The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, June 05, 1877, Image 4

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Jk BMaggBBMBagpMPgBWIBSHI I HI t FARM GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD* Setting Milk for Cream. It is not to ba womlerea at that the aver- ngo cErtirymnu of our State la puzzc-led to know what to do tor the best Professor Wttkerson tells him plainly that nothing but shallow pans and snbeorth ducts will do; while Prof Harilin is equally certain that deep paus (20 fiiuhes.) sunk to the rim iu, at u temperature* of 00 deg , nlono in* sure the largest yi.hl of the best quality of butter; and now both of these nro overtop, ped by the now Cooley system, whioh pro poses to enclose the milk iu n deep narrow can, water-tight lid, anil siuk it under water, whicu ts carefully kept at a low temperature by the use of ice. Our Own experiments satisfy us that both extremes lire right, pro»id»>d certain roles as unalterable oh thoM* of the Medea and Per sians, nro observed. Atn temperature of GO deg., doop cuus will not do; tho milk will usually sour before all tlio cream reaches the Buriaco. When this temperature is unavoid able shallow and broad pans will give the best results, When cold water is abundant end the means of keeping it at 60 dog.or low er are at hand, it will be lound that cans, twenty inches deep, and eight or nine in di ameter, will save much labor, and at the some time make quite ts much and better butter! Those dtUrytned whose situation i, covered by the first case should bo oautious in the use of deep cans. It is no doubt lor the want of a' proper observance of these sim ple rules that we now have,a conflict of S6n- timeqt as to thouConiparaUve merits of deep and* ‘ ‘ ‘ Humber, of Eggs Per, Annum from the Principle Varieties of Poultry. After different experiments with the differ ent varieties of chickens, and comparison -with others who have experimented in the same direction, I havo concluded that the laying.ctipabjiities of tke'priudpol varieties are qbopt-os fellows Light Brahmus otd Pnrtii3ge Cochins— Eggs, seven to the pound; lay 130 per an num. ... Lark Brulunns—Eggs eight to the pound; lay 120 per annum. Black, White, hud Buff Cochins- Eggs, eight to the p jund; lay 116 per annum. Plymouth Bocks -Eggs, tight to the poundj luy 160 piir iiiiuuiiu Houduus—Eggs, eight to the pound; lay 150 per unuuiu La Fleche—Eggs, bcvon to the pound; lay 130 per'annum. ' Orovii ikurs—Eggs, eight to the pound; lay 140 per annum. —Black Spanish -Eggs, seven to tho pound; lay 1-10 .per annum. Leghotus^-Eggs, nine to the pound; lay 150 pet^uqum. liutub urgs—Egg-»» uino to the pound; lay- 150 per unnum. Polish—Eggs, uino to the pound; 125 per anuum. Dominiques—Eggs, nine to tho pound; lay 130 pet uuu'»mi Gainih—h'ggs, nine to the pound, lay 130 per annum. * Bantams -Eggs, sixteen to,tho pound; lay ft) per annum. . I regret very, much that 1 did not keep ac count oi the cost of the food consumed* by each variety.—Nannie Field, in Ohio FUrnier. Con c Jlmunn. - Tho lollpwiug is from an experienced stable limn, wuo considers it the mn«t valuable and succt ssial or nil reme dies, and worthy to keep nlwr ys on hand by those who nave valuable horses and males. Halt fluid otmpi ot chloroform; half a fluid omieo tiuetnro of Plover j halt a fluid onneo tiueture of nKafretida; lioll a pint of whiskey. These nro to be mixed nud added to one quart of water; thou slmko well nud give ono- baif ol the whole mixture for n good dose. Hoke bnoux.nKUs.—Cut a piece of smooth lather into such a shape tut to lie snugly be. tween the shttudoni of the horse and collar. This lends off all tho friction us tho collar slips and moves on tho leather, and not on U-o shoulders of the horse. This is better tliau pads dpahoepskius under tho collar. is ah. in Four.—As soon as tho unil is ex tracted ujip'y to the wound, bruised peach leaves, Ctfafluod with a bnndago aud tha cute is ns if by raupio. itenew the applica tion twice a d»y if neccessary. One is gen erally xnilideut. , ’’ Como in Houses — DKsolvo one pint of salt in a pint of hot water, then add a quart of good .vinegar, arid pour half the mixture - dowu thebrnseVthr»/ui. If hois not well in hall au hour; give him tho remainder and be wi’l soon be all right 8weekv. —Put ono-half an onnoe of pulve rized cauthoritles (.Spanish flics) in ono-half a pint of swedt oih Htir it well nud apply twice a day. it lioed not interfere with the work of the animal. bouwDBn.r-rClean out the effected foot feet, till full of spiri‘8 of turpentine, touch fire and burn them out. Tho horse, will be well in a few momeuts. . , .Cohns andV arts.—For more than a O receding Inst August, I vns, sorely at- 'with a Jar^t corri'Oli the ball ’of ,my left loot; so-mtiou sd. tlii'u at i(met I was ul- inost u’ortble'tb wa'k, and then only by be- in rtepnbly forturcdb> lie corn. , I also bad a large Wnrt-iiiMiie'pftlih of uiy left band and ai timea very paiufnl-1 nhed vanous reme dies in vain. -^1 Antfust 1‘jiU upon the riahl plan fer both; - It was n simpra application ot hickory uslies and stropff eidvr vinegar Bufllcieu*rt-J moisteii. • I kept .it .on thirty hours. The application was then reuewed fox ft tr'.vWurs more, when 1 lound all pain hat eeoocx}, both being entirely destroyed.— Standard Weights. . The following are the standards weights of be articles unuiod. ns established by sot of tho Georgi-i Legislature, approved Feb. 20, Wheat GO Buckwheat 6i Shelled Com 5G Dried Peaches (un- Coro iu the car.... 70 peeled)........ .31 Pens 6u Dried Peaches (peel- Bye. 6Ubd...‘..... s „......3d Oats 32 Dried Apples „ 24 Barley .47 Ouious .....;, .... 67 Irish 'Potatoes 61 • Stone Coal! $0 Sweet Potatoes ... .6.* Uuslacked Lime.. .60 Whim Beaus Gh L'uruiiw 65 Cloveir Seed Go Corn Heal.... ...48 Timothy Seed .... 45 Wheat Bran 20 Flax Meed ....... 66 Cotton Seed 30 Hemp Seed ...... ,44 Ground Peas, 25 Blue Grass Seed ... 14 Flattering Hair.... 8 HEAD THIS. ONLY ONE DOLLARl ' For one dollar the Savannah Weeklt News will be sent, postage paid, to any ad dress for six month It is ono of the Cheap est papers published,and is a welcome visitor to tUe counting room, flreaido or fium It is neatly priuted four page sheet, compactly ma'do up, and onntaiuB the political aud cur rent news of tho v?cfk; a Cuinprehei>ive summavi of the telegraphic diaputhes and m-al news, nud interesting sketches and sto nes. It also contains fhll repoits of the markets. Thus, 4hose whe have not the ad vantage of a daily mail cau get the news for six months by sending Onj Dollar, It is just the paper for everybody interesteil In Georgia and Florida. It will be well invest ed, aud will educate your children aud make home happy. Mnuov for cathor paper call be sent by Post Office order, registered letter Express, at publisher'a risk. Address J. H. EST1LL, luvnunuh, Ga. Long Felt Want Supplied. LEGAL FACTS AND FOllMS, ion i he Farmers AND BUSINESS MEN OP GEORGIA, T his work contains full and accurate instructions and guiding tonus lor drafting -.11 kinds of Deeds, Contracti, Mortgages, Notes, Drafts. Bills of Halo, Me chanic's, Ltiuillor.Vs and Mill Man's Liens, Powers of Attorney, Arbitration, Wilis, etc. No intelligent Farme**, Mechanic, oi Mer chant can ufford to bo without one, us u con forms to tho Laws of Geoe gin now iu force. PRICES. In Paper Covers. .6u cts each . 85 per dozen. Muslin " ..75 “ ..$7J •• ;C$rSent to any addross,{postage prepaid, on receipt of price. Gel up clubn of 12, «mt send money by registered letter to EDWIN MARTIN, Perry, Houston County, Georgia. GET 1JIE BEST. Marrow’s P*ot<?rai Family Bible and Ency clopedia of Biblical Knowledge, contains G-i important features, nearly 1,8U0 illustrations nud many flue plates by Gustave Dare nud ether artists. Genuine morocco, biudings and heavy panel, four styles und prices. Stud for circulars aud terms to agents. OUR GOVERNMENT. “The Century of Independence" embraces collection lrom oiliciul sources of the most imporlaui documents nud statistics couueoted with the political history of America ; also a ohiouonigteal record ot tne principal events from its disovery to the lime, with biographical aud hintmioul sketches, etc Printed iu German and English. Nairly GG0 ■Tr over before has so much practical infor mation ot this nature been published in nuy ono •volume. The lawyer, banker, merchant .and termer will each conclude that it must l ave been prepared especially with reference to his con venience. It is designed for this work to take tno place in polities that Webster’s dictionary and in lauguago, nud Appleton's Gazetteer In general literature. Tun binding, paper of illustrations nave been made to compare with tho general character of the work. Though u person can he a good citizen without a thorough education, no good citi zen can enjoy the right of frauchiso iutelli- geutly without possessing the information contained in this book. While persons reiuso to purchase ordinary .expensive works, all clast os .will gladly avail themselves of the opportunity for oh- tnining a work so indispeukable ot so low a price, $2.50. Sold only by subscription. Send for speciul circulars and terms to ageuts. A NEW VLAN. Solicitors for premium papers should write ns at one The burden of a heavy loud re moved. Samples all carried out of sight. .Send for toms lor the cheapest paper pub lished, with a fine engraving (25x32) for a premium. For this and the above new works and 160 standard boaks, address. 8. L. MARROW & CO., Indianapolis, Ind. GEORGIA—'Tatlou Count* T. j. Riley, Administrator on the estute of Mrs. Catherine Daniel, deceased, has made Lis final return, fully administered said es tate, and makes application ot distnissiun from (be ndmiuMrutiou of said estate. All persons concerned are therefore required to show caqxri, if any they can, on or before tlm first Monday inffune n^xt, why said nppli- o tut should not bo dismhscd from said Ad ministration. Given under my hand Offi cially. This 12th, March 1877. 4 JAMES L. RUSS, Mch 13-ia3m. 'Ordinary. DBUORESrS ILLUST’D UONTULY A Cbmbinalion oj JfAe*UsefulEnter taining and the Beautiful THE LARGEST THE CHEAPEST ,; ;• ; -and- : HE BEST MAGAZINE. The Model Magazine op America, Contains the essentials of all othess, Includ ing Home Interests in ull iu departments The beauties uud utilities of Literature, Poetry, Sketches, StorioH, Musio, Floricult ure, and every brauch of entertaining read ing calculated to eulivea aud elovat*» society rind make our homes attractive, useful u nd ttppy* This unrivaled Magazine will commence its sixteenth ysur wi h January, 1877, uud an heretofore, full of new literary, entertaining and useful subjects to whlbli it is devoted. With each number will be given a superb cobiud cabinet picture (worth the whole eo-l of the Magazine,) in oil, mounted on a mat ready for framing. Every subscriber at throe dollars is entitled to the »elcction of a premium (of winch there are eighleou), delivered or forwarded imme diately on receipt of the subscription. Kvni-y article offered is ol first quality, inclu ding books, nuy oue worth the price of sub scriptiiiii; Ghromos fr«nn Celebrated paint ings and equal to th* originals, of large size and suitable for auy park r; Pocket Cook STOVBBt HVrtTKM OF prESH CUTTlNO, (this Ve- ceived tho Highest Centeun al Award;) Sit- vor-ploted ri’are of ull ktuds; Stationery, Linen Markex. eta, etc. For Clubs Wo havolnrgt r and more valuat le rrom’ums niclndtug Books of ull kinds, Silver.I*hated Waub, Bracket saws, Sermons, Steuksch- coAtH, Gameh, Table CTtlehy, Clocks. A djosjahle Tables, Fuitinp .\Iacujnea, KNiTTtna Machines, China, Dinneii urn! I ea Sets' uud namerous other desirable ar ticles of which a lull list will be tarnished nu adplicntionoftlie publisher. W. JENNINGS DEFOREST, 17 East J4tu Stueel, N. Y FITS OR EPILEPSY i A person afflicted with the nbnvo din* ATjLeaso is requested to send their an dress to San & RohlPuH. uud a trial bix of Dr Goul ard’s infallible Ft* Powders will l>e a cm to them, by mail post paid, Free, These Pow ders have be. n tested by huudiednof casts in me Old World, and a permanent cure has been the result iu every iml mce. Sutt’erere from tb'.R disease should give those powders an early trial, as its ourutive powers are won- I’ertul, many persons having beeu cured by u trial liox alone. * Price fur large box, by mail, post paid to any part cf the United .Hates or Oouuilu, $3 00. Address, 300 Fulton Stbef.t.^iL* CONSUMPTION!' A trial Box of Dr. Kissner's celebrated Oonsmuptiop Powdtra will be'sent tree bv mail post paid, to every sutlerer from the above disese. This is the only prepnm’iou known to cure or bentfli lhut disuht*. price for lurge box, $3. 00. ASH & BOBBINS, 3G0 Fulton Street, Brookyu, N. Y. SOMETHING NEW! -A.G-Eisr'rs WACTTED, BADEN PROLTFIO FLOWER OORN.- 14 c The important points wo claim for this new variety of coin are these : “Oue stalk ot this corn btnvvft lrom G to 14 ears; one hill with two uluiks makes from 10 to 25 ears— producing from oue ae«e ol gronud three or four Units ns many bushels on the same soil 1 with the satno culture os the common n. 2. The coro is heavier iu weight, .h«s - largo nu car, thinner husk, aud innket corn meal, for family use, sweeter uud more un'rltious, ujul vuluahle fur feeding stock. 3. Tlmt it will grow and produce a profita ble crop on ground v hpre other corn will pot grow to uiuturity. 4 It ripens earlier and not liable, to bo or.ughtby tkost. 6. The tins are largo, pnro uud white, and an on lory yield it ftom 80 to 100 bushels to the acre, on modiun: land. A fine quality t.f Four can be made* trom it When ground it produces a flour nunlagoub both in appearance uuff taste to flour made from the best white wheat, Even an epicure would foil to distinguish between bread made from the two. The com shelled weighs 01 log to the bushel—which is 6 lbs heavier than auy other quality. PRICES BY MAIL POSTPAID, Sack .$1.00 | 0 Sacks......8 4.50. „ 2.60 110 " 700 Each sack contains 1,000 abund groins. Sample stalks with the e».w im. them sent out to Agents, Write for Testimonials with terms to Ageuts. Bewire oft swindlers; no one else has the genuine seed except myself. Rome pardes advertising tiita corn and offer ing to sepd stilks, wheuyotxorder thoiu tliey wrife you that theil’stalks nre »»11 g.ute. Iie- memb r Agents get a good oommission, nud write foi terms at once before the Agency ol your county is giveuto some oue else. Address, W. S, TIPTON. CleveUvud ,Te»u. SEWINC MACHINES. THE CROWNING VIOIOKY ! THE SINfiEB ALWAYS AHEAD! ca <1 tlicSiif .lal Dispatch from the Cincinnati Exhibition to the NetV YorK Saa ‘THILaDDLPIIIA, ErlXMOEO 27th, 1870. "THE VERY I1IGHET HONOB tUUCH COULD 1IE CONFEHHBD ON ANY EXHiiirroK-nvo medal of honor and two of merit —HAVE BEEN AWARDED THE INGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY FOR sewing machine." SH,000,000m Uhe—Sales in Exsecoto any Ciher 'it Agents wanted at once to soil In counties trad towns. Addross, THE SINGER MANUFACURIG COMPANY S. S. STOS7E, Agent. SO. SO MULBERRY STREET, MACON, (l A. ^CrO. M. COLBERT Attorney ut Law. Butler, Gu Colh-ciiug Agent *f Taylor, County. TM PLACE TO BUY YOUR GOODS IS J. "S, JONES. CASH DRY GOODS STORE, COLUMBUS CEORCIA Shorting, ymd wiilc 7 cents Shirting 53-4 cents, l'aciory checks. !)l-!i ce..ts. Osnubuig.,, 91-4 cents Jeims 15, 18. 25 35. <t0 mid 50 ceius i he (it 25 c, lits is the best for thcj]>rice ever oti'eud, iaddii-s Ilase, 10 cents per iwir, . "V Eim n II lidlievch ifs G 1-4 cunts, llanne' 20 cent-, l.urf-o i/i cf i hmkets. iSImwls mid S irts cliunii. iO-4 Quilts 75 cent ; 11-4 Oui'fct, $100. Cull for-‘The iwmiitiiii 2-butions" Kid tilovcs, 11 one dollar. Every |inir wiimmted. Eottom prices on till uuotls. Call and look before buv- ing. •T. S. JONES. BANKRUPT SALE. OFM11OF.Q0U) JEW.ELllY GREAT FAILURE MILGN JEWELRY CO. in England. THEIR NTir.E STOCK CONSIGNED TO tJS HEAL Everyiody hne heard of MILTON GOLD JEWELRY, it having bw-eu sold iu thi-. nun- bet for the las*, ten years, aud wctu by thi best and richest uluss nf our populutictj.- Still. it takta im expert jeweler to dweovei MaLTON gold from VIRGIN gold. We will soud for the ninety duys ONLi thufullowiug articles l>v mail, p-jat paid, on receipt of Gu Ca.i.Ih: ONE PAIR ELEGANT SLEEVE- BUTTONS, with ludepvmleneu Hall engraved, letnil pnoo...:....... .., $i 00 1 set Spiral Shirt Kinddu, retail price.. 76 1 bouuiitu' Ooral Heart Piu, retail prico 76 1 elegnut Gents' Watch Chain, latest paiem, retail priue, .* $] 60 Collur Button, retail price 1 elegant Wcddmg Uiug. very heavy, retutl price 82 00 Total.,. $061 Remember, wo will sond yon the above- named six tirdclcs.. which we-have retailer, for $6.50, by mail, post paid, for 50 cehts, for sample lots for $ | ,50. and 12 pie lots tor $4.00. ’ Satisffietiou guaranteed, or money relund- cd. Address WM. W. BELL & CO., Importers of Watches and Jfewelry, 8 N. Seventh S:., Philadelphia, Pa /r^Pleaae state where you saw this ad. kdLT BSCRIBE3S3 O "W ron ins 8UTLEB HERALD i , $1,50. Liv©lyTimes Ab.ead Good Advice. Now is the time of year for Pnenmonin, Lung Fever, &o Every family should have a bottle of Bosohbb’s German A’ibup. Don't allow for one moment that cough to take hold tit your clffldt ybur family or yourself C'on sumption, Asthma, Phenmonin, Croup Hcmorrhngcs. and other fatal diseases may- set in. Although it is true Genian Strop is during thousands of these dreaded diseases yet it is much better to have it nt hand when three doses will cure you. One Bottle Mill' last your whore family a a inter and ktep yon safe from dauger. If yon ure consumpiivi- dt> not rest until you huve tried this remedy Sample Bottles 10 cents. Regular size 7f» cents. Sold by your Druggist, Dr. John VValkcx. We will enter ujiou the new year with re- lewed energy aud enterprise, and uoihtng rill be left uudouuou oar part Jto niuke the Jutleu Herald second to none in the State. The Herald will contain nu ubstraut ot tews from all parts oi the world—Ure gen- ftnl .Stutu neWhi -aud the coanre nowa col- turn wilt contain everything worthy of nuie. n short, we luteud to make the he ald a drat-olasa Family Paper, Subscribe Now I! Where AdrertUisg Contnicta can bemad* Liberal arrangements made with odvtr- deers Jbr (he period of three months or longer, . . WILLIAM N BENNP.