The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, April 21, 1877, Image 3

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7 / —r l!» C A'L SEWS , AifJtti.': *lth, 187?.- v*-s4. DR. E.Q. FERGUSON-. ^AWt! lepsy, Pi tv, ims.-* "SPECIAL NOTICE? <onWBnbd.dtn«t,would do well to^calt nu.l wss«p&r ««« tsa-uos JHab :ui»it, a/g Prepara for the Summer. W T e wish to inform our |.enpIo that Butler lias as go ml barber as -can ba found between Macon and C'oWrtiMs. \iW*ye(i-wish-a - neat job in the tonsorial line, go to William Parkers' and you will alwuys bo well pleased. tf. ttlchjmjU'iu Butter. There !b an unusual amount ol tfitoVlbYs-spring, nothing of a stubborn type, except in a very few cases of Penmonia, nho i*.licet ‘Poit.M. SSTT Our reepectell ■ cunlfmporary, the, Port Valley Mirjor, says among,other crisp tilings, iti oriti-. zisitig'our article on Taylor Coun ty Mo&ls of last week, that he knew moYe ’Until!‘tho people' of Taylor county than we do, and what is more, than we ever will 1tn6sr!' We have flot'lfeeti a citi zen of this county but a few months it is true, but we wore raised in the adjoining cyunty of Talbot, and there is no groat dif ference between the people of this, (Taylor) county and the other counties of Georgia, and to know the people of one county, is to know them in all, so lar ns intel ligence,integrity and virtue is con-, cerned. We do not hold this rule to bo infallible, hilt for nil prac tical purposes it is correct'. "Now we shall not call on our brother to prove anything, hut we think Vie is mistaken in his estimate of the average Grand .furors of Taylor, and we also think the people of Reynolds District, will compare favorably with any in Georgia, mon-ally,intellectually or socially. Gen. Toombs. We notice that this diitinguiqed statesman addressed 'tlio pioplo of Rparta, one day last week, on the. ■Convention q2&£)»,ctho effort, is spoken of asu‘ : red hot" one. Hu is o evening this week ing Macon, on the sniuo subject. The Gou., fuvors a homestead and .desires that the Capitol' iemuin n't Atlanta. V a 1.. . -i— ■ o Hen. Gordon. We bulive that nrr “Military Senator'', jg£.v?ny gopd and proper Nonator, Imt.y^-, do. cdiject to so much sinuil talk, concerning every 'little nmlter^jvtt/iccurs in Wa>h- ington, for instance, we see somo- thtogliWfctfjMl JttOty day,. Gun. simian, called on tho President to-duy-MiY-wta asshred that etc., etc: Now-let us have no more of <if {lie groat aflvorhzjr who has oust the Southern Asso ciated Prels'nfo're than any one pa per in Georgia has made during any one mm year of their existence, IflmllUL BeVim+iTut ? , The Ptbaidratlkssms to be hard to suitin the limn that is to be Mar shal of Georgia. If lie wuiild con sult the people of the 7$tyte he v wo 'dM9k!?»W 1, fas« , » tie whom he appoints, so he gives them a maafthitr- in interested i id Hie reAl vttlhfiife bf-the Stute, hud not a carpeWfigglr, jvlio cares uuly to fill his own poclcet, and then go give uronreTlT Alston, Thompson or any other ^jtpa^ie Gnorgiun and thejtaai^rtJliheJjatisfleil. . about a convention. We have put ourselves to some troublo, to find out tlie'Wfil'fiWiltnelvts’ut'uur people on this importap.t question, und thisiBSthA-esintidiir lhhofs:■ The pupple ,«H;.jJv.4tfforent wheth er a Gonvantion is called or not, But it it iscalkd {hey n v;ou|d pre fer the£i|}to0o ipmajn in.Atlan ta as they think the present, State- House is safe and good enough and will luOfgrEs£ nianyl years to oome. They believe if tho taxed a large amount to build a Stat2-f5)j|eA tteWtiy&hftitfion \ etc., as they have no idea the old buildings formerly used for State .purposes are fit for aij^’tfiiuguioWf Hut if our people were ‘satisfied, Sj^rorme.l_tB*t Mr. O. for the people of Georgia to live M. Col but, Esq. nas a ocauti»ul nnd>r,«nd:,^jgege|#tipu3 that are to coige after .them,' tlien they would .mtttWfylUoo. yo Handsome. We noticed yesterday snmuhenu- tiful,picture frames, nr to speak more exactly tmllifully. wo saw some samples i.n the hands of Mr. J. M. Jones. Any one (and wo sup- posu all the gitis in lluller will need them) can get us many anil os-hauilsome as they desire for their pictures. We would suggest, to inir young lady it holds, the pro priety of getting black walnut frames for their pmluies ; it is pretty and neat, anil will always r.iiovMt roirx. We arc reqiienteil to state that any geiitleiuan having a fine lint of any kink, and uislios it well cared for, should place it on tho auicn benches, iu attendance at church. Wo earnestly request onr friends; those who have oommuninatioua of utiy character or local items for publication,will please baud thorn to us on Friday evening or very early Saturday morning or other wise they will he too late. We havo just received .a splon- did new rolerand out-fit,; for the purjioso of giving our readers still belter print than wo have in the past. We earnestly usk you fel low citizens to help' us,- give us uu, advertisement. It will pay you double in the end, though you may not think so. Macon and Co lumbus could not do hbtter than advertise ill this sect ion. There uever has been so much interest tnkcu towards building a new Methodist church, ns there is at present, wo ure bound u have a now church, tho right step has been taken and the lumber is now being hauled. Wo will give a lull report of the proceed ings in our next issue. There were an unusual attend ance of young hulisu and gentle- mou at. church Inst Sunday even ing, aud judging from uppearnneo great affection was manifested. Ono young man unfortunately called us “darling,"hut lurdly ho did not menu what he said. Esausu t'EAs.—Col. W. P. Ed wards has tlie finest English pens tlmt we have sccu any where in this sectin of country, llo uses E. Frank Coo's Guano. A .Veto Church. We learn tho Methodist iff Tfov lor are moving in earnest at Inst /.roAl. i'Acjs l Xtt tXtK.'jXi in the important mutter iff build ing a new church, thin in right. The gentlemen connected with the movO arc a guarantee that the ohtirch will be built, Tho old. methodist church is a disgrace to tho large and intelligent denoini- Qp GEORGIA. ’ " nation of the name in this place. Let the‘work go on to completion, a place at Butlere size ana uupov-' we dwMug -di kiua* «r Draft,, tsneo ought to havo good, yes ole-1 gant ohiirqlii'B. . Oua Thiup Xerdfnl. Tho Farmers aud Business Men j l'KIt’KS. > of Georgia have long felt tho need in Pspr* Cm<». ,Su <*. md. .Mlpintowi. . ttnffin “ ,-t*»|'''»*» 1'inminj‘wr. whut it is wholly buy it. There is mi. lie! I or ovi- dehco of the cilltivqjioa ol a people! We are reliably informed that than picture. Let nil of onr j«“ old negro, Jerry Jones, has suc- be.adurned with a few handsoiuej®® 0 *' 0 ^ ' n capturing in a box this drawings of some kind. one hundred mid one rab bits two ’poisoins and oue polu- 3 he Master* IIor. There seems to bo tm doubt of n general war iu Europe, indeed Turkey and Uussia are jmivadviiiir cing to tlie field ol battle. Diplo macy see.tis to kavefailed atovory point, Prince Bismarck bas an iu- deffinite leave of abseuee from Ber lin, but ive find tlie grant states man of tho lUth century will keep a sharp lookout lor tlie interest ol tlie great German Empire. Pro visions of every doscripiiuu ' have gone dowu to nothing almost, we doubt if cotton brings more than six cents next October. Will not our people take tile hint, and plant corn and peas, raise hogs, sheep and cattle, and be indepen dent of wars, and rumors of wars ? We shaj.l see. Hand This. '■ '■ We ask the kind attention of our readers to the communication of Dr. J. S. Searcy, which appears in another column of this issuo, the caption of which will bo found to ho “The Moral aud Ueligious training of Children.’' Oh, wliiit a thought 1 there is no le.-uou Which should be more thoroughly studied and taught by onr parents of the present duy, than the sub ject referred fo, We can not be too cfirefpl Row we train tip our chil dren, and watch over and protect them from tho ten thousad evils •which they may meet in early life. We trust every futlior and mother Capitol was carried batfc to'/Mil- will' read and Treasure up the ledgeville, the peophrwottfd bV truths fKiitA(e taught is this com munication, by ouc who is worthy ’bfAiVing good advice to everyoqq. There are hut few med in this ago There lias beon an over flow of eggs in Butler this spring, at 12J cents; Chickins very scarce; butter very scarce at. 20 ceuts per pound. ■Everybody talks of going a fish ing. Fish are cheap and plentiful in town. There was never a more beauti ful day than last Snhliath. Dr. ■Segrcy preached an-excelleat ser mon at the Baptist church to a largo congregation. Butler is blessed witli oneof tho finest schools iu this section of country. Tho life of onr town is the mer ry school hoys Tho Unfortunate ot/ain. It will ho remembered by the poople of ourtown,by reading this article, that one of the bluming young men of our town, wus ruin- oil I ruined, fur life, by the sud accident which ho met on his path way a few days ago, by coming iu contact with a bat ral of dirt which had boen placed in hie way. It is sud to'.tiiink wbitt an ncciKent this poor fellow mot by visiting a young lady on tho Bnbbath day, by hav ing his leg broken and his limbs scatloeed abroad. Beware young men bow you violato tlie Sabbath day. Take our advice, “Watoh as well as pray." But stop I lis ten ugain I What is tlie result of all this trouble ? It is sad, yet it is truo. Tho poor boy after hav ing his bndy wricked to pieces by simply falling over a barrel, this young lady now comes tip nnd do clurcsshe will never speak to him, and ho shall never visit her again, not that lie 1ms acted amiss by any means.for he is one whom she to compare with this most estinin- _ ....... bio gentleumn. Tlie eummunieii-i hjghis esteems, but beemise of the tjon; velerrcd to will be continued. I cariu^bv to know by some of the A^un^^in'TJwn. l^opio ot the town, that she is op- J jioweil to, iiuy wiuhcH .Milcnce upon tho subject.. •Tho gentleman (li tmus that unless the barrel in re ha is brud to briug' Mlit against tho council for damages. We trust all may s»<on learn tho mime ol yy.vng.lady vihting his family, she not made her apj eiwrance on of.a.Book*forms nnd in rftructions for every day transac tions. Mr. Edwin Mai tin, of the Houston Homo Journal, Jnw just published a work that (ills the bill exactly, and which is sold at tlie extremely low price of 50 and To cents a copy according to style ot biudiug. t5ee advertisement nnd send tor one ut once. INiMhfMOUIliSr JKttleh, Metuudist Si: v OAY .ViTinor.. ♦\pnl, 22<l JH77. We. th»* comi*ittet apnointtil to tlx.ill ro»- jilutiona roiutivo to tho am h of lt«iu-rt ('«- ritiierH. oomt to thn task uiih wi^jiih^ c % v» k, mid with Imirix huuvily ttviuhltd with md- nu*» Another tender flonri r ims bct.*n j lnck* ut t'V nnj-tJ h.-iidi lixtui the Hi* in ut lilr, mut truii'piaut.d to the Ho«i-r Kurituofthc had, to Llouiu iupireuniut b-uMj toruvtr uud It tr over. ; On the moruiaK of the 1-tlli nf April, niter n brief lllueNt, which hotxiru with ohtiHtmw foit tude, UoUit Cnrit lu rx tell twlocp hVe«4- •v iu Uto arms of hi* Snviuur. Cut dowu in the spring titiiu of bounty, hope nnd pMinisu. “potih litfoit him Into un untimely fr wt Upon tho (oveatuht tjowur ol nil the ih-ld ’* it** passed iiwav lruu» tnu uirth ol //upr to tin htnvcn of Fruition, liku Un- soli rlppl • on a rtmittetM lake, or the fla»r\ c!*>ud oruHimi- ILC« **vt. Tho Siivloitr unlocking tho got* d«-u gattRi of ilk* OvksUitl Oily \\*iui tU' key ot Lovfa <Did * fxyivoy 0r1.11gcl8.t9 tnccl, *11111 Htimit him wckomli to tuo skies. Ac a turn, he woe truthiul nnd ol*«dicut, ever n-miy t«* ooutribule to the btippius-ss «»f hi* Uloxtd pitxi.iri. A.i a nit-uil hn wna gund slid true, uud tlfoio ut hm former a.-no. oiutes wuo Id o*cd his rannins to tun grav*, ilouia'i-HH t*-li that a noble tr*eud hiul t)»*u takeu furever from midst AsuKutiduy school pupil, lib was prompt iu nth-udano**, pn«ticiin'in study aud ri citation, and ynar promiso of bceoniiug nr uniatuefit to tli* church and tc society, Wu himout his death, hut tnnurn nut ns they who htivo uo hojm, for niuid tho grand mild liiigs uf ehrnitv. we shall strike glad imti is with him sguin. aud shout Jbtvvcr ruuud flio thituie ufOod. WtiMihtnii the following« WJimits, it Ims phased Almighty Uod to take iroiti our *ciiool It* bort Curilhcrs, 11 pupil iu whMu was ojiitvrtd so much hupu ami protaisc, IhfretofO, Be it Hcfiolvetl: Tlmt v-» how in hutuhhi m.bmisn.ou to ilut divine will, feeling nonth dcut ihit. ttr tho ijmdon lureqfltr, wo shall moot him cgiiiu, ttml rejoice forever, Be tifurther Begotten: that wu tender our bear fca skin pa thy to ui* Is-rouvod pamits. Be it further Jlcsolv'il: That tlte mcuilK-rs of the* school »uir the usual budge ol uiottru- lug for ill) days. Be Hfurthw liesotml: Tiuit these jtwdo UodhIu spiead upon th«* nihmtes of this I'citool ; tlmt a uopj he scut to the punnls o tho deceiocd, uua a • opy be inmlshod lb puUicutiou. w. ff. Irnkikm, W. 8 W.u.mcb, • It Motmsmr, W. P. KtUTAlltK, K. 11. liAliMAk. ■Jonnuitteo. (1B1T U\ ItV^ Mr. Ldilor: Yon will plowa allow tno space in your p^per lorasuort obituary aoticc of (lie daith ol Mrs. CY J 1). Wlmtley, who died at lu.r Uhidouce iu Uaylur uamily, on t ! x- {list day ef March, 1877. Airy. Wha.Icy, wife of w iliiaiu Whuthy, after eighth-throe days ill- ties* nf typhoid aver, she departed this life. Hue win the b lovwl duughtir '*r Jaiues T. and 8 ir*h llwrumn. Hhe was married iu Mr. \Vhitljy, llte nibtr 2i>, lh4f» iu curly life, when she lilLuJak comp.e e dim of aluiust per- iect wumuniioud li would stem tlmt Uu* great Godot nature, hau Hiaiupcd in htr coo«titutiou«<ul fcatm-es the of a liikdiUv ilftk, ,iiml prolonged Vinrs. but how Ha(U*',onnimry no mournful historv nvovui we eaii but luiiiU, that Rho >h nt rest. ohn cnvvo birth to tv'ius, uud they died some time b lore she dal one died in tim morning, uud nvr mother went to her bed aud said, sis 1 Mhiak tho olher Utbe is hotter, she .snUi no more, it will get uuy butter for I dr- uuied that they went nwiiy hand in baud together, and I did not know where they were, but 1 thought Hint they wit.* going home and tint I fiiooH won go with them, und htiro enough they ure nli gone. Hhe suffered tuu must ex- cru iuting puin during her illm-KH, kit she endured it "Un gtem paiieuc-e ami fortitude, aud tons she uas paused away lo a plaue pi Christ, prepared Injure the 1*1 u. dati ui qtiiia world and htr body laid iu the grave ifTilkp for tha night, hut in the umr.i of tho. tonr- reotiuu to rise In iucorrnpnhk. and be with the spirit apd he like unto L'hriMU 8I10 wi s a louder mother; wife uaugnter, nnd lister, lmving huaboul nnd rix li.tin uhildren. Ftducr,, mother, bco Uer-t aud sisters uu oli.u.y KViiipatLizing tr.oii'la to inoaru la. Iom» iu laruhitrice, hm UuirliMs is her great galu, she li a eroswH I the liver nu.l r«*t.tu uudi-t-the Ahadc oi t ju mu oJ hlo iu tuuiuiu at They d.e iu Jesus ami are hi wi d k\ ho tiial their s|uu:b>-i> are From kiidi-ring aud u-ju. sin nl.-n Aud iK-ed lioui < * .tfr-Hont to iuiy address, . n-cvipt ot pness Ori up tl*\* ut IX seuu money by ixgKn itxl Irtbt lo KUXVIV MAUTfiK Perry, llnusi.m County, Gosghl , “KisVHJi S|»k*y, Kcliublo." The Atlanta Constitution l*iuV r Its new* ..^iingi niont, Tnu .Uiim i CousTavriuk has won lor it\?lr Urn llffout tlie 1 calling jmmmls of the boutU. IV «\uti tvui»« during the recent cloctlou t-xcitMucui, iu sending roit>«|Mkndcut« to diffmiuA \su1iotis of tho cmmlrv, mul its aeries of hptclul td»- gnuu hous \Viisliiiigt''n while the i-lvcUuul c^nimiMituU was i-ng»gfil in cuuhnnmtdijf the trnnd that pheed rndtraUstu once Wiuv iu power in oar uational nnuu-il. nVe irrtdeuo' cons|>icuouM enough to )>rovu tlmt n»» \*ctisu wiU be stmrixl to makuTun OoksiHf- tioh not only a Hulerin tlm diM*ui^io*. »l matters of puhliu miiinru, but n lender »«* the diHOeiuiuiilIon or the latest nuH most k*> liulM news. There is uo liettcr time tluul now to subscrilK* Js»r * A Fresh »ud Vigorous Nowsjmpcr, . Alisnt tlieru has Isnii a ijuasi Willem.-11 of one of thu musk ihlllenli mid iltingx-rot * iMobleuis of mmleru I'uhial politic^, tu«di«>- ou.stduuH springing therofroui uud thu result* likely to tiisue havo lust nothing ol theu aWsorbinu ikkWrvst, In addkdou lo ibis. \U« |H«iide uf G**urgU nru uuw vmltal upou V* Miltio TIip Uonvoiitlun qnhHtlan, anil in the diAeuaJou ol this tuipoMint ml - JcCt (ilk Which IllK CoKSTSTOTlIlM will Uvu a lokdlug psit) every Georgian is inturvsns i. If a c*'iiveuiion is, i-nllcd its prooeedini.-s wij» find their enlliosl and feUest eu-bmliuinit in tho columns uf Tnit Oo.VTtwmoji. and <J»u* alone will uiuko tt«« paper iuiUsikOtMLOueJ to every citizen Of tlo .Shite. To bo urief, The Atluutu Dully Constitution will endeavor, by all the miona Umt thu pro gress of moderii journalism has umdu |h»s*4. tilu uud necessary, to hold its plain as a l*nd* er cl'southern opinion uln*. us a pmveyur the liiUsst news. Its editcrials wlU be thonghti'iil. timely nnd vigorous-calm and erguiiietibirivu in their methods 1 ml tl»ok* ougbly Houthern aud Uetnosraiio iu tlietr sentiments. * its now* will bo frtnh, rcliublo •mil ourctully Ulgostwl It will be iklctt uUvi rnterprislug, and uo expense will bu s|uin*d lo in ike it the utciKnm uf the Utuktaud mod impnr'.ant iutuillgbuno TUB WBBKLV CONSTITUTION. UesiduB embodying everything of iutirvst iu the daily, tho Weekly t ouslliulion wtl- eomaiu u i>cpartmeut uf .-igricuUurw, wkleb will lie iu charge r.f Mr. Malcolm Joluisou, thu well-known ."ecrutnry of Georgia tita* • Agricultural .Society. Tlih depurtuietit w»w be made a specialty, nnd will thorough and cnmuleio. Thu lanntrwill dud iu it «••?* only nil the eurruut tufotinatlou ou thu si li jtet uf agriculturs, but uiiu*l.v suggwiUvav and woll-digmted advice. tSuiJseripiiuiui shuuld Isiscut in at ouco. riMtMH run thk daii.y : 1 inonlh.... .. $1 a 0 mouths •* ,M | 12 months 10 <w teums rou tuk weekly: 0 mouths (t ]•* 12 mouths ii *d Mouey may lie sunt by postofllce money Ailmitii, Oai No. im. notice in bAnkhuptcvi THIS is to give notice that citt tho .1 UK day of April, A D. 1877. n warrant in -*»ujU* mptny issued against the estnto «f JanpiC x*. Bilker, of Bnunu ViaiA. county of MnHou'. and iStntuof Guorgiii, who him been wyudg ud a BftttKntpt ou Ida own petition, nod that tho piivinsut of ntty debts, nnd tun d'hvory ot ntiv*property belonging io Hindi lhiiikrupi; to liltn or for Ida use, und tho transfer ut huv property by him art forbidden by law; that a meeting of tlm creditors t|f the wild Bankrupt;, t*» prove thoir debts nnd to choose ono or mu».* Assignees of Ids oslate.w ill ho held At u Cbw of Baukrnp’.ey, to bo held at tho uftice of L. T. Donuinf, tit ColamUs, Gourgln, ls*rur.- Lemuel T. Donning, BsipUrc, lh*gisti«r da tho 12th, dny of May. A, l>. 1877. At IW oclock, a. h. W. U. HMYTII. Uuitkd Hlntes Marshal, us .Mesmsigrr* SUBSCttIBL TO TUB HERALD!