The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, May 08, 1877, Image 4

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Standard Weights, Tho following rr the nrtioles named, tho Georgia L,'yisi.i 1875: Wheat Shelled Com Corn iu the ear... Pens Rye Oats Jtorloy Irish Potatoes.... S veet Potatoes ... White lloamr Clover J?ml Timothy See,l.... Flux Seed ILmp S-jed Bine Grass .Sew! ... 14 o the standard* wights of as established by *ct ol iture, approved ,'eb. 20, on; lhiehvhtttt 52 . 50; Dried Pcnchca (mi* pet led)........38 Piled Peaches (pool- Unslacked Lime.. .80 turnips 5a Com Moat 48 Hot-on Need 30 Ground IVas *25 IMustt ring Ilnlr— b GET THE BEST. rill- | MU NEW KN'(ili.VXl) | S A TI 0 N AI. JOURNAL 0F EDUCATION. BOSTOX, MSS. The lending Educational Papers in Ameri ca—tho Largest and Ablest in the World. Editor, 7110 MAS IP. RICKS ELL, Boston. ASSOCIATE EDITORS. Rev. A. I). Mayor. Massachusetts, 11 las Anna C. Brackett, N. Y.. Hon. W. H. Hull ucr, Virgium, lion, M m. T. Harris, Mis ioori, Hon. J ohn Sweet, California, U. Mul Ion, Esq., Georgia. With tho ablest educators iu the country among the coutribitors. Just tho paper needed by Teachers of every grade, and recommended by tho high est authorities in tho country. The Denartmeuas cover ever part of the Educational work: Kindergarten, Primary Grammar School, High School, Colb go aud Homo Training. Good for Parents; Exee'Vnt lov Sohool Officers: Uneaqwcled for Ttuchers. TERNS FOR 187l Tho Journal, (th« Now Eugluud or tho Na tional), $31)0. With Portrait of Agassiz, $100. With Portrait of H. Maun, or E. Willard 8100. With Portraits of Iloraso Mann, Emma Willard, or Louis Agassiz, .»ithou*. Journal, $200. Every Teacher in tho laud should possess the Largest, the Cheapest, tho Best Educa tional Paper iu the world. Keeps ifuiik With Year Profession. Agents wanted in every town aud county in tho United Sta’es. Liberal commissions paid- Scud for special terms and specimen copy. T. W. B1CKNELL, Publisher, No, 10 Hawley Street, Boston. GET HIE BEST. Marrow’s P’ctnrat Family Bibln and Ency clopedia of Biblical Knowledge, contains Cl important lent tires, nearly 1,800 illustrations aud many Hue plates by Gustavo Doro and other artists. Genuine morocco bindings and heavy panel, fourslylesaud prices, St ud for circulars aud terms to agents. O Uli GO VEIiXMEXT. “Tho Century of Independence'' embraces n collection Iroin official sources of tho uiohI important-documentsand statistics connected with the political history of America ; also a chronological record of tuc ptiucipnl even Is from its disemry to tho present time, with biographical and historical sketches, do Printed iu Otrmau aud English. Nearly GUI) pages; Never before Ins no much practical infor mation of this nature been published in any one volume. Tho lawyer, haulier, merchant and farmer will each con. Iu do that it must lave been prepared especially with reference to his oou- lt is desigued for this work to take the place iu polities that Webster’s dictionary, does iu language, aud Appleton's UuZuttcer iu gent in l liicrutnre. Thu binding, paper mul illustrations navo been made to compute with tho gtucral charncUr of tho work. Though a person can 1>o a good citizen without a thorough education, no good citi- Ztujcuii enjoy the right of franchise intelli gently without possessing tho information contained iu this book. While persons refuse te purchase ordinary or expensive works, all classes will gladly avail themselves of tho opportunity for ob taining a work so indispensable at so low a price, $2.GO. Hold only by subscription. Send for spcciul circulars and terms to agent fl. A NEW PLAX. Solicitors for premium papers should write u»*l ewr The burden of a heavy load re moved. Siuiples all carried out of sight, .•tend for terms for the cheapest paper pub lished, with a line engraving (25x32) for a premiftm. For this and the above new works and 150 rtntfUnrdjbentofft an Aran. S. L. MARROW k OO. f Jnoiaxu'olih, Im Banin Ahs Perkins ) Lima Fori Divorce y In Tavior Superior vs j Court Ensu Perkins lb aopcoro te- ito* court from the entry of the Sheriff that Ennis Perkins defendent in tho nbovo stilted aiao is not to bo found in said county, and it further appearing lo the court that«wiid defendant is not a resident x»f this stato It is ordered -lint scrvico bo perfec ted in said case, by publication of this order in the Butler Herald once a montt for four months f*eloro the next term of this Court. J)y the Oonotr L II. HARMON Attorney for Libelant. A true extract from the minutes April 9lb ® ,7 ‘ W. U. JEHKIKB. Clark-.- SOMETHING NEW! .A.GKBltfXS •W-A.tTTBlD, BADEN PROLIFIC) FLOWER CORN. This corn excels auv oilier* for and is tho beat for stock, it ripens six weeks curlier than any other kind, aud grows Irou* G to 14 oats on a stalk. Tho important points we claim for this now variety of com arc those .* "Ouo stalk oi lids corn bears Irom d to 14 cars; one bill with two stalks nukes from 10 to 25 ears— producing from one iv-.e of ground three or four thus as many bushels on the same soil and with (lie same culture as the common corn. 2. Tho corn is licavn r in w*>i:-ht, hart as largo an car, thinner husk, and makes com meat, for famPy use, sweeter and mors nn’rltious, and valuahlo for feeding stuck. 3. That it will grow and produce a profita ble crop on ground v here other corn will not grow to itufurity. 4 It ripens earlier uhd is not liable to bo c-'.nght by frost, 5. Tin grains are large, pure aud white, and an m' dinary yield i« f»om Hi) to 100 bushels to the acre, on medium land. A fine quality of Four can benrnria Irom tl When ground it produces a Hour uiudagoU; both in appearance and taste to tlour made from the best white wheat, Even an eplottve would fail to distinguish between bread luiulu from the two. Tie- corn shelled weighs 01 1*m to the mrshil -which is 0 lbs heavier than iiuy other quality. PRICES BY MAIL POSIT VID, 12Snak $1,00 1 G Hacks $4.50 “ 2 00 | 10 •• 701 Each Back contains 1,000 sound grains, Sample stalks with the cuts on ilium suitl out to vtgciits, Write for Testimonials with terms to Agents. Bowiro of swindlers; no one else lias the genuine seed except myself. Some parties udvcrtlniug ti,ts imrn and oiler* iug to send stalks, when you older them they write you that their stalks are "11 gone. Re* mend) r Agents get n good commission,, and write for terms at once before tho Agaric your county is given to smite one nlsu, Address, W. H, TIPTON. (mill'll, Tenth BtJBSOBIBfi NOW you tit* BUTLER HERALD only $1,130. liivolyTimos Ahead m THE LARGEST THE CHEAPEST - AND- THE BEST MAGAZINE. A Combination nj Him Vseful Enter* talnhuj and the Ihnulltul. The Mount, Mau.vziheop America, Coutaius tlic essentials of all nlhotut, tuetud* ing Horne Intct'cslH iu all its dctitiriiunuls The beau tics and Utilities of Literature, Poetry, Sketches, Stories, Music, Floricull* uro, ami every branch of entertaining feud ing calculated to enliven and elevate society and make our homes attractive, Rueful a lid happy. Tliif unrivaled Magazine will cr.nttr.enct! its Rixteeolh year wi Ir January, 1877, mid as heretofore, full of new literary, otilertidtilliv and useful subjects to which it ft devilled, With ouch uutnber will bo given a superb cnluiod cabinet picture (worlli the whiilu co»l of the Magazine,) iu oil, mounted mi a unit ready for framing. Every subscriber'll thfen dollars Is entitled to the M-loctiou of a prciiiiuui (of tvliicli there are eighteen), delivered or fnrwnr I«m4 imme diately on receipt of (lie subscripllon, Every arlielo offered is of first quality, inciu* ding huolis, any ouo worth the prion uf mill sort jit Ion; Chrnmos from Celebrated paint* ings and equal to tiro originals, of large size and suitable for any pnrirr; Pocket Cook Stoveii; Htstbm OP wnsHCtirriNO, (ibis re ceived tliu lliglicht Centennial Award;) Hit. vor-ploted »K«ro of all kinds; Htatioiiery, LinenMurkeJ. etc,, eto. For Club* Wo have lurgir anil more valuable PrernbltiiH, including IJcnKs of all hinds, HilveiuI nvrt:tt Ware, Bracket /saws, hois/ons, Kteiievoh- coats, Game?, Taupe ATtlemt, Clocks, ADJnSLAIILK Tarles, Flutino Machine*, Knitiiuo Maoijinks, China, Dinner and 'f ea Sets' and numerous other destfiiiilo ar ticles of which a full list will bo imnialied mlplieation of the publisher. W. JENNINGS DEM OREST, 17 East i-lrii Streel, N. Y. Agonf« Required everywhere, 8end for Particulars, FITS Oil EPILEVSr / A NY person nftlicfcd with tho above din* ease is requested to send their address la Han & Robb 1 im. nnd a trial lox of fir, (Jo«|. ard’s iufiillible FP Powders will be neiit to (licrn, by mail post paid. Free, 'Hum Pow ders luivo bc^li tested by buodieds of eu«rs in me Old World, and a permanent ttiff ban been the result in every Jrudanee, Hnffir^rs from tb.H disease should give flioio povfiWx an early tr«nl, rh its «urntivo powers ntu woj,- c*crful, many vursons L iving been cured by a trial box alone. Price for large box, by mail, post paid to any part cf the United .Mates or Canada, $;y 00. Adrlress, satt h tmm 3G0 Fui.ton Street, P.rooklyn, N, Y, C O N S U M P TI ON ! A triai Box of Dr. Kissner's eetebraf^d Consumption Powders will 1k> fiord free, by mail pf«t paid, to every Mffetef tram, the above dlsese. This i» the only preparation known to cure or b nefit that disrtse, Vtiti# for large box, $3. 00. SAB tl 350 Fui.ton Street, BrookyHy AIRING THE PRESENT YE\U, l8?T, — many Events of Impmsitnci* will Iwun- .'If, tmd tlio people should Im lo pi IttUV p .stint on the nm-stlotm of tile dity, arnl a good tiapef Is tin* only antthht lhHt» wtioh Unit iiiibrinalmn can be th five.I, We will i liter upon tlio new year wit it re* ttewed energy and clttefptlsi*, and nodnag will bo loti undone on our pin t In make tie liniuLi) heeond to none in the kiaUs Thu itutialii wttlo.mlaln an almlfaet oi news from all purls ot tin* world -tint gen- »aal .State nuts: and the emiup‘nnaseol* uuui will utiulain everyilnng woriity of non*, In short, we intend In make the it M a llrfiboktsH Family Paper, Subscribe Now!! *«w l-At-Htl M M MtM WITH Mum AAvntlalag t'oulutU «ut lia mulft tilliwnl nrMii(,inwiit, nitt.1i, will, filVNi U«oW liir tliu ini-1.ui m‘ iliri.p Hi, nr louuvr. Wit,t.tAM N. ltHUNC, BAKUiflT HALE, UWIlfM I!itl.l) itlSH lit,1,1' MILON JEWELRY 00. In England. TIICIII UTlIltl MUCH ill M little i;*i-,yiml) liu,ItMiHl uf Silt,'! 1 ill £101/11 .IWVbLttV, It Imvlliii Hi.i.i In till.- i/iii', Mfufiliu tan. Mi /aim, mul huii I. lint mul tlnliml Hiim nl mi, Iiffiili. Hllll. H lflU ,H11'Htlifl luwclil In (frii'OV,'i lifli/rOK ifulil I,iiiii VIII,ON uujili Wu till uuui fnt III,muni, diiju IlNIn llmfdlliMluu ntiMm li* ui.ill, ii'ist iiiddi mi ftamil ", t,n II. Him ONI4XM1II Kld'.cl.tNl filthIBVfc. miT'I'ONH, mill iBilWIWiMBte Unit (iliuwvcdi ,#,11 Pltetfi...I IIIl I mil Hfiiiul Midi. Hlluldn, Hull niicii,, Iti I imtflUn 1 Huh,I Haiti rill, felnll inlet in 1 (il<.Knid llilll.' Wnluli ClniHh Inlmt 1'iiimi, rcl.iil |,rti(...,VI fill Ihilm, Mml linen,,,,,,,,,, fill 1 flc«„,,« Wcddlli# III,id. *«y Ill'll, f, rc lie. I jiHim. ............I........ fill Tiilnl.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #IIAd «u till wind fim life nhufm imiMelumlelini nlmli »« Ilium nmikil fnl tm, ky (mill, )i,si jiehl, hit So' iiiiiei hn muiitrl« Mii fi/f #| ,60, miiTfa mill' |,lo Mn fnt $4.09 ftiililficduu gun,uliIwidi ut itiuntf teitmA id, Add, Wji.w.mtxeffl litiputlete ui iVNlfim tml Jetttltf, II N, Nn,null, tk„ i'li!lnl.'l,,lilfi Vn rrtr Mu htltelu JI.U suw II,I , nil, ivnr LA BY Sill) i'll) lluYti ona of our ntmomf t adapted to nit ki«<h of yaadat and ta tii ihe ftittefeul auJ h^rUrtMiria tdAw at Ptt.udity: if triph and easily mimed, it i* mt timaf (Me fi'/fiy lady need*, Ketd try mil, pad*## paid. <M f,e:eipi id pike, fiend taf Kifeidif I*—l>»m— IkWlNC M0AHINI8, THE CROWNING. VICiORl' I THE SINGER ALWAYS AHEAD! It,>ii-I ihv Hi»i|#l W*plSi rimm 0\f t'dU'liwwlI RsMMOnn 1« tte NvW Yoi'K S»«i "VmiiM'fiM'lUA, wwmww ?Tll\i 1»TO "TmiYRiiv mimmniwn wuh'ii I'miw*aw rxe mama an i-xuimi'on "V'U"N"U ,\va two aimi.v\H w mmue -u\vii HteN wwAiaminuiB mawi MASWAOTaiusa pompasv vmu v, wmu MAeuiKK," il, 000,000 m It>§ m Mvwesla Other, Alt,ill. wuiiltil nl iMi¥f In w\\ In vhwiIIm mid mwm, Add,in, Tiis singer \mmm\n ccmpany 33. a. GTQ20, Agent, no, ho mvi.nnnnv htkwrt, Huron, 1 oa, -MHOi Mi OQTilllill't Allnm-'V nl li'wv, Oiillw', On OnlliMOig Anud *( 'fnjlid. Uomilyi THE PLACE TO BEY YOUR GOODS 18 J* Si J O NEB. CASH- DHY GOODS STORE, COLUMBUS, GECROIA Sho mug, yio’tl will a 7 cents flilvtlnff fill,) routs, I'lnmnVv (Itfi1'l<8. Ill-') cPuIn, OrnabroBS. I)l-'l rrats, Jeans lil, IM, W n.l. ,|0 mul AO. cents, 4 ho ,lo as nt25 it ills Is ilio host I'oV. Mi,- |ii'|np ever nllfn d, Xnfflli'S II so, ID iit'iiis \m linlr, Jilmn II pKeiTlmlfi (1 i4SprU», i lmmol VO roots, liiil'Ke III nl' I liinki'ls, Slnnvls mill i> Ills rlioim, 50-4 Qulllo 1,7 rents; 3H-4 Mij'ts, *J(I(), Cull tin-, *‘Thu //'inpOiii U Outinns" Kid ti'ln>ps, 11 nno dollin', J-lvoi-y |iiiii- wiimmH'ili Hotiom jirlof* on oil i hinds, gull nnd look lolbro hoy* log, ,r, af, ,rnxuN, TO DEALERS Hi B30Y3, SHOES & HATS ini himiim to (hihi, rnim drmvrmy to omiHToeii or kljll 'I'llli IfATiTi AND WINTMIl TliADH, WIIIUII IIVH Jill UN QAIIBliW.y SBhKQTRD, M l III A VII!IV To Till! WANTS ,01' THIN NKOTION Ami i'i'(|iit'sls Mint yon cull iiiii! rsiuiiiiiH iIihiii hsiorp miMMiii} ynur ]iili'uloisi's, Ws li tvo lii"i|dil- (jiiimIs oIimi' limit IimIoI'h mot jii’(i|inss In |fivM imi’ innOimns Mm limmllt ul 1 Mm ilsulhm, W4 Have Always Bndeavorad to glv» Btlsfactlon. TO TI10MH WHO HO f,ll)EI!AI,f,V ATHONIZKD IJH WOMAN ONLY IIOMIHK THAT NO Km HIT Wild/ 4 AIIKD ON mill AIIT TO 00 THK HAAlK IN TUB KimniK, mm oooiw wii.r, dkoii’i^uautyand NO ON 141 AN rill,I, (Ivgitiuinlvly) AT ),KHH HOIK 1,’uB OAtUt, A will htflin's ymi Imy Is fidl«li«l, Jf will siivu you monoy, 8IN3LTGfl» HUNT Si CO, TflIAN0fJI,AH DDOCK, MACON, OA, GUANO FOR COTTON. ffiolufelo Vm'JLs, Ch0B209,U. 8 M A F O W t LOGAN'S COMPOUND, AND WHANN'S SBPEBPH8P HATE, DISSOLVED BODES OR AGIO PHOSPHATE The tot HMterfoj )„ (lie world for muimlne will. Cotton Bond sod 8,aide Hiihuiu, Qiily i‘,Q IIm CoMon per Too, Ayi/ly Ur A, i), & T, 0, HKEDIdB, Q, OBAV BB0S/