The Butler herald. (Butler, Ga.) 1875-1962, December 25, 1877, Image 4

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ft FULL SIZE-FIRST Cfi t l SW. ( THE MfifcEl SEWlNfl MACHINE. Simple, Durable, jCouipttct. AND For Elganco of Finlh,. IT HAS HO RIVaV * do all kinds <f Sowing, Irotu coarsest, will Horn, Fell^Pnck,- Gather, Embroider, etc., uses thejnekt toVe sk,«d#Co?5. » self-adjusting KDowii, iun uoiu wm jew neioro ms soaiu viU tin,uses Um thread direct item. dm spool. Tho Machine is beautifully finish al uuc highly ornamented, nnd ’ ' + WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARST OAX7TION. All persons are cautioned unt o niakd.denl or use, any Sowing Machines which sow with our needle, and tnafce the E'nstic stitch, or that'havo the new Patent 8« IT-Feed Attach ment, unless the same are purchased from this Company, or their Agents or Licenses and stamped under onr patent Beware of worthless imitations and unscru pulous parties, who have copied our circu- lars, advertisement, etc , and buy only the machine manufactured by us. This Sewing Machine for beauty and du rability cannot be excelled. t It is impossible to drop a Btitch owing to' thu. peculiar con struction; and it has many other advantages not possesed by any other sewing muchfuo now in use. Persons who have tested it pro nounce it excellent, and say they never used abetter. It will sew anything that can be sewed by any high-priced machine in thu land. We advise ail are at ^inteieetid in useful machines to exainiuo it, Fi|om per sonal Inspection we are prepared to say it is a most superior sewing machine.^‘•tVirunf- cfc." , Sample machines forwarded to any part ot the world on receipt of EIGHTEEN DOLLARS. ; Standard'. Wrights. sww the.urtlelw named, iw'Wftablisbed by uu act ot the Georgia Lcgislnipre, appn;ved Febru ary 2Uth, lb7u : AVln'ut. on Hhcikd Cvru...... 6i'< Oovu-iu thu eAr.... 70 IW‘ 0 Ryu..*,. ......5r Hats 3‘J Har’ey’............47 Irish Potatoes l»( SweeUPotiitucs ... .5 Whirmp^mTl.... Cl Oliver Seed..'><.. .<•»' Timothy Seed .. ^45 Flax :*i.ed .... S -«.-d .......44 Bine.Grass i^cd*. Huch wheat.,,.,. ..52 Ijrinl Peaches (uu- ;pm-led) .33 Oiled Peaches (peel ed .38 Dtied Apples .. 24 Onions 67- Stone OmU ../.. ,.80 Upslimbed Lime.. .80 Turnip*.; 65 Oom Alr.Tt.... ...48 Wheat. JLhnft ,20 •ot’imf&ed. 30 fyltRim)* P»as .... .25 itiaitninspUafr.... 8 ty rights given to smart agents pies of sewing, descriptive doujUars contain* tag terms, tevtimouirfe, enervm^s, etc., st-dt free. AU money seot^n lent-office Money Orders, Drafts, or bv.'Mpress, are perfectly secure. Safe delivery of 1 our goods guaran teed. All orders, communications, eto, most be addressed to the FAME MANUFACTURING CO.. » 833 Broadway, New Voile . flilfllj MEFLOXilEXT ■FOR A YEAR, .- Lees Than 4-Cents a Week Make Uojjh Attbactivs bv In- _ ^TBODUOINU THE SATUNIAY. 2VEHIHQ POST Wliiolifor more than 55 'Years rti lias beon the best f'tory, -SkotoYJjnuil Fnitillj l’nper. M if* ktiAwn nlf ovArflio Ul.ltc.l Suites. It is published weekly, conta'ins eight lure clenrlly printed on good paper filled choicest wtcries *und sVctohrs by the best writers; not Rouir.iionnl trnfch, but snfch ns r mother is her ohildreu read. Tho whole touopjf tae paper if) pure and ele vating. • • It a lsj>.contains Historical and Ihogmplii SOMETHING NEW, cat nrtfole; -Sclemitto; Aprieulturial and Household Departments; Fashion Articles’ Weakly,. fftjilfl and un^xeelleiri *HUmOrt?ni? uoter; LilWy^llHviewHf-Now. Notes:* Bovs Girls’Columns- and'strong and sparkling (editorials, efa ’•& just such a paper ni avaybody loves to read, nml tlto price is only. a ¥$ar. mple dopy coiftainlng club rates eto., cons i roiiipt of a 3-lnont s’uni a. Address. RENXETI & LITCH. 7«amon Str«-ef. Pfiilidelnninf Pa. AGENTS WANTED. BADEN PROLIFIC FLOWER CORN. This com exculs any‘ other for bread and is the best for stock. It ripens six weeks earlier than any other kin^oud grows from 0 to 14 ears on o stalk. The important pfflnts wo claim for this new variety of corn «u-e Iheso: “Ouo stalk this com bears lrom 0 to 14 eftrs; ouo k.__ with two stalks makes from 10 to 25 ears— producing from one ttf.e of gtottad three m four timts as many bushels on the same soli and with the some culture os the common com. 2. The corn is heavier in weight, has os large on car, thinuer husk, uud maker com meal, for tami'y use, swoeter and morn nutritious, and valuable for feeding stock. 3. That it will grow- and produce a profita ble crop on ground where other corn will not r w to icutnrity. 4. It ripens earlier nml not liable to be caught by frost. 5. Tin grains are large, pure and white, nud an on dinary yield is from 80 to lGO bushels to tlu acre, on medium land.- A fine quality of Four can be made Iromjt When ground it produces a flour nualagom both in (appearnnee afid- tasto to floor mndt from the best white wheat, . Even an epicure would fail to distinguish behu-embrencl mado from the two. Th*> com thelWI migha 61 lt?s to tlie buahc-l—which is C^tlbs heavier than auy other quality. PRICES BY MAIL POST-PAID, DSaok $1.00 1 1l Hooka.... 3 2.60 l 10 Each :sack contains 1,000 sonnd grains, Sample stalks with the ears on ihera seut out to Ageuta, Wrlfe'for Testimonial with lerrasj to Agents. Bewtro of swindlers; no one else has tho genuine seed except myself. Rome ; parties advertising tuis com hnd offer ing to send shilks, when you order them they write you that their stalks are nil gone. Ite- memb r Agents get a^good commission, aud write for terms ut once before the Agency ol your county is given io » Address, W. S, TIPTON. Uljrcland .fenn. ^ \ I, S .KUA*>ll*>n«U iA»VlO, ' - 4 811/iffltK A (!0... Altorners nl iiaw. IncrtiiKon lo Ilimmcr it Co. 829 F Stro»3t, Washington, D. C American And Fareigu l*at«nti, •NTlilW M ill WAUDED raa * -wai awaiided ms * .FIRST PREMIUM! At tho Centennial Inhibition,' 187ft, and 1 nlwajo Ciirrle 1 oif the hiirlici.1 tiunOrn wherever oxhibUoU. ^ITCW” MACIliNM. ADAPTED to tho WANTS of r-VHUYDODV. .Tlio HOME jrACUINE, IS bIMri.K in CONSTRUCTION, tiUrAJUlOJt In Strength and Beauty, Bowing Mactdnes. ItwUlBUN foryari witiKiutcosnNO ONE CENT for Rm-airs. In tho 5Uaaur.iel.iro of this MACHINE the 3 Slaaaf.. very ISomt Jtrntorlalei a ti»o Bearing parts arc haf i Ihq Alecbanlana haa bet'll com > S'f RUCTK I? with tho apnr’.ut *I'W ©f produoing an Raauin!?, DURABLE, and almoft ItOlSRLDSd MACHINE, ad-pted EQUAEl.V ■wur.t, iTi'r Conroe or flno THItBAD, COT TON, BILK or LINEN, HBWJNa lrom the iis i , ^cSi5 J a.y raA0HIHE Warranted for Fite Tears. LIVE AGENTS wanted In locallUca where wo.iro notrcpreaitnteU. * Scud for nrlec#, obd samples of work done on the 110MC, or caU at any of ouroflleea. jQllfjSQH, GLABK.'ft' O0i, 80 Union 3qnero, Haw York. 664 ’TTaakington Gtrcot, Bpaton, II bis,'. • 1111 Second Ave,, PiUsbnrgk, Pa. 141 State Btreeti Chicago, IU. * 21 Booth Ctk Street, Bt, Lon!*, Ho. 17 How Hontgomory Ot., Bon Praa«!io«, Oai. ..- and i faXMI'a’s/-, l ■ B1UCKWAKK nw:si; COLUMBUS, - - , GEORGIA, ik H. BURTS.- PRESS’. T. J. WATT, SUP'T. " -^7"E UFFER OUR EUYICEB to tt*e, pioptiug commmiilj flue, Cottou Dealers ns , ' FACTORS ami C031MISHI0S jMEftOIIANlS •'<- Pledging Personal Attention and Promptness in all bmlnera entrnsled Irti onr-care. bagging Ai4fe Wes' toenished at bottom Prices 1 ADVANCES MADE ON COTTON - AND ALL. OTHER MERCHANDISE IN STORE Insurance e Low as Any Other Kou • KATES, £tornghfirst month,>per W^ , ..viiv Av ... .'.’25 cents. Storage each Hubaoququt month,per bale.....,, *.....20 Rewelghiug (when feq»ired,)'per bale.... ,T.*; 16 •« CommisHions for selling wuon-you desifa to sell, per bale. *. . i 60 ** Druyaeo. nerbale 8 “ SLIDE. & ETHRIDGE, WAREHOUSE ADD COMMISSION MESS HANTS,' , ... , (LOWELL WAREHOUSE)' i COLUMBUS, GEORGIA- Particular attention given lo ihe Storage and sale ot Cotton and will make LIBERA* ADVANCES <»U Consiguiueius to uw. * ’ ... We have a lakgo supply of Bert brauda BAGGING and TIE>, whieh w Inm.ah at Lowest Market rattan ^fJ-Umuds audluks fnmihliud ntrnii|llenlli.n. will Wit coat. * S LA BE ,15 ETIIIUIEDG B O. D. ANDERSON. . u»», niui all linrai United.^Utes Coart* and Departments. - dinlitia imiM-ciiletl ill lh* Sijprslhg dmiri vf Ihe tlnltra Slate*, t Ninrmf • Maim*. C>(JriA>ftJcuninls- iiounrs of Alahyitia Ulamie, Sni.U,*rn »l|.tlua. loiitinUsluii, nml all chw«p« of- war elahim tnrfor* h# KxopiuIvi* U»|,artMenu. Arrear* of T*f and Bounty, OrrirKliaj K<ii.t,ikiift,*nml OAlfogi’ 1 * «»f ih* lute urnr. nr rtirlr h»lr*. >w Ift ni»nu rp»r» «uiM)e<l »o money from UiHtutiwuiiwni, rif-p/iirh tl***y liat'e. un Uanvyuttun, Wrlv* bill nj sertiir^nml' tintn ottiotiui Of ij>ny-mnl lit,uniy l 'r^Hv, 1 i|. Km. elo«« i*mum, nml a ruM t-i*lv/afi“r nimnlnailon, Will It* ffiTuo yon tr*f, *7 * Fohiioni, • - or/irmiH. ani.niRU«. and naimmib wounded . . irhl. or 'ujlliwl 111 the late \v»r, hoWevrt tlirlitly, ran ohiaio a |»oi«ioo, itmny now rerrir Off pfithloiiM are etiiillfil to'au Into*,its. Sund •lmn|i mol lororomiloii wlli hu fip'iiUliMLfrne, Intortuation auU pfupar papury oil. a},plication u,j A« we charfi* no fee •urre«afiil, etaiup* for royiru postage should ue sent us. _ , United Btntee General Land Office. , v $ 4.50.1 | Obturated Liiml'flaHr*, Private l.mnl Clin . .«*.-.700- ralliiinjc I'ro-eiiipinni nml tloiiii-Hina,| t la-iun. pi cntedr>i>rori>tliA<lun*iiil l.miJ Oinceaml lie) men tot the lfitt-rler. Old Bounty Land Warrnnla. Wepay cn»h for litem. Where assiitnfneiiti «tperf»ct we glre tiiurueiloiis to p^iTvoi tl Jtlall CoaitriictnrM ami othqtyi. , ,We act as attorneya for etu’lt lu procuring t ‘•Newsy, Spicy, Rellqjilo,” ,Tle tlahta Constitution Under its new management, This Atlanta? ConivnuTioN has wo'n tor it*?lf the title of tho leading joupmla of the,South. Its enterprise, during the recent election excitement, in mding corrospondonts to different portions ..f tljo country, aud its Heries of special-tele- grain iron* Washington while the* electoral u'lmniission was engaged in - consnmatiug the'lrauct that placed'radicalism q»pe more in powei? -owr national council, are evidence conspicuous enough to prove-that no ox-' ’jH-nso will be spared to moke Tnu Gonstitu- tion hot only a loader iu the disonssion - ot attert of public concern, but o*“ A Fresh anil Vigorous NowspapEf. Alneit tboro lias been a quasi sottljn?ent of ono of the most difficult and dangerous pi obiems of modern federal politics, tne dis cussions springing therefrom nud tho results likely to ensue havo lost nothing ol their absorbing interest. In addition to^hig, 41 - catleoTunoi The Attention or Fanners Is Called to Onr AMERICAN MAMMOTH RYE OR DIMOND WHET. ” For Fall or Spring Sowing. It was hm found grosing wild on the Hnmbold River, Nevada ; eineo whioli time It haa been suoaewfolly cultivate,1 wliorever tried. It yielda lrom idaty to elshty bnshela to the acre. Air. A. J. Dufur, United States Centennial Commissinner from Oregon os- serta that ho hoe known it to yield oi K lily- seven and a half bnslicla to the acre. IV iva** pronounced the finest and only grain of the kind on exhibition. ftggi . * B lue R haa been grown ad% F^ll and Spring grain with equal success. v B ^-Hingle grains meiunuing one-half inch In length,and the average close to that. Price per package 26 cents ; Five pac $100; One dozen packages, $2 00. , rcH , post paid by mail. Agent wanted evtrvwhere to introduce this wheat /HT-Notiob,—Wo ure in nWy conncc with any other seed house in O^avland w* Chattanooga. Ail orders, letter, eta, should be plainly addressed, thus A Y. HAINES AGO., Cleveland, Bi county Tennessee. Brunch House, 3fl tfaets.' raaltinjr collection*, iteKotiatine loans, and attending-to ulI btiMiucfa conlldcd to u*. liilMMiuamtiiffonimiu idiuim wuii auunioy* it Oil OiUMea of hiiHincsA. .Address Q-ILMORE &..CO,, ». o* Box 44^ ,. r< 4 P. C. WahimmoWIJC, T») tl.. S»n,\ n if.r 24. 1574. I take nleiunre In •‘xprccMntr my rmlrt* ronfl fencu In tli* rwiiHMlbmly nml ,/t./*///// of tin iaw, Patent anil Oolleution llouxc of 111’Mom *Oo, of this city. • i . ' . (IKO. II. B. WHITE, . (ftiiSl.r nTlI*. *v**l»i*e*»/ J(.u -.,» B-W Long F elt Want Supplied. ■ ... . — LEGL FCTS ARE TORM Farmers •** AND BUSINESS MEH OF GEORGIA. IIIHIS WQ^K CONTAINS FULL AND 1 accurate injunctions anti guiding foran- for kinds of Deeds, Contracts, Mortgages, Notes, Draffs, Bills of Salo. Me- chau^’n, LamlJortYe atld Mill M**n’a Lienn, Powers of Attorney, * 4 rbitrution, Willm eto. . No.intelligent Fnrme*-, Mechanic, ot Mer chant can afford to bo without ono, nsu forms the Laws of Geoegio now iu 1 PRICES. In.Paper Covers. .60 ots each .$6por dozen, r Muslin “ ..76 “ ..$7^,*“ ^strSent to any addross, i>ost.-ige prepaid, on reeeipt of price. Get tip clubs of 12, »ud send money by regtotorod fetter fo ‘ v- RDWIN MARTIN, Perry, Houston County, Georgia. Georgia ore now < upon to M. Si. TROUTMAN. AN DERSON & T KOU I'M AN, (FUCCESSCBS TO ANDERSON TIUUEULAKE A CO.,) >*■ WAE.EHOITS AND CMNS8S0IN MEBCHAHTS. POPULAR STREET OPPOITE BLAKE’ BLOCK MACON, CTOSCA -10}- OONSIGNMENT8 OF COTTON SOLICITED - Liberal Advances mad «n Cotton in S;o] Market Prices. • ^ Bugging and Tim friVujulird .**t Lowes July 10ih-4m. people o suttlo The Convention Quostlon, and in the discussion of this lmportatti snb- ject (in which Che Constitution wifi tnke a loadiug part) every Georgian is interested, if a convention is called its proceedings will find their earliest and fullest embodimant in tho columns of The Constitution, and this fact alone will make the paper iudispens to every citizen of the tftute. To be briei The At onto Dali Constitution will endeavi^.'.by all tbri means that tho pro- gftss of modern jnurhalikm has made possi ble and neceMtry, to hold its place as a lead er of southern ophiioii and as a purveyor of the latest news, Its editorials will be vigorous—.calm and inpthodB chd ’thor- r - n ~.j.. ™*.. demojViitio ijf tjioir scutiiuente.^ /ifl nptvs will, bo fresh, roliublo •mU RirefUlly dlatyjlbtl. „ It Will ba ajeit and outerprWng, atfn. noixpenso will be. >pared to*ra ko it tho triedinm of the laleHlaud most iwBorlont iufolHgceno . THE WEEKLY CONS'/ITUTiON.'; . mbodying ovorytliing pf Idtcrcst . ly, the Weekly i onjtiiutloh wjl- comiiiw'gT^ijpartraont.of. rigritiiilipre.. which will be in (utiirgo r.f Mr.^Mulcbim Jolmson, the welhknowii Secretary pf Georgia State Agricultural .‘Society. Tills departmbnt will made a specialty, i nud will thorough comuletu. Tho fanuivwill fin-1 in it not only all the current! in formation on the sub ject iff agriculture, but timely suggestions nud well-digested advice. Subscriptions should be sent in at once. TEIIMS you THE DAILY 5 1 month. “$f00 3 months. 0 imuitlis ... 12 months ....■<..* . THUMB Foil THE WEEKLY: 0 month,, 12 months Money may bo sunt by postoffioe money ovdsr at onr expense, address A THli CONSTTUTION, niluiltt, Go, PM1IS,. OILS, ©Mss! C. BURICE & SON. ' 'dealers in WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, MAOFiINE OIL, LUDKIOATINO OIL, TUBI’ENITNE VARNISH BRUSHES, W1NDOW-GLAAF, PUTTY AND G IE thetared PAINT AND KAESDVWE HEADY for IBB. A full Stock of Co{ioh and House Painting Goods always on hand. MACON, . —: " — — — • GEORGIA. The Orowaing Victory. THE SINGER ALWAYS AHEAD. Stay $1 10 Rcmltlie'Special Dispatch from the Ciuclunati BxhiWtion to tlie New York San PHILADELPHIA. * .September 27th, 387f. • ‘THE VERY HIGHEST HONOR WHICH COUL& BE CONlWURLU ON ANY' EXHIBITOlt-r2WO MEDALS OF HoNOB AM) 7WO DIPLOMAS OF MEAIT* se 1 ‘ing B maoiune!? , ’ )ED THE SINGElt ^^NUFACJURiNG COMPANY FOB lH, 000.000 in Use- Salea in ExceGB to any • Ciher Agents Wanted at once to sell in counties and towns. Address TI1E SINGER MANUFACTURING COM-2A7VY, I S. STONE . gnt. County. No. 80 MULBERRY 82 m/T, MACON, GA 0. M. COLDER 7, Aftorucyat Law/ Biul ; r, tiu. Collecting agtut of Thyioi’, v'/v.