The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, June 12, 1877, Image 3

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LOCAL NEWS TUESDAY, JUNE 19lh., 1877. UEl^E AND THEBE. ■Bain at laBfc. v, ’Possura pie, Soot.'’ Ring marble is all the go In butler. ' How to 'develop the imagination Get tjliS'delirium tremens. Two ways for SOndny.^-The \vay to ohuroh and book again. Great interest is Manifested by Yjur people in the Vrammenconient. If a man should get coarse sand tn hfs eyes wouldn’t it be an in grained affair. When the wind, dust, and a fe- tnale get ttiked up together is the time to Stodj’ good manners. ‘IConte attd shut the shntter” ’’It is shat toother and I can’t fchntit-.any shutter,” Wheat it turning out a splen- ■did yield in this vicinity, 'Oats hot so good. Sir. M. L. Brand, one of our i>est farmers, planted 10 acres of Vheat, (old land) lie cut and tlirashed 16C bushels of good wheat off <#it. , It is a solemn thing for a pen niless young man to leud a blush ing bride up to the altar and prom ise to endow her with all his World ly goods, Mr. It. G. Tomlin, has tho best horse-power thrashing machin ery we have ever Been in operation. Mr. Tomlin informs us he can easily thrash one bushel a minute or six hundred bushels per day. School mistress. “Johnny, I'm ashamed of you ; when I was your nee 1 could read as well as I can bow.'* Johnny—"Aw, but you’d In different teacher, to What we’Vo got." “Yon gotoShecnggohey?’ said b gentleman from Germany. “Veil, you pebretty gareful about tint vater dere. Efyou dond vant to get seek, yoU ttinke node of dat Vater dill you kot used to him.’’ The exercises of the College commencement will be found in another column, all persons wish ing copies of our paper to send to their prlatives or IriendB can ob tain them at any tittie by calling bt this office and paying the sim ple sum of 5 cents a copy. , Cass Carson, colored, a murder er who broke jail in Taylor county, was captured yesterday afternoon by detective J. H. Palmer. Ho is a desperate scoundrel who has been going through the country, gambling and swindling honest, hardwoaking negroes.—Col. Enq. The Annual Literary Address. ■ Col. Davis of Perry will deliver the Annual Address, this year, at our College Commencement, there will be a large crowd to hear him, and all who are fortunate us to hear him will bo richly rewarded. “My Mother’s Daughter.» “My Mother’s Daughter," an intensely interesting story from the pen of Mrs, Ophelia Nisbet Beid, of Eaton ton, Ga., will be commenced in the Savannah Weekly NsvVs of June 20th, 1877. The price of the Weekly News is only $1.00 for six months, or $2, per year, postage paid. Commencement. It will be seen from the pro gramme of the Commencement Exercises of our College that the Commencement Sermon will b6 preached by A. J. Battle, D. D., President of Mercer University j bnd the Commbncbmbnt Address Will be delivered by Mr. B. M. Davis, of Houston county. This Will doubtless be the most inter esting Commencement in the his tory of our College. Wo i trust there will be a good attendance. A Sad Death. A TWELVE YEAR OL1) •GIRL BURNT TO DEATH NEAR BOX SPRINOS. The clothing of Miss Cotting- ham, a little girl aged twelve years, while engaged in cooking, caught on fire ; in her fright she ran into the crib which also took fire, nnd both Were burned up. The girl lived near Box Springs. —Oolv TimeB, ltain at Last. We had a glnriotts rain on Sun day morning last, we think it gen eral, it did not come one hour too soon, but soon enuugh to save ev erything but oats, and R few things that grows in gardens, Now let our people plant peas, potatoes, etc., in obundanco, they will need everything that is good (nr man or beast. Xotlc o. We would Cali tho attention ef our renders to tho • advertisement, in another column, of tho Fame Manufacturing Co., of 8811 Broad, way New York, they are advertis ing a full siXe first class sewing machine, at. the exceeding low price of Eighteen Dollars ; they desito male and female agents ev erywhere, and offer extraordinary inducements. Reud their adver tisement. Oar Delay. We ore vory sorry to say our paper has been greatly delayed this week ns it is so frequently the case among newspapers. Having or dered paper from Atlanta in am ple time to havo prevented this delpy, but from somt. oaitBe we cannot tell, it did not reach us un til Tuesday evening, otherwise it would not have been. Our read ers havo doubtless beou, greatly disappointed, but they cannot think hard of us lifter reading this notice. The Commencement Concert. Wo are informed that Mrs. Ru therford, whom no one in Georgia can excel in getting up entertain ments, will give a grand “Old Folks’ - concert during Commence ment week, the proceeds of which we understand, will be donated to the Methodist Church in Butler. We bespeak for bar a liberal pat ronage in view of the praiseworthy object which it is intended to pro mote. Besides we feel assured that this concert will if possiblo excel all the former concerts here tofore given by her—with which everybody was so muoh delighted. We also understand that she will conduot the music, vocal and in strumental, during theObmmence- mont, We confidentially promise our citizens and visitors, a treat in the approaching Commencement exercises. The Convention, When this goes to press, the election for delegates to the Con vention will have passed We are of the opinion a Convention should be called ; not that the present Constitution is very bad, but it can bo improved in several impor tant-particulars. One is, it was not made by Georgians, but dicta ted by the United States Congress. We hope the regular nominees will be elected, they are good men. We understand there is an inde pendent candidate in this county, we are sorry for this. Col.Wallace, unless we are crazy is the choice of the intelligent portion of our people, if the county goes against him, which We know Will not, we shall feel that we are disgraced. Not that the gentleman Who is running is hot a very good man, but because he 1ms never had any experience in making LaWs or Con stitution . ADVERTISEMENT. Communicated. Mr. - Editor : It affords us great pleasure to notice the kind favor shown usby-youin your last issue, in regard to our Sunday school celebration, on the first day of June. You gave all the sweets of the celebration, and noW we will give you a synopsis of the: bitter. 1st. !ft Was painful to us to see our beloved paster, A. M. H-. Evans, abandon us on this occa sion. 2nd. As a pastor, he should have been one of the head-meu in addressing the Bohcdl. 3rd. He done all that he could to prevent the l'urtheranoh of the cause. 4th. At night he solicited a crowd at the African Heaven, about one mile from town, to pro hibit the people from hearing our able speaker, Col. A. A. Careon. And in conclusion Mr. Editor, wo would say to our pastor, to throw egotism to the winds and be docile, and we would approbate him muoh. One good leBSon for him would be the 26th, Ohapt. of the Proverbs. Ne-1’lus-Ultra. Respeotfully, Nom-De-PluMe. A tHjflculty in Marlon County, Tho Buena Vista Argitf giVcs a long account of a difficulty which occurred on Sunday last, between Newton Short and a Mr. Brown. It seeme that a fire occurred some tirno ago which burno-l sumo ot Mr. W. J. Short's fences and ho thought it was started for the pur pose of injuring him, and bo ex pressed himself. But Mr. Brown knew otherwise, and confidentially told Mr. Newton Short how the fire di - originate—from tho pipe of a Mr. Blythe—nnd wauled noth ing said about it. Mr. Newton Short, howover, told a friend in confidence, who iir turn told another friend in confi dence, and so it went until the story was known through tho en tire oommunity. Mr. Brown call ed Mr. Short to account for betray ing confidence, and Mr. Short apologized for his imprudence, and Mr. Brown seemed satisfied ; but ho (Brown) afterwards reported that he made Short take back the story about the pipe. On hearing this, Short sent him word to name a place where they'could meet and determine who did the lakingbuck. Brown named a vacant house of Samuel Highsmith’s, near Thorn- tonville, and there they met, each with his friends, armed with clubs, pistols, knives, &o., on last Sun day, to settle it. ’Squire J. J. McDowell heard of the appoint ment, and went to the place to command the peace, but instead o! respecting his authority the belig- erents leveled their fire-arms ut him it % threatening manner, and successfully defied his powors. They then commenced shooting, and continued to shoot until Brown was disabled by pistol wounds, knife cuts tkbcl club bruises. No one killed. This was a rough and very un necessary fracus, and one that the Argus uses rough English to char acterize, as it thinks it should be. ‘Tou6h Me Gently i'dther dime.’ Is the title of a new and beauti ful song and chorus, by Charlie Baker, author of the famous "He HoidB the Fort ofHeaven.” Deal ers are ordering it by the thousand. The whole country will Soon bo singing “Touch Me Gently; Fath er Time.’’ Ariy music dealbf Will mail you this beautiful song for 40 cents. Published by F, W. Hel- iiiick, 5d West 4th street Cmcin- hakij Oliiji A Sad Acoldont. A t.ITTLk BOV DROWNED WHILST DATU- INU. Yesterday morning little Joo Flem ing, aged ten years, son Of Hr. J. Fielding, boot and ShCC Wiakor Bull street, was drowned whilst bathing In ilio river at BonnvcntuVe Cemetery,- It appears that the nnfo: lunnto lad, in' company with liis yotingor brother, started from homo lor school at tlio usual hour, but on the wuy met two of their little young hOy friends, ami out to Uoiiavcuture. Tlioy proceeded to tho roar of tho comotcry and mado preparations to go Into tho river and' oujoy a bath. Mr. UeCrge YV. Cowan, who was In tho vlolnlty Oli basinets, notion! thorn and asked thorn If they! could swim, when an aflirmutlvo reply was returned by Ono 'Of tho boys. They woto soon in tho water splash ing about, whotl Hr. Cowan, whoso intention was Other-visa direct- oil, hoard a cry for ho p, mid turning, saw ono of tho hoys floun dering In tho wntCr, 'ho others hasten ing to the shoro. Hr. Cowan was inl aid tu switu, but ho hurrlod to the spot tnraw off liU coat anil plunged Into tho wator altor the holploss child, lie mado desperato efforts to rosea the child at imminent danger to him self, hut was unsuccessful, the strong current sweeping tho poor hoy off when he was almost witlmi grasp Of assistance. Mr. Fleming was not apprised of tho accldout until sotno hoars after, tho younger Fleming having failed to tell ills father. Wtietv Mr. Cowan came into town ho -iruidciitnlly mot Mr. Fleming and imparted tlie end news, which was a grunt shock to thu distressed father. At a into hour last evening tho body had not been rccov- od.—Situ. Nows. NOTICE. All persons concerned nro hereby liotitlcd not to trade for a Promissory Note mado by mo to C. 11. Forrill in the mouth of January last nnd duo, as* well as 1 remember, tlio 25th Of De cember 1877, and lor tlio principal sum of Twenty-Five dollars, being for the the rent of tlio liouso in widen I now reside. 1 itavc paid said note to said Forrill and will not pay it again, This 2nd of June, 1817. W. U. JENKINS. MUUDEIMUU, OUT. A t.»w years ago ‘'August Flower" was dis covered to bo a certain dare for Dyspepsia nod Liver Complaint, a tuw thin Dispoptics mn te kno wn to tuoit friends bow easily nnd •pucldy they bad been cured by its two. Tlio great merits of Gaufis's Arouse Fi.mvnu bu- nuin-j heralded through the IfOauiry by ouu snlterer to another, mild, without- advertis ing, its sale lias become iuuneusa Druggists m EVERY TOWN ill ibe United .Stales are Soiling it. No pel-sou sullsrii g with 6'our mob, hick Headache, CosIlveuiMS, pnlpi- a of the heath Indigestion, low spirits, eic.. con Inlto three dunus without relief. Go to your Droggist, Dr. John U. Walker, arid gnfa hott'u lor 75 eeuta and try it Sample bottle 10 ee.its. NOTICE. I will lie ready by tho 1st Monday III Junb to take tne Held with my New Steam Power Threshing Machine, for all kind, of grain. I thresh wheat athsi expense to tlio funnels tliuu any ouo elaa, from thu fact thnt I will Uuvo no - horses or moles to be fed. nnd no ex tra head to act as driver. Will also gtianm- lee that the grain will lie threshed eleml. All orders should be Addressed to mo at Bailor. n. iv fowler. GEORGIA—Tavooo Courts ( Whereas, Virgil Powers, Kxccntor on the estate of Thomns A. Dodge.lolo ol said coun ty deceased, has tiled in my offloo his float return, showing that ho has fully adminis tered said estate, and also applying for Dis mission from Administration ou said estate. Therefore r,ll persons concerned ore required to allow cause if any they can, why said Ex ecutor shonld not lie dismissed frSia said Administration on said ivlnle, nt the Court ol Ordinary to lie held in nlal for said county bn the first Monday in Soplombor next. Given under my hand anil Official Signa ture, this 31st, May 1877. Juno-5m3tn. GEORGIA—Tatoiii CqUNTX : Whereas, A R. Waters; Exccntor on tho cstato of a W. Wodn. late of said eonaly do- cenHcd, has tiled his return showing tliot be has fully Administered said estate; nnd pray ing to bo dismissed from the AdminUtmtlon of tho some. These nro tberefofo to require nil peraons concerned, to show onuse if any they can. at the Court of OrdlnniJ to bo held ' and for said conutv, ou tho tirat Monday to September next, why said Executor slionld not bo dismissed from tho Admltiistrattotl on said estate. , , Given under my hand and Official Signa ture, this 20th, May 1877. BUTLER FEMALE COLLEGE) AND MALE INSTIUTfc cqMmehcemeiu Exer c is’e & Juno 21st.—Exfuftinntlons, morn* j'tfi'o 4^uci.—Examinations, m®' ing and afiornooif. Juiio24tli.—Sunday. ., Commence ment mormon, by A. J. Battle, D. D. President of Mercer University. Juno 25th. r ^Bxamiun1;r6n8 and ox- oVelsos in roadhig by thy studoiits ot the IMfrtnry DopnrtfneiYt. . , June 2fith f —Examinations and ox- orcisoi in Rhotoilcnl Vcadlng. .. JmiA 27th, Comp6si,tionA by the y&ung lames of the College. . At. 11*3 a\ tt.) CbmWionooment ad dress by B. *M. Davis. Esq., ‘of Perry. At night, on the 2§tli. 2(»th, and 27th, there will bo.exdrclsps iu.Doola- ifiiuidfi. Aj concert by Prbf .Bruhns and class, mid an ontertaintnout by Mrs. U. E. ltuthcffoVd, nisistfcd by the past graduates and others. Tho A.tteullou of Farmeri IS Called to Oar AMERICAN MAMMOTH BYE} OB DIAMOND WHEAT. For Fall Or Spring Sowlnrf* It was flnA foiled growing Wild on the Humbold River, NoviuiA \ sluica \Vhich time it him been sucoefixfulfy Cultivated wherever tried. It yield* from triity to eighty bushels to tho acre. Mr. A. J. Duftir, Uulfod Btntei Ceutouuiui Commissioner from Uiregota aA- HertH thnt bo htus known it to yield oighty- novou nud a half basin-in to !hn aero. It wan awarded tho highiut nud ouly premium at the Uultea StntkH CoutPimial inhibition, and K onuaed the fluent aud only Drain of the ou exhibition. It him Ikmju prown ns a Fall and Spring fu lougth.uud tho avelrnjp} hlaikjd Unit Piiui p«v plbkngi 2n - cehta \ Fifa dictum $100,‘ Oue dozen packages, $2 00. Heilt poBt paid b,V mail. Agent wanted every whebi to introduce thiu wheat ^>“Nonoa.—We are in ho way connected with aay other seed nouns in Oieavland or Chattanooga. All order*, letter, eta., should be plainly addressed, thus A Y. HAINES & CO., Clovelnnd, Bradley; oouuty TciiueMsco. Branch House, Sweet wa ter* Monroe co,, .Teuu. bam pie sent Frco on irociltat Of a Thre'6- oent Stamp. * June-5m3nl. y 1877. JAMES D. BUSS,., Ordinary. Lou Dupree | Lided foe Diyodcb. ve. ' f WARNEn Dupbee, | r——. . It appearing to tho court by the rotnro df the Sheriff that Wairen Dupree, donfendat in the above slated caso. in not to be found in this county, aild it further a E po.iring mat said defendant Is not a resident of this Stata. It is thetcfoi-0 ordered Hint mud Warren Du pree appear rtt tho next term of this eoort nnd plead nod answer to mid Libel, or in detimlt Ihereof mid must! prflc.MEndit is f-ir'her ordered bv tho couft that tnii ordot be pub : lished in the Butler Herald, once .ft month for toixt mdtilhs, before the uext tornrof this couth O. M. CULBLU C« l’liiiutiffb Atioruey. A truoex*rant from Die minutes bf Taylor ii.triur Court uinhu Ainii term 1677 of said iiimM W: H. .THNtriNSf ClI'Mk: FULL SIZE-EIBSt CLASS. the ModeL sewinq machine: Simple, Durable, Compact. AND For Elegance of Finish: IT HAS NO RIVAL. Ni) Cnkn. il Iud Mxoub'x. to bx Coutxht- lt out of order, a ehild con ruu it, will do nil kind* cf Sewing, trorn the finest to tlio coafHektj will Hem, Fell, Thok, Braid, CMU Qathct, Eihhrdider, $to., uses solf-adjustlng straight needle, all d&(5riptibti df Cotton,Silk nnd Thread. Makes the strtingest stitch known, the cloth will tear before the seum will rip,use* the thread direct from the spool. Tho Machine ifi. beautiful y finished ana highly ornamented, aud WARRANTED for five years. O-A-TJ-TIOISJ; All persons are cautioiied not to mnke,denl la or nHo, apy Bowing ilnohiues whioh sow with onr needle, aud mitko the E'ostio stitch, dr that have thb now Pateut Self-Feed Attach* incut, unless thu ertmo are purchased from this Company, dr their Agetlts or Llceuaus; and htamped under onr patent. Bowaro df worthless imitations arid unneru- iuIoub parties, who have coined our ciren- irs, advortiHom* at, elo, ana buy only the mnehiuo manufactured by us. This Sawing Machine for lieauty and du rability cannot bo pxoellcd. 1> is impossihle to drop a stitch otfiug to tho peculiar con-l Htructfouj audit bos man j dthrr ddvahtageii not posHitttod by auy other sewing machine now in UNO. Person!) who haVo tested ft pro^ nounbe it excellent, and say they xiqvuL uSm a better. It will bow anything tufit bill bj sowed by any hlgh*pricfld .nmcllind lu the land. We advise ail who ate at all interested in useful iriachtues to examiub it; From per sonal luspebtion we are jJrejmrod to srjy it id d niost superior sowing machine.—^“Chroni cle." Sdmple mfichlnos lorwat’dod to any part of the world on receipt of EIGHTEEN DOLLARS. Special terns hud dxtr-*. iuduccnu nta to maliJ and female agents, siorekeopi-rs, ot*: Comi ty rights given to smart agents free. .Miin- pies of sewing, descriptive ciaculars contain ing tbrms, testimouhls, eugruviugs, eta, seat free. Ail mouoy sent in Post-oftlce Money Orders, Drafts, or bv Express’, ore perfectly secure. Safe delivery of our goods guarari* teed. All ofdero, communications, etc, must bo dddrcNSe 1 to tho FAME MANUFACTURING CO., 833 Broadway, Now York. FIRE ARTS. LB.BUCESHEAB Keeps the ouly first class Studio in ihlj City. _ BpccUl attention paid to reproduciii* old pictures to life size, nud painting true to manic, in • -il, Piisul. Craytm 4-r I k. . t AutihlaetioU guiu - aut“U in j»iry .nj»tau(fs.* T. U. L-AUaBUEaR; ■NO: 13, COTT0JK XVKNMfl; MitiSWM; gA