The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, June 12, 1877, Image 4

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«g«WBW8Bi8rsi.rrjtigar ew*»v;aaa~-—BjiujitBjBjajjijafoj| (ARM GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD Molasses PburDOJLM.—Two cups of nloo molasses, one of butler, four cup» ot flour, Ouo 01 oream.two tablespoeufuls of soda. Suoab Biscuit. ~ Ono pound of sugary cno «i butter, throo eggs, half a plat of nrilky tautpoonful of soda, spice, and flour to roll. GrAVKunn Give two-thirdA of a 1 fiibltapoouftri of Rail|>i*tvr in n little silt for three consecutive <1*jh. Half PouNbCAKE.—Ono pound of sugar, One of flour, olio bull pound of butter, eight eggs; dissolve one teaspoonful of salerutus in the juice of u leutm, Puff Oaks.—Two cups of sugar, half a eup ot butter, one of milk, throo of flour, three eggs, half a tcaspoouful of cream tartar. Bake in a quick out. Gikoeb Skats.— One quart! of molasses, one pound ol sugar, one of butter, four ta • bhspoonfuld of ginger, two of cinnamon; sell out thin. Lemon Gust vwo.—Ono large lemon; two tups of sugnr, two of water; half a cup of butter, one tablenpooufbl of flour, tliroi eggs, beat the whites alone, ono put it in lash Cbem Cake. —One pound of white sugar, one eup of butter, throo e*gs, half a eup of thick milk,h*lf a cup of cream,one teaspoon- Sul of soda, and one of cream tartar. Standard Weights, The following ore'tho standards weights of thu articled ujuuVd. as established by act of ^boGh4^Ju-I.6giihlatore, approved t'eb. 2J, Wheat....... C0|Buckwheat...V....52 Shelled floru Git Dried Peaches (uu- Ooru in the ear.... 70 peeled),....... .08 Boas..',.. G‘.M Dried Poaches (pool BJra.... ... filled ...flfi Gats 32 Dried Apples . 2J Barley 4i Juious 67 Irish Potatoes .0* [Stone Coal........80 Sweet Potatoes ... .Sot Unslacked Lime.. .80 While Beaus ..... GO l Hindus 66 Clover &k-d .Ut>.Com Menl 48 Timothy Seed.... 45 Wheat Drau 2U Flax Seed BfllOottnn Seed. Hciup S.+ed 44 Ground Pfiu lllao Grass Seed ... 14| Fluttering lluir.... 8 r.EiioRE&rs limsT’D nosTivn| = 0 ^ HEAD THIS. OXLY OXE DOLLAR.' For one dollar the Savannah Weekly News will be sent. postage paid, to any ml dress for Mix month It i» ono of tho Cheap est papers published,.mri is a veieotun vtstta lo tn« countiujj r.iom, drahido sewing "machines. in neatly printed four page sheet, compactly mudo up. uttd •uintaim* thu political unci enr- Sakd Cake.—-Two cups of ouffo; two eggs 1 05111 -newt* of tho week ;. n cv-mprehtiusive liolf B cap of thick milk, one Wooniol or of *•»". fcPW, MBWM DB * 1 , ‘ 11 1 land news, and interesting Hketchea unci sto- aoda, one cup of butter, roll out thin, sprm- - • kle with sugor and cinnnmcu, Colton seed oil is largely sold as olive oil which it is said to equal for oulhury aud ta ble uses. There are five octton seed oil facto ries in New Orleans producing an amount •putl to the entire production of oU-ve oil in France. JUafflus* Tpree pounds of flour, ono quarter pound of yeast powder, three eegs, half a pound ol sugar, tmeo ounces of butter. Mix tbo powder dry in with the flour; in another pan rub the sugar and butler well together then add the eggs mid beat to u thin batter ; then add the flour and wet with milk; beat thoroughly; till the rings and hake in a quick Uvrf* These muffins are good cold as well ms hot ■SrnjLWBEtuiY Shortcake.—One quart cl flour, hulf a quart of butler, two spoonfuls of su^ar, two tcoApoaululH yeast powder,floqr to rail, fipht open, spread with butter, tlien thickly with, strawberries, then sprinkle with sugar,thin put on the upper half,crust down, spread with butter, ix-trii s aud sugar, and cover all over with a largo pad, to steam and soften, while hot. Est cream* Aspadaous, -Tho fresher the hotter, and all stalks not crisp and tender shoul be thrown aside. Cut off the white parts aud tie the rest in bunches and boil, with a 1M sail in tho water, for almost twenty minutes; then take out and drain a minute, lay iu a deep dish on slices of buttered toast, the heads all one way, covered with a rich drawn but ter. Or the ntulks may be cut iu inch pieces, boiled tenderly; then seasoned and cooked for a low miuuti d longer in thick cream. Delicious Corn* Bread. —Oue cup of corn «ma1, one of, one of flue grits boiled cold boiled, rice, oao leaspomiful of salt, and oue or sugar, one tcuspoonful of melted but ter, one uiwpoouful of soda, two of cream ttrhir, three wel' beaten eggs, ono pint and a halt milk. Mix the meal, flour, sugar aud treuw tartar together, put the snda iu thi milk, add it to the meal, etc, tueu add the butter and e^gs; mix well, aud bake twenty or thirty miuutes. To DnvE Lice vrox toe Hek House. Lost summer our hen house was so infestod with this veimlu that the setting hens died on ihf*ir nest. One atterucon I noticed the martins car. ryiug to theia bos, wnicu wos on a poie above the heuery, some green leaves. Watah- iug them, I found they wero getting the leaves of tho male persimmon. I gathered some of tho leaves ol the male persimmon, threw them into the nests aud on the hen house floor, and iu les*> than ono hour was free from verm'u. To boil the leaves, and enriukln with the dececliou, will be as effec tive.—[Courier Journal Issecth. -Tbjtborers oi fruit trees are not all alike, that cPtho p ach belonging to a very ditter;*ut family ol insects from that of the apple, hut they agree in their distruct- ivenww, and the methods .«( treating them ore thu same. Trees at planting should be •tncfuliy'ernmhied for the insect, nod thus «nt out when found. Examine tbo trees iu orchard; the saw dust or a depression m the bark, Will show the presence ol the horor; ’Jilt it out, or probe it with a wire. Teat cuterplflars ImtcU as soon ns there are any leaves. The proper time to destroy them is . in the egg. If a web i» seen—and they are most couspiououH when the web is on iu *ho morning—go lor it. If you hnvo gloves, well; if not, tho catteipillnrj will not harm pull away tho nest with tho catorpil- ' *11 nil CurcuHonn not only attack nus* It also eontnius lull repotts of the markets. Thus, those whe have not tie ad vantage of a dally mail can get tho news for six months by sending One Dollar. It Itt juid the paper for ccerj/hotly lutccenltul iu Georgia and Florida. It will be well invest ed, and will educate- your clnldveu am! make home happy. Money for eather paper can be sent by Post Ofllco order, registered letter Express, at publisher's risk. AddrtBs Long Pelt Want Supplied, LEGAL FACTS AXD FORMS. FOft THE Fa.rm.ors A Combination qf the Uittftil Enter taining and the beautiful THE LARGEST THE CHEAPEST - Ado- THE BEST HAMM. Tnn Model of America, Contains the eawntials of all otbess, Includ ing Home interests m nil its departments The beauties ,md utilities of literature. Poetry. Sketches, Stories,;Music, Florieult- ure, am) every Wundt ot eutixtaiuing, read ing calculated to eutivou and olovato societ) imd make our homes attractive, useful n mi tippy. This unrivaled Magazine will camirouc, its sixteenth.year wi h January, 1877, auit id- heretofore, lull of new literary* outeruiiuin, uud 'meful aubjects to whioli it is devoted. With eaclt number will be given u snp-.-rt coljied caltiuoi pioturo (worth the whole eo«i of the .Magazine,) iu oil,, mounted on a nun ready tbr framing. hvct.v sulBivtibcsat tliree dollaxaia entitle, to tiio Mjleoiion of u premium tol which ther> -are eighteen), delivered or ioswiufievt imme- diatety on receipt ol the subsoripilnii. Evny article offered is ot tkst quality, inclu ding books, uu> one worth tlupriee 4»f stil seriptioit; Ohromos from (••olobrated jminl- iugs uud equal to lhi> originals, of large six aud suitable Ibr any parirr; Pocket Corn. SlTOYRIt; SXsTEMOF dvesw CuiTiNU, (this rt- ctival the liiglicht (Ionturn at Award;) bit- vor-pl<>if,l rk'aro of all kinds; Stationery. Lineu Markea. etc., etc. For Clubs Wo lmvolarg* r and more valiud lo PrtmniraB moludiug Bcoks of all kinds, Silver.I*n vtki > r AUK, Bu.AOKET f'AW’S, hcisioiui. Stekesos- oafs, Game i, Taula G 1'tlehy, Mlockh D^asxAiiLE, X'lutino Machine* KsiTTiuo Maoiuneh, OntNA. Dinner uud I ea JSeih* nod numerous other desjrahlu ia- tietos of which a lull list will be timiisheu on adplicatiuuof the publisher. W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, 17 Eaft 14th Stueel, N. Y. Agents Beqairetl everywhere. >Seud for Particulars, OF GEORGIA. T his work* contains full and ucoarato iustruetious aud gutdiug forms Jor.drafting-.11 kinds of Diods, Contracts Mortgage, Notes, Drafts Bills of S.»le. Me- ohiiuios, L'uxllord’s and Mill M-u’s LieUH, Powers of Mteruey •‘rbltrutiou, Wills, etc. No iutetligeur Farmer, Jllecimnio, oi Mer chant can afford to be without one, ns u con forms to the Lows of Geoegia now iu force. PRICES. In Paper Covers. ,6u ots each .S5 por dozen. Muslin “ ..75 “ ..$/.} •* .^irSaul to any address,{postage p-epaid, i receipt of price. Gel up cluba of 12, nutl seud mouey by regUiterud letter to EDWIN MARTIN, Perry, Houston County, Georgia. GET 2 HE HE ST, ?*rs ana kill l r . Wluis, but cherries, peaches, und other fruit ' Afreet. There is but one suro remedy; jor tho tree early in the morning, when they ar« in- oulive,aud-catch the Insects on a doth* crush or bum. Thev beg n soon altrr the fruit is ret, and continue for some months. Avoid .. v«nnteU cares, snob as disagreeable stuff to be hung in Ulu Uee; the curcnlio Liughs at such. Sulpheb for Soarlct Fbter —Dr. Pigeon announces ip, the London Laned nis snecess- Bil treatment of scarlet fetor with auljilicr. Bo thoronghlv.auuoimed hispatierta twice i j< day with sulphcr oinliaeut, giving live or t«/n n litdo jam three times a day. and umning a Hltle sulplur twico a dny on <-oi*ls imvlie room of the patient. He fotiua immediate improveiuent under this treatment itwJ cured thu worst cases in right days. ulopediu of Biblical Knowledge, contains 04 important ieatures. nearly J.UtK) illu<itrutinus ami many tine plates by Gustave Imre ami other artists, trumiino morocco biudings and heavy panel, four styles aud prices Htud for circulars uud terms to agents. OUR GO VEltXMEXT. "The Century of Independence’’ embrnoes collection lroui olffcial sources of tlie most importuur documents aud statistD-H counected with the political history of America ; also u chronological record of the principal event from its dtsovery to the pres ut time, with biographical and historical sketches, do Printed iu German aud English. Nou’ly CUU pivg-s. Raver before has so ynuch piactical infor mation of this uuturo been published iu any one volume. The lawyer, banker, merchant und farmer will cuoh con.rludo that it must lave been prepared especially with reference to his vemenee. It is designed for this work to tnko tlie place in politics that Wdtster’s dictionary aud in lauguage* aud Appleton’s Gazeltct in gqntral iitemtaro. Thu binding, pape- of illustrations nave been made to compute with the geueral chatncur of the work. Though a person cun bo a good citizen without u thorough education, no good citi zen can enjoy the right ol* frauchisa intelli gently without prss'.ssing the information contained iu litis book. While persons retime to mirclnisc ordinary or expensive works, all cJusies will gladly avail Utomselves of the opportunity for ob taining a work so indispensable at so low a pries, $2.50. Boid only by subscription. Send lbr spedui circulars and terms to 1 agents. A NEW VLAN. Solicitors for premium papers Bhonld write ns at one. The burden of u heavy load re moved. iShmples ull carried out of sight. Atom! for tuus for the cheapest paper pub lished, with a flue engraving (26*32) for a premium. For this und the above new works and 150 standard boats, address. S. L. MARROW & GO., Indiakafoeib, Ikd., FITS Oil EPILEPSY! ■dun A Roblihw. uud a trial btx of Dr Gnul- aid’s infallible Ft* Fowd.-rs will Is* seni t« them, by iu til post put if, Free, Tlttse Rmv di-rs have Wn testo.i by hnadleds of oa««- in the Old World, aud a*perltlllneutcur< , liaf been tlie r»«ult in every im-tunno. Sufler^r from th s cliseiuw should give tlteve powders an early trial, as its curative powers are won derful many persons having been cured by a trial box alone. Fnee tor large box, by mail, post paid to any part c f thu United -Status or Cumula, $3. 00. Address, •ten t* o A5H & ROBBINS. 300 Fulton Stkjeet, liroiklyn, N. Y. CONSUMPTION ! A trini Box of Dr. Kiosuer’a celebrated Oonsnmptiou Powders will bo >»nt jrt-o by n.uil post paid, to every sufferer front the above Jlsest. This is.the ouly prcpuru'ion known lo cure or benefit that disuse. Friue lor largo box, $3. 00. ASS & ROBBINS. 300 Fulton Struct, Jirookyu, JS.W. THE CROWNING VICTORY t ALWAYS AHEAD! : : ■' .-lilfi civ d the Special Dispatch from tbo Cincinnati Exhibition to the NelV YorK Snm “PHILADELPHIA, xrrxMPKii 27th, 1870. "THE VERY HIQHET nOKOB W HIGH COULD HE. OOSPEltRED ON ANY: EXHIBITOU-nVO MEDAL OF HOKOK AND TWO DIPLOMAS OF Sit,KIT -HAVE KEEN AWAUDED THB INOElt MANUFAOTUU1NO COMPANY FOlt SEWING MACHINE." js?, OOO, QQQ in Uie—Saleain JZx jesoto a.7iy Other- Agcuta minted nl cnct to sell In coimtlui amt towns. Addram. THE SINGER MANUFACURIG COMPANY B. S. STONE, Agent. NO. 80 HULUEItKY STREET, MACON, RA. JE0“O. M. COLBERT Attorney at Law» Butler, Ga Coll-cliug Ageut *f Taylor. Couuly. THE PLACE TO m YOUR GOODS IS J-S-JONES. CASH DRY GOODS STORE, COLUMBUS •CEORCIA She ting, ynrtl witle 1 cents Piloting 53-4 cents. I ncioty checki. 01--2 ce..ts. Osimbuigs, $>1-1 cents Jenns lo, 18. 25 35; 40 mul 30 cents, ilie Je ns at 2.5 c.nts is tin* bert for ilie |iri' e cvcif (ifteu d, -Zlaclcl;eg Hose, 10 rents per imir. IluiulUiTch its 6 l-\ cents, Hantio! ZOcents. Largo letjof 1 liuikcts. S!m«ls mul ,Q iit.s clte:i|). J0-i Quilts "5 cent ; 11-4 Qni'ts, §100. Cull for • 'The j&wrajitoti •2-butions” lvid, .tone dollar. Kvery pair vvarrauted. iiot;oai prices on all tiuods. Cull and look l d'ore Unv- ing. J. S. .TOXliS. SOMETHING NEW BAXKUUPT SALE, OF MILOS QOll) JEW.ELLY GREAT FAILURE MUON JEWELRY CO. In England. XnEUt NT1RE 8T00E CONSIGNED TO US HEAL BTJBSOBIBBN O *W -A.C3-E3STTS *W-A. CJTBD, BADEN PROLIFIC FLOWER CORN.- Thi« corn exile.)s any oilier for bread and is (be beat lor alook. It ripens atx weeks earlier tluiii any other kind, and grows from G ta 14 eats on u Hiulk. Tbo important points wo claim for this new variety of coin are tlieso ; "One stalk oi this cunt bears tram G lo 14/tnrs; one hill with two (italics makes from 10 to 25 ears— producing from oue ohm. *>f ground three or four li'iits as many bushels on tbo same soil und with tho same culture as the common norn. 2. Tho corn is Heavier iu wri^ht, has aa large au out,, aud maker corn meal, ibr taini'y use, sweeter, and more nu'rltious, and valuable fur feeding stock. 3. That it will grow and produce a proflta blecrop on ground v hero othet corn will not grow to uuturity. 4. It ripens earlier and . ... llnKIn 1,1 1,|\ I.,, * acre, on modiutr land. A fluo quality of Four can he made from it When gtouud it produces a flour aualagour both iu appearance uud taste to floor made from the best white wheat. Even au epioure would fail to distinguish between bread rnnde front tho two. Th«» corn shelled weighs 61 t*>s to tho bnsltel -which is 6 lbs heavier lbun auy other quality. PRICES BY MAIL POSTPAID, • GEORGIA—Txxloo County T, J. Riley, Administiatar on the estate of Mrs. Catherine Daniel, deceased, has made his final return, fully administered said es tate, and makes application of dismission from tlo administration of arid estate. All piTNoiiH concern -d nro thtreiors required to fchuwV.tUrtu, if any tiny can, on or Iwf r** tli« first, Mi(Uilay in Jtun-. n* ; xr, wiiy ■smd appU- c tut sii'ounl not be d smimed frotu srid Ao- itibiiKtrutiou. Given undtr my hand Offlk oittlly. This 12th, Ahtrch 1877. Kelt 13-tn2:u* BUTLEB HERALD only* $1,50. XiivelyTimes Afread .. 1,living bjen sold iu till* mat ket for tho last ten years, uud went by the best and riuhesl class nf our population. Still, it takes au expert joweler to dtscovoj MtLTON gold from VIRGIN gold. We will send for the uiuetj days UNL i the following artielts \>v mAll, post paid, on receipt Gtl coiitst ONE PAIR ELEGANT SLEEVE* BUTTONS, with Independence Hall engraved, letail price. ..$1 OU 1 set Spiml Hlilrt Kutdds, retail price.. 1 beaitiifu 1 Coral Heart Pm, retail price 1 6i**gaut.Gents' Watch Chain, latest pattsrn. retail price, 91 50 cVilar Button, retail price e, ‘ l ekmmt Wedding Uiug, very hea.y, retail price - $2 OD Total S6 6U Remember, we will send you the above- named six articles, which we have retailed for $0.50, by mail, post paid, for SO <»ul* for sample lots for $1.50, and 12. Him pleVnator $4.00. SatiriactiuU guaranteed, or money refund ed. Address WM. W. BELL 4 CO., Importers of Watches and Jewelry, . >PN. Seventh 8:., Philadelphia, Pa ^aD-Plense state where } on saw this nd. _. many Events of Importance will fmena* pire, and the people should be ktnt Hilly p.isteifiou the current questions of the dny, and a good psper is thaonly source from wtich that information can be derived. We will enter upon the new year with re newed energy and enterprise, and nothing will be left undone ou our part Bo make the Butler Herald secoud to noue in the Slate. The Herald will contain an atatrnuloi news from all. parts of the world—the gen eral .State news; -and the county nows col- mnu will contain everything worthy of note. In short, we iutend to make tho Lie ald a fir&t-ciuus Family Paper. Subscribs Now!! Each sack contains 1,000 sound grains. Sample stalks with the ears or vlicm sent out to rigeuta, Write for Testimoniam with terms to Agents. Bewrre of swindlers; no one elsu has the genuine seed except ntyself. Some parties advertising ti»1s omit aud offer ing lo semi sb l'o», when yon order them they write yon that .their wtrika are >*1I pone, Ro me tori r 4g"iit» get a g$>’d commission, aud write foi terms at once before the Agency ol four nullity is given to some oiip ids-*, Address, W. 8, TIPTON. Clove Laud ,Teitn. A FREE CURE. FOB CONSUHPTION, Bronchriis, Astbamo, catarrh,’«hroat and lung disease*. Also a sure relief and permanent cure for gta-ral dobiiitv,dyspepsia and all nervous affections, by a sirayle vegetable medicine, which enred a venerable missionary Physican who was loug a resident of Sjria and the East, and Wk«n AAvextislns who has freely given this valuable specifie to L thousands of kindred sufferer with (he great est possible benefits, and he now* feel* it his sound el i vis turn quty to impart to others this wonderful, invigorating remedy, and will scud Fit r.Etlm original rwn'pt complete, with full ,tl stamp for Dn’clJillK A. RODHINS. Gueely Bluuk. Huuousk* N, Y. Liberal wrmwMnents made with adver tisers fop tho period of three mouths o» longer.- WILILAM N* BENNF,