The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, June 19, 1877, Image 3

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1 7 TT *5T^ ' ISP m| TStZfi •iflCAl NE W S . TUESDAY, JUNE llitk., 1877.. UKuk AND THEBE. .'FaitlV-Hs -Won more vioterfoa Hlrtn am;btiion over has, Gntji^ but not forgofton-^-Bor- VtilvtoU nmi;iullii». -"Beit fuat-in-huail—Htinors at '•Shift.'- 'Vhe tonpuo is'a litftlo’tiling, but 'it'iRlls the universe wirti trouble, Frowns blight yosfur "children iia ftoaty night* Might young plants. Young man, you can'-gn up hill us lost uk you please, Wit go down dii'l-slow. •the mat who can aay all he has :gnt to say in u low words is un tig- dy'oustomor to handle. We didn’t know thlit'tha gentle ; hillisical moKiipj^o wmHat a,U„.ia- ' 'elided to drink, yet *Vsoe people Ijlhtting up burs fiir tlltHn. Tlie gonial countsrrttboo of Mr, ‘(list. Willis,istioticetililo hohind •the iinportantoulepf Hite counter 'litMr. .1. W. Tilpseyr It don’t’|iuytu tfrhphesy; if you tjtk it righ^.bBbody tetuembers; if ,'yon get it wrong Mobndy iot;gt;fs it. It diill't require tnuoh't'dent. to write Tint torknow yjjgpt L ‘ what to iiiubiisii requires the highest pri|or tSTtuiutit. '£&'• vJvvV- , .<'\’’ ■The olieapoilt a»u .ffiHgntinS thiM' to weiialtl this wiirl/T-imtrriUh, rind vofrmlqt.will pay ttCicu us much . .Vi A soiil wirlinitt prayer is liken solitmv sltoop without its shep herd. IWK'.'tempter seen it, nml Imsen'itlhWny ilitn his sirare. Il’liii we'l litre (if a nation rests Commencement Sermon. Dr. Battle, the distinguished sohoVar,' orator and divino wifi prejtoh the Commencement sermonf culled by a very handsome majoi- hore on next Sunday, in the Bap tist OhnroK. From indications wo are of the opinion he will‘have the largest orowd to hear him that over was presout on a liko oc casion. We arb under lastihg ob ligations to President. White, for this rare treat. Liit 'dverjr ope come who can, they will Hover per haps, have the Opportunity of hear ing Dr. Battle On an occasion like, this. Ammih Ail tress. > - . Wednesday Mr. Davis, will de liver the hilnuul “Literary Ad dress. Wo'biingratulate our Oot- lego friendh'lin tiioir good fortnno in securing Mr. Davis. From filial wo loam qrrr qfuople have u' rich treat on store. Those wlm wish guild seats iiad best be.'^fn hand 'srtirly. In Kildilhm tutlie prtigmNWne ot exercises, elsewhere published in onr paper, We are authorized to statu, that liy invitation of the faculty, Rev. James L>. ltuss, will deliver mi uddress en “Our School and its' |ntorosts, " on Tuesday of Oomiiiei'oetnont week, at 11$ fl'cl.tiefe. ' Mr. Russ is a graceful .jiyjjjFor uiid anelegaut speaker, and wo douht not the public will ho 'entertained with an intellectual tretit.ip;t|ie promised address of our a'Ccumplished. lellcw citizen-. "iipoy tlie hamjiidiin itenjoys with-' -in. itself, ni.lil its lindepemlunsu pi i „f tuaclierk itconid not well ‘he Our <Obltcye IitkWiifri. Is approaching tlie'ehiWlTf; an other tenii, noyer during its his- It >ry, was it iiinro ptroSpeiiMs rlmti. bow. With its prwonVablo corpse ull-control IrotH tvithi.ut. . Ladkiti, ’the best way to beautify with the seller the liuiul is to put a quarter iil" it ellieient teachers tvelythiogTTb- filid'th'ihh'sjiake hand with sain hi!If.-r jnjrw|h<w- elcatu Hi.;. V** 4 *' FI04 'fflivily'' papers',’ tfigli'locn «Cl!lies and one montdily suspen: 'dud'publication last month—com ing down to hard, pen. # ’It If you m o trnnblod with rats gn to the drug Store and get some' crude polnsli and put in their run ways. The pntusli will slick to their loot, and, disliking this, they will try tolh-k it off, and get their tongues. fakiwid iti the "opeVatiou and they kviVl Soon scamper off in ‘cheapest and best ever used ithurwise.' There iuY> jjanw 'oon- iiccteJ witli thu school • able and' irj leges |s taught hero. The .Boliool. will he kept up tu its present high standardfldiseiplino and instruc tion. The President hopes to open the lull term with one huiulml mid fifty malrkmlmits. 'Judging the Iutiire intentions, b/tli'o past action of the President', ho will' succeed. SOAP, for salt) at this n(fice, the lies. The ConiitinUon' Called. From the returns now in we are satisfied the Oouventiou has been ity. .Tlioi who bad approhensioab that something fash would'be done may oast their fears to the wind, with suoli men ns Jenkins,. Qar- trull, Warren, Hill, Reese, WVay nothing offjjorgia’dahleft.Stktes man, Relit. Toom'bs, there is hot-h- iug to fear, hntover.) tiling tb .hopo. Who Will Bo 1‘i'cHhltnl ? ISfcit 'uftho United StateH, but (If our Convention, that, is to mhko us a Constitution. Mr. Jenkihs, we preihlnio', Sviil lie tendered tlie I>osiiinn, but We doubt if 1m will abcc|it. Hbh. Toemhs, wotild fill A Sail Accident. FROM TIIB BUENA VISi'A AROUS. k-lib place ns 'well as any mho in i Sl ,r, j"K ' n,n l ' 10 On Thursday last, about one’ o'clook, Eddie Bray, eon of Mr. D. ; Q. ‘Bray, near Tatwell, was thrown from a wagon dnd killed.' Tho'circumstanccs as near as we egh .gnthor, are odidlows': ” * Mr. Bray sent hi* sons, Eddie and Uafto, to t-Ke plahtation bf 1 Mr. W. StcwKrt, about three miles' south of TtiE.well,/ fur a wagon. While they weto hitching the. mules to'tbo wagon, they won ,vory skittish, mid seomodllispnsei 'to r.un. 'Burto woiiliKbot gut the wagoq, and told Eddie the •mules would run awhy. lint Ed die unconscious of_t}le.. «ijpiger, .lane ;s$ —lixamliinUons, nioru- iiig im.d nlie, iiooii. , ■lime Mihl.—Exnihlna'lldlis, morii- ‘O lug ni\il alturiioini. ,> : -Iimi-'i!tli.—SiiiraJiV. Comiumrer'- lino s of,!*#,.-^ i wugon';^aio bl’oro lie thiit body. Barbecue. A 'nnmbor ol tliv'pVotnincntcili- kens of this county a're speaking of getting up an old fashion ,Barhe- rahe, alter the crop's mb '’’laid by.” There aio many I'eRSnns why this is a good moVeti'OTi't. Yt /brings tlm people together Til a'sdo'al way, and usually some of our best speak ers aiwprcscrit nnd givo the peo ple a talk that does them 'gOod Let us have the barbecue ; it will bring all the old soldiers together again, and perhaps (itoV. Colquitt will honor tho occasion with his presence. could gotseHled tho 'mules lioun- jled off as fast as they could go They fab abofTt one hundred yards and hit a ttfntnp in the contro ot the t'oiitl. Tho wagon wab revers ed, throwing Eddie eight fir ten feet on hard ground. Bartn ran at Inst its lie could to tlicbpot, nnd when lio reached it, saw that his hrotliir was almost dead-, lie ran lor h'is father, who immediately summoned a physician. Ho was carried to his home where lie lin gered until seven o’clock p. m.-, at which time ho died without a struggle. Blue Curie, ■Sin’cetho rain set in 10 days ago, (fere has been a won dtfrf'lji Roniiwdead in SwiSitwAfOr creek, a short offt.iu corn in tbik ikectiioi. We distance abnvi Ande'rsonvillc. Tlie • J'.iniut Dead, Wo learn from tbo Tologriiplt & Mcssengor that a German cigar maker, wlm left An'ie'riciis TIiiiih- dhy to walk to MAeiin, was found otft in corn in jjhiviq^Ctiiih. We seeVome in Hio 'silk about town. If,tho seasons (mid outTavlor will jiu-Jieltuf ot in til) days than sffl lias 10 V-ears, or sines the win', she has inivVfi 'decide ’ ly ^tbo hesf. wheat crop she has ever maSfe mid her p’niispeot. Tor n • goiid corn fciril’i'(Wjb’'it0tfo'i| 1 *fei1wc,'than now. "disgust, I There was only one cigar left in f.l/0 'box, mid there were two young -bope'iihj struggling for it. Tho '• first, little hoy clutched it, but he said consolingly to his brother, “Novel lniinl, Dick, I'll smoko it • till I get sick, and then yon can ■ finish it." And the heart of the - <otli<H' little liny was comfortod. Tbo OooitneiiceniCnt Sermon of ■ tire Wcslejltii Female College was ,, "delivered oil Sunday last, by Dr. ‘i Grauberry, of 'Vandorbttilt Uni- * varsity-, a U-ai;ned and eloquent ‘ divine. ...... , Onr i fHoierlt'rnar.sbal, Mb. Popo, I with his assisbAttts gSve o\Vr streets .] la good Working and olonning.'iip J "on Monday ,. . ft Wcnrolmvirq '-giisrioils RCftsons, ‘ Vorn, cotton, aj^ll’y.thi ng that jgrows in tho"fifildwV;doing , yiell' f There wosne sfeiBaefany kiiid in Butler li*t^^5|tthe usual hour. Wo aro'alWayffsorry when It thus happens.' .'ftwally w e havo reaching every Sunday. As thttre has been a good wheat Irop throughout ■ tlie bounty this, year far ahoVo the expectations of oUr farmers, 'wo fcbl abxions to fltnow and Bliow. to-.ouc irbaders Lftvliat Taylor county has done and |»U (Win raising grain. Wo will glad to hear -iHim onr iariners SttotROi 1 Count ])•. This County gave '^4 pffiitlty „ fur the Convention. ; uegn'bs to know who has raised the larg-j v ,.teJ sididiy Tbr - no Coiivc-ntion, Subscribe to your enmity paper, our terms nrtnflw; and wo do not think’ thovo. is a '.farmer in' the ontTfify who is in the least interest ed jn thinffairs-ol tho county, bn I Who arc alilo to snliscribe for his paper upon the -tortus wo offer. Wo will Heram> this papor thtohgh tlm lamb to each person who wisl«o becortio'a rcador; (rom now 'until tho first day of January, YsTS, for tho- fiiilH.ll sum of To 9onts, payable in corn, wheat, cbipkehB, butter, eggs or any kind of country produce, and allow the hi^joitf' jiiarkot price. ., Wo are pToased to say MV, R.- G. Tofiflili hali live best ltorse-pow- or hhHtsliltfg'-'maOliino wo bavo ever 1 Sticii u, irt ' Operation. Ho in- forhts’us'’thnt , lio tbrashed in sist 'and a half days, 1870, moved : 2) times, thrashed 32 crops. Beat'it steam thrashes if you can. Elected. Tho whole ticket in this (23d) District wero elected. Col. Wal lace carried eVery vote in this coun ty, -his opponent having comet down hofbro tho day,of election list crop of wheat and .tho mustS tlie whites ill the uiTtini-voted for er acre. Con veil tlun, ’ .'Honed Bilniina. Last .Friday nlgh’l^A.ho 8th inst. Mr. t H.onry.Smith, OpSiitVs Cross Roil'dM J ,i\'us-so imtiif-ttifiatu as to lilsu iiiiifilwelliiig, Ititelieu and nil Jiis'liirtiVtiiV'u with thoexoeplion of trunks nml sumo of iilKCfj'.Vioari'ig apparel?* All Rio h'lld to the liolief that it iva’S ^liij'.'wiirk of an invtetjliary. A C'.e. No CoMi-r. C T :n SlACiik v. in -, , , ... , , i,v out >jv iioliili’ lew mmiites lieloro one. (ijelock at I ,| 0 nil klncb/f So ' tiirnoKl, Wt- Hul distance alinvi Andersonvillu. TIi body wAk por'fcotly.nnie mid hole marks ot violence which leavb lit tle doubt of foul play. Tim cloth ing of tlm iinibrtmmto man wero ’Ound near by, which indicate that tho murderers sought to commit to t ie flatnes all trace of their, mast foul deed $18 SE\VI\(i IIACIIIXES. $18 FUTiB SlZEi-Fiit^eCIiilSS.^ THE MODEL SEW'lNO MACHINE, Sfiuplo, Dunililo, Co-ii|inct. . , ',"l : AND • For q Elegance of Finish: rt.H'AS NO RIVAL. no oiciock ,>iituo one was soon at tlie qj^liV- bf the house jvith .J* light, q|0!!i.ri u few miiiutes tha.t^end of tltii'liotirO lyns iii flames. We have irbtloBjo itifosmntimi that sispicion : Ji,)iUmjW«^irjj l , 1 of 11 iiu: Jiulghboi'sj Vmtea^'regVet ty'.siiyl it is a Wo- idit'iiHliuuUiftff Journal. ' EWtw ill, Curil. Ion,Sill; .roiigiMt Ntiicii A lri/e'M#}tyqrai• IIan</c(l. A'rr.ANi'A,^ AM n Brinkly wn8‘;banj^tj : tifr r ,day, at •Newnau, for LUipeuTiod'er nfhis >vito nearly four yuR^n'gO. The case lias been tried at sdveii terms,.inch tittle going against' -).b"e urisouer. Severul times he has been.exaiuin- eil by phyvieiipis who Voro-seiit to pronounce updii' the cotulifion ot his iniud, and oh’ce by it^ni.Cdijnl CoiiimissKih,^ j jb’or the," .past' -iwo Aveeks the ftw<fit; exrraor,dinary et- forts have been tOada'tiiiHeuuro Ex ecutive iiiter.lerOncO,rtlir«o Govoin- Oftl—Go Vernon StOplff Vof Missi ppi, arid Governq{{Eai^‘f/ftTid Govern or N, 8. BroWn of ‘T6nnessee=- : having ea'cli sent papers to G[ov. Colquitt asking, for clomOnoy for Brinkly. Gen. IT, B. Fiirrestand Gon. W. H. Jackson, .witdv'whoiti Brinly served during the war, wrotl to Gov, ColqUilt saying they be^bVed tbo condemned of un- souriiYiiiiiid, and that he bore tho roputation uf bring brazy during tlie war. aim Vns disbhnfgbd frrtm the tilraiy nn that account- The 1 Governor, however rCfu-ajd to com U.ltlH-1', El Htmi^hl oi nnd Thro 1cnow11, tluroioU ,, .- . ... will rii).UK03HVilt tluuAil ilir- cUnmi ilioAponl. Tho Mftihfwpjvij lictittlifuli; uud highly m nftjjlerjitcfl, lin’d WAJtlUh'TEli -FOR FIVE YEAttM. O^.XJI'IOISI. All pcrroiiH iin-C.inliomxT not to ronke.ilcol ir. or use, nuy Sewimi whiHi he' with onr neeillo. nml niiiko lhi) E'mitic htitcli or thin hnvo ih’u now 1'ntonl Boll-To'd Atiiicli- inent, miltfw the Hiin.o nro purchnsed froin thin Company, Or 1 heir AuoijU^or'LioeUaes uud MhunpH'l nmlir rinv pntetit Jiewure of worthh hi. Imitationi nml nnsern- pnl iuk pip’t^OH.pwUo hnv.i copied onr oiron- liirs. tidverliHom at, etc , mid buy only the umchitie uiiii)ttliiefured by us. • Tldh K»winjj Tor lxiauty nnil dn- niWIity cmmnt booxetlied 1» is impossible to drop il Htilcli owiuK to thu peutiliur Htrnctlon; nnd,Vt low uiiiiij ollur fidvnnlii,'i ptiud Ut^wiy other t.ewin^ luiichiue ttow'in nne. - l*cuajUH ivlirt hnvo lostoil it pr.»- unmitm it uxcollVtifr, mid wvy they never u» e<t ii bitter. It wiltrMiw unytiiiuK Unit mu In* BHivcd by iiuv hinh:pricfld •nmchinu m the laud. VV e advl& mi wlirtare «t till interofft“d in iiHt.ful uiAf.bmc.sTrt c3ju'nini‘it,j Froiu.pi r honni Inspection wO Are prepared to say it j« a moHt flnpodoi- sewing ftuichihh. —' • Chroni- Sample machines|prwirded tcilaltV part o lie world ou receipl of ,. '-rincO 1 EIGHTEEN 1 ’ DOELAu^. , Special tern s and ex^T’ hidUc^ifllWi to male ml leuiiilu agdutM.-Hiorekeopi rs, ,ot.>-Gonu- % u : v . J^iUa tng tormR, ttvtimonirr«T 'eopmVliiiiif.'Vtb’J'Houi Ireo. All money aeDV ’ih Post-rifflcp ^Ujney DS-Jcrs, DraftH, or bv Expve^, At>s pomctly Hi cure. Safe delivery of ottr* gulirivtH tieed. All rrlt-n*, comiuuuicatlcns, etc , must bt tWUlrmod to the FAME MaNUFAOTUUING GO.. 833 Broadway, Now York. tti'itc the sciitetieeiStf^ AND MA1E INSTiiltE. COf.1 MEN CEMENT EKE JCISEr'! tn«ut. sortitoit* by A. J. HatUo, I). b»* lTosicloiit^ot* Muiroor Utiivorslty. •Juno 2ntlu>»ENnniiimtibus*nii(l qxr oi’cIbuw lit voiuling by ,tlm. HHiflcnts ol tlm Prbimry DomugiiiQiit , . .... Juno 2Utli,—Kxtipiiintlohs and ox- mvNos Iii Wlicfi)nonl . ^ .. . Juno 127th,—'OtTglmil XJotnpnpTtloiiV. by tliii^AuliK ItxtlioH of the CVlIrgo. At’ll.'.j At .m.', ComrtionccniPiit iuh clrc«9 by B. M, 'Davifj, Esq., of Porrv 1 . At iviVbtt on, tho 25th. *2Utb, au’H 27tlu thcM’o w,Ul bo cxcrnlsoB in Dooln.- iiiqtiqu. A (fpiicnrt by Prof* Hniliii> nqd cdii88, lin'd nil .cuturtnimmuit by Mrs. L. IS: UuthcrfoivU' uskIsIciI by tbo past grmltuitca nml otlicm. COMMK.VOKMEXT NipiIT PHOORAMMsi Prof. Drilling nml cln&s will giro tboir Concert on Monday nljrhb tlu? 25tb. No chitrg6(* will bo umdo Jbr ndniisfiioii. , . On Tuogdny nl^lit 2(rtli f iboro will bo dvThuuntfon And niioforlcnl roiul- On WcdnoRflniy night tho £7th, Mrs* : RutbiViord, nsFistcd by the pust gind- iVitcg uu * otbors will give nn •‘Old L’'<ilkH i Coucm , t»” TUU entortaimnout \Vill bVlrue to tho students tuid oill r nors of . tltq sclioob but a uoiniunl uluirge of 25qIsV, will bo.Hindu of oth> ors to dorny necessary espouses*. TUo AltPiitlnh ot PHrti'icra Is Called to AMERICAN MAMMOTH RYEj ' on diamond wheat: For Fall or Spring Sowing* It was first found growiug wild oA \i\o Hu ml told lliver, Nuvmta ; rIuco which tlii\v it hiu* been Huccewfully oultivatid whonm-r iriod. It yield-, from sizty to eighty biwhdH to the acre. UfoJL J.. Ditfur,. UuUed.HlatuH (-•futehimd Copimlwdorier from Oregon iw- HeitH that ho him knoWu it to yield Hovoii nnd a half bushels to Hie aiiia It wiih awarded the highest uud. only promiuiu ut the Uniteu Status CeriUmiilal Exhibition, nnd the l on exhibition. It 1ms been grovfn ns a Fttll nr«d Spring i-yr-KiiiglO gruiuH iiieusuring o^o-foalf ib'ch III lu'egth.iind thuavi-nfgu cloiu to that Triyti pur I'ackago 2"* centsFive |»ockngcfl •SI (M); One iluxcu puekiigeii, IK). Sent ^ p '8t pitld,by uiail. Agent walitefVeV,rywheriJ ; tu iiOrodii'cqlhiH ivln.iit . . xrf»"KrtncE. —\Vo mi way chnhectiw willi’ftiiy other h*kd uo^sK in Uiwivland oi (Jba)tauw{^i. All ordurs, letter, etc., should . t lw iduinly iiddressefl, thus Oosiak^ .i v. H.UNKS.tCO., Olovdand, lliiutlhy. to county TeiiueAsed. Hfanoh Hbnso* 3ifretjtwa- to .•!“ tef, jlouVoa oo„ Tmiii bninple sent Free on receipt Of ti Three- -' fotV* * ThiHvS^plH mini u fuc tilted froitt puwhmti’j rial, uniViirt it eoqtains U large iwrcentngu 11 VugeUhloOil. iH wnbrAiiteii hilly equal to the best imported at ti n ttamn timo passtsAe* hlVthe wnsljtojf Hiid.tleuuHiii{* propeHi*4 .6f ,1iq^ .cctebi-iiled Gerimtn nnd French L.iivmMjSpiip^ It is therdfpwri* couiendecl fiirnfeThfrAlh 42*1 mi dry, Ifiichuu and Dnth-roplji 1 ‘‘KYiVlnfir geiiJh^ hniisohoui purposes; Painters, Engin eers agd Mnchinis'.s, •. AS IT WILL SfeMOVE STAINS of ink. anEAss,’i'Ait,! bn;, pais?. etc , from the hnnds. MimetAuturifl only bjf ctijtfi* to yp^^muaFiis. 2. 4, 0, 8 nnd lO Entj 35, JoffemoD 8trcet, Ee’ ,t HhoftY 202 N, Delqwau , . For wijeiby PaViHh A (il * LonibnrdSfreeV.^aifitiiore', Md:J nnd'0$fLe'r8 igrrierally, .' 4‘. LANI-'E.R. H O ITS 13* B. DOB, Proprietor. M'A CfOi -* — — Till HOUSE is now prdyiiled IVitH every tu-ewarr eonvenienca for theoccbmiHodiitiod mil comfort of ux pitrons. The ipiiitlon 14 letrimhle and oouVellieut to thu busmrss por* don o* the city ; The Tables H vo the In-ht «li»* umrlckt^iffiK Omui- ms to uud tr m ueput true mcuuige, bag - luge lionahm free of clmrgr. ’ , Tl.e .Ians bupplieu with .the best and liqlionu ‘ ..'it qBtgaMMWBT in j4£Mk mmmm m