The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, July 10, 1877, Image 2

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[CoMMUNICATLD. A Pleasant Day Courting. Tlhh»ihW* UdH jottng men of Iho preseut ‘generation have discovered a noSv and pleas ant to win the nfkctioua and hearts of eifoh ottid'rphnh to exercise their gilt of flir tation towards one another. Several generations prior to ‘his tho ladles were very modest, retired, particular and re* nerved in their manners. When their lovers would call »o see the n, they modestly set iu the |.irlor, kept a1o,»f twin their lieaux, tamed limit rings upon their fingers, nnd pl<»yed oulv two or three pietcs ou the piano nt tho same v Wit, and their beaux ntwuyt departed •before or at.tho hour cf teu. They never get auy more titrtnUmr thau this du ring their whole emfc'tslnp A good tuany girls ot this day have <fnit tho old school of reform, and branohod Out farther into tho tactics of cmfrtiug. They think as tho would advances, they should advance, aud that they are laughed at if bo- hiud the fashions, and the foolish wiusol the people. Now if a young mnu calls to seo a young lady with a view of addressing khe would seem very distaut end ccolly disposed towards him, if she did not sit as j&ar him as bIiq could get, put her hands in his, give him her riug to wear as a reminder oWheir love, and when sho sits down to the piano, not get up until her voifco nnd ‘fingers are exhausted, and then ask him, who is 'Blttft&flg with his arms upou her chair, to help her up for she is so tired. The match can’t be made until he lias measured her waist innumerable times ivith lito arms, and experienced the luxurys there U iu kissing. ‘Once the young men would call to seo their sweet-hearth at 7 o’clook, find be at home m bed at nine. Now they go at nine ■and leaVe ab6ut two, and even then aro in sisted on that it is not kte, “dou't hurry off.’ Once the boys aud girls would meet to gather at some neignbors house, and have a sociable, and play, "All ’Round the Bush." “Fishing tor Love/’ and other iuacent play and when they had finished their rotnud of plays, they would go homo rejoicing and satisfied with their sport. Now they are not satisfied with the square dance, for it soon becomes ufouotmous, and not lively enough, but the round dance never wearies them, they ore always ready, at ull 'times, and upon mil occu-dons. to waltz. Whcu they go to the church their Vrttps are slow, and they get their after the preacher has fitiisaed half of his discourse, aud then return home by winding three or four squares out of the way, ami when they get there they must spend throe hours in talkiug about the first part of thu sermon, for they know more about that part than any other, the older the world gets the wiser the people becomes, nnd better nre they able to euji y themselves. Who would live back ip the olden days, end ride horse-back, wear plain calico dresses wear the old fnshia bonnets when they get fine carriages to ride in, silk dresses with three yards dragging behind, exteuded Mussels, and pU\*txvek skirts, and with a little bat. size of a tea cup, on tho head ? M ALENAS. respected, should ho expect to bo ostra cised and forced fYorn society, whcu he has a son. a respeoted man, who does just as bad his exatr plo which ho bliudly lb Hows, bo- nig young and inexperienoed ? Is this not inconsistency to think otherwise ? Sirs, I but a lew years ago, saw in one of ‘dttr cities, one of Georgia’s gifted orators and one whom Georgians love to honoY, sadly under tUb influence of intoxicating driiik playing cards, at the srtmeHable sfet as fellow gambler*. the Mayor aud two Aldenueu of that city in the same condition. Looking upou this scene was a young man who had but recently graduated in bite of our colleges with high honors an impnsslou ed Bpactators, To-lay »lmt young man ii a besotted drunkard gitmbltr of the worst kind. He told me to-day that that night’s scene was tho beginning of his down- all. Whoie tho example ho sadly followed? Old gray headed sin s wero there, middle aged men were‘there, and but two'kht mound those gay talkers whose years numbered less than thirty. How in tlm name of out gn at Creator, my dear old sires, do you expect to woop aud betid these tender minds by your baneful examples nnd expect them to grow up straight aud healthy u»m< Do uol uiy dear sires trouble yourselves about reforming yonug mou, but keep them straight from the beginning and reform will bo unnecessary, Reform the old tnen nnd the young ones will nut get crocked R. O. E., of Mcratezunm. Go. (Written lor the Heiialp. Onr Old Men—A Qucriy. THE NEW HOME Mr. Editor: In your tonne of June 10th., I flttd an article headed, “Our Modern Young Man —An appeal,” which struck me very forcibly. Being a young man myself, 1 wish in the name of that class to make an inquiry. Not because I think the author of tnat pieco intended auy wrong towards tho yonng men, toe* but that the motives which actuated him were of the preseut kiud. at least I hop* so. I do not know who “ F F" the author is, but deem him to lie actuated by the present motives, aud wishes for tho moral aud in- toltocrual advancement of the young men of ids community aud county. But this is the inquiry I would respectfully make; not ‘ F. F." individually, but ot tho oouutry gener ally. What sort of examples are yon old men Betting ? What influences are you bringing to have to wean tho “mederu" young man from their bad habits ? Do you huVe any fears stlch us public libraries etc., which your “modem" young man can frequent at night and wnile and while away a few hour?, Or do you leave him to look out for his own diverliou ? Wlum they have a party or ball are you there lathers aud mothers by tlie gravity and dignity ot your manners, the su. periority cl your age to che-k them, te guard them, to guide them, to set them an exam- pin woicli to follow ? You say you can’t go to a bull, that it would be wrong for elderly persons iike you to go to such places cf levi tj. If it be wrong for you old gray-bended Bites to.go there, how under the sun can you trust your young und tendor children there ? You Bay you aro too old to go to parties, picnics and such foolish things. Is it not your dnty; a duty you owe to yourselves* to tour chil&btf/ttf society outl to your country fo go along aud guurd and protect them from . painful influences. Old meu, do you not drink “lied Rye?” Do yon net smoke, choW and Bweai ? Are yon lotting your light 86 shine that the “modern" youug men can follow your ex ample aud lead u life blameless ? Be care ful bow you throw stones my aged sires,- or Jon might bruke a few gjusses iff your own houses.- 6b yon-gamble; piny sards- tfftd- CUrfftffie? itw, to-it not the greatest aVnbltiun of a $omJg mam to 1 do its- olflt# m'eu do ? Are you hot his example ? If you* do thyse things und' On* Washington Latter. WAMinra-roN, D. 0„ July Otn 1877. The disappointment of tho morniug is tli* speech of senator Blaiuo at WoodMock.Conu. From that speech it is evident that he sets what we havo before written yon about—lhat the administration is so. lung to distmot public attention from domestic evils by -plunging tho couutry into trouble with Mex ico, that by a foreign war it expects to post pone the settlement if financial questions, and to make a bads for a hew party. Senior Blaine eertaiuly secs nil this, but ns certainly he does uot show himself equul to ilio occa sion. This Mexican business, by the way, grow in importance daily. But little is needed in the present state of border feeling, aud with tho orders now in force ou both sides the Rio Graud, to produce actual warfare, We cuuuot justify our own position iu the mut ter, though we may be compelled to main tain that position by hghtiug. Perhaps an explanation by Mr. lfl-iiue of the petty mo tives which govern the administration on the subject would have aroused opposition. As it to, he has neuefittud neither the coun try which Hayes seeks to disgrace, not the Republican party which Hayes wishes to de- ttsop, The Republican quarrel in Maryland is ex posing a condition oi things iu the paYty that ought to shamo cviry decout American. There seems to bo little to tohfioktt between the cor ruptmu represented by Fulton und that em bodied in Creswtli. Paesident Hiqes to committed, apparently,to lute Pulton faction, but regard lor public sentiment will compel him to drop both Fulton aud Creswell All tlie army meu und civilians who have been examining the Washington monument, have finally dtoided that it may safely be onrritd to its contemplated height—485 feet ut its presont location. Tue foundation will be strengthened and tho money having al ready beou uppruprited there seems to lie good masou why tho work may uot go ou was award Yns FIRST PREMIUM! At tho Ccnlehtitnl Fxblhttion, 1*7'*, and fins always carried oil' Uio hi-ticul honors Wherever exhibited. a COMPACT, sitrPT.v. ruTtABTih Ijight ituiinimt’nnd EFFICIENT ' LOCK iiTlTCH" MACHINE. A UAI'TEI) to thO WANTS of KVUilYlSODY. Tho HOME 8EWINQMACHINEwas Perfected eight years sluce by tho aid ot tho ho»l. (nventiv talent und Mechanical bhill. It Con HIM contain* less Working Parto and isrnpiiblfl of DOING a ipturr\nnu» of IForfc than oi hep Sowing Machines. JtwIlll.UN i'oryJJts without costing ONE CENT for It11• a>n». Iu Uio Manufacture of this MACtUNE the with the apeciul vt, »<» of produginn nn Easy Running, DU It ADLK, ami almost NOISELESS AfvClliNE, adrpted EQUALLY WELL tor Coarse or fiuo Til HEAD, COT TON, BILK or LINEN, SEWING from the J.lnhtrnt Muslin* to Jimvtr Cto h and SS y MB,“ AOHI " E ,hut Warranted for live Years. T.TVE AGENTS wanted In localities where wo uro not represented. Scud for prices, and samples of work dono o HOME, or * — PRIME MEPLOYMEXT EOK A YEAH, Leas Than 4 Cents a Week. Make Home Attractive by In aociNo THE SATURDAY POST, Which for more than 66 Yeurp, lifts been the Best : 8W>ry, Sketch and Family Paper. is known nil over live United States. It is j published weekly, contains rigid large pages, oluarliy printed ou good paper filled with the choicest stories and sketches bv tho best writers; tint scniutiyiml trash, bid such ns a mother is willing is havo her children rind The whole touu of tla* paper to pure und elu* vating. It also contains Historical and Btogniphi- ,1 article; .Scientific; AgnciiUuriul and niseltohi Deimrtuu-nto; F'isliion Articles’ WctHy, fresh aud unexcelled; Humorous noter; Liteary Reviews: New Note.-: Iu y« Girls’ ColuinnH- aud si rung avd sparkling E< lit (trials, etc., etc. Is just such a paper at evc.tjbudy loves to read, aud tlie price is only. O.Vll- $1.00 YEAR. sample copy continuing club rail's etc., cons on recipt of a tt-ueut a-aim.. Ad-Uvas. BEN NET I &LITCH. *207 SatiHOii Street. i'htlmlclpUail' Fa. THE IIORNIX GSFWSi SAVANNAH, OA., D00RS, &C. he citizens of Taylor and siu-roiiuditig counties with all kinds ct bunders material. I respectfully solicit tho custom of my inuiuis aud the public. 1 wdi! sell ou good tonus i.t iiuuNt-uublu prices. Alary* sack ni\>V‘Vs ox. hand J. J. McCANYSl coll at uny of our ofllccs. I SO Union Bqnare, New York, B04 Wnehington Street, Boston, Mass, 11U Second Avo,, Fittsbnrgh, Pa, 141 Btate Btreot, Chicago, 111, 218outh 6th Stroot, St. Lonls, Mo. 17 Uc? Montgomery Bt„ San Praaoisoo, Cal. T H £ C0 NVENT ION Now it is certain that a Convention will be held, we l.*ke great pleasure in’ oiii-uiiieiu^ that the proceeding- of llmi b *d.v wifi b,i ro- iiortcd for 7Ae VotxHiliOluti by ii imulieroi our - iporial st ill, who to aekmavle ig- U one of t mos' accomplished sliort-i.and writers m meeoniitrv. Consiih-nibhi lutn«»t will at tach to Hi. se proceedings, and those who »U- ryrf euiioi »id do well lo rpHE VOLITIOAL < amPAIGN OF 187<Y, X which includ*H N dimin', .‘•Into und county el-etieiis, and wlit' •vill ’.imh uliti u- iy lie tilts most active nnd la.tly contested of liny since tlie mwmmdde canvass of lH3t», is now fairly opened. The National Demneriit- io Party will this yo"r Vi»ake a bold, vigorl 'oils, and doubtless snroessfnl M niggle for tho mai iteitance and snpruniaov ofthnso prind* pics which nr- vital to the prosperity of the R<public r.ud essential to the well-being of the p-ople. Ito addition to theFr^Hiduntinl elention, thp 5>* nplo iu Go V :ia .-A-l 11 Hda will elect new Stole govurt.nientH, In Fiorida Hie cm- paign itromises io bo unusii.illy vigoroito, and there ts a probability that inr the first time since the war tlie people of that Rndi- 'cal-riihton State will elect a Deitocratic Stilly GoVeriuneut. Hi thW-eaWipidgns the ptH>- ple of til* South are deeply iuteKsted; are very intelligent citizen, who has the welfniid of liis cuiutry and h.s section nt heart, stiouiii ueipuiint hiuiseif with eveVv ddtail oi the great work of re temption aful reform that it now going ou. To tin* end he slionld snlwWrit e to nnd wi* sint iu circulating tho HtlYithttuli MOrnillg Nows, nn ind"i'Hidint Dein'ocnitio news paper, -rf pirn V\une« d npiniolto and fearlesa in thou- exprebMot*; a paper that is recoguir* ed everywhere ns the bast daily iu the .>,uth ; Its editorial depnrtiueiu i< vjg„VouH, thonglit* fill and consisteut. wide its in wh aud local dupiriiiiuutsar,- marvels ofinddstry andcorn- ut uioss. Ita departmeut of Georgia and Florida affairs is not nonfilled to a mute bin- r.iu sumuiiivy of events transpiring in those .State -, but is oi livened by couiiubUt nt om e •ip*., 'luc y. and ru'oy, Tlo-an.pie re-*-i)cos of the csiuUistinan •vill be devoted to fuiuishing ill* rwaders of the iyrortJsri?Nra-3srE w Daily, 1 year ;.. •‘NcwHy, Spicy* ltultubViIi The Atlanta Constitution. OJTE DOLLAR will get »he Wukbj (innstUulSun till J mu 1st 18T8, or Ft Vo d-iilars dm D ill;/ ton' lion the si.niu length c*i lime, postage Ire. Addios V ONSTP’U l-ION. Atlanta, Ga Tri-Weekly. 1 ydnr. i. Except that tho “Oldest Inhabitants Ash elution" met and listened t) an address aud the eastern try readings. We had no celebra tion, ou tho 4th, Tho boys wade the day dangerous, aud day and night hideous by means of crackers and the liko evil inventions. These “Oldest Inhabitants" by the are an institution ofouru which might be Topied in all cities aud large towns, naseoiatiou to composed, ns ito name indicates of old citizens of the Districts and they give particular attoutiou lo gathering and preser ving the records of tho Dlsttittt. Age; long residtuca here, aud a good moral choractcr, “which hIiouM accompany old age" are uil the requisites for lueiuhetoliip. That projected ^>outhorii trip is getting re duced to shape. Now, they say, there is no doubt that the White Sulphcr Springs wiR bo visited. The medical virtues of these Springs have loug been known to tho pohti- - dans of tho South, aud ic the present periur- ed state of offuirs tho President and hto lriendsno doubt expect to reofeiVc all the benefiteof the waters as administered by thoso qmtlflod by large experience for Urn! purpose.- He tarries hero only long enough to arrange the remaining foreign missions. Nouo of thtee were agreed upon at the last Cabinet meeting. That delicious welcoming spoocb of Gove- 'tnr Vnnzrtudt, of Rhode Island, to Presides Hayes has ha«l one effect. It has secured the appointment of Vunzufldt’s friend to the best office in tho State. Tho Governor eompaf'erf the President to the sura at whoes rising we forget the moon arid stars that w,eio doomed passing fair etc. No heathen ever addressed hto idol in a more ohjoot tone, and probably no heathen was ever half so promptly rewarded. Nemo. The PiuwiDEicr and the Silveb Ques- tick.-It is nndttotood that President Hayes will make no authoritative announce ment of hto views on thu silvur qaiestiori until in ^o’uto in Ids first m.'ssugH to Cougross. llciirundtrstood n» ftiytt-a noudVtiunuf rus- t ra ion of the doubn stand irct thibhgu nil interna'ionnl conimissihu. so tluxt thu interests ot lioth the creditor and debtor clusses uiay bo prot< ©ted/ Under its new ,Management. The Atlanta ConsTiimoN has won for itself the title of tlie lemUng jouruato of tliu hoalli. Ito enterprise, (lin ing the recent election - excitinient, in bonding enm-spondents to different portion* of the country, and its series of special tele gram iron, Washing ton white thu electoral commission was engaged in consuinatiug the fraud that pi ified radicalism once more iu power iu owr uatioiml council, are evidence conspicuous enough to prove that pense will be spared to make The Constitu tion uot only a leader in the disciirc-dm. of matters »»f piibfiu concern, but a leader in the disseihiuatinn df thu latest amt most v-- liallnl nows. There is no better time Hum uow to Hiibscribu for A Ffesli mid Vigorous Newspaper, Alnuit tlieru 1ms been a quasi suit lenient of one of the most difficult ami diiugcroiis raoblcuis of modern federal politics, tue dis cussions springing therefrom and tho results likely to eiiHue have lost nothing oi their absorbing interest. In mlditiou to this, thu people of Georgia lire uow otuled upon to settle Tho Convention Question, ami in the dtoeus-dou of this important sub ject (in which Iiik Constitution will take a loading pint) every Georgian is interested, if a c^uveutioii is called its proceedings will find their eniliest and fi’llust embodiment in tho columns of Tue Constitution, nnd this fact alone will make tie paper indispuuseoi to every citizen of tL-e .State. To bo brief, The Atlanta Daily Constitution wifi endeavor, by all the nn«ans that tho pro gress of modem journalism lias made possi ble and necessary, to hold its place as a lead er ofsoutliern opinion and us a purveyor of tho latest news. Its edit trials will bfe thoughtful, timely nnd vigbrom— calm and ef-^itnientaUTd in their methods und tbor- oujfbly southern and democratic in rhcii sentiments. Its news will bo fresh, reliable aud cnrelully digested. It will bo alert arid enterprising, aud no expense will be spnlcd to m ike it tlie medium uf tlie latest and didst important ititeiligc*ne THE WEEKLY CONS HTUTiON. Besides embodying everything of interest in the daily, thu Weekly t onstitntion will contain o Department i/f /Igriciilturo, which will be iu charge r.f Mr. Malcolm Johnson, the well-known Secrfctaty of Georgia State Agricultural ^ciety. This department will mado a specialty, ntftmll thorough aud b'e complete. Tho farfiref wiH find in it not only all the curreut fnfforwatfim on the sub- ject of agriculture. Writ tmieiy suggestions and. well-digested advio*. Subscriptions should btfAont in irf Once; TERMS Foil Hbn DAILY t 1 month SI 00 3 months.. (7 months 00 13 months 10 00 TERMS FOR WEEKLY? 17 ihon'lis....- 10 113 months. ... 3 20 Houey may lie sent by pnstoi^co Money ord-ir ai uur cXih ii:ii*. OFFICE OF PALACE COTTOA' MILL'S. WOOL CARDING, MmWOLDS, GA. May 29th, 1877. I am pjppated to card Wool in a BUperinv manner. Barths uny htiug it to the Mill.or hlitp it io tliu d- p< t in l(eyHolds, aud I will hml it b-oh wavs tree of charge. The price for carding wifi be 12.J cento pei pound, either iu eumuuy or wool at ihe market price. AH wo .I must l.e thorough ly washed before it to brought to the Fac tory mr card) no. j£fc-No Wool made into cloth. Henry C. Holbrook. 0 III illli.B “ 3 "I 'IllllH Hpwilniuu copies seiU jveu r cv-Mon y can b»»s. n l»,\ del, Registered Letti r, o: risk, .T. II. USIU., 3 "l| 16Q 2 UO 100 i receipt of fictA ’l»d Olfieu Or’ Express at out Aud ail ether styles in tho same proportion including Grand. Square and Upright—all first-class sold direct to the peopla ai facto ry prices. No ngeuts; no commission; no dtocouutn These pianos made one of tim finest nisplavs at tlie Uuutcuuh.1 Exhibition and wore unanimously rt coineuded for tin* Highest Honors. Regularly incorpomd Mamiiiicturii'g Co.—New Manufactory—one of file impest aud finest in tlie world. The Square Grands contain Aluthusbck’s new pat- tout Duplex Ib'ci-htrmig Scale, tlie greatest improv*n>nt in the history of Piano milk ing. The Upiigntsnro Urn fines, in America. Pianos seut u» trial Don’t fail lo write for illustrated and Discriutivo C'Hiilogue--maied free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO. No. 60 Broadway, N. y. Address The Attentimi of Furmcrs Is Called to Our AMERICAN MAMMOTH RYE OR DIAMOND WHEAT. For Fall or Spring Sowing. It was first found -flowing wild ou the Humbold River, Nevada ; siuHb which time it 1ms been siicoeswfullj* cultivated wherever tried. It yitlds from sizty to eighty bushels to the neve. Mr. A. J. Dufnr, United Slatos (,'enteuuml Commissioner from Oregon as serts that he him known it to yield eiglity- soveu aud a halt bushels to tho acre. It was awarded tho highest and only premium at the United States Centennial Exhibition, und S ounced the finest and only gf'aiu of tlie on exhibition. It has been grown ns a Fall and Spnng grain with equal sriccess. £SJ~Siuglu grafns measuring one-naif inch Iff length,nnd the average olosc to' that. Price per paokng6 26 cento ; Fiv4 packages $1 00; One dojfen packages, S3 00. Sent post paid by trfnil. Agent wanted eVcfywheie to introduce this wheat jar-NoTicrtf.—'We are In no way fcohff ected with nay othsfskED HoffifE'in' CicaVland ur Chattiir cogS*,. All orders, lelte^, eti'., dhov.ld b* plainly n'lT-lifusK^d, thus ,*». Y. HAINES A CO.,'Cleveland, Bradley, eomity Teu'a’tAce. Branch House, Swectwi- i«r, Monroe co, Tenu Sample seut Free ou receipt of u Three- oust Sunup. iih’di. KxliibllwH-ll, SII.MOUH & CO.. ,\ll(lt ! m*ys nt LaW* SiiM-cMir, to II,muter A- Cift 629 F* Str« Wa«hlng;t.on, D. d; American nnd Foreigti Tatonts. * "Van Vs. A' ’fto'l-V* ^ MnSp^jhr' p:u*m VI ^•?,VVy^' 1* ri»r”*'«V*||'*|l A*'*' *! U ( ^'i't United Status Courts Slid Departments. Arrears of Pay a Hit flbuoty, OkKICKIIs. »*M.|HKUrt, *vil.Mll- i.f III* Mil war. or •io*»r Iwln*. nr* In mioiiv ci*m-* *111111*11 19 ..r wlii.'li II,*y ImvS no lniowl*d«*'. Wi ll* i.ui IM-0..V ..r **mc*. imfl iial* niii'iuoi i.r jmy nod i.oouiv i*c*lv*d. Km cIohh xiuuip, and a toil r*"l»-, ..n*i Ion".on, Pensiodi. w..,u,.1*4, can oiuohi a |i*o*i*m, iaaa.v now r***lv,. tig p,*11*1*00. arc '•milled lo oil /d,-,>o»«. Send Mninp iiiul ior..roimioo will n* lm-al*l»*d Ire*. „ Cliilmaou. wlio-e uiioro*vs onv* -im. f As w* ctinrir* no f** iiol*** *o«-i *,*fol. smiup/ United States Geuerjfi Land Olfloe. OontM*h-,l Lai/il <?«-.•■, Prlvm* Dat./il I'lidmJ Mlnoiff l , r,**ni|*lloi| und l|,oii.-»i.-n.|. pros* co"*ii "••fomliolie/ioial I .olid (Hlli-eaud l»*onrV mem or Hi* luierior. Old Bouiily land Warrantir; Wepuy co*h for IImuiI Where i»»*lmnuentn nr •.miierfecx w- iriv* iii-irucdons to peiTeet ilieit, Mali Contrticloni mill nthurn. We net ns attorneys for such In procuring con, traets.malxinjr colleutious, ne/oitaituc loan.-*, nnd atiendlnK to all huidues* emutded u» «•. I.lliuratamiiitfeiueiiM omo* wn ai'orney* id all classes of hiiMiii««i. Address Q-IL/MORE & CO., ?. O. liOK 44. UWWoyl.oi. n. a. WaSIIINHTOV, /). It., IiV.ooroi/err 24. I>7it. juke pleasure ill eXpreftinc my entire run flt eedffe Iu fits mp,"M/W/H//.A|iiut jhlnlflji of ilia WK, Ito lent amt (Jot let-Uou'House uf <|,. mmi aCo, of Mils city. ,. ' II. II. WHITlC (bushier i/ltf ttuliJkhl Utti Unit llonk.l MVHDEIt#IlJ OUT. A t.,v years ago “August Fp>wir" was dis covered to liti a certain cure for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, a tew tbiu D apeptios uin’de KflWn to tueir friends how easily and qunsifiy they had b* *u cured V»y its lire, Tho ureal merits of Gmekv’h AffousT FLownn be came heralded through the co-uury by one sntterer to another, imtii. without advertis- in g/ Ito fihle liaJ become Immense Dmggtots in EVERY TOW N iu (lie United Matts are se' iug ft. No ffersou mflorij g with Muir Stomioh, >ick Headache, Cosii.encss, palpi- tation c*f me hemt, Indigesfinn, low Afifif* 1 *, etc., can Jake tiirw* dosus without relief. Go to your Drcggist, Dr. John H. Walker, and. get a bolt’e (or 76 cents aud try it. ^iDipte 1 DbltJe Iff cunts;* • r