iioximv Tax AWoia,lljAOA7rNEor An-lar*, CohtaitJH the raseidlalH of all otbewt, tnctad-* ink H-ate intevralN tn nil its dcLariratmte The hcHiiiies and utilities of Linmtun*, poetry, Bke’chra, Dearies, Muslo, Floriunlt- ure. uud even-’ branch of entm'lining r«ad^ ing oalculatwt fo enliven nnd olevat« soolety and moke utif homes attractive, nsnfui a nd happy. ThU uttrivnled Megnzine «*dll crmn.ecre iG rixteenthwl U January, 1877, and hh hvrctolort*# fail of new literarv, entertuinimx and Mscttil subjects to whioh it is devoted. Wlili each number will bo given a superb coluled cabinet picture (worth the whole ool of Ihb HagArfhe.) iii oil, taounkd ou a- null ready for tmmiug. distely ou rtodpt oi the aubscription. Kv*-ry article uffored U ot first quality, incsu^ dmg hooks, any one wor*h ibe prio« oCsuIr ■cripUun; Cbr.-mo* from Celebrated paint- ingu nnd to th* oriRitmls, of large sixer »wd suitable for spy. parirr; Poaurfr Coos- Btoyxb; Bwnue,or Drxss Cumno, (this tv oelyed the Highest Ctmtwmlal Award;) 40r*plotdd ri'uro of ull kfhds; Stationery,- Linen Marker, etc,, etc. For Clubs W« Lavti Urgi r and more vuhial le I’rcm’uins, including Hfoxa ofall kih/v, BilvkiuIhbtmV Wauc, Dkxcxxr nawo, BoXsjoiw. Htehi:iorj ooa»», Gamxl TaWl* OTtwuy. (rlocks ADJoaunue Tabijw, Fmjtino Maobtnw/ KKirxiuu Macuinkm, China, Dinnku ami ; 1 ka Bbts’ otid nnmcxous other despAble or- tidot of which a Ml list wDi bo fornikhed on odplkAiiun orths ptiblislu-r. W.JENNiNCS DEMOREST, a V „ V EiWT ,4tu STRirn, N. Y. ^^Agejjj^aequlred eveiy whore. fHonl fuf konwlNlgo. ‘^fledto cute t^apepd* ou.. Liv. r ComplnM* iu sU its t>*f*n> Midi as Shot Btomouh. Cnstiv#-uera. hide Huadacbe, pclpitntinn of the Heart.low spirits. Ac., Ac. Out of 80 OOn doxen bot.lra is*ld lost year, not a single lltilnfe war reported, hr.t tbon- »mds ol owi) Innenury letters received fram Drsggists of wonderful cures. Three doses will relieve any cn»r Try it. 8oni|i|« Dot- lies iu cents. Keg trine h\w* 7&d&ht* “ sale Uraat* -Taylou UocKfr t Ufart’Thouira \V. Srarauk. InU, *'***“'•' All pen«)]i. ooLmani crodit w nnd nr»t to kin’ Iff «hnw rum. if iray IBra ran, „H «r btloro ihn flirt Blend i ktJZfe'W*? mi i Ma * ,lh Aduliinf* (UfaSB ‘Si* 1 . 4 “ Il1 ” Aould not be tri.mid- '“J luu,a Offi.* .dolly. Tbi.iaui, Mnnlil 187?. ; Hi4tS-A— >1 ’ jaues d. ho as,