The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, May 01, 1877, Image 2

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#;*»•::fti .*»;• »:» • M run moral ash eel* mars riiajmsu of child res. about m might lie fo in tho unintry, god i irlUt- |il. other id! amusement. in many tiiml 11 wi, uhUdr.-u « Mi without oilier instruct i*m, discipline, tsnmp’e ; l«st t«» ?>!«—r their own ouiri-u ntnid ihc evils mil temptu.iims of th.* worlil. Ik ii » matter of usioiiishim-ut that so »u-uiy fail ticllms t“ don.oniluMng ices? F&rcuti should not only speak, but net tin truth before their children. Nothin}; is s- euoobliug nud refining ns for n child to speak and think truthfully. It lies ut the ver; foundation of human greatness. Not onb proper teaching should be impacted ut a v«r; early age upon this subject, but there kIiouh beaconitaut illustration of it by parents. The most punctilious regard sh ould l>o had to it* Children of all gvuucs liuvo the dispo sition naturally, to deceive, to misrepresent. It is oco of tue iuflnwuits'of our human na ture, and should be overcome at an early ago. Plant this lovely, cliristlike virtue deeply in the young heart, by every lawful should be impressed up* upon tlu* rising generation. The church uipoHod in Christian families, who are oseti to In* unalgetic iu their work ; al ways upon their fervent piety, ready |o do- i and einpioy for the moral improvement lie young. They should give xpecialnt- ion to children, as th-\v n*v the hope ot churi'li A distinguished man once, in England, upon entrriug a hall tilled with jliildveii saluted them politely. He was en sured of; why he did it, says he “because 1 s**»» in them the “utou" and “women’' of the the kingdom*'' The church to uixoaipljsti all iutonde.i l\v too Great Law’ Giver, should attain to the highest standard of Christian xaelle uco ; performing all tilt- work imposed upon them by reason ot tlieir high calling, aud keeping tUenisoWes unspotted from thi world. In this way, theyoxeri a saving iu- llneuee ; an iniluo-.ce which In ops the ui«« irom pntret ieliou, and thus riemottslrates to tbs wmld that their religion is a religion of principle. UoLira to this, dtinoriliz it ion att’d lutidellty are the result, Men, and es pecial 1 y beys can never be moralized, eleva ted, ami rolined, and brought into a higher and purer lite, as long as, chinch' members compromise their curistian digmty and sell vespset hv coy fortuity t*» the wicked praclicvs nud policies of the worltk A sabbath school is a cln.voh at work, is a divinely appointed minus tor the pn ga'iou of gospel truth to future generali< l Pisum 78.1-8). The grand and gh read this. ONLY ONE DOLLAR! For one dollar the Haviknah Weekly News will be sent, postage pa d, to any ad dress for »ix month It i« one of the Cheap est papers published.and is n ’Velennm visit H to the coupling room, limddu or fnim* It is neatly pViiPcd four page sheet, compactly made up. and contains the political and cur rent news of tho w ek; a comprehensive summitry of the telegraphic dispelbos and loud news, anil interest lug sketches and sto ries. It -also ion tains full repot is of the markets, Thus. those win* ltnvo not the ad vantage of a daily mail cau get the news for >lx months bv sending One Dollar. It fo just the paper for tvei ifbndu Interested in (Itorijln nml Florida. It will be will invest ed. ami will educate your children tun? in do home happy. Money for outlier paper ear l»e sent by Post Othcu order, ngisltreil lettci or Express, at publisher’s risk. Aildrtss J. H. ESTlLL. t avanuab, Gn. THE NEW HOME vit 1M k imPLo im ext KOU A YKAlfl Less Than 4 Cents a Week. Make Hume Atthactivk by In- T152 SAT UT. DAY EVEf.TfJQ POST, Which for more than G5 Years, lms been the Dost -Story, Sketch Mid I'miillj l’upc-r. It Is THE li OHM \ tl XFWL SAVANNAH, OA, e nbomiuble in the sight of God. “He that speaketk the truth, showolh ricliteonuess." It is the disposition of very many persous to indulge in a style of exaggeration. They can ppeak of nothing without having a false coloring connected with it. There is etrtaiu- ly a deception convoyed, which assimilates ciosely to untruth. From such pictures rep resentations, way result the most disastrous couseipiencw*. A plain, simple, truthful portrayal of facts, is esscutintto make our selves knowu and felt by our children, as well as others. * ‘Family prayer” enters Into tho great sys tem of instrumentalities by which moral good may be accomplished. The best instruction, dis.tpliui, and example, w.ll bo ineffectual to tho de»irad end. without u special blessing from God upon Micm. II w earnestly should wo wrestlo with God for our children, that Christ way receive them into His favor! Abva- Ham's player should be ours : “Oh that lsh- inuel migut live before Thee." This is to dedicate, to “train up " It is nut to apply ’•••liter to him in lupUsm; not to allow him to go on as his corrupt uattmi would lead him bit in the way in which God would liavi them, that liars j,. 0 t aud mission of tnis Bible institntiou, is j pun Libit,- ot the bunds of those who teach and Karu ; its everlasting trull s j iu the iiiiutl that it may brit-g touh an nbau* | harvest oi holy thoughts and pious | him go Au*l this, in general, is tho way of r , w *„ «« jur.»., the Lard ; tho way of km.wledge, duty, and J „ u ,| judgmetn " On ! Low many bvo to b.e*. feeds ; as iumiortid as the soul. It great uu-.essity oi tho age, uud in many casws the only means that will effectually chick and destroy the influence ol infidelity uud liilsu religion. Uno great rctsou why so many chiluteu go astray, is tnut they are not re iigiously taught. They will uol easily depart Horn prope* training. The light and power of religious education cleaves oius-u to them. U is with inem wuc-n alone, iu company, under tuiupialiuu. iu dungei, and iu death. Their early euii»iutious niuko a etuud aguinst their iuiiliiuitioiis. God's spirit, by these tooaiis, strives long with them, uud uoes not ipiickiy give them up. Eaily impressions received in a subbatn school are seldom era sed lrom the mind ; uud oitcu Uud is pleased t* seal instruction, and crown a leng.ouj education with It is special gracu. The prom ise that was made to Abrutmui, is uu iudeli- nite one to his luidi ul children. -Fi know hiiu, that hu wiil commaud his then, auil his household alter Him, uud “hull keep the way ut the Lord tu tlu jui lh, hich ail tlm saints iu gone to heaven ; In which Christian pa ts are going, and hope to cairy »lieir chil- iu with i m at; the vvy of the hcriptur**, in tmciion fu-in all other ways of our own, other men’., devising ; the wav of truth 1 holiiii s-, in opposition to vice uud error; • w.iy of iruu relsgion »ud godliness. In conjunction with this holy excxciue, luvu si.o ilil lit* a regular system ot moral lec- nres. »u»d ititeliiiig iu the family circle, teally this is i In t ine of seed sowing with i-c youag. They should bo taught to go to >ihI fora.ivpiuaoe, and lot all blessings, and imt though tl«bus Christ. Thuv should be aught wnut l.'Lvisi is. tin* God man, l'rophot; 'iiv:,t. K’li-, nml (luu Hide is salvalhm in m ntht-r Teach the m cessity ol repentance '•.•tl l.ii'b in ouhr tii si.liatinn ; teacu tlifui hut ihi-v shoniir walk tu all the command- n-.tiof God. iniimel* a-; the nature and ru ii of his ordinances, and teachings. hiihUvu shun id not only bear prayer at ionic, but a'umM be trained to the worship if God's bmiNi*. to reading tuo word of God, : -••puig tin* a.hbutli, to speak revorontiully <1 U:v Great Hedig at all tiuir-s They should .a i-bHgtd t*y prudent, yet uuilioritntivi iiciisumi, I** j i.rioim moral duties to God, ;hbor, and Lmmsclves; *md rtstrain- (!, if need be, by three, from vio'eut acts of in, its cursing, pride, vanity, presumption, ud such like sins (1‘rov. 2U-11 ) They aus; be made mqiiuitiicd with the corrup- ion of their nature their inability to do ;ood of tlu mselvts ; the nature and uccessit 'f the spirit* work upon them tc enlighten, hauge, and Miuctify them. The idea prevails, at least, to an ps bar ciiililr.-n m id no tuition, timt they n m.iiucy, im.ctive and turdeulivo. How nis akcu 1 Tln-ir thoughts aim impulses. *uv be. wed ibn-eUd, or not, as wo shall fed u intei vst in their course. Their mim -ilviiiivo ii'id active—will take hold oi The; bid for religious parents, amt religious tr.UL- ug. 'J he study oi me scriptures iu s.ibba h tcnools, impnrm a r.liumg, murnii/ang teu- asy, create* a taste lov the luvau engum lniuie ot tLO age uud cuusei|Uuutly a d.s- .o lor the obaceue, vitialiug, domoruliz* ing “trash" that is so greedily sought by ihi young. livery inducement to sabbath school in struction should be placed before our chil- Iren. It should be encouraged at homo, and u every place and cnuich. In view* of the iUscepnbibty ot the young to xecoi impivshious, good wholesome instructh mllueuce bhould be provided. Good books, end papers suited to tuuir«.'umpreueu- eiou, tkiu an earl* loudness may b- acquired mr such literature, should by nil uisa.,s bo 1'uruir bed, t>;ories and pict ur. s of a sii'ikicg ui -.rai dial act cr tend to make good impres sions on the uiind. Nothiug, perhups, is so well calculated to make moral uupressious, as Ihblu scenes and illustrations. The most acceptable muunti of conveying iaslnvtiim iu our scho.ils, aud uuivcrsitius, is b> “object tracliiug.” They may read the the truth, and he-»r the truth, but ri iH not like seeiug it. Siugiug is another tiue accomplishment of sabbath schools. It ttpperrs to bu the nppli- catiouot ull else. Children should learn to sing the soul stiring songs of tho sumlay sci ool The heart will bo improved, the tmnd instructed, and earnest interest awa kened. Lot there be a eoustuni seed time ut home, and in tho church, and the manhood will be grand aud glorious, aud che close of life a harvest of rich ilungs. “Sow in the morn thy seed. At eve hold not tby hand, To doubt and ienv give thou no heed ; LTouvic-ist u u’er tho land." J. S. S WA8 AWAltDED TUB FIRST PREMIUM! wherever exhibited. a COMPACT. RTurPLn. hurabt.r. Light KunmnR’nml EFFICIENT “LOCK. iSTiTCH" MACHINE. AUAITED to tho WANTS of EVEUVUODY. Hio HOME ‘ * ctedeighl r.*nboFnltm1 Sfn* COlUldl.h . .g t luVga pages. 1 good pap tilled w bv the best as is known all o published We* lily •rlwirliy printed o .. choicest sloiifcs and sVett: •.vvbers*, we si-nii,ttunal mmh«r is willing is ha* The wliolo tone of tliu l upi-v is puro and ele vating. It uibo contains Historinil nin 1 Ihogniphi- •ul article; .Veieiitilic; Agiiculmrial and H msebold n*>p:ittm<>n»s; F-*»bi»n AV Kilos’ vVcckh, fresh and iimx.eJIeil; Umm notrr; Lueid’y I.'.viow*: New Notes; 1 Girls’ Columns- mid strong a»’d sparkling E litoriuls. cm., etc. Is just such a pupc r,, ty body loves to read, aud tiio inice is only. $2.00 A YEAE. SacpL copy ennfaming club rales Ho., ceut on reoipt of a 3-ueut s aim*. acVUvj-s. 1H3NNKTI & LlTCIf. 207 Sausou .btreet. Flillmlelpiiiaf To. FJ LSE IM l*It ESS 10 N. It is generally supposed by « certain class of ciiizouK, wild are not or vxiio- viuiued, that Iiysp. pww c iu mu iu.-wiivLly l*o cured, but \Vu are pirased «» hi.v tlia* Gueen’h Aro Flovveu has nevot. lonuv konwii-ilge. failed to cuvo Dyspeptiu and Live Complaint in nU its forms sue * in Soul Stomach, Ciwliwucss, Sick ll tiidaclu juupUftUou ut'tUe Heart,l'*w spirits, &«;. .Vc ids c t If-* tendrils vi'vv.ry 5ivut*.K*u, andtney twine about tho lli'if fll*;cct lh it pr.'sents. So with thoyouug wind. Li tho family circle, boys shoald lie taught ;bai im re is extrema danger in bad t svuci.itim s. Ti’ity should bo impressed, ti*a. it is their duty io tieat all politely, but b.* c.-r'aiu to uuke associates of tho moml wild rtligioiis. Nothing ro cletuly defines one’s character ih his nsiocmiious- 11 is true a mm is known by tho eon puny ho keeps. A ’ery short association with wicked com panions will loav« a faint tlmt will tul.m vl.tih to remove. I’arcms cannot lio too eacoosJ aud prayerful iu making good iinjiressions early. Acfiu.: upon this fundumoj.til priu- ciple. luatlieu idulatow train llir-ir cuildion in Infancy, to bow to senseless idols. Ch ir- aefer is given to t>.o wliolo life in this way. Tho Ca’.holios act upon tho sanm j*riueiple. Ko time is no labor withhold* by thorn, that ehiidicn may be impressed with their peculiar sentiments, aud forms; heucr how dililcult ever to remove thoso imprassloi's. The cuuicb in the exciciso of her duties uud pvivtlcges exurls a most woudeitdl iutiu* ~ JphUlon In Strength nml Beauty, Bowing Mnahinos. ItwillltUN loryena withoutcnsrtxvOHB CFUT pmw. In tho Manufacturo of this MACHINE tho Very UorC UToforlnlHoro UHED. Tho vfEAUINU 1'AlPtS aro HARDbNED, and tho Maclmnlsiu has been cuxsTliDOTKlJ with tho apecUtl rL at of "producing nn Easy Running. DUItAllLE, and almoit NOISf5LL’.SS isF.VCHINE, adnptod KQU.U.l.Y WEU for Coario or fiuo TliUKAH, GOT- TON, 8ILK or JLINEN, SX5WINO iVom tho l.lahtent Blttnllna to Heaver and thut Warranted for Five Years. T.TVE AGENTS wanted in localities Wltcro wo aro not repruscntuU. Send for prices, and camples of work dono on tho HOME, or call at any of our ofllccs. Johnson, Clark & Co., ♦ 30 Union Bqnaro, Now York. 064 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. 1111 Second Avo,, Pittsburgh, Pa* 141 State Strcot, Chicago, 111, 21 Sonth 6th Stroet, St. Lonls, Mo, 17 New Montgomery St., San Franoisoo, Gal. •f aOOUn do/cn h u.1. 8 not * single failure was reported, but tboc sands ol cnini hiiicmav- Iron Lruggisls of wonderfi.l euros Three dose will roMcvo any cn*e Try it. Simple Hot- flea 10 canta, Hognlar .S’izu 75 cents Feu sala by Dr. Johh W liter. Very Usiifill to Every Out*. In tin other way mu a parson get bv*lc m large a pi-otit lor a very little money,a* t,, x •olid it in learning what ‘.o d*», when to *i* if. nml h'*w to do it—iu other words, to turn uis brains help Ills humk. There is one way i-.mIo this; Tnc siiinll-arum ot extra pro- iluclion of leas than half a ceut a day, or f ccids a »vt*ek, will now produce a lal-^e.bcav, Journnl, fo.- nil of 1877, stih-ml- idty Illustrated, with over <M)0 fine original ings and over aTlf’iisaud Coo 'cry best, plain, pmcfical tiitstw* r pFJE POLITICAL OAJuPAIGN OF 1870. X which luiaudes Natiouai, Mate and county elections, uml whirl - will undoubted- lv be the moat active nnd bmlv coulested of any since the memorable canvaw of 1880, is now fairly opened. The National Democrat- ie t’„rtv will Mils year “.like a bold, vigor ous. uud doubilesH successful struggle for tint '•niinteimnce aud supremacy of those priu/i- plos which aro vibil to tlm proHperity of tl?u Ik public aud esacntial lo the well-being of the p.’oplc. In addition to tbePresidentlrd oloo'ion, the n* nple in Go lgia aud Fmri.ui will el.ct new State coven,mentH. Iu Florida the cam paign promises to be unusually vigorous, nnd there la a piobnbilbv that tor the. flv>t time since the war the people of that lbtdi- c’-ri'i leu State will elect a Dt-iLocralic State G *vei unietit. rn these ei-mpi igti8 llm peo ple of the Month nre deeply inter* sted; aud every intelligent citizen, who lms ilie welfare of Ida ccmtitryiuid h.sRecti"hat heart, should acijiiiiint ldniself with every ddtnil of the grnit work *.t redemption und reform that ii row going on. To this end he shonld subscribe to and sn- -ist in circulating the Huvulniiifi MOrning Nowh, an iurlependeut D.-uiocvatic news- paper, •* f pronounced opinions aud -fcarb-sH ■u thoir uxpiensioi*; a paper tbaf is reeoguiy- ed evctrywh«>ro us the best daily in the South. Its editorial department is v ig«foUs. thought* fill aud consistent, while its uhws aud local •liipnriiimn 1 .'- or** uiarvlsof imtu-frj ami com- oietness. Its depart mem ol Ueorgia nnd Florida atiairs is n**i ooi,lined fo a mere but- *n summary of events tranaplriotf in those late*., but is ei.llVeuui by cumuhutut ume pt. timely, and racy. The ample vcHOurcea nf the establis'.imcn •ill bo devoted to furnishing tb» v^idett of the Ivff O 3=» JST I OST a- ISTE W ’S Daily, 1 year «Sl0t»i “ ii uiontbs .j on “ 3 months .' 2 ‘0 "H-Weckly. I year . ti f’0 •• 0 months y lid *' 3 mouths 150 Weekly, 1 year 2 on “ Om-mtls .... mo “ 3 *u •ntlw 8» Kpcoimen copies went |roo on rec* !;*» nf 6cf*t Money cuu be h u by Pom OlHc Or- l«*t, lL-gistored Loltil’, or Expiu*ui m,r isk, •T. H.l-SIU., Siiv..i»n„b,Gii. Mon. A. M, Stephens* The jieoplo of Georgia will b t . rejoiced to know that Mr. Stopbons bus Ko liir recovered his ftrorHb ns to ride out, in Washington. We see lie called on the President. Mr. Stephens is, to-day, tho lies! beloved statesman living. The people love him and trust him as they do no other living man. Why is it some enterprising busi ness man from Gn., don't inter view Mr. Stephens on tho Conven tion question ? tho pcoplo would take ton times ns much interest in it as they would in reading about the nnine of Gen. Gqrdon's little gill. Long Felt Want Supplied. LEGAL PACTS AXV FORMS FOR TUB Farmers BUSINESS MEN OF GEORGIA. T HIS WORK CONTAINS FULL AND uccumto instructions ami guiding forms ter (hulling .11 Uiuds of Deeds, Contracts, Mortgages. Notes, Draffs 1 ‘i)ls of Sale. Me* clniiiic’s, LumllorVs aud M»*u’s Liens, Powers of Attorney A r bit rati tin, Wills, etc. No intelligent Fnrme**, .Mechanic, m .Mer chant can afford to bo without one, us k con forms to the Laws of Georgia now iu f*»rce. P KICKS. In Paper C'ov ers.. 5t'i cts each . $5 p cr d* -zcn. MmVu “ ..75 “ ..87.} “ to aiij addres:t, pn,.l.-.gc p-opaid, on receipt of price. Get up cImIm of 12,! r-eml monoy by ngin'evvd letter to EDWIN MAUT.'N, Perry, IIou County, Gv *tgi ink t till! e work nml eotnt forf of cv.-vy ltoiin ry. Villngu aud City, This inlni- « not prepared bv more soribblm. but V*y a lavv’tt foveo of int**liigam wuvkim nit'll mid women, win know wind they writ- •unlit, atm they are asHisied by many others, who furnish imoriimtir-u from their owt practice and observation. Such a *Io**riial ir I lie AMBltlOvN AoUtCUt.TUIUhT. SO named be cause started 35 v'eavs ago as n vev.d joi run! but siuee greatly enlarged aud improved ti the Fariutrand Gardener, the Merchant .Mechanic, I’ e Froii-ssiomil Mali—indeed, a:! ulurt.-os. It is \wekud lull of u-».*f'il ii formu turn ilntl'-v. ry <me 'eight to have. Man* single hints -ind suggeMtuus repay tuoo th.ti) a who e voar's iiim of tin* paper. It, buildt.-gs am HantabliNhad 186ft, 8ILM0RG & GO., Attorneys at Lair, VitcccNNorn fo 4'lilpinun, llosmor it €o^ 629 F Street, Washington, D. O. Amerioau and Foreign Patent!. I Patents prounml hi all eomitrlHi*. No rftxanf { AUVAnck. No vliai-gt* iiiiI' hs the patent le j f mil ted. No fe**s for niaktntr nr**llminary examl- imtloas. Special mtuiiijuii »riven to Jaierfemnce eaj* rit.v oi the ci sil* *.| eo-t, t ’•.m* liir n • ks mi at »have *i*e in 'bo naper reiiob.*-. Its consiaiit. per- s stunt, and full exposure of a multitude ni Humbugs and sw itidies, aruvrorb tar mor* ihalt its cost, aud have saved to its render* :nd to the country million- of dollars tlm »*ould have gone into the bands of sharpers. Hie Departments of Honsolteepars uml Uliil Ireii are very useful and entertaining, It short, the amkuican Aumcui/ruutsT is full of good tilings, aud oiiglti to bo in evur.v linus*. in tho land. The cuculatiou is s'< large tin t the Pnblhhers rah sopp'.y it at i lltU'i above the cost of the printing papet- forj*1.0tl a year,sent post-paid; or tour copin 85 40 Toko our advice aud send your sub seript'ons for 1877 (Vol, 30) to Oranoi •fuDP’ANv, 215 Droadway. New York. You wib tied it to t»uy, and pay well. Cood Advice. No GE0110!A~T.*.r..o4 Coi-nky T. J. llUev, AdmlnU. t -r • Mrs. Cntlicrin* Daniel. •'• cjms Us final return, fully ml mum l?.to, nnd nlrtk'S anplieilion from tl e ndmiui-tratioii of s-* persons eoneern il are tlitref'oi o, if a tin-; dismissien o-tffite. Ab Minitu-1 t* rb tin , Gio time or year for Pneumonia. Lung Fever. &a Fv-ry family sbimld Imv* *i bottle of D isciiek's German Shivp. Don’t idtow for one momout that cough to take hold ot your c'.iild. your fiim-Jy oryoursilf C„ n . u option, Asthma, l'aeum min, Cr np H.uiorrhages aud ali-r fatal disntsis iu„. set in. Although is true German Kyat/ J s mitring thousands of these (headed *lis,ase ;et ii is nmeh better to have it at first Mouday iu Juue next, why said nppli- c im ahomd not be dismbsed from sd*l Ad- ministratinn. Give* under my hand Olll- dally. This 12th, March 1877. JAMES D. WKS. Nch lU-ui’Jiu. OuHuury. wi 1 lir^e do: Iasi yimr who,o tin s P- from danger. Jf you ate eoiiMumptiv. o mU rest until you ln*v 0 tried this rcmo.l*. j tiuiplr bottles IU cents, ltogniur size 7* l w"w liu1 ' 1 111 . vtuv PWBCiS, lie. Join (Jfues hnlbr** tin* l»:i United States Coarti and Department!. Olnitns |,ro*«*cin**i| in tits SupromH (Jmirt of the gnltedSlut*»F.(Joiifi«if Ultilins, Hour!oftJoinmli- ilomws of Aiiinooia (llaliiis, Souiliern nitilmi CoinmioRioa, anil all i-lus«**-* of war claiiii! before the Expcittive HepurltnHnu. Arreari of Pa; and Bounty, OrriCKtts, soi.niKits, mat saiuiiis of the Into ar, or their Itelrs, are in many case* entitled to money from tltetlovermtieiit, of wliii-U they have knowledge. Write toll history of eervice, nnd to amount of pay and hotiniy received. Ell- stamp, and a full reply, after examination, will be given yon free. - Pension!. I, SOI.UIKIIM. Ill.d Injured nililei wounded .... -i tlie late war, however obtain a peiiNioii, many now reeelr* —„ are entilled to an Incrsnti. Send •tamp and liiformaUon will be furnished free, '**•■*■“ rho*e ntliii-nevs have lieeH Sit!* with full OlalmmitM, who*e attornevs have ... pended, ftirnt*hed * . inforinatioaaitd proper papers ou application to As we charge no fee unless successful, stamps for return postage should oe sent us. United States General Land Office. Contested Laud Oasis, Private Laud Claim* mining Pre-emption and lloinexiend Oases, prose cuted before llletleueral Laud Otlicentid Impart- mentof the Iitterlor, Old Bounty Land Warrants. We pay cash for Ilium. Where assignments an imperfect wt give instructions to perfect them. Mall Contractors and others. We act ns attorneys for such in procuring con tracts, making collections, negotiating loans, and attending to all business confided to us. Liberal arrangement* made with attorneys la all classes of business. Address GILMORE & CO.| *. O. BOX 41. WiiHhinyton. D. O. Wasiiinuto I lake pleasure In E nce Iu Hie *•«*;*»*»i iw, Patent and UolL * CO, of this city. 1). a, Ihllltii ember 24,187*. inv entire ronfl- /•lelltli of the ise of HtLMOua GEORGIA—Tavlou County : Mrs. Sitnih Nistruuk a-*plies to me for per- niuientlitt-H of Aumin’slrniiou on the *s- ate of T’homas W. Sisiritnk. Inti- oi miKI 5'Utnty, tlecensud. Ah persous concerurd •redltits uud next to kin, to show eAUsoif my they can, on or Imforo the first Monday u April next, why said lettur with Aduiiois- •intion ou snid cstatn should not be grunted jM'Wllnint. «ivmi un-’ir inv linuil OIU- •iul'y, 1B1, 1‘-til, vlnrcli. IKV7* J.vUEi D. l*U,v>, lli.oti.Dtdiimo-.