The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, June 19, 1877, Image 4

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tmissssassui. nmm. d. -FARM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD Drcnclung Horns for CatUr. 'Very frequently, u grayc disorder among »domcKrio animals, may be averted by the timely administration of;a simple modooiue. 'flows, especially, are subject to many Rations •disoatoo, - which though very troublesome 'whenUbotoaghly developed, a*u easily pre ‘vented, or cared, by iuslunt attention ou thi 'dppearuhoo of tlio first symptnis T'isenses of the digestive organs, if peglcotcvi nt first, ►rapidly develop into nffootlons of the blood, •which, bi^omlug poisoueit Or disorganized, 'interrupts tho vital land ions, and the nni- *mal often <Bh» lfeforo it« real condition i>. suspockd. A brisk aparient, causistiug ol Epsom or-Glnuber salts, given at tho find appearance of almost any disorder, will ucar ily always relieve the animal aud prevent fur ther mischief. Hence no farmer sbtald be ‘without a supply rtf oae or the other at these useful modocines, and the meaus of Hu taring a dose dissolved in wutce; dreQohlng horns, anil be found well adapted -to this purpose. The ordinary vehiclo for giving an uniical a Ae of physio, the loug. necked wino-hottlo, is.avery dangerous one,- •and should nevorbo used, There-is a strong- •probability, wheuever 'ihis is used, that tlio neok may be broken off by the struggles, dJ the animals, and swallowed, ot fragments of. glass may pass into the throat or windpipe, •causing’fatal lacerations o^l&stnnt suflooa- tion. The tin or copper ljjfjgn, is a perfectly saft inurnment for this porposo. Tho widtn A- fn tho broadest porgpjr.thn, horn may be sin '• '. inches; JfigJmttmipnay be an oval, six ihchesiulnjrfougui*diometci-. -aml threo m tho.Smaller; fSh whole length of the liorh may bo ton to twelveinehes in order to. hold nbont two quarts. A ring is fastened to the bottom. upon oneside, by, which it may be hong up when not in use.jjflyJftm used, -the liquid is ponrfld into the hdNT’By moans of a funnel, the small ehd of the horn is inserted Q f ihe animal between tliu Standard Weights. The following are the standards weights of the articles named, uh established by act nf the Georgia legislature, approved »'cb. 20, 1875: Wheat........... CO Buokwhuat........52, Shelled Com.... i. 56 Corn in the ear...! Peas ;...... 60 live...* Outs 32 Hurley 4' Irish ‘Potatoes 6' .Potatoes ... .6- White Beaus..... 6c Clover 8eed Timothy Seed.... 46 Flux Seed 56 Hemp Sued-.- *14 blue Gnus Seed .*.-. 14 peeiea; oa Dtiod Peaches (pcob. Dried Apples . 24' Onions Siono Coal 80 uuslauked Lime.. .80 furuiiis .... 50 Corn ileal 48 Wheat Bran 20 •‘feed Giouud Peas .... .26 Pliu-tering Hair.... 8 iniiVD THIS, ONLY ONE DOLLAR! est pupt-rs pnblinh(if)..iiul in ft Wu!co*mit 1 liT'Vlft _ lo tne rountinn r-om, liraiMo or tium It | .jH?,; rt T'', lu, 1 , . •«“» MRS®*®* :s neatly printed four page sheet, compactly .7*' ’ *•) HV { ILt * 8 nl quality, made up. andeontainsthepolitical niiAcur- • .V* 1 . 0 * 18 *„ uuy reut news of the wattle-; u oonpfnbGLidve summary of tho telegraphic disputhes and lueal news, and interesting sketches nod sto nes. it also contains fit'll -repotts of the markets., 'i'llns, those who lntv« not the ail- fvnutsigo of a daily ’ mail can get Hie news fcr^sjnonihs by sending Onk t. - 'ifco paper for vveryftndy inieresleil in . ..... .w! Florida. U will Iju well invest- o^l, aud wflt eduuiir. your eltduren and ui.vke home happy. ; .Money lor eittlter paper (tit) fid sent'by Post Office order, registered letter ““ Express, ut publisher's risk. Addnss »T, H. EST1LL, t nvuuiiab, Un. • teetl-, and tho head »eiug tlio niededlie trickles or gar bles out of'lmiiibra down the apimtUs throat ilowly, tnfrenf can be easily ^wnliowed. - AijrhiiHuriii. A pig seems un almst necessary adjuuot to* gurueu, dr perhaps it (would be better to rsay tlgyt a guxdeit is neoiesary to the pig, At lauy r.’du, with a U.tL oure in gathering ii,tho!. refuse of the garden will go iar towardstUft- summer support of the pig. Root Kipps’,; •Leels, earr its, parsnips, noisily, oud ° nor.» are rarely •sqffieu’Utly, UijmietKfL _. «r kinds should itaYo at ijumt^&iehW- ii iuehes space lelwefen thent-yn)^ Fidsify, by.thiuning; in-.y lio bad.oi'ti ’ usual size, and jimke‘ft great eqviE^fV i p preparing. 1 f sted&nre tob^vy^irf^^ny^ vegetaKes, ^ot betor^hand th^'A^ues^-nml' ilxait for-this putpone, an»1,elloy£q'^ne'^o be Msod from it. Herbs.—Khvh “ ii supply of 4ho aensonlug artiules providruTor the kitch- -en. Weeds are to be fought first, last and all the lime—except when the ground Tho lauje-hemlcd hoe cannot lie i io bighty .*ecomuiended ; it doesn’t look like much, bitt we could thirdly do withoat it.—American A'jricnUm 1st. ’Iue I)Aiav,r-'tioa8are now in their prime -aud justice should bo done them, by using, cart ami skill in tlio dairy, .Tune butter is », of the season, aud may be packed so aa f keen pe^lHctly lor a year. Use only the fe<el;q*ndityjjf salt, the pricn of which is nv Aitiy ot no object, considering that only cnc onuco of itgocs to.a i»onnd of butter, and the difference in the quality of th6 suit may earn :?v make fitn or ten cents a pound-variotiou an the quality ot tho bn^ter. > Maxaokment op the Mantjiie —There is a little tramway, with l.ght cars, that can Lo wisily shoved b,v a man upon tko floor behind tile cattle stalls. At one end of the building, this tramway is couduued in o semicirclo ithrough a room s2mt off by a purtition wall *nd doors from tuo rest of tne bahi, nnd is’ •so animged.tliat a car \n^y> if necessary, -be . -cm round from one side of Ihuoow room to tue other.- The room through which this MBmiiurouLir ruilwjy runils a big compoHt factory. The cur dumps .this load into tho gulf buneutu; mueH -is hauled iu upon tho upper floor, and by means of a trap door* dropplug throagu upon the raaas, all sorts of .retuse material, suitablo for the rpurpoae. • are added and thetyieap isleveled and worked over occaaiomdly eons to .give homoceneons- voess to it^ while d >ors at -the ground lovc| Rirord nmxu lo o,rt». Thin mcthoil of mnil ^ for s l’ Eoi “‘ oiioolotn '■ nnd terms to ing manure must he ercelleut in its results, b , for the materiul can be 'worked over, kept Anoibt or dry, mixed with absorbents—ar muck, Jitter, etc., and tho lermeutaUon |>er* foctly controled byr water. Wo am Jf.NowLso.—Ono pound of green ■qpporas dissolved in a quint of water poured down ii siuk, will effectually destroy.; the foulest Hindis. For .water closets on board ships and steamboats, about hoUli and other public pluses, there is nothing so nice- to cleans as simple green coppemr- Du-a-dv- '■ ed nndf-r the bed in nnytbing.tHat will hold For one dollar the Savannah Winstfwr N«ws will .be sent, pastage paid, lo any ad dress for six mouth It is one of the Plump- milESrS ILLUST’D U0M11LY A Comhioalion of the Useful Euler? Uibilwj and the JJcautiful. THE LARGEST THE CHEAPEST -AND- THE BEST immi THk Model Magazine op Ameiuoa, Oonfciins the osaentials ofiall othess, lnclud- ing Home Interests iu all its departments I'he beauties mid utilities of Litcinture, Poetry, yicotohes, Stories, MukIo, Floricult ure, ami'every .bmuch ot enUitaiuing n-nd- iug calculated-{(MCuliveu aud eievau* snoictj and nmke-our Jionics attractive, uuelul a nd happy. Tliie uhrivided Magazine will com it mice its sixtie-uth yum- wi h Jimuary, 1877, aud iih heretotcue, iml of new htenu-v, euUiUduin M aud Mselul subjects to whiuli it is devoted. With wuih uuuibor will be given a superb eoldud cuhinoi picture (worth tho whole oiwt of tho .Mivftuziufe,) in oil, monnttd ou a mat .ready for framing. liveiy subscriber at three dollars is entitlrd to the folectiou oTa premium (of which there eightmi), delivered nr lorwnr lot humtv SEWING MACHINES. TIHS CEOWHING VICIORY 1 ■ • ’ 1 /vp’.W t. '.-.ri.-uv THE SHOES ALWAYS AHEAD! Read tilt* Npc.-ial IH^pnlcIi from the CJitiiumti Exhibition to iho NclV' YorK Suit “PHILADELPHIA, ki v jt;miw:u 27lli, 1876. “TH<E VEltY HIOHET HONORS HIGH COULD BE Cti: FliitftED OS \NY EXUUHTOJt—I’WO MKDAL OF IlONO.t A Ml) TWO -DIPLOMAS OF MFdJ’i? —HAVE UFEN AWAKDED THE INGEB MAN UFAOTUKING COAIPANY FOlt SEWING MAGH4NE.** ■&,OQf),OdOvfi, Unc—Sctieti m ISx'j&soio :my Long Felt Want Supplied, LEGAL VAVTtiMXD l OltMti. •.. • •Faraxiers JNTAINS full and dfenous and guiding forms ds of Deeds, Contracts, Drafts, Bills of Sale. Me- . Ibr iVj oud Miil. ilea's Liens, Attoritey, a rbilrutioii^ Wills, eta illigent Futnsef, Mechanic, m Mer- i afford to be without one, as u eon- fto tbc Lows ot Georgia now iu force. PRICES. ’apor Covers. -.Go cts each •.?5 per-dozen, uirfiu “ ..75 V •» ^J-Scut to any addlVRs, pnst.Lge on receipt of price. 'Get up clubs of 19, und money by regintercdtletter Ti'.mvrw vr GET IUE BEST. Marrow’s Pictnrai Family Bible nnd Eooy- Jopediu of Biblical KuowlHtlge, enntuius 04 imuortuui features, nearly],800 illiivt rat ions and many tine plates by Gustave Boro and ether artists. Genuine morocco biudlngs and heavy panel, lourstylesiind prices. .-Seud for circulars and terms to agents. O Ull GO VEllNMEXXs “The Century of Independence” embraco, •t collection from official sources of the most mportunt documents aud statistics counccted wuh tho political history of America J nlsn a olironolugical record of tna principal event from its cliso jvery to the present time, with biographical ami historical sketches, etc Priuted in Gormuu uud English. Nevrly 000 ^ Never bofore has so much practical infor mation ol this nature beeu published iu ouy “•lo volume. The lawyer, banker, merchant nnd farmer will cock conclude that it mast 1 avt been prepared especially with reference to his con venience. . It is designed for this work to take tire place in politics that Webster's dictionary and in language,‘and Appleton’s Gazetteer in general literature. Tlia binding, paper of illustrations have been made to compiue with fbe general character of tho work. Though a person can bo a good citizen without a tbotongh education, no good citi zen can et^joy the right of franchise intelli gently without pcssessiLg the’ iuforumliou contained in llrisbook, While persons refuse to purchase ordiniwy or expensive works, nil cl asses will gladly avail themselves of tho opportunity for ob taining a work so indispensable ftt uo.lott n price, $2.50. Fold only by subscription. A NEW &LAlt. Solicitors for premium papers should write, us at one. The burden of a heavy load re moved. Samples all carried out of sight, send l'or terns for the cheapest, paper pub lished, with a fine engraving (25x82) for it promium. For this and tho above DeW works nnd 160 Standard boaks, Address. 8. L. MAItltOW & (JO,, JndunApolib, Ind. GEORGIA—TaTLon Coon** : • t. J. Riley, Administrator omthe *^tute 6f r'jfmmmmk ° i ?r ^ fanv el ;dSto<,d h, mia ttd '' ■. iiwtchers’ stalls, f>Hh nmiket, slaughter hnUs- .ts. sinks and Hverywneiedhore are offend va S utrid ga» es, dinholvo copperas nnu sprlnkl. almut nnd in a low days tho smell will paw ttw»y. If a fflib iw rt gipUBc die about the hoiiMe, mid bond forth au ollousivo giu-^ phu«i aomu coppt-i.iH il«ir the pluee vthcro the nuoaneeiH, audit wiU wjou .purify fhe -ftDfiphtWL — dismission frora-tbe administration nf said estate. All persons concerned are therefore requited to showcauKo, Ifafiy thoj cim, on or bofclc the iitst Mopd iyiu Jnpb iiextv why said nppli- c-iur slicnud not he itisichscd lroui said Ad- ipiuistjftltnn, Giveu under my bufiif r.-i^llv 'I'l.tu i«y ». .iuin cially. Meh. 13-mHm, This 12.ii, M..reh 1877. JAMES D. RUBS, G»din<tiy/ worth the price • »f «u •- , . . tlliroiuos li- .iu Cuteuratod palm- iugs and equal to lh*i origimds, of largo mac mid suitiibiu for any .park r, Pockdt Cook; Svs’rait «kk Ppmss Cutttno, (ibis rn> ctived tho Highest ('feuteim at Award;) 8it«'ted >K«re of ^li .kiuds; Biuiiouery, Lmeujthukw. eta,-etc. jfjfcihs vahud le Preinbiiiis. ui.t-Kvrni) HlKUKSOK- We have largi r and. ineludtug Beoks ot.iul kimls, 8u K, ilUACKET CAWS, MOWlOltM. . m, Gaxiei, Tape/. OI tleuy, l^AAULK T.VPI.EK, FluTINO .M.'OniNE.N, Kxrmuu Maouinks, China, Dinneu ami l ka Beis* and unuietous other dosirahib »t- tioiort of which a full list will Ihi lurnuUd on adplication of tiio.-oubliMhtr. W. JENNINGS OSMORS8T, 17 I’.AET J ‘iTll KTIllilil., .N, y, p Ago..|i Jicijuil-oil liVnyivhore. '-end fur jwsts .on jii-iLHEsra A NY |icmn( ullliirlrd ivlH) ,).« :,lmo ilie- “IW •«raiatStci | ml ih, lr ,m,Ws in “ * llnhlmm. nnd n Inn; h ix uf Ur Unuh nnl h liiliOlBiiii Fii|[m"-d. iv will l,n nun t„ llinui, hy m ill paid, Ji-iniE, Thine Hnw- cicrs havu.Lxjtii,tosteu by bundled* of oasis iu urn t)M.\Vorld, and it permanent'Cniv hits h. : cn t HM-inult in every innanee. riutfer. l- 0 Ir.un th.s disease Khould give these powtlirs an early tnul, us its ctuntivo powers »v u woi.w « erfitl* nmny per.*,tius having been Lured by u trirtl bix uloiio. large box, liy mail, post ;feiid- to ‘ the United .Mutes or CuhA&t, g;j. CO In'SUM PTIONt A 1 vlul I lux of JXr. Klnsnf.r'a nululimlnl flonniilmlHnii I'nv.’ilcvn will l,u KEt ;r,.(! by ii.nil pud paid, Iu I'vury tiilhiryr fium (Lo abavo Jisese, I his is the only prupuruMon known Iu wire nr bemlhlhiit ilisuau. Price for largo l>ox, S3, 60. • innr « ASH * BOBBINS. 350 Fui.ton Stiuset, dfrookyu, Agfentk Avatrted at once to sell in emThTieS'liud toVyus. A'dilraw. The singer manitam B. S. STOSTF, A.g©at. NO.- H# bJU^HKHV HTItWvT, .JR AH’K, IIA. .jav*0. Jl. COLBERT AtW^iruy at lyriv/.lliidier, Gu Colb hiing Aguil W Tayh.r, County. THE RAGE TO BUY YOUR GOODS IS J. 8- J O N E S . DRY GOODS STORE, . t ■' " l COLUiiRiSUS . GEORCIA SOMETHING NEW! ■AaCKEHSTTS i WA.N''i‘aa3D) BADEN PROLIFIC FLOWER CORN.- Thi* 1 eorn excels any oilier lor bread and is tho best for stock. It ripens six weeks earlier than any olher kind, und grows from 0 tu 14 eais on a stalk.. The important points wo olrn'm for this new variety of emu are those : “Uuo stalk oi this corn bears trout G to 14 eats; one hill with two htalks makes from 10 to 25 ears— producing from one unn* of ground three or four times as i^any* bushels on tue same soil ami with the satne culture as the common eorn. 2. Tho corn is heavier in weight, liAs as largo an ear, thinner husk, uud nmke» corn meal, for tiimi'y use, sweeter and more un'ritiouH, aud valuable Jbr feuding stock. 3. That it will grow and produce a profita ble crop on.gtuUud v. here other corn will not- grow to maturity. 4. It rjpens earlier and is not liablo to be o-.*.aghtby frost, 5. The. t rains are large, puro raid white, and an or* in ary yield is ftom 80 to 100 bushels to tin acre, on inedinn: laud. A fine quality i.f Four combo made from it When ground it produces a -flour aimlagour. both iu appeamuce and taslo to flour' made from tho best whito wlmat, . Even an epicure would fail to distinguish between bread made from tlio two, ? Th<* corn shelled weight 61 |bs to tho .bushel—which is 5 .lbs nuivier than nuy other quality. PBICE8 BY MAIL POSTPAID, •Endi sack contains .1,000 soufld groius. Sample stiflks with tiu* iu.iv or. .theifl ,^ent out to ylgouts, Write for TnsrimonIALh Hith terius to Agents. Bowrre of l wiudlefs; dio on(i vise hus tlie genuine seed exoept myself wpiti; you that iheir sbdks lira yll gone.” R«- jiuAui'U- Ay? lib- get i ifi/yi) f;imt-u(i,>siiMi; oud w»n- fiif. teriui? »it once before tiiv, A gene* ^1 yVQfttnmtj' w uz-hOuio ouO felse, ; Atldu.tfi , \\\ 8, TIPI ON. 'V/Jofoli® (TVim. She yuvd V cents Khjttlng 53-4 «*n!s.. 1-acioi y clipck ijit- - 2 Ovimlm ■)>.,, !).!- ! < ouljs Jeiffl 33, >10 u^cl 50 ccuis f hi J 0 ns at 23 c nts ill tlio best for lie jit-peJowi- offeicd, iiMtlilios H:su, lO.ccUts tor pair; l.iiHin II iKlkcreli ils C l-\ tents, !-■lai.tio 1 20 mils, i.iii^c tr-V. of i lii'ikcts. Sbmvls and 3 ills diciqi, 10-1 Quilts 55 cunt ; 11-/}. (iui'ts, ijlTOO. tall for -'Th'O i2ini|itou 2-butlou.s'' Kid u loves, .-.ton! dollar, '•'.very pail- warranted. •Boliom prices oil all .ioods. Call,and look before lmy- infc. ' .7. «. AOXJCS. iBAlKMl'T .SAM, f^c B i BEN o^ OF M11.0 .v a out .111. i J:l /. 1’ MILGN JEWELRY CO. in Englniid: only 331,30. isioNkb io bs -hisAL Evoryi»' > dy Uiu* heard of MILTON GOLD JEWELUV, it iuiviug Ljcii sold iu thl' urn 1 • kut for tlio lust leu years, aud wan by tho best tuid richest class nt our phpuiatiou. Still, it takes an expa-t jewelur to dtscovivt AliL'J’ON gold from VIRGIN gold. Wo will semi for the iiiuotj days ONLt tho following! articles hv mail, p r ♦ ■* - kints: Alaead os hv umil, post paid, on receipt **f Tit) : ONE PAIR ELEGANT SLEEVE* niE \ EAR, IH7T; BUTTONS, with “mtiy Events ol Importance will tiinih- Indfepemleuce Hall engraved, i^t , iil[|| ll ^ , J' ,1 ^[ i jj 1 ® khoulit ho kt^it luijy prior w "" * - * * A “ 1 1 sot Spiral Shirt Studds, retail price,. 1 beautitn' Coral Scarl Pm, retail p ,.$l (Hi the current questions of the day, la good paper is Iho only source ii-otii Y5|Wl lull (hut iuiorniutiim cum he derived. 1 el**giuit Ostits’Watch Chain, latest : We will enter upon the uow year with re- paturn, retail price, . S3 50 newod .energy and cutciprisu, mid uoihiug Collar Button, retail price l elegant Wuddnig ltiug, very heii.*y; .retu:l prioC;; Total ; SG 60 Remember, we will soud you the above- named six arcieltw. which we have retailed for $G.5(l, by mail, post paid, for 50 cunts, for sample IoIk for S1.50. and 19 saui- lllolow tot $4.00. ' Satisfaeliun guaranteed, or money .felund* ed. Address WM. W. BELL & CO., ' •Importers of Watches and Jowolrv. 8 N. Seventh 8:., Philadelphia, Pa .^ShPlease state where you saw this ad. will be loft nudmiu on tmr'pavt lo.mako tlid w # lJiTi-LEU Unitald-sceoud-to uouo iu4he Slate: Tho Hjjuald will ooutaiu an ubstraotof news trout ail parts o’l the worid—lhu gen- «ial Statu mws: and tho county new* col* muff will coutain everything worthy of non:. A FltEI3 CURE. FOB CONSUMPTION, Bronchitis, Astbamn, cultm-h, riu-oat and lung diseases. Also a sure relief-und, poriminent cure for general debility,dyspepsin and all nervous affections, by a siraylo vegetable medicine, which oured ft venerable misriotiiuy P-ky*»ican who'was long a;resident of 63 riiv fttfo* tho East, and —....^u, who has lreffelV given this viduable specific to Romojiiu-Mes advertising tuts corn and dffur- i*bonsands of kindred sufferers with tho great ing to hcud stalks,, whetl yo(i avdef then* they possiblo hbhefits, rtud he now fools it -his ii-1/.r.a--.:. .n ...... ... aftcitad clnistmu duty to -impart th‘ cthera .invigorating remedy,, null In "lmtt, we intend to make tho j tlibl-cliihs Family .Papur. •Sabscribe Howl! ttms £Afefett is dir.-Fit® \rixif Yrill ficijd ^'JtEE the nrigiual reripl cbnqdute, Dft. CLaIIK A. iy ptrsou fenelohing ttOBBINN Where Advertising Contracts fcith bfa rtmdft Liber i ariibigeifcontfl rnado .with. adwr. tlsurs (or the .ptrihd bf thico, munlhs or longviv .^llJIAJi X ni KKi