The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, May 08, 1877, Image 3

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LOCAL KE W S , TUK60A1, MAY 8IU., 1877. DR. E. G. FERGUSON. MACOX, CIA. M ake* n Speciality of Epilepsy, Fits, SpiumiiM. or Falling Sickness. TO IVN AN U b U Li Eli US. Rev. G. S. Johnston Jirenchocl at the Methodist Church lust Sat urday and Sunilay, it being his regular aMiOiiTtlnont, to n largo and appreciative congregation. Wo had frost two or three times last week, hut it was so light it did no harm. / Our beloved pastor requests ono nnd all to come to the weekly prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Lot us have a largo at- tendauco to morrow night. We had a glorious rain on Fri day last. It came just iu the right time, for our guldens. Cot ton that has been recently planted needed it; and everything that grows in the fields or gardens, We had frost two or three times last woek, hut it was so light it did no harm. , The other day whllo in Mncon, wo took dinner at Lanier House, and ns we entered the dining hall we found the table so well supplied that wo were compelled to uc- knowledgo that it didn’t look much like a war in the East. Moke Rtkat.ijjo.—.Mr. J. A. Hollis, a prosperous young far mer living a low miles from town, informed us that on last Monday night week, his smoke-house was broken open and about ono hun dred and fifty pounds of bacon tn- kuu therefrom. Having recently purchased his supply lor the year; the greater part of which was sto len, leaving him only about fifty pounds. Ono of the negroes have been arrested and is now under bond. • Our town is greatly pest with chicken-eating lings. There is great complaint among our citi zens. Wo tliinlf thirt our legal authorities should take hold of this matter and stop it. The ll'iir In the 1-Uud, Russia and Turkey have had some fighting, hut nothing ut all decisive. The Now York Herald predicts that all Europe will ho drawu into the contest before it closes. We think so too. $11111,000. Wo see that Gov. Cohpiitt drew the above amount of money the other day in Washington, from the United States Government for tile State of Georgia. It was money owed the State by the Government for the iiso of the State Road just nftor the wnr. Bfoutnlow Dentl. W. G. Brownlow is (lend. lie died at ltis home in Knoxvillo, on the first of this mouth, in tho 72nd year of his age. Perhaps no man over hud as hitler enemies as he, and as a sequence his friends were equally warm. He had been Governor ot his State and for six yours » Senator in Congress. Xotlcti lit the Public.. The peoplo of Taylor county ore, hereby requested to meet ut Butler /"‘'bools nj Butler o . . . . , , . . cxcti'simi to Jin con on the on Saturduy next the 12th inst., „,.;;„^ll:niJSe30PIAR0SFflEW0 True Hill. We sec that the Grand Jury of Fulton found tv true hill against Mr. W. 11. Briscoe, for changing a draft from §1,000 to §0,000 There seems to lie a good ileal of mystery about the mutter, anil from what wo see in tho Constitu tion, wc are inclined to believe the mun innocent of the charge. Gruetthoppers. Mr. Pe'er T.Mnntlort, (former ly of tliia county,)uf Texas, writes a friend thul the grasshoppers are lestroying everything in that Statu, or tho portion he lives in. Wheat, rye, oats and young coin, are being entirely c«t up. Mr. Murutfort lives in NuVaro county Texas. Will not our peoplo he wise this one lime, aqil raise every thing that will sustain lilo, By tho Rev G..S. Johnson, on the 111 inst., at the residence oi, tlm bride's father, Mr, Joel T. Mnntfort, Mr. WiM.u»! M. Nkis- Ltiit ami Miss FannieT. MoNTFultT, A Huey Editor. Our friend Mumford of tho Standard, was the busiest and imp' piest ntan we saw in Macon, 1* ri- day last. Ho seemed to ho ubiqui- touseverywhere at tho same time, happy himself and making others equally happy. Long life to this Prince of good fellows. Elite Wheat. Wo are informed by gentlemen who have seen it, that Mr. J. H. Bivins, of this county, has wheat that will make 40 bushels per acre Think of it old worn nut red land that has been in cultivation 48 years, making 40 bushels of wheat, Mr. Bivius drills his wheat and oats, lion. John Foreytli Dead. The Cotumbue 7 hues. This Is otto of tho most, reliable papers in Georgia, the editor 1 ol. Martin, is one of the uldent editors in the State, ns well us ono of the ablest. He is .not sensational in tho least, hut he is reliable eleur headed, and lair in the irscussion of every suhjeot. Columbus i< the head quarters for the Chuttuhoo- chco Circuit, and any one wanting a first rate paper, can do no li.ittir thnu take this paper ; the Times. for the purpose ol choosing delo gates, to a Convention of tho 2fid Senatorial District, which will he held in Fort Valley, on the 14th inst., for the purpose of nomina ting candidates to represent iis in the Constitutional Convention of the State. J. II. Hulsey, Ch’mn, Dent. Ex. Committee, Another Elc-Xlc. We are informed that tho Sun day school children of Butler,who did not go to Macon Friday last, are to have a pic-nic out at Fick- lins’ mill, where all will have a glorious time. This is right; let thoso who didn’t go to Macon, he sure to ho rendv,for they will have a good time without a doubt. Mr. It. Montfort says ho is going to see to it, that they get out to the mill. San A way for tile Country’e Good. A man by the name of Simmons, (better known iu this community us black-berry Simmons) was ar rested one day lust week, and brought to Butler on a warrant for vagrancy. He hunted up a law yer whom ho promised a oow and calf if he would get him oiTunti tho regular term uf the county eriinnial court. Tho lawyer took him before tho Justice who order ed him to ho turned loose on his own recognizance. Whereupon Simmons lolt, nnd did not stop until lie reached Marion county. Wo tire glad ho lias gone, ii he will stay away from here where lie has n living wife and children. 1: he gets to stealing in Marion let him bo tried for Bigamy. The proof can ho made without a doubt. This great Journalist is dead. Ho was tho founder 0! tho Mobile Register, tho leading Democratic paper ot Alabama. Mr. Forsytli was a native Georgian, son of the great Senator, John Forsyth, who illustrated Ga , in the* United 1 States Senate, during live stirring time of Andrew Jackson. Mr. Forsyth lived many years in Co lumbus, where he edited a paper, Tho Times, with great ability. lie was a brother-in-law of the lion. Alfred Iverson. Tho subject of this notice was (10 years old at th time oi bis death. Commencement. The students uf the college are bogiuuiug to talk of (‘Commence ment.” This is always an inter esting time, hut from what we hear it will be exceptionally so this year-. Wo learn that President White has already secured ono of Geor gia’s proudest and most gifted sons to deliver tho annual literary address. Wo are proud of our col lege, proud of its Pros! 'ent and his able corps of assistant;. Tho collego now numbers ono hundred students. Gov. Drown and Senator Gor don. These distinguished gentlemen aro hnving tv “red hot” newspaper war at present. Governor Brown charges Senator Gordon ami John Young Brown, of Kentucky, with having formed a ‘capital contract' witli Foster ami Stanley Mathews of Ohio, to count in Hays, and to count out Tiliien. And declares that the people will hold Gordon to n strict account lor it at the next election. Senator Gordon denies having anything to do with either counting in Hayes, or counting out Tildon, says ho was not a member ol the House of Repi'estm- latives, and consequently could not have had anything to do with tho matter. IIo seems to think Guv. Brown desires his sent in the Senate, hence this attack. says he will not he a candidate for the Senate at tho expiration of Gordo a’b time. The Vonrenilon. Wo think it would ho best to call a nominating convention for this District, (the 2fird) at Fort Valley. Let each county send ihmblu the number of delegates to the nominating convention tlmt it has members in tho lower house uf tile Legislature. That would gin Houston (!, Taylor ntid Crawford 2 each. Some of our people are op posed to a nominating Convention, hut wo think they would abide oy it. But whether wo have a nomi nation or not, let ns send good men anil only good men. We are iu favor of selecting the best men in tho District, such as Gen, C. D Anderson, Dr. W. A. Mathews and Col. \V. L. Grice, of Houston, W. S. Wallace, of Taylor, and some good men front Crawford and thou all vote for them. •Ilh. • Myh-H ili tlm Mine |»ro|-r»rt>«l» Grand. Square and Uprirht t il h void ilir.ct t" il.e jmo|.|.* at fact «- s These pianos illicit! on*.* of Him plus at tin* Genit-nTil-1 Kvliililtioii luiiitiiiunutil.v r» c’liintiuktl for 0m Honors. llc'»uiiily inonrporfed rii'R Co.—Now Manufactory—otto ■si Itll'J lltll’Mt in till* world. The unis 1*0111.1111 .N>iit)insli'*hV in iv pat- X OTrstiung Scale, the griittctd Miiprov. ir.'ut in the lii.stnry of I’iniio u<<ik- 5n*j. Tho V plightsnr<* 1 in* ftv.cs. m America. I’aiios nut 00 trial Don't fail to write for Illustrated aril Discrntlv.* (7mnlognc---muied lru.L MENDELSSOHN PIANO Co. No. 50 JJroudw.vy, N. X. Ms.inif.ict i t Dnpt I've I tlmt wo hIiouM give KAm( v *|>tib- lie expression of oiii* gi'utihitict to tho oliicerH and om’dnyuos of tin* .South Wertorn Hail Hoad, and to the kind and gontToUN citizens of the city of Macon for I ho facilities provided us to make the trip to Macou, and for the kindness nnd courtesies show us alter our an ival and during our stay in tho city, wo do therefore Kksolv'13 First, Tlmt our thanks are due and arc hereby tendered the Superintendent and other offi cers of the South Western Rail Hoad for tho ample comfortable ind cheap facilities offered us in making the excursion. We also tender our thanks to the conduc tors and employees who were so courteous and untiring in their ef forts and who did f 11 in their pow er to make tlie trip agreeable. Rksolvkd Second That words are inadequate to express our thanks to the committees who met us on our arrival at Macon and who were so constant and untiring in their efforts lo make unr visit pleasant and memorable. Resolved Third That a copy of this pieamhle and resolutions he furnished the Macon Telegraph & Messenger with a request that. th< v i _ _ ^ he published, and tlmt a copy he; *~ — C3r ^ also furnished the Rutler Herald, i —o— Taylor County Sheriff Sales! T “ r k<h»«k i« nmv provided with every J I iii'iKhvan* convenience for t he accniu modal inn jFO J”CJ\£T.E1. I «u*l oomUwt of it 4 pv.rmis. Thu mention lx Will s.,,.1 lief'irp tlio (Mt lions.,, I in the (own c.f Cutler, on Urn first Tuesday l in tliini! next, bc-ween tin* l.o* rn of sab-.. tho C.»•];,wi.»j» property : Fifty acres’ ill lllO KOUlhwiH! •.r.rner nflnt No 211!). in (hi! * llilh, Ihxttiet uf said county, t > mlis.y n li. la, i'-netl r'in Taxl' i* Snj.irlnr (.'i.'iiil, in la Vi i r ol Wi Ilia Wlial ley, \a. |{. AI (.hil'P'l, AflminuGr.uor, mid .1. 15. Fowl. r. l.iul.uutr .mid tin il.n in*0|a*il.v ol Fiii.cli Oiirre't, . S V. ilotMwtd. f v *| i rly p .hi e.l out hy it. AI. Garrett, Aihnmisiratur. BLACKSHEAR’S' art 0/iu.Eay. NO. IS, COTTON AVENUE. QA. niG ES C UlLlSlDtENT in devoiod ■»w*cily d. Filth V CLASH 1*1101'CWt AIM IV (Jl'l dofueod pictures c.f o\. vy kiud, tulurt;* • ilio Ib-aze a..d colored iruo lialmv im F.istial, eraj nr i 1„ Hati.sfk'ti jh Ji'iami.* (ml iu c\ery lu.diin*. LANIER HOUSE, B. BUS, Proprietor, fliine anil plare, onnshniv .ii silver wnteliiN, tc ■ I from Taylor Sujie- Tha Tables Have (he lust the market aff.K Omni* has to aiel irniu dypnl Ireo of cliarRc, Liik- ImU'R.'d Ue.e ofchurjp*. Tl.o Far in sil|tplicii iviih Hie heat wines ami liqlK'ls. Also, ut the msi! m.d nine hmsH alisl'y two Ii. fa’s, i •jer I'nnrl.nue in favoi of lleinLlsoii, •r ami llinl, vs. J J. lMnlmrt. noil uno in f.vorui Hiumul Gnir it, fm tlm use ui ofU-i cel’s of die court, vs. .1, .1. lleinlmit Hoi il as tlie . r.» rly of .1. -I. Heiiiimrh Fropeily (lo.iiteii out I)./ pl.iihiiU'H allorner. Also, ui tlio same thmi ami plmv, Lot No. 7 iu hloi’ic i 1, in lilt. In.Ml ot Uf.Mioi.p, faylor eonnly. (J.i Levied cm as (lie prop- erly ot Jiiopm J, Took.*, to niri-ly a tax i. fa irfoi. d hy John F. .links, T. O., ot suit I eniimv, \s. Jam.* J, 'Inoke, far State ami omity lar.vs, lhJU Levy made aud utuvn- i il to u e h.v A. Morrill, L. C. \lso, r.l ilm miiiic turn: and p*acp, lot of lami No. HlAin tho l’.llh, District of Kim 1 , eo.ihtj, ixie|itinR lltiieiiH in the norlli ciiki cornel’, ami 1 acres where the llittlcl* Fcuale (JolL’iic, uua Mule lus'.imte m«w utauda, to Mitiwly a Lix li. fa. hv tho Tux (Jollec- tor ot h.ud coumy, VH. \V. II. Jolina n, Jor liih State and (Minify lax. f *r tin* ymr 1SDJ. Lovy made and ictuiuo.l lo mu hy Janiei Johii-of, L. O. AIho, nt tins K iine tinm ami lilac*.*, 50 acres in tin* nord: c-ruer of lot of lumt No. Iff I in the 10th. Dim ret of Miid county, to •aiisfy a l.*x 11. fa. LkuciI hy the Tax I’ollec- mri’f t ay’or county Ga., vk. N. 'V. Meln- vaIe. nia Htalc aud comity luxe* lor the year i«70 Also, at llm anno time and ,.1ucc. Lo*. of land No. 40 iu the 1:1th, Dih'l’iei, of »^iiil comity to satis a li fa. isstn-d hy tlm Tax Collector of Taylor county. (4a., v». the e- tatu of Andrew J. 1 aour.lor state and cmn- ly taxes loi* tlm vvar ls70. Levy made atul rcturm*il to urn hy Jn ties Johnson, L. (I, C. A. J. POPE, Slid ill* SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALD! A Ftyht Between a Man and a Beaver. Mr. R. Monll’ort tolil us yester day of tho^trimgest fight tlmt wo have ever known. These are the particulars as related to us by Mr. Montfort. On the fifth, of April last, Mr. *Jnckson ICirksey, who keeps Mr. W. H. Fickliti’s mill, in tfijs county,was standing in tho door of the mill-hoiiNe, when he saw a large heaver on tile hanks of J '‘"'1 11 miBut lio ssfo'y 11 o i iff .nl • a. ,, , . , . . , . li aill, Uurcloro, lio ol amit v. the creek, (ratsalaga) he seized a ,, -e. pole nnd ran between tho creek ami tlio heaver, oxpQOppgithe bea ver lo make lor tlio wnf<*y. /To his astonislimont tlio* ai^hml turn ed fiercely on hinijwlidn a regular fight for life, ensued. Mr. Kirk- soy brake his polo info three pieces during the fight, hut finally kill ed i ho heaver, which was a very large one, weighing fifty pounds, j There are a gicat many beavers on this cnek,and we should think i if some enterprising trapper were I lo come along, nnd work up this j creek, ho could muko money hy • toe operation. li ar Mope. JicliHlh.w’n Topo^mpliic.ii Map of llm Do. brmhlm (Eastern Uulgaria), i'cntml £(• m- H.aulu, and llcKKiVabia,-- tlm valley ol die Lo'U i Danube Irom tho Truiisylvauia .Moim- taius it; tin* Soulluuul, Irniu Kw'ovu in the Wiki to tin. Mouths oi the in the Last, ('olotfd. S< ale, 1 : Gun,(/(in hi/c. 2:1x24 ini'li' k. Price, folded mi l in cov< r ><• 40. "I’hjh i.s the it st aud ino-t con jaetc* M ij> ol •his imporianl Hiciion of c muui, yet iK-ued. it has b.* u nr. paled ciih fjiMit (Micaiul vi.Ji a view to iiiiimii/ ace a racy, piviua l.u* Ioai- tion tmt only of nil tlm cities ivy l towuv, lint aiso of "hiiohl ail the vihiiRcs; nidinail-, and liiuhwavK am dLli?.cily simwii, whMc in.tny , even, of Hip less impoiirut Mads arc mso in dicated. Tid* luk'K, li'j'o.iiiM, HWnmj.K, and uiuI’kIks of thin region which will prove oi jjrcut importance in U»c miiii.iry niovcuicnls, aro gi*t*u, and the Map D also Very acoitr itr onl reliable in regard to all water*couimk, Weil tm lo mount nns. hillu, etc. Tldn MiV,** D in fact, so luUhln' ns to do'nil iu the hie to all who dcaii'e to trace ilm moveiii m.s :»l" ih** opposing 1'oices umlctvt.uufjiigly an miu- utely. 'i'Jtcso reiuarks apply, also, lo tlm !•» 1 >wii i; Map, viz: »Vcii'*dlt*r'** Topogi iphicat Map of Wi k'.itu ISuigai'ai, NVcitcrn Jioiini mia, and Eastci-i rfuy >». ---PnVjircd. Sicalc. 1GO i.WRt. SSi/..- 221x21 iuchcH. Price, folded and iu cover d:i,4'». Loth of these .Mails iu*o drawn iu tho same ami on th :KamcKcnlc.; they lit intoia *h nt .cy •" eloM’ly th*r, nnitcii, th<*v firm one l.i’gc Mi;> of mna, ih.lgar o **.. (hat is, liu* Valley <>1 t ,.* I. ,..r Dam. .. M,i- iinnY.i ss aud tin* • Ir-a Ga e* to ikojliuci. Sen Sie.*, 2 ';cli Ji.unes. —T/ ii eo-.ihifn-d Map rr.-M-nJh, a olm view, tmi t»l’du ipa*. GHKAT INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. A Fit UK C FOn CONNIPTION, lh’onchiliH, Afll’ama, camrrli, 'liroat uud lnug dtsciweH. A (kg a rtiit’c reiiifund prriuun* nt euro P*r |:ein*r.;l dciiility,dyspepsia mid ail nervous nil'cclioiiH, b\ a hiniylc vegi tahle nudieim, which cured a' wncrah’o nnasionar} Physical! who wan long a I’cM'Jent of.iy riii am. dm East, mid viai has IVcely piv.n tins valunhle speeiilc to fhotiKUiidKo) tdndivd kii It crus with the great cut possible In-uciiM. and he now I'eel.s it 'uiH sai l id duty t<» impart to otliriN this woudwtul inviyoratiug remedy, and vill .send Fit Ll'i tlm original veipt complete, with full direciioiiH, to any pu-hou eueloMUi; tftuuip for reply. DU. CLARK A. HOPMN.S. Guixi.y Di.uck. Syhacuhe* N. Y. GEOllGIA—-Tayiziu Cousux : T. J. Ililey, AdiuinUtiator on tlie.-stuto of Mrs. CatlK'iTue Daniel, ''eccawd, la.a made Us thul rtt urn, fully administered wml es- f.'.le, and mak. k application ot xiistnissioii /rotn ti e admini-lraiion of Baid estate*. All ' persons concern d are thtreloro r> ijuived to hIio.v cause, if ally tiiey can, on or hef.rc tlm tir.-d"Monday iu Jum in xt, why said uppli- utm slkouid not la* dismissed from s\id Ad ministration, Given under my hand Olll- ciully. This 12th, March 1H77. james..d. mm Melt 10-luHui. Grdiimrv. tort S :v :, New Yo.k, by whom cm lu ,.|’om;.ly nii’.ii-d ••:. v.eJj t o. jn'.o pnhl.slii-V keep the lea: ket lull •'h with all oll:.*r ' v .:r Maps tlmt may b< an*t which wu-/x;.iel iu mention i; col mum. The Vii J <- Esni4 1'fhkink It appears to tho court from the entry of Ilm Nncrift' that FnuiK Peikins defemlvm in th« above stated e.iso is mu to be foninl in said county, and it further appearing tolhu ’.•ourt that said deteudant is not a rcHldcif( of this -late It ,s nrd-red 'hub si rvict* be fh'l*t^. icd in said case, by publication of this oidi'r in the Dull.t llrii.u.i) queen .jiontl lor tour mouths odore llu* noxOcevm- d* this t'ouvr, Dy the Court* E. II. HAlLMuN Attormy for LUalaid. A true extra.**, fromtuo minutes Aplil UtU Jt'77. W. H. JENKINS, Clerk. IvFIlVUDV SHOD ID llavo one of our IMF ROVED FLAITKllS i udajitc.l to nil kind*! of goods, and to all tho m'.luvnt and f.vddc.tiablo styles ot' Pamting. mmmgtd, itfjs jiwt the ar- r Indy •*ds. i , pnsiago paid J.afi^iveeq't of leded i price, S’J IRV. hciid lor Cimifus * ’ these • Address, N. Y. tLlvM’F’G. / Q'O. 01 Cot timid' .Street. New Yb#kA' r . .