The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, July 31, 1877, Image 4

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m 1 r lliBBiBBiW!fj T URM, DARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. Or. Baker, Secretary of the Michigan state tibard of health, says / **T her** has come uu- der my notice for several years, bnt more particularly daring the two Inst years, a kind of rhumatio ooiidiuou or the walls of the chest The patient coin plums of a dull heavy pain iu the chest nulls The disease in a large majority of cases, is confined to the left aide. The pain is circumscribed, and limited to a space of not more thon'two inches in diameter, Just below and a little to the left of the left nipple. At times the' pain la very severe, and always constant, day uud night, when the patient is qwake. Ihuvr investigated the disease to some extent, and find it to be more common among tobacco users, especially those who use the weed to excess. Patients suffering from this com- plaint invariably come to their physioiaus with the belief that they have heart trouble. • The Value of Condiments* By condiments we mean substances like •agar, spices, vinegar and ethers that ore imployed to Impart flavor and piquancy to tha staple foods. They are usually regarded aa non*essential, and some writers on diet etics have gone so for as »to condemn their use, unless iu rare instances aud in the moFt inflnltssmal proportions. Like all good things they are liable to be abused, but when properly used they *re valuable elements in OUt dally food. Professor Volt of Munich, than whom there is no higher authority on such « subject, considers that their impor tance has run been sufficiently recognized. Ii is not enough tont food should contain' nli< mentary principles in proper quantities, to tender it really nutntiotis there must also be a supply of condiments. These have been compared to oil in a machine, which neither* makes good tha waste of material nor sup plies motive poster, yet causes it to work belter; they tender cssentiu! service in the processes of the nutrition though tuey are hot of themselves able to prevent the waste of any part of the body. "A dietary deprived of condiments, a mixture of ntimentary prin ciples without taste or stoell, is unendurable and causeth nausea and vomiting.'* It is not until coudiments are added to aliment that it really becomes food. Extreme hunger may euablfl us to dispense with them, os it umy compel us to devour what at other times would be oisgnsting, but under ordinary cii- cnnistances they ure nu essential part of our diet. Coudiuicnts have au important influence upon the processes of digestlnu and nutri- tinu. The inero sight or thought of a savory dish “mikes the mouth water,"—that, is, it makes the salivary glands pt.ur out their secretion eopioi sly, which iH an important stage in digestion, especially for certrin ar ticles of food. Experiments made upon dog* show that a similar efteet is prml’.ced upon the gostio secretion, and thus the work of » dlgsstiou ts further promoted, The loss of the sense ot taste would be not merely a loss of eiijriUMit, but a positive enjoyment to the digestive system, The very smell of food may do n-. good, just as certain odors will rotor a person who bus fainted. It dors ii"t lollow because e.n^imeuts are usethi, that we may wit have too much of them; on the contrary, tuoir best effect depends upon their beiug used in moderation. The more decided the flavor of any article of lood, the suouer dots it pull upon the appetite. It is cue ot the peculiar merits o! French cookery that flavors are so delicately blended; no one is specially prominent, and yet by their differ ent combinations a wonderful variety of ap petizing effects is produced. We Yankees, like the English, are apt to nse condiments iu a coarse, reckless way, and thus miss their tiuel und more exquisite effects, besides losing much of the benefit that might lie derived trout them. By a nicer care in their employ ment, the plainest and simplest diet might be made at once more delicious and more di gestible.— Boslon Journal of Chemistry A Cheap Hafo^jap.— Many housekeepers fn the country know how difficult it is to ob- tam a good article of bar soap. The yellow soup sold at stores cut* soft as cheese, and rubs away as easily, and uslcss the housewife orders a box of soap at n time pats it ap in the attic or some dry place, the yearly record • will show a good sum paid out for soap pur- ehashed by tLe bar. The following receipt wilt prove a desirable item of economy*. Four large barse of yellow soap.* two pounds , of sil-Hoda; time ounces of boaax; one ounce of Mqnid ammonia. Shave the soap in thin slices, put it into eight quarts of soft water (rain water is the best). When the soap is nearly dissolved, add the borax and sal-soda; stir till all is mtUed. - Four into a large tnb or shallow pan; when nearly cool add the ammonia slowly, mixing it well. Let it stand a day or two then cut into bans and dry it in a warm place. No better soap can be made to wash white clothes cali coes, and flannels, and is exeelient for house hold purposes. It costs three cents per pound and is made in less than half an hr ur. This receipt bos been sold for five dollars, and will be of service to every family. Gravelled Hobs*.—(rive two-thirds of | a lubleipobutul of pahpetero in a little salt ‘for three consecutive days.' (viiolic ik Housisi—IMbsoIvo ou pint of aiut) in a pint of hot water, ttt< u add n quart •4’ good vinegar, and pour b.1’the mixture aown the k»rsee fnrout. If he is not well iu half an hour, give him the remainder and . be will toon be all right. Staardnd Weights, The following are the standards weights of thb articles named, as established by sot of the Georgia Legislature, approved Veto 20, Wheat ;,v. G0|Buckwheat ...62 Shelled Com 661 Dried Peaches (uu- Cora in the ear.... 70 peeled) 33 Peas 60 Dried Peaches (peel-, Bye 60 ed 38 Oats Ug Dried Apples . 24 Harley 471 Onions 67 Irish Potatoes WlMlone Coal 80 Sweet Potatoes ... .66 Uhslooked Lime.. .HO White Heaps . CO) lurnh* 65 Clover 8sed GOIOoru Meat. 48 Timothy Seed .... 46 Wheat Bran 20 Flsx Seed 60 Cotton Seed 30 Hemp 8-wd 44 Ground Peas .... .26 Blue Grass Seed ... 14|Plat>terhfg Hair.... 8 PRIME MEPLOYMENT EOB A YEAR, Less Than 4 Cents a Week. Make Home Attractive by In troducing THE SATURDAY EVENING POST Which for more then 55 Yearn, hoe been the Beet Story, Sketch and Family Paper. as Is kuown oil over ttie United Slates. It i" published weeklj oiearlly printed < choicest stories , writers; nor senintioiml trash, but such ns a mother is willing is have her children read. The whole toue of the rawer is pure aud ele vating. It also contains Historical and Biographi cal article; .Scientific; Agriculturist and .Household Departments; Fashion Articles’ Weekly, fresh and unexcelled; Humorous noter; Liteary Reviews: New Notes: Boys Girls’ Coluuius- and strong and sparkling Editorials, eta, etc. Is just such a paper ivt everybody loves to read, uud the price is only. ONLY $2*00 YEAR. sample copy containing club rales eta, ceus ou recipt of a 3-cent stamo. Address. >* BEN NET 1 ALITCH. v. 287 Sanson Street Phlladelpolaf Pn. The Attention of Farmers is Called to Onr AMERICAN MAMMOTH RYE. OR DIAMOND WHEAT. For,, Fall or Spring Sowing* It was first found growiug wild on the Humbold River, Nevada ; sluce whtoh time it has been Buccevfully cultivated wherever tried. It yields from sixty to eighty bushels to the acre. Mr. A. J. Dufur, United States Centennial Commissioner from Oregon as serts that he has kuown it to yield eighty- seven aud a half bushrls to the acre. It wu« awarded the highest and only premium nl the United States Centennial Exhibition, aud pronounced the finest aud only grain of the kind on exhibition. It has beau grown as a Fall and Spring grain with equal success. JSTSinglu grains measuring one-half iucli in leugth.nnd the average clos*: to that. Price per package 26 cents ; Five packages 31 00; Oue .dozen packages, 32 00. Sent post psid by mail. Agent wanted everywhere to introduce this wheat ISS-Notice.—We are in no way connected witliaoy other seed house iu Cieavhind or Chattanooga. All orders, letter, eta, should be plainly addressed, thus A Y. HAINES A CO., Cleveland, Bradley, county Teuaessee Branch House, Sweetwa ter, Monroe oo„ Teun. Sample sent Free on receipt of a Three- cent. Stump. FITS OR EPILEPSY t A NY person afflicted with the above dis ease is requested to send their address in San & Hobh<ns. aud a trial fox of Dr Goul ard's iufaliible Ftt Powders will be Rcm to them, by mail post paid, Free, Three Bow- ders have beeu tested by bnmlieds of easts In me Old World* aud a permanent cure has been the result in every instance. Sufferer* from th.s disease should give these powders an early trial, as its curative powers are won derful, muuy persons having been cured by a trial box alone, Price for large box, by mail, post paid to any part cf the United States or Canada, $3. T H E C 6 NVENTION Now it is certain that a Convention will be held, we take great pleasure iu anuonuoing that the proceedings of that body will be re ported for The Conililullon by a member of our editorial stuff, who is acknowledged one of most accomplished short-hand writers in the country. Considerable interest will at tach to these proceedings, and those who de sire to rend or preserve a verbatuui history of the labors of the Convention will do well to send in their subscription at once. ONE DOLLAR will get the Wcfkly Constitution till January 1st 18T8, or Five dollars the Doily Constitu tion the same length of time, postage tree. Address CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ga,, ■rarsr "srotjjei XjTTotci In order to introduce our large and hand some Literary and Family Paper, The fiotrv- bnib, containing eight large pages, forty col. umns, of choice reading matter, we. will send it on trial six mouths tor only 60 c£nts, and to every subscriber we will send free oi extra cost, onr Mammoth Premium Packet containing 12 sheets of good Note Paper, 12 good Envelopes, 1 Pencil, 1 Penholder, 2 bteel Pens, 1 Celebrated Golden -Fountain Pen-write hall an hour at one filling,—1 Blank Book, 1 Card Photograph of a beauti ful woman and a splendid prize of Jewelry. All the above articles iu an elegant Packet and a first-class Literary Paper for only 00 cents.. Try it. You are sure to get morn goods than you ever bought before for the money, and may draw a prize. worth five timer the price of loth paper and premium, fiend us a club of five subscribers, and we wilt send yon an extra copy for six mouths and an extra Packet, Postage sumps taken as curb. Agents wonted to sell pictures pud take subscriptions. 33 to 37 .a day easily mada Catalogue of Pictures free. Address. W. M. BURROW. 200 Mala Street, Bristol, Toon. SOMETHING NEW! AGENTS WANTED, BADEN PROLIFIC FLOWER CORN— This oora excels any other for bread and is the best for stock. It ripens six weeks earlier than any other kind, uud grows from 6 to * A eats ou a stalk. < The iuiportaut points we oia<m for this new variety of com are theso .* “Oue stalk ot this com bears trora 0 to 14 ears; one hill with two atulku makes from 10 to 25 ears— producing from nue urne of ground three or four (Hits ns many bushels on the same soil and with the same culture as the common «cm. 2. The corn in heavier in* h»*» as large uu ear, thinner husk, aud make* com meal, for fiuntiy use, sweeter and wore un'rltious, and valuable for feeding stock. 3. That it will grow and produce a profita ble crop on gfoutid where other corn w 11 not grow to maturity.. 4 It ripens earlier and is not liable to be triught by frost. 5. Tin grains are large, pure aud white, aud au ob dinary yield to from 80 to 100 bushels to tin acre, on mediate laud. A fiuo quality of Four can be made from it Wheu giouud it produces a flour aiudagom both in appearauee hud taste to floor made from tue best white wheat, Even au epicure would fail to distinguish betweuu bread made from the two. The corn shelled weighs 61 lbs to the bushel -which is 6 lbs heavier than miy other quality. PRICES BY MAIL POSTP \0\ 1 Raik $1,00 1 6 Kauks 3 4.60 •• ,...2.60 110 •• .700 Eaoh saek rod tains 1,000 sound grains.' Sample talks with the ears or them soul out to rigeiits, Write for Testimonials with terms to Ageut*. Bewire of nwiudiers; no nue else has the genuine seed except myself. .Some parties advertising tuts corn and offer- ing to send stalks, when you order them they write yon that their stalks are '»11 gone. Be rnoulli r Agents get. a good ooiumissioii, amt write for terms at once before the Ageucy ot your county is given to some one els*. Address, W. 8, TIPTON* Cleveland .Tmln. And all other Styler of Genuine binger Machines, at equally these Machines have been reduced one half iuipriw, the 360 Fulton Stiikst, RiooklyuT N.”Y. CONSU M PTION ! mail post paid, to every snfferer from the above Jisese. This is the only preparation known to cure or benefit that disuse. Price for large box, S3. 00. ASH Si ROBBINS. 300 Fut.ton Btbeet, lirookyu, N. Y. GET1IIE BEST. Marrow’s Plcfomi Family Bible and Ency- jpedia of Biblical Knowledge, contains 64 important leatnres. nearly -1.81)0 illustration* uuil many fine plates by Gustave Horenml ether artists. Genuine morocco bindings and heavy panel; four styles and prices, fiend for oiroulors and terms to agents. OUR GOVERNMENT. "The Century'of Independence" embraces a collection from official sources of the most important documents and statistics connected with the political history of Auierica ; also a chronological record of the principal event from its discovery to the present time, with biographical and historical sketches, etc Printed iu German and EagliBh. Nearly 600 P Never before has so much practical infor mation of this nature been published in any one volume. The lawyer, banker, merchant and farmer will cock oonclude that it must have been prepared especially with reJereuceto his con venience. It is designed for this work to tnfo place in politics that Webster’s dictionary aud in language, and Appleton’s Gazetteer in general literature. The binding, paper of illustrations have been rondo to compete with the general character of the work. Though a person can be a good citizen without a thorough education, no good citi zen enn enjoy the right of franchise intelli gently without pcsswssiLg the information contained in this book. While persons retnae to pnrohase ordinary or expensive works, all clashes will gladly avail themselves of the opportunity for ob taining a work so indispensable at so lou a pries, $2.60. Bold only by subscription. Send for special circulars and terms to agents. A NEW' PLAN. Solicitors for premium papers should write n> at one The burden of a heavy load re moved. Samples all carried out of sight, send for forms for the cheapest paper pub lished, with a fine engraving (25x32) for a premium. J 1 For this and the above new works and 150 Standard books, address. S. L. MARROW & 00., •> Indianapolis, Ind. . SINGER SEWING MACHINES GREAT RE The NEW FAMILY SINGER SEWING MACHINE will hereafter be sold at $35.00 DOLLARS! reduced prices. Though QUALITY WILL EE MAINTAINEO AT ITS HIGHEST STANDARD* The Public is cautioned agains 1 buy tig imitation Machine*, which are alwaya made lit a very interior manner, aud sold by irre.tponsih'e parties, whoso gnuniuties are Worthless- All Genuine Ringer Maohiucs are Bold through authorized Agents, at a less price than any other pnnd Machines oan l»e sold fo», and always bear the pateutsd TRADE MARK •*n«t the name of the Singer (3otnp«ny distinctly printed.qu the arm.ot the Machine... THE COMPANY, The Company me uut, and will not be responsible lor any private Debts of their Agents, such tu> it curd, Stable, Lively Bills, etc., eta B. S. STONE, Agent. NO. NO JlLI.UKIIliY HTltKET, MACON, VA. BANKRUPT SALE. OF MILOS a OLD JEII. SLI.Y GREAT FAILURE MILTON JEWELRY CO. in England. ’RElll NT1IIE STOCK CONSIGNED 1 BXJBSORIBE NOW Everyipity has heard of MILTON GOLD JEWELRY, it l,uviug Ljcii sold iu till mm- ket for the las*, fou years, aud wc ru by the best aud richest dims nt our uopuiuticu. Htill. it takes un expert jeweler to diseovcx MiLTON gold from VIltGIN gold. We will send for the niuety days ONL» ihefollowing articles l»v mail, post paid, on receipt **f flu cuts: ONE PAIR ELEGANT SLEEVE BUTTONS, with Iudejvendence Hu^l engraved, lstail u "d a g°od paper SUTLER HERALD only $1.50. Xiivoty Times D U1UNO THU PHKSHNT YEAH. «77, many Events'of liiipdrmmteVill turns- ••ire, null the |t-i»ple should is* k-pt tlillr the current questions of tliu day, ’ is the only, source from itioii oou be derived. fW Wewtil'euter upon' the .nea* -year with to l beantiin' Ooral Bear! Pin, retail price 76 energy ami’ enterprise, ainl, uoihtug 1 etegaut Gems’ Watch Chain, latest |WM I«« niidoiiH ou o.»r part to make »ho patent, retail price, $1 60 Heiuld second to none in the Nate. 1 CollHr Button, retail prion, 1 elegant Wedding Ring, very hea .7, re tail price....; $2 ''U Total $0 60 Remember, we will send you the nbovi • named six articles, whioh we have retailed for $6.50, by mail, post paid, for 50 cents, for sample lots for $| ,50* on d|2 sam ple lots tor $4*00* fiath.fuctiuu guaranteed, or money retired- ed. Address WM. W. BELL & OO., Importers of Watches Mid Jewelry, 8 N. Heventh 8:., Philadelphia, Pa jafr-Plense state where you saw this nd. 'The Huuald a ill o:»ntaio 1111 abstract oi b«s from nil parts oi the world—tiro gen- ul .State news: and the count** news mi* mu will eontath everything worthy of nm*-. In short, we intend to make the HE. ald a tirst-ulass Family Paper, Subscribe Now !! ,! THIS . PAPER IS ON FILE WITH HE AD THIS. ONLY ONE DOLLAR! GEORGIA—Taylor County : Whereas, E. B. Waters, Executor on the estate of O. W, Wade, late of said county de ceased, has filed his retard showing that he hus folly, Administered said estate, aud pray ing to be dismissed from the Administration of the same. These are therefore to require all persons concerned, to show cause if any they can. at the Court of Ordinaly to be held in anoffor said, county, ou the first Monday in September next', why said Executor suoiild not be dismissed from the Administration ou saidestute. Given under my hand Mid Official Signa ture, ! this 20hi, May 1877. . • JAjJESD. RU8S, Juno-5 m3 ql Ordinary dollar the Sayannah Weekly sent, postage paid, to any dress for six month. It is one of tho Cht est papers published,and is a welcome visit* • to Uie counting room, fireside or flum 1 is neatly printed four page sheet, compactly made np. and contains the political and onr- reut news of the week; a Comprehen»iv« summary of the telegraphic dispathes and local news, and interesting sketches and sto nes. It also contains fall reports of tin markets. Thus, those who have not the ad vantage of a daily mall cun get the newt for six months by sending One Dollar. It fs just the paper for everybody interested h Georgia and Florida. It will be well invest ed, and will oducafo your children and make home happy. Money for entire* paper car be sent by Post Office order, registered lettei or Express, at publisher's risk. Address J. H. EST1LL, i avannnh, Ga. A FREE CURE. FOB CONSUMPTION, Bronchitis, Astkama, catarrh, throat and lung diseases. Also u sure relief and permanent cure for general debility, dyspepsia and all nervous affections, by a 8unyle vegetable medicine, which cored a venerable missionary Physican who was long a resident of .V)rift and the Eant, and who has freely given this valuable specifio to thousands of kindred sufferers with the great •st possible benefits, and he now feels if his snorou christuiu duty to impart to others this wondmful invigorating remedy, and will send FREE the original recipt complete, with foil directions, to any person enclosing stomp for reply. . DR. CLARK A, BOBBIN* Gbeelx Hlojk. Svuacube, N. Y. Where Advertising Contracts can b« mode* Libercl arrangements m.ade with adye WILLIAM N, BENNfi. Long Felt Want Supplied. LEGAL FACTS AFD FORMS. Farmers OF GEORGIA. fllHIS WORK CONTAINS FULL AND f accurate iiixtrUetious and guiding forms tor drafting >dl kiudA of Deeds. Contracts, Mortgages, Nolen, Itraffs Hills of'Kde. • Me chanics, Laurllor Vs and Mill M**u’s Liens, Powers of Attorney Arbitration, Wills,' fete. . No intelligent Farmer, Mechanic, 01 Mer chant cun afford to bo without one, ns u con forms to the Laws of Geoegia now in force. pR,ioE8f..’ ;; v In Paper Covers. ,6u cts each .36 per dozen. Mhslin •• ..76 *• ''•♦ ; ^fifrfieut to an} address, postage prepaid, . on receipt of price. Get np olnb* of 12, uud [ send money by registered letter to. EDWIN MARTIN, Perry, Houston County, Georgia.